Author Topic: Keira Johnson, Gym Owner?  (Read 562 times)

Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
Keira Johnson, Gym Owner?
« on: April 08, 2022, 06:59:34 PM »
The scene opens up at a gym in Florida. The place is seen with logos and stuff being painted over with fresh, new paint for the new gym that will be opening in a few weeks. Keira and Roxi are seen coming into the place, wearing some old clothes to make sure that if paint drips on them, it would not be a problem at all. The two are looking around the big place as Keira says

Keira: Wow, I know we’re just in the planning stages. But…wow.

Roxi: It is pretty big.

Roxi shrugs

Roxi: But that's okay.

Keira: You sure? Are we even ready for such a step in our lives?

Roxi: We are already training people.

Keira sighs at this. She then says

Keira: You're right. I guess fate wanted us to finally go ahead and get it done and over with. But with this place. It's perfect.

Roxi: Who says we're done?

Keira: Diamond for one. She still makes me mad.

Roxi: I would think after all this time you would understand that the only people who control this kind of thing, is you.

Keira: I know. I guess it feels like I just don't want the ride to end. Like time is slowly creeping up on me.

Keira looks at Roxi as she says

Keira: We can deal with Diamond later. We got a job to do today.

Roxi: Are you sure?

Keira: Not really. I want to deal with her now. I'm glad one part of the gym is done for us to train in at least. I want to be ready for sure with her. She can't continue to get away with the crap she's done. Her, the Gemstones. What she tried to do at Climax Control was the very last straw.

Roxi: I'm used to people trying to rain on my parade.

Keira: I should be too. But it was your moment, babe. Yours. After so long of getting that championship back? After finally besting Amber Ryan, that moment was yours!

Roxi: That's okay. Apparently we're just the worst people in the world, so why wouldn't they ruin it.

Keira: Yea, the worst people in the world who now own a gym by the actual worst person in the world. Training future wrestlers to make sure they will become future champions. Making sure they don't become another Diamond Steele

Roxi: I was talking about Kat.

Keira: Wait, you were? Sorry…

Roxi: I know, it's a long list these days.

Keira takes her hand and rubs it against her face, like she was fighting off sleep. But it was more of trying to keep everything in order.

Roxi: Kat is just another member of that list now. We're awful people.

Keira: She shouldn't be. Considering who Keri is married to and is friends with.

Roxi: Well, if you paid attention to Climax Control, she's coming after you, and then me.

Keira: I was seeing red during it. Forgive me.

Keira finally removes her hand from her face and looks at Roxi.

Roxi: It's more sad than anything, but I would watch out.

Keira: Yea, like I need another one on my ass when I want to take back the one title that was stolen from me.

Keira takes a hand and places it on Roxi's cheek as she says

Keira: How long? How long before the world turns on us, despite all the good we do?

Roxi: We try and remain on the even keel and because we don't, we're hypocrites, I guess.

Keira: Rinse and Repeat, I guess.

Roxi: Well, Kat's more upset with you with  other things.

Keira: Upset with me? Let me guess. Something I should have heard?

Roxi: For all those times you stared at her.

Keira: Come on. Kat's always been pretty. Sure, I should have stopped. But she knows she's pretty. Not my fault she can't accept it.

Roxi: You made her feel uncomfortable.

Roxi shakes her head.

Roxi: She said she told you to stop.

Keira sighs a bit.

Keira: I'm sorry. I feel bad enough.

Roxi: You don't have to tell me.

Keira: She won't accept it now, with the way you're going

Roxi: She's not. She's not going to accept anything. She's convinced herself that we did all this on purpose.

Roxi sighs.

Roxi: And to a point, she's right.

Keira begins to sigh even more. She lowers her head, saying

Keira: I should have left. I should have left all those years ago.

Roxi: Did Kat actually tell you all that?

Roxi looks at Keira.

Roxi: Like, did she say that you really made her feel that way?

