Author Topic: rp test  (Read 2838 times)

Offline Goth

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    • Gerrit
rp test
« on: August 10, 2023, 01:47:14 PM »

August 8th 2023,

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

The door opens to the penthouse hotel that Goth and Melissa had rented for this week, Melissa walks in first as Goth follows her a few moments after. He looks at the hotel room, taking in the sight before sighing as he walks over to the couch. He drops down and leans his head back, groaning from the flight and the time they had spent at the airport. Lots of fans had gathered around to meet the Hall of Famer and his wife, he had always been a welcoming guest in this country.

Melissa: Want me to order something Gerrit???

He looks over at his wife and smiles and nods his head, she immediately grabs the phone and orders something from the hotel.

Goth: My wife…..

He chuckles, for some reason he still has to get used to call Melissa his wife after marrying her at the SummerXXXTreme extravaganza. It was one of the most beautiful days of his life, along with the marriage of his first wife and the birth of his son. He pulls up his hand and stares at his wedding ring, remembering how many times he had seen fail because of Candy’s attempts to give him a romantic date with Melissa. This causes him to smile and then pulling off the sweaty shirt that he was wearing. He walks passed Melissa, who is sitting on the dinner table and kisses her forehead before walking towards the shower. There he throws the shirt across towel rack and turns on the cold water and splashes it across his face.

He lets out a sigh, enjoying the cool water before turning off the water. He grabs a towel and wipes his face clean and then turns his attention towards the bedroom. He grabs his suitcase and pulls out a new shirt and puts it on. He stares at himself in the mirror, smiles at himself as he pulls the shirt back up. Admiring his physique as he has been working out in the gym a lot to prepare for his return. Setting his sights upon payback for the time tha the had missed due to injury in both Sin City and the WGWF. There he has vowed to avenge the heinous attack of Joe Montuori from attacking him and reinjuring him after breaking his arm and shoulder.

Goth: Joseph…,

The name causes him to close his hands into fists, biting upon his lower lip as his anger is building inside of him. But he decides to shake it off, realizing that there’s a place and time for everything.

Goth: Rome wasn’t built in a day Gerrit….,

He chuckles, he lowers the shirt after admiring his muscular stomach for a final time. He walks back into the living room of his hotel room. There Melissa walks over towards him after hanging up the phone. She wraps her arms around his neck and places a soft kiss upon his lips.

Melissa: So what do you have on your mind for tonight??

She asks as she stares into his eyes with the innocent look in hers, causing him to melt away as he kisses her lips tender.

Goth: I was hoping that we could just relax tonight, watch a movie and enjoy the fact that Gerrit Jr. is not around

The two grin, she places her head on his chest and lets out a sigh.

Melissa: I love that thought, give me a moment while I put on something more comfortable.

She walks off to their bedroom to change into something else as someone knocks on their hotel room door. Goth opens as the room service walks in and presents their dinner before leaving. Goth savours the smell of the food before staring at it as the hunger is taking over.

Goth: Hmm, that smells good.

He walks away, grabbing the folders that they had grabbed from the airport for Touristic Sights. The statue of Jesus Christ is on the front of nearly every folder, causing him to remember that Melissa had always wanted to visit that wonder. It made him think back to the first time that he and Sapphira had visited this city for the first time many years ago, how much she was mesmerized by it. And now he has an opportunity o relive that moment with his current wife.

Goth: How some things change and yet others never change…..

He mutters while letting out a smirk, he tosses the folders on the table and looks at the list of movies they could watch.

Goth: Ah, they have Blended….,

He whispers, a romantic comedy starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. A movie that he and Melissa had fond memories of as it was the first movie he and Melissa had watched at his home on their first date. They had gone to the movies, but the movie they had seen bored them to death so they decided to go to his place and watch some movies and order pizzas

Goth: Classic’s never get boring….

He smiles, he remembers that they barely had watched the movie as their interest was more on each other. But it had become a tradition for them to at least watch it as often as they could.

