Author Topic: Kate Steele V Keira Fisher  (Read 1648 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Kate Steele V Keira Fisher
« on: May 23, 2020, 11:35:11 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match here.

Limits: 1 roleplay per week, 10,000 max

Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Keira Fisher

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Kate Steele V Keira Fisher
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2020, 05:10:55 PM »
 Keira is seen slowly coming from the curtain. She keeps her eyes closed, her hands covered in a red substance. She continues to slowly walk, almost like she was ashamed of what she did, replaying the nightmare over and over. She turns and enters the locker room, going straight to the bathroom. She goes to wash her hands, but she feels a hand on Keira's shoulder

Roxi: I know you have your reasons.

Keira: Still. I'm ready for the scolding....

Keira slowly turns to look at Roxi. Her eyes finally open, showing the black eyes with red dots in the middle, knowing she had to be Sin again

Roxi: Just be careful.

Keira: I'm trying. But Kate Steele needs to learn a lesson. Anyone can face Keira Fisher, Keira Johnson. But, as Sin....

Keira lowers her head, seeing the red substance, pretty much blood at this point as she sighs

Keira: ....I might have a chance.

Roxi: You can't think like that.

Roxi again places her hand on Keira's shoulder.

Roxi: You don't have to think about what others think about your place in wrestling. You're my wife. We did really well as Team Hero. But you have a chance to do something right here, on your own, and step into your own, and after that, nobody will be comparing you to me.

Keira: You're right. Even when I fight by myself. Despite our powers, I still think I hold back a little.

Keira slowly turns and turns the water on, washing her hands as she continues to speak to Roxi

Keira: What I did out there, Roxi. What I did...I'm not going to say it felt right. Cause it didn't. When I fought Candy earlier, yea, I lost. But it was a great fight. Candy is a sweet, innocent soul.

Keira gets between the fingers, wanting to make sure the blood was off her hands as she continues

Keira: But with people like Kate Steele. She never learns her lesson. She didn't remember the last time. I had to MAKE her remember....

Keira finishes washing as she gets some paper towels and dries her hands. She throws them in the trash bin as she turns back to Roxi to speak

Keira: People like Kate Steele, doesn't get to face Keira. In order to finally make her understand. I have to do this, Roxi. I HAVE to take this route. Like I told her. She's not facing just me.

Keira takes her finger and slowly takes out one of the contacts from her eyes, her right eye showing her normal green as she says

Keira: She's facing me...AND Sin. If I have to put the fear of the demon HERSELF into Kate. Then so be it. But if you're about to think that you'll lose me to the darkness....

Keira puts the first contact into the contact case. She slowly takes out the other one and puts that contact into the case as she closes it. She turns back to Roxi, her eyes fully back to normal as she says

Keira: I promise you. I won't go into that darkness. I'll beat the shit out of her, no questions asked. But it won't be like the Sin of old. You have my word, Roxi Johnson....

Roxi: Then... my warning is all you need to hear. Just be careful.

Keira: I will. You won't lose me that easily, Red.

Roxi: I never want to.

Keira smiles as she leans in, kissing Roxi on the lips, deeply. The two slowly get lost in the moment, kissing like they did when they first dated so long ago. Keira breaks the kiss as she asks

Keira: How long has it been since we just....did it...more so in the locker room?

Roxi: ... Seriously? It's not the time or the place.

Keira: I know. But my Birthday IS this week....

Roxi: I know, but you need to focus.

Keira: No. No talk about Focus. We got a couple of weeks. Don't make me waste a Birthday Wish to have you remove your lectures of Focus.

Keira smirks a bit

Keira: Next week, I can focus all week. Let me have this week. I don't turn 33 often.

Keira turns to grab the contacts. As she does, she goes back to the couch and puts them in the bag. She smirks again as she says

Keira: I mean, I know you did a few things before you met me. Vision DID tell me how you took pictures of your butt....

Roxi: Those... those were different days.

Keira: I could ask Vision if you saved those pics. I mean, the world needs to see that beautiful butt of yours--

Roxi shakes her head and sighs a bit as she says

Roxi: No, Keira.

Keira: You're no fun. No wonder you get grey hai--

Roxi quickly grabs Keira by her arms and pins them to the wall

Keira: Jeez, touchy much? All I said was grey ha--

Roxi says nothing and just kisses Keira on the lips. After a moment, she pulls back

Roxi: That should hold you over. But you still need to focus

Keira: Roxi...two weeks. If you don't let me have one week to relax without me having dark thoughts of what I'm going to do to Kate at Into The Void. I'll tell your Dad about you being a Superhero.

Keira sighs at that and then says

Keira: Ok, I won't do that. But you need to cool off. I know how important the match is. I know how important the Internet Title is to me right now. This is one of the reasons I'm going TO these extremes, hating myself for it.

Roxi finally nods as she says

Roxi: You're right. I am pushing this too hard. I just want this for you so badly.

Keira: No, you're pushing me like YOU want to wrestle for the title. Let me handle this. Like you told me with Amber. We can do anything together. But this is something I need to do on my own. Well, halfway on my own. The other half wants Kate's blood.

Roxi: Alright, for now... Do what you need to do.

Keira: Thank you. That's all I ask. What I want to do right now....

Keira gives a seductive wink, knowing she was doing it to tease Roxi at this point.

Roxi: Can it wait until we get home?

Keira: Considering we have a house full of people back at home and the last time we tried to have alone time, your mom caught us....

Roxi: We're not doing it here.

Keira: Got any other ideas, then?

Roxi: Somewhere other than here.

Keira: Well, there is the hotel room that we barely use. It's being paid by SCW after all. Might as well make sure they got their money's worth out of it.

Roxi: ... Fine.

Keira: You act like it's torture sometimes, babe. You need to loosen up. Show me some of that Roxi from the old days of what Vision told me.

Roxi: We all have to grow up at some points...

Keira: Babe, you haven't grown up on a few things. Do I got to remind you of how much you slam the drums down like you're a child?

Keira gets closer to Roxi as she places her arms over her

Keira: Also how you hit on Louie?

Keira giggles a little bit as she continues on

Keira: Also the time you were at your bachelorette party when you lost your pants--

Roxi: Okay! I get it!

Keira: lingerie with the boots?

Keira gives a sly little wink as she takes her hand to caress Roxi's shoulder a bit. Roxi sighs a little bit as she says to Keira.

Roxi: That was for a photo shoot. I'll try to find it.

Keira: You got to focus, Roxi! Focus on finding that lingerie. I want you to take every second to focus on finding that linger--

Roxi once again takes Keira's hands and pins her to the wall

Roxi: You know what? Screw the lingerie. Transmit...NOW!

Keira giggles a bit as she kisses Roxi on the lips

Keira: Yes, Ma'am!

Roxi lets go as Keira puts a hand on Roxi's shoulder. The two transmit to the hotel as the scene fades

A few days later, it was Keira's Birthday. Keira slowly wakes up and turns, not seeing Roxi in the room. She jerks up from bed, thinking that she had finally did something to make Roxi mad or what she might have done as Sin.. Keira rushes down, wearing a robe to cover herself up. As she turns, she sees in the kitchen....

Roxi:  Good morning.

Keira: Morning. Please tell me that it's you and not Sin still in me, messing with my brain or at least Doctor Dream messing with my dreams again

Roxi: What are you talking about? It's fine.

Keira breathes a sigh of relief. It has been almost four years since that incident. Keira always thought it would come back, but not today as she sits down

Roxi: You okay?

Keira: Yea, dear. When I didn't see you in bed. I legit thought it was that nightmare again...

Roxi: Well, somebody has to make you this cake.

Keira: .....Cake!?

Keira extends her arms, begging for the cake badly


Roxi: You're not 5, knock it off. It's not even close to ready yet.

Keira: But I'm Hungry!

Roxi: Well, you're going to have to hold yourself over. This cake is still in ingredients phase.

All of a sudden, Nate is seen running in, holding something in his hands. He stops and pokes Keira's leg with it. Keira looks down and smiles as she grabs and lifts Nate up. She holds him as she asks

Keira: What do you got there, you little monster?

Nate: I... drawed this.

Nate shows Keira a child's drawing of the three of them, and the two dogs.

Nate: Cause it's... um... it's...

Roxi: You know what today is.

Nate: Mama... birthday!

Keira smiles as she gives Nate some kisses to his cheek, making him laugh

Keira: Thank you, Nate. It's a beautiful drawing. I love my present.

Nate: But.. I have another present.

Keira: Oh?

Nate: Uh huh... two presents!

Nate hugs Keira tightly and gives her a kiss.

Nate: See!

Keira: Awwww. my special little boy. I love my presents. Thank you so much!

Roxi: Where's your plate, Nate?

Nate: In... the other room.

Roxi: Are you done with it?

Nate: Uh-huh.

Roxi: Go get it and put it in the trash, please.

Nate: Okay

Nate scurries off and returns his plate to the trash and tosses it in. Roxi picks him up.

Roxi: Thank you. You wanna help Mommy make this cake?

Nate: Okay!

Keira smiles a bit. She stands up and looks at the two as she says.

Keira: I know when I'm not wanted. You two have fun making the cake and I'll go to the living ro--

Roxi: Hold it, there, Blondie.

Keira: ....Blondie? That's new.

Roxi: You call me Red all the time. Might as well reverse it. Since you're going to the living room. Check behind the couch. You'll love your presents I got you. Let's say it's part one of your massive presents today.

Keira raises an eyebrow at this. She turns to go to the living room and looks behind the couch, since she was more worried earlier. As she looks, she notices a TON of Gunpla Boxes. Multiple Perfect Grades that she didn't have yet, good bit of Master Grades. Some High Grades and--


Keira turns and sees Roxi smiling alot at this

Roxi: Figured you'd like those.

Keira: B-But-But...those Hyper Hybrid Models a-are 3 Grand t-to 25 Grand! How!?

Roxi: I have my ways.

Keira: ....If her name is Jenny Tuck....

Roxi: No. Trust me. I thought about what you said. I pushed you too hard lately. Even tried on your Birthday this week. You're right. You deserve ONE Week.

Keira: Rox, you had every right to. You want me to be the best. I thank you for it.

Keira goes over and hugs her wife. She sighs a sigh of relief as she says

Keira: I love you, Roxi Johnson.

Roxi: I love you too..

Nate: I love you, Mama!

Keira: I love you too, Nate!

Keira goes back to Nate and hugs him

Keira: You are my world, Nate. The best thing to ever happen to us.

Keira lets go and looks at Roxi

Keira: So, how are we going to have this Birthday when the whole word is in chaos?

Roxi: The world isn't falling apart. We're slowly coming back together. It's gonna take a while, but we'll get there.

Keira: True, but with everything going insane still. Especially a rumored Second Wave coming

Keira sighs, but shakes it off as she says

Keira: Sorry, I guess I just worry alot, babe.

Roxi: So do I. But, hopefully,  we start seeing some results soon, and people take care of themselves.

Keira nods as she looks down at Nate. She says to him

Keira: Nate, Go play in your room for a few. We'll call you down when it's time for the party. If you be a good boy. I'll give you a BIG slice of my Birthday Cake. Deal?

Nate: Okay.

Roxi: He's supposed to be helping me.

Keira: He will. But this is something he can't hear.

Keira gives a look to Roxi in secret. The look that meant something that Nate can ever hear. Roxi nods as Nate turns and runs off for a moment. Keira then says to Roxi

Keira: I wanted to talk to you about my match with Kate. I know after the party, I'll have to train. But, what you told me. To be careful. Why are you letting go through with this? We both know what Sin has done, even if it's a lighter version of her. I was ready for the scolding from you cause of it. Why? Why did you basically say to me, "Do what you need to do"?

Roxi: Because that's you. I have tried for... longer than I like to admit, to have you be a version of me. But, after all this time, it kind of hit me. You don't need to be. You need to be you.

Keira: I figured. But I had to make sure. All this time you wanted me to focus, you were pushing me more and more to be basically a blonde you. Roxi, you're right. I can never be like you. Cause I'm not a Roxi clone. I'm Keira Fisher-Johnson. I WAS AM Sin again! Sure, not the Sin of the past. But enough to put the Super Bitches like Kate Steele down. Two sides of the coin now. Keira is heads, Sin is tails. But now, both sides fight for Good.

Keira goes over and puts her hand on Roxi's hand as she looks into Roxi's eyes and continues

Keira: No matter what. I will always be yours. You're not getting rid of me. We made a vow, we do everything together. Yes, sometimes we have to fight some battles alone. You got Amber Ryan. I got the Cannon Fodder in Kate Steele. She can't beat me and she knows it.

Keira leans in and kisses Roxi on the lips

Keira: As for you worrying about me falling back into that Darkness. I promise you then and I still promise you now. You won't lose me to the darkness. After everything and I do mean EVERYTHING we went through. The darkness won't consume me ever again.

Roxi: I know that. I wanted you to not tempt it, but I know it's something you have to do.

Keira: Once it's over. Once I have the Internet Championship. I can bring prestige back to it. But I'll do it, MY way.

Roxi: And who knows... I win the Queen for a day and... I may want to win the Internet title from you.

Roxi says with a wink.

Keira: can grant your wife a Bombshell World Championship Match.

Roxi: Or me. There's a lot of things I could do.

Keira: Oh yea. Roxi Johnson needs another World Title match and win the title for the 50th time. Meanwhile, leave your wife out in the cold. You try that once, Red and you're sleeping on the couch.

Keira giggles a good bit over that.

Keira: But don't expect me to call you Queen Roxi when you win. I did that years back and you never forgave me for that.

Roxi: That's not a bad idea, Ke.

Keira shakes her head and punches Roxi on the side of her arm, saying.

Keira: You deserved that.

Keira giggles again cause of it.

Roxi: I did.

Keira shakes her head at this. She leans in and kisses Roxi on the lips again. As she breaks the kiss, Nate is seen coming out of his room, running to Roxi.

Nate: Mommy, cake! I help!

Roxi: Yes, let's make the cake!

Nate: Yay!

Keira: Yay! You two have fun!

Roxi smiles as she picks up Nate and carries him to the kitchen. Keira turns and goes past the living room and goes to the side, where the gravity chamber is kept. She touches the door of it, knowing what's about to happen as she says

Keira: After all this time, even when you're gone from my life. Somehow, your essence is still felt in my life. Now I can finally use you for a force for good. Something WE need to do. It's not like you can hear me anyway. You've been gone for over three years.

Keira clenches her fist as she says

Keira: But now, you can finally get what you want while I do the same. You get to punish Kate while I get the Internet Championship. I won't have to go back to the darkness again. Cause it's time...

