Author Topic: A new Line  (Read 390 times)

Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
A new Line
« on: April 03, 2015, 10:21:05 PM »
 *Keira is seen on the rooftop, in her new Lady Kat Outfit as she looks around and speaks at her comm*

Keira: In position, LB?

Roxi: Yeap. All set.

Keira: Good. I'm at the site of another ATM Break in and--

*Keira looks to see Pulse land across from her*

Keira: Right on time...

Roxi: Be careful.

Keira: Pulse...why am I not surprised you're the one taking the ATMs?

Pulse: This is kind of a really bad time for me. I don’t want to play.

*She disappears and then reappears further away from them, her back turned.*

*Keira rushes and kicks Pulse's head from behind, forcing her to drop the ATM Pulse disappears, coming back behind Keira and sweeping her legs from under her. She touches the ATM and then moves again, to the next rooftop. Keira rushes again and tackles Pulse hard. The ATM falls off the roof and breaks*

Jean: I don’t have time, will, or desire to play with you tonight.

Keira: Too bad. I felt like playing. Why did you steal the ATMs?

Jean: Girl has to pay the bills.

Keira: Well, it's over. You're going down tonight!

Jean: I.

*before Pulse could answer, Roxi comes from behind and kicks Pulse's side*

Roxi: Okay, you both need to stop.

*She disappears again, and is away from both of them, but holding her side and wearing a scowl on her face.*

Roxi: Pulse, you need to explain yourself. And Kat... let her explain herself.

Jean: She started it.

Roxi: I'm not in the business of who started what. I just want this resolved. You can't go around stealing things Pulse. That's just the way it is.

Keira: LB, that's the woman who's robbed the bank and if I'm right, set that fire!

Jean: You think its so god damn easy. Look at you two. And yeah, I know who you are. You have each other. You have success in your real lives. You make everything peachy in this city at night. You don’t get it at all. You are so stuck with how happy you are that you have no chance of understanding. Some people don’t get paid so well, and they have to use what they are good at to get what they need.

Roxi: Wait... you know...

*She disappears and backs up further when she comes back, sitting on the ledge with her head down. She holds up her hands, as if to plead innocence. Keira looks at Pulse*

Jean: Don't panic. I’m not going anywhere. I just want to sit.

Keira: It still doesn't make it right...

Roxi: And I just want to talk... It doesn't even seem like you enjoy doing this Pulse.

Jean: Eh, use it if you got it, right? Even if you didn’t want it in the first place. Even if it was forced on you. Even if you were just around to be given to some.... thing... as a gift.

Keira: What are you talking about?

*Keira takes a step closer*

Keira: Who gave you that power?

*She disappears and moves down the ledge a few feet.*

Jean: I said I am not going anywhere! You stay over there!

Keira: Pulse...who gave you that power?

Jean: You should know...

Keira: What do you mean by that...ANSWER ME!

*Jean laughs and looks up at her.*

Jean: Why don’t you stop talking and use your head for a minute. It’s right in front of your face.

*Keira looks and her jaw drops*

Keira:'re that woman...that I saved from the Cult of...Sin

Roxi: Are... are you serious?

*Jean claps sarcastically.*

Jean: What is this, epiphany hour?

*Keira falls to her knees*

Keira: Not again....

*Jean snarls and screams at the two of them. Keira looks up*


Keira: Pulse, it's not my fault. You could have got a job. Been a hero...but instead...

*Keira slowly stands*

Keira: You chose this...and now you have a part of Sin inside I right?

Jean: Yeah... one I didn’t have a say in getting. So cry me a river that I use it to get what I need. I don't ask for anything, from anyone, and everything I have taken is money from people who won’t even miss it.

*Keira raises a hand to Pulse*

Keira: Wrong...

*An energy ball begins to build from Keira's hand*

*Jean laughs, but there is no joy in it, only blatant irritation.*

Jean: Do you think that a few feet is as far as I can go? Do you think I am not fast enough to just end this conversation when I want to? I don't need to drop you off a roof to get away.
Keira: You got one chance. Give up, we can give you a home. We can protect you and get you into the Guild Probation....

