Offline Christian Underwood

  • TAFKATPF aka The Artist Formerly Known As The Pink Flamingo
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    • Christian Underwood
« on: August 22, 2022, 08:04:13 PM »
Post your roleplays here by deadline. Good luck and have fun!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2022, 03:57:54 AM »
The scene opens up after Climax Control as Keira was being checked up on by the doctor. The doctor holds the papers and was a bit confused. Keira begins to look at him as she begins to ask him.

Keira: Something the matter, doc?

The doctor finally looks at Keira and says

Doctor: Yea, besides high blood pressure, that should clear up in a little bit, of course. Your other injuries…

Keira: What about them?

Doctor: You were barely walking, but now you’re…fine.

Keira: Oh. Might be my healthy lifestyle. I mean, Yoga and intense training for my matches does help.

Doctor: I would like to just check one thing again.

The doctor holds up a finger

Doctor: Follow my finger. You looked a little dizzy out there, I just want to be sure you don’t have a concussion or any head injury.

Keira: Sure.

The doctor slowly moves his finger in front of Keira’s face, and she follows it without any issue.

Doctor: And you know your name, right?

Keira: Yea, it’s Keira.

Doctor: And you know where we are, right?

Keira: Chandigarh

The doctor finishes making notes.

Doctor: Strange, but whatever. Wait here for a few minutes and I’ll check your blood pressure again, ok?

Keira nods as the doctor exits. Right at the same time, Roxi is seen entering the room, drenched in sweat as Keira notices Roxi and whistles.

Keira: Hey, hot stuff. I mean that for real.

Roxi: Heh, behave Keira.

Roxi takes a deep breath as she says

Roxi: Are you ok?

Keira: Besides the doctor questioning me a bit and how I heal. Plus the blood pressure, which I know why. I’m ok for the moment. I got my piece of flesh.

Roxi: I could tell. I hope you don’t do all of this when it’s time for you to go for the Bombshell Internet Championship.

Keira takes a deep breath, saying

Keira: Don’t worry. I’m ready for Kayla. I’m more focused than I have ever been in a long time. You know I wanted this title for a long time. The one title that got away, continues to elude me more and more. Each match I’ve been in lately, is to warm up. You know that.

Roxi: I know, Keira. I just know what happened tonight and all–

Keira raises her hand up as she says

Keira: It’s over. Like I said, I got my piece of flesh. The rest of her is yours. Right now, Kayla is next on the list. I’m taking more than a piece of flesh. I’m taking her title at the same time. No matter what she says or does before then. Her time as Bombshell Internet Champion is coming to an end!

Roxi gives a smile over this, knowing Keira is more focused than before. The doctor returns in with the machine to check her blood pressure. Roxi gives a smirk as she says

Roxi: I’ll be out here. Tell me when you’re done.

Keira nods as the doctor gets to work on it. A moment later, Roxi is seen outside the door, waiting for Keira to come out of the doctor’s office. In that same exact moment, Keira comes out, more calm than before. She looks at Roxi, saying

Keira: I’m all good.

Roxi: Blood pressure good too?

Keira: Of course. Now, I believe we have things to get ready for.

Roxi: Yes, we do.

Keira gives a small smile, saying

Keira: Shall we go, champ?

Roxi: We shall, future champ.

The two begin to walk off as the scene fades

The scene opens up in the private training room of Roxi and Keira. Keira was already seen hitting the heavy bag a bit, getting ready for her match against Kayla. She wanted to be champion so badly. She kept hitting it over and over with punches and kicks. She wanted to make damn sure she was ready. She gives one more back fist to it, knocking the bag hard off of the hook. It slams into the wall as Keira looks at it, breathing heavily. She then says

Keira: Damn, went a little too hard on that one.

Keira goes over and grabs her bottle of water. She feels a hand touch her shoulder as she turns her head around. She sees Roxi and says

Keira: Trying to sneak up on me, now?

Roxi: No, seeing if you were still training mostly, my love.

Keira: I was. The bag had other plans.

Roxi turns and sees the heavy bag wedged against the wall now. She then sighs, saying

Roxi: Keira, you seriously need to take it easy. I mean, you do need to focus. That’s important, but you seriously need to watch your power.

Keira: I do, I just got a little carried away.

Roxi: You’ve been doing that a little more lately in the gym. Hell, in between training the new students at Hero Academy, you’ve been hitting the weights, bags, whatever you can get your hands on!

Keira: Yea, like I said. I’m trying to get ready for Kayla. I’m making damn sure she doesn’t leave Violent Conduct with that belt.

Roxi: Well, I did tell you before that it’s important to focus and be ready. But you’re overdoing it a tad, dear.

Keira gives a little bit of a sigh as she says to Roxi

Keira: Yea, you’re right. I have been. I just want to be as ready as I’ve ever been. I want to be Bombshell Internet Champion. I NEED to be Bombshell Internet Champion. It feels like it’s eating me alive now. Almost as much as–

Roxi: –The World Bombshell Championship was?

Keira: Y-yea…

Roxi: That mindset is what is costing you as well. You were able to become World Bombshell Champion through a calm mind and focus. You can do it again. Remember, you’re facing Kayla, my dear. You’re not facing yourself. I know you want to prove it and trust me, you have over and over. But if you don’t rest for the moment, you’re going to overwork yourself and if that happens…

Roxi takes a deep breath as she says

Roxi: You’ll be easy pickings for Kayla. If that happens, then your chances of being Bombshell Internet Champion will slip away from you once again.

Keira nods at what Roxi said. She was right. She needed to stop for a bit. She needed to relax. She looks at Roxi and says

Keira: Yea. I’ll take a little bit of a break. I actually need to go get groceries today.

Roxi: There you go. Do that. It was your turn to get groceries anyway.

Keira: Right, let me shower and get ready.

Keira nods as she turns and heads to the door, more so to get ready as the scene fades.

The scene opens up hours later as Keira was seen in her car. She was heading to the store, going to get groceries. She was thinking of all the things in her mind lately, even of what Roxi said. She begins to turn into the parking lot of the store and parks the car. She turns off the engine and sighs heavily. She then says to herself

Keira: Just get the groceries and get home. Simple. After that, I’ll rest a little bit. I’ll train again.

Keira takes another deep breath on this as she gets out of the car. She locks it and begins to walk the parking lot, towards the store. Once she gets near the store, she hears some sort of crunching, like it was some pavement getting smashed in. She turns as she notices a robot walking around. It was bending around, looking for something. Keira quickly rushes away and turns the corner, looking around to make sure no one was around. She opens up her communicator once she knew she was alone as she contacts Roxi

Keira: Hey, babe?

Roxi: Keira? What’s wrong? Why aren’t you contacting me from the phone?

Keira: Well, I would. But there’s a problem.

Roxi: What kind of a problem?

Keira: More of a…robot problem. There’s a robot wandering around. It looks like it’s searching for something.

Roxi: Hmm. Ok. Just in case, find out what it wants and just in case, try to lead it away from where you’re at.

Keira: Got it, open field. Praying it’s just non-lethal. I’ll suit up quickly.

Roxi: Right, I’ll meet you soon. Be careful, Keira.

Keira: Got it.

Keira turns away and goes to change into her costume real quick that she had hidden in her clothes. A minute later, the robot is still wandering around, grabbing a car and lifts it, looking. Keira lands right in front of the robot and says

Keira: Let me guess. Lost your way? Lost a bolt? How about we put the car down and I’ll find it for you.

The robot slowly begins to sit the car down and turns to see Keira in her Lady Kat outfit. It stares at Keira before it says

Robot: Target Identified. Lady Kat.

Keira looks confused as she says

Keira: Target wha–

The robot rushes and tackles Keira, rushing her through a building. Keira rolls a bit, coughing as she holds her ribs. She then says

Keira: Well, fine way to say no.

The robot rushes quickly and grabs Keira by her hair. It throws a few rights, hitting Keira in the face before throwing her far, making her crash through a wall of the building. Keira groans a bit from it, saying

Keira: Ok. Not a wandering robot. One that’s out to kill me, great.

Keira slowly stands up and fires a few ki blasts, hitting the robot. It backs away, but enough for Keira to say

Keira: Hey, Metal head! Want me? Come and get me!

Keira turns away from the robot and begins to fly away. As she flies, she notices that the robot was now doing the same, keeping up with the same speed Keira was flying at. She sees a spot and turns to see it gone. She stops in mid-air, asking

Keira: Where did it g–

All of a sudden, the robot hits a huge kick to Keira’s face. Keira flies down, hitting the ground hard from it. Keira groans even more as she slowly begins to get up from it. She sees the robot land as Keira breathes heavily, asking

Keira: Ok, bag of bolts. Mind telling me what you are and what I might have done to you to warrant you wanting to beat the ever loving crap out of me?

Robot: The Model One programmed unit. Specializing in termination of superheroes.

Keira: Glad I asked.

Model One: You are the target, and you must be terminated.

Keira: I think you’ll find I don’t go down so easily!

Keira increases her strength, speed and durability with a power up. Now she is easily able to dodge the Model One’s attacks, flipping through the air and kicking the unit in the back of the head, sending it clean off.

Keira: Like I said, not so easy.

Model One: Commencing repairs….

