Author Topic: Drake Green Vs Scott Sanders  (Read 1160 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Drake Green Vs Scott Sanders
« on: July 17, 2016, 08:03:21 PM »
 Post all roleplays for this match here!

Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Christian Underwood

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Drake Green Vs Scott Sanders
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2016, 08:28:30 AM »
 The first RP period is over. All RPs posted from here will count towards RP period two!

Second RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 07/29/2016
England: 04:59am Saturday 07/30/2016

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Scott Sanders

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    • Scott Sanders
Drake Green Vs Scott Sanders
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2016, 09:30:12 PM »
 Early June 2016

It’s just after 4:30 pm in Los Angeles as Scott hears the door to the house he shares with Brooklyn Blake open and then shut quietly. He hears Brooklyn sit her things down on a table by the door before she makes her way into the living room where he’s sitting on the couch. Brooklyn takes off her oversized white sunglasses and tosses them at him. Luckily, Scott catches the expensive eyewear as Brooklyn laughs.

Brooklyn: When I left you were on the couch, and you’re STILL here when I get home? I did some serious shopping. The bags are in the car by the way.

The now 19 year old walks over to the couch and sits down next to her fiancé.

Brooklyn: Are you working tonight? I only ask because pretty soon we have to do something I honestly thought I wouldn’t be doing anytime soon…

Scott stares at her for a moment before cracking a smile.

Scott: I’m sorry, hi. What?

He was obviously pre occupied with something.

Scott: What do we have to do?

Brooklyn: You really weren’t paying attention to me, were you?

She rolls her eyes and reaches over to the cross hanging from his neck, one of the first gifts she had given him when they met. She holds the expensive cross in her hand, staring at it.

Brooklyn: Sorry, I was preoccupied with something…

She lets the cross go as it falls back to his chest.

Scott smiles at her.

Scott: No, what is it? I’m paying attention now…..promise.

He runs his callous finger tips through her soft strawberry blonde hair.

Scott: Tell me.

Brooklyn: Well….

She pauses for a moment, still uncertain that she even wants to go through with what she’s about to tell him.

Brooklyn: You know who my father is, obviously, and you know how I’ve pretty much ignored every call and text he’s sent me for the last six months. I kind of think I need to let the past go.

She looks into Scott’s eyes as his fingers still explore her hair.

Brooklyn: He has expressed interest in making things up to me, and I think that’s a conversation I want to have with him, but...I want you to join me. If he’s serious and has turned over a new leaf, then I want him to meet the man that I’m madly in love with too.

She places a hand on his cheek and runs it up his stubbled face. He lets out a long sigh as he gently pushes her hand off his face. He stands up and begins to pace across their hardwood floor.

Scott: Your father? Really?

He lets out another sigh.

Scott: I don’t know, Brook…

She stands up as well, but doesn’t move from in front of the couch.

Brooklyn: I know, I know...he has a reputation, but if his head is where it should be, he’s a great man. Think about it, they adopted me out of the kindness of their hearts. They had already had Avalon at that point. Without my mom and dad, who knows where I would be today?

She closes the distance between them, stopping a few steps away as Scott continues to pace.

Brooklyn: I’m not forcing you to do anything, or to meet him, but if he’s a part of my life again, eventually he’ll be a part of yours too.

His eyes widen.

Scott: It’s not his reputation, Brook. It’s who he is. Look at me…

He throws his arms up.

Scott: I make $600 a week. This isn’t my house. That’s not my car out there. Shit..this isn’t mine either.

He grabs the cross on his neck.

Scott: How am I supposed to look at him in the eye?

Brooklyn: Are you serious right now? You’re worried about him judging you? Listen…

Scott continues pacing until Brooklyn reaches out and grabs his hand, holding him in place.

Brooklyn: “You’re engaged to ME, not him. I want you two to get along, I want him in our lives, but I won’t allow him to judge you. You have to believe that. We’ve never discussed money before, or who buys what. Why is it an issue all of a sudden?

Scott: I just don’t want to be some kind of mooch. I can take care of you, Brook. I can. I just need the right opportunity. I know this sounds like it’s coming out of nowhere but...I feel like such a loser.