Keira: We can give you a life again...

Jean: I DONT WANT YOUR HANDOUTS! Look at where that got me last time. I am the bad person here? You threw me out into nothing when you could have taken me into your home back then.

Roxi: Kei... Kat... Think about this, both of you, please Pulse... we... we did it to save you from being possessed by a demon, causing even more destruction.

Keira: Pulse...please...

Jean: Yeah... I should be thankful for not just being dead, right?
*Her words are soaked in sarcasm.*

Keira: Be thankful you're not possessed by a demon...the same demon I had!

Roxi: No, what you could have been is far worse than what you are now. I don't expect you to thank us, or even forgive us for what we did back then. It was to give you a chance to become something more.

Jean: I AM something more.
Keira: Fine, what are you?
Jean: .... better than you.

Keira:’re not

*Jean disappears, coming directly in front of Keira and kicking her in the chest. As she falls, she teleports again, kicking the woman in the head before she even makes it halfway to the ground.*

Jean: Yes... I am.

Roxi: Pulse! Kat! STOP!


*Roxi kneels down to check on Keira.*

Roxi: That is not true...

Jean: Just stop looking for me... I said what I had to say. We are done. I don’t want to fight anymore. Leave me alone.

Roxi: I can't let you just walk away after what you just did....

Jean: I don’t walk.

*She disappears again, moving to the next rooftop.*

*Keira slowly stands, holding her chest, she begins to scream out, transforming into her Super form and chases after Pulse. She catches up and spears her down, punching her face in with lefts and rights*

Roxi: Stop!

*Jean disappears from under her, appearing now directly in front of Roxi, bloodied, but not beaten.*

Jean: Control her, or you are going to force me to get really angry.

*Keira rushes and blasts Jean in the face with an energy blast in pure anger*

Keira: I cannot...I will not...let Sin....CONTINUE IN THIS WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Keira screams as her energy begins to shoot out bolts, her eyes rolled over as she screams in anger*

Roxi: Stop it!

*Jean is able to teleport before hitting the ground from the original blast, but is unable to stand. She raises her hand in front of herself and from it a dark hole of sorts appears. The bolts travel into it, but not out to Jean's side, lost in it. Those misfires that aren’t in front of her destroy the ledge behind her on both sides. She is winded, and on her knees, but not anywhere near defeat.*

Keira: You want Death? You got it, Spawn of Sin

*Keira places her hands to her side*

Jean: You better listen to her unless you want to see where I went before I learned how to jump correctly.

Roxi: Stop, please... this is just madness.

*energy begins to form*

Jean: Have it your way then...

*Both the void and Jean dissolve and she appears behind Keira, wrapping her arms around her waist and disappearing. However, from Roxi's standpoint they never come back into vision. Instead, Jean stays between jumps. Holding Keira in what seems like an ocean of darkness.


Jean: I can let you go and jump, and you will be stuck here. You’ll never see Roxi again, so you better be a fast learner.

Keira: You don't understand. I can escape. I was Sin!

*Jean laughs.*

Jean: Keyword there is were. Not are. This place is my own. It is a little box to hide in. It is the closest I have to home.

Keira: Pulse...listen, we can help you. Get us out of here

*She releases her grip on Keira's waist and sends her into free fall.*

Jean: I don't want your help anymore....


*Jean moves in a flash, not teleporting here but appearing to have unreal speed. She reaches out and grabs Keira by the hand, and stops them from falling the she is on solid footing while Keira hangs, like she was not long ago off a roof.*

Jean: Your flying bullshit is worthless here. So, you agree that we are done tonight and we go back. Otherwise this is your new home.

Keira: If I stay'll join me in Hell

*Keira surprises Pulse by blasting her hard in the face, enough to get Keira out of the void and landing on the rooftop*

Roxi: What the hell is going on....?

*Keira coughs a little, holding her ribs*

*Jean is throw and rolls to the ground, from the power of the blast, only stopping when her body smashes against the ledge of the rooftop not blown away by the bolts.*

Jean: That’s what I get for playing nice....