Keira turns, showing a red dot in her left eye as she says

Sin: To flip the coin...

The Red Dot fades from Keira, showing the new contacts working. She then rejoins Roxi and Nate as the scene fades


Do you remember the last time? Kate?

I’ve been saying it to you for a while now, and I don’t think you get it. I don’t think you really, really get it. Because you clearly are too busy wanting other championships to really care about me, and the challenge I’m presenting to you. And that’s why last week had to be a reminder. Because you forgot.

You are scatter-brained and now you want to go after the SCW Bombshell World Championship. But you also really want to break some kind of record for longest reign and most defenses and all that crap. That just shows me that you aren’t concerned with really being a good champion, just one that holds onto a title for very long.

If you held that title for however long it took to break the record, and never had to defend it, you’d be happy. You would be perfectly fine being a mediocre champion so long as you held it for a long time. You would be perfectly fine just having a physical title to call your own and because you have the attention span of a damn squirrel, you would want to go after another championship, and be a mediocre champion holding that title. You have been blinded by gold so you have forgotten what it’s like to work.

Yes, you beat my wife in a championship defense. Congratulations. Woo-fucking-pee! Your desire to hold the championship and chase records was strong that night. I also know that my wife was conflicted about really beating you because she had no desire to want to wrestle me after I worked to earn this championship match. She saw this as beating you, and then having to wrestle me, or lose to you and just feel annoyed. And wow, she takes annoyed very well. Let me tell you. But that’s the only thing you’ve been talking about for weeks now. And you forgot all about me.

I tried to remind you. I tried to warn you, but you want to brag about beating my wife. That’s cute. I kept asking the question and you clearly didn’t remember. You are only focused on what you did in the past 5 minutes so that you can brag about it and then make an uneducated or ridiculous statement so you can get attention, so you can brag more.

You’re like a child. Like my 3 year old child. But when I tried to get your attention, you brushed me off. You’ve doubted me and said my wife was better than me. So you’re not serious about me. I almost feel like you don’t care about this match at all. You’ve already made it known you want to be SCW Bombshell World Champion. You don’t care about the championship you have, you just want another one.

The Internet championship is a toy to you. Most combined days as champion I hear. I beat Roxi Johnson, I hear. Those two things right there, should make you want to do better as the Internet champion and make it mean something.

But you got your big moment, and now you don’t care.

You know what? That's fine with me. Cause it'll make the beating on you at Into the Void THAT MUCH EASIER TO DO AND I WON'T HAVE TO HOLD A DAMN THING BACK! You legit asked for this, Kate. You asked for a challenge. You ASKED to have your head POUNDED INTO THE GROUND!

Oh, trust me. I WILL break a bitch, come Into The Void. Don't you worry about that, sunshine. Like I told you before, Kate. You're not facing just me. You're not just facing Sin....


Now. I've done all my talking, Kate. I just hope you don't lose focus when it comes to the defense at Into the Void about how you're going to be a Future SCW Bombshell World Champion, which by the way. Want in one hand, shit in the other. See which one gets full first.

Cause I promise you, if you lose focus even once in the match. You will lose that Internet Championship. You WILL be consumed into the Darkness that Sin has waiting for you and I...will have the biggest Birthday Present SCW ever had me earn.

I'll see you soon, Kate. As for my other half?

SHE's coming.....

Offline Kate Steele

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Kate Steele V Keira Fisher
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2020, 05:30:33 PM »
 Saxon Hotel

One would assume that Kate Steele would be all smiles. Life seemed to be going extremely well for her. The country was slowly starting to open up again. Her life with her husband and her daughter was better than it had ever been. The band was really starting to take off in the right direction not to mention her life as a guitarist for Devilition was also going really well. She didn’t have much to complain about in her life until she and her best friend Melody Grace had a big falling out. Kate tried her best to really save her friendship but nothing she did seemed to work. Melody had already made up her mind on how she felt about Kate and it’s like our friendship had gone out of the window. The pain of losing a match was nothing compared to that of losing the one person who she felt she could talk to about anything and would never be judgmental about her.

At first Kate was depressed about the entire best friend breakup with Melody as she had frequent the bar and drank her life away. However as the days went by she had quickly changed her tune from that of being depressed to that of being highly enraged.

Kate Steele found her way to one of the private meeting rooms at the hotel. Her music equipment was setup throughout the room. She had a bottle of Grey Goose at her side as she took it straight to the head before she turned on her amp. She placed her electric guitar over her shoulders as she stood in front of a microphone stand and started to play her rendition of Pink’s So What. Kate cracked a wicked grin as she started to rock out and sing at the same exact time.

“I guess I just lost my best friend
I don't know where she went
So I'm gonna drink my money
I'm not gonna take her shit (nope)
I got a brand new attitude
And I'm gonna wear it tonight
I wanna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight”

Kate plays angrily some more as she strums away and some time goes by as the door to the meeting room opens up and we are able to see the rest of the Gem Stones walking into the room. They all just watch Kate from afar as she continues to play and sing.

“So, so what?
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that we're done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright, I'm just fine
And you're a tool
So, so what?!”

Kate yells right into the microphone.

“Get out of my FACE who the fuck needs a stupid Bitch like MELODY GRACE!!!!!!!”

She continues to strum away and it is at this moment that we are able to see the likes of Ruby walking over to Kate’s amp. She pulls the plug as there isn’t an electric sound anymore. Kate is now just strumming strings as Ruby sighs as she glances at Kate. The blonde haired lead singer seems to be upset as she glares daggers at the blue haired bassist.

“Excuse me I was in the middle of my own personal set. I didn’t ask you to pull the plug on my song”

Emerald and Sapphire are quiet but Ruby isn’t one to back down as she keeps her eyes focused right on Kate. She takes a long deep breath as she begins to speak to her.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?! Is all of this really necessary! I mean honestly you are acting like a spoiled little brat. I get it you are hurting because your best friend basically kicked you to the curb…”

“AHEM my FORMER best friend…I don’t want anything to do with that stupid Bitch! She’s a tool who couldn’t even bother to hear me out when I was trying to reach out to her. Sorry but I am not going to get so wrapped up over what Melody Grace Carpenter Huntington Hawkes thinks or whatever. I am so over her. I tried to be an amazing best friend but the way she snapped at me is inexcusable. Like how could she just do this to her BEST HAIR FRIEND! How could she stab a dagger right through the heart of RUK… RAINBOWS, UNICORNS, AND KITTENS is the best bombshells team of all time… Granted Melody, Cat and I really weren’t a team but you know…”

Ruby sighs as she shakes her head looking at Kate.

“Look did you ever think that perhaps you are taking things a little too personally. Maybe Melody is going through some stuff. The world has been crazy as of late with this virus stuff. She’s basically on lockdown with a baby. She’s probably lonely and is lashing out at you because she knows you can take it. Don’t act like you have NEVER lashed out at anybody before Kate. You aren’t that perfect!”

Kate stands there dumbfounded as she sighs in return but Ruby continues to speak.

“Besides Melody is just one of your friends. You can’t get caught up over her. Things are going to work out over time just give Melody some space. I am sure she really doesn’t mean it as much as you might think she does. On top of that you just can’t get caught up over her to the point where you are drinking your life away. You have a husband who is trying to reform his life who needs you, you have a beautiful daughter, and not to mention not one but two bands that desperately need you…”

Ruby smiles eagerly as she looks right at Kate.

“I can’t speak for the rest of the group but I can say that I JUST HOOKED UP WITH CHIP from Devilition… We are officially an item and I need someone to have girl talk with. It may not mean much but you are my best friend Diamond. So I was thinking we could perhaps go on double dates. Maybe do things together and…

Kate however doesn’t hear a single word that Ruby says as her mind is still locked on that of Melody Grace.

“You know maybe Melody is just being a jealous little Bitch. I did win the Internet Championship from her all of those years ago. Maybe she is still sulking over the fact that she isn’t me. I would be jealous of me as well, and if she was jealous we could have sat down and really talked things out. There was no need to get so offended over what I am doing in wrestling now… Not now and not ever…”

Ruby just sighs as she seems to be in a reverie like state as her eyes instantly look up to that of the ceiling and she continues to speak.

“I could just picture Chip and I having long walks on a beach, maybe a nice candle lit dinner for two… Maybe the two of us could go star gazing and I will show him how much of a working woman I am when I get my managers license by going to wrestling school…It’s going to be so fantastic…”

Ruby can’t help but talk about her newfound boyfriend while Diamond still has her mind on that of Melody Grace. Emerald just shakes her head in disgust as she glances at the both of them.

“Obviously Ruby totes forgot why we needed to meet up with Diamond in the first place. Seeing as the so called woman who can’t even let us share the band’s Twitter properly always wants to speak. I guess I can say what’s going on. You two need to knock it off. I didn’t join this band all the way from Manchester to be a part of something so terribly shitty. I left England with the intentions to make it America and this band is going to do it bloody well. Diamond can you pull your head out of Melody’s arse for one second so you can honestly know what’s going on…And Ruby stop trying to sexualize your boyfriend we really don’t need to know what you two do in the bed…”

Emerald takes a deep breath as she continues to speak.

“Here’s the deal we got a text message from Chloe Martin of Rose Productions. Apparently she wants to have a virtual meeting with us along with Christina to discuss future opportunities for our band and something big that’s coming down the pipeline. She really didn’t say much other than that but that meeting is in about an hour so perhaps you should put the bottle down so we can get to this big meeting…”

Kate rolls her eyes as she looks back at Emerald.

“Wait Rose Productions wants to meet with us?! About what exactly. If this is about the Gem Stones and Devilition not having a concert and living up to the agreements of our contracts it’s bollocks. We can’t control SCW not traveling due to a natural act of God. That’s a bunch of bullshit. I don’t give a damn if Crystal owns the company or not. We are doing the best we can and that’s all that really matters…”

Emerald however shakes her head.

“If I knew why they wanted to meet with us I would have been giving you somewhat of an answer but obviously I don’t know that. All I know is that it’s very important so let’s just make sure to sober you up so we can go about with this meeting. Whatever it has to deal with if it’s as big as she says it is you know it must be important. Let’s just go with the flow and go from there…”

Kate slowly nods her head in agreement as she takes off her guitar as she looks right at Emerald.

“Fine let’s go about this meeting thing. If it involves money I am all for it as I am sure you all are as well. It’s been a tough season for us ladies. We have been through so much together but at least we have all been through this together. It’s time for us to take things to another level and go from there right?!”


All of the Gem stones nod their heads in return as Kate goes to grab her bottle but Emerald however yanks it away from Kate as she turns the bottle upside down forcing the liquid to just run out and pour itself all over the floor. Kate sighs in return growling as she glares right into Emerald’s eyes.

“What the hell was that for that was some good fucking booze. You don’t expect for me to go into one of these meetings and actually be sober for it right?!”

“Diamond… I think it would be better if you were sober in general. You have been drinking way too much as of lately and it’s just not good. You have this meeting to worry about along with a huge wrestling match on the horizon so why don’t we just cut back on the drinking okay?!”

“FINE if you think it would make that much of a big deal. Why don’t I go freshen up and we can go about doing this stupid meeting…”

With that the girls can’t help but smile at Kate as she leaves the private meeting room to go get freshen up for their huge meeting later on in the day.

One Hour Later

It was time for the huge meeting with the executives from Rose Productions. Diamond and the Gem Stones made their way to the pool and each of them were wearing sundresses. Sitting down at a table wearing a bikini and a pair of shades is Christina Zdunich. She smiles as she has a laptop set up on the table as she looks at the band.

“Hello ladies… It’s always a pleasure to see you all especially considering that my production company is making good money off of you all…”

Diamond smiles as she nods her head in agreement.

“Of course we are making money. You are talking about the likes of all of us. We tend to do things in a big way if I do say so myself. We honestly can’t help it when you have me at the forefront of everything.”

Christina smirks as she looks at Kate.

“Acting a little cocky?! Listen Kate there is no doubt in my mind that you are good but everything isn’t always about you. Just remember you have a wonderful band surrounding you and you can’t go about life being a one woman show. That was always my biggest mistake. Sometimes I was so wrapped up in myself it destroyed everything around me. Don’t try to be the next Crystal Hilton because that isn’t going to get you anywhere. You will be lonely and all of your closest friends will leave you. Trust me it has happened with me more times than I can count…”

Kate blows it off as she just shakes her head in disgust.

“Well that’s you… The difference between us is I don’t get all butt hurt when people call me out on shit. I step the fuck up and do something about it. If people do say stuff about me I shut them up and go about doing the things I need to do in order to handle my shit and put an end to it…”

Christina sighs again as she continues to speak.

“Right and that just leads to you losing a major best friend and you getting so worked up about it. There really isn’t a right way to deal with it Kate. Even when you think you are right and put a cold shoulder to things like they wouldn’t have an impact on you. It’s still not the right answer. Sometimes things just take time and you need to move on and learn from that time. Hell I feel like I have been doing that my entire career and it’s something I am still learning to this day…”

Kate snaps back at Christina.

“Fuck best friends… It’s not like I needed one anyway. If this is how you plan to insult me then I don’t think I really need to be here for this meeting. I knew I should have brought that bottle with me…”

Kate goes to get up but Ruby quickly yanks her back down as she looks at her.

“Diamond would you please just sit down! Also you don’t need to drink and stop being so angry at Melody. Not everybody can be happy all of the time. People might need space and so on. The world doesn’t always have to revolve around you and I don’t want to hear a comment how our band is called Diamond and the Gem Stones. There wouldn’t be a Diamond if there weren’t any Gem Stones. It’s about how things go together that really matters. Just like peanut butter it just isn’t the same without jelly…”

Kate seems befuddled as she quickly chimes in.

“But peanut butter by itself is amazing. I mean eating it straight out of the jar is fantastic…”

Emerald chimes in.

“Not to mention dipping an apple in peanut butter is amazing…”

“YOU LADIES SHOULD UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING… For the most part one needs the other. Separately things might be good but when things mix together they are even more AMAZING… You could say together the combination is simply OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!! “

“Whatever you say Ruby… I am still not going to bend over backwards for Melody Grace. Not now and certainly not ever. Anyway let’s just go about this meeting. The quicker we get this done is the quicker we can go about hitting up the bar…”


Ruby yells as Kate just slumps into the chair. Crystal smiles as she looks at them.

“Okay now that we got all of that out of the way why don’t we go about this meeting shall we?!”

With that Crystal can’t help but press a few buttons on her laptop and it isn’t long before we are able to see the likes of Rose Productions COO and Christina’s personal assistant. Chloe smiles as she is sitting down in a huge executive chair. The blonde woman is all smiles as she begins to speak.

