Author Topic: Oh, it's Matt Knox... Yawn.  (Read 1134 times)

Offline Chris Page

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Oh, it's Matt Knox... Yawn.
« on: December 09, 2022, 07:51:21 PM »
I would boast and brag about defeating a Troll but the truth of the matter is that wasn’t worth bragging about. I was able to get myself back on track just as I envisioned, and ultimately that’s all that mattered. Big-time shoutout to Ken Davison for beating Finn so bad he took a vacation while shitting all over Sin City Wrestling in the process. Isn’t it intriguing in the slightest that someone TRIED so hard to win the title but apparently didn’t give a shit enough about it to “bring his best” opposite Ken? Ah, who are we kidding here all of that was to attempt to save what little face there is to save, and now Finn can go have a breakdown somewhere in the shadows pretending that anyone gave a shit about them, to begin with.

I digress.

It’s the Holiday Season, right? We’ve all just come off a hearty Thanksgiving, or at least here in the United States, but now the month of December is upon us which means Christmas is right around the corner. One of the many holidays we celebrate based on lies and deceit yet we teach our children that both are considered naughty and might end you up on the wrong side of a list from a fat fuck that doesn’t exist. It legit makes zero sense to me, yet here we are. My road to the SCW World Heavyweight Championship is in full swing, and mind you if I wanted that crack I could have had it. I mean, it was offered by the higher-ups… If I wanted to be that egotistical prick that I’m labeled as don’t you think I would have taken it? Maybe if I knocked off Goth at High Stakes I would have snatched that offer up in a second but the truth of the matter is unlike my upcoming opponent… I don’t like to be handed shit.

Good morrow, Mr. Knox.

Color me surprised to see you after retirement and all. Well, not really a shock since Sin City Wrestling is the SECOND company to bring this match to my attention while filling me in on HOW or WHY it’s even happening to begin with considering we WERE balls deep in a heated rivalry that YOU walked away from. It was interesting to hear Sin City and The Entity talk about this thing like it could be the greatest thing since sliced bread yet both seemed pretty fucking shocked that I knew nothing about YOUR conversations behind closed doors.

Fuck dude, you practically BEGGED for this which completely contradicts your own fucking words.

I found plenty of peace, did you? Because from where the fuck I’m standing you’re the one clamoring to whoever will listen to get this match back inside a wrestling ring. Take your own advice, because while this MIGHT be a huge deal for most… this is just a waste of my fucking time. Enjoy your brush with greatness because this will be the last battle because there isn’t anything like being told to move on only to be pulled back by the very man that wanted nothing else to do with me after he got his win.

Fun fact.

I beat you first… and I’ll beat you last.

Welcome to the whipping post. I hope you’re prepared to take plenty of lashes.


Page Estate
Las Vegas, Nevada
8:00 PM

Ft: Candice Wolf-Page

Continued from:

[Off Camera]

Chris gazed up into the dark skies above only lit by the quarter moonlight with his arms crossed across his chest and a joint hanging off his bottom lip while taking a deep inhale. Chris is startled by Candice as she creeps up behind him giving him a “BOOOOO!”.

CHRIS PAGE: The fuck is your problem?!?!

Candice takes the joint from between Chris’s lips and starts pulling on it herself. She inhales before blowing out some smoke as she answers.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: You have been standing out here for almost an hour looking up at nothing in the sky, so maybe I should be asking you that question.[/purple]

Chris starts shaking his head from right to left ever so slightly while he answers as he turns his back to Candice and looks back up at the stars in the sky.

CHRIS PAGE: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking if I am being completely honest with you.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE:Babe we get it. You despise Christmas because it caters to lies. I promise that you’re not the only one that feels that way.

Chris turns back around facing his wife as she passes him the joint. The two walk over toward the massive outdoor covered kitchen where several high-end barstools line one side of the bar.

CHRIS PAGE: Yes I despise everything about Christmas but that’s not what is on my mind.

There is a stern tone in Chris’s voice, and Candice knowing her husband all too well pivots to appearing more concerned as Chris takes a toke off the joint,

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: What’s the issue, babe?

