Author Topic: Sam Marlowe's ready for a reset  (Read 405 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Sam Marlowe's ready for a reset
« on: October 14, 2016, 11:53:15 PM »
 The soft clang of metal against metal can be heard as well as soft puffs of breath being caught from exertion.  Pulling back from the pair of hands on a silver bar, the camera reveals a rather sweaty and smiling Sam Marlowe as she lies back on the bench and pulls the bar off the supports and begins to lower it to her chest then back up again, her lips pursed as she focuses on breathing through the reps.

To the side, Pussy Willow can be seen behind the camera looking at her friend who is being spotted by a smirking Montgomery Christopher.  Filming the pair as he encourages Sam with the reps, Pussy can’t help but smile herself as she calls out across the small gym.  “So Sam, looks like you are intent on something with these workouts.  I mean I can see from here that you aren’t looking too happy lately with what has been happening in the ring,” offers Pussy as she straightens up and points the camera at her friend.  

“Seriously Pussy, if you want to get me riled up for this week’s Climax Control, you are going about it all wrong,” offers Sam as she finishes with the barbell and then brings it to rest on the stand and pulls herself to a sitting position.  “I already know that Veronica Taylor is going to be all over my win loss record and use it to point out just what kind of woman I am.”

Monte looks between the two as Pussy just laughs at the comment.  “Ok, not a wrestling fan so you are gonna have to do some splainin’ sweetheart,” he teases as he reaches for a towel and tosses it to Sam who uses it to towel off the sweat before letting it fall into her lap.

“Veronica Taylor has this umm way of talking about the other bombshells that is rather derogatory,” says Pussy as she beats Sam to the punchline.  

“She calls most of the bombshells uggos and basics.  She’s very “mean girl”esque,” adds Sam.  “Even though I have beaten her multiple times she will probably still consider me a basic.”  Sam tosses her head and shrugs with a half-smile.  

“You’re kidding right…” he wonders as he looks at Pussy who shakes her head negatively.  “She can’t be that obvious?”  

Pussy moves from the bench she is sitting on and moves toward Sam as she once more points the camera in the direction of the redhead who has gotten to her feet, the towel in her hand as she moves to the water fountain for a drink.  Monte watches the pair as he slowly straddles the bench.

“Sam, I think we need to send a message to Veronica,” says Pussy as Sam straightens.  “You need to beat her to the punch and deflate that ego before she can do the same to you.  And since I am here and I do have the video capability…”

Sam laughs as Pussy waves the camera around dizzyingly.   “Okay Pussy, okay.  Y’all going to give me a second to prep for it?”

Eagerly Pussy nods as Sam moves towards a bag resting on the floor.  Pulling a brush from it, she runs it through her sweat soaked curls trying to tame them into some sense of order.  Monte moves to stand beside Pussy to watch as Sam rolls her neck and begins to pace slightly talking to herself under her breath.  

“This seems so surreal,” Monte says as he looks at his girlfriend who has turned to the mirror and appears to be talking to her reflection.  “I get the fact that I don’t know much about this wrestling stuff but seriously, since Sammi and I got together I am learning and trust me when I tell you that she is taking this way too serious…is she always like this?” Monte asks.

“You have no idea,” replies Pussy as she looks down into the camera then with a smile turns to Monte and holds it out to him.  “I think you need to learn a thing or two about the wrestling biz.  So for the next few minutes, you get to be the cameraman for this interview.  SAM!” calls Pussy as she shoves the camera into Monte’s hand.

“Coming!” answers Sam with one final look into the mirror before turning to see Pussy showing Monte how to hold the camera then moves to Sam and motions for her to stand close as she counts down into the interview…

“I’m here with former two time World Bombshell champion Sam Marlowe who lately has been on a streak of rather bad losses and this week will be facing former Roulette title holder Veronica Taylor.  Sam, we have to know, with the fact you have been on a rather bad losing streak, how is it going to feel to get another win under your belt?” asks Pussy as she holds an invisible mic towards Sam who has a look of shock on her face.

“Ummm…yeah losing streak hasn’t been all that fun,” admits Sam with one raised eyebrow.  “I guess you could say I have been beating myself up about needing wins.  Wait, are you saying that because I am facing Veronica Taylor that it is going to be an easy win for me?”

Pussy gives the camera her best broadcast journalist look before looking back at Sam.  “Well if you look at the record books, Veronica Taylor has never beaten you in the six sided ring.  She was the first one you ever faced and she was the first person you beat in your debut.  So why not consider Sunday’s match a redebut of sorts.  And if you do that, and the fact it is the first person you faced and beat, I have a strong sense of history repeating itself,” offers Pussy.

Sam seems to give that a thought or two as Monte smiles at her from behind the camera.  “Since you put it that way, yeah I can see history repeating itself in that ring.  After all, I do have incentive to get back to winning and who better to win against than Veronica Taylor.  Maybe if I remember that she is the one that I tend to get a win from on a road to a comeback, this week it will be another win on another comeback which might just propel me back into the title scene.”

“Is that something that you want?” asks Pussy.

Sam thinks for a moment, her head slowly beginning to nod.  “Yes, that is something I definitely want.  I want to get back to my winning ways in the worst possible way and if I pull a win out against…”

“If Sammi?” interrupts Pussy, her eyebrow raising quizzically.

“When I beat Veronica,” begins Sam with a laugh, “It is one small step towards a chance at maybe getting my name back in the minds of management when deciding on title challengers.  After all, I do still have a title rematch.  But I am going to earn my way to that and if Veronica is the first step in that journey, then so be it.”

With those words, Pussy motions for Monte to stop taping.  He looks down at the camera then up at the pair that is watching him.  He holds out the camera and hangs his head slightly.  “Here,” he says as Pussy takes the camera.

Sam gives him a surprised look as she moves closer.  “What’s wrong darlin’” she asks as she puts her hand on Monte’s.

“I wasn’t filming,” he admits as Pussy looks dumbfounded and Sam can’t help but laugh as the scene fades out.