Author Topic: Fun, loving Agostino Romano returns in the ring.  (Read 670 times)

Offline Agostino Romano

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Fun, loving Agostino Romano returns in the ring.
« on: January 08, 2021, 11:58:58 PM »
Agostino being able to go home and spend time with family. Milan, Italy. Tuesday, 22nd December. (Off Camera)

Finally, months of being in the hotel, Agostino got bored for a bit apart from being stuck there. There was one point that Agostino stayed in his Cleveland, Ohio apartment for a week to get used to living there. There wasn't much to do anymore so Agostino might go back home permanently. No doubt he was happy to go home and see his parents as he saw his mum and dad, doing the Christmas Tree up as he got home from Las Vegas. As Agostino opened the door, both of his parents came to him.

Agostino's mum: "Son, what are you doing home?

Agostino Romano: "I'm allowed to come home for Christmas and thank goodness as doing things in the hotel, I got to admit, it was putting a lot of pressure on me. I will be living in Cleveland, Ohio, after this as I've done everything in the hotel. Besides, I need to get some young kids, doing racing again."

Agostino's dad: "We're glad to have you home with us for Christmas. You're doing a good job there, making people laugh. I notice in wrestling, everyone is too serious and that's never been your style."

Agostino Romano: "I know, and the only person in the entire roster who's even close to me with the personalities is Bill Barnhart. He's the only opponent I want to face. Everyone else is too serious. Something needs to change with those wrestlers."

Agostino's mum: "I do sense what you mean that wrestlers take this too seriously. We love what your doing and the fact is, you are yourself on having fun. We love that; we also love you hang around with James Brown and Declan Marshall as well. Think they are doing a good job, helping you with your career."

Agostino Romano: "I'm thankful they are apart of my circle for now because I'd be in trouble. I want to have fun because the truth is, if your serious all the time, you're missing out on a thing called life."

Agostino nodded as he was only having fun with his videos for his matches, being himself. He tried to be serious, but he felt it was too forced and fell asleep when he does. It has been a struggle to be a serious wrestler because Agostino wasn't. It was all fun and games for him. The parents came to sit down with Agostino on the sofa.

Agostino's dad: "I got to be honest with you though, you are right in saying to live life, you got to be funny and charismatic to the fans. That's why every fan loves you. But Declan has told me, and I do agree in a way with him when it comes to title contention matches, you do have to be a bit more serious."

Agostino Romano: "I tried, but I end up being boring, falling myself to sleep."

Agostino's dad: "You need to find a way to improve on that and feel, you don't have to go over the top with what you do, despite me loving the hell of what you do. It's not going to win you titles. I hope being here is going to change that because I think you need me to teach you how to be a champion again like you were in racing."

Agostino Romano: "But you told me to have fun, and I was. I won GBC titles because I was only serious on the track. Off it and during the press conference, I was always having fun. You can be successful by having fun, you know. I got title shots by doing so. If I end up being strict, I'd be like everyone else."

Both parents nodded as they understood Agostino's worries of what he just said, considering Agostino's idea of having fun was to come up with crazy ideas. Although there were some wrestlers in the past like Austin James Mercer who thought well of Agostino, being entertaining and funny, even giving him the idea of being a cheese block.

Agostino's mum: "You don't have to be serious all the time, we aren't asking you to do that. We're asking you to tighten you to be a little more serious."

Agostino's dad: "Yeah, and I love the fact you like for title opportunities to come to you than asking and demanding them all the time. I hear too many wrestlers are asking for title shots all the time. Even that Metal Storm guy was proud to be handed a title after doing nothing. You aren't one of them, making things easier by being in GBC and working your way up to be a champion. That on top of you not letting rubbish get in your way."

Agostino Romano: "But you told me to ignore the rubbish and get on with my own thing. I hate having to do two videos for matches because I don't care for comments they say. Cynical or not, I never let them get me down and force me to change as Senor Vinnie did."

Agostino's mum: "We're glad you're home for Christmas, regardless. Now, are you going to put up the Christmas Tree with us, like the good old days?"

Agostino nodded as he stood up and put up the Christmas Tree together with his parents at their home. It was important for Agostino to spend more time with his family despite having a place in Italy. However, he did discover someone in his family missing, although he had been so busy, unpacking everything in Agostino's new home. Agostino decides to ask anyway.

Agostino Romano: "When is Francesco coming home?"

Agostino's mum: "He'll be here tomorrow."