Brooklyn looks down, unsure of what to say at first. She lets his hand go and crosses her arms.

Brooklyn: A loser? Scott you work hard. You work 5 nights a week at the gym. You know you don’t have to, but you want to help provide and I respect that. I’m sure my father will too, and if he doesn’t...who cares?

Suddenly, she smiles.

Brooklyn: Wait a opportunity? That’s all you need? Do you know the connections that my father has? You wanted to take this wrestling thing serious, didn’t you? I mean you’ll always be in the Brooklyn Blake shadow but…

She laughs and grabs his hand again.

Brooklyn: Seriously, I’m sure he could use his name...his help out in some way. Maybe meeting him with be more beneficial than you think.

He sits back down and lets out another sigh.

Scott: You think? I don’t want to come off like a needy guy though. The first time I meet him I’m gonna ask him for help? That doesn’t sound like a guy that can take care of his daughter…

Brooklyn: You don’t have to ask him, I will.

She follows him towards the couch and stands in front of him as he’s seated.

Brooklyn: He owes me anyway. All I would have to do is ask him to put a word in for you, give you a chance to get your foot in the door somewhere. I would have alread done that if I thought it would have helped, but I’ve only wrestled a few matches, and honestly, the Brooklyn Blake name is nowhere near as powerful as MILES Blake.

He smiles.

Scott: You’re amazing…

He hugs her and then pulls away, staring at her face.

Scott: Thank you

Brooklyn: You don’t have to thank me...but you do have to go to the car and get my bags. There were too many of them for me to attempt to carry. You’re the one with the big muscles.

She laughs and collapses onto the couch playfully, grabbing his arm and running her fingers over his biceps.

Scott: They are big muscles….

He leans in and gives her a kiss.

Scott: Does this mean we are going on a trip?

Brooklyn: I’m not sure. I have to talk to my dad more and figure things out. Part of me thinks I should make him come to me, he’s the one who owes me the apology, but that would be being selfish. I know he’s a busy man, and if that means traveling to DC, then that’s what we’ll have to do. I’ll figure it out as soon as I can so you can ask off work for a few days if you have to, okay?

Scott looks down at the floor.

Scott: I don’t know if I can afford to, Brook.

Brooklyn: I could really use the support, this is a big deal to me.

She studies his face.

Brooklyn: I know you don’t like me saying this, but...if you take off, I’ll cover everything financially. You would only be missing work because of me anyway, right? So let me handle things. You just focus on getting yourself prepared to meet Miles Blake. I’m sure you’ve heard so many stories about him, but to me he’s just daddy.

He nods his head yes.

Scott: Ok. For you.

He runs his hand through her hair again.

Scott: Miles...fucking...Blake….wow.

Brooklyn laughs quietly.

Brooklyn: I’m sure from the outside looking in you hated him, and I wouldn’t blame you. On TV he’s ruined so many people’s lives. He’s been a jerk, he’s fired people, he even sat back and was about to allow me to walk into some kind of hardcore match against Keith Nogatco all over his obsession with Sasha Foote. I’ve questioned his motives, his heart so many times...but I still can’t help but want to fix be his little pumpkin again. God, how lame do I sound right now?

He basically ignores half of what she just said.

Scott: Hate him? Are you kidding? He’s Miles Blake! I used to watch him on TV and dream about all of the stuff I could buy with his money.

He laughs.

Scott: This is almost like a dream come true.

Brooklyn: Well don’t get too comfortable with the idea of him being around for good just yet. I have to make sure he’s being sincere this time.

She stretches her legs out, one on each side of Scott’s waist as they face each other on the couch.

Brooklyn: If he hasn’t changed, he won’t be welcome in our lives and we’ll figure out another way to get you where you want to be career wise. If that means I have to get back in the ring myself and drag you along with me, I will, okay?

Scott: should give him a chance I think.

He throws his hands through his dark hair.

Scott: He is Miles fucking Blake.

Brooklyn: To you Scott.

She laughs.

Brooklyn: Remember, I call him daddy. But how about you go get my bags now? I have some things I want to try on for you. Some of it is really least I think so.

Scott: Ohhhhay.