“Good afternoon boss Mrs. Zdunich and to all of you Gem Stones. I just want to say It is really an honor working under Mrs…”

“Chloe I told you to call me Christina or Crystal. There’s no reason to be so formal…”

“Right… Anyway I just want to say that is has been an honor having your band under our new record label. When Rose Productions branched out into the music world and established a recording studio to become Rose Records we knew it would have a few bumps along the way. However signing both The Gem Stones and Devilition has been really good for our studio as a whole. It has also allowed Kate to bounce between singing for the Gem Stones and playing for Devilition. It has been a really good thing for us and on top of that Kate’s success as a wrestler has really brought great publicity to that of our studio…”

Chloe takes a deep breath as Kate slowly begins to smile. Chloe continues to speak.

“Granted I know we had this major publicity stunt set up for the biggest touring two band concert of all time for both bands to hit up every single SCW touring city but because of the world wide pandemic it seems that idea had to be put on hold. However that still hasn’t destroyed us like we thought it might have. Griffin has had major success as a Roulette Champion and now fighting to be right in the thick and thin of the World title division, and Kate has been absolutely wonderful as a champion in SCW. She has been so amazing that it is easy for her to have a huge marketability appeal and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down…”

Kate smiles in return.

“I knew being a dominant wrestler would actually mean something!”

“Now with that in mind we really love how the Gem Stones as a whole have been doing. They seem to be gaining the appeal of fellow wrestlers. Alicia Lukas seems to have taken a liking to them which could mean the band performing her theme song as an upcoming Super Card and the wrestling world seems to be hearing about you all. Whether it’s getting beat up by Victoria Thorn…”

Kate crosses her arms.

“She got lucky… It’s not like me to go running into an obvious trap…”

Chloe rolls her eyes on the video feed as she continues to speak.

“Anyway when you add in all of those factors we can’t help but deny how amazing the Gem Stones are becoming and we want to take your careers to the very next level. I know the whole concert thing may not be able to happen for a while as it is going to be hard to gather a lot of people in one place together. However we wanted to do something different. We want to seize the moment on all of your popularity and the movie studio wants to go through with the next project featuring all of you. We want to put together Diamond and The Gem stones the movie! We want you all to film a movie and we will put your popularity skills, along with your acting, and musical talents to the big screen. It’s going to be so amazing…”

All of the Gem Stones except for Kate begin to get excited. Ruby smiles widely as she looks right at the screen.

“Wow a movie?! That sounds amazing! What would it be about?!”

Crystal smiles in return.

“Well… The studio is thinking of something along the lines of Charlie’s Angels mixed with that of Josie and the Pussy Cats. The four of you would be kick ass rock stars but at the same time you would be saving the world from dastardly villains. Remember in the cartoon how Josie and the gang would always get into some trouble that they needed to stop. It would be the same type of ordeal. This movie would feature the likes of Griffin… Hell perhaps we would include all of Devilition in it!”

Ruby’s eyes opens wide up.

“Even my lovely Chip…”

“Yes even Chip and we can play up your whole romance thing…”

Kate smiles as she begins to speak.

“It would be good to actually play a superhero. It was bound to happen. When I was working for Circle Television Network I was in Kenzi Grey’s Hexx where I played this big time villain. It would actually be nice to be play a super hero for once… Hell I know I would be a better super hero than the likes of Roxi Johnson and Keira could ever be. It was only fitting that I would be a star of such a film…”

Chloe however sighs as she shakes her head as she continues to speak.

“It all sounds good but the best thing would be who we have decided to cast as your main antagonist in the movie. It’s only fitting that the Gem Stones have a rival band. No offense to you Kate but despite how many wrestling fans might flock to the movie once it happens we need to ensure that people go out and see it. We needed to get a huge movie star to really get people to come to the theatres once they open up. Somebody with tons of appeal and that could help you sell the movie…”

Kate looks at Christina.

“Let me guess this is where you tell us you will be playing my antagonist in the movie and making it all about you…”

Christina quickly shakes her head.

“Look I know it’s my company and that would be a total Crystal move but to be honest I won’t even be in the movie. I am okay just making money off of you all. I just enjoy the luxury of having my studio attached to the whole thing and on top of that I am honestly busy with my own personal issues and trying to do things for the casino to take the time for this… So I have nothing to do with the production. This is all Chloe and her PR team…”

Chloe nods her head.

“So what we were thinking for your huge Co-Star would be Melody Grace Carpenter. She is a huge actress in her own right. She has done a lot of movies and there’s nobody better we could cast for your rival band of the Fluffy Unicorns. The movie will have a Scott Pilgrim versus the World appeal. A lot of effects and your musical instruments will be able to do some damage with electric waves and what not. Melody’s character will be trying to turn the entire world into one big fictional carnival and petting zoo. Whenever she plays her guitar she will force people to be carnies for her traveling criminal syndicate and they will help her steal money, have world domination and everything like that. It’s up to the Gem Stones to stop her…”

Kate however shakes her head in utter disgust as she glances back at Chloe.

“BOLLOCKS… I am not doing shit with that fake ass bitch. We aren’t best friends anymore. It’s not going to have the outcome you want it to have because this movie won’t be happening…”

“Well you need to find a way to MAKE it work and for MELODY to be in this movie because if she’s not in this movie then there won’t be ANY MOVIE… It’s either going to be a Kate and Melody production or it won’t be anything at all. Which means if Melody isn’t in this movie then nobody will be a part of a great event…”

“I don’t give a flying fuck I am not doing anything with Melody until she says sorry to me!”

Kate begins to get up from her seat as she tries to storm out but Ruby and the other girls quickly surround her as they stare daggers at her.

“So you would be so selfish to walk out of this and not even try to make amends. Look walking away would be the most selfish thing that you have ever done! Your actions just don’t affect you Kate. They affect the entire band. You just can’t walk away and leave all of us with nothing.”

“That would be absolutely selfish… Whatever issues you have with Melody you need to figure them out…”

“Whatever happened to the concept of giving her room to breathe?! After all you all told me to just leave her alone. It’s not like she would really listen to anything I say anyway. She hasn’t been picking up the phone and doesn’t want anything to do with me. So as much as you want this dream to happen the reality of the situation is it simply won’t happen…”

Ruby however shakes her head.

“I refuse to hear any of that… If she won’t pick up her phone there’s only one thing we really could do and that’s visit her house. You need to talk to her and get this shit straighten out so this movie can happen…”

Kate makes a timeout motion with her hands.

“Wait a minute so you want me to go to Los Angeles just to talk to her… Look I don’t mind visiting her but J2H is a crazy individual the moment I step foot on his property he’s going to call the cops. Especially with how the world is going nowadays he isn’t going to give me the time of day. Hell he never even gave me the time of day before that. Add in the fact his wife is upset at me he definitely won’t any part of me in any shape or form…So I don’t see how it’s going to be a possibility by any means…”

Ruby thinks about it as she can’t help but chuckle in return.

“Actually I got an idea that’s going to be so…. so….. so…..”

Kate growls as she glares at Ruby.

“Don’t you dare say what I think you are going to say! Just because we have that Holograms vibe to us doesn’t mean we have to go full blown Jem and the….”

Before Kate could say anything else Ruby cracks a wide grin as she screams it loudly.

“OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!! Diamond all you need to do is think about what you are going to say to Melody I think I can handle the rest. Crystal and Chloe we will need a few things from you all though…”

Chloe raises her eyes.

“Okay and that would be what exactly?!”

“I need you to contact the local police authorities for the Los Angeles area. Surely with the studio in Hollywood you must have connections. Might as well get a jump on things before J2H can…This is what we are planning…”

Diamond seems befuddled as Ruby leans over whispering into Crystal’s ear who begins to text Chloe. Once Chloe gets the text message her eyes light up.

“YESSSSSSSS that is an amazing idea. This is going to give you all so much publicity and on top of that of course you can use the Rose Productions tour bus… I will work out the formalities with SCW so we can get you some Covid tests for your return to Vegas. This is going to be good stuff and as Ruby would say… OUTRAGEOUS…”

Diamond gets upset.

“STOP SAYING THAT WORD!!! Whatever you girls have in mind it better not be all that crazy. I guess this means I have to pack an overnight bag…”

The rest of the Gem Stones all glare at one another as they throw a hi five in the air with huge smirks on their faces.


They all smile as they knew this four hour road trip would be absolutely ama…. I mean OUTRAGEOUS and with that in mind there was smiles as they knew the Diamond and Gem Stones movie would be a success…

6 Hours later
Beverly Hills, California

Between the packing and getting things in order the ride on the official Rose Records tour bus was truly that of OUTRAGEOUS as the bus had finally reached that of its final destination. It was at a huge like mansion that had a gate surrounding the house with the letters J2H on it. Diamond’s hair was absolutely puffy a mixture of orange and pink as she slowly gazed at the huge estate. The block had nice houses on it as well and things seemed to be quiet as the bus was parked in the middle of the street. Diamond sighed as her eyes met with that of the home.

“Do I really have to do this ladies?! Things are really rough between Melody and I. I don’t think she is going to be receptive just showing up at her home…”

Ruby smiles in return.

“You just do whatever you can to do your part and get her to do the movie at all costs. We got everything else handled…”

“Fine but like I said this isn’t going to go as smoothly as you all think it’s going to go…

With that Diamond steps out of the bus as she walks to the gate. She presses a button and of course on a screen appears J2H. He looks into the screen as he can see Diamond standing there.

“What the hell are you doing at my home?! Last time I checked Melody didn’t want anything to do with you. As far as I am concerned if she is pissed at you that makes my job much easier, I rather not deal with you nor Teddy and your crazy family. Now why don’t you leave or else we will call the authorities to have you removed…”

Diamond sighs in return.

“James I don’t want any issues I just want to talk to my best friend… I need Melody…”

“And I told you to just leave. I am not going to allow you to come here and put my family at risk. There is a worldwide pandemic going on. Can’t any of you understand that concept of lockdown and being away from other people…”

“James you all are in Stage 2 of reopening… It’s not that bad out and we can’t live our lives being afraid. I know I may not be the most stable woman in the world but I do know I love Melody with all of my heart. She’s my best friend and I hope you can understand that I am not going to go until I talk to her…”

Diamond sighs in return once again but this time we can hear Melody’s voice in the background followed by a crying baby’s voice.

“Kate just go away! Don’t you understand…”

James talks into the screen.

“The authorities have been alerted and they are on their way… Have fun spending a night in the jail…”

Diamond can hear the Sirens going off in the background and she can only sigh as she sees the police cars coming towards her from both sides. She seems to be completely surrounded but then something catches her attention. It’s that of Ruby who is actually on top of the bus. With a megaphone in her hands she cracks a wicked grin as she begins to scream.

“Listen up mates… You think the police is coming to arrest us but you have no idea… You are officially proud members of your very own DIAMOND AND THE GEM STONES PARADE!!!!!!”

Emerald smirks as she hops into the driver’s seat and holds down on the horn. It begins to sound loudly and as it does people start to exit their homes and begin to stand in the street. Diamond smiles as Sapphire throws a ladder down and Diamond climbs to the very top of the tour bus. Diamond makes it to the top of the bus as she grabs the megaphone from Ruby and screams into it.


Diamond looks at the people exiting their homes.


The people all begin to cheer loudly as they haven’t been out of their houses in ages but Diamond smirks as all of the girls on top of the tour bus. The police make sure everyone is safe. Diamond grabs a microphone as all of the other girls are on their respective instruments. Sapphire begins to strum away as Ruby joins in playing softly on the bass as Emerald bangs on the drums. Diamond smirks.

“Melody this song is dedicated to you… Originally put together by War and remade by that of Smash Mouth I give to you Why Can’t We Be Friends!!!”

The roaring fans cheer loudly as they all roar with Diamond chants. She lifts the microphone up to her lips as she begins to sing passionately.


Diamond nods her head as she continues to speak.


Everyone begins to sing in unity as they roar with excitement. Diamond offers a long sigh as she takes the Internet Championship off from around her waist as she holds it up proudly in the air. She grabs the microphone and screams into it.

“I know there is this thought that this piece of gold is the most important thing to me but in all honestly it doesn’t compare to the love I have for my loved ones especially to that of my best friend. Melody I am sorry for being a jerk and everything. I put my career on the line to drive four hours away from Vegas to be here right now. I know I am in danger and I could potentially catch Corona and be forced to relinquish this belt but in all honesty the belt is nothing if I don’t have my close BFF in my life… It’s simply a material thing and they don’t matter…”

The Gem Stones quickly change the song up and begin to sing.

“'Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl!”

Diamond sighs as she looks at her band.

“That wasn’t a cue to sing another song. I was actually in the middle of professing my love to the best BFF in the entire world… You know what sometimes actions speak louder than words. I can say all of this nonsense but it won’t matter because it’s words… However drastic times call for drastic times… MELODY I LOVE YOU…. YOU ARE THE BEST FRIEND OF ALL BEST FRIENDS AND IT’S TIME TO RIDE THAT WAVE OF FLUFFY UNICORNS GIRLLLLLLLLLLL”

With that Diamond looks down at the people have gathered around the bus. She smiles as she throws her title to Ruby and with that she dives right towards the likes of the police… We can hear Melody’s voice screaming right into the screen speaker on the fence.


We fade out on that image.

On Camera

The scene comes into focus and as it does we are treated to the sight of the petite blonde Internet Champion Kate Steele with the Internet Championship around her waist. She shakes her head with a sigh as she looks deeply into that of the camera.

Kate: Cheers to everybody watching this. This video is going to be unlike any other you have seen before. You see in a week’s time I have to step into the ring with Keira or Sin… To be honest it’s the same bloody shit to me but do to the wonderful studio of Rose Productions they know how to edit this promotional video so for the first time ever you will see a co promotional with me and featuring a very special guest. Let’s give it up for the queen of hair metal. The most awesome female vocalist on the planet Diamond Gem Stone!!!!

With that we are able to see Diamond and her hair seems to be in that of a huge like 80’s vibe afro. It’s a mixture of pink and orange. She can’t help but chuckle as she has a guitar attached to her hips and looks at Kate.

Diamond: Cheers luv… This video is going to be one that’s OUTRAGEOUS!!!! I mean let’s be honest in over a week you are going to be defending your title against Keira Fisher. This had the potential to be such a great rivalry. This had all of the makings to be a great feud. Keira had worked her ass off into winning that four way match at the last Super Card. She could have gained some serious momentum by telling the world she would beat me or you… It really doesn’t matter at this point. She could have said something… Let alone anything… Yet…

Kate smiles holding her arm up.

