Author Topic: Peek-a-Boo Hoo!  (Read 420 times)

Offline Metal Maniacs

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Peek-a-Boo Hoo!
« on: July 19, 2019, 08:28:02 PM »
**Tap** **Tap**

Twisted Sister: Hellloooo! Evelyn? Are you home?

**Knock** **Knock**

Twisted Sister: Yoo hooo! Evelyn! I know you're there! Haha!

The face of Twisted Sister filled the screen. Her gray, manic eyes stared straight at us and flickered back and firth, from left to right. Her teeth clenched into a tight smile and it was shown that it was the painted nail of her forefinger tapping at the screen that was the source of the noise as she continued 'looking' for the object of her attention.

Twisted Sister: You're not HIDING from me, now are you Evelyn!? because that would be just plain RUDE!

The last note of her word reaching an ear splitting screech.

Twisted Sister: You can't avoid me forever, Evelyn! You and me? We have ourselves a nice little play date! And you know it just wouldn't be kosher for you to not show up! I mean, it was your doing that got Marky Mark Ward to set this up for us, just you and me! Wasn't that NICE of him!?

She licked her lips and her eyes grew wide.

Twisted Sister: Well, for me it is! For you...?

She gazed up and around, and her mouth opened in a silent laugh.

Twisted Sister: Well I've been told I like to play a little too rough. Ask Delia Darling, my first real friend! Ask Roxi Johnson. They were all my friends before I  veer got to meet you, Evelyn. And they were all fun, but they all thought I played too rough and then they just didn't want to play with me again.

Twisted Sister jetted out her bottom lip and nodded her head with a putting expression.

Twisted Sister: But just when I was feeling my most lonesome, here you and the rainbow Warrior come, and you want to help cure me of my loneliness! Liam was fun, I can tell. Anthrax had lots of fun playing with him, even if Liam won the game. But of course, you had to help Liam just a little bit...

She pinched her thumb and forefinger close together, and cocked her head to the side. She then shook her finger into the camera.

Twisted Sister: And that is a shame, shame on you Evelyn, because NOBODY LIKES A CHEATER!

She clenched her teeth together and her eyes grew even wider, if that were at all possible.

Twisted Sister: So you know what that means, don't you Evelyn my absolute new bestie of besties!? That means you and I are going to play an all NEW game! Just for us, just this once! And just because I really, REALLY like you, I'm going to bring all my favorite toys! Noe let's see....

She starts to count off on her fingers.

Twisted Sister: There's the propane torch! Oo! And don't forget about the meat cleaver! I bet I can get Iron Maiden to loan me her chainsaw. She's not much for lending out her favorite play things but she saw how much you liked to get involved in someone else;s games, so if you can, then so can she! She's just a nice person in that way. Anthrax really doesn't like to play with toys as much as we do, but he ever so kindly volunteered to step in to watch over the playground. And if Liam wants to play too, I bet Anthrax would be just TOO HAPPY to indulge! But for now?

Twisted Sister bit her bottom lip and giggled.

Twisted Sister: For now it's just us. Just you and me. You'll like that, won't you?

She nodded her head rapidly.

Twisted Sister: I want you to have fun with me, Evelyn! I want you to play as rough with me as I will with you because otherwise, what's the point!? It's just more FUN that way! And if you have a little too much fun and  I break a bone or two (or three) from us rough housing, well that's life! I tell you what...!

She snapped her fingers.

Twisted Sister: if you're nice, I'll even give you a makeover! How about that!? I don't like that you Chloroxed your pretty brown hair to that yellow mess.

She shook her head in a negative sign.

Twisted Sister: But that's where the Metal Maniacs Salon comes into play! After a good night of playing, I'll treat you to the relaxation of having your do done! I'll bust that pretty little head of yours wide open, and we'll see what you look like as a redhead! Huh? HUH!?

She threw her head back and screamed like a rabid banshee...

Attracting the attention of everyone in the laundromat who watched in all levels of discomfort as she continued to stare into the dryer. One man stared so obviously when Anthrax walked past him and turned his head, staring into his face, nose to nose.

Anthrax: What are you staring at!? Never seen someone cut a wrestling promo before!?


“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.”</color>