Melissa: Hello gorgeous…,

Says the sweet voice of Melissa as he turns his head towards her direction and sees her standing there in one of his large shirts. He lets out a gasp as he notices the beautiful and muscular legs coming out underneath his shirt that ends midway her upper legs. She walks over towards him and stands on her toes as she plants a kiss upon his lips before noticing the movie that he had ordered and grins. She turns around and tip toes towards the dinner plates and sits on the seat as Goth sits down in front of her as they start to eat before the shot slowly fades.

Later that night:

Goth can be seen in his hotel room, his wife is softly snoring as she has her head on his lap as he is watching another movie. The two had shared a happy moment together while watching their favorite movie until she had fallen asleep, giving him the opportunity to drift off in thoughts. He has had these moments in recent months, where he feels that he drifts from the happy married Gerrit into the Goth of misery. Thinking back upon the injury that he had suffered during the Blast From The Past, wasting not only his opportunity to qualify to challenge for the world title. But realizing that it was Kim’s opportunity gone to waste as well, something that he had issues overcoming for a quite some time.

He remembers Kim telling him that she did not blame him, but being a competitive person like him just didn’t set well for him for quite some time. And then there was Monday Night Brawl on WGWF, the moment that he had came out and tell the world that he would return very soon until being attacked by Joe Montuori. A man that had broke his arm and shoulder, a thought that caused him to lift his left hand that was caressing Melissa’s hair to touch his arm. Feeling some tingling sensations run through his arm as he bites his lower lip.

Goth: I will pity you for the moment that eventually will come Joseph.., because it’s you know that will feel the suffering when Goth comes around

The look on his face darkens after making a reference to the classic Johnny Cash’s When God Comes Around being directed to the man that broke his arm. But he realizes now that there is no use to think too much about what could happen eventually when he returns to the other company as well. He smiles, shaking his head as he remembers that he is still on an extended honeymoon with his wife…. or at least so it would seem in his mind

He looks at the clock on his cell phone that is resting on the back rest of the sofa, he notices that he has received several messages from the Troll as well as Mac Bane. He smiles, he loved how everyone has kept in touch with him while he has been on the shelf. Something that he had missed prior to joining the Saviors a few years ago. And now he is the man that is leading this version of the Saviors to take it back to greater heights that we have grown accustomed to from them. He closes his eyes as he leans his head back against the back rest of the couch

Goth: I know you have wanted me be patient….,

He says in the emptiness of the room beside him and his sleeping wife, talking to seemingly nobody in particular before slowly placing the head of Melissa on top of a pillow as he slowly walks towards the balcony doors and open them. There he drops to his knees and lowers his head as he starts to pray.

Goth: At first I thought YOU asked too much of me, as patience was never my strongest suit. And yet, I have accepted my fate and learned from it. As I know now that it was my trail to be a leader… and take everyone by my hand as a leader… a Savior…. Ultimately taking away what I deem necessary

He slowly rises and sits on the edge of the balcony, staring back into the dark room where Melissa is still sleeping. Well there is a small lamp burning in their bedroom, a lamp that he somehow assumed he had forgotten to turn off. He was about to get up and turn it off when he noticed a shape of a head resting on the nightstand where the lamp was standing. He starts to freeze in his tracks.

Goth: People need to remember the face that they have ridiculed for so many years, the greatness that they did not believe existed and spat on in denial….

He slowly tenses his arms as his hands turn into closed fists, his breathing increases before resting both hands against the open doors of the balcony and softly starts to cry.

Goth: Forgive them Father, they have sinned….

He begins to laugh soft, yet sinister as his breathing increases. He gazes upon the shape on the nightstand, he knew what it was. It has become a part of him as he needed something to escape from his agonizing pain and find inner peace.