Well let’s take a look at that, shall we? I want you all to do yourselves a favor and look over the Card for Sunday’s show, and I want you to see how they are all labeled… all of them but one. When you get to Chris Page vs Matt Knox you’re going to see it’s listed as a Singles Challenge. Who made a challenge because it sure as hell wasn’t me and it COULDN’T have been Knoxy since by his own volition was over this situation four months ago. What suddenly changed, Matt? Any particular reason you seem to think that you can walk back into professional wrestling and get some clout on my name? Nah bruh, it was bad enough I carried you through this bullshit the first go around and I’ll be damned if I do it again. The truth is bud you’ve been sitting back stroking your cock til your heart's content, walking away from advertised meetings at the Tara Fenix Charity Event where YOU were supposed to be on the other side of the ring opposite Team Page but when I ran that twat Shitmaker out of the industry you weren’t that far behind him. Now I could waste my precious time and recap this entire deal but there really isn’t a need because throughout 2022 I’ve had so many more high-profile engagements that this one doesn’t crack my top 5, which is in a large part due to you. For a guy that once told me to move on you didn’t waste a lot of time knocking on my door begging for ole Chris Page to sprinkle some of his CCP dust upon you; no wait, you just told some people you did. Was this some cheap ploy to try and catch me slipping or something? I mean why else would a dude call two different promoters and tell them the SAME fucking story? Why didn’t you hit my line? It’s not like you haven’t before, so what makes THIS situation here and now different? It’s okay to plead the 5th now because I assure you when I’m done with you you’ll def be pleading it later. Self-incrimination is a bitch.

CHRIS PAGE: I’ve been visited by a ghost of wrestling’s past. ‘

Chris exhales some smoke as he glances over at Candice, lightly brushing her fiery red bangs over his right ear with his right hand and passing her the joint in his left.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: First it was flying caribou and now it’s ghosts from the past? I’m finding it hard to believe you’re anti-Christmas.

CHRIS PAGE: Yeah, I’m serious though. Next weekend is going to be a long one because I have that final Savage for the XWF on Saturday Night, and now I must pluck a Raven's feathers on Sunday Night in Sin City Wrestling.

Candice explodes from her barstool with sheer excitement breaking out into her own version of a happy dance while gleefully exclaiming.


Candice slowly stops her happy dance routine as she sees the expression on Chris’s face has not wavered from that of stone-faced. Chris then starts to shake his head “no” before he breaks the news.

CHRIS PAGE: That ACTUALLY would be something exciting but actually it’s the other one.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: I thought we were done with that?

She asks.

CHRIS PAGE: We were done with it, by we I’m talking about you and me. I’ll spare you the minor details but I got a call from SCW’s Christian AND from another organization spouting the same story. Knox has worked his way back into my path regardless of whether he’s wanted or not.

Thankfully I’ve always been one to make chicken salad out of chicken shit, and this outing will not be any different. I’m not going to lie, I found it hard to garner any real give a fucks about doing this until I happened upon my silver lining. Now, unlike Knox who has walked back through the doors only to walk away again in what, a month? Or is that generous? Nonetheless, when I was offered that shot at the World Title after we got through High Stakes I refused it because in my mind I haven’t earned it. You’d think that Knox would want to carve his path back to the top while establishing some credibility within himself because whatever this man touches turns to shit. Example A, Pro Wrestling Valor. Much like Valor was an established brand before being handed to Knox the Sin City World Heavyweight Championship is an established brand of this company, and ya failed when they gave ya that ball too!

It wasn’t until I found the silver lining that all of this might be worth just a little something, not because I’m going to be smacking around some second-rate, stale, egotistical prick like he owes me money… but because MY path in Sin City Wrestling is based on EARNING my opportunities, it’s about establishing my credibility, and it’s about WORKING my way to the top of the mountain. The only reason you have relevance in my world is that you did accept that handout from the SCW brass because you NEED that validation, you need that instant gratification to know that somewhere there’s some organization that WANTED you. Pretty sure those are few and far between.

CHRIS PAGE: Apparently the dude is like KISS, they retire, they come back, they retire, they come back, rinse repeat.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Well this just got interesting.

Chris gets up from his stool and rests his hands on his hips while letting out a deep sigh.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE:I mean it’s not like you can expect someone like that to be a man of his word. He never has.

CHRIS PAGE: Well not even what bothers me about it, and while it’s really a nonissue because Knox got his way and is getting me in the ring. The only thing that I care about is what happens when I beat him, again. Will this time be the time that he comes to the understanding that while he might be good he’s not great?