Kate: I know Diamond… It’s really a travesty. Keira has so much potential. She has been in SCW for a while now and she has mostly been known for being the other half of Team Hero. The moment she won that four way match is the very moment she could have told the world she was going to take the Internet Championship and make it her very own. It could have been the moment she could finally put all of the complaining to the side and really build herself up into being a credible contender. She could sold the living shit out of this match and made it meant something but…

Diamond: She didn’t sell jack shit. It’s a travesty and to be honesty it truly is OUTRAGEOUS… How in the bloody fuck does a woman who constantly bitches about not receiving a shot, about begging for a title shot  at the world title without putting any work in all of a sudden feels entitled she can just randomly call out people to these ridiculous matches. Sure she won that four way match and had the opportunity to really establish herself as something other than Roxi’s coattails or nighttime sex partner. She could have established herself as a wrestler yet she didn’t sell jack shit… I think that’s Keira’s biggest problem in everything. She simply doesn’t know how to sell anything.

Kate: She surely doesn’t sell merchandise. She can’t sell matches, hell she had that long tag title reign and couldn’t even sell that. So why should we all be surprised that she couldn’t even sell this match and becoming a champion. I honestly would have expected better from that. Yet this is Keira we are talking about. Yet four to five weeks after the fact when this match was long since made. As soon as Roxi was placed into a match for me for the title that is when Keira wants to start acting like she givesa fuck, and it’s not because she wanted to fight me.

Diamond shakes her head.

Diamond: No she was more concerned with having a wet dream with her wife in the middle of the ring. She wanted this Super Card to be about her wife and her in the middle of the ring and she became quite the chatter box. Yet when the smoke rolled and the dust settled I submitted Roxi Johnson in the middle of the ring. I choked the Bitch out with a Triangle Choke one of my MANY submission holds. Roxii told the world I wasn’t a great submission based wrestled because she knew Judo and that made her the end all be all. Yet for two women who share a finishing move I choked her ass out with a move we both use. How does that make Roxi look?

Kate: Weak… That’s the second time we denied her in a singles match and the reality sets that Keira has to face me. That’s when she started to pay attention and she constantly started up with this whole Do You Remember The Last Time bullshit. What the fuck is she even talking about?! What do I need to remember exactly?! That she is also Sin and through the use of a cinematic piece of shit segment that I should be afraid of her because there’s a chance I have to fight both versions of her with my title on the line. Don’t make me laugh. It’s insulting and out of everything she wishes to sell about this match that is the type of shit she wants to lean on… Being two women at one time… It’s a joke…

Diamond smirks as she shakes her head.

Diamond: Don’t get that upset like you said earlier her problem has always been SELLING so why should that change now. She sells being two people… Or her wife getting a shot and having a team hero showdown. Hell even when Bobbie was going around hurting people she even tried to sell that Bobbie hurt her too even though Miss Dahl said she had nothing to do with Keira and she was making shit up at that point. She even tried to sell constantly traveling all of these places town to town when Corona first started to break out and didn’t really say shit until Roxi fought with somebody on Twitter that they signed waivers and shit like that. It’s really disappointing. This whole time she always sells the wrong stuff. She earned this big title opportunity and she was more focused about fighting the likes of Candy and liking stupid pictures on Twitter of her wife in a bikini or various other provocative pictures of her wife then she was of this match and that’s stupid.

Kate smiles in return.

Kate: That is why when Keira finally does decide to sell something it doesn’t necessarily mean we all have to just buy it like it even matters. Why should we when she can’t be tasked with making the right decisions on a weekly basis. I know I could be over the top.

Diamond: Duh… You created me to support your husband. I am as over the top as it gets and everything you do tends to have a larger than life approach.

Kate: Of course it does but I want everybody to know how important I take this industry and how every single match is important to me. it doesn’t matter if it means making sure my husband is in top shape for Tony Thorn, or playing along with my Holograms, or even my status as an Internet Champion. People can talk a lot of stuff but I will SELL all of it to no end to the point it’s deep down your throat. Keira lacks at that, and when she does wish to sell something she’s nearly trying to jump on someone else’s shit.

Diamond: Saying she got injured by Bobbie after Alicia and Dani were both hurt. Using somebody else’s comments about calling Christina C Diddy and out of the blue using that in her own promo against her thinking it’s witty and clever. That’s not clever that just makes you stealing shit from somebody else. There’s nothing solid about that. Keira really seems like the type that when her wife was World Champion she would have probably slid into Mark and Christian’s DMs begging for a World title match and trying to jump ahead of the line…

Kate: She really can’t be that way… That’s not super hero like at all. It makes her a begger and would definitely make her seem like she can’t earn things like everybody else. Now her entire trump card in this entire feud is trying to scare me because she can be two people at the same time and I honestly supposed to be impressed?!

Diamond: To be honest Kate it probably slipped over her entire head that you are both me and Kate Steele. You portray two different people on an everyday basis so her trying to scare you with a two different person tactic is very stupid and asinine. How is that supposed to scare you?!

Kate shrugs her shoulders.

Kate: I don’t know I mean last year when Diamond first appeared I as Kate would always be on the hunt to tear those Gem Stones up. Yet Diamond would cause issues and I was always a second too late to really get to her. It was creative because I was two people at once. I have been doing this for a while now.

Diamond: Keira went about this match in the wrong way. She could have honestly focused on how she beat me last October. Although to be honest I was simply acting like I couldn’t wrestle at that point. She could have stated how she did beat me however. How she was fired up for this title match and how she was going to win at all costs but that was non-existent. Like for a woman who always wants a title shot when she does get one she does absolutely nothing with it!

Kate nods her head as she continues to speak.

Kate: Truth be told though I am not afraid of Sin. If you look all the way back to the very first Pay Per View of LAW I went into the match as the defending World Champion and I dropped Sin right on her head with a punk driver and walked away as the World Champion. I beat Sin before and in over a week’s time I am going to put an end to Keira once and for all. The only question I have is what Keira will show up…

Diamond: You have done the Sin thing before it hasn’t amounted to anything so why should now be any differently. What have you really done since becoming the number one contender to the Internet title anyway?! Lose to the likes of Crystal Zdunich… The only thing you have done was beat the likes of Seleana but to be honest Seleana has been in a slump ever since she lost the World Championship like two years ago so that really isn’t that impressive. Then you call out the Roulette Champion in hopes of getting a tune up to face me and she submits you in the middle of the ring. Do you know what that makes you Keira?!

Kate: You look like a weak contender and aren’t deserving of this title opportunity. How do you ask for matches that you don’t go about winning?! So if you challenged Candy and she submitted you yet I had no issue making her tap out. What does that say for you! Plus on top of that I have been beating the likes of some serious competition as of lately. I defended against Sam Marlowe, Evie Jordan, and even that of your wife and everybody knows she is clearly better than you. What does that say for you?! The difference between us Keira is the fact that I have been untouchable since this year begun. I have yet to be pinned or submitted. I have been flawless and whenever this Internet title is on the line I will do whatever it takes to defend it.

Diamond: Can you honestly say the same thing?! What are you going to do to showcase you deserve to be champion. You thought it was really cute stealing my Diamond Cutter to beat Seleana. You feel like you can do things better than me but that’s not the case. Not now and certainly not ever. Come Into The Void I am going to bury you. I am going to destroy you and put you squarely in your place. I am going to submit you in the center of the ring and will continue on as the Internet Champion.

Kate: I am not here to be a beggar. I am here to be a fighting champion and I will destroy whoever gets in my way. Whether that means you, your wife, Andrea, or whoever! I am simply the best and I have the longest combined reign as Internet Champion in this company. Who else can do things better than me. Nobody on the current roster that’s for sure!

Diamond: So go ahead Keira do whatever you can to play catch up. Try to get in my head by being using two personas. It’s not like I haven’t already mastered that with my musical life as Diamond and my wrestling life as Kate. You are simply doing shit I have already mastered and want to revert to a dark side just to try to get an inch. Yet you aren’t getting anything. It will only be a matter of time before you find yourself SHIPWRECKED…

Kate: I am not a nice girl. I simply play one on television. I will see you soon. Cheers Keira and best of luck. You will definitely need the help…

With that Kate and Diamond both smile into the camera as we slowly fade out on this image.
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Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
Kate Steele V Keira Fisher
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2020, 04:39:21 PM »
 Keira is seen on a rooftop, in her Lady Kat outfit. She looks down at the city, seeing protesters peacefully protesting. She turns and notices that there are cops on the other side as she sighs. Keira keeps watching, hopefully that it will remain peaceful. She feels a hand be on her shoulder.

Roxi: I know how you feel. I don't like this any more than you do.

Keira: It's getting me even more mad, LB. Worst part, I know how it may play out. I know you don't like me saying it. But even from what you told me. There are still bad apples.

Roxi: There always will be until there's a lot of change.

Keira: Yea, but knowing out luck. It's a change that will lead to war.

Roxi: We can only hope it doesn't at this point

All of a sudden, Keira sees a officer fire tear gas at the protesters, noticing that none of the protesters did anything. Keira clenches her fist at this

Keira: Right there!

Roxi: No! Don't!

Keira doesn't listen and rushes down. The cops keep firing tear gas, hitting the protesters. Keira finally rushes down as a cop fires one. She grabs it and throws it back, letting it go off on the cops before one of them can kick it back

Keira: ENOUGH!

Keira turns to the protesters. She goes and carries one of them to a medical personal for treatment

Keira: Hurry and rinse out his eyes. Get as many as you can.

Keira rushes back to the middle of this as she stands between the protesters and the cops

Keira: Can't you see that they did nothing to you? They weren't moving or doing anything except protesting! Why did you think it was a good idea to fire on innocents!?

Roxi watches, seeing Keira's defense of the protesters and trying to keep the peace. She simply floats down and watches

Keira: ANSWER ME! They have done nothing to you! You fired with no reason. Do you really want to turn this into an all out civil war!?

Police Officer: We're just doing our job!

Keira: Your job!? Protect and Serve! Not Destroy and control! This isn't how it should be! You're the ones who fired the first damn shot at them! Was that your job!? HUH!?

Roxi: Okay... enough. Don't escalatr this any further.

Police Officer 2: Like we'll listen to a Super like you!? You should be helping us! Not them!

Roxi: That's enough from everyone! Stop trying to start a fight!

Police Officer 3: You're right. That is enough. MEN! Tase the Super Bitch!

One of the officers point a taser gun at Roxi. Keira's eyes raise as the person fires it at Roxi. Keira rushes and grabs the taser pins before it hits Roxi.

Police Officer 2: What the!?

Keira: You ok, LB?

Roxi: Fine. just... walk away.

Keira: Not til I know the protesters are going to be ok.

Keira turns back to the officer who tried to shock Roxi with the taser gun. She glares at him, not moving one bit to make sure he didn't run.

Keira: She's right. This stops now. You got one of two choices. Drop the taser gun and then you and your men walk away and let the protesters protest in peace....

Keira keeps a eye on the officer still as she says

Keira: Or you can fire again....and your night won't end well. I don't want it to come to this, but I'm left with no choice. It's not what me or my partner wants. But you're forcing my hand....

Roxi: Don't. Let's not keep this going. It's time to end this.

Keira: That's why I'm giving them the choice.

Keira begins to shed a tear from her eye. She doesn't even make a attempt to hide it, showing it in front of Roxi.

Roxi: We need to go

Keira nods as she begins to turn. All of a sudden, Keira screams in intense pain as another officer fires a taser gun, hitting Keira hard in the back. She falls to the ground, groaning in pain


Keira groans, slowly getting back up, but getting more angry


Keira slowly, but finally stands, trying to gain her balance as she turns, her head lowered

Police Officer 1: So you got a choice. Go away, save a cat from a tree or something and let us do our damn job or we'll arrest you, just like everyone else here tonight. GOT IT!?

Roxi: Kat... don't.

Keira just keeps her head lowered, trying to not show anything

Roxi: You hurt one more innocent person... you'll live to regret it.

Roxi gently begins to guide Keira away.

Police Officer 1: mean like him!?

The other officer fires another taser gun, hitting and shocking him. The guy screams in pain cause of it. Angry, Roxi charges up an energy blast herself.

Roxi: Big mistake.

At that moment, Keira pushes Roxi away from it, making her energy blast vanish. Keira begins to laugh, but not in a normal laugh, more demonic at this point. She raises her head, opening her eyes as her normal eyes were now replaced by pitch black with red dots

Roxi: No...

Keira: have a choice...Officer.....

Police Officer 1: Wh...what are you....

Sin: DIE!!!!!!!!!

Without warning, Keira, now Sin fires a huge, dark energy blast, hitting the officer. He screams in intense pain as he vanishes into the dark energy, destroyed by it.

Roxi: NOOOO!

Sin rushes quickly, grabbing the second officer by his neck, snapping it easily in two. She throws him to the third as Sin produces a energy sword. She leaps, and points it down. She rushes, stabbing the third officer with it, laughing demonically


Sin looks at the crowd and smiles demonically. She looks at Roxi, aiming her hand at her as she says to her

Sin: For you see....I! AM!--

All of a sudden, Keira screams as she wakes up in a intense cold sweat. Her scream is so loud, it wakes up Roxi

Keira: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Roxi: What? What? What happened?

Keira quickly rushes to the bathroom and turns on the light. She turns on the faucets to run warm water into the sink. As soon as it's warm, she takes it and splashes her face a few times to clean her face. As she does, she keeps repeating

Keira: Sin is not back. Sin is not back. She's gone. What you got is Sin Lite. You're doing it to make sure Kate Steele pays. You're doing it for the right reasons. Sin is gone. Sin is not back.

Roxi finally enters the bathroom, yawning and trying to figure out what's going on.

Roxi: What happened? Nightmare?

Keira: Sin...

Keira fully finishes cleaning her face as she gets a towel to wipe her face off. She finishes as she looks at Roxi.

Roxi: Are you going to be okay?

Keira: Yea. Just seeing what's happening with the world. I think that might have fueled my nightmare.

Roxi: I know. I don't like it either.

Keira: But enough to fuel a nightmare where Sin was back!?

Roxi: I think you're thinking too much about it.

Keira: I hope you're right--

All of a sudden, Elizabeth comes bursting into the room. She sees Roxi and Keira and rushes to them, hugging them

Roxi: What is going on?!

Elizabeth: I heard screaming. Are you two ok!?

Roxi: Yeah...

Keira: Yea...I guess....

