Author Topic: The Rescue  (Read 405 times)

Offline Raynin

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The Rescue
« on: April 28, 2017, 11:54:51 PM »
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Things have been really crazy for the Angels of the Fallen.  Especially for the Vampyric Angel, Gothika.  With the abduction of Michael Argento, and the confession by Dmitri of his love for her, all wrapped up with the Council's revelations to her and Dmitri of the possibility of them being vampyric royalty, her mind is being overwhelmed in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.  Can she keep her mind on the task at hand when she steps in the ring against the newly proclaimed Mean Girl, Celeste North.  And what does Christian Underwood mean when he says that Jeremiah would be made to suffer if she doesn’t win?  Everyone is wondering just what is going on behind the scenes with all of the backstage drama as well as what will happen when Climax Control comes back on the air.  I know I'm on the edge of my seat.  Let's see what happens!!


The gym was packed, and it was filled with the sounds of people's efforts as they all are trying to get prepared for some kind of bout.  This is the UFC gym, so everyone here isn't just hitting the weights trying to get rough and buff and stuff.  They're jumping ropes, hitting heavy bags or working with speed bags, or just sparring.  The Angels of the Fallen had decided to take some time and get back to their roots of their fighting skills, and since they were in the area, they thought no where else would be better.

They were all in the cage, talking as they stretched before they would have a three way bout, and Darknyss was with them.  She was outside of the ring, watching through the cage while she was in her chair.  Gothika smirked as she looked at her friends, and reached over to flick Raynin's ear playfully, who squeaked and slapped at her hands.

"Owww Mia!!  Quit it!!"

Diamond chuckles and slaps Gothika on the shoulder.

"Well, you're in a much better mood today."

Gothika nods and sighs heavily.

"Yeah, I am.  Knowing that Michael's safe and out of the hands of those crazy vamps has put my mind at ease.  Now I can focus on my match on Sunday and really let loose."

Raynin chuckles and winks at her.

"So does that mean you're gonna hold back on us during this little sparring match?"

Gothika chuckles and nods.

"Of course I am.  You know I would never let loose completely on you guys.  Even though I know you guys could handle it, I just don't want to take the chance."

Diamond chuckles and shakes her head.

"No, you just don't want to admit that when we whoop your ass that we're actually better than you."

Gothika shrugs and sticks her tongue out at her friends.

"But you know who's not about to be let off easy?  Celeste North.  I've been wanting to let the beast in me out and she's scratching at my insides to be freed."

Raynin nods slowly.

"Yeah, we know the feeling.  The Other is going stir crazy inside of me.  I don't know how I keep myself as sane as I do with her clawing and scratching at the walls of my mind."

Gothika starts to stretch her legs, going into a chinese split, leaning over to put her forehead on her knee.  She takes a deep breath and when she sits up, stretching her hands over her head.

"So, do you guys want to just do our normal fight sparring, or should we mix it up with a little bit of grappling too so we can make Darknyss have a heart attack out there."

Darknyss wheels over to the cage and yells at them.

"I heard that!! Don't make me try to come up with something crazy for you guys to do for training.  I’m in just the mood to do something wild using kendo sticks."

Diamond holds her hands up and shakes her head.

"No mom, we'll be good."

Raynin slaps Gothika on the shoulder and frowns.

"Don't get her started.  The last time she used Kendo sticks, we all had bruises for weeks!!"

Diamond grins.

"Though, Jeremiah was so sweet about mine.  He kissed each one, and he got my special oil, and he..."

Darknyss yells out, cutting her off.

"Ok you three.  Chatterbox time is over.  Get to it before I have someone wheel me in there!"

Gothika grins and flicks Diamond on the forehead before she rolls backwards and out of the way.  Diamond grabs her forehead and frowns.

"Hey!! What was that for?"

Diamond scrambles up and pushes Raynin backwards with a foot to the chest before she drops into a defensive stance.  Gothika is chuckling and puts her fingers in her ears, sticking her tongue out at her friends, making a face and shaking her butt.

"That’s cause your forehead was just begging for a little flick action."  

Raynin just lays there, looking up at the ceiling as she holds a conversation with herself.

"I know she just kinda kicked us in the chest, but it didn’t hurt.... But she kicked us in the chest though!  She needs to feel the wrath of... I just wanna go home and eat some ice cream and hold Miss Kittay.  Why can't we go home yet?... Cause we're on tour Lil' Bit!  You know we can't go home yet!!...  ENOUGH!!"

With a roar, Raynin jumps up and her eyes are red with the reptilian slit.  She hisses at her friends and when she speaks, it's with that sibilant tone to her voice.

"Sssssooo...  You two want to play issss that right?  Then let'ssssss play!!!"

Without a word, all three of the Angels of the Fallen start throwing blows and kicks.  It's like watching an epic kung fu battle.  The three of them are trading blows and kicks, blocking and ducking, and suddenly Diamond gets them started.  She starts to act as if she's actually in a kung fu movie, making it seem as if her words don't match the way her lips are moving.

"So you think your kung fu is  good enough to beat my fist to face style?  Then take that!!"

She throws a punch at Raynin who blocks it who starts up too.

"Your fist to face style is no match for my elbow to chest style.  

She throws an elbow and catches Gothika in the chest who just roars.

"Neither of you are any match for Godzilla!!!"

She does a flying tackle on the both of them, making the Godzilla roar, and Darknyss throws her hands up in the air.

"Oh my GOD!!  You three are hopeless!  Look, we've taken up enough of these good people's time.  Are you gonna be serious or what?"

The three friends untangle themselves and climb back up to their feet.  They clear their throats, and all straighten their clothes.  Gothika sighs and shakes her head.

"Look Z.  I know that we have to be all serious and stuff, but we've just been through hell and back, and I for one just want to have a bit of fun.  Yes we will spar, but for our own sanity, we have to do it our way.  I know that right now, I've got so much anger and animosity bubbling away inside of me that once I step into the ring on Sunday, it's going to literally explode all over Celeste North, and I want to save that emotion until then.  Right now, with my friends, all I want to do is have some fun.  And I think we all deserve it."

Darknyss nods and shakes her head.

"Next thing you know, you're gonna ask to train by having a pudding match or something."

Raynin chuckles and shakes her head.

"Nah, that's something that Diamond might want to do with Jeremiah, but definitely not for training."

Diamond blushes and swats her friend's arm.

"Oooh, you so nasty!!!"

Gothika chuckles and shakes her head.

"That's the pot calling the kettle black.  Now let's get back to having some fun."

The three drop into their defensive stances, and they all start throwing shade.  Gothika comes out hard first.

"I'm gonna hit you so hard, your grand children will be born bruised!!"

Diamond chuckles and shakes her head.

"Oh, my name isn't Celeste North, so I'm not afraid of that happening.  But I'm gonna whoop you so bad, you'll think I changed your name to Toby or Django."

Raynin clucks her tongue and shakes her had.

"Now that was just all kinds of shades of wrong."

The punching and kicking start up again, and Darknyss sighs, leaning forward in her chair and putting her fist under her chin.

"If I'm gonna have to sit back and watch all of this, I should have some popcorn.  Though, I have to admit... I think this is gonna be funny."

Darknyss watches as her friends all start making the punching noises like they're actually in a kung fu movie and she throws her hands up in the air.

"Children!  I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm working with children!!"

The scene starts to fade out, but as it does, you hear Diamond yell out,


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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______
 â€¦  END OF FEED  ...  

_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

***  Word Count, 10,200  ***
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