Author Topic: “ 𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑶𝑫𝒀 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑺 𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑬𝑳 ” | Climax Control  (Read 3904 times)

Offline Michael Harris

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( OOC: This comes out to 4,928 according to Google Docs. I’m still trying to get the word count down, especially when I have ammo lol. Good luck everyone! )

With his suitcase, Michael unlocked the front door of the rather large home he shared with his family. Pushing the door open and lifting the suitcase up to bring it inside. Swinging the door shut behind him, he tossed the suitcase in the corner. However, the moment he turned around. He was met with two very angry women. The beat red faces, the folded arms, and the glares in their eyes said it all. He glared back at Carmen and Blair. Slightly shaking his head.

I’m not in the mood.

He found himself walking right past the two of them. Yet, this was something he should have known wasn’t going to end just like that. Both of them followed behind him with angry steps.

Well, you better find yourself getting in the mood.

You will not be dismissive of us!

And have you lost your fucking mind? I know you’re getting older and as hot as you are. The early onset of Alzheimer's is not.

As a family, we are meant to make decisions together. Yet, here you are making the most selfish of decisions.

Not a warning. Not a heads up. Not even so much as a clue of where things were going.

Both women had followed their husband into the kitchen. Michael had tugged on the door handle of the refrigerator and grabbed the first thing he saw. Turns out that was a beer, untwisted the cap, and tossed it in the trash can. Taking a sip from it while looking at the both of them.

You two don’t listen do you?

One more smartass comment like that and I’m going to be on the next true crime!

The tone of voice that Carmen used said more than enough. She wasn’t joking around, not even in the slightest bit.

With all due respect, if the two of you are upset by my decision about my career. Then you can get over it. My career started before either of you were even a factor into my life. And, I get to make any decisions I want about it. It doesn’t have to include your input at all.

He took another sip from the bottle while leaning against the kitchen counter. His attitude towards them had become much more vile in the more recent months. Both of them picked up on it. All this did was cause their eyes to narrow a little more.

Fils de pute!

You’re getting real brave with your mouth with all these kitchen knives within an arm's reach.

After all these years of being married to each other, Carmen. Your empty threats don’t bother me anymore.

Here in about three seconds. You’re going to find out that it’s not a threat, but it’s a promise.

How dare you act this way towards us? How dare you treat us this way? How dare you exclude us from a decision you are making? Have you forgotten that we were a MAJOR part in your career resurgence?!

We were more than a major part. We were the reason you even got that damn championship the first time! Everything we did, benefited you, and not to mention how many times we put ourselves at risk for you!

Michael stood there listening to them. The expression on his face hadn’t changed all that much. He seemed pretty unbothered despite their claims. All of which did have some truth behind it.

We deserved to be a part of that decision you made on Sunday.

Oh you deserved it huh?!

She didn’t stutter!

You’re right she didn’t, but since we’re on the subject of things that people deserve. Do you know what I deserve? Huh? Do you know what I deserve?!

Enlighten me.

Both women stood there keeping their arms folded across their chest.

I deserve to not have to deal with James anymore. I deserve to not have a blemish on my record because of that shitstain. I deserve to be able to do the most ungodly things to that man and not see prison time over it. I deserve for him to be completely out of my life. But above all else, I deserve to have two wives that support me in whatever decision I deem appropriate for me and my career. But, it doesn’t seem like we always get what we deserve huh?!

Forcing himself back to a more vertical basis from leaning against the counter. He stood directly in front of the two of them glaring at them. Seemingly not willing to back down from his approach, even if it was bound to create further issues down the road.

And since the two of you are making such a big deal out of the situation. That tells me everything that I need to know. You’re so concerned that I put my career on the line, because you don’t think I can win. You don’t think when the stakes are high. I’ll walk out with my hand raised in victory. You don’t think that I can beat James with everything on the line.

No one even said that Michael!

You don’t have to. All the other actions say otherwise, but that’s fine. I knew there was a good reason I started to tell you to not travel with me. If you don’t believe in me. You’re going to be nothing more than a distraction to me on the road. You can both stay right here in this house and out of my career.