Keira: Oh no you don’t.
Keira blasts the head of the unit with her energy, causing it to explode, and then uses a speed attack to use her energy to go right through the body of the unit, causing it to explode. Keira surveys the damage.

Keira: Well, that takes care of - oof!

Suddenly, Keira is attacked by an identical unit, that has shown up.

Keira: Was there a sale somewhere I missed?

Model One: The fight is not over.

Keira: I can see that.

The second unit attacks, this time increasing its own speed and durability, and is on par with 1st power up Keira. The robot moves almost like a human, it fights so well, causing Keira to take a step back, and now block attacks, which actually hurt her arms to do so, but she does manage to disarm the unit, tearing it’s arms off and kicking it away.

Keira: I don’t know who sent you, but they’re gonna have to try harder than that!

Model One: Commencing repairs.

Wires and connectors extend out of the arm sockets and grabs the removed arms and then re-attach them.

Keira: AND you can repair yourself. Great.

Keira doesn’t let the unit complete the repairs, taking the arms off again, pressing her legs and feet against the unit’s chest and forcing it to the ground, and destroying the head with another energy blast.

Keira: I’m already getting tired of this…

Above Keira, another two units are landing, and three more are headed in towards the open area.

Keira: You’ve got to be kidding me!

Model One: This is no joke. You will be terminated.

All the units speak in unison, which Keira makes a mental note of.

Keira: If you don’t want to fight fair, there’s not going to be a fight at all!

Keira again increases her skills with a second power up, this time she’s so fast that the units can’t seem to keep their eyes on her to track her, and one by one, she destroys the five units in rapid succession. She quickly looks around at the pile of broken and destroyed robots and grabs a piece of it, before another unit shows up, but by this point, Keira is starting to get tired from the energy use.

Keira: This… is just not my day.

Model One: You will be terminated.

Keira charges, and blasts through the unit, destroying it instantly, but now, Keira is very tired as two more units arrive.

Keira: How many of these things are there?!

Keira stands to fight, but then another unit shoulder checks her from behind, and Keira takes blows from all 3 units, laying on the ground in pain. Keira slowly stands up and starts to back away.

Keira: Need… to heal…

Suddenly, Roxi appears, as Lady Bedlam, behind the units and shouts down.

Roxi: Is this a private party? Or can I join too?

The 3 units look at Roxi, and decide to simply ignore her, focusing on continuing to advance on Keira, but Roxi lands in front of Keira to keep herself between Keira and the units.

Roxi: So… you didn’t tell me there were three robots?

Keira: There’s… more… We have to go.

Keira stands up, taking a breath before unleashes a massive energy attack that Roxi has to dodge out of the way to avoid. Keira is extremely tired at this point and the units are heavily damaged, but remain functioning.

Model One: Commencing repairs.

Roxi: Oh, that’s not good.

Roxi finishes off the robots, while Keira is breathing heavily.

Keira: We… need to leave… more will show up.

Roxi: Alright, I got you.

Roxi gets a hold of Keira and helps her to her feet, before helping her fly away, just as another unit arrives to the field, but cannot track where Roxi and Keira are off too.

Roxi: So… what was that?

Keira: I… don’t… know…

Keira tries to not pass out from this. She then says in a weak tone

Keira: Get… get us… home. Need to… to rest.

Roxi: I am.

The two fly off home as the scene fades

A day later, after some rest. Keira is seen in the basement. She holds onto a piece of the unit she got it from during the fight as she begins to put it in the analyzer to see where it came from. She sits down and begins to write down the notes on the computer. Roxi is seen coming in as she sees Keira working. She gets close to her as Keira says

Keira: If you’re wondering how I am, Roxi, I’m fine.

Roxi: Are you sure?

Keira: I’m healed. The only thing injured right now is my pride.

Keira hears a few beeps as she says

Keira: The data’s halfway through the system, can you enter the input while I analyze this further?

Roxi: Sure, you mind telling me what that was all about anyway?

Keira: Run into robots, robots attack.

Roxi: Yes, but you told me there was one robot, and I come to the field and there’s about 15 of them.

Keira: It’s like their were sent in waves. I don’t know. I tried to lure the one into an area where it was safe, and then next thing I know, I’m getting swarmed.
Roxi: So, what were they after?

Keira: Me.

Roxi: Oh, that does explain a lot.

Keira: Very funny. I’ve been targeted for termination.

Roxi: So… do I have to send your dad back through time to save the future?

Keira: Shut up. It’s not like that. I… I actually don’t know what it’s like. Which is why I need the input to figure out where the hell they came from. Because they’re going to keep looking for me.

Keira gives a sigh on this

Keira: Once they find me again. It could be anywhere else. Theater, arenas where we wrestle or…

Keira clenches her fist but Roxi sees it and grabs it, saying

Roxi: We’ll find out. Don’t worry.

The analyzer finishes as it sends the info onto a folder. Keira sees it and says

Keira: Ok, where do you come from you mechanical menace.

Keira opens it and sees the info. It tells the info and where the material comes from. Keira sees it and screams out.


Keira stands up and kicks the chair to the other side of the room. She then says in anger

Keira: She’s still doing this! Did she not learn her lesson the last time!?

Roxi: She’s kinda hell-bent on killing us. I mean, you more so than me, but… you get my point.

Keira: This isn’t a joke, Roxi. I’m tired of Heather! I’m tired of her messing with me!

Roxi: Okay, calm down. Bad joke, I know. But the original Hamilton building has been demolished and the underground lab was destroyed. So they must be operating out of a new place.

Keira: But where? Can you look at the rest for the moment? I need water real quick.

Roxi nods as Keira goes to the fridge and grabs the water. As she opens and drinks it, Roxi looks through the info as Keira stands beside her

Keira: What does it say? Maybe a clue to where it might be?

Roxi: Some of these compounds are extremely rare. The plastics, metal and alloys are not commonly combined. And…it has some weird oil traces.

Keira: Oil? What kind of oil? Please tell me it’s not using motor oil. Then again, this is Heather, it wouldn’t surprise me at this point!

Roxi: No, it’s not motor oil, it has the composition of crude oil.

Keira: Weird. Where would you find crude oil like that to power up a machine of death?

Roxi: You can run anything on crude oil, there’s too much crap in it. But these are trace amounts. Meaning… this could come from an oil rig.

Keira begins to think for a moment on where one could be. She then asks

Keira: Isn’t there one off the coast of Florida, last time I checked or am I way off the ball park with this one?

Roxi: There’s a long line of area on the west coast of Florida that’s reserved for it.

Keira: Yeah, a long line, but… that’s a start. Okay, plan forming.

Roxi: I’m all ears.

Keira: Why don’t we wait til later tonight and see if one of those units stops the search for the night. As it leaves, we conceal ourselves, power and all and follow it back to it’s point of origin. If I’m correct, it’s using one of the rigs to fuel itself. Once we find the rig it came from, we find the core of the units!

Roxi: Sounds like a plan to me.

Keira: Good. We best get some rest. I wanted to train some more. But as long as those things are around. I’m not going to get anything done.

Roxi: You sure you’re going to be okay?

Keira: To be honest, not really. But I’m tired of this, Roxi. Tired of everything always ruining what I want to do. Whether it's in the ring or my own life. Mentally, I’m not fine. Physically, I’ll be fine enough to take down Hamiliton’s new toys.

Keira looks at Roxi

Keira: Or did you mean something else?

Roxi: Just in general. I know you have a lot on your plate. We both do. Just rest up, and we’ll put your plan into action.

Keira nods as she leans in, kissing Roxi on the lips. She turns and goes to the door so she can head upstairs to her and Roxi’s bed for a nap as the scene fades.


I don’t make any bones about what happened last week. I am not going to sit by while someone mentions my son’s name. My son isn’t a part of the SCW roster. He does not wrestle here, and there is no reason at all to bring him, other than wanting me, or my wife, to hurt you. There was no need for that to happen. I said it before, I didn’t care about winning or losing that match. Because that match wasn’t about winning or losing. It was about making sure people understand that they should not push me, or my wife, to that level. I told Masque I was going to beat her ass, and if the referees hadn’t stopped me, I would have ended her career. Point blank. I hope Masque enjoys the win, because I’m really going to enjoy watching her get her ass beat again. 

 Like I said, last week wasn’t about winning, in two weeks, it will be all about winning. I got out a lot of aggression, but I have saved a lot of it to use on Kayla Richards at Violent Conduct. Because she, much like everyone else has seen fit to try and deny me the one thing I have left to really accomplish.

 I am just getting so sick of dealing with basically the same person all the time. And they say the same things all the time. Here, let me spell it out, let me show you right now. I am NOT Roxi Johnson. I’m not. I don’t have red hair, or tattoos. I’m not a four-time Bombshell’s champion. I have not done everything my wife has done. I don’t know how much more I can say it, and have it fall of deaf ears.

Yea, I get it, we’re married. She’s my wife, we are linked forever. But Team Hero has not teamed up in over a year. I’ve won the Bombshell’s championship on my own. I won the Roulette championship for the second time, on my own. I’ve stepped into the ring with monsters, with legends, with hall of famers and I have come out on top, on my own. I shouldn’t have to constantly hear the same thing from every single person I face. 
“You’re the sidekick”

“You’re in Roxi’s shadow.” 