He playfully shoves her off of him and stands up and heads toward the door. He turns the handle and opens it up and just before walking outside, he turns back to her.

Scott: This is gonna be a good thing, Brook. I can feel it.

Brooklyn: I hope you’re right…

Scott offers a reassuring smile before disappearing outside. As soon as Brooklyn hears the door close behind him, she steps off the couch and hurries over to her purse. She reaches inside and grabs two SCW tickets that she had picked up as a surprise for him. She tucks them in the back pocket of her white, denim shorts, knowing Scott will surely find them there.

As he walks back in, each hand full of shopping bags, he drops them by the door, carefully, and closes the door behind him. Brooklyn is all smiles as she corners her fiance, pressing him against the door with a smirk on her face. She presses her hands against the door, using her body to block him from going anywhere.

Brooklyn: Thanks babe, but now to get back to the couch you have to get by me.

He smiles at her before grabbing her and pulling her in and wrapping his arms around her. He gives a soft kiss as he slides his hands down her back and over the back of her white shorts as he feels something in her back pocket. Without hesitation, he pulls them out of her pocket.

Scott: Hey...what is this?

He looks at the tickets and then smiles.

Scott: Tickets to SCW next weekend? Are you kidding??

He smiles.

Brooklyn: This was my go to bribery gift in case you said no to meeting my dad.

She laughs and looks over the tickets in Scott’s hands.

Brooklyn: Now even if everything doesn’t work out with him, you’ll be at the show, maybe you can meet a few people and get your foot in the door regardless. Vegas isn’t too far away, anyways.

She grabs his shirt collar, pulling on it so that he lowers his face and she’s able to kiss him.

Brooklyn: I won’t be able to enter the casinos, but I’m sure we can find something else to do while we’re there.

She looks up at his face again.

Brooklyn: I hope you like your little surprise.

Scott: I do...thank you….for everything.


Early June 2016

“It’s been some time since my lil pumpkin wanted anything to do with me,” Miles thought to himself, “I’ve probably got just the one chance...hope I don’t screw this up. Lord knows I’m good at that. Business? Yeah I’m a real pro. But family man? God what a joke the Blake name has been displayed as.”

Miles looked up from his Wallstreet Journal, surveying the scene around the Starbucks - it was a busy day, patrons filing in and out. Miles kept a low profile, raising the paper back to his face. He wasn’t here to do fan sessions for the SCWverse - he was here to meet both his newest client, and re-meet his kid, so keeping a low profile was a must. He takes a sip of his coffee, looking at his watch.

“She’s usually so punctual. Should be here any minute. Eh, guess I can’t really say anything, it was probably a chore to get her to even agree to see me anyway.”

The door opened and Miles looked up. He was hoping to see his beautiful daughter but instead, a young gym rat looking guy walked in. He nervously scampered across the coffee shop before sitting just two tables away from Miles. He tried to not make eye contact with Blake but Miles couldn’t help but notice him. However, Miles’ focus immediately turns towards the door as he see’s Brooklyn Blake enter the coffee shop. She pulls the expensive sunglasses from her eyes, tucking them up in her hair. The young daughter of Miles Blake is wearing an elegant floral print dress, and the bracelet on her wrist is enough to make anyone turn their heads.

She marches over to the table where her estranged adoptive father was seated and then looks over two tables.

Brooklyn: Scott? Why aren’t you sitting over here?

Brooklyn rolls her eyes.

Brooklyn: ...Daddy…

Miles turns his head within a split second of hearing the young, familiar voice.

Miles Blake: Brooklyn…!

Although he tried to keep a calm, almost stoic composure, it didn’t take a trained professional to see he was happy beyond words to see his lil pumpkin again.

Miles Blake: It’s been so much has changed. I-I never thought you and I would be face-to-face again.

Scott: Ahem…

Scott nervously tries to inject himself into the conversation, while making eyes at Brooklyn.

Brooklyn: Daddy, this is Scott, the man I was telling you about.

Miles’ eyes shoot open. ‘This can’t be him, THIS GUY!?’, he thinks to himself.

Brooklyn: My fiance.

She looks at Scott who finally rises from the table.

Brooklyn: Scott, this is my daddy...Miles Blake.