Now you wait just a minute...

No! My decision is final. And I’ll be taking personal pride in proving the two of you wrong very-very soon. To think this entire time I had supportive wives. Glad I know the truth now.

Clearly, there was a lot more to be said especially from their end. However they wouldn’t get that chance. With the beer in hand, Michael walked right past the two women not bothering to acknowledge them in even the slightest. The hurt and even annoyed expressions on their faces said it all. This didn’t go the way they had planned for it to go. But now they should share that same sentiment with their husband. After all, things didn’t go the way he had planned on Climax Control, leaving him with a whole different issue to deal with heading into this week. But at the end of the day that was just life.

Goth, it’s about time someone is honest with you.

You’re nothing more than a charity case. You’ve always been a charity case. You’re always going to be a charity case. That’s just calling a spade a spade. But you’re probably trying to rack that brain of yours right about now am I right? Trying to figure out what it is exactly that makes you a charity case. Well, good news for you. I’m in a giving mood. You’re a charity case because you need help. You need help to be successful. You need help to remain relevant. You need help to be considered something special. For far too long Sin City Wrestling has helped you out by simply keeping you employed.

That was the start of you being a charity case. I’d be willing to bet at the time SCW signed you. You couldn’t get work anywhere else. Because most companies were smart and saw no value in you. But Mark and Christian, they felt bad. They signed you and the rest is history. Now, I know that you’re the type of person that’s going to hold onto past achievements. After all, that’s the only thing you’ve got to justify yourself. You’re going to be quick to point out your two time Heavyweight Championship reign. But is that even worth mentioning? The first time you held it.

You were only able to hold it for twenty eight days. The second time you held it you only held it for thirty eight days. That’s only sixty six days Goth. Sixty Six days, you were able to call yourself the SCW Heavyweight Champion. Both wins were flukes and you haven’t even sniffed the main event scene or that title since. That was back in two thousand and thirteen. Reason you haven’t been close since is because... you’re a charity case. But, that’s not just it, is it Goth? You want to talk about your four time SCW Roulette Championship run?

The SCW Roulette Division is a joke. I don’t give a damn that it’s produced so many moments or stars within this company. At the end of the day, the division is a joke. Anyone can luck their way into a Roulette Championship reign when the rules are the way they are. It takes no real skill to compete in gimmick matches. It takes no real skill to be part of a spotfest. It’s all laughable at best, but considering your laughable Goth. I get why it’s something that you would hold onto. And there’s no point in even mentioning the Tag Team Championship win with Brother Grimm or the Internet Championship run.

You teamed with a guy named Brother Grimm. That says everything it needs to say. And the Internet Championship division is where careers go to die. When someone like Jack Washington has multiple wins in that division. It’s doomed from the start. Now when you put it all together Goth. All your wins are rolled into that charity case that you are. SCW felt bad and gave you opportunities that you never truly deserved. And you were just able to stumble around a wrestling ring with zero real talent and got lucky a few times. That’s all it is.

And the fact that they ushered you in as a Hall of Famer. That might just be the biggest sign that you’re a charity case. You got your induction in two thousand sixteen and it’s a damn shame. I’ve been wrestling since I was in my early twenties. I didn’t get my first induction to a Hall of Fame until two thousand and five. Well after doing this for over ten years. Ten years of hard work. Dedication and giving it everything I had. Yet, here you stand a Hall of Famer with hardly any credentials like me. The SCW Hall of Fame is pathetic. I’ll never take my spot there with you being in it. But just when it seemed like SCW was willing to move on from you.

No longer put up with you and aid you into being a charity case. What do you go, and do Goth? You go sink your rotten teeth into the Saviors group. A group featuring never-was or flash-in-the-pans superstars. All of which have moved on from here. Because, they couldn’t cut the mustard. But they allowed you to be part of it. They allowed you to piggyback off them. They allowed you to leach to them just for some clout. And in your time in doing so, what have you brought to the table? Aside from trying to hot shot yourself towards the Heavyweight Championship... Oh wait, you had a dog collar match with Bill Barnheart that lead to most people in the arena going to the fucking bathroom at that time.

