Author Topic: Villain Status  (Read 513 times)

Offline Mikah

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    • Mikah
Villain Status
« on: September 04, 2020, 03:18:42 PM »

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
1:05 A.M.

The drive back from Primm seemed to take longer than Mikah and Kris had wanted it to. Alphonso was leaving them alone and Mikah let Kris sprawl out on one of the seats as she watched him. She the presses the down button to lower the little window between them and Alphonso.

;;MIKAH “Hey, Alphonso, we are close to Vegas, right?”

She sees his eyes in the rearview mirror.

__ALPHONSO “Yes, ma’am.”

She glances over at Kris before looking back at the driver.

;;MIKAH “Do you think you could swing by the hospital?”

He speaks up without opening his eyes, but the grimace on his face says more than his words.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Unless you need some medical attention that's a waste of time… I don't do hospitals.”

He tries to adjust to get more comfortable, but the bruise running up the length of his back was unrelenting. It had gotten worse in the time since the end of Climax Control, and he knew the worst was still ahead the next morning.

±±KRISTOPHER  “They would want to give me medication for it. Unless you want to be searching for a 200 pound heroin addict in the middle of a relapse for the rest of the night, go to the hotel.”

The blonde rolls her eyes before leaning back against the back of the seat. She looks at him before looking at Alphonso who didn't seem to know what to do or who to listen to. Mikah waves with her hand letting him know to go to the hotel.  She raises the window back up.

;;MIKAH “I have gotten you out of hospitals unnoticed. Don't you think that I might notice if you disappear on me?”

She hears her phone chirp with another notification but she chooses to ignore it.  She looks at him.

;;MIKAH “You could have internal bleeding, Kristopher. Don't be stupid.”

He shakes his head.

±±KRISTOPHER  “If I was bleeding internally the position of the bruise would move with gravity. Blood would pool in different spots depending on how I was sitting or laying.”

A particularly noticeable bump in the road makes him clench a fist in pain, but he stops short of hitting it against the seat of the car.

±±KRISTOPHER  “It's just a bruise and a few scrapes. I'm didn't break my neck or anything.”

She watches him for a moment before looking out the window and seeing the lights of the strip approaching. They would be at the Bellagio soon and would be out of the bumpy car.

;;MIKAH “You are not a doctor, Kristopher.  While, you're probably right or at least have a higher percent to be right, it does not mean you shouldn't get checked out.”

She leans her head back against the window behind her. She watches him and a gasp like noise slips from her lips as Alphonso had to slam on his brakes, lurching the two of them forward.

;;MIKAH “Jesus.  Fucking people.”

She was not mad at Alphonso because she knew that he was a very capable driver.

;;MIKAH “I am not sure that I can be much help to you, you know.”

He forces out a light laugh, trying to at least give the appearance of being carefree.

±±KRISTOPHER  “I don't need any help… really.”

It takes more effort than it should as the stiffness of the injury was starting to set in.

±±KRISTOPHER  “I need a hot tub, and a place without everyone trying to convince me to go to a doctor. If I wake up dead tomorrow, I will get checked out.”

She lets out a noise of annoyance and chooses to sit in silence the remainder of the ride to the hotel. She did not seem to care that she was probably being childish and that she should probably be nicer. She pushes her blonde locks out of her face as Alphonso parks and gets out to let them both out.

;;MIKAH “I am assuming you don't need help.”

She stands near the door, her head tilted to the side.

;;MIKAH “Your words.”

He gives her a less than pleased look and moves out of the car under his own power. In an act of defiance more than anything else, he slings his gym back up over his shoulder where the bruise down his back started and looks down at her.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Like I said….”

The two made their way up towards the door, and Kris even reached out to hold it for her. He places an arm on her shoulder and leans in a little in an attempt to be reassuring.

±±KRISTOPHER  “I was a lot more hurt than I am now the time Despy beat me for the Internet Championship. Shit was broken. I'm fine. I promise. Just don't make it a big deal…”

The two step into the lobby, and the attention of two individuals that are likely fans is immediately on them. The couple, in their early twenties, come up to the SCW stars before Kris cuts them off with a wave and a smile.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Come on…. like falling on a car is going to stop me?”

The two laugh, and Kris winks to them as he and Mikah dip into an elevator before a crowd can gather around them. As soon as the doors close, the fake smile comes off of his face, and he lets out the breath she did not know he was holding in. She watches him but bites her tongue as the elevator moves up the floors,  taking longer than normal as they were up in the suites of the classy hotel/ casino.