I’m sorry, what combination of couples have both been at the top of the Bombshell’s ladder? Team Hero, and Sel and Crystal. That’s it. No, everybody, you’re right, I’m not Roxi, but seriously, who is? Who has done all the things my wife has done? That list is really fucking small. So, you know what? If you want to say I’m not my wife, but compare me to her, I’ll take that as a damned compliment at this stage. Maybe that will stop this nonsense of comparing me and my wife.

I know what I am capable of, and I know that I am good enough to be a champion, I am good enough to be at the top. Because I was. But I’m not even shooting for that now, because I’ve been there, and I’m happy with how that happened. There is only one thing left for me to do. Finally make the “one that got away” that final piece of the puzzle. 

All I want to do at this point is complete the grand slam. Just to have that in my resume. It’s already filled quite a bit, but I guess I’m something of a collector, and just to have that championship is the biggest thing in my wrestling career I have left. One final hurdle to get over. And I was so close last time. So very close and on that day, Kayla Richards got the better of me. 

It’s been the story of my chase, my quest to become the damn champion. Get so close, ever so close. So close I can taste it, and then, just like that, it goes away. It’s gone and I have to start all over again. The fact is I don’t know how many more times I can do this. I’m aware of how many chances I’ve got and each and every time I have failed. So really, how many more times is there going to be a shot for me? I know what my future is, I’ve already set it up. I was content with not having achieved that dream of the grand slam, knowing the level of talented women who held it, but once my wife won it, and then freed it up, I had to take that chance. And once again, I was so close, and then I didn’t get the job done. And now, maybe this is it. 

I just want this so badly, and I don’t even really care about the length of a title run because I’ll have achieved what I wanted to. People ragged on me when I won the SCW world title because I guess my reign wasn’t long enough. Even when I win, there’s always something to rag on me about. I could walk on water and people would just say it’s because I can’t swim at this point. But it just never stops, it’s like I’m facing the same person over and over again.

I didn’t want to think that you would be that person also, Kayla, but you obviously are. I didn’t want to get too into this with you, but to hell with it. I’ll just admit the truth that I am not my wife, and you can think what you want about me. I’m no good, a flash in the pan, I’m not a true champion because I haven’t had long reigns as the champion. But what’s that going to make you if I beat you? You’ve had a short reign. And it’s already coming to an end. You have to face me, so,you can prove yourself to all these people who hate my guts and want to see me fail, and like the echo chamber they are, they will hope you succeed.

But when you lose? When the title is no longer yours and YOU are the reason that terrible Keira completed the grand slam? What will you say then? For all the talk about bringing the title prestige again, and how you need to keep it away from people who are just going to lose it in 3 weeks, what does that say about you, when YOU are that person? You can have all these grand plans for the Internet title, but when it’s all said and done, you’re going to be the thing that you’re trying to stop. That must suck to realize that for everything you’re going to say about me, if you don’t win, you will become everything you’re insulted since you got here.

And I know, when I lose the championship at whatever point, it will be you chiming in and calling me a bad champion or whatever, because it seems to be a thing that everyone needs to say about me. But then again, if it was someone like me holding the championship for a long time, then someone like you comes in and says “she’s killing the title by holding it too long.” So, you tell me Kayla, what is an acceptable length of holding a championship? Tell me how long I need to hold a title to be considered a champion. Do you consider yourself one right now? Because if you do, then you can’t call me a flash in the pan because I’ve held titles longer than you in this company. Do I have to get through a title defense? I’ve done that plenty of times. Is it the quality of the opponents maybe? Have I not beaten credible enough opponents for you?

What is it, Kayla? What makes the Hive mind all have the singular thought to bring me down and hope that I don’t achieve anything? What have I not done enough for you? I’m baffled at this point as to what I have left to do to show that I belong. How many more times do I have to prove myself? Who do I have to beat? What mountain must I climb? Are the rigors of fighting for chance after chance and getting to the spot I’m at not good enough? Was beating Crystal Hilton, Krystal Wolfe, Alicia Lukas, or my own wife not good enough for you? I did all those things, and yet people like you act like I’ve done nothing, or that I’m only who I am because of my wife. It’s time I put that shit to bed. For good.

I understand that I’m not the most popular person. I try my best to fit in, but that doesn’t always work for me. I say the wrong things, I do the wrong things, and maybe I rub people the wrong way. I don’t mean to go out of my way to do that. I can understand that making mistakes or doing something that people dislike is enough. But that is the 2nd part of the hive mind mentality that you have now joined Kayla. I’m not a good enough wrestler, or I’m not popular enough. Or both. 

Thing is, you don’t have to like me. You don’t have to like the person I am, or the bad jokes I make, or anything like that. You don’t have to like me as a wrestler. Maybe I don’t do enough moves or whatever. Nobody is saying that you have to like anything about me. 

Just like I don’t have to like anything about you. 

I don’t like your attitude towards championships. I don’t like your attitude towards anybody on this roster. I don’t like that your defining characteristic is “wrestler”. I don't like your generic face or your generic trash talk. I don’t like that you currently have the Bombshell’s Internet championship around your waist. But the difference between us is that I’m primed to do something about my issues with you. Now granted, I can’t fix your personality, I can’t fix your opinions, but I can fix you wearing the Bombshell Internet Championship. 

And that’s what’s going to happen at Violent Conduct. You can call me whatever it is you want to call me, you can say whatever you want, but after Violent Conduct, you can say that I beat you, and you can call me a GRAND. SLAM. CHAMPION.

Offline Dreamkiller

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    • Johanna Krieger
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2022, 12:41:24 AM »
8. Angel of Death
Only for the weak

I was a soldier. A good little soldier too. I did what was asked. I even took some joy in it. Or at least I thought I did. In the ring we were like a pack of rabid dogs. Whatever the dark angel pointed at we made disappear. His enemies were many, his title reign became legendary. We would appear around the ring and we would all attack at once. He and his fake queen would watch and smile. Always smiling. The two brothers and I would attack and while they were tough, ultra violent men...the truth is they weren’t the ones to be feared….

I was.

I was the most dangerous.

See the brothers took joy in the pain they inflicted and laughed. They thought it was fun but they also knew when to stop. They knew any further and the risk outweighed the reward. But I. Well as I said in the ring we looked like a family. Behind all that I was treated as the family pet. The dog. Lower than dirt. The brothers took turns using me for their own pleasures. Occasionally the dark angel would come and congratulate me for keeping his disciples happy and well plied with the gift of flesh. He would give me kind words, a smile, a warm stroke with his palm on my cold, beaten flesh.

This was my place in life, my gift to them in the name of faith. Despite the violent nature and the talent for it I had shown week after week the dirty sad reality was that I was just a piece of meat. A warm hole for the brothers and the dark angel to unleash their aggression in when we were done. The stresses of the ring and the combat led them to need it and that was my job. 

I didn’t care.

I felt nothing.

But then I started being given other jobs. Other targets. The dark angel, the blackened god. He called me his black widow. I was to use my looks, my youth to corrupt others, to lure them into a false sense of security. I was to break them from the inside. In fact the same man had once used my sister the same way. Amber had broken two men who dared cross him. This was my future. But there was one who I couldn’t do it too. I had no idea why. He refused to fall for my charms. 

Even after we slept together. Something I was told not to do. Something that I never planned on. But he was different. Stronger. Sure of himself. Then it hit me, the reason why my charms didn’t work. Why my body wasn’t enough. He was in love. And even though I couldn’t feel it I knew. I had lost the battle for his soul…

I can't tolerate your sadness 
Cause it's me you're drowning 
I won't allow any happiness 
'Cause every time you laugh, I feel so guilty
"I blame the needs that you feed 
'Cause selfish eyes would not see"

Dallas Texas
6 Years Ago
No need for sympathy, it's only for the weak

The smile was on point as I flashed my teeth. My green eyes angled up to give a little sparkle. I pushed my arms together as I sat forward, my low cut singlet top allowing him access to look straight down it as I popped the end of my finger against my lips pouting them out. Seduction, thy name is Kayla. He smirked and shook his head picking up his drink giving it a small sip, the amber liquid going down his throat. I was still too young to drink.

My mind flashed back to the night before. The passion he showed. The strength, the control. He didn’t lose it with me, he was forceful but calm, arrogant but attentive. It was amazing. But this was a job. It was a mission. The dark angel had told me to take him off his game. Learn his motives. Make sure he had no soul to follow. But as I sat here staring into those sparkling blue eyes. His boyish grin behind the dark beard, there was something different. Something too strong to corrupt.

I reached out and took his hand, my thumb massaging his palm. I used all my tricks. My tongue darting out to run over my lips, a cherry red lip gloss over them making them not only shine but smell amazing. My eyelashes batted up and down, I giggled at his jokes, I smiled and made eye contact, my foot moved up and down his calf under the table. I did everything I could think of and more. But there was something…….

He stared at me, his head tilted, his voice low and gruff as he then laughed. Was he mocking me?. Was he onto me?. Did he sleep with me the night before just to prove that tonight I wasn’t the one with the power?. His eyes. Oh god his eyes. They were emotionless, a void. But not like mine. He had love behind them, a strong feeling of devotion and loyalty to someone to….her…..oh my god….I need to get out of here…. “Yes thank you for last night and tonight...I enjoyed it….” I got to my feet fast, leaning in to keep up the facade as I kissed his cheek.  “Goodbye….Alex…..”