Keira: No! She would always come to you to make me stop. I always did! Kat's always been beautiful. She's one of the best wrestlers out there! I'm sorry for giving her praise for so long. I can't say anything anymore without it turning to something worse!

Roxi: No, that's all I needed to know.

Keira: Ok, granted. I should have stopped with the staring. I'll admit that. But nothing else with her and you know that. We've been together for a decade now. We've had trials and tribulations. Hell, she was one of the ones that threatened us to stay together after we pulled that April Fool's joke!

Roxi: I know.

Keira: But now to come out after all of this. It makes me wonder. Did I really have friends? Did I really have a family or were they all like this out of pity, because of how I am…

Keira sighs

Keira: Considering people never wanted me to become World Champion. They would "turn off" if it ever happened. No matter how much good I have done. I somehow ruin it by just

Roxi: You can't change the past.

Keira: And the way it goes. I can't change the future either

Roxi: Well... actually... you kinda did.

Keri: Is it another Keira pity party or can I join in?

Keira and Roxi quickly turn and see Keira's sister, Keri, in front of them. Keri smirks a bit as she says

Keri: Sorry, I heard the entire thing. Considering you know Angelica is friends with her. I'm just going to say this. Not ALL of us feel this way, Keira. If we did, I wouldn't be talking to you and neither would Angelica.

Keri gets closer to them, saying

Keri: Plus, Whisper is still your friend. You did offer to partner with HellsGate after all.

Keira: I...

Keira takes a deep breath and says

Keira: True...

Keri: I won't take sides between Team Hero and Kat. I'm in the middle, despite being your sister, Keira. Me and Angelica accepted the offer to train new recruits into Hero Academy. That's what we're going to do.

Keri looks at Roxi, asking

Keri: If you're still wanting me to join

Roxi: You took this on. I'm afraid you're stuck with it.

Keri smiles as she goes and hugs the two. She then says to the two

Keri: If Kat wants this fight. Then you two fight her. If you don't, I'll be upset with you as well as the rest at HellsGate

Keira nods as she says

Keira: When the time is right. We will. For now, I got to focus on Diamond and then Hero Academy.

Roxi: Indeed. One thing at a time.

Keri gives a smile as she asks

Keri: Now, I came to sign a few papers for my contract as well as go through the applications for new recruits. Are we going to do this or are you two old fossils going to go on moaning and complaining while wishing it was the good old days or some stuff like that?

Keira: Excuse me?

Roxi: Keri... aren't you in your 30's too?

Keri: Yea, but I'm still younger than you two, crying and moaning about, "Who's after you two this week?". From wrestlers to beings with powers. I'm surprised you two have lasted this long without tearing each other apart.

Keri folds her arms as she keeps talking

Keri: I'm sorry for that. But I got to ask this. With your, "unique abilities". Why haven't you two went full power on your opponents and beat them in like five seconds? I swear, you two would be champions forever! Well, til you two fought each other or something.

Keira: Cause it wouldn't really be fair to others, to be honest.

Keira breathes a bit

Keira: Trust me when I say this. There have been many times where I thought about using my powers to easily win a match and truly embarrass someone, Diamond Steele especially. But I don't. I want to win it with pure skill, not stoop to Diamond's level.

Roxi: That's always the way we do things.

Keri: Well. Good to know. But in all honesty. You two seriously need to try to free yourselves up more often. Because sometimes, you forget my Birthday too.

Keri: It's cool. I'm not mad.

Keri then walks over and sees the door that reads, "Keira and Roxi Johnson" on it, showing that it was the door to the office. Keri then says

Keri: Shall we?

Keira and Roxi nod as the two go with Keri and they head into the office. The three sit in their respective seats. Keira leans down and pulls out a few papers for Keri to look over. Keri looks over them, reading the fine details for a few moments. Satisfied, Keri takes a pen and writes her name on them, sealing the deal

Roxi: Well, I guess that makes it official.

Keri: I'll make sure Angelica comes in within a few days to do the same.

Keira: That's fine. Because for now, we got to look at a few of the new recruits that wants to join Hero Academy. There are some that Krystal wants us to look at, but for now. I want to look at the ones that aren't recommended.

