Author Topic: Chapter 5: Let’s try something different  (Read 250 times)

Offline MelanieGabrielle

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    • Melanie Gabrielle
Chapter 5: Let’s try something different
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:16:14 PM »
 Book 1: Life
Chapter 5: Let’s try something different
~Well, well, well look who’s talking.  (NP: “The Country song” by: Seether)~
[align=center]Sam: My name is Samuel Devereux and I am not only just the husband of Melanie Gabrielle but the manger for the Clan. Both my wife and sister in law are on a hunt right now so I’ll be checking in for you all!

Now I know all of you are a bit surprised about this but I’m hoping to be able to do this more often. Now-a-days I’m surprised they’re facing someone that they really don’t have an issue with. This will no doubt be a match that is remembered. It will be one that goes down in history as one of the most punishing and one of the most brutal. They don't doubt that for one moment. It will be fierce, it will be cataclysmic and it will be savage. But there is only really one way to make your voice heard in this battle - and that is by giving the competition a challenge. Some care, some don't. But them? They’re here to do what they’ve got to do. They’re here to actually follow the rules, which might surprise some. They’re here to do what is best and that is to fight with every single ounce of my being. I don't see that same fight in a few. In almost all situations, They can make a point of being seen as the most passionate in that situation - unquestionably. I'm not sure if it's coming across on this occasion but I can assure you that it's there.

I feel strongly about this, that this is going to be a hell of a match for both teams. The Clan is honorable. They won’t pull any punches in the dirty terms. They don’t care for cheap tactics and they would rather take care of business in the ring.

Throughout our entire lives, there have been people who doubted us and just didn't believe that we stood a chance. Very few ever saw us as someone who's plans would come to fruition or would live out their dreams. We understood that at the time; we even agreed. They don't need to prove a lot of people wrong these days and well, it was never imperative that they did. But to know that I can now easily say we’re a bigger name than the majority we have ever been faced with throughout our lives? It's an incomparable feeling.
I'm aware of what the Clan’s opponents are hoping for in this match - to attempt to climb the ranks right to the very top, whether they have been there before or whether it's a new experience for them, it doesn't matter. Some might go for the glory, some might go for the win and some might use their passion to just fight. Who knows which fits precisely into which category. Obviously, I'm not aware of what everyone else's goals are within the company or for their career in general. Naturally, I feel that Mel and Lucy want it more than most - but desire is always difficult to measure - but they’ll be giving this my best shot. I'm sure I'm not the only one and of course, it's easier said than done. These are obvious statements but I just want to make things clear.

Lucy and Mel respect the hell out of you; they’ve seen what you've done in the past and I'm aware of what titles you've held. You're no doubt in the top 20 of greatest wrestlers ever to step foot into a SCW ring.

Both the Fallen and the Clan aren’t normal. We know that the Fallen are vampires and they know the Clan are magi-blood. They also know about Lucy and how she’s muatated. It’s fine though. Lucy has a grip on herself and Mel she knows winning this match is very important.

The Clan are close to possibly getting the Tag-Championship but the Fallen are standing at the gates.

The Fallen aren’t easy to beat, we’ve seen that serval times but this time around I have hope for my ladies. The Clan have proven that they deserve to be in the wrestling ring and that if they put their minds to it they overcome. To many they’re the underdogs in the matches but right now they’re equals. Mel and Lucy are decorated and they I think they deserve the best.

They’re getting one of the best tag-teams SCW has for this match. Really we wish you both luck…now if you excuse me.

Fade to black.
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