I turned and made my way out and past the rest of the bar patrons to the street, my high heels slamming against the concrete as my hands fumbled with my phone,my fingers dialled and I waited for him to pick up, he needed to know, he needed the information. My dark angel was being made a fool of, my loyalty to him was not in question, but to her?. The loyalty died….how dare she…

“Hello?.....yes I just left him……….look listen, she isn’t what she seems Angel…..I could see it in his eyes...feel it….Alex Jones and A-.....yes...alright….of course I love you….”

PPresent Day

Knock Knock

Finally, I thought to myself, I tolled off the leather couch that sat against the wall of my hotel room, my feet shuffling on the carpet as I got closer to the door with my stomach rumbling. I was starving, and in hiding. I was avoiding Finn, although I’d never admit it. But right now my embarrassment and mental anxiety was taking a back seat to my hunger. ”It’s about fucking time, I ordered twenty five minutes-” I opened the door, my heart dropped as a lump formed in my throat. ”What the fuck are YOU doing here?”

”Well, that’s a lovely welcome…love you to sis.” Amber Richards, my older sister. The one who taught myself and Tasmin everything we know about wrestling and wanting to win. Of course, Tasmin never took anything Amber said to heart, but me? I did. I always did. ANd now here she was, my older sister, in the flesh. But why? My eyes were wide, my jaw open as Amber looked around the room. Her long black hair down and flowing close to her but, her pale complexion shining as the sun hit it. I never realised just how much she kind of looked like Kat Jones, but younger and more tattoos. I shook my head and ground my teeth together.


”This place looks like a bomb hit it Kay, what the shit?” She slid her hands into her pockets and chuckled.

I shook my head, still in shock. ”Im not going out there with the common rabble.”

Amber turned and tilted her head, giving me that oh so arrogant yet stern look, folding her arms over her chest and clicking heer tongue. ”You’re on tour, you’ve been here for like a day and a half.” She was judging me, I hate it, I hate being judged. She knows I hate being judged. ”So, hows your [/i]boyfriend?[/i] I sharply inhaled.

I swallowed hard and before I could stop myself and make some kind of shitty or witty remark I just blurted out the words ”I don’t have a boyfriend…”

”Oh Amber nodded slowly, moving around the small dining room table. Her fingers running along the glass as he stopped and looked up. ”So, that bad huh?”

My skin crawled and I ground my teeth together again. ”I really, really don’t want to talk about it, and I highly doubt you flew yourself all the way to India to roast me about my fucking love life…”

Amber gave a small nod and laughed. ”Well, you’re right. Tas sent me here, she said you needed “family support” for your big match. And honestly, I haven’t been able to travel in so long I needed it. I never wrestled in India, might even go talk to your bosses about a jo-”

”How about no…” I interrupted, I know she was joking, but stil. Us working together again? Me having to watch her go out there and effortlessly be the best? No thanks, I’ve seen that song and dance before. ”Thanks for stopping by, but I’m enjoying being all relaxed before said big match…so kindly fuck off yeah?” The Norwich came out  of me as I titled my head, Amber just laughed and shrugged.

She gave me a tap on the shoulder and moved to the door. ”I’ll be around till the supercard. But, if you do want some advice, and you SHOULD listen to ne on this, you need to square away whatever it is that is going on with you and Finn….before your match against Keyra, Kamra…whatever her name is.”

I gave her a nod and waved my hand at her, I knew Amber was right, I knew it was good advice, and to be honest. All that did was piss me off. I looked at my phone, I wanted to call him, text him. Something. But this had to be done in person, and now I had no choice. ”FUCK

The problem with shadows.

”I’m sure so many of you are surprised.”

Very slowly we fade in, no this isn’t a scene opening, this is a fade in shot, blurred and slowly coming into view. The outline of Kayla Richards comes into view. Her hand reaching out and her fingertip tracing around the top of a glass of water. Her black painted lips curling into a vicious grin as the lines become sharper and defined.

”Right? I actually beat Krystal. A woman who actually had a title reign that mattered. Something Krystal can say yet my opponent at Violent Conduct can’t. But the fact remains that even after all I have done, everyone still doubts me. They think I’m a flash in the pan, that I have just fluked my way to the Internet championship. Even after being undefeated in singles competition, beating five other women to claim this championship, including my opponent at the supercard, after all that I’m still sitting here watching you all act shocked I beat Krystal…”

“And why? Why is that? Is it because I don’t pander to you all like Roxi and Keira? Or have I not been here long enough to earn my arrogance like Mercedes has? I came in and I told you all I was going to take Sin City Wrestling by storm, that I was going to climb the ladder and snatch up gold and it took me no time at all to do it. I told you all that no matter how good Krystal Wolfe was that against me she was going to fail and falter, and still you didn’t believe me, you didn’t listen. Well, will you listen now? Or are you all still going to sit there with your hands over your eyes and ears pretending that I’m not the most exciting thing to happen to this division in months? Maybe even years?”

“I’m here to take over, I’m here to be the best and do it the “right” way. See, if I wanted to I could go the route so many others have and beg and plead for title opportunities and shots when I hadn’t earned them. And one of the things that I personally want to see changed is the way title shots are handed to undeserving people like fucking candy. And no not candy the talentless wrestler I mean literal candy.”

“You want a shot? You earn it.”

“I didn’t want the roulette title or even a shot at it but instead I got shuffled into the ultimate X pool match and while I hate losing and I was trying to win that match I felt a great sense of relief when I wasn’t the one who walked out with that title. But then, very soon after that I became the internet champion, now, being undefeated aside from that little..pool business…I felt I had earned it. Now, based off her long title reign and how dominant she had been I suppose Krystal Wolfe earned her shot. But that right there begs the question…”

“What the hell did Keira do?”

Kayla sits back, raising her arms in a shrug with a shit eating grin on her face, waiting for an answer that will never come considering she’s alone in the room.

”How does she keep getting handed title shot after titlr shot after title shot? Is it just lack of competition? Is it because there is no one else worthy? Or is it because of who her wife is? Cause I think we all know the answer don’t we? You seem to think you’re entitled to all these shots and entitled to have a career we should all respect. Respect, funny word isn’t it? See I respected Krystal. I don’t like her, because, lets face it, I don’t really like anybody. But I do respect the hustle. But you..Keira…you are someone that doesn’t get the same treatment.”

“I don’t like you, I don’t respect you and I need to make sure I don’t let the Internet title fall into your hands.”

“See this championship went from Andrea Hernandez, who did it proud, to Masque Delune who…even if she’s a little weird still did it proud, to your wife, who had other things to worry about to me. And I refuse, REFUSE to become the woman who took the quality of the title and turned it into nothing. Then I’d be stealing your gimmick Keira, and I’m just not about that life.”

“I am however, about showing you up.”

“See, you and I have something in common, we both beat Krystal Wolfe. You ended her Roulette title reign didn’t you? This amazing, glorious reign where she beat everyone she was put in front of. You stopped it, you ended it and you held that roulette title in your hands and in that glorious moment you were finally relevant again, emerging from the shadow you put yourself in. I’m sure you felt so proud right? You could go home to little Nate and tell him how mommy number two finally could live up to the example set by mommy number one….”

“But you can’t…”

“While Roxi is a champion worth emulating and respecting, someone who takes championships and makes them prizes to be chased, owned and wanted… take them and make them into an empty husk. And every single time you win one, I’m sure you stand in front of a mirror, holding it and saying over and over again that this time will be different, this time will be new and shiny and you can do it. And all the other self positive bullshit they try and teach you all. But, it never happens Keira. Because you are someone obsessed with the chase, not the destination…”

Kayla smiles and gets to her feet, drinking her weather before shaking her head and looking up

”But really, what happens when the destination is out of your reach hmm? You had a chance recently to do something that would have helped Roxi. See, Roxi has to defend her title against Masque again, and Masque has done and said horrible things. She took out Amber Ryan, she has tormented you and your wife. And when push came to shove, when you were in the ring with her and had a chance to disrupt her momentum, hurt her and soften her up as well as earn something for yourself.”

“Where’s your pride? Where’s your self respect?”

“Where is your protective nature and love for your family?”

“You failed. Like you always fail. You could oif made a statement and in the end you just did what you always do. And that’s the problem, you never change. You never get better, improve or become anything more than you are. You failed in the six person match too Keira. You ran your mouth, promised to become the champion then broke that promise. You have won titles but never had a reign where people sat back and went “wow”, instead you have dropped the ball, over and over and over again..”

She slams her fist on the table, getting heated before sighing heavily and calming herself down and folding her arms over her chest.

”And what will happen if you win this one huh? I can tell you. Keira Fisher Johnson will take the Internet title home, hold it up high whenveer she can and look in the mirror, muttering to herself that this time will be different. This time she will have a title reign that means something. She’ll defend the title against everyone and go on a record setting run that will actually matter and justify her position and all the faith the company has put in her.”

“It’s beautiful isn’t it? A wonderful fairytale.”

“It’s too bad that’s all it is Keira. A fairytale. Something for you to repeat to yourself to make it seem like you belong in the conversation with the real greats of this business and this company. But, mI am also a realist. I know there is an outside chance you could beat me, so I hope that whole scenario won’t come true, Not just for my own sake, but for yours. After all how much ammunition do you want to give your opponents as you continue to stumble hmm?”