Keira turns her head to look at Roxi

Keira: You got the files, baby?

Roxi: I do.

Keira nods as Roxi pulls out the files from the desk drawer and sits them on the desk. She opens them up and lets Roxi read them off

Roxi: Here's one called Mark Reese. He's got a good build, been a wrestling fan for ages and wanted to train to become one. He's had a football record for a few years.

Keri: Could be good. But has he had any injuries?

Keira: Looking like one near his left shoulder. He's been trying to do more cardio since then, but is still going for weights. He's trying to be careful with them, though.

Keira gives out a hmm sound as she looks at him. Roxi then says

Roxi: That's gonna need to be checked.

Roxi raises a finger.

Roxi: The last thing we need is for him to claim he hurt himself during training and attempting to sue.

Keira: True, we don't need Hero Academy to be sued in it's first month of business. I know we may in the future, but for now. We want people to see that this is a respectable, equal business.

Roxi: I would just say that any prior injuries a doctor needs to check out.

Roxi sighs.

Roxi: Maybe we should have a doctor?

Keira: We could get Amy Jo if she wants

Keri: Amy who? Isn't that the chick that did porn?

Roxi: She's not a medical doctor

Keira: Oh yea. Also, Keri? You're thinking of Amy Santino

Keri: Ohh. I apologize, then

Keira: We'll have to look around for a licensed medical doctor that needs a job.

Keri: Not a bad idea. But for now, we still got a few recruits to look over. Like Maria Leone

Keira grabs the file and looks it over.

Keira: Former Cheerleader, former model. Years of acrobatics. Record looks good so far

Roxi: So, Maybe?

Keri looks further and says

Keri: Umm, I don't know. She's been banned from a Walmart for her attitude and almost got arrested

Roxi: For what?

Keri: Attempted theft from the Walmart she got banned from

Keira looks over at the detail. She then facepalms for the moment and says

Keira: Over a candy bar. She said in the report, "I don't need to pay for this. i'm too popular to pay for candy!"

Keira looks at Roxi again, saying

Keira: Do you think we could change the attitude of someone like that?

Roxi: I doubt it.

Keira: You changed me.

Keri: Keira, there's a difference. You had a demon in you for years. She looks like one of those stories you read on Reddit.

Keri then thinks about it as she says

Keri: Hell, reminds me of that Diamond chick in a way. She acts like a primadonna.

Roxi: Maybe, could be.

Keira: She is. She isn't a real wrestler to begin with. If she was, she wouldn't need her ass kissers to wrestle her matches for her

Keri: Jeez! Tell me how you really feel, Keira? Do you have that mindset on all the people you face or is it just the ones you can't stand?

Keira: Just her. I do respect most of the wrestlers I face, Keri.

Keri: Sometimes I wonder. But, you and Roxi have held titles before. So who am I to judge?

Keira sits the file down and looks at one more, saying

Keira: Oscar Judge. Bodybuilder, had some training in wrestling, but fell off for more. No injuries or records of arrests so far.

Keira keeps looking at it. She then hands the file to Roxi and Keri for them to look at

Keira: So far, so good. What do you guys think?

Roxi: Checks out.

Keri: Yea, looks good. We can give him a trial run to see if he really wants this.

Keira: I can work with that. Roxi, you're the deciding factor.

Roxi: Sounds okay.

Keira: Ok, then. We can put him in the tryout pile. Anyone else, we can look over in a few days once the painting is finished. Meaning we can go over the logos and stuff too.

Roxi: Sounds good.

Keri: That's fine. I need to get going anyway. I'll see you in a few days

Keri smiles as she stands and hugs the two. She turns and leaves as Keira looks at Roxi, saying

Keira: Well, that got my mind off of things. She was right though.