Knox has a lot of people fooled when it comes to how you pluck his feathers. He’s a guy that when you look up the word hypocritical you’ll see his picture in the dictionary. This is a dude that at one time slammed me for representing the elite of the elite in our industry citing that I need people around me to be successful when this dumb cuck has his own training facility where he TEACHES the younger generation how to do what I do so fucking well. You know there is an age-old saying for that, right? Those that can’t do, teach. What’s your excuse for surrounding yourself with students? Something else you’ve gotten a lot of people fooled with when it comes to you and your narrative rests with just how predictable you have become. I guarantee you and the rest of the world that when I sit through the drivel that you call a promotional package is that you won’t hit me, or try to. You’ll hit what is going on around me to mask the fact that when push comes to shove your well of material has not only run dry but that in your world you seriously think that it matters in the bigger picture. You can’t tell me I suck, you can’t say I’m overrated, you can’t say that I don’t deliver the goods if I choose to or when I choose to, you can’t hit CCPE since we’re still right here DOMINATING the very industry that YOU turned you back on yet claim with every breath in your lungs that you love and respect. Brother, the only thing you love in this world is yourself, and using people like me to make your return to the business means something.

Although I do wonder if you’re going to pull an OCW with this.

For those out there that might be scratching your head, Mr. Knox elected to take part in OCW’s Rumble in the Bronx and lasted a whopping three seconds before getting tossed over that top rope like the piece of shit he’s become in our industry; and while I got thrown out as well it sure as shit didn’t stop me from PROMOTING it while you sat in a dark corner fondling your testicles. Rumble in the Bronx is the epitome of what YOU do and HOW you carry yourself. You’ll make commitments only to back out of them, I should know seeing as the DPI was supposed to be our endgame until you elected to retire… go figure.

CHRIS PAGE: He’s a mere skidmark in this profession that can’t or won’t live in the present. He’s got to live in the past, he’s got to talk about the past, and he MUST rely on low-hanging fruit in order to get himself over. It’s just sad when you think about what he sees himself as versus what he truly is. I could easily tap into things he’s done, beatings he’s given me, or whatever adding fuel to the fire but ultimately that’s what he wants. He wants outside-the-ring activities to cloud judgments but the truth of the matter is when we’ve stepped foot inside the ring we are deadlocked. This will break that deadlock and maybe when he walks out with that hard “L” he will take his own advice and move the fuck on because I’m honestly tired of towing his anchor.

Candice blows out some smoke before taking the last pull on the joint before disposing of it in an ashtray on the outside bar.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Maybe this is what you need more than you think you do.

Confused by this Chris listens as Candice continues.

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Humbling him on his return from “retirement” just in time for the holidays. If you believe in Christmas then perhaps one might say that Christmas has come early in this instance because you can go ahead and finally put the nail in the coffin of this feud that at one time had the wrestling industry in the palm of your hand.

CHRIS PAGE: I suppose this can be the last time I’m bothered with it. I mean, it’s not like I had a choice, right?

CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: He did pull a bitch ass rook move on you to get it.

Chris giggles at the statement made by Candice.

CHRIS PAGE: Ah memories.

 Do you know what I actually like about this, Matt? You’ll see that since I rolled my eyes at this booking I haven’t muttered a single word on social media because that is reserved for opponents worth my time or energy while guys like you will be reduced to taking this brow-beating while looking directly at my middle finger every step of the way. What I enjoy about this rests with just how interesting it will be when all your snot-nosed kids, when that loose goosey wife of yours sits back and watches their hero fall under his own weight because he’s picked a fight with the wrong man on a wrong day. You won’t have your dogs to pile on to assist you within this war of the words… you remember them right? They’re the people YOU SURROUND YOURSELF WITH like you’ve thrown in my direction in reference to CCPE, you won’t have anyone but yourself and abilities to rely on when I’ve established that your best just isn’t ever going to be good enough.

Maybe I go ahead and punk your ass and take your spot in that title match.

Hey Christian, that sounds like an unbelievable idea.

Or better yet maybe I beat you, take your spot, and give it to the Troll because he’s done more in Sin City to warrant it than you have lately… not to mention when it comes to trolling your game is weak as fuck. This is just becoming way too easy at this point man, are you sure that I was the right guy for you to pick this fight with coming off of a lengthy hiatus? You are supposed to be some kind of legend, supposed to be smart and cunning only to have shit the bed immediately upon lacing your boots. You had better go ahead and start figuring out a concession speech while standing in front of a mirror for everything that you will hurl in my direction isn’t anything more than your own insecurities for deep down inside you KNOW that you aren’t anywhere near the level of an icon than Chris Page.

The truth is when it comes to you is that you WANT to be me.

Yup, I said it.