“But even after you lose, after you fall to me the world goes on. You’ll continue going through life and succeeding despite yourself and get another chance and another shot at something else…the roulette title…the Bombshells title maybe even the mixed tag titles if the company remembers they exist and wants to actually bring them back….you land on your feet and keep running…even after spending so much time on your back…and at Violent conduct, I will put you on your back…and I will keep you there…”

Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2022, 03:22:25 AM »
The scene opens, With Roxi and Keira standing on top of a roof, both in costume, thinking out loud.

Roxi: Well, we know it’s gotta be like an oil rig.

Keira: I told you we can hide out and follow one back.

Roxi: But we don’t know if they even go back.

Keira: Well, they don’t stop once they find me.

Roxi: What if we tried to find the rig, then we can stop it at the source.

Keira: That could take forever.

Roxi: It could be our only shot. Let me go out there and see if I can find it. They’re looking for you, so I can move out there without a problem.

Keira: We really don’t have a lot of time to do that though.

Roxi: Well we can’t sit around and hide, or sit around and wait. We have to figure this out. Can we just run with that? Look, I don’t want to put you in this position either.

Keira: You mean bait.

Roxi: Okay, bait. The point is I don’t want to put you out there like that.

Keira: Hey, they are after me. So, we’ll see if that plan works. If not, we’ll try mine.

Roxi: Deal.

Roxi blows Keira a kiss before heading out to the coast and to try and find the drilling site and oil rigs. She uses her comms to speak with Keira, saying

Roxi: I know this was my plan and all, but you know how many miles I’m going to have to travel.

Keira: Oh no, I’m sorry. I’m only dealing with an endless supply of robot cyborg things. But we can’t have Roxi traveling too long.

Roxi: Alright, alright, point taken. I’m gonna need some time to find them, is all I’m saying. It’s 175 miles.

Keira: I will buy you enough time. But the faster you get out there, the quick- Uh-oh…

Roxi: Uh-oh? What Uh-oh?

Keira: Can’t talk, gotta fight!

Two Model One units spot Keira and begin shooting at her, forcing her from her spot as she again has to lead them away from any largely populated area.

Keira: Well… I guess we’ll take a trip. LB, How far away are you?

Roxi: I don’t know. I’m out on the ocean, I know that. It can’t be that far.

Keira: Maybe put a rush on it.

Roxi: I’m going! I’m going!

Keira is able to fly to some open swamplands and lands.

Keira: You want me. Here I am!

Model One: You will be terminated.

Keira: I heard that last time. Let’s go. Please tell me you’re close, LB.

The two Model One units try and attack Keira, who uses her speed to dodge out of the way, not wanting to attack them until Roxi was in position. Keira continues to dodge and avoid attacks, and then one unit lands and tries shooting her out of the sky, while the other continues to attack.

Keira: They’re changing strategies…

With one on the ground, Keira takes the opportunity and teleports behind it, and kicks it, sending it crashing to the ground. Not enough to destroy it, but enough to damage it.

Keira: You’re going to have to do better than that if you want me.

The model gets up, obviously damaged, but continues to fire anyway, forcing Keira to dodge and fly back, taking cover behind some rock, but it’s only for a few seconds as the second unit is right back on top of her, swinging away.

Keira: These things don’t stop.

Keira keeps dodging.

Keira: Please tell me your close!

Roxi finally does respond.

Roxi: Alright, I’ve hit the closest one I could find.

Keira: FINALLY. It’s about time!

Keira finally increases her energy again and blasts through one of the two units, and then finishes off the other with a blast of energy.

Keira: Probably shouldn’t have used that much energy. Anything?

Roxi watches intently at the rig, looking for any signs of activity.

Keira: Anything?

Roxi: No.

Suddenly two more model units appear near Keira and the whole things starts all over again.

Keira: Crap, they’re here already!

Roxi: I’m on the move!

Again Keira has to stall, and move around, and then a third unit comes in as well.

Keira: This is getting ridiculous!

More moving and dodging from Keria, finally fighting back, and taking the arms off of all the units,
Model One: Commencing repairs.

They say in unison, buy Keira a little bit of time.

Keira: Any day now, LB!

Roxi: I’m going as fast as I can! I can’t fly that fast without using energy!

Keira: Shit…

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira gets punched and flies back into a rock, but shakes it off.

Keira: Peachy.

Keira again fights back, damaging one of the units, and attacking the other and sending them into the water of the nearby lake. They aren’t down for long, coming out of the lake and continuing.

Roxi: Okay, rig two!

Keira groans and finally destroys the three units, now once again showing signs of fatigue.

Keira: Please tell me something good?

Roxi: … Sorry. There’s no action at this one either.

Keira: Dammit.

Four more units show up.

Keira: Great. Just great.

Roxi: Kat, listen…

Keira: If this isn’t a plan, I don’t have time!

Roxi: It’s going to take forever this way. I’ve covered maybe 20 miles. You’ll be fighting forever at this rate.

Keira: Tell me something I don’t know!

Keira continues to dodge and uses a defensive strategy as the four units continue to converge.

Roxi: You have to get out of there!

Keira: You have to find the rig!

Roxi: I’ve still got over 90 miles of ocean to cover, I can’t do it at this speed and be effective. You’ve got to get clear from them.

Keira: They’re just going to chase me! Wait…

Roxi: What?

Keira: I’ve got an idea.

Keira unleashes a large energy blast that destroys the 4 units, before the smoke even clears, Keira is already flying away, trying to create some distance.

Roxi: If your plan was “Blow them all up.”  I think we need a new plan.

Keira: No, they’re looking for Kat. Not for me.

Roxi: Kat that’s…

Keira: You said the plan wasn’t working. Why are we searching for them, when they can lead us.

Keira lands in the middle of a busy sidewalk, and then runs into an alley, she pushes a button on her costume, and she is changed into her civilian clothes. Keira simply adjusts her hair, and fixes her clothes, before she re-joins the busy sidewalk out of view of the Units, as two more show up and are searching overhead.

Keira: That’s it… go away.

The units cannot recognize Keira without her costume, so she just blends in with the normal crowd. Eventually they move on out of sight, but still searching. Keira breathes a sigh of relief. She enters a random store, and pretends to be on her phone with her earpiece.

Keira: I’m clear.

Roxi: What did you do?

Keira: I’m pretty good at blending in.

Roxi: Are you okay?

Keira: A little tired, but I’m okay.

Roxi: So…Let me guess.

Keira: Your plan didn’t work. Sorry.

Roxi: It’s ok. I thought it would.

Keira: It was worth a shot. I’ll give you that. Come on back and I’ll find somewhere to hide. Once you get back, we’ll go with my plan.

Roxi: Right, keep hidden til I get there.

Keira: Oh, trust me. I’ll keep my signal on for you to find me. I think those things can sense my ki somehow. Not going to take that chance again.

Roxi: On my way

Roxi flies back to where Keira is. Keira begins to hide in the alleyway as the scene fades

The scene opens later on during the night. The city was a little quiet for the most part, but enough to get something done. Keira and Roxi were in the shadows, but enough for them to see each other as they were on watch as they were in their costumes as Lady Kat and Lady Bedlam respectfully. They were waiting to see if a Model One would come around and try to find them. Keira’s plan was to follow it to their base and find the place where they were made. As Keira was looking out to the streets a bit, Roxi says in a quiet tone

Roxi: It still amazes me.

Keira, without turning her head but still confused about that, says

Keira: What do you mean?

Roxi: So many years have passed and you’re now the one being patient.

Keira: Just like you are, right now?

Roxi: Yea, you still want to fight. But seeing you just looking out there, waiting for your target with your plan. It makes me so proud.

Keira gives a little smile on this, saying

Keira: Thanks, babe. I mean that.

Keira continues to watch over the streets. But she was smiling over this. She had evolved and matured so much over a decade, it made her happy on the inside for it. Before Keira could say anything else, she sees a Model One landing on the other side of the street. Keira backs away slowly, keeping her eyes on it as she quietly says to Roxi

Keira: No noise, keep your power down. Just in case it can detect power levels.

Roxi nods a bit as she backs away a little, both of them staying in the shadows as the unit begins to look around for a few moments. Once those moments finally pass, the unit says loud enough for Keira and Roxi to hear

Model One: Target not found. Area too quiet. Returning to base for refuel.

The unit begins to slowly float up from the ground. Keira sees this as it begins to fly away, saying

Keira: Bingo! Let’s start flying but keep low. I don’t want that thing detecting us.

Roxi nods as the two begin to fly as well. But they keep a distance behind and a little lower than the unit to avoid detection. As they fly and keep an eye on the unit, Keira begins to think of a lot of things that has happened to her in the last few months. She gives a soft sigh, but keeps focused on the target. They begin to fly away from the state as they see something in the distance. They see the Model One unit slowly descend down to a huge oil rig that was a little beefed up than other oil rigs. Keira and Roxi stop to make sure the unit did not detect them yet. Keira then says to Roxi

Keira: That must be the rig up ahead. Never thought Heather would go to this extreme.

Roxi: She does want to finally be rid of you. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I suppose.

Keira: I wonder how desperate, though?

Roxi: Guess we’ll find out.