Agostino Romano: "He's been a fantastic help with moving some of my stuff while being in a hotel. Hopefully, I only go there when I do videos and sleep there before my matches. I can't wait to sleep properly in my new home, and I certainly can't wait to spend the rest of Christmas with you both and Francesco ."

Agostino's dad: "You're lucky to have a brother like Francesco in your life, helping and assisting you with your move. I think it's excellent, more so your home for Christmas. We felt we had to send presents to you, but this is so much better. Opening presents with us is a great way to spend time with you for Christmas."

Agostino agreed, being away from Declan and James for the first time was a breath of fresh air for Agostino as he enjoys putting the decorations or finishing off, putting the ornaments on the tree. He was placing the lights on the tree his parents recently got from a shop. They plug in the tree lights and turn them on, coming up in multiple colours.

Agostino Romano: "Now, that's one great Christmas Tree, if only I can dress up as a tree for my first video of two thousand and one, whoever I will be facing, that would be great."

Agostino's mum: "Or you could dress up like a firework with Happy New Year 2021 hat on your head. I'm sure there's a firework costume out there somewhere for someone like yourself."

Agostino Romano: "HAHA, that's a brilliant idea. I will keep that in mind when I do the video. For now, for the next few days, until I booked to wrestle in the ring, I don't want to talk about wrestling. Let's talk about what you both been up to since I've been away. "

Agostino's dad nodded at Agostino, distracting him away from wrestling discussions was an excellent idea. Massimo didn't need to discuss wrestling with Agostino; he's been watching every show.

Agostino's dad: "Well, it's been hard, you know with the pandemic, but at least I'm still able to work at the bank. Been busy as hell giving people money and even some opening bank accounts."

Agostino's mum: "While I've been working from home as I work in the office of the Milan council. Had many problems with people, not paying the bills of their rent and everything. A lot of people have spoken to me, with the virus too."

Agostino Romano: "I'm sure it's hard on the pair of you, but it will get easier sooner than later. Which is another reason why I want to have fun, knowing people are suffering from the virus. I got to give fun out there in general."

Agostino's mum: "Right, who's putting the star up?"

Agostino's dad: "Seeing Agostino's not been home for a while, I say he should put it up, will make him realise the potential he has as a wrestler, being more serious about it."

Agostino scoffs at his dad for telling him to be serious as he looks at the star, more than he should be, more the fact of what his dad said and imagines him climbing up the ladder to clinch the title from there as he places the star on the tree. They wrap themselves together, and Agostino goes upstairs with his belongings and puts his bag of clothes in the drawers. Because he's so exhausted, he falls on the bed in his bedroom and goes straight off to sleep.


The firework and New Years Day man on the loose. Las Vegas, Nevada. Saturday 9th January.

Of course, Agostino was going to do something crazy, wearing a New Years Day swimming hat and a firework designed swimming costume as he's got on. Agostino had fireworks going off in the background, by his manager James. At the same time, Declan couldn't help but laugh at Agostino for his over the top ridiculous clothing he wears and doing late New Years Day celebrations. He begins to speak.

Agostino Romano: "It's a perfect day to have celebrations, being back on bringing the new year to wrestle once again in SCW. So I've been busy, thinking more crazy ideas to get to my videos because you all miss out on a thing called life unlike all, but one of you who are way too serious. That's who I am and will always be; nobody will change me to be more serious."

Agostino smiles as he goes in the pool like he was a firework in the swimming pool. Although there was a screen of showing the catherine wheel, spinning round and round.

Agostino Romano: "Celebrating the New Year means you remove all the negative energy out and bring out the positivity, all of us can use once in a while. Oh wait, the positivity is that day, and I wonder why the catherine wheel is shaped like a roulette wheel? Oh right, title contention match for the Roulette title against Miles Kasey, the only guy I've fought before, the grumpy Lincoln Daniels and the entertaining, the only opponent I match within Sin City Wrestling, Bill Barnhart."

It's been a while since Agostino got in SCW that there was only one opponent he had wanted to face and that was Bill. But for now, he leaves him until last, due to having a lot to say about him. He moves on quickly with Miles.

Agostino Romano: "I start with the only man I fought in a match, Miles Kasey. Nice to meet you in the ring once again. Although I won't deny that while Bill and I have a lot in common with providing entertainment, we have the high flying style wrestling. I understand things are rough out there and it takes some work to get your foot in the door. I can't trash you purely because I respect you too much as a wrestler. There's nothing negative to say about you, other than I know your abilities to be a wrestler, especially I discovered you wrestling in Apex Wrestling as of late, you're capable of doing better."