Goth: That crown of thorns was a curse and a blessing Lord….,

His dark eyes glaze over towards it, tracing every inch of the mask that he had made for himself. Wanting to come closer to a destination that he needed to be. The one destination that only he knows and nobody else, well except for his wife. He runs his hands across his goatee, feeling the facial hairs that he has been ignoring for a while and chuckles. He had never cared about a beard or a goatee, but that has changed over the recent weeks. He slowly gets to his feet and walks over towards the room as he has noticed that Melissa had awoken and stands in the doorway of the Balcony. She wraps her arms around his waist as she presses her body against his. Feeling her gentle breathing through the fabric of his shirt as he cannot resist himself by wrapping his arms around her body and caressing it through his shirt. He hears her soft whimper as he squeezes the backside and softly whispers towards her that they should move towards the bedroom. She giggles and heads off as he watches her before closing the balcony doors behind him and follows her to the bedroom as well.


10th of August 2023

Goth and Meissa have gone sightseeing and have come to the massive statue of Jesus Christ. Melissa is taking pictures from the man that is recognized as the Savior of the people, the son of God. Goth himself is admiring the enthusiasm of Melissa as he is actually concentrating about his return match this coming Sunday as well as what is next ahead of him in the weeks to come. Bill Barnhart at the next big show as well as retribution against another name that has been trying to get under his skin. But he shakes it off, he is here to enjoy the sights with Melissa and doesn’t want it to be ruined by him returning to the ring very soon.

Melissa: This is amazing Gerrit, I’m so glad that we finally are able to get to see this!!!

She says before planting a soft kiss on his lips, she pulls away and he is met by a smile that has grown from ear to ear. This causes him to smile back, he had been here several times before in the past. But he had to admit that it never got old being here, it must be something about the meaning of faith that draws people from all over the world to come here. He puts on his sunglasses as he looks up at the statue’s face that is being surrounded by bright sunlight as it is shining high above it. His eyes travels from the left arm to the right, trying to take in every possible detail of the statue. Mesmerized in how many people it took to build this and how long.

Melissa: Can you take a picture Gerrit???

She asks as she walks as close as possible to the feet of the statue, Goth kneels down as in order to capture her as well as the statue as best as possible before snapping the picture. he then stares at the digital screen of the camra in order to see how well it had went as the shot made him think back to the days of him and Chantal, or better known as Sapphira had taken pictures here.

Melissa: Can I see???

The question shakes Goth out of his thoughts and smiles before showing her the end result, this causes her to smile before kissing him back on the lips.

Melissa: So what will we do next Gerrit???

Goth smirks, he brushes some hair out of her face before he responds

Goth: I thought we could take a helicopter flight and watch the statue up close.

The eyes widen on the face of Melissa, she clearly had not expected this as she wraps her arms around his neck and thanks him seemingly a thousand times. Goth smiles as the two head off to their car.

Goth and Meissa step out of the helicopter after their flight, they enter their car they had rented as they head back to their hotel. He listens to what Mellissa had to say from the experience that she had endured in the helicopter, it causes him to smile as he loves her desire to soak in everything about culture and history. He himself had enjoyed it as well, even though he has done this a multiple times and it wasn’t that new to him as it was to her. They stop at the hotel as they both check in before Melissa excuses herself to take a shower. Goth grabs a bottle of water and drops on the sofa nearest to him and takes a deep breath.

Goth: So good to be back…,

He smirks as he takes off the cap of the bottle of water and takes a sip from it before trying to ignore the camera that he knew was recording everything he does or says.

Goth: And I am not so much referring to this lovely city and country, even though you have to be here around the time that Carnaval comes around. The crowd gets excited, nearly as much as when the Yellow Canaries play against their arch rivals of Argentina.

He chuckles as he takes another sip, thinking back to the reference of the Brazilian and Argentinian football team.

Goth: But I have to sadly disappoint these wonderful people, because I was referring to entering that six sided ring for the first time in nearly four months. Four freaking months!!! I was out for a freaking injury that already sidelined me before some sad individual caused me to be gone even longer. But you will endure your wrath in due time Joseph….