Keira nods as the two slowly fly over and begin to land. As they land, they quickly go over to an area to keep hidden, just in case there was any active Model One units guarding the place. Keira watches the Model One go towards an elevator and enter it. It turns and Keira quickly gets back, just in case it detected her. The elevator goes down as Keira watches. She keeps waiting for the moment as she says

Keira: Once the elevator comes back up, we rush to it quickly. We don’t get distracted.

Roxi: I agree. We just have to prepare for whatever’s down there.

Keira: Agreed. I’m already not liking what we may find down there either.

Once Keira finishes saying that, the elevator comes back up and opens up the doors. Keira looks at Roxi, nodding to her as a signal. The two quickly rush to it and enter it quickly as it closes. The elevator goes down as Keira looks at Roxi. Keira looks at Roxi, asking

Keira: Babe, look. If things go south–

Roxi: Calm down. If it happens, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, stay focused on the task at hand. We need to see how big this thing really is.

Keira: Right, sorry. Guess with everything that has happened.

Roxi: I know.

The elevator finally stops and opens up as Keira and Roxi step out of it. They begin to walk slowly down the corridor, turning around a few corners. The path leads them to a door that is labeled “KEEP OUT” on it. Keira says quickly

Keira: Subtle…

Roxi: Keep your guard up.

Keira: I was way ahead of you.

Keira slowly grabs the knob of the door and turns it. She opens it as the two step through it and sees a huge factory. It was a lot bigger than they originally thought as they saw a massive amount of Model Ones. The ones that were completed and the ones that were still being made. Keira then says

Keira: Ok, I knew this was going to be big. But Jeez! This is way bigger than I expected!

Roxi: Again, Heather hates you that much.

Keira: We need to find the core of this thing.

Keira and Roxi look around the place, but the two didn’t know where to even begin as Roxi says

Roxi: This will take us forever. I don’t know where to even start.

Keira: Yea, even if we get halfway done with looking, even if we decided to go all out. The Model Ones would activate and be after me. They’d be going after me and–

Keira’s eyes brighten up as she says

Keira: Wait a minute…I got it!

Roxi: Got what?

Keira: An idea. Remember what you tried earlier before we went back to my plan?

Roxi thinks for a second, but quickly shakes her head when she remembers it. She then says to Keira

Roxi: No. I don’t want you being the bait again. It didn’t work the last time!

Keira: Yea, but this was when we’re trying to find the rig. Despite the place being bigger. With our speed, we might be able to find it if I distract long enough. Like I said, they’ll be after me either way. Might as well give them what they want.

Roxi begins to grit her teeth over this. She then says

Roxi: Fine! But if you get injured–

Keira: I’ll try my best not to. Now go, hurry!

Roxi nods as she turns and rushes, going to work on finding the core. Keira looks at the numerous units and sighs. She says

Keira: Well, I lived a good life. Now or never.

Keira flies up, keeping her ki lowered for the moment. Once she’s in the middle, she does see three Model Ones operating. Keira gives a nod and raises her energy, shouting out


Model One: Target acquired.

From over a loudspeaker, Heather Hamilton’s voice can be heard.

Heather: There she is! This is it! Don’t stop until she’s dead!

Keira: It’s gonna be a while. Hope you brought lunch, Heather!

Model One: Target acquired.

Roxi: Man, she really hates you.

Keira: I noticed. Shouldn’t you be finding the core?

Roxi: I’m on it.

Keira: Just go.

Keira begins to power up as there’s lines of Model units in front of her. Farther than she could see this far underground. The Model Units begin their assault, shooting and swinging at Keira, who is moving as fast as possible to both avoid attacks, and destroy the units. There was no need to hold back now, and nothing to worry about happening to anyone else. As she continues to fire, Roxi was rushing around as quickly as she could to try to find the core. Keira smirks a bit as she uses her fist to knock off one of the heads of the Model Ones as she shouts out

Keira: Come on, Heather! Is that all you got now? Is the mighty Heather Hamiliton scared to face me? Then again, after all these years, the name Hamiliton has become a joke. Just…like…you!


Roxi was now on the other side, still looking as she says to herself

Roxi: Keep them busy. I’m almost there, hopefully.

Keira continues to attack the seemingly countless and endless Units, destroying several at a time, still trying to dodge and move in the confined space. She continues to use her power and try to change speeds, heights, and directions, anything to keep her one step from them. Several more are blown away and destroyed, but the numbers doesn’t look like it’s getting smaller, and it’s obvious Keira is starting to fatigue, even after it seems like she’s destroyed hundreds, there’s more. There’s always more.

Keira: I feel like I’m not making a dent in them… Have to keep going…

Keira powers up more, the speed she’s using is blinding, and there’s groups of unit’s being taken out. But they are just replaced by the next ones in line. They continue their barrages of fire and physical attacks. Finally, some energy blasts catch Keira and knock her down.

Keira: Ow.

Roxi: Ow? Don’t ow. Are you okay?

Keira: Find. The. Core. Don’t worry about me.

Roxi: There’s a lot of explosions going on.

Keira: There’s going to be more. Now Hurry!

Keira stands up, powering up again, her energy and fatigue level rises. She turns and raises her hand, blasting five more of the units. She then turns and blasts a few more. But one of them manages to get close and kicks Keira hard in the back. She flies a bit, but stops, rushing back to it. She takes her hand, blasting the head off as it falls down. She breathes heavily over this, saying

Keira: Can’t…keep this…up. Hurry…

Keira screams out as loud as she could, throwing more blasts. But she knew she was about done for. She was able to rip off one of the arms of the units, but she has to back away from them a little bit.


The seemingly endless Army just comes in, more and more. Keira takes a few blasts and some attacks as the fatigue finally had caught up with her. She held her arm as the unit surrounded her.


Keira: Give it your best shot…. BITCH.

The Model one’s close in, as Roxi has found the computer in the core, and uses a PDA to hack into the system.

Roxi: Okay Vision… Do it.

Vision: Got it. And…. there.

As the energy blasts charged up from the Model Ones, they suddenly stop.

Heather: What?! NO! Kill her! Do it! Kill her!

Roxi comes from the core and stands with Keira.

Roxi: Sorry Hamilton, But your core was pretty easy to hack. I mean, 1-2-3-4-5 is a really dumb combination. So, it looks like you’ve got a lot of useless metal here.

Keira: 1-2-3-4-5? Again? Really? You’re a loser!


Model One: Self destruct sequence has been started.

Keira: Not with any of these.

Roxi: I think that’s our cue to leave.

Roxi helps Keira blast a hole through the underwater portion of the rig, and she and Keira turn to leave.


Keira: Yeah… heard that before.

Roxi and Keira get out of the rig and swim to safety as the underground rig has massive explosions from the unit’s all self-destructing. Roxi helps Keira make it to shore as Keira watches the rig sink.

Roxi: You okay?

Keira: I’ll live. You cut it kind of close, you know?

Roxi: Sorry. But at least there’s no more of them left. Vision shut down all the remaining units.

Keira: I wonder if he beat me in the amount of units destroyed?

Roxi: No way…

Keira smirks, but groans.

Keira: Can we go home now? I’ve heard enough Hive Mind’s to last me a lifetime.

Roxi: Sure.

Keira: Well… there’s one more left to deal with. But I’ll handle that myself.

Roxi helps Keira up, and the two head home, the job finished as the scene fades.