Roxi: Stop this madness, before one of you gets seriously hurt!

Jean: I already am...

Keira: Out of my way LB...I'm killing this spawn. I've got to end Sin

*She sits up, her arms lifeless at her side, clearly dislocated even if the bones aren't broken.*

Roxi: Stop it! Stop it now! Pulse... come with us, we'll get you some help

Jean: NO! I can take care of myself.

*She disappears again, not needing her arms to do so, but this time does not pop back anywhere in their sight.*

Roxi: This... is ridiculous... Keira, are you alright?

Keira: DAMN IT! First I lose Jean, now this bitch admits she's apart of Sin

*Keira slams her fist into the ground*

*Jean, listening from a higher roof, puts her hand out on the ledge, and lowers her body, raising her arm until the joint in her shoulder pops back into its socket. She bites down hard on her bottom lip to suppress the scream that wants to escape her mouth before doing the same with the second.*

Keira: Why can’t I save anyone? I couldn't help Jean. Now she's gone. I couldn't save that one person from Sin's clutches. I'M A LOSER!

Roxi: We'll figure this out.

Keira: Baby. You're my number One. Jean's my number two. I never had anyone like her...

*Jean has to try hard to suppress an irritated laugh at the thought of that. They let their friend crush her. They didn’t care to even warn her. She mutters under her breath.*

Jean: Some number two.... letting me get made a fool of.

Keira: I want to beat the piss out of Christine for hurting her...

Jean: Pfft... Like that’ll happen. The bitch lived with them...

Keira: Roxi...what do I do. Jean means everything to me. Hell, if I could do a second wife...I'd marry Jean

Roxi: This is not Christine's fault... or anyone else's, we need to think about this.... I

Jean: ... yeah totally not her fault for leading me on and then crawling back to her ex as soon as I am out of her bed.

*Jean squeezes her hands and then starts feeling along the bones in her arms for breaks.*

Keira: I didn't want Jean to be with Christine. Considering Christine's history.

Roxi: Keira... that's not right. They both deserve to be happy.

Keira: That doesn't mean they can't fight with each other

Roxi: Still... what are we going to do about Pulse...She knows who we are!

Jean: duh... what else is a kid going to do when you put her out on her own, besides follow you around.

*Jean scoffs, but controls her voice to keep it unheard, without an attempt to mask the sarcasm that falls on deaf ears.*

Keira: We need to stop her. If she has the powers of Sin and knows who we are. Then we need to either save her...or kill her

Jean: because saving me worked out so well last time....

Keira: Jean...I failed you...I failed you, Roxi. I don't deserve to be a hero

Jean: .... right, and right again. I am almost impressed. That's two in a row.

*Keira begins to build up an energy ball*

Keira: I might as well end it

Roxi: Keira, stop... We did what we had to do, what's right isn't always the most popular. If we hasn't helped that girl out before... she'd be a demon reincarnated as Sin...

Keira: How do you know she hasn't become Sin reincarnated?

Jean: ... oh, good answer. This might get interesting

Keira: I wish Pulse had kept me in that void! Least then, you'd be safe....

Roxi: Keira... stop, right now. She's not Sin, remember, you had those funny feelings... Not with this girl...

Jean: ... just an infatuation with my ass

Keira: I think I'm falling in love with her...and Pulse

Roxi: ... .Excuse me?

Keira: As a second lover and a third lover type deal

Roxi: You need to keep your emotions in check, that's two times now she's soundly defeated you...

Jean: Hardly.... she had my number tonight because I slipped and gave her an opening.

Keira: Yet I almost killed Pulse in rage

Roxi: Keep your emotions in check, we don't kill Keira.

Keira: No, but the exception is to demons like Sin. Pulse has Sin in her!

Jean: .... didnt have a choice... not my fault.

Keira: It's my fault. I kissed her. To save her...and...and...

Jean: ... now wants to kill me.

