Author Topic: "The Nobody" Tim Staggs  (Read 3714 times)

Offline Tad Ezra

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"The Nobody" Tim Staggs
« on: May 08, 2019, 12:41:10 PM »

Handlers Name:
Any Messengers:
Years Active:


You must state which contract you will be accepting as part of Legacy Wrestling to build you way up the ranks of Honor Wrestling. We offer two of them. A Developmental Contract is for mainly handlers wanting to try out new characters or handlers wanting to test the inside workings of Honor Wrestling. You can upgrade to a Legacy Contract later on if you wish. If you want to sign a Legacy Contract right off the bat you may, this is a way to get called up to the main roster after 4 matches. You do NOT have to be called up unless you want too, to be called up after you meet your 4 matches just contact management and you will be placed onto the list to be called up when a spot opens.


Picture Base (Name Only, real picture bases no cartoons):
Kennedy Carter (NSFW pic base!)
Wrestlers Twitter:
Wrestlers Name:
Tim Staggs
The Best of the Worst, the Worst of the Best
Las Vegas, Nevada
While Tim is very new to being on stage in this business, he is strong in his convictions. He relishes in the fact that he is a nobody. When not on a rant about his beliefs, he is quite quirky in his ways. Having found a place in the Bad Boys, he's embraced his certain sexual appeal and his lack of fucks given attitude.
Knowledgeable of the business, upper body strength, submission skills
Overthinks things, gets caught up in the moment, gets comfortable being an underachiever at times
Gimmick If Any:

Entrance Theme Music:
"The Nobodies" by Marilyn Manson

Entrance Description:

Liam: On his way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV, standing at 6'3" and weighing in at 195lb, he is... "The Nobody" Tim Staaaaaaaaaaggs!!! @@

The lights in the arena go out as the beat to "The Nobodies" by Marilyn Manson plays over the speakers. As the electric organ picks up, a red light flashes across the screen as random faces begin to show on the screen. Then, a man in a white Bad Boys hooded jacket, and a black mask, steps out onto the stage, pausing as he looks down at the ground. As the music picks up, the figure pulls his hood back, yanking his mask off to reveal Tim Staggs. He jumps onto the ring apron, focused as he steps through the ropes. He paces back and forth, and the lights turn up some as he looks up. He then removes his jacket and tears away his black pants to reveal his wrestling outfit. He jogs backward and rests in one of the far corners, sinking down to a seated position as he contemplates.

(Note: If entering first, he will remain seated, waiting for his opponent. If entering last, he will stand back up, cracking his knuckles and neck as he waits for the bell.)

Moves Package: Submission

1) Ankle Lock
2) C-Stretch - Elevated Single Leg Boston Crab
3)Triple German Suplex

1) Untitled No. 1 - Scorpion Cross Lock
2) Untitled No. 2 - Stunner (Used mostly in hardcore style matches, and often to prove a point outside of a match)

Weapon Of Choice:
Flaming table
Match Of Choice:
Submission Match

Superstar Bio:
Tim Staggs is the prodical son of Spike Staggs, and former lover, Roxanne, two dominant wrestlers in their own respect. Tim was bred to wrestle, and to win. While his childhood was not great, having exposed him to many things at a young age, he persevered. At the age of 16, Tim signed to Arizona State Wrestling, a subsidiary of Sin City Wrestling. Tim stayed there through the entire run of ASW before they closed their doors. Though he was successful in his debut, it was due to an in-ring mishap that severely injured his opponent. He had much hype, and unfortunately, he was just too green to make an impact, falling short of any real success.

Much is unknown between the time of ASW's closing, and his arrival at Sin City Wrestling. However, the youngster has set his sights on leaving a mark on this business. He made acquaintance with Kris Halich, and together, they intend to show that it is those we ignore who come out of nowhere to make an impact. Unfortunately, when Kris disappeared, the stable didn't last very much longer. Tim won the tag titles with his friend, Connor Murphy. After losing them, Tim began to fall victim to the vices often found in this industry. He began to skip shows he was booked for, or performed haphazardly. Eventually, he was caught with "illegal substances" in his bag, and spent a few nights in jail. He was forced into rehab. During this time, he became closer with Alexis Edwards, a stable mate in the Nobodies. Eventually, they married, and Tim found comfort in not being in the sport any longer. However, a call from Dax Beckett, and the interest was reignited, and a new purpose was found

Tim spent two weeks in Karnage Wrestling, where he quickly shot up the ranks by winning a singles match and a battle royal in one night. However, it was the same night that the company announced it's closing. The streak was not over for Tim, and when the Bad Boys thought of the move to Honor Wrestling, Tim was all in!

Past Accomplishments:
SCW Tag Team Champion (W/Connor Murphy)

Manager's Name: Erik Staggs
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 02:28:07 AM by Underground »