I don’t want to pat myself on the back, but I want to ask if someone answered that phone, because I called it! 
It’s beyond stupid that Kayla Richards is sitting here talking about my failures. But when you’re of the hive mind mentality, and all you can do is repeat what someone else said, it’s what I was going to get. It’s like there’s an echo in the room.
Yes, I have failed to win matches and titles. I’ve lost a lot of matches. If you can name me one person who’s never lost a match, then you might have a point. I’ve already admitted I’ve lost and I don’t blame anybody but myself for that. I used to try and find that excuse, but those days are over. But to say I’m a bad champion, or a bad wrestler because I never held a championship for a long time, it’s stupid and absurd. Let me just throw some names out for you, since this is the only thing you have, Kayla.
Amy Marshall.
Alicia Lukas.
Roxi Johnson.
Mercedes Vargas.
Do you know what all these women have in common? They were all SCW Bombshell’s champions at one point for a month or less. All of those women are in the SCW Hall of Fame. I held the Bombshell’s championship longer than they did at one point. So, are you trying to say all those champions are bad champions? Are you trying to say none of them were true champions? Because that’s what you seem to be implying. 
I lost the Roulette championship to my good friend Melanie Gabriel, and to Diamond Steele. Melanie was part of the Angel Clan who held the tag titles for a long time. Diamond was just recently almost the Bombshell’s champion. I lost the Bombshell’s championship to Crystal, who has held the damn thing 5 times. But I guess none of them are any good, according to you.
I didn’t ask or complain about the battle royal, I didn’t complain when you won. I wasn’t HANDED anything, nor did I demand another match. It’s because it came down to me, and you. And so, that turned into where we are now. Nothing else. But I can see why you are complaining, it’s really not that hard to figure out.
You know you’re going to lose to me.
That’s what eats you up more than anything. For all the shit you’re talking, you know you are about to join all those women you don’t think are true champions because your reign is going to be shorter than theirs. You know that at the end of the day, you’re going to have to eat your words when the title is no longer yours, and in the hands of this “failure”
So, what will that make you, Kayla?
An even bigger failure.
You see it staring you in the face, and I know because it’s me, you feel the need to hurl out every insult you can about my record, even if it doesn’t make sense. Because you know it’s the only thing you’ve heard about me from the rest of the Hive mind of doubters. You know damn well that it’s your best chance. And you decided to go all in on it. That’s fine, Kayla. I don’t care what you think of me or my title wins or my title reigns, because in just a matter of days, you’ll be on the list of people I beat to win championships.
And between The Fallen, Crystal, Krystal Wolfe and Alicia Lukas...
You will be the least impressive name on that list. 
You may be asking yourself why I am so confident, if all I do is fail, right? How can I believe that I’m going to win, because all I do is come up short?
The answer is simple Kayla, because I believe in myself. And people like you, who do nothing but doubt me, you drive me. You make it all the more satisfying to come out on top. Because in the end, I get to enjoy the win, and the fact that it was someone like you who tried to stop it from happening. I mean, you are already blaming my wife for this match happening. You’re already making excuses for after you lose. And after I complete the grand slam, you can piss and moan all you want. It will not change the fact that I am the Bombshell’s Internet champion, and it won’t change the fact that I beat you for it. 
But wait, I know, this is your thing, isn’t it? 
I mean, it’s my dream to become a Grand Slam champion, and you’re the “Dream Killer” right? You crush people's dreams? How is that you haven’t tapped into this? How is it that you have yet to say anything about it? It’s right there for you and you’ve already blown it. That’s actually kind of sad. You’ve got this whole thing set up and you didn’t even take advantage of it. You have the chance to “kill my dream” and beat me. Why has it taken you this long to do it? Maybe it’s because you keep checking off the boxes for the hive mind, you’ve already forgotten the one thing that makes you different from them.
Granted, it wouldn’t make it any less lame coming out of your mouth, but at least it would be something. All I hear you talk about is past champions and trying to make the championship mean something like it’s lost all value or something. And you don’t even understand I’m making it mean more because it’s what I’m after. I’m chasing a dream of a grand slam, and holding that championship makes it valuable to me. It means something to me. I would hope that it means something to you, but you’ve already stumbled out of the gate and now, it’s only a matter of time before that championship is mine. 
Because it means more to me, than it does to you.
Or, maybe you’re realizing this about me: You can’t kill my dream. 
You cannot, and will not kill my dream. My dream will live on, no matter what. You can tell me it’s just going to be a dream and it will go up in smoke or down in flames, or whatever line you want to use, but I will always have that dream. There was a point where I thought it was never going to be more than a dream, but now, I can realize my dream. I can make my dream come true, because I am training as hard as possible. I am readying myself for a fight, because regardless of how dumb you sound sometimes, you are the champion, and I have to beat you. There’s no two ways about it. I have to beat you. I have to make sure that at the end of this, you understand how much this means to me, and how big my dream is. So, you can’t kill my dream.
You will NEVER kill my dream.
But I can very easily kill yours.
Oh yeah, you’ve got this dream about making the championship mean something simply because you hold it. You’ve got this aspiration of being this big star because you have that championship. But after Violent Conduct, you will simply be someone who held the championship. Nothing to sneeze at, even though all you’ve done is tell me the opposite. Then there’s no chance that you make your name off the Bombshell’s Internet championship. Then I can be the one who can sit back and say, well... Obviously Kayla knows the right people because she’s getting a rematch here or there. I think after the nonsense you’ve run your mouth about, it’s only fair that I give you a taste of your own medicine.
Oh, and I just noticed that you are unbeaten in singles competition. That’s cool. I can take that away too. Then you have nothing. Nothing to brag about, nothing to hold over my head. Nothing, just the sour grapes that you will give everybody.
To wrap this up Kayla, just thinking about all this, it’s not me with all the pressure this Sunday. Not at all. I’m feeling pretty damn good going into this match. I’ve got this shot to make it all happen. A shot I’m not taking lightly. I’m going to be as prepared as humanly possible for this match. 
But you?
You’re the one shooting your mouth off about aspirations and how you need to prove I’m not on people’s level. You need to show everybody that I’m not worthy of that championship. You need to show everyone that your battle royal win wasn’t just a stroke of luck and good timing. You have to turn back my challenge to prove yourself a worthy champion. There’s a lot on your plate, Kayla. And if you fail, if you make one misstep? ALL of that goes away. All down the damn toilet.  That’s rough Kayla. But the fact is you brought all that on yourself.
It’s going to be a pleasure, and one of the most satisfying nights of my life when I beat you, complete the Grand Slam, and give that Hive mind all the more reason to hate me. I will complete my journey, and complete this grand slam, and then Kayla, you and everybody else, can say anything you want. Scream into the void about how unfair it is and how I don’t deserve it. 
It won’t bother me one bit anymore. 
I’ll be too busy living the dream.
See you Sunday.

Offline Dreamkiller

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    • Johanna Krieger
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2022, 03:14:32 AM »
9. Sweet Release
Breathe Into Me

People believe suicide to be a cowardly act. The last refuge of the damned. A movement by someone who can no longer put up with the agony of life. They often point out the plight of the loved ones left behind. What about the mother?. What about the father?. Siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles. And god forbid children. But the truth is, the desperation of wanting to end it knowing that there will be nothing at the end of that rainbow takes courage.

To look at your life and feel there is no way out, to feel so helpless that sometimes it just hurts to breathe. I’ve been there. I’ve felt it. To be looking back at your past and then to the future and not see a way out. Sometimes the nothingness and darkness of death is more comforting than the thought of what could happen if your life drags on and limps further down that line. Sometimes living is the scary past. But to look off that cliff knowing and feeling that if you do it then it will be that final moment and then to take that step?. 

I’ve come close. I’ve made that decision. And truth me on this. It is a decision. It’s a choice you are bringing onto yourself to just stop. 

And no one should ever tell you when and how you opt out of life. People are so concerned with terminal physical illness. The plight of them and the fact they deserve to be euthanized if they so choose. What about the mental pain?. What about depression?. Imagine that you’re a grown adult. Imagine that you feel uncomfortable in your own skin and every time you close your eyes you see the worst things you have ever experienced. Then imagine that the only thing to take away that pain could kill you….

Now think about sleep, how your body needs it and craves it but every single day you are scared to death of what will go through your mind when you slip into it. You’re faced with two roads. One of them is feeling it all, feeling everything that has ever hurt you and coming to that realization. The thought of ending it. Or….you turn off. You flip a switch and feel nothing. nIs that a way to live?. Is that a way to coast through existence?. 

Sure. You don’t feel pain, sorrow, anger, sadness. But look at what you miss out on?. You look into your lovers eyes and you see the happiness that have and you mirror it back. But feel empty. Keeping out the negative also eliminated the positive. But if the negative is so overbearing you can’t even enjoy life. Then what’s the point?. And those of you who have never been into that darkness. Those of you who have never had something so fucking horrible happen to them that it infects every single fibre of your being then I am happy for you. 

But you’re also unable to judge, you;re unable to feel it. And should learn….to shut your fucking mouths….

And this is how it feels when I ignore the words you spoke to me
And this is where I lose myself when I keep running away from you
And this is who I am when I don't know myself anymore
And this is what I choose when it's all left up to me

Dallas Texas
6 Years Ago
Breathe Your Life Into Me

I heard his zipper go up, his belt clink and move as he buckled it up with a laugh as he looked over his shoulder at me. His long hair tied back as his toothless grin made my stomach turn. The meaning behind it, the feeling of being used. The dirt seemed to cover my body as the smell refused to leave. The smell of his body, his flesh, his breath. All of it covered me like some kind of blanket. I could feel parts of my skin crawling. His lips had pressed against my naked flesh, his tongue had tasted and moved. 

I sat on the edge of the dirty mattress, uncovered or protected. The door opened and he high fived his brother. They laughed in their strong southern accents. The older brother tieing his bandana as the younger one looked in, his smile fading as his brother turned, his look going from amused to one filled with pity. Pity…..he pitied me….

They walked off, I saw her face, she sneered, she laughed and so did the Dark Angel. His eyes hidden under glasses as she grabbed him, pulling his face to hers, kissing him hard in front of me before again sneering from behind her perfect pink lips and long curly blonde hair. But I knew, I knew her secret and so did he. But why hadn’t my Dark Angel destroyed her?. She didn’t have the faith I did, the devotion, the love. He didn’t return it to me. Allow me to feel it.

Instead I was given other tasks.

As they walked away I felt something on my face. Something warm and wet. My fingers moved to my cheek and I pulled them away finding a tear. A tear. Why was I crying?. Why did I care?. Why did my chest hurt?. My stomach in knots. I felt pain, a shock of it running through my mind. My hands shook and my heart raced. I stepped out of the small room I moved down the hallway, my fingertips stretched out as I touched the smooth wall to either side before getting to the bathroom to wash up.

I turn on the hot water, my eyes trailing down to find an old straight razor. As the steam rises and coats the mirror my hand drifts to it. I stare at the blade, still shiny and sharp, well taken care of. It wouldn’t take much. Just a small flick, a quick movement up my arm. It would be over. I’d never have to smell either of them again, feel the sickness and pain. I’d never close my eyes and see my past. It would be done, over. I’d be free. 