*All of a sudden, Keira senses a energy nearby. Before she could think, she throws a energy ball at it, causing Pulse to appear*

Jean: That's what I get for eavesdropping I guess.

*Exposed, she disappears and comes down to the two, back to one of the ledges to sit down, obviously hurting.*

Jean: What can I do for you?

Keira: ...Die
*Keira quickly gets to Pulse and throws a few punches. She grabs her arm and breaks it over Keira's knee*

Roxi: No! Stop it!

Jean: Just kill me then.

*She doesnt fight. Doesn't teleport. Doesn't even try to squirm away. Instead she glares back at Keira. It isnt a plea as much as a dare.*

Keira: Gladly

*Roxi steps in front of Keira*

Keira raises her hand to Pulse

Roxi: I said No!

Keira: Get out of the way, LB. I got to end this. Sin and any of her offspring must be stopped

Roxi: We... Don't... Kill.

Jean: Just let her do it....

Keira: The exception was to demons. She is a demon!

*Jean looks at Roxi.*

Jean: She does make a fine point.

Keira: Get...out of the way...LB

Jean: Yeah, let her do what she needs to do.

Jean: Let her kill me, take off my mask, and tell the world who the thief is, and they are taken care of*

Keira keeps the energy built up as she looks at Roxi*

Jean: Come on Roxi, step aside. I mean since I know who you are, I am a loose end.

*Keira gets rid of her energy ball and grabs Pulse by her costume*

Keira: You're right. You do know who we are. Time to return the favor

*Jean disappears as soon as Keira's fingers touch the mask.*

Jean: You really need to learn that I am only in your hands for as lon as I want to be.

*Keira vanishes as she comes from behind, kicking one of Pulse's knees, breaking it*

Keira: Fuck you. Fuck your rules. LB's right. I'm unmasking you, you're going to jail. Plus, I'll figure out a way to rid you of Sin's power another way

Jean: That is alright, I dont really walk anyways.

*She moves back to where she was on the on the roof overhead.*

*Keira blasts the edge as soon as Pulse reappears, catching Pulse off guard and landing on the ground before she could teleport*

Jean: You're going to force me to go a lot further than you can blast, and that means you get nothing. How long was I gone for while you two had a heart to heart? Did you check on the ATM?

Keira: I'm not falling for it this time!

*Keira rushes and grabs hold of Pulse's mask, ripping it off*

*Jean is caught by surprise, but is gone the instant the mask starts to pull, back to her place she called home. She pops out temporarily to make good on the threat of the ATM, but as soon as her fingertips touch it, they are both gone.*

*Keira quickly puts the ATM back in place*

Keira: Can't have gone far, Pulse...I got your mask

Roxi: Kat....

Keira: I know. I know. Least the ATM's back in place

*Keira looks at the mask of Pulse*

Keira: Let's go home, LB

Roxi: Yeah.

*Keira entered the window, a little banged up, but her knuckles were covered in blood as she takes off her mask in anger*

Roxi: You need to calm down.

Keira: Calm!? I almost had her. Had to vanish again! Least we got the ATMs back

Roxi: Yes, you need to calm down. Look, thanks to you, we do have the ATM's back, you got Pulse's mask, and you were close. You have redeemed yourself… This wasn't a loss by any stretch.

Keira: Have I? She has part of Sin in her...

*Keira punches the wall hard*


*Roxi places a hand on Keira's shoulder*

Roxi: Baby, please calm down. We got rid of bio-sin, we beat it. It's gone, and never coming back.

*Keira begins to breathe a little

Roxi: We'll get through this too. I mean... that woman... the woman we saved... that's Pulse! And she knows who we are. We will beat this too.
Keira: How could someone I save...turn evil? Makes no sense. It's like the Mean Girls having actual brains!

Roxi: Maybe there's more to it than she just... turned evil. Maybe something we missed.

Keira: Like?

Roxi: I don't know. But I don't think it's as simple as because we saved her, she hates us.

Keira: I guess...

Roxi: It's not your fault. But you need to control your emotions, and stop blaming yourself. Besides, we have other problems, since you mentioned the Mean Girls...You know you have Mercedes Vargas this week.