Keira slips away, trying to escape, but Elizabeth wouldn't budge

Keira: Please let me through

Elizabeth: Don't you try to avoid this, young lady. You're going to answer me. You're don't scream like that for nothing!

Keira: And I said let me through! I don't have to explain anything to you right now. My personal life is that!

Elizabeth: Is that so?

Roxi: Mom... it's... it's a personal thing.

Keira: Now are you going to get out of my way or not?

Elizabeth sighs, and then moves aside. Roxi looks on, upset at the entire situation

Keira: Be damn glad when this whole crisis is over...

Elizabeth turns to Roxi and points at Keira. Roxi just shakes her head.

Roxi: We'll work it out.

Elizabeth: I hope so.

Roxi: I'm sorry. She's just... very... private.

Keira walks off cause of it. She goes into the kitchen and sits down, laying her head down and sighing

Roxi: I know it's hard, but you didn't need to rude

Keira: I don't like it when someone tries to bump into our personal lives, Rox. She knows about us as Heroes. I want it to be left at that!

Roxi: She was trying to help. You know that. We taught Nate better than that, you should be setting the example. I know the subject it touchy, but don't do that to her.

Keira: Oh yea, let me tell her about Sin. How she killed and destroyed everyone's lives with just a mere thought. THAT'LL GO OVER WELL!

Roxi: Stop it! It's late! Don't you dare wake Nate up! You need to calm down, right now.

Keira: How can I be calm when I had that nightmare!?

Roxi: Because you need to. It is late and Nate is asleep. The last thing you or I or my mother need is him awake and asking questions.

Keira: Yea, you're right.

Roxi: Look...

Roxi sits down at the table with Keira.

Roxi: I know this is hard for you. I do. I know that things are changing and everything is every which way right now, but you need to control your emotions. This thing... Sin, is something you need to be careful with. I warned you before. This type of stuff right now isn't helping anybody.

Keira: I know. Even if it's not the Sin as I had before. Just the thoughts could fuel anything at this point.

Roxi: Then you need to focus on something else. Get away from all this if you need to. Turn yourself off. You like putting together those models. So why not do that?

Keira: As much as I like to. I can't build on anger. If I did, I will mess up a part and then the whole build is ruined. That's how sensitive some of the parts are, dear.

Keira leans her head back, speaking more

Keira: If it was my match with Kate however. Then I can let loose. Well, not the loose that we have to do. But the loose that will cost her the Bombshell Internet Championship.

Keira sighs for a moment, lowering her head back down a bit. She looks at Roxi again as she says to her

Keira: I'm not going to injure her. Just hurt her enough to keep her down for the three. But me as Sin on the other hand....yea.

Roxi: You know we don't do that.

Keira: Tell that to the protesters getting hurt by the police when the police shoot first. Then come back to me. I'll be in the secret room. Don't follow me.

Roxi: Keira...

Keira gets up and begins to walk off. The scene fades on that

The scene opens around 30 minutes later with Keira in a room, mostly cornered off inside the basement. She has the room always locked and only she had the key, but since she thought no one would be down here. She just sits there. She looks at a article from years ago, back when she was dating Roxi as it read, "Sin Murders Continue in Tampa". Keira sheds a tear for a moment, but jumps up when she hears something. She turns to notice Elizabeth standing at the now opened door as Keira says

Keira: What the!? How did you get in here!? I had it locked!

Elizabeth: Not all the way. I'm a little resourceful myself

Keira: I don't want you in here. Get out!

Elizabeth: Stubborn girl. I wish you would not be so hostile. I'm trying to help you.

Keira: And I'm telling you to get out! You don't belong in here! LEAVE!

Keira points to the door, with the article still in her hand. Elizabeth sees it and snatches it from her hand. Keira gets mad as she says

Keira: GIVE THAT BACK! That isn't yours to see!

Elizabeth: Sin... That monster. I remember you stopped that thing. Why are you hiding this?! What is going on here? Why are you being like this?

Keira: Yea, I did. But what you saw was it in a body made by Hamilton. A Bio-Weapon made for what they called "Defense Purposes". They got the blood sample of the original Sin and made it using that. Which is somehow still being used today.

Elizabeth: So... why is this such a secret? It just seems like you're hiding something..

Keira sighs as she looks at Elizabeth. Her eyes slowly turn from the green to the all black with the red dots in the middle, showing Elizabeth

Keira: I am...for a reason.

Keira slowly takes her fingers and takes out of the contacts, showing her eye all regular again, to make sure she doesn't scare her. She puts it back in as she says

Keira: Elizabeth...I AM Sin!

Elizabeth recoils for a second, and turns away. She takes it all in and leans her head back and sighs.

Elizabeth: I see.

Keira: It's something I never wanted you to know. That's why I pushed you away. If you're wondering. Sin...was....a demon that was in my body. I met it when I lost my parents a long time ago cause of two robbers. I went to a church after police wouldn't do anything about it. There, I met a priest who tried to tell me that he would find a way. In my anger, I didn't listen. But then he stabbed me with a knife. Next thing I knew, I woke up with jet black hair. I looked into the mirror and I saw it. Sin herself, wanting to help me. That night, I...well...Sin....killed those same two robbers by setting a abandoned house on fire.....

Keira's contacts slowly turn back to normal as she continues to speak

Keira: Since that first night. Sin had slowly taken control of me, flooding my thoughts of hate and bloodshed. Sin's influence turned some of my friends into Sin's followers, especially my best friend, Jenny Tuck. For a while, Jenny wanted to help me, but didn't see the dangers Sin had shown. Cause of it. Sin gave Jenny a demon of her own, which I knew by the name of "Lust".

Keira gives out a huge sigh as she says

Keira: During the killings. I tried to regain myself, but the only way I was going to do that was to end it all. I stood on a bridge, ready to do it....when your daughter--

A throat clearing is heard as Keira looks at the door, Elizabeth was turning to see Roxi standing there

Roxi: I did what was right.

Keira: Which at the time, was wrong.

Keira looks at Roxi as she says

Keira: While I am still grateful you saved me years ago. You should have let me do it. Otherwise, you would have been safe. Hamilton wouldn't have my DNA and--

Roxi: I would still be with Cyrus. Granted, Sin did put Lust in me as well...

Elizabeth: But Keira said that, that Demon was in Jenny at one point....

Roxi: It was, it's complicated. But the fact remains that I would save you no matter how many times that scenario is played out. I love you. And what happened afterward is just something that happened. Nothing anyone could say or do would make me go back and change that night.

Keira: Yea...I know.

Keira slowly looks at Elizabeth as she says

Keira: I don't blame you if you want to leave. You're sharing a home with who was basically a murderer. Well, not me, but the demon that was inside me....

Elizabeth removes her glasses and begins to clean them with her shirt fabric.

Elizabeth: With everything you have done for me... I can't leave. This... changes things obviously. But... I am glad that you at least decided to tell me, rather than keep it in.

Keira: You have every right to not trust me. I don't blame you. But if anything, know this. Up there, is my Son. My boy, Nate, who I love with all of my heart! If anything happened to him. I will fight with every fiber of my being to make sure he's protected. Not just him, but you and Roxi as well. The people we save, we fight for them. Every time I fight, I try to atone for the sins that Sin caused....

Elizabeth: Noble. If you'll excuse me, it's late. I need to be getting rest. I have a little boy to try and keep up with

Keira: Right....

Elizabeth nods and turns as she walks out. As she leaves, Keira looks at Roxi and says to her

Keira: And now your mom hates me....

Roxi: She's going to need time to process things.

Keira: I doubt it. Watch her tell Nate and have him scared of me. Scared of his own mom!

Roxi: Stop. Just calm down. Mom isn't going to tell Nate about this. Nate doesn't need to know, plus, he wouldn't understand anyway.

Keira sighs as she goes out of the room and turns the corner. As she does, she gets hugged. She looks and sees Elizabeth hugging her

Keira: I thought you were going to--

Elizabeth: It just took me a while to understand.

Keira: Liz...

Keira smiles and hugs her back

Elizabeth: I made a mistake like that too. I ran away from my problem just like you did. I thought a lot about my failures. My past. I ran away and tried to start my life over. And the further I ran, the more I tried to hide... the more I hated myself. The more I knew I failed my daughters and my husband. I thought like you did too. But I was shown that while I can't change the past, I can aceept it, and move on with life. I understand that it's not pretty. But... we can make the future much, much brighter.

Keira: I know. But while our pasts were the same. Yours didn't have blood on your hands...

Elizabeth: Don't I? I left my children. I left my family. I had a demon inside me too. And it controlled my life. I endangered lives. I was a monster.

Keira: You didn't kill....

Elizabeth: I might as well have.

Keira: It's over. Our past is the past. Believe it or not. You have atoned for your sins. Me however? I'll always keep atoning for mine. But you and I got the most important thing in our lives, besides Roxi...

Elizabeth: You have to understand that nothing you, yourself will ever do, will make you feel like you've atoned for it. I still feel guilty about everything I've done. I even went back to that demon. The choice you have to make, is how much is enough? You cannot spend the rest of your life trying to atone. Because you will never achieve it. In your own mind, you will never get to that point. None of us will. You have to make the decision that you have done what you can, and try to make sure it never happens again. That's all you can do. We can't change the past, only impact the future.

Keira: I know. But right now. I think we all need sleep. Nate's gonna run us insane if we don't.

Elizabeth: I agree. Just... think about it.

Keira: Yea...

Keira nods as Elizabeth walks off again. Keira begins to smile a little more as the scene fades

A few days later, Keira and Roxi are seen in their costumes, patrolling the city. Mostly now to check out peaceful protesters and the now rouge cops. Keira slowly shakes her head a bit, trying to not have the images of her nightmare come into her head.

Roxi: You gonna be okay?

Keira: Yea, but this feels all too familiar. More so cause of the nightmare. Only difference is, it's Day and not night.

Roxi: Try not to let it get to you. This is... right now... peaceful. It's for the right reasons, just... not the most civil right now

Keira: I know, LB. But seeing all the videos of cops starting the riots, breaking stuff to blame the protesters....

Keira clenches her left fist and grits her teeth, thinking about it more as she says

Keira: I'm about to legit ask GUILD to relax some restrictions to punch some corrupt least once!

Keira looks back down as she says

Keira: We save the world and Nate's future from Omega, but in changing his future, we changed the past. A past where....all this....

Roxi: Some people aren't helping the situation, don't be one of them.

Keira: It's hard not to, LB! Most of them can't fight back, even if they wanted to. They're protesting in a peaceful way! You know what the cops are doing is wrong!

Keira looks back at Roxi

Keira: I'm not saying kill them. Subdue them, mostly

Roxi: Some of them bring weapons to this. Some people are coming down only to cause trouble. This is a somewhat complicated issue. I know it's hard to see the good, but it is there.

Keira: Yea, but you saw the footage. Most have been the cops starting this as well.

Keira looks back down at the protesters and the cops

Roxi: I know, but it's a fine line to walk. We don't want to instigate this ourselves by blaming one side or the other. We have to be reactionary, not accusatory.

As soon as Roxi says that, one of the cops fire a tear gas straight at the protesters, which the protesters haven't moved one bit. Keira looks as it felt like time has slowed down, playing out like it did in Keira's nightmare. Keira then says

Keira: LB...Follow me. I won't let my nightmare come to pass!

Keira hops and flies down quickly as fast as she could. As she does, like her nightmare, she catches the tear gas container and throws it back, exploding, releasing the gas at the cops now as she stands in the middle

Keira: NO! WE'RE NOT DOING THIS HERE TODAY! The protesters have done nothing wrong. Why are you firing at them!?

Police Officer: We didn't fire at them!

Keira: I saw the tear gas coming from your end! Don't lie to me!

Police Officer: I swear, we didn't! We were actually told to stay here. Curfew isn't happening yet!

Keira: ....Yea. You're right.

Keira turns to the protesters, who were now standing at this point after that

Keira: Are they telling the truth!?

Protester: I hate to admit it, but yes. Cause even with a Super here, they would have kept firing.

Keira looks up and nods at Roxi to come down. As she does, Keira keeps an eye on the police side of the line, looking angry, but more so to scale out the scene

Keira: LB, focus your ki. I can sense energy from the cops, not energy like us. But energy none the less. Something doesn't feel right.

Roxi: I know. I felt it too.

Keira keeps scanning til she sees a cop that is out of line, suited up more than usual. She notices the energy from the cop, being more dark and stronger than the others. Keira shouts out


Roxi I... I can't tell... I can't, there's too many people in the way!

Keira: I can!

Keira quickly rushes, producing a energy ball. She leaps and quickly fires. The officers get out of the way, except for one as he gets hit by it, vanishing in it


Keira: I didn't....he still lives....

The energy from the blast vanishes and the smoke dissipates. As it does, it shows that the officer is still standing, but instead of fully clothed, it was shredded, but as some of it's skin....

Keira: Correction...IT still lives.

The robot slowly removes the clothing and it's skin from it's exoskeleton. As it finishes, it gives off a shine, noticing it was a new model. But the robot itself was now familiar to Keira and Roxi

Keira: I knew it....

Roxi: So much for the only model.

Keira quickly turns to the cops and the protesters and shouts


The protesters and the cops do so, while a few, staying far from it, but keeping a eye on it, just in case. Keira turns back to CopyCat and stares at it.

Keira: Alright, you bucket of bolts. Trying to hurt innocents to draw me out? No, not on my watch. If you wanted a fight, you should have tried to find me. I would have given you one!

Keira begins to get into a defensive position as she looks at CopyCat still

Roxi: It's out for both of us. Time to end this.

Keira: Right!

Keira rushes quickly and throws a huge right to CopyCat, but CopyCat blocks it quickly, keeping Keira in that position as it stares and says

CopyCat: Analyzing.... Lady Kat.  Complete.

Keira: .....Aw, cra--

Without finishing, CopyCat throws a hard right, clocking Keira in the face and sending her flying. She lands on the ground hard, groaning in pain

Roxi: Kat!

Roxi charges in from behind, kicking the robot in the head. She only send it stumbled forward, but it adjusts itself, and sents a blast into Roxi, knocking her back and to a knee. CopyCat walks up, eyes beeping and whirring.

CopyCat: Analyzing... Lady Bedlam... complete.

Roxi: Heard it before.

Roxi charges, but the robot is able to expertly dodge, not being hit by a single shot, before catching Roxi with a knee, and then a kick to knock her away. Roxi holds her stomach on the ground, trying to get up.

Roxi: I guess it's true... ow...

Keira slowly gets up as she looks at it

Keira: Let's see if it can keep going when I go Super!