Brooklyn looks down at one of the empty three chairs at the table for four, waiting for Scott to pull one out for her to sit down.

Miles gets up from his seat, grabbing her chair. Scott grabs it from the other side, and the two pull it out together as Brooklyn takes her seat.

Miles Blake: I’m grateful, pumpkin. Regrettably I still have nightmares about...everything that happened. With RCW. I can’t go back and fix that now...but I can at least offer my sincerest apologies for letting a grudge get in the way of my daughter’s personal well-being. Catalina is...not speaking to me, and who knows what’s up with Avalon’s head. You’re the last hope I have, to try and get the family back together.

He turns to Scott.

Miles Blake: So you’re the lucky man she’s set her eyes on, eh? Pleased to meet you. Let’s hope you can live up to the stature of a Blake.

Scott: Y-ah-s

His voice cracks.

Scott: ...Yes. I’m Scott.

He stretches out his hand to shake with Miles.

Miles firmly grasps Scott’s hand, giving it a good, hearty shake.

Miles Blake: So what do you bring to the industry? What is it that my pumpkin saw in you, to lead you to me of all people? Your niche, as it were?

Brooklyn: Are you REALLY questioning him like that?

The adoptive daughter to the Billionaire has a scowl on her face.

Brooklyn: You know, it was probably a mistake coming here. Scott, are you ready?

Miles quickly realizes the error in his phrasing and how that could be construed as aggressive.

Miles Blake:, Brooklyn. It’s’s me gauging how to best present him as a megastar. I wouldn’t question you or your taste - lord knows that’s part of why your mother is staying at your grandmother’s estate. You know I’m no good with these types of scenarios - I’m very blunt.

Miles looks down, trying harder to phrase the interview process in a way that doesn’t sound like a condescending butthead.

Miles Blake: Err. Scott. What I mean to say is. How much in-ring experience do you have? What is your ‘hook’? How do we present you as the star and future you very well could become? If you come with a Brooklyn recommendation, that clearly means you should be received quite highly.

Scott stares at Miles for a moment.

Scott: Mr. Blake…

He stands up.

Scott: I have what it takes, sir. I know I need some work...with the showmanship. I don’t really have a natural ability there. I know it’s a weakness for me.

He narrows his eyes at Miles Blake.

Scott: But in the ring, the ring I can hurt people.

Brooklyn: I can vouch for it. You know I was one of the most popular, up and coming wrestlers, remember?

She undeniably had a connection with the fans, although her win/loss record was average.

Brooklyn: He doesn’t need any guidance with what he can pull off in the ring, and I’ll personally work with him on everything else, all of the...what would you call them, daddy?

She smirks.

Brooklyn: Intangibles?

Miles: Quirks. Intangibles. Either/or. As long as he can go in the ring, toe-to-toe with the best of them. I’m not going to doubt your physical ability - if Brooklyn says you can do that; then I believe her, I have trust in her. I both want, and have, to be able to do that. What I refer to, is a persona hook, however. There are hundreds of thousands of wrestlers in the world. Yes, you can attach the Blake name to anyone and suddenly people are interested. But what is it that you, Scott, have. What is it you do that sets you apart? What is it that makes you so much better than the rest - what is it that makes you the best?

Scott stares at him for a moment, and then looks over to Brooklyn. It’s obvious he doesn’t know what to say. He turns back to Miles and runs his hand through his thick black hair.

Scott: Because I am the best, sir. There isn’t one thing that separates me. Everything separates me. I know I need help on the microphone but I am faster, stronger, more technically sound, better built, and more importantly….smarter than every single one of those hundreds of thousands of wrestlers. I am the real deal. I just need you to open a door for me. I know that's a lot to ask because you’ve never met me but I’m not even asking you to take Brooklyn’s word for it. I’m asking you to look at me and tell me what YOU see.

Miles leans back, listening intently to Scott’s case. He rubs his finger across his chin, scratching an itch, contemplating it all. Suddenly, he stops, then gives Scott a slow clap.

Miles: Stop. That right there...that’s all I had to see, That confidence. THAT is the hook. Your confidence combined with a Blake’s influence, that will be the ticket to the top of the food chain. And given my status with Sin City Wrestling...I think I can even get you a headstart.