You want to hold the industry in the palm of your hand, you want to be sought out by every major company, you want to hit every major show held by every MAJOR promotion across the world, and you want to be the center of the wrestling world. You try so hard to insert yourself into the business of everyone else that HAS what you WANT… but what pisses you off when it comes to me is I don’t have to put up the effort, I do all of this without breaking a sweat while you struggle to keep up. You fail to comprehend just how desperate you look when you chase down those with real clout that you end up looking like the court jester.

CHRIS PAGE: I know what I have to do.

Chris gazes up into the starlit Las Vegas sky when suddenly something darts across from right to left.

CHRIS PAGE: That fucking Caribou!


CCP’S High Note Cannabis Dispensary
Velvet Rabbit Las Vegas

Featuring: Denzel Porter

[On Camera]

It was early on Thursday morning as we catch up with Chris Page who is inside the High Note at The Velvet Rabbit Las Vegas, just one of many stores and shops on-site for consumerism. Chris is in front of a glass case that houses all the flower products in different size glass mason jars, all labeled. He hears a knock on the glass double doors and upon spinning around a smile graces his face to see one of his dear friends and Professional Wrestling’s lead journalist…

Denzel Porter.

Chris walks across the stained wooden floor and unlocks the doors allowing Denzel to enter before locking it back up.

CHRIS PAGE: Glad to see you made it.

DENZEL PORTER: I know how busy you can get so if there is ever a time to catch up on things I won’t miss it.

Denzel takes a look around the High Note as this is his first time inside the establishment.

DENZEL PORTER: This is a nice place you have here.

CHRIS PAGE: Thanks Porter, I’ll be sure to tell Candice you mentioned it. She put a lot of thought and energy into not only the High Note but everything you see from the moment you walk through our doors til the moment you leave.

DENZEL PORTER: How is Candice anyway? It’s been a while since I’ve caught up with her.

The two walk back across the lobby floor as Chris answers.

CHRIS PAGE: If we could have linked up earlier this week you could have asked her yourself but she headed back to Manhattan last night. She’s good though, always working her ass off like me. One of the many things we have in common.

They reach a glass counter that has various THC cartridges as Chris goes back to the flower. He pulls out a jar, twisting off the top and taking out a light green, fluffy bud. Page twists the top back on the jar and puts it back in place.

CHRIS PAGE: Surely you don’t mind if I chief while we go over a few things?

DENZEL PORTER: Naw man you’re good.

With a head nod and motion from Chris they make their way over to a smoking area. Chris takes a seat on a black leather couch while Denzel takes a seat in a matching leather chair positioned across from the couch with a glass coffee table between them. Chris puts the bud in a grinder and starts grinding it up into shakes.

The intoxicating scent fills the room garnering some sniffs up in the air from Mr. Porter.

DENZEL PORTER: It smells delicious.

CHRIS PAGE: It’s rather tasty too.

Chris empties the shake out onto the glass top before pulling out some papers and proceeds to roll up a joint.

DENZEL PORTER: I see you got a pretty big deal in Sin City Sunday Night…

I wouldn’t consider it a big deal, I’d consider it just another Sunday when you look at the level of competition standing on the other side of the ring; or should I say lack thereof? Knox thrives in places where he can manipulate the system, he thrives against opponents that will dance to the beat of his drum, and he will always look out for himself before putting anyone else first. Nothing about Knox’s skills or abilities suggests that he can repeat his last performance opposite of me in the confines of Uprising.

Knox has more holes in his game than swiss cheese and I’m the right one to expose it before he walks into another Championship opportunity that wasn’t earned.

Seems charity cases are a thing again.

DENZEL PORTER: I was kind of shocked to see you versus Knox booked because I know we had talked about ending things at the DPI.

Chris finishes rolling the joint and sparks it up before answering.

CHRIS PAGE: That sounds like you need to be talking to him because I have heard a peep from him in nearly four months. The last I was told was to find peace elsewhere, and I did. Nobody was more shocked than I was to get those phone calls from Christian and Smash pitching me the same thing. It looks like screwing me over way back then and screwing over one company over the other seems to be his deal.

Chris exhales his smoke as he looks over at Denzel while continuing.

CHRIS PAGE: I don’t business like that. I called up Smash over at the Entity and asked him if he knew SCW had booked this match and that I have no interest in moving forward with running it back again. Shockingly they hadn’t been communicated with over it.

Denzel simply shakes his head.

CHRIS PAGE: Needless to say I’ll take Griffin Hawkins over Matt Knox at the DPI any day of the week.

You did tell me to find peace elsewhere, right?