;;MIKAH “There is no harm in asking for help,  Kristopher.”

Her voice was quiet and for good reason because she knew she'd be refusing help too.

;;MIKAH “Just a little bit..”

He shrugs, still not convinced that he could not handle it on his own. She did not necessarily need to believe him. It was more about believing it himself. Still, it was not going to hurt to let her help him.

±±KRISTOPHER  “There’s no way I'm going to be able to pull my shirt or hoodie over my head without dying… so yeah… a little help.”

The elevator chimes, but he does not move off of the wall of the elevator. The doors open and he motions for her to head out first.

±±KRISTOPHER  “The view behind you is also helpful…”

She gives him a look but doesn't move just yet.

;;MIKAH “I do not think that that will help you at all.”

She gestures down before rolling her eyes and walking out of the elevator. She wasn't going to argue with him in an elevator. In the room, maybe. But not in public.

;;MIKAH “I may have to put pillows in between us, you know.”

She said it quietly so that nobody would hear her if they were listening. He takes it in stride instead of taking exception to it.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Assuming that there are any that I am not going to be laying on…”

The two make their way down the hallway, luckily finding it empty.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Things could have been a lot worse. I got lucky. It's not worth being worried about though. I will get him back.”

She gives him a look as she fishes out the key card to the suite.

;;MIKAH “I will request more pillows then.”

They get to their room, which was quite a walk from the elevator.  She unlocks the door and lets him in first before letting the door click shut behind them.

;;MIKAH “And I am not worried about you getting him back.  That is the farthest thing from my mind.”

She turns from him to set her things down on a desk before looking at him again.

;;MIKAH “What do you want to do now?”

He takes the bag from his shoulder and tosses it onto a couch in the main area of the suite. The championship inside of it clangs against other items in the bag, but he does not pay it any attention.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Can you just…”

He slowly pulls his hands out of the ends of his hoodie and tries to pull it up over his head. She steps forward and helps him pull both it and his shirt over his head and off.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Thank you.”

The words are flat, but sincere. Asking for help was not his strong suit. He adds the items to the pile of his things near the bag he had brought up, and catches sight of the bruise in a mirror behind him.

±±KRISTOPHER  “At least it looks exactly as bad as it feels. That is a plus.”

She makes a face and shakes her head at him.

;;MIKAH “Why do bruises have to be a good thing? I do not think they are a good thing. At all.”

She looks at him before walking over to the windows and opening the curtains to look out. The city was always awake and there was always something to see.

;;MIKAH “I do not see how any of that is a plus. Or this night, really.”

He laughs at the idea that it was a good thing at all. He would like nothing more than to not have the pain radiating up his back.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Shit happens. We fight people for a living. Nothing worth ruining a night about.”

He takes another look back at the bruise before crossing over to the window next to her.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Don't see why it's such a bummer for you.”

She doesn't say anything, just watches the city. She doesn't move from the window, her eyes trained on the city below them.

;;MIKAH “Is it such a bad thing to feel empathy for another person?”

She raises an eyebrow but doesn't look at him. She keeps her eyes trained on the city below them. She struggled with her own emotions and being able to voice it.

;;MIKAH “I know most people don't think I have any empathy for anybody….”

She just shrugs her shoulders. He has no problem finishing the thought for her.

±±KRISTOPHER  “....let alone me.”

It was true as far as he was concerned. The fact that she was worried about him was touching, but was also a surprise to him.

±±KRISTOPHER  “I wouldn't have thought that I was important enough for all that. I am just an interesting distraction.”

She doesn't say anything, her eyes still on the city lights. She could see the people walking but they didn't look like people from their room.

;;MIKAH “I never said that you were a distraction. What do I have to be distracted from?”

She says it slowly and quietly. She moves her eyes along the strip to focus on the fountains in front of the Bellagio, watching as they go off, dancing to the music that neither of them could hear.

;;MIKAH “You are not a distraction.”

He sighs, not having the energy to drag whatever was on her mind out of her. He attempts to stretch, but does not get far before thinking better of it. The wince that crosses his face shows just how bad of an idea it might have been. He moves away from the window a little bit, a noticeable limp slipping into each step.

±±KRISTOPHER  “I'm just the guy that got embarrassed from behind and left in a pile to close a show. Doesn't sound like much more than a distraction…”

She glances at him.

;;MIKAH “Maybe you should lie down. I'll call down to the desk and request more pillows.”

She doesn't let him respond as she picks up the phone and presses the button to call down to the front desk. She watches him before looking at the bed.  She talks quietly before hanging up.