Keira begins to lean her head against the chair, saying

Keira: This is just Kat's doing. Whisper and the others have nothing to do with this. When we have to cross that bridge. I'll fight her. If that's what Kat wants. I'll give it to her. But for now, I have to focus on Diamond. I can't let her continue to get away with all the crap she has done. I want to be rid of her. I want us to be champions together if I can help it.

Keira then turns her head to Roxi

Keira: Then, we can focus on Kat.

Keira places her hand on Roxi, asking

Keira: Do you think, down the road? Do you think people will ever see the true selves? Despite how much we have done?

Roxi: We can only show people how we are. If they interpret that way, then we can only try and make them see.

Keira: Despite them knowing how we are before their judgment became clouded?

Keira sighs a bit over that

Keira: I'm sorry. I guess I'm overthinking this too much

Roxi: It happens.

Keira: Not what I need when I face off against Diamond again. Even you know that.

Roxi: This is why you need to focus. I know you are now. But just focus on her. You'll be champion again before you know it. I believe in you, Keira. Always

Keira smiles as she leans in and kisses Roxi on the lips. She then says

Keira: Thanks, Red. I mean it.

Roxi: Anytime.

Keira turns over and sees the opened door. She then says

Keira: Since Angelica will be contacting us soon. Want to do some sparring in the other room that's done? Someone needs to break in that ring.

Roxi: Sure

The two stand to get in some training as they walk out and the scene fades

The scene opens up hours later, still in Hero Academy. After a bit of sparring, Keira is seen still in her gym gear along with Roxi as the two were re entering the office. Keira goes over and pulls out some papers from the desk as they had some designs on it for the logo of Hero Academy. She puts the papers on the desk and asks Roxi

Keira: Sorry to rush on this one. I just wanted to see which one looks good.

Keira gives a sigh over this

Keira: The more we get done, the more stuff that comes up. I wonder if it was easier for us to just be wrestlers and heroes at the same time.

Roxi: It's okay, it's gonna take some work to get this up and running. That was guranteed from the beginning.

Keira: Yea, but I keep wondering how Jenny was able to keep up with the businesses she runs and is able to not have any gray hairs. I feel like I got a few already and we're not even close to being open yet.

Roxi: Jenny is well versed in business, Keira. We haven't had to do something like this before.

Keira: No, the closest we got to do was a failed TV Series that was compromised by Amelia, if you remember

Roxi: Yeah, but we didn't run the studio or anything.

Keira: Yea, but what could have been if it had taken off.

As Keira looks back down, she and Roxi could hear thunder in the distance. She sighs a bit as she says

Keira: Well, that's a sign of our day already. When did thunderstorms signal an end to the business day?

Roxi: I think so. But the weather can change.

?: Tell me about it

Both Keira and Roxi turns their heads and notice a woman standing in front of the office door that was still open. Keira sees her and smiles, saying

Keira: About time, Angelica. I thought you weren't coming.

Angelica: And miss all this after Keri signed without me? Nah.

Keira: Yea, sorry. She said you got busy and all.

Angelica: I did, with HellsGate and all. I think Keri told you two about Whisper being a sponsor and all, despite how Kat feels?

Keira: She did

Angelica: And that despite us signing to Hero Academy, we're staying out of this fight between you two and Kat?

Keira: She did tell us that

Angelica: By the way, Roxi. How far are the storms? Don't you have some sort of Super Hearing or something?

Roxi: Sometimes, I wonder. I was outside recently, and I could smell it actually. I can usually smell the moisture in the air.

Angelica: Weird. So can I. Does this mean I got superpowers!? Quick, Roxi! Punch me!

Keira: What!? Angelica, no.

Angelica: Oh, come on! You think having a demon inside of me at one point would cause me to have some sort of powers!

Keira: Just cause you had a demon in you, doesn't usually mean you automatically get superpowers

Roxi: If you remember, you got scanned afterward. I'm pretty sure you don't have any powers. Other than a lot of patience I guess.

Angelica: Boo. That blows. But you're right. Putting up with Keri does take alot of patience.

Keira: I agree there. But you have to put up with her 24/7

Angelica: I mean, I am her wife after all

Roxi: Anyway, I guess you want to sign too, right?