Brooklyn: Daddy, don’t commit to something if you don’t plan on following through. You wanted an IN back into my life? This is it. I don’t come to you for much, but my name only holds so much merit, but you? You could open doors for Scott that I could only dream of.

She stares at her father across the table.

Brooklyn: Do this, for Scott, and I’ll do my best to move on from ALL of the stupid, selfish mistakes you’ve made in the past year.

He thought to himself. She was willing to look past it all, and rebuild what they had before the end days of the Alliance? All this on a rookie he was already starting to like just based on a sub one minute speech. The deal seemed too good.

Miles: Pumpkin...for you, not for me, I want to give this kid a chance. I want to do something that for once isn’t so much about me as it is about you, and those around me. I missed so many of your recitals, school presentations growing up, I missed all of your matches...I’ve failed you. And I want to show you that I care, that I believe in your choices.

Scott: Mr. Blake...I won’t disappoint you. All I ask…

He looks and smiles at Brooklyn as he holds out his hand. She takes it and smiles back up at him.

Scott: ...all I ask is that you teach me how to talk. I can learn anything.

Miles: In the industry, that is the one thing you will be ever-learning. Even the all-time greats, they have stuff to learn every time they pick up a mic. I will make you into a star. And you will be the fastest rising star of 2016. As long as you can keep up, you will be the top guy in no time. It will be hard. It will mean some long nights. And it will mean little sleep. But YOU, can do it. And I, can help. Brooklyn too.

Miles winks at his lil pumpkin, who stands up.

Brooklyn: Good, then SCW is in for a treat. I wish I could stay longer, but unfortunately I have a few appointments that I can’t afford to miss.

Miles stands up and Brooklyn walks around the table, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. She leans her head next to his ear and whispers.

Brooklyn: If you drop the ball on this, we’re finished. I’m done falling for your lies and selfishness. Get this right, or get used to me being out of your life...for good.

She pulls away wearing the sweetest smile as she turns towards Scott.

Brooklyn: Ready, baby?

Scott: Yes.

He turns back to Miles.

Scott: I won’t let you down, sir.

Miles: I trust that you won’t. Brooklyn wouldn’t select a let down. This will be a brilliant partnership.

He thinks to himself.

“Talk about pressure. I can’t let her walk out like Catalina...Avalon. This will work, or I’m not the greatest advocate in the business.”

Miles: You two kids have fun. Enjoy your time together. Don’t worry about this here, I’ve got the check. He smiles as he watches them walk away. He now has his ticket…back to wrestling glory….and back to Brooklyn.


The fades back in to Scott Sanders pacing nervously in front of a large SCW Summer Xxtreme 4 logo. Scott is wearing a white tank top and blue adidas track pants. His large cross bounces off of his chest as he paces nervously. He pounds his fist into his palm as he sprawls nervously toward the camera grabbing it with his left hand and shoving his right index finger into the lens.

Scott: All week long all I hear about is how Drake Green is the greatest. How his three title reigns are better than anyone else. How his charisma is unmatched. How his face is pretty and how his movies are just so great. I have to walk the halls of this ship and see his face plastered all over the walls. I get to hear all about his dream wedding with that bleached blonde skank like it’s something that actually matters. Well let me tell you something Drake Green, let me say it loud and clear so everyone can hear. Your accomplishments, your legend? They don’t matter any more. You are yesterday’s news. Your career is winding down and lucky for you, I’m hearing to put you out of your misery.

He lets go of the camera and takes a few steps back.

Scott: Let’s get one thing straight. You were great. You were at the top of the mountain and you were a standard bearer of pro wrestling and SCW. The key word there was “were”. The fact of the matter is that I’m the FUTURE of Sin City Wrestling and the next great Champion of this company, and this industry. The reign of Double S is imminent and just around the corner. I am the Billion Heir…I am the one who will finally put the fork in your over-aged, over-rated ass. So I want you to take a look at this gorgeous frame. Snap a mental picture of this perfect jaw and these twinkling eyes. I want you to remember, when your kids ask about how your career ended; when your grand kids ask how you got that limp; I want you to remember every detail about who it was that did it to you. This is my world now, Drake, and you’re not welcome any more. From here on out, you are an afterthought. This world is mine for the taking, and it starts with ending your career on a low note. See you Sunday, Drake. Enjoy the wedding night, because it’ll be your last night of true happiness.