Because they had no interest in watching dumb and dumber stumble around the ring like a bunch of dementia stricken men in their sixties. Point is Goth, you’ve done nothing. Brought nothing to the table. Just got a boost off someone else’s name. And let me tell you something. As long as I’m around Sin City Wrestling. As long as the SCW Heavyweight Championship sits on my shoulder. I will NEVER and I mean NEVER defend this championship against you. I don’t deal with charity cases. You’re no different than the make a wish kids, and fuck them too!

The worst part about this match. It isn’t that I have to team with James. It isn’t that I can’t put my hands on him - when deep down I just want to cave his face in. And it isn’t even the fact that I am going to have to rely on him to get us through this match. But instead it’s that deep down in that noggin of yours. You think that this is some kind of reward. You think it’s a pleasure. You think that you’re being thrown a bone. And in doing that, you believe that you stand a chance. It’s utterly disgusting, but at the same time as disgusting as it is. As delusional as you are.

I see there’s a chance to have some fun with this match. I get to be the first person that really exposes you as the charity case you are. I get to be the first person that truly puts you in your place. I get to be the first person that shows Sin City Wrestling. Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. You’re a fraud. You aren’t talented at all. I get to be the driving force behind all of that. And at the end of the day, I get to see the defeated expression on your face when it all sets in as you lay flat on your back looking at the lights with another loss to your name.

Enjoy being made my bitch!

The sound of the click ticking above where Michael sat at that moment was becoming annoying. No more annoying that it was for him to have been sitting there now for thirty minutes without any explanation. All of the sudden he heard his name being said as he looked up.

Mr. Harris, the time has come Ms. Rossi will meet with you now.

Michael just kind of glared at the woman who sat behind the desk, but he stood himself up. Walking right for the door as he pulled it open and walked inside. Finding himself in quite the professional office setting. Another woman sat behind the desk in the room as she hung up the phone. Her eyes finally settled on the man before him.

Ah! Mr. Harris, a pleasure. Please take a seat.

She motioned for him to take a seat in front of her desk. He had taken a couple of steps towards her while pulling out the chair and taking a seat. Still that slight glare and annoyed expression all over his face.

Can you tell me what the purpose of this meeting is? I was supposed to be on a flight to California an hour ago.

Well, I do apologize for the inconvenience but I assure you calling you here today was for a good reason.

Yet, you’re still not telling me what it is.

Impatient I can see. That being said as you know I’m an apprentice for Mr. Vanderbilt and... considering the two of you having a complicated past.

Complicated? No, he was someone that didn’t do a job that he was paid to do as my attorney and got what was coming to him because of it.

Might I remind you, you punched a highly respected New York lawyer. And he didn’t press charges out of respect. I’d count your blessings if I were you.

She was stern with her own words. Seemingly not going to be so willing to put up with his attitude.

Now the point I am trying to make is I have taken on some responsibilities of his with this apprenticeship. And I spent the morning on the phone with a Mr. Ward and a Mr. Underwood. Lots of emails, faxes, and dialogue was passed back and forth.

Can’t say that I am surprised. Those two are always out to cause some type of issue. What’s the problem now? What imaginary rule did I break?

It isn’t a rule that you broke versus your contract that you broke. In fact it’s more so what we call a breach of contract in the legal world.

Breach of contract. What the hell are you talking about?!

From the way it was described to me. On January Third of Two Thousand Twenty Three. You inked a deal with Sin City Wrestling for two years. A number of dates and money was decided. Once that deal was made. You were contractually obligated to fulfill those commitments.

And I’ve done that.

That was until last week when you agreed to put your career on the line in a match that’s coming up in October. In which case, if you lose that match. You will retire and be gone from Sin City Wrestling.

The expression on Michael’s face said it all. He was confused, but also angry at the same time. He wasn’t the least bit surprised that management was out to cause an issue but even this seemed low.

It’s my career! I can do whatever the hell I want with it!

Except not when you sign a legal binding contract. If you lose this match in October. That’s prematurely ending your contract by about fourteen months. That causes the company to lose out on lots of money in many different areas.