That's one down as the fireworks were going off, even if Agostino is doing flips in the water, making the water have fireworks, while other people were watching fireworks on the main screen.

Agostino Romano: "Here we go, a wrestler who takes things too seriously, Lincoln Daniels. I see you beaten Miles Kasey in your debut match. I've seen you lose against Austin James Mercer who you can't take anything away from. What's with wrestlers and having to be angry and severe all the time? Where's the fun of doing videos like I always do? I like to have fun, don't you see. I'm myself, and you can say all you want, but at least you know I'm happy. I want to be competitive with you, but the thing is, you need to stop sending people to sleep with blogs."

Agostino knows he went a little too far, but he kind of fears of being severe because it wasn't him, nor was it for him to be angry. He continues to make fireworks in the water, and he stands out of the pool, pretending to shoot in the sky with a gun, creating fireworks with his fingers.

Agostino Romano: "Lincoln is just one of those big dudes who kinda is still there. We don't know who you are and quite frankly, I only know you from those two matches. I don't have social media either because I don't need it. I have a better place to connect with my fans using the forums for networking with them. I thank the fans by the way for sending me Xmas, New Years and good luck messages for me. Fact is you call people a joke and everything else, but you haven't done anything impressive. Heck, I defeated O'Malley in a match recently."

Agostino takes a break from speaking for a bit, as he was thrown a bottle of water and drinks it before continuing.

Agostino Romano: "Please don't assume that it is my fault your boring as sin because you are the same as every wrestler on this roster, claiming to be better than them and how you plan to win titles. As if everyone doesn't want to win championships. Everyone has talent in what they do, even Caleb Storms does. I think what's a joke is wrestlers not entertaining enough and demanding title matches all the time. Serious wrestlers need fun and to stand out."

Agostino shook his head as he goes up on the slide now, pretending to shoot a gun which led James to let off more fireworks and he goes down on the slide and causes a massive firework on the way down.

Agostino Romano: "Then we have the only guy I've looked forward to facing in a match since the day I got here. Listen, I'm not going to trash Bill Barnhart because the fact is, he's the only one legitimately who has made me laugh. He's a perfect example of what we need more wrestlers to do around here, less of Lincoln Daniels type wrestlers and more Bill's, well except the demanding titles part, but that's all I have negative to say."

Although Declan gets a plastic bulldog and pulls on the tail for it to bark as a real bulldog would. There was also a firework, designed of a bulldog.

Agostino Romano: "Woof woof goes the bulldog plastic doll there, and as a treat for you, I made the bulldog firework myself to appreciate you wanting to stand out. If only everyone else cared about making people laugh and entertaining, we'd be ruling the roost around here. I admire that, despite the ton of crap you get, but you are yourself, just like me. Imagine the creative ideas we'd come up with if we had a one on one match? It would be a pure joy to face you in the ring."

Agostino nodded, agreeing what he had said so far and he waves to the camera, mostly at Bill Barnhart. He has fireworks set up in a pool that wasn't being used today, although on a platform, suited for fireworks in the water.

Agostino Romano: "When it's all said and done, I will go out there and show all of you what fireworks I got cracking up my butt. I will prove to you all with how wacky, and entertaining I made you all, even with the plastic bulldog, woofing all over the place. There's no doubt in my mind that while I said I let title matches come to me, I still stay with that fact because I earned my way to the top of the motorcycling racing championship by letting them come to me with my efforts and I certainly will let that continue."

The fireworks now going off in the pool as Agostino closes his eyes and lets a firework by jumping in the swimming pool.

Agostino Romano: "Because I will prove in the ring, the only time I'm serious of this jokester of professional wrestling by going out there and winning the match. I know I can, and I will be happy to face all of you to go out there and win my shot for the title against a Church self-loving Father who I expect won't see what idea I have for him. Point is all of you will be sliding across the finishing line with my hands, feet, knees and elbows to win tomorrow night. See you racers oops, wrestlers out there when the bell rings, action will take place until I cross the finishing line, with a future golden belt around my waist."

Agostino left the swimming pool area and went back to his hotel room to rest up before doing more training in the gym for the title match tomorrow night.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 06:53:17 PM by Agostino Romano »

I love AJ Allmendinger.