Author Topic: You have only Caleb to blame!  (Read 445 times)

Offline Fenris

  • The White Wolf
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    • Fenris
You have only Caleb to blame!
« on: November 29, 2019, 05:34:34 PM »
Thanksgiving Morning --
Las Vegas

The door to the two-bedroom condo at Turnberry Towers opened just after the hour of eight am struck the clock, and "the White Wolf" Fenris and his brother Aron entered the place they had called home here in the United States. Both young men were drenched, and not just in perspiration from their daily morning run, but also because the weather in the City of Sin was dismal on this national holiday. Rain was pouring down from the gray skies, but did that deter Fenris from straying from his usual routine? of course not! That was just one example of how stubborn this man was to keep to his workout routines so he could continue being the best at what he did. And there was little chance that Aron was going to let his older brother go out into this weather without him. It was just one of the little ways Aron watched out for his sibling, even if Fenris was the elder of the two, and by proxy, the designated protective one.

Fenris paused just long enough to lean over and unfasten the leash from his beloved Kyssa's collar, letting her loose to roam at her leisure. Yes, Kyssa was brought along as well, because Fenris would be damned if he'd leave 'his girl' behind if it could be helped. Once she was released, she did what all canines seem to do when soaked; she shook the entirety of her body and sent the water spraying everywhere -- including on the two men, prompting yells of surprise before she took off into their home's interior.

"You're going to have to give her a bath now or else you'll  never get that wet dog smell out of the air." Aron teased his brother, knowing that bathing the Husky was one chore that she made routinely difficult for any that even attempted to try.

Fenris emerged from the bathroom and threw a towel in Aron's face, and while both men proceeded to dry themselves off, Aron asked, "So, what are we going to do today?"

"I thought we were already doing it." Kristjan answered with no small amount of sarcasm in his voice. He turned and walked over to the sofa, and Aron started to call out, "Hey, wait...!" But Kristjan sat down on the plush cushions, soaked clothes and all.

Fenris looked up at him with a frown and asked, ""... What!?" But Aron ran the towel down his face, the better to hide his masked annoyance at his brother's messy habits.

"Nothing." Aron said before he stripped off his shirt to keep from making any more of a mess himself than he already had. He walked over into the kitchen and proceeded to wring his shirt out over the sink, as he called out to the front room, "But I meant for Thanksgiving!"

Aron cast a look into the front room and yes! Kristjan was staring at him with a frown. Fenris asked, "Did I miss the day where you became American?"

Aron shook his head and emerged from the kitchen with the towel draped around his neck and he said, "You heard Bella when you bitched on Twitter. It's also a day to get together with family and friends. And, well... when in Rome..." But his words were seemingly on deaf ears as Fenris just kept staring at him. Aron rolled his eyes and he said, "Come on! We got a handful of invites we could still take one up. Gabriel and his family are doing their usual with Synn's group. He and Odette are hosting this year.We spent last year there..."

"Just ... let them have this year." Fenris said, holding a hand up.

"Well, London Underground are doing their thing. Ben and Evie don't do the holiday..." Aron started to reason, to which Fenris mumbled, "Smart." Drawing Aron's attention. Aron's left brow rose. He knew his brother was not the most sociable of sorts, but he never really had many qualms at spending time at Gabriel's. He knew Kristjan better than almost Kristjan himself, and was able to read him like a book. The maddening part was that Fenris knew it -- and despised the fact.

Aron asked, "What's this about K?"

Fenris answered, "Look, this is the first holiday since Ty and I ended things. Can we just ... not?"

Aron shrugged, having little course but to accept that line of reason. As much good as ben Jordan did for his brother, there would still be time before all wounds were healed. He asked, "Okay, so what do you want to do?"

And the answer came as Fenris picked up the remote the television and turned it on, saying, "I'm doing it." But the moment he saw he tuned in to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, he hurriedly switched it off and dropped the remote onto the end table.

"So... no going out for dinner? No drinks?" Aron held his arms out helplessly. Unlike his stubborn older brother, Aron was what might be called a 'social butterfly.' He liked people, and he enjoyed experiencing holidays even if they weren't his country's own. "Nothing?"

"Nothing." Came the expected answer, and Aron sighed as a knock at the door alerted him to the possible  arrival of his 'secret weapon.' He walked past Kristjan to go answer it, saying along the way, "Well I know someone who is going to be very disappointed!"