So what the hell are they trying to do?! Sue me?!

Actually, yes. That’s exactly what they’re wanting to do but I’ve been doing some of my best work to avoid that. And I think that I might’ve found a solution to the situation for all parties.

Go on.

They’ve agreed to let your career end on your terms. Should you lose that match with no legal consequences as long as you actually hold to it. If you lose this match, then decide three or four months after that. You’re not done and try to come back to the company. They will sue you. If you decide a year later that you’re not done and try to go somewhere else. They will sue you. Basically, if you lose this match. That truly is it as far as your wrestling career goes, Michael. You’re done wrestling unless you got millions upon millions to put up in a court fight.

For the first time since he made the statement he had made a week ago. It was starting to sound like maybe it wasn’t a good idea. Sitting up in that chair, he slammed his hands down on the desk.

They can’t do this. There’s got to be something illegal going on there!

Nope, they’re being rather generous here with this. You’re the one that’s doing something illegal.

Get Noah on the phone right now. He can fix this shit.

Yeah, considering what happened between you two. He’s not going to be willing to offer a helping hand. We’ve done all that we can as a firm. You’re just going to have to live with the decision that you’ve made. Hope that you don’t lose or lose and just be forced to deal with the decision.

This is fucking bullshit!

He found himself very angrily getting out of the chair he was sitting in. Pacing around the office for a few seconds. His face had turned bright red. His breathing had gotten heavy. His eyes looked like they had fire in them. Everything about his decision was seemingly starting to haunt him. At that moment Alexandra found herself clearing her throat.

And with all due respect Mr. Harris. Going forward, I’d start thinking out the decisions you make before flying off the handle just because someone got under your skin.

Her comments made Michael turn his eyes in her direction, narrowing on her. Seemingly with hatred in them.

No one asked you for your fucking opinion!

Before the woman could say anything more. Michael turned himself around and walked right out the door he had come in. Slamming it so hard that all the pictures hanging in the office of the woman began to rattle. For a moment Alexandra just shook her head realizing what she was going to have to deal with going forward and it didn’t look appealing.

This is the first time we’ve had the chance to interact, Mr. Vaughn.

I personally wish I could say that I’m excited for it, but I’m not. I’m not excited for it because you’ve yet to reach your full potential here in Sin City Wrestling. Therefore I feel like in the end this is going to be nothing more than a gigantic waste of my time. I get to bulldoze right through you and your little buddy, Goth. And it’s not going to mean anything in the end. You’ll just be another casualty in my reign of terror here in Sin City Wrestling. But, I guess at the end of the day. The only positive to this situation is you’ve got a chance to learn a very valuable lesson. One of which you might be able to utilize later on.

That’s of course if the ass-kicking I give you doesn’t end your career this coming Sunday. Now, that lesson is simply this Mr. Vaughn. You’ve got to be better than what you are right this second. I might not say a lot, especially on social media. It’s a cesspool. But I see what you’re doing out there. You don’t have all your eggs in one basket. You’re out there on the grind. Trying to take over a couple different promotions. Out there trying to be the top guy everywhere you go. And while I might not work for some of the places you’re at. You’re not me, you haven’t learned your value yet.

But I can’t take anything away from a man that’s doing his best. It seems to be working elsewhere, but it isn’t working inside the walls of Sin City Wrestling. And the reason being is because you’ve become complacent in the role you are in. You’ve become complacent in being part of the Saviors. You’ve become complacent in being part of the SCW Roulette Division. You’ve become complacent in being the SCW Roulette Champion. And you’ve become complacent in letting this company take advantage of you. To which you don’t even see, it’s kind of pathetic.

The SCW Roulette Division and the Championship itself has no real value. You’re in a division where anyone can get lucky at any given moment. It doesn’t require actual skill. Course, I wouldn’t lump you in that category. While you’ve got some lessons to learn still, but you have potential. Not to mention, you’ve managed to remain virtually unbeaten in your time here. And continue to turn back challenge after challenger for that championship. Good for you, but it’s time to step out of the comfort zone and attempt to be more. Or you’re forever just going to be the man that ran the roulette division. No one will care.