Angelica: Yea, I promised you guys that I would sign with Keri. I'm keeping my word

Keira: I'm glad. Roxi, you got the papers?

Roxi: Sure

Roxi nods as she leans down, opening the drawer and pulls out the papers for Angelica to sign as Angelica sits down to sign them. She looks them over, just like Keri did earlier in the day. After she reads it over, she signs it and hands them back to Keira and Roxi

Angelica: If anything, for the moment. You now have two full time trainers for Hero Academy. I just hope we can live to your expectations

Keira: You will. I believe in you two.

Angelica: Thank you. I mean that. Just do me a favor, when you face Diamond on Climax Control. Knock her teeth out! She doesn't deserve to even speak, let alone wrestle!

Keira nods as Angelica begins to stand. But as she was about to leave, she stops and turned back to the desk. She notices the logos on the table and points at one, saying

Angelica: By the way, go for number three. That one screams Team Hero to me.

Angelica smirks as she turns and leaves. Keira picks up the paper with the logo and shows it to Roxi, asking

Keira: Does it scream Team Hero?

Roxi: I don't know if we want it to scream Team Hero. Do we?

Keira: I mean, it's up to you. But I do want it to represent Hero Academy and be a safe haven for anyone who comes here

Keira sits the paper down as she says

Keira: But I think for now, we got what we wanted done for the time being. I suggest we go home and train for my match against Diamond and whatever tricks she'll try to pull. The Gemstones might be banned again, but it still won't stop her from trying something.

Roxi: If you want.

Keira: I do. I need to focus on that. I can't let anything else distract me. We got what we need done for now. Now it's time to put an end to Diamond's short reign.

Roxi: There you go. You're focused. Just had to make sure. Let's go home

Keira nods as the two stand and begin to walk out of the office door to head home, the scene fading


What a crazy couple of weeks., and well, they could have gone better.

There are just some days that I feel like no matter what I do, what I accomplish, my past will always come back to haunt me, and I will never actually get the amount of respect I feel like I deserve. I have done a lot of things, and yet, it never feels like I have done anything. Nobody remembers the good, they just always bring up the bad. My past, how I used to be.

Maybe that’s where we are as people. You do one bad thing, people try and … I hate to use the word, but “cancel” you. One bad thing can just ruin you. Even if you were young, or it gets taken out of context. It’s just like, there’s no second chances. You are damned to be what people label you as.

And I have tried, God knows I’ve tried to change. I believe I have changed. Old habits are hard to break, but damn I’ve tried to change and I can only thank my wife for helping me make those changes.

I will be honest, in the past, I was a bit too wild and carefree. I pushed the bounds of acceptable behavior time and time again and it has bit me in the ass more times than I care to count. Because when something did go my way, I was so used to it didn’t, that I tried to make every single second of that good thing last, and in the end, my ego grew. I got cocky, because I wanted a good thing to last. I wanted to be seen as something more than what I was. Because I knew I was. But since it seemed like the whole world was against me, I made it all about me, and I let my emotions ruin any good karma I had created. Blaze of Glory was no exception.

Here I was, talking about being undefeated at Blaze Of Glory. I was talking about being the champion, and I was so angry, and so emotional, that I really didn’t even care about winning or losing the championship, I just wanted to hurt Diamond Steele to prove that point. I didn’t care what happened to me, all I cared about was punishing Diamond for getting in my face, and ruining what could have been an even better moment for me.

That was my fault.

And just last week, my wife couldn’t even enjoy her big Bombshell’s title win because Diamond had to stick her nose in something that she had no business in, and it made me even more angry than I was. More upset than I was about losing the damn title in the first place.

And I was starting to fall into that same trap again this week. I saw my name across from Diamond’s with the Bombshell’s Roulette championship on the line, and all I could think about was running Diamond. Breaking her into little pieces and smashing her into the ground.