That explains why you have such a hard-on to get this done now, it speaks volumes about why there hasn’t been any communication, it explains so much because you just couldn’t stay away from me. I had no clue I occupied so much free real estate inside Knox’s head that it would come to this. Unfortunately for you my dear lad you’ve come barking up the wrong tree at the wrong time. I’ve had my fall from grace within the ranks of Sin City Wrestling, and I’m okay with that. It doesn’t take away from the global presence, the global force that my name carries with it while yours equates to ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag. Guys like you get eaten up by guys like me on a regular, Sunday night isn’t going to be any different. I have now made it my mission to smack not only the taste out of your mouth but to make you the bitch of your upcoming Four Way affair. This company just had a fuckboy as its Champion and the last thing it needs is for another one with the only difference the last name would be Knox.

CHRIS PAGE: It’s just a shame he felt the need to be a bitch and run away so many months ago.

DENZEL PORTER: How are you going to handle him? Isn’t this his first match back?

CHRIS PAGE: What do you mean how am I going to handle it? I’ll handle it the same way I’ve handled any other situation when it comes to an athlete looking to get a rub off my name, I’m going to embarrass him.

Let’s be fair it doesn’t take a lot to embarrass the single biggest walking contradiction your industry has to offer because all you have to do is wait for him to open his cock sucker. He's one of those cats that do it to himself with the words he elects to speak and the facade he puts up versus the man’s own actions; if you call him a man. He’s made a career out of low-hanging fruit because the dude can’t cut a promo without it. Hey, I’m not knocking it by any means more so than I am pointing out the obvious.

CHRIS PAGE: He picked the wrong guy to try and forge a comeback off of because I honestly don’t give a fuck about him or what he’s trying to accomplish over what I am GOING to accomplish in just a few short days.

Hell, it wouldn’t overly shock me if Knox doesn’t even open his mouth to promote this event. When it comes to being consistent he doesn’t know a whole hell of a lot about it unless it revolves around being exposed as a dude that’s all sizzle and no fucking steak when push comes to shove. One thing you never have to worry about with me is if I’m going to give you the best I got, one thing the promotors around the world will agree on is how my work ethic supersedes ninety-nine point nine percent of every other man or woman that chooses to lace a pair of boots. It’s probably why I’m the object of people's affection while very few people even realized you were gone.

Jesus that’s got to suck for someone who has an ego the size of the United States.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow.

Don’t choke on it.

CHRIS PAGE: Knox is about to find out that I’m the last mother fucker on the planet that plays politics behind that curtain, he’s about to find out what happens to those I gift with my time in a company where I am going to be closing out the end of my in-ring career.

Chris leans back into the couch while another toke off his joint.

DENZEL PORTER: Even if it’s not happening at the DPI I am glad to see that it’s finally happening. I hope Matt can find whatever closure he needs to find.

Exhaling smoke Chris responds.

CHRIS PAGE: I don’t give a fuck about his closure. I just want him to heed his own advice and find his peace elsewhere because I’m tired of carrying all these supposedly “talented” “legends” that couldn’t book their way out of a wet paper sack. Pfft.

You have found yourself with your back against the wall, dear Knox. This isn’t about CCPE, this isn’t about if I’m fat or skinny, this isn’t about sophomoric insults that you’ve recycled time, after time, after time, this isn’t about your lack of creativity or how YOU must rely on other people to carry your weak ass from one show to the next, this isn’t about being jumped at the Velvet Rabbit, it’s not even about when I showed up to your house and handled that skank you call a wife or a newborn at the time. Nah bruh, this is about how YOU can’t seem to move on, this is about how YOU are desperate for my attention, this is about how YOU will fall flat on your face for the world to see, it’s about how YOUR own kids in the business despise the ground you walk on, it’s about how YOU are so starved for attention or affection that you need to be coddled.

Well buttercup, I don’t deal with coddling.

I don’t fuck around with chumps.

I work with those that want to work not those that want to exploit a program for their own malicious gain in our industry; and you sir, are the latter.

CHRIS PAGE: That fuckboy isn’t going to know what hit him when I’m through with him while stamping an exclamation point on the fact that we all know that I shall re-enforce. Chris Page will always be greater than Matt Knox.

Chris shoots a wink at Denzel while bringing the joint back to his lips. He takes a smooth toke, inhaling deeply while making the next statement.

CHRIS PAGE: Unfortunately for the king of Indian ink he isn’t why I wanted you to stop by, my man. He’s taken up enough of my time, to be honest as he’s gotten more of my attention than I initially wanted to give him.