;;MIKAH “They will be here shortly with the pillows.”

She looks at him before sitting down in one of the chairs. She crosses one leg over the other. She was still sporting the orange dress from before and the heels. She doesn't hesitate to rid herself of the heels.

±±KRISTOPHER  If I lay down now I might not make it back up…”

He moves into the bedroom of the suite but does not stop at the bed. Instead, he goes into the bathroom and she can hear the sounds of running water coming from it. A few moments later he pops back into view, going to the couch and getting off his shoes while standing.

±±KRISTOPHER  “You going to wait for them?”

She nods her head.

;;MIKAH “We won't get them if I don't…”

She watches him again,  watching him move about the room.

;;MIKAH “What else do you want me to do?”

He nods back towards the sounds coming from the bathroom.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Come keep me company after they get here?”

The words themselves should have sounded like a demand, but the way he said them made it come out like a request. He did not sound confident that she would take him up on it.

±±KRISTOPHER  “I'll get bored by myself without anyone to talk to. Even if you just want to come sit on the counter and tell me about how all the Bombshells other than you suck.”

She looks at him but doesn’t say anything right away before she gets up from her seat and rummages through her suitcase to find a t-shirt and a pair of nike shorts to change into.

;;MIKAH “Maybe I suck too.”

She shrugs her shoulders as she looks over at him but nods his head, letting him know that she’d be in there. 

;;MIKAH “Okay.”

It was a simple answer; probably as simple as she could make it.  She watches him disappear into the bathroom moments later and she unzips the zipper to her dress.  She carefully removes it before tugging on the shirt over the bra she was wearing.  She jumps as somebody knocks on the door and she doesn’t bother with the shorts as she pulls her hair up and ties it up in a messy bun on the top of her head.  She opens the door in just the t-shirt and panties, the shirt just barely covering them.

Room Service Guy:  “H-here are the extra pillows, ma’am.”

She gives him a half warm smile as she takes the four pillows he had brought up for her. 

;;MIKAH  “Thank you.”

She doesn’t let him respond and letes the door shut before she flips the lock into place.  She sees the shorts on the floor where she had dropped them but doesn’t bother with picking them up as she marches into the bedroom and puts the pillows on the bed.   She rubs a hand over her face for a second before she walks into the bathroom.  She glances at him for a moment before she sits on the counter to look at him.

;;MIKAH  “How’s your bath?”

He already seemed more comfortable than he was walking around the room, but the pain was not as obvious on his face.

±±KRISTOPHER  “So hot water and bruises don't really like each other…”

He smiled though and tries to stretch out his shoulder where the impact had been the worst. He is able to take it a little further than he had been by the window.

±±KRISTOPHER  “It's working for what it's gonna work for. I can't be too unhappy.”

He hesitates for a few seconds, but looks up to her.

±±KRISTOPHER  “...not like you seem to be right now…”

She just offers him a smile before leaning back against the mirror as he relaxes in the hot water.  She just shrugs her shoulders once more.

;;MIKAH “I am fine.  I did not get thrown onto a car.”

She pulls her feet up onto the counter, letting them sit flat on the counter as her knees are pulled up to her chest.  She looks at him again before wrapping her arms around her legs for a moment.

;;MIKAH  “I still think you should go see a doctor.”

He draws his own conclusion from her words and looks at her surprised.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Are you actually worried that I am hurt? Is that why you are so down?”

He shakes his head, playing it off like there was nothing to worry about.

±±KRISTOPHER  “If I can't handle being pushed, I shouldn't be in a fighting profession.”

She lets out a frustrated sigh as she looks at him then puts her legs down, letting her feet dangle from the counter’s edge.

;;MIKAH “I get not wanting to get on meds and whatever else so you don’t slip back.  I understand that and I also understand not liking the doctor’s office.”

She hesitates before crossing her feet at her ankles as she looks at him.

;;MIKAH “But isn’t it better to be safe than sorry?”

He sighs, trying not to invalidate her concerns by just brushing her away. He takes a second to try and see her side of things before letting in a little.

±±KRISTOPHER  “The staff said nothing was broken before I left. If I feel worse than I think I should tomorrow, I will get checked out.”

It was hard for him to even back down that much, but it was a start. He knew the truth about the attack, and that was why it did not seem so bad.

±±KRISTOPHER  “You know this is just the beginning though, right? This is just where it starts. This thing with me and Crimson is going to get a lot worse than a bruise…”

She doesn’t say anything, pursing her lips together for a moment before she looks at him.