Fenris frowned (shocker, right?) as he turned to watch who was calling this early and when the door was opened, he closed his eyes and fell back against the sofa's cushions as his and Aron's 'little sister,' Dani Weston, came charging in, all smiles.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" She cried gleefully,  wrapping her arms around Aron's neck in a big Dani Hug, one which he warmly reciprocated. "Happy Thanksgiving!" He said, switching to English for her benefit. Once they separated, Dani then practically threw herself onto Fenris, hugging him and greeting him the same way before she sat back with wide eyes.

"Why are you all wet!?" She exclaimed, to which he answered without hesitation, "You know what they say. The last drop always goes down your leg."

Dani turned to Aron for a possible explanation but he, like was the norm, waved off whatever rude nonsense his brother spouted off and he said, "Dani, I hate to disappoint you, but I guess we can't go out. The Sourpuss here doesn't want to do anything today."

At the same moment Kristjan silently mouthed 'sourpuss?,' Dani looked crestfallen as she was not spending the holiday with her family in Florida., and thus had expected to share the day with her two pseudo big brothers.

"But... I was hoping we could enjoy the parade together." Dani turned to Fenris. "And I was going to spend part of the day at Gabriel's with everyone. You're not going? Not even dinner tonight?"

"No." Was the simple but direct answer. He continued, "Not really in the mood to celebrate much. You go and have fun."

Dani turned to Aron for a moment but the younger of the two shrugged, helpless against his brother's stubborn nature. She turned back to Fenris with a pleading expression, but he turned back away from her. Stubborn as always.

That evening

Gabriel had come over to personally to drag Fenris out of his home and his sour disposition and spend part of the day with his family, blood relatives or no. The fact that Odette had taken care to ensure there would be vegetarian options for him was just fighting dirty! But the evening? That belonged to Dani, and Aron had a sneaking suspicion that Kristjan privately enjoyed when she worked herself to a frazzle, getting him to do -- well, anything! Otherwise he would have said 'Fuck off!' and be done with it.

Okay, maybe not to Dani but he would have made it clear he wasn't going and nobody would have been able to change his mind.

Even Fenris had to admit that he had enjoyed himself at the Stevens, stuffing himself as much as anyone. And the beers that Gabriel kept serving him had helped in loosening him up to be almost sociable. And that was the main reason why the brothers found themselves walking alongside Dani down the Las Vegas Strip with Kyssa on her leash. Some recognized the passers by, and most respected the holiday enough to leave them be. Accommodating as Aron and Dani were, a reluctant Fenris was even managed to stand in for a picture or two before they were allowed to go on their way.

"Come on, admit it!" Dani beamed as she practically skipped alongside Fenris's side'.

"Admit what?" Fenris asked.

"That you had fun today!" Dani answered.

Fenris shrugged, "It wasn't unpleasant."

Dani turned to Aron who smiled back and laughed, "Pick your battles, Dani. that's about as close as you'll ever come to getting him to admit he had fun with his clothes on!"

Dani smiled, snaking her arm in Kristjan's own, much to his discomfort but take note; he did not pull away. They continued down the Strip and past all those towering monolith hotels and the brilliant lights. They arrived in front of the Bellagio to enjoy the famed fountain lights coloring the night when the sound of loud voices nearby drew their attention, as well as several people around them. Now usually loud voices along the Strip was a thing and often ignored and looked past. This was different.

Their heads turned and not ten yards away, a man and woman were arguing as they emerged from one of the nearby restaurants. They were young, in their mid to late twenties. He was tall and lanky, but you could tell through the tight fit of his shirt that he had an athletic upper body at the least. And the way he carried himself also let you know that he knew he looked good. The young woman, his companion? Her hair was colored burgundy red and she was a head shorter than he was, her long legs toned and she pulled away from his grip as they continued to argue in public.

"I don't care what you say you jerk!!" The woman yelled, not caring that their shared raising of voices was causing them any undue attention. "You are so embarrassing! You treated that waitress like dirt!"

"That's because she was dirt!" The man hollered back with a snide tone to his voice. "Otherwise she wouldn't be a waitress and would have made something of herself like we did!"

"Come on." Fenris stated, ushering his company along.