I took a deep breath putting the razor down, my hand moving up to the mirror wiping away the condensation, I laugh to myself as a smirk comes across my lips. I’ll show them all. I’ll bring it all down around them….it gives me purpose….a reason….

The Talk
Present Day

Fucking Amber.

Since my sisters unscheduled, unexpected and unwanted visit my mind had been torn and twisted up. I thought I knew what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. I was prepared to shut myself off, play it cool and try and get Finn to come crawling back. But, she had made me realize he wasn’t that type of guy, and we didn’t have that kind of relationship. Finn had been silent, quiet as he was dealing with his own shit.

Meanwhile I had a huge match. A huge match that I had to get my mind right for. And this, this situation had been fucking with me non stop for the last two weeks.

And what made it worse, I felt like a stalker.

I stood down the end of the hallway, I had lied about who I was to get his new hotel room as I hadn’t talked to him when we moved on with the Indian tour. I needed to find him, to find him away from prying eyes where we could be alone. I replayed the opening in my head. I was going to be stern, confident. Finn was going to see the bitch inside and he was going to want me. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in and stood up straight. Arms back, tits out….

Let’s go

I knocked on his door, I heard movement from inside. Shuffling feet, then I could feel it. He was behind the door, looking out at who it was. I heard a small groan. Really Finn?. ”Finn please” He opened the door, tilting his head and moving to the side to let me in. He was shirtless. Of course he was. I looked away, not noticing his body, the tattoos, the way his skinny black jeans sat on his hips. Nope, didn’t notice any of it.

”So whats u-”

”We need to talk.” I had to take the upper hand, get my words in as I stepped forward with a sigh and a shake of my head. ”I don’t care what happened. Ok?. I don’t care if we slept together because in the end it doesn’t matter. I guet that. We’re friends, I don’t know how I don’t know why…but I am done pushing everyone away….” Shit, I was getting emotional. Why the fuck was I getting emotional?

I don’t fo this, I don’t have emotions. I could feel them, I could feel my body changing, my shoulders slumping, my heart beating faster and my breathing pattern going from calm and regular to faster and panicked. Even my eyes, they were welling up with tears. And Finn knew it.

I could see it in his face.

His eyes softened, his jaw went from clenched to relaxed and his body language shifted from tall and annoyed to open and worried. He was was also confused. As confused as I was. ”Kayla I-”

I put my hand up and shook my head. I didn’t want this. I had to stop this. For the last twenty fucking years I hid this. No. This isn’t me. I cleared my throat and looked away. ”We can drop it, forget what did or didn’t happen. If we didn’t have sex, well, who cares and if we did?...well..we don’t remember it…so it doesn’t matter either…I just don’t want to lose you…” My voice cracked… Kayla…no…

He looked at me with something else in his eyes, I needed to cut this off. ”As a friend…I don’t want to lose you as a friend…I mean…who else would let me live at their place right?” I smiled and laughed, Finn smiled weakly and gave me a small nod. Could he see I needed to break from this? Could he see my weakness? I backed away toward the door, my hands finding the handle.

The door opened, I went to step through and his voice stopped me. ”Hey uh….you hungry?...I need to eat…get out for a bit and I could use the company…and the Wolfslair kids…well…lets just say Nazi mcwafflecunt and her man hands sister are annoying as the brit with the sx pack and the irish with a ten pack…” I laughed and gave him a nod and a smile.

I needed that. I needed this. And much to my own shame. I needed him


”It’s so interesting, having this long to think about matches and what the other person has said about me. Normally, this business works so fast we come in, say our piece and then shrug it off, no chance to overthink things, no chance to let an opponents words or actions really sink in until AFTER the match.”

Kayla Richards, heavily tattooed, long black hair, green eyes, the over the top makeup, tits barely being contained by her black top. Her british accent shining through. The usual really, in all her glory.

”But this elongated time, from when matches are announced to when they happen, well it gives you time to think and brings up the anxiety. And when you have that time, sometimes you will say something stupid. I want to avoid that, maybe Keira should have thought harder about it. But, I am taking this time to prepare. While I am enjoying India as much as I can for a sun soaked, sand drenched place where most people hear my accent and want to through things at me, I have been spending this time watching matches, promos and everything else I can when it comes to Keira Johnson. Not Keira and Roxi, just Keira. And that seems to be an important distinction here since Keira tried to play the pre-emptive game.”

“It shows a certain, insecurity.”

“But lets talk about that for a moment, before I get into Keira prematurely blowing her proverbial insecure load all over the wrestling world like Donald Trump on Stormy Daniels, I want to let you all know, before I became the overconfident, cocky, borderline arrogant bitch that you all see before you, I was once an insecure child in a world of women who were more experienced and better than me. They said so much about me Keira. They called me an idiot, they said I didn’t belong in wrestling due to my age and lack of experience. Then they hurled the cheapest of insults…”

“I was a whore, a sl;ut, a bitch. The other comments. I was nothing but a pale imitation of my sister.”

“See, Keira, we all live in peoples shadows. But, while that one hurt, at first. I moved past it. I moved past it all. The reason why all that never really hurt me and why I could just forget it is because I realised, there was no truth there. Inexperienced? Well that comes with age, time and putting yourself out there. Which I have done, I’ve done that alot in the past eight years..”

She leaned forward, a small smile over her lips and her eyes lighting up, showing emotions while talking. A little framing for the scene and the content. Her hands moving to the side of the small wooden chair she was sitting on, pushing up off the arms.

”The whore comments? Well, funny but as I thought about it I realised that noit only was that a childish lie it was an insult not even worth addressing. TRake the last five years for example. Still had people looking at me and assuming. I show my body, I have confidence, I see something or someone I want and I go for it. But, the last five years, I’ve slept with two men…two…and I was in a relationship with both of them at the time. So all the anger about that, all the pain, well…it floated away…”

“Untrue things generally don’t make you insecure.”

“But then the most relevant thing Keira. Living in my sisters shadow. For a time, at the beginning of my career it was true. I was in Ambers shadow. She was the one who had titles, championships and was a star. You know Tara Fenix, the woman everyone keeps setting all over twitter with huge shows and has become popular? Amber…beat her…many times. Amber Richards is a name that in some companies has gone down as legendary.”

“But what about now? Hmm?”

“Now, I am known, I am the one people talk about and I am the one casting a shadow. The insecurity is gone but when I was younger I would get so angry and try and stop the conversation before it began by telling everyone that it was wrong and giving a laundry list of reasons as to why. Much like you have done, many times, whenever facing anyone…”

She chuckles and moves around the small wooden table that sits in front of the chair, her fingertips dancing along the hard wood.

”You try to bring it up before others can as a way to get it out there. But the fact this is what you’ve gone to right away as a pre-emptive strike shows your hand. It shows your insecurity and also shows you own fear. You’re scared that all anyone is going to think is that you’re nothing but Roxi’s wife despite the fact you have had a career that so many others would be envious of. You look at the SCW Bombshells roster and you look at the name there and have to ask yourself….have they accomplished as much as me?”

“The answer, Keitra. Is no. Most of the women in this company haven’t held the titles you have beaten the names you have or had the highs you have.”

“And you should celebrate that, take pride in that but instead you let the assumption of being in someone elses shadow keep you down and destroy you. And that shows you have a weak mind.”:

“A weak mind…”

“You deserve some credit for being able to win the championships you have and beat the people you have. You deserve all the credit in the world for having a good life, a loving wife and a child who you clearly care about and not having it all fall apart like it seems to have done with Crystal and others. But, do you know why the comments from others get to you so much Keira?”

“Because there is truth in them, even if it’s a hint. Comments that are straight lies don’t hurt….they don’t affect you…”

Kayla shakes her head and shrugs.

”The comments about me being a whore, in my sisters shadow even your ones about me being generic, they don’t hurt. I don’t feel the need to jump on them beforehand. I mean, generic is a new one and it confuses me but it’s not something I generally get upset about. Do you know why Keira? When the bell rings, when you and I are alone in that ring it doesn’t matter.”

“What matters is who has the drive, the need and the skills to become the Internet champion. Your feelings about me? They don’t matter. Even your comments about who is a better wrestler and my attitude toward titles don’t matter. But, why? Is it because I didn’t want the roulette title? Because I didn’t want to compete in matches at the whim of a roulette wheel? Is that what seems to have earned your dislike of me?”

“Not the fact I have no respect for yo0u? Not the fact I routinley run down the entire roster? That’s what seems to make you mad? That I love wrestling, am a wrestler and that in your eyes I’m generic and don’t want that title? Really?”

“Of all the petty things.”

“There is alot to dislike about me Keira, but that’s what you zeroed in on? I mean I might as well bring up the whole Sinn shit if you’re going down that route. By the say, you know how many people in the wrestling world have “evil” alter egos? You want to talk about generic, good grief. But, all this should blow your mind, see the comments I made about you being insecure, Roxis shadow, your failures as a champion, a woman and a mother all of it should not matter. Because all that matters is the side of it you seem to be so angry about…”

“The -i=wrestling[/i] And that Keira…is why I will hold the upper hand. Because I care about that and I want to make the internet title matter and that means keeping it out of YOUR hands…so at Violent conduct that is what I plan to do…”