Just like no one cares that you’re a member of the Savors. I mean, what does that even mean? What does that stand for? What clout do they have? And why would you even allow yourself to be grouped with them? Mac Bane is non-existed. Couldn’t handle being shown up. Couldn’t handle all eyes not being on him. Ken Davison is gone as well. No one ever thought the guy was anything special. Must’ve bruised his ego. And trust me, I can have an opinion on the matter when it comes to the Savior. I’m the man that faced them early on when I first came to SCW - those two men specifically. I made quick work of them.

Says more than enough doesn’t it, Mr. Vaughn? I have made your stablemates look like shit and did it with ease. You still want to associate with them? Doesn’t make sense to me. But of course how could I forget about the other member. The one that just leached onto the group because he wasn’t doing anything of importance anywhere else. Yes, I’m talking about Goth. Did nothing worth mentioning to be part of the group. He’s got no talent at all. The man is SCW’s laughing stock, if we are being honest with each other. But, I’ll be honest with you. I feel bad for you. I really do.

You’d be better off teaming with the honorary fat fuck than teaming with Goth. Having to carry around the deadweight that is Goth is a guaranteed loss in every situation. If I were you, I’d smarten up. I wouldn’t even show up on Sunday. I’d let Goth drown on his own. I’d tell the other members of the Saviors in your little group chat since they can't be bothered to show up here. That you’re done, set out, and do your own thing. Stop being the shoulders that everyone is leaning on for a shred of relevancy. You do that. You’ll at least finally get the respect you should be getting from Mark and Christian.

In getting that respect, maybe they’ll stop treating you like a puppet and putting you in situations that hinder you or situations where they feel like it benefits them. Because let’s be real here Mr. Vaughn. That’s all this is with this match. Mark thought it would benefit him some. Thought by throwing a roadblock in the way of James and myself, it would lead to us having an issue. So he could fire one of us. I’m smarter than these fucking people are willing to give me credit for. Rest assured, you weren’t chosen because they value you or see you as “their” next guy. Nah, it’s nothing like that.

Then when you break it down. In reality all they did was set you up to fail and potentially hinder your career before it could ever reach the potential of what you want it to be. Because make no mistake about it Mr. Vaughn. Even though I see things for how they are and see this as a set up. It doesn’t mean I’m going to be any less than what I am. It doesn’t mean I’m going to take it easy. It doesn’t mean I’m going to give you a free pass. Not at all, I’ve got every intention of punching you in the face as hard as I can and dropping you on your neck. Call it for my own self pleasure if you will.

I have picked up on the fact that you see yourself as top guy material. You see yourself as a main eventer. You see yourself as Heavyweight Championship material. After all, aren’t you regulating competing for a Heavyweight Championship outside these walls? It seems almost like a weekly thing for you, but here you are. Not anywhere close to my championship or the main event scene. Makes me wonder if it isn’t because you’re all smoke and mirrors Mr. Vaughn. Maybe, there’s a reason they see you in the light that you are. Maybe just maybe you’re not that good and it shows.

Now I fully expect my words to get under your skin a little bit. I fully expect that you’re going to take offense to what I said. I even fully expect you to now show up with some kind of purpose on Sunday. That’s what one's ego will do to them. It will hype them up and put them in an even worse situation despite their better judgment. And that’s perfectly fine with me Mr. Vaughn. Let your ego play a factor in all of this. Let it hype you up. But in the end, it’s not going to make a difference. You don’t have what it takes to beat me at this time. You will know what defeat feels like it. And it’ll be by my hand.

Yes, I truly mean by it’ll be by my hand. It won’t have anything to do with James. The overhyped and overrated J2H that has poisoned this entire company won’t be allowed to poison this match. He won’t even get a chance to sniff a victory. As, I’ll stand back and let whatever comes to him come to him before I get involved. While, I look like a villain to most. I’ll be the hero that I truly am. Unlike a popular song that has the lyrics go: I can’t do this on my own, I’m no superman. Well, trust and believe. I don’t need James out there. I can do this on my own and I’m the closest thing it gets to Superman!

I’ll be seeing you real soon, chump!