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Drake Green Vs Scott Sanders
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2016, 11:00:22 PM »
The Finale

” The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.” –Anne Frank

July 29th, 2016 – Sun Princess Cruise Liner – 1:30 PM

[The scene sets in inside of Drake Green’s dressing room, shortly before his wedding ceremony. He stands staring at the mirror, looking himself over in the large floor to ceiling glass. His black tuxedo is pointed by his silk bowtie. He takes a deep breath full of nervous air before exhaling. Just as he does, Ben Jordan busts through the door.]

Ben: Oi, you ready, son?

[Ben, wearing a matching tuxedo, has a large smile across his face as his friend turns to look at him. Under his arm is a bottle of Chivas Regal scotch and two glasses.]

Drake: I am for that.

[Drake smiles at the sight of the scotch.]

Drake: I could use the relaxation a bit.

[Ben walks in and pours two glasses. He hands one to Drake and holds the other one up in his hand.]

Ben: To life after death…

[He smiles.]

Drake: That’s an interesting way to put it.

Ben: Is there any other way?

[Drake smiles and as they are about to take a drink, the door swings open again. They both turn their heads to see Barry Goldstein, Drake’s friend and agent, burst into the small cabin. He’s wearing a blue velvet jacket and a big oversized black bowtie. His dirty blonde hair is slicked back and his sunglasses seem to cover about half his face.]

Barry: Champ! I found you…

Drake: I’ve been here for hours….

[Barry brushes past Ben and steps in front of Drake. He notices, the glass in Ben’s hand, and steals it. He quickly downs the glass.]

Barry: Thanks, Ben.

Ben: Well hello.

Drake: What are you doing, Barry?

Barry: Look, we haven’t got much time.

Drake: Time for what?

Barry: I’ve got a boat….

[Ben rolls his eyes.]

Ben: Jesus….

Barry: I tipped the driver. Everything is all set. All you have to do is come with me right now. It’s not too late.

Drake: Barry….you crazy mother fucker….I’m not going anywhere.

[Barry lets out a disappointing sigh.]

Barry: I’m disappointed in you, D.

[Green smiles.]

Drake: Oh yeah, why’s that?

Barry: Haven’t you learned anything from my three marriages? Haven’t I taught you anything?

Drake: Yeah, don’t marry chick half my age with fake boobs and Botox in their lips?

[Ben laughs]

Barry: Fine…but don’t come running to me when Mikah’s taking half your shit.

Drake: I’m pretty sure she’s got more money than me so…

Barry: She’ll do it on principle…trust me. And then she’ll take your dog…

[Barry looks down at the floor.]

Barry: I loved that dog.

[Drake puts his hand on Barry’s blue velvet colored shoulder.]

Drake: Hey….fuck her. And I appreciate you…

[Barry looks up at Drake.]

Drake: Shit man, I appreciate both of you. You’re the only friends I’ve got. This ride is coming to an end, boys. I’m sure there’s another adventure that is awaiting but I can’t thank you enough for taking this journey with me. I love you guys.

[Drake hands his glass to Ben. He picks up the bottle of Chivas and pours Barry another glass before raising the bottle to both of them.]

Drake: To the best guys I know…and the three best lookin’ dudes on this boat.

Ben: Cheers.

Barry: I’ll drink to that.

[All three take a drink.]

Ben: Now I’m pretty sure you gotta get ya ass out there and get yaself married.

Drake: Yeah, I guess.

[Drake looks at them.]

Drake: Thank you, guys.

[Drake smiles at both as all three men head out of the room and close the door as they walk out.] The camera pans on the empty room before focusing on the closed door and fading out.