"But..." Dani started to protest but Fenris interrupted her, stating, "This isn't our business."

"I am so done with you!!" The woman seethed. "We are finished!"

"We are not finished unless I say so!!" The now obviously chauvinistic man retorted. But the woman stormed past her male companion, and he reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled her back hard enough that she lost her balance on her high heels and fell to the pavement, landing on her back. She cried out in surprise and grabbed the back of her head.

"And now it is." Fenris stated matter-of-factly as Aron found the leash shoved into his hand and he and Dani watched helplessly as Fenris stormed over to the scene. The man took a hasty step back, realizing what he had accidentally done, but he sought to make himself look better by playing the victim card as he yelled at her, "Now look what you did! You dumb ass...!!"

But whatever else he was about to say to belittle his woman and shield himself from any further judgement from anyone watching was cut short as he found his path blocked by the man Ben Jordan coined as "the Grumpiest Man In Iceland." Fenris effectively blocked his path as well as sight from the woman who was just sitting up, still holding the back of her head. And as athletic as this man was, his demeanor and physicality were dwarfed  by the more impressively built "White Wolf." Fenris's challenging expression alone was enough to give this man pause, but you know his type; even when faced with an overwhelming challenge, the mock-alpha could not allow himself to be seen as weak in front of others (especially when his woman was present), even when confronted by a real alpha.

"You got a problem dick head!!?" The man threw open the challenge but Fenris just surprisingly smiled at him, looking him over and shook his head with indifference.

"You are not worth it." Fenris stated simply before he turned his back on him and offered the shaken woman his hand to help her to her feet.

"Hey!" The man yelled, grabbing at Fenris's shoulder to forcibly turn him around. "This isn't any of your business! You want to start some shi...!?" But his rant was severed quick and painfully as Fenris spun back around, tearing the man's hand from his shoulder and twisting his wrist in a nerve hold to forcibly put him on his knees.

Seeing this, Aron quickly gave a snarling Kyssa's leash to Dani to keep control of the Husky in case she thought her beloved master in trouble and more trouble would be incurred. Aron calmly walked over to the scene and helped the woman to her feet as the man started to struggle and winced when the right amount of pressure from the wrist lock ended his struggle.

Fenris leaned down at the knees and spoke in a hushed but dangerous whisper to the man, "I do not need to start shit you fucking pussy! Everyone here just watched you throw a woman on the ground and put your hands on me first! I could break your fucking wrist right now, but I think it would be much more entertaining to let everyone watch you walk away like a whipped bitch!"

That being said, Fenris released his grip and stepped back in a more protective stance between the man and woman and watched as the man slowly rose, holding his wrist. He glanced around and saw some cameras  out, and others pointing in his direction with open smiles on their faces. Whispers of "Punked!" and "Bitch!!" were overheard, causing his tanned flesh to color dramatically.

He finally shook his head and saved face in his own mind by saying, "Fuck this!" And he turned his back on everyone and walked off, vanishing into the crowds. Only then did Fenris turn around to find the woman shaking, but for the most part, recovered from her abusive ordeal.

"Are you okay?" Aron asked her, and she nodded, an inner strength not allowing her to shed a tear in front of strangers as Dani approached with Kyssa. The woman looked at Fenris and she said, "You didn't have to do that."

"I enjoyed it." Was his simple answer, then he found himself saying, "You look like you could use a drink."

"One of many." The woman wiped her red hair from her eyes and smiled as best she could, despite the circumstances. "But you don't have to. I don't even know..."

"I'm Aron." The younger stated, making a round of introductions. Fenris looked at her closely and inquired, "And you are?"

After a moment's hesitation, the woman answered, "Willow." But then she closed her eyes and added, "And no, I was not named after that witch on Buffy!"

Aron smiled brilliant at the woman's it, as did Dani. Fenris however remained as stony as ever. He said, "Well now that we are good friends, we can drink." The woman smiled her best as the group escorted her down the Strip in search of booze and plenty of it!

Later that night...

Back at the condo, Aron stirred awake at the sound of his alarm. he had almost forgotten that he had set it so that he could, for the first time ever, partake in the time annual tradition of the Black Friday shopping experience! Fun! Gabriel had jokingly shared a number of stories of past adventures on this annual morning with Despayre, not including whatever happened last year that Despayre had said, "You made me promise never to discuss that ever, ever again!"