Then again, I went into this with every right to be mad. when you're facing what is considered to be one of the worst wrestlers, if not one of the worst people to ever live. Good job. You got lucky, once. Once, Diamond. But the thing is with that...

You had to jump me to get to where you're at!

Yea, you wanted to be in that spotlight so bad that you would take any cheap way to get your hands on what was mine. You can't stand for anyone to be in what you claim to be yours, Diamond. Even with the chips stacked against you. You want to find a loophole in order to get what you claimed to be yours. You took advantage of what was in front of you, and in the end, you won.

Thing is, you're not doing that again.

It is the one thing over the course of my career that has always been my Achilles heel. Emotions. I get caught up, and it leads me to going down paths I don’t need to go down, and I make mistakes. I have tried for many many years to finally get that toned down, but you Diamond, you pushed that button and it all came flooding back. All that anger was pushed right to the top.

I couldn’t control myself enough, just thinking about what you did.

You steal my thunder.

You run from me.

You attack me from behind.

All that led to you winning the Roulette title.

And then, you parade out there and steal my wife’s Thunder as well.

That’s enough to get me to the boiling point!

I was going to wait, bide my time and see if the SCW Brass would give me another match with you. I wasn't even going to bother them about it. I understood what the problem was, and that I was going to need to fix it on my own.

Then, you decided to crash my wife's celebration. Why did you do it? Cause you wanted the spotlight that was "entitled" to you? That Diamond, that right there, was your last mistake. You wanted to jump higher than you were allowed to. Yet you called the Roulette Championship a "lower tier" title at one point.  That’s what you have always been: A confused, ridiculous person who doesn’t even understand the god damn references you’re making. You probably think that Jem was about music. Hell, I KNOW you do, it’s the only thing you took away from it. But it was about much more than that.

But then again, why am I explaining this to you? Your entire story is basically multiple choice. You just make it up as you go along. It’s one thing after another, and it’s utterly annoying and pathetic. But really, what you have become, is just… a troll.

And I say that, and I should be apologizing to the actual troll!

So, at this point, I’m not even going to be emotionally mad about it. I’m not going to fly off the handle and make the threat of breaking you. No, I’m done with that part. I’ve discovered a new little thing now that is going to make this much more enjoyable.

You see, I’m pissed at you, but you’re not going to know how pissed I am, until the bell rings. This week, not going to be bothered by you. I have a gym and a wrestling training center I’m working on opening. I’m thinking about how much work that is going to be first.

And you can think I’m just going to rush in and do the same thing, but I’m not. When the bell rings, You will see it in my eyes. Think about it Diamond, maybe you will be locked inside of a steel cage with me. Maybe it’ll be a weapons match with all the chairs, and tables and ladders and sticks, and chains, and maybe even FIRE.

Yea, that’s a lot to think about isn’t it? I’m going to be spending my time in Greece, thinking about all the creative ways I can hurt you. But I’m not going to share them with you, or anyone, until that bell rings. But trust me, I have a VERY active imagination..

Because I’ve had to think about all the people in my life that you represent. All the people who constantly shame me, who slam me and think I can’t do it. You will be every single one of those people Diamond. And you will be stuck, in the ring, with me, when all of that is going through my head. You will have nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. And when I get you in the ring, at Climax Control, I will tear you apart. And I will enjoy doing it.

Your fluke of a reign is coming to an end. Like I told Krystal when she was champion. I won't let Climax Control be the ones where I don't get back a championship. Oh no, Climax Control is going to be my playground, and the beginning of one of the most miserable nights in your life.

You are walking into a situation that you are not prepared for, Diamond. I will be right there, ready to fight you with everything, and unleash YEARS of frustration on you, and I know it won’t completely make up for it, I know that. But it will be an entire lifetime of anger that people like you helped cause. I will show you all that misery and pain, and I will take back the Roulette championship.

In the meantime, you have fun getting a good night’s rest, thinking about the hell I’m about to put you through. I will be a 3-time Roulette champion. And I will enjoy beating the hell out of you to do it.

See you Sunday for your one and ONLY defense.