He smirks as his left eye moves over towards the camera and gives it a small wink before turning his attention back to the balcony that he was staring at the entire time.

Goth: But sadly that does not concern you Max, of course it doesn’t. Because what has happened in the past must remain in the past. Similar to what happens in Vegas…, well you know where I am referring too don’t you???

He sighs as he takes a final sip before puting the cap back on the bottle and place it on the small table in front of him.

Goth: So what can I possibly say to degrade you Max?? Is it the obvious that you have garnered the distinguished honor of being the FIRST in a line of undoubtedly many after you losses against my friend the Troll?? Or is it taking a stab at you by saying that your name doesn’t make me think that you are the Man of Steel?? Being a disappointment to anything that could be supreme???

He rolls his eyes and shakes his head

Goth: Let’s not go to the childish behavior that I have seen from Ariana’s hot desire to get a poster of Gabriel on her bedroom wall and her pie faced husband of hers. No Max, lets talk about YOU.

Do I know you?? No, I don’t. Because I can already tell, you are like one in a million that wish to become a wrestler. To enjoy the limelights, get adored by the fans and most importantly get paid right??

He closes his eyes and shakes his head, he remains silent for a few moments before he continues

Goth: Such sinful thoughts that I have seen so many times, thoughts and lustful desires that I need to grab by the throat and choke the essence out of you.

He suddenly extends his arms forwards, using his hands to squeeze an imaginary neck to emphasize the words that he just uttered a few moments ago. We see his eyes have reopened, staring at his hands with a purpose and a demeanor that we have not seen before.

Goth: I know it must sound like you are stuck on Sunday School isn’t it?? But then again, perhaps it would have saved a few brain cells down the road to at least make you realize that you are wrong Max. Wrong to the point that I need to teach you the hard way that you do not belong in the same realm like me.

He watches his hands slowly regain it’s color as he had squeezed his hands so tight that they had turned pale

Goth: I know, I know that you must be from the limited school of Hard Knox right?? Where you were taught at a young age that your opponent is reduced to someone that sucks right?? That you will beat him because you are better than him and that there’s nothing that anyone can do to stop you. And I guess I have to applaud you for somehow managing to confuse the owners of Sin City Wrestling that you are actually worth the money they speed on dining at a local Taco Bell instead of wining and dining with kings and queens. But I guess we all need to start somewhere don’t we???

But instead of dumping you in the ground like the waste that you are, I should just be thankful for the fact that I can make an example out of you. An example of what could happen to Bill Barnhart in a few weeks. My first Super Card in months Max, you do know what super means right?? That is the level that you strive to reach, the level that you have dreamt a thousand wet dreams over and over again before waking up underneath the bed sheets that you have been clinging onto for dear life!! Ultimately ending up on your knees and putting those hands together. Asking the Dear God from above that one day you could actually accomplish what I am destined to do…

He puts his hands together, sniffs at the odor of sweat that have culminated throughout the day due the humid weather in Brazil. He tastes a few drops of sweat with his tongue and smiles.

Goth: Truth hurts doesn’t it Max?? I can sit here and tell the tale of all the Max Steeles that I have had the pleasure to demolish mentally before even stepping foot inside the ring. Because that’s the first part of your realization that this is the reason why I have lasted over twenty years inside the ring…. The reason why people had to eat their words over and over again as they have adapted to the new way of life. But they all need to understand that I am LIFE!!! Not even our beloved World Champion can hold a candle to ME!! And soon enough he will finally find out that the man that he has beaten before is no more.

I do urge you to keep watching me when I enter that ring after you Max, I urge you to dare and stare into the eyes of the man that stands before you. To watch me before I take off my mask and reveal the same face that I present to you right now. Because you will witness a transformation right before your very eyes.

