Author Topic: Whatever  (Read 326 times)

Offline Celeste

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    • Celeste North
« on: December 02, 2016, 12:35:47 AM »
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#NP "Whatever" by Godsmack
Ivanpah Dry Lake; Primm, Nevada

Amazing… Just totally amazing.  That’s the only word that I can think of to describe the last month.  Thanksgiving has never felt so bountiful to me.  I grew up knowing the pleasures that money can buy, but there are a few things that money simply cannot buy.  The first thing that fell into my lap was the Bombshell Roulette Championship.  Well, I lied, because I earned it, unlike Veronica Taylor.  I earned it by beating some of the best that this company has thrown at me, including a Hall of Famer, twice.  But, I’m thankful for the opportunity nonetheless.  I am thankful that I was able to prove myself worthy of this championship, held by so many of the best to come through SCW.  I’m all for moving up the ladder, but I’m happy to continue to swat Veronica Taylor away like the annoying gnat that she is.

The second thing that I’m thankful for is having met Dax.  No matter what happens, he has made me feel things I’ve never felt.  Underneath all of the macho bullshit, he really is the sweetest guy I’ve ever met.  Every other guy that I’ve dated has made me feel like an imposition, and in some fucked up “daddy issues” kind of way, I liked it, and thought that was all I deserved.  I enjoyed the drama, and the mess that came along with it, but now I realize that there are people out there who can make you feel like you are the only person in the world who matters.  Delia keeps telling me that it’s too soon to feel like this about someone, but I can’t help it.  Even if I get hurt, I am forever changed by this goofball, and his marvelous beard.

We are standing on top of a land yacht, tucked safely behind the rails as my hair blows through the wind.  I’ve heard of many ways for rich people to blow their money, but this one is so ridiculous that I just had to try it to say that I did.  Yes, you heard that right, a land yacht, which is essentially a car with a deck and sails built onto the back.  There is something soothing about hugging onto my man, my hair blowing in the wind as the sand gently glides through the air behind us.  I look up, and as much as he’s trying to hide it, he is bothered by the fact that a small patch of hair was ripped from his beard by Calvin Harris just under two weeks ago.  He is gently stroking his beard, trying to cover up the slight damage done to it.  I chuckle as I look up at him, and he instantly stops, puffing his chest back out.  He’s got to prove he’s not vain, after all.  This afternoon is almost so magical, that I forget there’s a camera sitting right in front of me.  I smile as I run my hands up and down Dax’s white t-shirt, smoothing it out before I lean down to pick up my Bombshell Roulette Championship.  I prop it up over my shoulder as Dax places his cigarette between my lips.  I breathe in deeply, before gently exhaling into the wind.

Me:  Welcome to The Celeste North Show.  That’s what people are calling it now that I’ve had my first successful title defense.

I stop, because even I know I’m full of shit.  I can hear Delia’s voice nagging at the back of my brain.  “Oh, darling, if you do not believe you are z’e best, z’en how must you expect os’ers to s’ink you are z’e best?”  I sigh before laughing it off as Dax gently brushes my hair from out of my face.

Me:  Okay, not even I believed that load of horse shit.  But, I’m trying, so give me some credit here!  The fact of the matter is that I have been on a roll since I returned to the ring.  I believed in myself, and that was all that it took.  I beat Amy Marshall, one of the big reasons I wanted to wrestle.  I didn’t just beat her once.  I beat her twice.  As a matter of fact, I defeated two former World Bombshell Champions, and two former Bombshell Roulette Champions, along with two former World Bombshell Tag Team Champions, and a former Bombshell Internet Champion.  I’m not bragging, but it’s just the facts.

I shrug my shoulders, because I realize I’m starting to sound a little bit like a bitch.  I can’t even right now.

Me:  I don’t even feel bad about it, because I hear the buzz going around that I don’t deserve this championship.  I’ve been undefeated since I came back. People… A.K.A. Veronica Taylor, are going on about how I cheated to beat her.  Anyone with half a brain knows that I was going to win eventually.  Did Delia stick her nose in my business?  Yeah, she did.  I’m not even going to start denying it, because… well, aside from the fact that it’s pretty obvious, I’m not the type of person who lies to make up for a lack of confidence.  Delia handed me that win, but you cannot deny that I already had it in the bag.  I was beating her ass so hard, and the fans were loving every second of it.  I’m still hearing ringing in my ears from all of the cheers I received.

I cup a hand around my ear to accentuate my point.  I take a second to look up at Dax, who is soaking up the sun on this mild Nevada day.  I step away from him slightly, admittedly using him as a gorgeous backdrop.

Me:  It doesn’t matter if I have Delia Darling in my corner or not.  There is no fucking way that Veronica Taylor will ever beat me.  She has the wrestling skills of a one-legged cheerleader.  The extent of her hand to hand combat skills is abysmal.  She’s honestly an embarrassment to the world of wrestling.  No amount of excuses in the world will ever change that.  Her droopy-balled grandpa manager is so embarrassed by her that he doesn’t even accompany her to the ring.  Meanwhile, a former World Bombshell and Bombshell Tag Team Champion sees something in me, so much so, that she sees fit to accompany me to the ring.  But, honestly Veronica?  As much as Delia rambles on about what a horrible person you actually are, I think she has a soft spot for you.  She gave you an easy out; a mercy killing, if you will.  She saw that you were getting the most embarrassing ass beating that you’ve ever hand in your life, and I think she couldn’t stand it any longer.  She felt bad that you kept on fighting a losing battle, and she pulled the plug on you.  She knew that I would continue to pound you into that mud pit for as long as it took to finally get you to stay down, so she made the call that your pride wouldn’t let you make.  Call it the kindness of a former friend, but she helped you to save face.

Once more, I shrug my shoulders, but it’s only because I know that I’ve already beaten this chick twice, and I’ve beaten Bombshells who are far more of a threat than she is.

Me:  You don’t scare me, Veronica.  I don’t know if you had your meathead boyfriend blow Christian, or if it’s just because Chrissy’s ovaries dropped, giving him the illusion that he now has testicles, but this match doesn’t affect me in the slightest.  I can’t even call it a stumbling block.  I’m not even going to complain about how ridiculous this match is, because that would be way too obvious.  Instead, I’m going to take the high road, and I’m going to thank Christian for this opportunity.  Thank you, Christian, for allowing me a chance to prove the very obvious fact that my win at High Stakes wasn’t a fluke, even if the only person delusional to think such a thing is Veronica.  You can find different ways to serve her up to me, and I’m going to give you the same result.  This belt will stay in my possession, because I am the better wrestler.  The days of being a Nobody are far behind me now, so I’m not going to play the humble card.  I’m fucking great, and Veronica is not.  That’s the reason she can’t stand that I beat her, because I did what she couldn’t do… win the belt, and successfully defend it.  Even if I didn’t think that I was going to win on Sunday, I can walk away with the satisfaction that, on my first try, I gained and retained the Bombshell Roulette Championship, and that this fact alone will eat at this first class piece of trash, and that makes me happy.  So thank you, Christian, for making this possible, even if you are just feeding into Mark Ward’s point that you run this place into the ground.  Just saying…

I wink at the camera before falling back into Dax’s arms.  My lips beg to meet with his, and he tilts my chin up.  I close my eyes, tuning out the camera as our lips come together, dancing together in a passionate kiss that lingers on much longer than it probably should, considering there is a camera in our faces.  Eventually, he reaches over, pushing the camera away to give us the privacy we need, all while keeping his lips entangled with mine.

OOC: Apologies for the shorter piece this week.  Crazy week with classes and such.
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