So whatever it was, Aron wanted to give it a go and do some holiday shopping for their family who would be visiting again this year! And he wanted to share this experience with Kristjan, who he suspected would be reluctant but also be one colossal advantage to dealing with the madness! This was why he didn't warn his brother of his intention beforehand.

Aron rolled out of bed, the effects of the night's alcohol consumption still with him, and he slipped his feet into his slippers and padded his way out into the dark hallway to the closed door of Kristjan's bedroom.

"K?" Aron called softly, rapping his knuckles just loud enough on the door. "Are you awake?"

He then grasped the door handle and opened the door, "K...?" But he stopped sort, almost falling over himself in shock at what he was looking at. His brother, bare chested, under the covers of his bed.

And Willow sound asleep beside him...


It was nighttime in Las Vegas, and Fenris stood on the balcony of his and his brother's shared condo. Hailing from Iceland, the cold of this desert city did little to affect him, as he stood in a simple t shirt and pajama pants, with his arms folded across his chest. His face was set in stone, betraying no emotion as his gaze swept from one side of the city lights to the next, so near the famed Vegas Strip.

“You know, when you think about it, I haven't been competing for very long. Not when you compare the longevity of my wrestling career to people like Ben Jordan, Griffin Hawkins or Alex Jones. Men who have spent a fair few years longer than I have, honing their craft to perfection. Some of us just did not take as long as others to become the best. Putting bodies and souls on the line in a sport that is as unforgiving as the people they are in competition against. Just like my time in MMA, wrestling is cut throat, a sport where everyone fights to rise above everyone else. Oh yes, people respect each other and you even develop the bonds of friendship, but the simple truth is the entire point of being a wrestler is to be the best, and to be the best, you have to be ready, willing and able to defeat anyone -- anyone -- who stands in your way, whether they be friend or rival."

"I've been straight forward, to the point where people have called me everything from arrogant to a cocky bastard and you know the truth? They're not wrong. I am all of that and probably a lot more people are too damn polite to say in public. But there's a reason I am, and it's simply because I am everything that I claim. Everything that I set out to accomplish, I succeed at. And it won't be that much longer before I fulfill a promise to myself, and become a two-time SCW World Heavyweight Champion. Ever since March when I lost the title to Austin James Mercer, I did not go out of my way to reclaim what I lost. I figured..."

He shrugged with an expression of indifference on his face.

"... Why should I, really? I spent over eight months at the top, and proved I was the best. Does one loss negate that fact? No. And it was just one loss, because that was the first, and only time that I had ever been beaten directly. We could go over the facts of why I did not campaign harder to get the championship back, but that's something I've already discussed before, time and time again. Everything from knowing I had certain 'critics' that worked overtime saying I shouldn't be the champion, to simply not feeling the need or desire. Then when the fire got ignited again, I had more pressing matters to tend to."

Fenris turned and looked directly into the camera and mouthed, 'Caleb Storms!' before he returned his attention elsewhere, to his train of thought.

"That cost me, because I got ahead of myself and said I'd trade my return match for a chance at Caleb in the Lion's Den. Who knew that uptight, anal retentive Christian Underwood would take me literally and turn it into a give and take situation? Give me Caleb on a golden platter but take away my rightful championship return match? Live and learn I guess. Do not give anyone in power the chance to fuck with you because one way or another, they can and will!"

"But I've been patient, more so than anyone should be expected to be. And anyone that knows me can tell you that I am not the patient type. So when I sat back and watched others get title shots at first Mercer and then Senor Vinnie while I was just a fucking after thought?"

Fenris frowned, his blue eyes burning in annoyance.

"It did not really sit very well with me."

"But now the more reasonable and level headed of my bosses had for himself this grand idea of really testing the world champions by putting them against five challengers, and making those challengers earn their god damn title opportunities! And you know who made the list?"

He tapped a forefinger into his sternum.

"Big surprise, right? Not! But so did more men who have worked their way up, names like the former champion Austin James Mercer and Ben Jordan, who it is about FUCKING time he was in the world title picture! Now both of those men, I have been in the ring with before. Everyone knows my past with Mercer, but Ben? I faced him once in a tag team match, but we all know that a one on one match is what the world wants to see! Soon, Ben, soon."

