Author Topic: And The Academy Award goes too.....  (Read 360 times)

Offline Char Kwan

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And The Academy Award goes too.....
« on: March 26, 2015, 10:27:10 PM »

It's a very breezy day as Candy Overton is walking through the vast countryside of Romania. She takes the time to wave towards a few Gypsy villagers while letting her hair blow in the wind. She can't help but to smile at the local people harvesting their own crops. Out of all the beauty in front of her, she stops just to gather her thoughts.

"This country is so beautiful. It is so green and very efficient for all of these people to live off of it. I am pretty sure my opponents are dreading coming here. The Mean Girls are your stereotypical rich bitches, who have had everything handed to them on a silver fucking platter. They think just because you are made of complete plastic that you are better than the rest of the roster. It is funny how much ignorance escapes their tiny little mouths. Mercedes Vargas has a lot of nerve calling me an upstart. Yes, you are three years older than me but when it comes to in ring years. I have way more experience than you. Now I am fully aware that she won't be in the ring but that so besides the point.

The point I am trying to make is this, The Mean Girls had to attack someone 5 on 1 just because Holly Wood was doing her fucking job. I am still trying rack my brain around the point of assaulting a staff member like that. Do you bitches have any idea what it takes to be real woman? A real woman doesn't give a shit about what is fashionable. A real woman doesn't give a care about her hair not being styled. A real woman cares about life in general. They care about making a difference.

Take these women here in Romania. They don't have an option to join a fashion show or buy fancy things. They bust their asses trying to get food on their families table. Most of these women don't have servants doing everything for them. They are working up a sweat. They are crying every night just because of how they live. The Mean Girls are going to get a reality check from Cindy and myself."

Candy brushes her back out of her face while quietly chuckling to herself. She can remember sitting in her hotel room just listening to the utter garbage just pouring out Amanda Cortez' mouth. Candy starts walking down the road while waving to villagers. She walks a little further down before stopping to see the rolling hills in the distance.

"How can you not like this view? This almost looks like a picture on a wall but it's real. It's so real that I have to pinch myself. I also have to pinch myself to make sure that I'm still awake after watching Amanda Cortez' promo or if you can call it that. I had a very hard time trying to understand every single word she was trying to say. Let alone the fact that she kept calling our win lucky. If anyone has been lucky for the past year or so it would be The Mean Girls. I mean how many times have they inserted their own foots into their oversize mouths and still manage to leave victorious. Well, Cindy and I were on the same page against The Fallen. I can bet we will be on the same page yet again.

Like I said Amanda, I had a very rough time trying to understand what you were trying to say. The first thing that came to my attention is that you say "You will wile the floor with you two idiots." Last time I checked, it's wiped not wile but that is beside the point. Amanda, let's be real for a second. The entire time you were speaking, you kept mentioning Roxi Johnson. Now, I am not expert judge or something. I am sure if you keep talking about someone who you are not facing. Then you come across taking Cindy and myself very lightly. Now as for calling me a rookie, I would say you are more delusional than Mercedes.

It must get really tiring for all of you Mean Girls. I mean when you are away from each other you try playing the nice girl card. I am here to tell you both. You can't be a nice girl when all you want to be is a mean girl."

Candy continues to look at the gorgeous scenery as she decides to take a seat in the grass.

"I better not forget the other elephant in the match. Veronica Taylor, the main bitch who thinks her shit don't stink. Let me be the first to say, you are the dumbest bitch on the roster. I mean seriously. Who gave you English lessons? I'm sure Delia didn't do it seeing how she does nothing but butcher it every time. I know you didn't learn from Mercedes seeing she does nothing but place herself on a pedestal. I wonder how long you girls are going to remain a unite. I know from experience when you have a stable filled with egos. Eventually the egos will start running wild. I guess the world will tune into the day when The Mean Girls get their asses kicked by two ordinary women.

Cindy and myself were happy enough to take the scraps you left in The Fallen and send them back down the rabbit trail. Now we get to do it again but this time we will be leaving Romania with the Bombshell Tag Team Titles in our possession. The Mean Girls were the most dominant group in Sin City Wrestling a year ago but boy how things can change one year later. Delia and Mercedes loses the Bombshell Championship and Bombshell Roulette Championship. The only championships left in The Mean Girls camp are those tag straps.

Veronica and Amanda are trying so hard to impress Cindy and I but we already know the outcome. The Mean Girls are going to waltz on down to the ring thinking it will be an easy title defense but that is where fantasy meets reality. The Fallen thought the same thing and now we are facing you bitches. This is something the fans have been screaming for every since "The Lady" signed her contract.

Yes, I am a real lady which is a term I will use very loosely around all of you Mean Girls. I'm what they call classy where all of you are trashy hoes. Yes, I called all of you hoes because not one of you are above stabbing each other in the fucking back. I mean listening to Amanda Cortez talk is like listening to frogs croaking at night.

You girls need to realize that the Mean Girls are no longer the top bitches and we will prove it."

Candy chuckles at herself while getting back up to her feet. She looks around while still smiling.

"Girls, I don't want to keep harping on the fact that Cindy and I will be taking those tag titles from you but I feel like the only way for it to sink inside your brain is saying one more time. I will have no problem sending you both a signed reality check through the mail. Just know that it will sealed with a kiss. It will be a kiss of utter disappointment since The Mean Girls will blame everyone else for their upcoming loss. They can't get the sand out of their vaginas long enough to point the finger at themselves.

This night will be the night two real ladies become tag champs.

Now I have said all that I am going to say on the upcoming massacre but let me just say this one thing. This victory will be SWEET AS CANDY.

Catch you girls on Sunday."

Candy blows a kiss into the air then waves toward the sky.


Candy walks down the small hill she was standing on as the scene starts to fade.