;;MIKAH “I know.  I know there are risks that come with the job; I’ve been doing it for almost eleven years now.  It’s taken me this long to not be scared of going to the hospital.”

She shrugs her shoulders again.

;;MIKAH  “I just don’t…”

She frowns before leaning forward a bit, her hands gripping the edge of the counter.

;;MIKAH “I just don’t want something to happen to you.”

He shrugs his shoulders, not having any answer that she would want to hear.

±±KRISTOPHER  “As you can see, I don't have a lot of control in it. I can beat the guy into the ground, get in his face, or ignore him completely. He is still going to keep coming.”

He pauses for just a second, thinking over his next choice of words. It takes him a moment to find the right way to put it.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Either I am going to stop him, or he is going to stop me. Either way it is not going to end pretty.”

She doesn’t say anything, thinking about his words and really just not knowing what to say exactly.  She looks at him before swinging her legs a little more.

;;MIKAH  “No, you maybe don’t have a lot of control in it…”

She looks at him before offering a small smile.

;;MIKAH  “And it might not be very pretty.  Because unlike myself, it is not that pretty itself.”

She looks at him as she slides off of the counter and walks over to the jacuzzi style tub.  She stands next to it as she looks at him.

;;MIKAH  “I...Just...just be a little extra careful?  I don’t want to worry about you when I have to worry about the basket case.”

He can feel the hot water doing its job helping to alleviate the stiffness that was already starting to set in.

±±KRISTOPHER  “Don't sweat it. It's not important enough to worry about. I can't change it, or stop the wheels from turning. Whatever is going to happen is going to go down in four weeks.”

He smiles smugly, pushing the thought from his mind.

±±KRISTOPHER  “You know who can handle that kind of problem? Future Kris.”

She gives him a look before halfway sitting on the edge of the tub.

;;MIKAH “You should be nicer to future Kris.  I kind of feel sorry for Future Kris.”



2:45 P.M.

The scene opens up to one of the many beaches in the beautiful San Diego area. The blonde bombshell is seen sitting in the sand and watching the ocean. However, she is not dressed in a bikini but instead a simple pair of Nike spandex black booty shorts and a simple neon yellow Nike sports bra. Her tennis shoes are seen off the side.

;;MIKAH “Tell me something, Johanna…”

She pauses for dramatic effect as her eyes flicker out to the ocean, watching the waves crash against the shore.

;;MIKAH “How does it feel being the forgotten one?”

A smirk settles easily onto the blonde Bombshell’s face and her eyes flicker to the camera before they look back out at the ocean. She seemed calm as if she didn’t have anything to worry about when in fact, her mind was all over the place. Memories had been dragged back up, ones she hadn’t thought about until recently. Or at least until the attack O’Malley had done on Kris. She hadn’t been worried about him like that since 2018 and all the memories from that time was coming back, full force.

;;MIKAH “Are you confused? Because let me make it clear for you, Johanna.”

She looks back out at the ocean again as she leans back on her arms that were stretched out behind her with her hands in the sand.

;;MIKAH “When a tag team is booked against Wolfslair, who do you think they want to face?”

She keeps her eyes out on the ocean, almost as if she was ignoring the camera. To her, it was important for her to look into the camera. She had spent so many years doing that, and it never really seemed to matter anyways.

;;MIKAH “Of course I mean between you and Alica because Austin and Alex are already big stars on their own. And have set their own paths in SCW. But you? I ‘m not sure I know much about you.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

;;MIKAH “And don’t say that you were this or you were that because really, if you haven’t set a path for yourself in SCW, who are you really?”

She sighs and shakes her head to herself.

;;MIKAH “I talk a big game, I’ll be the first to admit that, Johanna. You won’t see me saying that I’m scared that I’m going to lose because I’m just not good enough. Because frankly, I am good enough. I’m better than good enough. However, let’s not talk down about your talent in the ring, Jo.”

Another smirk crosses her face as she looks over at the camera. That focused look in her eyes as she stares into the camera.

;;MIKAH “You and Alex Jones held the mixed tag titles for a good six months, correct? And that in itself is no laughing matter.”

She shakes her head no.

;;MIKAH “It’s quite an accomplishment. But did you have any real competition for those belts? Or were just one of those teams that were complacent enough to hold onto them because everybody else that they went up again sucked and lacked everything there is to be in a wrestler?”

She raises an eyebrow at the camera.

;;MIKAH “Let’s pick apart your little group, shall we? First of all we have Alicia Lukas….”

She stops for a moment, looking up at the sky as she gathers and organizes her thoughts in her head.