November 9th, 2003 – Hammerstein Ballroom; New York, NY – 9:30 PM

It fades back in to a small dressing room. There are large, dark gray bricks that make up the walls, a small ripped up couch, and a stool sitting a cross from a stand up mirror. The room is lit up by a dim overhead light the swings ever so slightly back and forth, indicating a small breeze is coming from somewhere. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the large metal door swings open and in comes Nick and Drake. Nick is wearing black tape on his wrists and hands, long green wrestling tights that read “ACTION PACKED” going down the right leg, and black wrestling boots. His dark hair is tall and spiked and his front blades are bleached blonde. Drake is sporting a ponytail and similar long green tights. Each man is holding a tag team championship belt. As they get to the center of the small dressing room, they stare at each other and then embrace in a giant hug.]

Nick: Oh man, Dickey. I can’t believe we did it.

Drake: I know. This is such an awesome feeling.

Nick: The ‘Main Event’ baby!

Drake: ‘Action Packed’ Nick Green!

Nick: And “Mr. Showtime” Drake Green!

Drake: The Tag Team Champions of the world!

[The two laugh and smile.]

Drake: Oh man, I don’t ever want this feeling to end.

Nick: I know what you mean.

Drake: You think this is what it felt like for Dad and Uncle Max?

Nick: I’m sure they were just as happy when they won these titles, little bro. How could they not be?

Drake: I don’t ever want this team to break up, Nick. I just want to be Tag Team Champions forever.

Nick: Well, not forever.

Drake: What do you mean?

Nick: Don’t you have any other aspirations?

Drake: Like what?

Nick: You know, like singles titles or something.

Drake: Why would I want to win a title without you?

Nick: I don’t know. I guess the real question is why wouldn’t you?

Drake: Because you’re my brother. We’re a team. This is what we always talked about, Nick. To be World Tag Team Champions together. This is what it’s all about.

Nick: Look, Dickey.

Drake: Drake.

Nick: What?

Drake: My name is Drake.

Nick: Ok. Look, Drake. I’m not saying I don’t wanna be World Tag Team Champions with you. I’m just saying, eventually, I wanna go on my own.

Drake: I don’t get it.

Nick: You know Dad was a 2-time Television Champion before he and Uncle Max got together. And hell, Max is what…a three time North American Champion?

Drake: Yeah, but-

[Nick cuts him off.]

Nick: Drake, it’s not like I’m saying I wanna quit the team. We just won these belts, man! I’m just eventually I wanna break out on my own. I wanna do something that Dad and Uncle Max couldn’t do. I wanna be the Heavyweight Champion.

[Drake laughs.]

Nick: What’s so funny?

Drake: Come on, Nick. The Heavyweight Champion?

Nick: Yeah. What’s so funny?

Drake: Guys like us don’t win the Heavyweight Championship. We’re not meant for that. Ok, maybe you can win a Cruiserweight Championship or even a Television Championship, but the Heavyweight Championship? You’re dreaming.

[Nick gets a bit angry and moves in close to his younger brother.]

Nick: Do I look like I’m asleep, Drake? All my life people told me I’m too small to make it. That I’m not good enough to make it. Well you know what I have to say to them? Fuck you. This here is proof.

[Nick holds up his Tag Team Championship belt.]

Nick: This is where it starts. And it’s not gonna stop until I reach the top. You can either sit here and watch me climb or you can join me, little bro. But I’m touching the stars one way or another. No one is gonna stop me. I’m gonna be the first Green to wear that Heavyweight title belt, even if it kills me.

[Drake stares at him for a moment.  After a few seconds, Nick breaks the silence.]

Nick: Look, I want you to know something.

Drake: What?

Nick: I want to be first, because I know you’ll be last.

Drake: What does that mean?

Nick: It means you’re destined for greatness, man.

Drake: Yeah, ok….

[Drake rolls his eyes.]

Nick: Don’t roll your eyes. Ask everyone man, they don’t even look at me some times. You’re the one they all cheer for.

Drake: They cheer for both of us, man.

Nick: No, Drake. They cheer for you. You have something special. You’re gonna set the world on fire. I just hope I’m able to hang on for the ride.

[Drake stares at him for a moment. He smiles, holding up his World Tag Team Championship Belt.]

Drake: For right now…this is what matters. Brothers…..forever.

Nick: Forever.

[The two smile as the scene fades out.]

The most magical, the most fantastical Showstopper of all time...

Former SCW World Heavyweight Champion

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