"Then there is Lachlan Kane. Now I've had the pleasure of facing just about every name there was or is on the men's roster at least once. Only a handful have escaped either my notice or the decision making skills of the match makers. And Lachlan? He is one of those select few I have never had the chance to step inside of the ring with."

"Until now."

"Now why is that, I wonder? I can not say that Lachlan had escaped my notice. But to me, it just seemed he was too intent on making his mark in the mixed tag team division with Sierra than he was pursuing his own goals in the singles. Then he and Sierra went and dropped the titles to the sorriest excuses for a team and finally Lachlan had a chance to branch out and explore his own options without having to worry about supporting anyone else in theirs! But who knew Lachlan had such lofty goals and would be one of the five who would move on to the world title match at December 2 Dismember IV> Hell, I have to be honest; I had my money put on Alex Jones to go over Lachlan, and the man went and surprised us all by beating Alex and getting one of those coveted spots."

"So good on you Lachlan for advancing that far. Bad on you though for thinking you have any chance at all in making it past me to fulfill those world title dreams you have dancing around in your head. And now look at the spot we find ourselves in; just you and me in that ring, with the other four in our match split up and in our corners. You've got Mercer, and again, good on you for that. Then you also went and had to have..."

Fenris grinned and a sarcastic chuckle escaped him. He bit his bottom lip and shook his head.

"... Well, you also have Caleb Storms, my little 'buddy.' And then there are my corner men; none other than Ben Jordan and the champion himself, Senor Vinnie. And even if these four can't and won't play a part in our match, you have to admit that the deck is stacked in my favor. Not that I am saying that the outcome of our match is a foregone conclusion or anything."

He leaned forward and waved his hand idly.

"I mean, it is but I wouldn't say that. Because the disadvantage that you have had is one that I can say I have never succumbed to; an inferiority complex. A thought that would enter your head and make you wonder if you were good enough or if you belonged where others such as Mercer, Vinnie or I am or were; at the top. When you lost those mixed tag titles, you started to branch out, and it didn't go your way, did it? And then the thoughts started to enter your head that maybe that you were losing for a reason; because you just weren't good enough. Which watching your work I can personally say that this belief is fucking bullshit!"

"I have watched your matches, Lachlan, and watched tapes on repeat when this match got signed. And you seem to be a complete hybrid of the ultimate athlete. I have seen you go technical, go to the air and to the mat without wasting any effort in the process. Hell! I've even seen you throw a halfway decent kick that would get you some positive attention on the MMA circuit. The point is, where some people put all of their efforts into just one or two styles to suit themselves, you do not limit yourself and that works to your advantage. Your only weak spot though is right here."

He tapped his temple, indicating his own mind.

"Your insecurities will be your downfall in every way. And while your win over Alex has done wonders for your mindset, sorry man."<

He shook his head.

"Everything that is about to happen once we set foot inside of that ring is only going to work against you, and undo all the confidence that you've built up ever since you got that big win. I am not like you, I am not like anyone else that you've faced inside of the ring, because there is no one else like me! I do not need to go to the air to deal my damage to another man's body! All I have to do is get my hands on you just once and boom!"

He clapped his palms together loudly.

"And it is over! That is all I need. The only thing I can not seem to decide on is where to start. Which body part to focus on, first and foremost? If I take out your legs, then you can not walk or take to the air. The arms? Then you can not get hold of me. from head to toe, Lachlan, you are a walking target. And that bright, pearly smile that has charmed Sierra and so many other females? It is going to get wiped off of your face once you understand that you are in the ring with a fucking force of nature!"

"And no, despite what you might be thinking about now, I do not have any ill will towards you. You might say that you are owing what is about to come to someone else. Someone who just recently made it known how he hoped I get eliminated in the six pack match before he ever enters the match itself. I have a statement to make for myself Lachlan, on what is to come, and what all five of my opponents is to expect."

"I remember you once telling an opponent that you were Irish, and that you invented luck. Well I am Icelandic, so allow me to stress that luck comes in two forms; good and bad. And when anyone gets inside of the ring with me, things can only go from bad to worse for whoever is unlucky enough to draw my name for an opponent! So for what is about to happen, no hard feelings. Just blame Caleb Storms and we can call it even."

"Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near."
~ Volsunga Saga, c.19

World Heavyweight Champion - 1x - current