DENZEL PORTER: Oh yeah? I just kind of assumed it was business related.

Chris blows out several smoke rings before he continues.

CHRIS PAGE: Oh no doubt it’s about business but just not that piece of business. He’s the light work for the week. The business aspect comes into play with the WGWF.

For those unfamiliar I re-opened my own federation over three months ago. I grew tired of some of the standards and practices in our industry and figured it was as good of a time as any to shut the hater's mouths once and for all.

CHRIS PAGE: And CCPE vs The World.

Who can forget that? It’s the single biggest one-night event that all the CCPE haters could have come together to shut our mouths but guys like Matt Knox, Bert, and a host of others that jock rode didn’t even bother to answer the call, but ya know… they WANTED a piece soooo bad. Yeah, fucking right.

DENZEL PORTER: I’m listening.

CHRIS PAGE: When it comes to the West Coast Rumble I wanted to give you a personal invitation to stop by CCPE Arena and catch out our return to Pay-Per-View. You can come incognito or we can make a promotional deal about it, that is if you elect to stop by. It’s going to be an incredible night that will be capped off by crowning the new WGWF World Heavyweight Champion.

There is a pause from Chris before he then states.

CHRIS PAGE: I can’t say the same for CCPE versus The World because that is an event that I need ya to put on the work cap. I want you a part of the program as the very special guest ring announcer for the event.

Denzel then asks.

DENZEL PORTER: What are the dates?

CHRIS PAGE: January 2nd for the WGWF and January 22nd for versus the World.

Denzel pulls out his cell phone and starts to check his calendar before taking his attention back toward Chris Page.

DENZEL PORTER: I’m clear on both of those dates, let’s do it.

CHRIS PAGE: My dawg.

Porter cocks his head at Page giving him a wtf side-eye.

CHRIS PAGE: I’m down with the lingo, it’s cool.

Chris looks at the joint and then over a Denzel as he slightly ways offers it. Denzel cuts his eyes to the right hand of Page, eyeing up the doubie as the scene fades to black.


The loud clasps of thunder from the skies above causes the ground to rattle underneath your feet followed by flashes of lightning striking down with a great vengeance. The voice of Chris Page is heard as the camera pans around the unknown surroundings.

CHRIS PAGE: This is what it all boils down to, right Knox? The moment that you brought your out of Shady Pines and caused you to dawn the tights for one last run, yet you’ve intentionally put yourself in my path.

We get a tight shot on Chris from mid-shoulders to the top of his head. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail while his hands rest around a long, wooden handle.

CHRIS PAGE: The lack of attention started eating away at you, didn’t it? Don’t worry, little man, I’ll give you all the attention you ever desired while making sure there isn’t anything left of you for anyone else. You’ve inserted yourself into my business for the last time, and what better way to end this than in an organization that I’ve run into some struggles with while in the same breath the same federation that you’ve found some success in? Neutral ground, right? For the life of me, I cannot figure out why I am so important to you because one would think if you have so much hate in your veins for yours truly that maybe you would have shown up at Tara’s Charity Event, maybe you would have stepped up to the plate for a shot at shutting our mouths at CCPE vs The World…. But what did you do?

Chris softly laughs under his breath before he states.

CHRIS PAGE: You ran like a bitch… ass… rook. Now I’m sure you’re going to paint this grandiose picture with your narrative, perhaps citing other people in the process… but what does that have to do with you and me? I’m not going to allow you to twist things, I’m not going to give you the room to do anything but OWN this loss that’s coming your way by my hands. For weeks I’ve been talking about earning my shot, what better way to earn than by clipping your fucking wings off-rip.

I can see it now, it all ends before it begins and Mathew Knox disappears into the shadows never to be heard from again…. For another three months. I applaud your attempts, but you’re bringing a knife to a gunfight. I’ll look forward to taking your excuse of a low blow away from you by cleaning your clock straight up for the WORLD to see!

CHRIS PAGE: Win, lose, or draw I want to be perfectly clear with you… I’ll speak slowly so that you can comprehend. I…… Am…… Done…. With…. You. Did you understand? I hope so, but if not I’m sure someone will break it down for you, but unlike you, I mean it. The rivalry comes to a close… and with it, so do you.

The camera pans back revealing an empty gravesite with a freshly dug plot. The camera switches six feet deep with Chris now peering down inside.

CHRIS PAGE: Every action has an equal to opposite reaction, every choice has consequences, and consequences have repercussions. Welcome to your funeral, Mr. Knox. I knew you’d come.