;;MIKAH “She has made a name for herself in the Bombshell division. She held the Bombshell Championship for a long ass time. And I believe she even broke the record that I set four years ago. I could be wrong but I believe that she did. So, already she’s got a lot more going for her than you do, Jo.”

Another trademark smirk crosses her face.

;;MIKAH “You don’t mind if I call you Jo, do you? Great, thanks.”

She acted as if Johanna had given her permission even though her opponent was nowhere to be seen. Semantics.

;;MIKAH “I’m not sure I care enough to dig through the history of SCW since I’ve been gone to see if you’ve actually done something worth talking about. Sure, you and Alex held the mixed tag team championships for six months but I think that it’s easier to obtain that than it is to hold a singles belt by one’s self. You have another person that you can rely on, whether or not you’re decent in the ring. You technically don’t even have to wrestle if you didn’t want to and if your partner is willing to carry you to the top of the division. It’s a simple thought, really and I’m sure it’s one that most teams have thought about. But have you? That’s the true question.”

She simply shrugs her shoulders at the thought.

;;MIKAH “Your entire group doesn’t seem to be the type to rely on their partners but then again, I haven’t been around long enough to know much about each of them in your group. And now, Alex Jones is the World Heavyweight Champion. He’s clearly got better things to do than to worry about you, Alicia, or Austin. I mean, he’s carrying an entire division on his back all while he has a target painted on his back. Do you really think that he’s going to have time to focus on the group, Jo? Because I really think when it comes down to it, he’s going to be all about himself. But he’s not your partner on Sunday. Austin is.”

She smiles again at the camera.

;;MIKAH “Austin also has made a name for himself in SCW. He’s clearly not somebody that I would want to mess with myself, but I’ll leave that up to my partner.”

She winks at the camera.

;;MIKAH “You know, everybody thought that when I came back to form the this team with Kristopher, that it wouldn’t work. That we’d clash and argue and nothing would ever get done. They said I would flop in the ring because I hadn’t been in the ring for almost two years but since I’ve returned, Kristopher and I haven’t lost a match together.”

She smirks confidently at the camera.

;;MIKAH “And separately? That’s a different story. Kristopher and I have both made a name for ourselves as singles competitors in SCW. And it’s not exactly something that you do without working at it. And I fully believe that you should be successful in the singles division before you go into a tag team, looking to be successful there. I fully believe in being able to stand on your own two feet. I think that that is important as a competitor to be able to know that they don’t have to rely on a partner but only to rely on one’s self. That is important. Kristopher and I can do that; I don’t have to rely on him to ensure that he and I pick up a win or vice versa. We have each other’s backs even when it doesn’t seem like we do. Was it a rocky path to get here? Yes, it was. Both of us have combustive personalities and are both strong willed but in the end, we both typically want the same thing.”

She smirks at the camera again.

;;MIKAH “And that’s the mixed tag team championships. I’m not going to beat around the bush and say we don’t want them because that would be a lie. Why wouldn’t a mixed tag team want them? That is after all the endgame for most of the teams in the company.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

;;MIKAH “Time to be serious, Johanna, Austin, neither of you are stupid. You’re not bimbos looking for your fifteen minutes of fame. You’re not a team that wants just to be here for the fame. And while, I like to pick apart the things that I don’t know about either of you, I know that you’re both talented in the ring. Because if you weren’t, you wouldn’t have held the championships for as long as you did. But does that mean that you’re more talented than Kris and I?”

She tilts her head to the side as she looks back at the camera again.

;;MIKAH “I personally do not think so. And while that sounds cocky and arrogant, I fully believe that Kristopher and I are better. And maybe I shouldn’t go into the match with so much arrogance that it backfires and we lose but losing isn’t going to be the worst thing that could happen to us. Plus, you’re most likely the only team that would be worth losing to.”

She simply shrugs her shoulders again.

;;MIKAH “I’ll be honest, I kind of wanted to step into the ring against Alicia Lukas to see what the hype about her is all about. But for now, I’ll have to focus on stepping into the ring against you, Johanna.”

She looks back out at the ocean, watching the waves crash against the shore again. It was almost mesmerizing to her.

;;MIKAH “Sunday isn’t too far off and we’ll be in Vegas waiting to tear up the arena and show everybody what we’re all made of. And I’m not sure if you all are made out to be villains or heroes, but I’ll gladly play the villain again just to steal the win from you.”

She looks out at the ocean again. It was almost as if she was hypnotized by the blue-green of the water. She turns and looks at the camera.

;;MIKAH “Because that’s what villains do.”