Keira screams, transforming into her first Super Form. She rushes again, throwing punches to CopyCat, who is struggling to keep up a little. Keira finally catches a couple of punches to CopyCat, but it grabs Keira's arm, eyes beeping and whirring again

CopyCat: Analyzing... power reserve... complete.

Keira: Are you shitting me!?

CopyCat takes Keira's arm and easily flips her over, making her land hard as Keira groans in pain


Roxi slowly gets up and powers herself up. She charges, able to knock the robot back, it's eyes keep beeping and whirring.

CopyCat: Analyzing... power reserve... calibrating. Complete.

Roxi: Man... your go- Aghh!

The robot kicks Roxi away, sending her crashing through a glass window and bouncing a couple of times on the ground.

Roxi: Good...

CopyCat keeps looking that way, til it hears a intense scream. It turns, now showing Keira in her third Super Form, her features almost catching CopyCat off guard

Keira: Let's see how you handle Super Human 3....Tinman.

Keira quickly rushes, knocking the robot back more, it's eyes beeps and whirring more

CopyCat: Analyzing... second power reserve... calibrating. Complete.


Keira takes the chance and dodges, quickly going into her Super Human Blue form. She takes her hand and blasts a few shots at CopyCat, knocking it down before it can try anything

Keira: YEA! TRY TO COPY THAT LITTLE TRICK I JUST DID, BITCH! From 3 to Blue in a Instant! Care to keep up now!?

CopyCat slowly stands, a little battle damaged, but it's eyes beeps and whirrs even more

Keira: No.....Don't.....

Keira quickly goes into position to build up energy for a Kamehameha

CopyCat: Ka....Me...Ha....Me....HA!

Keira: OH FU--

Keira quickly fires, the two beams collide, quickly exploding on impact. Keira flies and lands hard, still in her blue form, surprisingly. CopyCat emerges, eyes beeping and whirring as it looks at Keira

CopyCat: power reserve...calibrating. Complete.

As CopyCat lower it's hand and aims at Keira, Roxi quickly rushes to grab her and rush away from the battlefield. The two quickly find a safe place to hide

Keira: Ugh...T-Thanks, LB.

Roxi: We need to regroup.... That things is... just as strong as we are... and it knows all our moves... it can match anything we do.

Keira: I know. If you got any other ideas beside punching it. I'm all damn ears, right now!

Roxi: Unfortunately.... I don't. We've never faced anything like this... And now the thing is more powerful than ever... I don't... I don't know what to do...

Keira sits there and thinks for a moment. She then perks up as she turns to Roxi and says

Keira: LB, Take off your clothes!

Roxi turns... eyeing Keira shocked.

Roxi: What?!

Roxi shakes her head.

Roxi: Keira... seriously... this is not the time nor the place. Even if we might be about to die.

Keira: Rox, for once...this isn't what you're thinking of....

Keira leans in and whispers in Roxi's ear, telling her the idea. Roxi's eyes perk up as Keira backs away

Keira: Well? What do we got to lose, LB?

Roxi breathes a sigh, and then takes off her mask. She reaches into her belt and pulls out a second mask, the one AJ made with night vision.

Roxi: Use this one. I have an idea...

Keira nods and puts it on. Meanwhile, CopyCat is seen scanning the area, trying to find the two

Roxi: We don't have much time...

Keira: You Lead...

CopyCat turns the corner and gets a huge punch in it's face. As it looks, it sees....

Roxi: Come on! I got something for ya, follow me ya big bucket of bolts!

Roxi is of course, dressed as Keira. She flies into a warehouse, making sure CopyCat can see her as it follow.

CopyCat: Analyzing... Lady Kat... duplicate entry.

CopyCat follows and Roxi stands with Keira's costume on. She adjusts the costume as it does not fits correctly.

Roxi: Stupid... cleveage...

CopyCat enters and Roxi changes to the version of Keira's mask... also with night vision.

Roxi: get ready....

CopyCat enters... looking for the two, it finally sees Roxi, dressed as Keira in front of her.

Roxi: It's about time... I got a little surprise for you.

CopyCat stalks forward. Roxi readies herself.

Roxi: Now!

In the building, Keira hits the lights, killing the power to the building. It's totally darkness.

Roxi: Now let's really see what you can do.

As CopyCat fumbles in the dark, Keira, now dressed as Roxi, rushes and throws a few punches to it.

Keira: What's wrong? Can't see me? I can't be that hard to catch, unlike Kat...

CopyCat cannot seem to find anything in the darkness.

CopyCat: Reigstering... voice... Lady Kat... inconclusive.

Roxi: Ka....Me....Ha....

CopyCat: Registering voice... Lady Bedlam... inconclusive.

Roxi: Me....Ha!

Roxi fires a small blast that sends CopyCat across the room. Keira shakes her own head cause of that and says to herself

Keira: You need to work on your Ki Blasts...

CopyCat slowly gets up, trying to figure out what is going on. It's eyes beep.

CopyCat: night more engaged.

Keira: Crap...Party's over.

Roxi: Come on... come and get me!

Roxi motions for CopyCat's attention.

Roxi: Ka....Me...

CopyCat begin flying towards Roxi.

Roxi: Anytime you feel like joining... LB.

Keira finally rushes and kicks CopyCat hard in the face, right in midair. The kick sends him flying and making him crash into the metal wall

Roxi: Let's finish this!

Keira: Right!

The two rush, but as they do, the damaged CopyCat grabs the two and sends them flying to the outside. Both Keira and Roxi land as they groan

Keira: Lucky fucking shot....but crap! We just lost the advantage!

CopyCat comes out of the building, showing more battle damage than before, but Keira feeling that the robot was giving out that Dark Aura

Keira: Do you feel that?

Roxi: I'll bet you did! Dickhead!

Roxi turns to Keira and shrugs.

Roxi:  I'm just trying to be you.

Keira: Yea, I don't think that thing cares anymore since we're out in the light. But the Ki from it. It's...familiar....Demonic....

Keira lowers her head in a anger motion as she says

Keira: ....Sin. Part of my DNA is in CopyCat.

Keira looks at Roxi as she says to her.

Keira: I got one idea and since the entire area's evacuated now...

Keira turns to make sure, the few that were left, were now gone, giving Keira a sigh of relief. She turns back to Roxi and says

Keira: I'm going to end CopyCat now...with it's own weapon.

Roxi: Be careful.

Keira slowly takes off her costume and her gear, showing off her regular clothes. As CopyCat gets closer, Keira closes her eyes to get close to it. She stops, her eyes still closed as CopyCat beeps and whirrs, analyzing Keira out of costume.

CopyCat: Analyzing...Keira Fisher-Johnson...Compl--

Keira: You're wrong.....Hahahaha!!!!!

Keira raises her head and opens her eyes, showing the all black with red dots in the middle, showing Roxi what Keira was doing

Sin: Try it again, you waste of scrap metal! LOOK AGAIN!

CopyCat: Ana..Ana..lyzing...Sin...Sin...Sin...rewriting programming. All Hail Sin! All Hail Sin!

Sin: I thought so. CopyCat! You are a waste of space in MY world! You are not needed! Program yourself to self destruct!!!!

CopyCat: Yes--Yes...M-M-Mistress S-S-S-S-Siiiiiiinnnnnnn------

As it was commanded, CopyCat begins to short circuit and explodes quickly, leaving behind parts around the area. Keira closes her eyes, turning the contacts back to her normal eyes as she opens them. She goes back over and puts on the costume quickly before anyone sees

Keira: ....Going to be honest. I'm surprised that even worked. CopyCat was perfect, but if I learned ANYTHING from Hamilton. Most of the creations, bio weapon or cyborg....somehow has a bit of Sin's Essence in it.

Roxi: Well... that was a huge risk... but you... you did it.

Keira: Two huge risks. Good Job, Kat!

Keira smiles, going to Roxi and hugs her as she says

Keira: By the need more cleavage if you're wearing my gear in the future

Keira giggles at it

Roxi: Very funny... This thing barely fits! I feel like I'm going to pop out of this thing at any moment! We need to switch back now!

Keira: Ummmm....I'll think about it and give you my answer when we get home....

Keira slowly turns away and walks from Roxi to tease her

Keira: With me having to face Kate at Into The Void...I think I should have a 3 hours?

Roxi goes and grabs Keira and pulls her back

Roxi: Don't you dare!

Keira: Why not? It brings out the breast--I MEAN best in you!

Roxi: I will hurt you. Try me.

Keira then looks down at Roxi's ass as she then says

Keira: And it also brings that sexy as--

Roxi slaps Keira upside the head.

Keira: Owwww....

Roxi:  Can we focus please! We need to get out of here!

Keira: Right. Let's find a place to change and get out of here. Least get some training in for my match and then....

Keira looks at Roxi

Keira: ....Warren's next!

Roxi nods as her and Keira turn and fly off to find somewhere to change, the scene finally fades

Now that Keira's finally done yapping her mouth. I do believe it's my turn, isn't it?


Kate, poor, poor Kate. I would have said Poor Innocent Kate, but let's be completely honest. You were never really innocent of anything, were you? You've made so many people mad. You continue to brag how you've been undefeated in matches in 2020, but then turn it all around in a tag match lost and be like, "I NEVER GOT PINNED!" Please, Sinner.

I will grant you that. You never got pinned. But you still lost!

Now you want to make damn sure you hold onto your precious little Bombshell Internet Championship so you can go for the Bombshell WORLD Champion as a champion. Which to be quite honest and spoiler alert. Considering the talent that's fighting in that match....

I give you...10 seconds? Tops? Wait, I'm being generous. Let's say 5 seconds. That sounds much better for a wrestler with a ego that could rival Mount Rushmore.

But you're already thinking this. "If they can beat me in 5 seconds, then I know you won't be able to do that, if you even beat me at all!"

Spoiler Alert number two. I will beat you for the Bombshell Internet Championship. That's a given. Plus, I'm not like the other wrestlers who wants to end the match early. Hell, I'm not even like Keira who wants a "Good Fight" as she calls it. No, Dear Kate....

I'm going to destroy you in that ring.

I'm going to slowly torture you, like I did the last time we fought. But I'm going to make sure you feel every point of pain in your body, Kate. I may or may not break your teeth. I haven't decided yet. Break your bones, that's a huge yes on my part. Rip your hair out slowly as you scream in pain? Bingo!

Make you beg for mercy, pulling to whatever heart strings I'm suppose to have or beg for Keira to spare you so you can have some dignity before you lose? I'll let you beg. But it may give you a broken jaw as well.

And after I'm done slowly torturing you. I will finally put your miserable little Bombshell Internet Title Reign. Will I do it with a Seven Sins? Yes, but that won't be the end. Will I do it with a Deadly Sin? Definitely! BUT, it won't be the end either. No, what will end it, after hitting two of my finishers on my FINAL SIN!

THAT...will be the end of your reign as the Bombshell Internet Champion and the beginning of the Dark Reign....of Sin!

Into the Void, hug your title. Kiss it Goodbye. Take that long, slow walk toward the ring and come meet your Destiny. Come into the ring to meet your fate. For you see, you won't be in a regular ring. No, dear Kate. You're going to be in HELL!





See you Sunday, Sinner....

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
Kate Steele V Keira Fisher
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2020, 05:32:27 PM »
Long Island, New York
August  8th 2007
Vans Warped Tour

Whoa where the fuck am I?! Why does this all look so familiar… Oh God is this me?! What about Melody Grace… The Gem Stones or even our huge tour bus… Why can’t I remember what happened?!

Kate Steele was dreaming as she could see a 16 year old version of herself. 16 year old Kate Steele couldn’t believe it she had fallen completely in love with that of a 20 year old man. A few months ago she was going to take her own life and she had no idea that the man that she called Teddy would go on to save her. They had been dating for a few months despite Kate lying about her age yet she didn’t care. She couldn’t find peace at home but she found it with Teddy who was really that of a Teddy Bear to her. He had respected her and would only give her the world in return. Today was a fun day for the couple at they had just attended Vans Warped Tour. Kate smiled as she sat in the front seat of Teddy’s car. She held an acoustic guitar in her hand as she started to strum away smirking as she played without a concern.

Why the fuck am I thinking so much about my husband and our past… Am I sleeping…WAKE UP KATE… WAKE THE FUCK UP….GOD I REALLY WASN’T THIS EMO WAS I?!

“I gathered you here… To say my last PEACE… A few final words before I am DECEASED…Don’t change your plans this won’t take LONG…I packed it up nice into this little SONG…”

Kate seems to be really into the song as she strums away. Teddy however turns his attention to her just sighing as he gazes right back into her eyes.

“I take it you really loved being at the concert today…”

“Yes I did. It was so amazing so many bands performed all across the parking lot. I got to see Spill Canvas, Circa Survive, Underoath, As I Lay Dying, Parkway Drive, hell even Paramore performed. It was just like one huge emo convention. It really soothes me and I felt at home…”

Teddy smiles in return as he continues driving as he looks back at his girlfriend.

“You really love music don’t you? Look you ever thought about maybe calming all of the emo stuff down. I understand it’s who you are and part of your identity but I don’t want you to be drowning in your sorrows. You are better than that and I see a bright future ahead of you…”

Kate looks back at Teddy sighing in return.

“I don’t have a future. According to my parents it’s all about Samara. I am nowhere in the equation. My future doesn’t matter. My life doesn’t matter. Sometimes I feel like the world would just be better off if I wasn’t…”

“Kate stop… I am not going to listen to you talk about yourself like that. Besides you do have a future and it’s a promising one. You just haven’t tapped into it yet. If you keep talking down you won’t be able to go anywhere in life, and I don’t think I could even help you…”

“Meh… There is nothing for me… I know this dating thing is good but I don’t even know why you would even waste the time on me”

Teddy smirks in return.

“You have a beautiful voice and I know you love music so I am going to help you tap into that dream. I know of a guy. He’s actually my best friend. We have the same name but he has loads of money owns his own fortune 500 company and his wife owns a movie studio. Perhaps they could take a look at you and see if you have a future ahead of you.”

“Bloody hell is this your friend Todd that you mentioned?! The guy who also parades as a wrestler… I guess we could go meet him but how in the bloody fuck can a person do so much… That’s just stupid. I don’t understand how one can wrestle, run a company, and buy their wife a movie studio… That just seems to be too much. If I were in his shoes I would only focus on one…”


Teddy grins.

“That’s not even the worst of it. They have a six year old daughter together that they had when Crystal was only thirteen… It’s a really fucked up family but they make it work…”

“Whatever whenever you want to meet them by all means we can…”

“Actually we are there…”

It wasn’t a long drive by any means as they pull up in front of what looks to be a very large home in an expensive neighborhood on Long Island, New York. Teddy smiles looking over at his girlfriend.