*Keira looks at Roxi and shakes her head*

Keira: She the leader of the Loose Legs?

Roxi: No... That’s Delia. Mercedes is... 2nd in command I guess.

Keira: Does it matter? I need something to punch

Roxi: Mercedes is very dangerous. You have a tough task ahead of you, considering she's the only Mean Girl that' going to be there. And they said that... open season thing.

Keira: You sure? I do owe them a beat down for the cheating

Roxi: I know Mercedes very well. She's tough. She's hard to figure out. But I'll be watching to make sure nothing happens to you. Outside the ring, anyway. Since I know the Mean Girls well enough to know that just because they say they're off, doesn't mean they won't show up.

Keira: I know. Let them declare open season. Me? I declared open season on those bitches since I first came to SCW. Except, I want to cripple them

Roxi: I know, I know, but things are getting crazy about SCW, This open season thing has me worried that they're going to try something, as revenge for what happened to Delia, and since you are facing the only other Mean Girl that makes you a target

Keira It's been like this since I came. You can't deny it. Soon as I came to SCW, the Mean Girls have been knocked down hard!

Roxi: We knocked them down, but we've got to try and keep them down now. And you beating Mercedes may be exactly what turns the tide permanently.

Keira: Yes. Win or lose...I got to make sure they fear us

*Roxi hugs Keira*

Roxi: I know you can win.

*Keira smiles as she holds Roxi. She looks at the mask of Pulse and sighs a bit*

Roxi: We'll deal with Pulse. Though I fear it'll be sooner, rather than later. Knowing who we are, it's a dangerous game. She could sell us out at any moment.

Keira: then I guess we have no choice...we got to kill her. She has a part of Sin in her...and the Guild has put in that new rule about Demons, etc.

Roxi: We can't kill her. She's... she's not a demon. She didn't even want to fight tonight.

Keira: She still has a part of Sin!

Roxi: No. We'll... we'll have to figure something else out.

Keira: Like what?

Roxi: I don't know... but... we can't kill her. We don't do that.

Keira: Unless it's demons...remember? She's part of Sin now!

Roxi: I don't think so. I just don't. Pulse isn't... nearly as aggressive as Sin would be.

Keira: We'll see when the time comes

Roxi: She didn't do anything this time. She was only defending herself.

*Keira sighs as she walks into the other room*

Roxi: Are you sure you're going to be okay?

Keira: Yea...

Roxi: I know that tone of voice Keira...

Keira: I said I'm fine

Roxi: You can't lie to me, Keira. You can tell me. You know I love you...

Keira: Next time I see Pulse...if she's robbing again...I'm ripping her spine out. Just like I'm going to do to Mercedes!

*Keira slams the door, leaving it on that. Roxi places her hand on the door, knowing Keira is in a foul mood.*

Roxi: Keira... it's not your fault.

*Keira says nothing as the scene fades*

Mercedes. The second in command of The Mean Girls. I'm so sorry for what happened to Delia. Should have put a knife into her thin skull and ended her damn misery. Do you even know what you've done by calling out this so called Open Season on all the SCW Bombshells? Do you?

It's left you wide ass open to me. Face it. I hate you. I hate The Mean Girls. If killing bimbos like you was legal, I'd do in a heartbeat with a Scythe! But I can't. But I can settle for crippling every last one of you instead.

Does it make you mad? Does it crawl under your skin that ever since I came to SCW, I took your little perfect group and put a ticking time bomb in it? Does it give you nightmares every night that in one fell swoop, the Mean Girls went from the most dominating to the most laughed at? Yet you want to get revenge on everyone for a moron's downfall?

Don't make me laugh!

I didn't injure Delia, I wanted to. But I didn't. But I can sure as Hell injure you. Get you out of the way so I can be one step closer to ripping the rest of the Mean Girls' hearts out of their chests! You think you'll have a easy time with me. Think again.

Win or lose, I'm taking your head, Mercedes. See you tonight!