He slowly gets up, he walks towards the bedroom and grabs the mask off the nightstand and stares at it. Delicately tracing his fingers across the crown of thorns that resembles the crown of thorns that was placed upon the head of the Savior Jesus Christ before his moment of hung against the cross.

Goth: Ever wondered what it would be like Max?? Where you are being ridiculed by the people that you were trying to save?? To die for their sins?? Only to return a few days later and open your arms to those who claimed that they truly loved you, but failed you the most??

Of course you cannot, because you have never tried to do so. I have sat on my knees many times before people like YOU many times before. And now that I have this in my hands I realize that I do not need to carry your sins on my back no more. Because you do not deserve the love that I give my Saviors. You deserve the old fashioned way of love Max, by beating the respect into your body by watching you suffer like Moses did when he took HIS people to the promised land.

Goth slowly places the mask upon his head and inhales deeply, letting out a sigh of relief as his breathing rapidly increases for a few seconds before regaining composure.

Goth: Now I cannot bore you to death with Biblical references the entire way now can I?? Of course not, because the final chapter of your demise is all within these eyes Max.

The camera zooms in on the face of Goth as his gaze darkens within a few moments.

Goth: Please don’t confuse me with what Mac Bane once was for this group of people who volunteered to be at my side Max. He and I are built from the same cloth, even though we may do things our way. But I am far more reckless than he has ever dreamt of to be!!!

He scratches at the mask, making it sit far more tighter across his face as we hear a maniacal laugh.

Goth: WHEN I LOOK AT YOU, I truly see the people that either have hurt me or that I wish to hurt!!! I see Bill Barnhart, I see Joe Montuori!!! Hell I see Austin James Mercer, J2H!! Calvin or Michael Harris!!! Every single name that you may or may have never heard off is inside my head!!!!

He starts to dig his knuckles against the temples of his head as he groans out with satisfaction.

Goth: Nowadays I cannot understand people like you that want to start get into wrestling, because their motivation is so much different than mine back then. For you is to make a career, for me is to keep a roof above my head and being able to pay the bills and afford a meal!!! Hell, I had to take care of my wife as well… While YOU?? You went to a wrestling school, grown out of the loins of a wrestling family and want to proof to the world t hat you can do it on your own. Oh cry me a fucking river will ya??

Goth presses his fists harder against the mask that covers his face, causing it to slowly alter its position as his eyes get lost for 75 percent of what it was a few moments ago.

Goth: Why hide your face Goth?? Do you got something to hide?? Are you ashamed of something?? And to that i have to answer with a definite yes Max… I do…. I am ashamed of what has become of people like YOU!! People that think they are entitled to something!!! I have not had a world title shot since I beat then world champion Marc “The Dragon” Cross in a non title match. And you know why?? Because they did not felt that this company needs a Nostalgia act to be their world champion… Apparently J2H is an example to that rule isn’t it??? FUCK THAT SHIT!!! I have been here for over 2 and a half years since joining in October of 2021!! I have earned every single title since returning to this company exact that one belt. And are you going to be a spoiling afterthought in my career Max?? We both know that this isn’t the case now is it???

I bet you will hide in the shadows of your own imagination, question yourself what happened when the Troll outdid you in the most embarrassing fashion that YOU have ever experienced in your young career. I bet you won’t even show up and look me in the eyes. So I dare you to make any references to me wearing a Goth Damn mask… Because I cannot even consider looking you in the eyes even if your fucking life depended upon it.

But to prove that I am a thankful man, I will acknowledge the fact that you will be my road back to recovery of some sorts. As I am on a path for greater things.., while YOU? I guess the pits of anonymity. Because when I am done with you, you will reconsider the choices you have made in your entire life. Not just the decision of thinking that doing some flip flop moves will make you a legend like I am… But the entire existence that you have wasted… And for everyone that has ever been “Graced” with your existence.

Farewell my first casualty of The Messiah of Pain….

With that Goth pushes his hand in front of the camera to stop the recording.


<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>