“We are here my EMO Princess…”

Kate looks at the home as she turns her attention to Teddy.

“It looks nice but my daddy would have bought bigger…”


“Kate we aren’t here to compare check books. We are here just to chat a bit and…”

Before he could finish Kate had walked all the way to the front of the door. She pressed the doorbell button over and over again as she waited there impatiently. The door opened up and standing in the doorway was none other than that of a woman who held two championships across her shoulders a WWG Woman’s Tag Team Championship and a WWG World Women’s Championship. She is wearing a pair of shades and smiles as she looks at the girl.

“Sorry Halloween is two months away…”

The woman says in a nasty tone as she is about to close the door. Teddy quickly runs up to the door.

“Wait!!!!! Don’t shut the door Crystal. This is my girlfriend Kath-Lyn but you can call her Kate…”

Crystal seems befuddled as she looks at Teddy. She shakes her head as keeps her eyes on the little girl.

“SERIOUSLY this is who you are dating?! Your engagement gets called off and you are dating this thing. She looks like she is 12 year old Japanese boy and I didn’t know you were into goths, she looks like a fucking freak with that makeup and why is her hair so dark. She’s ugly you could have did better…”

Kate sighs as she looks at Crystal.

“And people like you are why I don’t even want to exist…”

Crystal however doesn’t respond to her as she looks to Teddy.

“Since when have you started robbing the cradle?!

Kate however shakes her head in disgust as she gets in Crystal’s face.

“Listen here you pompous little Bitch I don’t know who you think you are talking to but you will not disrespect my man. Not now and certainly not ever. Does it even matter who Teddy is dating. As long as he loves me that’s all that matters and I love him. He is the love of my life and I will hurt anybody who tries to talk down to him or hurt him…”

Crystal shakes her head as she looks back at her.

“Relax… I was just joking… So you must be the girl he was talking about who is talented. What can you do exactly?!”

“I can sing, and play a guitar…”

Crystal nods her head as she looks at Kate with a grin.

“That’s it?! Hun… Everybody in Hollywood can do that. You need to stand out and get noticed for somebody to take you seriously. My husband basically created a movie company for me but you know it’s really hard to get going. That’s why I had to jump into wrestling.”


Crystal nods her head with a smirk.

“Yes… I just trained with my daddy in Mexico. He taught me some stuff and I am good at it. You see these two championships on my shoulder right. I got these because I used what my father taught me. I beat a couple of bitches and now I gained some respect in the public eye. That’s all I needed to gain my superstardom now I can make movies and people will be all over me…”

Kate slowly nods her head.

“I see isn’t it a waste to try to force the movie thing though when you got something good going for you in wrestling?! You have that big championship belt so that must mean something…”

“Who cares about these titles… Like I said it’s all about fame. As long as people buy your merchandise and praise you that’s all that matters in the end. So do you want my help or not. I could make you into a star if you would let me…”

“I don’t need anybody to make me into a star. I am fine being my own woman. Why would I change… That sounds stupid or like somebody who would do whatever to get accepted.”


“Whatever be that way. It’s not like you would ever amount to anything but seeing as you want to do things your own way go for it. I will connect you with my friend Stephanie though. Her husband is a guitarist and is looking for some people to start a band… We shall see if he needs you…”

It’s at this moment that Teddy smiles hugging Kate tightly.

“Then by all means give us the connection me and my girlfriend will be happy to try out for a band. She’s the best guitarist in my opinion and of course when I play drums it’s magical. I believe in Kate she can do anything she places her mind on. I will support her dream and one dream she will have her own band and be a huge star…”

Crystal glares at Kate shaking her head.

“I highly doubt that… Just look at her…. She’s only what five feet… What could she possibly do?!”

Kate shrugs her shoulders.

“Maybe I should give this wrestling stuff a try… I probably would be good despite being so small…”

Crystal laughs as she walks away.

“I don’t think you would make it to be honest… You just don’t have that star power…. Anyway I got things to do… So if you would excuse me you really should get going now…”

With that Crystal shoos Teddy and Kate away as she slams the door in their faces. Teddy smiles as he hugs his girlfriend.

“Don’t listen to her… You can do anything you put your mind on. We will accomplish your dreams and we will show the world how much you can be a star… Whether it’s in a band or whatever we will prove everybody wrong… Just wait and see and I will be by your side all of the way…”

With that Teddy hugs his girlfriend and that’s when Kate realizes that Teddy was a good man, and he was willing to do whatever it took to make her dreams come true….

Wow I never realized how much he loved me… He is my everything and I would do anything for him…

Saxon Hotel

Kate Steele opens her eyes as she realizes she isn’t dreaming about the past anymore. She is confused as she wakes up in the confines of her bed. She sighs as she looks around noticing that nobody is around. She stretches her arms a bit as she seems to be befuddled.

“What the hell happened… I thought Iwas in Beverly Hills with my band. I thought I was singing to the likes of Melody Grace and…. Everything went black. Teddy? Gem Stones anybody?!”

Kate looked around and nobody appeared to be answering her. A few more moments went by and that’s when she was treated by the likes of daughter Juliet. Juliet smiles as she walks towards her mother with an ice pack as she smiles at her.

“Good you are finally awake. Is everything okay mommy?!”

The twelve year old smiles as she hands Kate the ice pack. The English beauty quickly grabs it as she raises it to her head and moans in pain.

“It feels like I got hit by a moving truck. What the heck happened?!”

“You don’t really remember do you?! You and your band went to go visit Auntie Melody to get her to be in your movie but the Gem Stones said she wouldn’t come to the door because of her crazy husband. So you girls decided to do this like drive by parade for her benefit. It was a great turnout. A lot of people from the community came out to watch your concert for Auntie Melody and…”

Kate places the pack firmly on her head as she quickly sighs in return.

“And what exactly, that still doesn’t explain why it feels like I got hit with a brick…”

“Well you got a little carried away. In the middle of your set you basically jumped off of the tour bus into the roaring crowd. Nobody attempted to even catch you…”

Kate opens her eyes in amazement.

“Why in the hell would they not catch me… That doesn’t even make sense!”

Juliet crosses her arms as she looks back at her mother.

“Mom… These people are trying to get over the Corona Virus… They really didn’t want to touch you. On top of that you are supposed to be six feet away from one another. Catching you would defeat the whole purpose. You hit your head on somebody’s arm. You would have been in a worse situation but the people who couldn’t get out of the way broke your fall. That was a few days ago and you have been out like a light ever since…”


“Well you woke up to use the bathroom and stuff but you seemed to be out of it so we let you be. Your band basically brought you back on the bus… Really crazy stuff…”

Kate rolls her eyes as she just sighs in return. She looks back at her daughter as she quickly tosses the ice pack to the side.

“Wait if that’s the case where is your father… I would have expected him to at least be by my side through all of this…”

Juliet just shrugs her shoulders as she shakes her head and glances back at her mother.

“He… Mom… A lot has gone down these past few days. You at least remember that guy dying in Minneapolis don’t you… Well the whole daddy said with the whole hate crime thing from the police he didn’t feel comfortable. He needed to do something about it. Everybody in the world is going crazy. There seems to be protests in every single major city and daddy said he needed to do something very important. I don’t know what he has in store but…”

Kate seems to be in a frantic as she moves her eyes close to that of her daughter.

“What do you mean he was going to do something about it… He’s a black man and with what everything going on in the world I don’t want him doing anything! I don’t want him protesting, I don’t want him starting a riot. I want him close to us where I can watch him and he can be safe…”

Kate grabs her cell phone as she begins to call Teddy and the phone rings before it goes to his voice mail.

“Why won’t he pick the phone up?!”

“I don’t know mommy… He said he needed to deal with something very important!”

Kate uses her phone to call Ruby and just like it did with Teddy it goes to voice mail. She sighs shaking her head as she begins to dial the phone number for Griffin and once again that goes right to voicemail. Nobody seems to be picking up any of Kate’s phone calls and she just shakes her head as she looks back at her daughter.


“Mommy I don’t really know… Maybe you should go look for him or anybody really…I left you a pair of clothes just in case you decided to wake up. Why don’t you go change into them and then you can go look for daddy…”

Kate nods her head as she walks over to the dresser where there is a nice sundress sitting there with a pair of heels. Kate rolls her eyes a bit but she quickly takes the dress and puts it on along with the heels. Juliet smiles as she looks at her mom.

“Wow you are very pretty mommy…”

“Yeah… Sure… I don’t even know why I am wearing all of this stuff… Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to just wear a pair of pajamas and sneakers…”

“Normally yes but daddy put those out so he probably wants you to wear them for a reason…”

“Fine I will wear these stupid clothes although if I don’t find him it’s going to go to waste!”

“Oh mommy make sure you do your hair as well… You really don’t want it to be all messed up… It’s really not your style…”

“Good point… Although at a time like this doing hair is the last thing on my mind… On top of that when I think about hair I am reminded of my best hair friend and that is something that just doesn’t exist anymore because Melody hates me…”

Kate was finally dressed in everything she needed to be in. She turns her attention to her daughter as she looks at her.

“Alright pumpkin I am going to go look for daddy... If something comes up you make sure you call me or go see Miss Seleana. She can take care of you… Just stay in this room and…”

“Mom I am twelve years old I will be fine. Plus we are on lockdown at a SCW hotel. There’s nothing going on here. I will probably just stay in the room playing my Switch. Be safe and I hope you find daddy…”

“I will and if I don’t I am going to beat the unholy hell out of some racist pieces of crap!”

With that Kate quickly runs out of the hotel room and she runs for a few feet before she collides with the likes of Mackenzie who turns a corner at the same exact time. The two bump right into each other as they both fall onto the ground at the same exact time.


Mackenzie smiles as she quickly rises to her feet and glares down at her longtime friend.

“I didn’t take you to be so weak. Just like Tyson Fury I no sell it and get right back up… Is this the part where you are going to tell me you are hurting because of a fifty pound hair dye job, with the way you dye your hair every other day I wouldn’t be surprised if that is the route you go…”

Kate shakes her head as she slowly rises up to her feet. She glances back into her friends eyes as she just lets out a long drawn out yawn.

“First of all Fury got lucky that second fight… Just wait until the trilogy when Deontay Wilder gets his belt back!”

“Just because you married an American doesn’t mean you have to speak the same gibberish he does. Don’t forget where you came from Kath-Lyn who has the middle name of Elizabeth because your parents named you after the Queen…”

“I know where I come from Mackenzie and my mum always told me she wanted to name me after the queen but that’s not even important. I don’t know what’s going on… My husband nor any of my friends are picking up the phone. I am a little worried and we have to go find them!”

Mackenzie smirks as she places her hands on Kate’s shoulder as she looks into her eyes.

“Relax Kate we are going to find them. I know a lot is going on in the world but this is Teddy we are talking about. He doesn’t seem like the confrontational type of person and he wouldn’t do something reckless or stupid… On second thought he wouldn’t do something to ummm…. Let’s just find him…”

With that Kate just crosses her arms again as she rolls her eyes in return. She can’t help but sigh as she looks back at Mackenzie.

“Oh thanks for the WONDERFUL support Mackenzie. I appreciate your sarcasm so much. I know my husband isn’t the most well liked person but he is still a great family man and he would damn near do anything for Juliet… If anything was to happen to him I honestly don’t know what I would do. This goes beyond everything he has ever done in the wrestling world. This is him as a human being and he is a gentle teddy bear. I will fight for my man and if you are my friend I would want you fight with me as well..”

Mackenzie nods her head as she looks at Kate again.

“Look I know we might have had some issues over the Mixed Tag Titles but beyond wrestling you are a friend Kate. I got your back. After all us London women have to stick together right?!”

“Thank Mackenzie it really means the world to me… Let’s go find them…”

Kate and Mackenzie run down the hallway together. They are at The Gem Stones hotel room and it is there where they both bang on the door. Nobody seems to answer and they bang louder than before as Kate yells at the top of her lungs.


Yet as much as they bang on their door nothing seems to happen. Kate sighs as she walks down the hallway until she is at Devilition’s door and she does the same exact thing. She begins to knock at the door and nobody answers. Meanwhile Mackenzie goes to Griffin’s door and knocks at the door and nobody answers. Mackenzie walks over to where Kate is standing as she just shrugs her shoulders.

“Kate I honestly don’t know what to say. Nobody is answering. I really don’t know where anybody in this hotel could have gone. It’s not like people to just disappear. Maybe we should split up and meet back up later to see what we find together.”

Kate thinks about it for a few moments before she slowly nods her head in agreement.

“Sounds like a plan. Maybe by splitting up we can cover more ground. Thank you for being an amazing friend Mackenzie and having my back…”

Mackenzie shakes her head as she glances back at Kate.

“Okay Kate why don’t you go check the pool and bar area, and I will look around at the gym and various recreational rooms on this facility. If you find something call me…”

With that Kate and Mackenzie both go their separate ways as they try to do their best to find Kate’s missing husband and friends.

One Hour Later

Kate had split up from Mackenzie and the hotel seemed to be like a ghost town. Kate didn’t understand what was going on as she had tried to call her husband again and once again there wasn’t any answer. She even tried to call her daughter and she wasn’t answering. She tried dialing Mackenzie and mysteriously her English friend wasn’t answering either. Kate didn’t know what was going on but she wasn’t going to allow her newfound missing people to get to her. All Kate could do was search for them. She went to the bar area and nobody was there. Kate rolled her eyes as she looked at the bartender.

“Excuse me has anybody been here recently?!”

The bartender quickly shook his head as he glanced back at Kate.

“Not really. To be honest I haven’t seen anybody in a while. It’s actually strange considering people usually frequent this bar. I don’t know what else you wrestlers would be doing on lockdown. If it was me I would definitely be having a few but I am not allowed to drink on the job…”

Kate just nodded her head as she left the bar and quickly went towards the pool area and once again there wasn’t a soul in sight. She really didn’t know where to turn as she sighed as she moved her back against the fence and she gazed up at the darkness of the night.

“What do I even do… Where do I even go… Where are you Teddy… I need you. Please don’t be hurt or doing something stupid…”

Kate shook it off as she left the pool area and made it back to the inside of the hotel. She had checked every single area that she had discussed with Mackenzie and found nothing. Maybe it was time to check some of those areas that Mackenzie had stated she looked at. She made it to the corridor that held all of the meeting and banquet rooms. She was bound to find an answer somewhere. She walked into one room and found nothing. She went into another one and it was also empty. One room remained and it was among the biggest banquet room that the hotel offered. Kate sighed as she nervously stood at the door and she raised her hand to the handle.

“For the love of God please let my husband be in here…”

The anxiousness was getting the best of her. She hesitated for a bit before she slowly started to pull the handle and open the door. The room was filled with nothing but darkness.

“Hello is anybody in here?!”

She inched her way deeper into the room and as she did the door closed loudly behind her. Kate was scared as she had no idea at what was going on. A few moments went by and as soon as it did the lights quickly went on as all of her friends were in the room. She saw London Underground, her daughter, Griffin Hawkins along with Deviliton, the Gem Stones, and most importantly she saw her husband Teddy with a huge grin on his face. He smiled at her as everybody in the room all yelled at her.

“SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!”

Kate was taken back as it dawned on her. She didn’t really pay attention or ask what the day was but it must have been June 1st. Kate looked around as her husband walked towards her with a wide grin on his lips. He wrapped his arms around her embracing her into a very tight passionate hug.

“Happy Birthday baby… You deserve all of this. I love you so much and you definitely deserve to have a huge Birthday celebration. I know things are going crazy in the world with riots, protests, and even people being sick but I did what I could with whatever friends of yours were in this hotel. I hope you enjoy it…”

Kate looks at her husband as she has tears in her eyes. She just squeezes him tightly as she begins to punch him repeatedly.

“You stupid jerk… I honestly thought something happened to you. I would have lost my shit if anybody would have fucked with my family or ruined it…”

Teddy nods his head as he grins in return.

“Look despite what’s going on in the world as important as it might be to stand with people talking about Black Lives Matter and standing against police brutality. I know it’s a major issue that affects myself and that of my little sister. Yet it’s not the most important thing to me. That would definitely be you Kate. You are my first and main concern. You will always be the one thing that’s always on my mind. I would love to go out there and protest but I can’t…”

Kate seems very passionate as she glances at her husband.

“If you want to go about doing it I will be right by your side. As important as I am to you, you are also the most important thing to me.  I need to stand by my husband and we need to fight this! I don’t want people to look at you funny because of your complexion or even give Juliet issues for being adopted and her father being dark. This is a real issue and it needs to be resolved…I hate people who feel they are better than everybody else. The ones who feel they are privileged because they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth or had everything they could have ever imagined in their life…”

Kate points at herself.

“That was me Teddy… Yet I never let that define me because I knew there were others who were in need or less fortunate than me. if anybody ever tried to hurt you. I will proudly stand by you because you are my man and nobody fucks with my family. You are the father of my daughter and…”

Teddy quickly shakes his head as he looks at his wife.

“Kate…I personally rather not go off being an idiot and that’s not me arguing with what people are trying to argue but it’s more so the fact that people are protesting whether peacefully or violently. The world still hasn’t overcome that of the pandemic. Trying to fight something else while the entire world is fighting something else sounds stupid and irresponsible to be honest. I am not being insensitive but MY MAIN CONCERN is my family which is you and Juliet. I rather sit here and celebrate your 29th Birthday because this is the last year for you to be in your twenties. We might as well enjoy it to the fullest. Don’t worry about any other thing but tonight and having fun. Besides the only fighting I want to see from you is achieving your dreams having an album go platinum, putting everything into this Diamond & The Gem Stones movie and of course being the best bombshell wrestler in the world. As long as you accomplish those dreams I will be extremely happy…”

Teddy smiles as he claps his hands together and it is at this moment that Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald all walk towards Kate with a bottle of Jameson in their hands. They hand it to Kate who quickly opens the bottle and begins to chug at i. Ruby smiles as she glances directly at her friend.

“That a girl it’s your birthday so drink as much as you want… We are going to make sure this birthday party is completely OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Kate stares blankly at Ruby as she shrugs her shoulders at her.

“You can stop saying that word now… I really hate it when you say that!”

Ruby smirks in return.

“Tonight is going to be an amazing night. We are going to celebrate you in style. Just look at this cake…”

With that Griffin Hawkins could be seen pushing the cake table in Kate’s direction and it’s a huge birthday decorated with Jem & The Holograms stuff. Kate’s eyes open wide up in amazement as she smiles in return.

“OH EMMM GEE… That Cake is really OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate screams at the top of her lungs as her and all of the Gem Stones begin to jump around excitedly. Ruby giggles as she looks at Kate.

“Let me tell you Diamond you are definitely crazy. You honestly jumped off of that tour bus… What in your right mind would make you think that was a great idea?!”

“I don’t know whenever we do our performances we always tend to get a little crazy… Why should things be different just because there is a virus going on? I just wanted people to have a great time and show Melody how much she and her friendship meant to me.  I don’t want to lose my best friend over something trivial. She means everything to me. Even when I was venting because I was upset, I still could only think about her and trying to be there to help her…”

“Well you pulled some freaking stunt. You were out like a light. We decided to just pull you back to the bus. We figured you probably wouldn’t want to go to a hospital. How would it look if you went to a medical facility and they stated you have something and would be forced to relinquish your title because you can’t compete at Into The Void. You definitely wouldn’t want that and we have seen you compete with worst so we just yanked back on the bus and brought you back here… No worries though at least you passed your Corona Virus test so that’s a plus…”

Kate can’t help but shake her head as she looks back at Ruby.

“Damn right I would have been pissed off if you took me to a damn hospital. I do feel a little banged up but I will be ready to go by match time. I am not going to let my title go anywhere anytime soon…”

“Good I was hoping you would say that. Besides I knew you wouldn’t be mad at me. You wouldn’t dare say anything bad to your favorite cousin…”

Kate rolls her eyes at the woman as she replies.

“Well did Melody say anything else… I know she watched me jump off of that bus…”

Ruby nods her head.

“She seemed concerned from the amount of screaming she did through her little gate screen but other than that she didn’t say a word… She made no mentions of the movie or anything like that. I know we sort of forced you to try to make amends with Melody and we are sorry for that. We were just being selfish because we really wanted to get this movie going but if she doesn’t sign the script and agree it’s not a big deal. We are still rock stars and we will put Rose Records on the map…”

Kate smiles in return.

“That we definitely will do, we have all of the resources in the world. We just need to make the most of them and do what we do best…”

The Gem Stones all begin to smirk at one another and it’s at this moment that Teddy looks at his wife with a wide grin on his face.

“Anyway before we get on with the singing of Happy Birthday or even going on with eating some food and a good dance party, I think it would be in your best interest you viewed one of your gifts…”


Teddy nods his head in agreement as he looks at his wife.

“This one is from your best friend Melody Grace…”

Kate is taken back as Teddy takes his phone out of his pocket and places it in front of Kate. He presses the play button and as he does so a video of Melody Grace begins to play.

“Hey Katey Kins this is your best HAIR friend and best friend Melly. I just want to say that I am sorry for the way I treated you. I just have been going a little nuts with being stuck at home with this whole shelter in place thing. I didn’t mean to unleash my frustrations on you and I hope you can forgive. As far as this movie is concerned I sent your husband an envelope with a signed contract. I will be in your movie and you better get ready because the Fluffy Unicorns will make the Gem Stones pay on the big screen. Love you and see you soon bestie CIAO!!!”

With that Melody blows a kiss into the video as it comes to an end. Kate’s eyes light up as she glances back at her band and screams at the top of her lungs.


All of the girls begin to jump around excitedly. Teddy smiles as he looks deeply into her eyes.

“I love you so much babe. I told you that all of your dreams will come true, and seeing you happy is the only thing that matters to me. Just keep being happy, and I will always be there for you through everything and anything…”

Kate nodded her head as she looked at her husband. He truly was the best thing to happen to her. This was one of the best birthdays that she had ever had. She could only smile as she hugged her husband in return. There would be celebrating and partying, but for now she just wanted to hug the only person she truly saw in that room. It was her biggest supporter, it was her husband, and she was so lucky to have him…

On Camera

Things come into focus and as they do we are treated to a shot of Kate Steele. She is at the Saxon Hotel and to be more precise she is sitting down at the bar area with the SCW Internet Bombshell Championship around her shoulder. She is wearing a sundress s her eyes meet with that of her Championship title. She adjusts it a bit as her eyes meet with that of the cameras.

“I am going to be blunt with all of you today. Keira Johnson might be the most idiotic person I have ever been in the ring with. Keira is twisting history in the way she wants to be perceived. She is still trying to be looked upon as being some sort of hero. She wants people to acknowledge her that she is a fighter to the very end and she would do whatever it takes to win the Internet Championship. It’s honestly funny to me to be completely honest. She is like trying to spin everything around like I am a bad champion and that I am not doing my job as a holder of the title but I personally think I am doing my fair share.”

Kate shakes her head as she looks into the camera while taking a sip of some liquor.

“Keira is a great wrestler. I have no doubts about that. It took some great effort for her to go out there and win that four way match at Blaze of Glory or should I say it took her being vastly depressed and of course Mark Ward having to talk her back up until she got her groove back. It’s a real fucking joke. I don’t quite understand how Keira could stand in front of a camera a week ago and tell everybody how I wasn’t taking this seriously and how I am overlooking her and forgetting that she is even in this match. You honestly want my opinion on that?! It’s a bunch of horse shit. Maybe Keira should have been glaring at her reflection in the mirror and telling that promo to herself. This is part of the same fucking problem that I mentioned last week. Keira has no idea on the concept of selling. You would think as his wonderful hero she would know the difference between right and wrong or at least good and evil…”

Kate looks at her championship as she pats it passionately. She smirks adjusting it as she looks back at the camera.

“From the very moment that our match was made on the very first Climax Control I after Blaze of Glory I appeared on the show. Granted I was there to support my husband. He came out to the ring to tell the world how he was going to be a fighter and I was there for him. As you know he would get jumped by Tony Thorn and was taken to a medical facility that night. Guess what, I was still right there by his side. He wasn’t cleared to return to SCW the following week and yet I still came to the ring. My Gem Stones and I put on a concert how we were simply going to hold out for a Keira and yet we still didn’t hear anything in return. We got nothing in regards to this match. I was still pushing ahead because this title and defending it means the world to me, and I don’t want to be pushed back down the card for being a complacent champion. When you are a champion or a major contender it’s your job to promote shit. SCW has entrusted you with a major position in the company and they can trust that you can be a “hero” and help them sell what’s needed so there’s build for the shows which in turn promotes Super Card buys, viewership numbers increase, and for our great wonderful Annie in Marketing a reason to come up with merchandise that will hopefully fly off of their shelves…”

Kate shakes her head with a sigh.

“Yet when people who are in those positions don’t do that it makes the company as a whole look to be extremely bad and I am sure there are those three other women who were in that match that you won who could have done a better job than what you are doing right now. You wish to make all of these accusations like I am bad but you were basically preaching to yourself. I have given a bloody fuck. I was out in the ring on the first climax control after Blaze of Glory. As I mentioned before I came out to do a concert in your name the following week which just so happens I was on the show THREE times that week as we vowed to get Tony for what he did to my husband. I had no idea that Victoria Thorn was going to destroy my girls and I that week. She completely decimated me and honestly that is what is truly funny in all of this…”

Kate chuckles again as she continues to speak.

“Victoria Thorn isn’t even an active competitor here. Her son Tony is barely booked that much and yet Victoria Thorn did a far better job at giving a fuck and selling this shit when she isn’t even involved in our match then you have. What does that really say for you?! Yet that’s two weeks and we still didn’t hear anything from you. Not one segment, not one tweet. Hell you appeared to wrestle Crystal on that first show and that was it and nothing else. Week three I defended against your wife and that’s when you finally decided to give a fuck when you tweeted your feelings. Yet not once did you ever mention me. Not once did you ever say Kate I am coming for you… You made all of these plans on how a showdown between you and Roxi was going to go down. How it was going to be special and epic…”

Kate smiles as wide as she possibly as she continues speaking.

“However for all of that wishful thinking it still didn’t help because I beat your wife. I put an end to all of that shit. Only then were you finally ready for a fight. Only then were you actually ready to step up but did you really say shit about us fighting?! Nope… You went on to face Seleana and I was at ringside when you used my Diamond Cutter. I even cut a promo after the match and still I didn’t get anything in return except stupid do I remember quotes. It’s a bunch of horse shit. The only time you really gave a shit was on the very last Climax Control before the super Card. Don’t you think it’s a little late for any build up at that point. I feel like you are absolutely worthless Keira. It’s like you want to be cuddled. You beg so much for title opportunities but when you do finally get a title or even an opportunity you go ghost. It’s sickening. Like what’s the point to be honest?! Why are you even wasting time when it’s apparent you don’t even give a damn?! Instead of worrying about me you are worried about fighting the Roulette Champion and so on. It’s piss poor pathetic. You should be trying to aim high…”

Kate nods her head as she speaks more.

“You should be trying to elevate yourself and your own abilities. In all honesty you don’t even do that right. I know people can talk shit about me but at least I try to elevate myself. I want to fight the likes of Andrea Hernandez, Alicia Lukas, and Evie Baang. I want to be in the ring with the best of the best. I have already beaten everybody else so what else is there for me. You might think me beating Roxi was a fluke but I did so twice in this company. Once as a Roulette Champion and once as an Internet Champion. I know how to hold shit down when I get a title and I will be damn if I let anybody get in the way of that. If I was able to beat Roxi what does that say for somebody like you. She is a big time Hall of Famer in this company and you are merely her cling on. You don’t really care about this belt as much as you care about butt pictures, food, and how much you adore your wife. We fucking get it but there’s more than just that in wrestling. Just because you get what you wanted which is an opportunity doesn’t mean you stop there. You need to keep up that drive. You need to continuously be hungry and I honestly don’t think you have it in you to be a champion…”

“Kate sighs.

“You can’t even get your story right when it comes to this match and maybe if you paid attention to your surroundings of what’s happening in SCW you would actually be in a good place. You can’t beat me. You might have done so last year but there won’t be a mask this time. I won’t be hiding behind anything. Fighting champion Kate is a lot different than fighting mysterious Diamond and I don’t think you quite understand that. I have beaten of list of who’s who in this company. I might as well add you to that list and continuously showcase why I am the best damn champion in this company today. You want this title?!”

Kate nods her head with a grin as she continues to speak.

“You better be ready to pry it off of me because I am not going to drop this title anytime soon. I am here for the long run and after I am done with you I will be on to bigger challenges. Bring your best Keira but I doubt that will even be good enough. Cheers for you will be lead to your demise and be Shipwrecked…. Siren Song is being played and that will spell your doom. See you Sunday and best of luck you certainly will need it…”

With that Kate raises her championship high into the air and it’s on this image that we slowly fade out on.
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