Author Topic: Two Champs? More Like... Two Chumps  (Read 474 times)

Offline Watts

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    • Andrew Watts
Two Champs? More Like... Two Chumps
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:44:37 PM »
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<Center>Scene One | Off Camera
| That Just Wasn’t… Fuck |

Lately everything has been quite up to par in Sin City Wrestling for me. The matches have been great, a bit easy sometimes, but still the competition was better than any other place around. The events were crazy, and getting crazier by the week, literally. The heat was building, the matches were getting more interesting and overall it was just turning into a more and more fucking kick ass company to stay in. But this match, it was just… wow! Talk about shit being intense, damn... definitely the most competitive match I have had here in Sin City Wrestling thus far, and I loved it... every damn second of it. First off, seeing Adam Stone as one of the mystery men was just great, I guess I was completely correct when I said he was a coward, piece of shit nobody... just like he has always been. Oh, and the funny part? He still was stiff and not the greatest in the ring, but Mikah was holding her own against Misty, and at times I felt a bit nervous... it's hard to trust anyone in this world, especially when it can cost you a tournament match and potential Championship shot.

”Get up bitch.”

I shouted as I looked down, grabbing Adam Stone by his hair, felt great beating the fuck out of a piece of shit like him, just like he used to get the shit kicked out of him in the EWF days. I toss him into the ropes, he bounces and comes back as I hit the canvas, he hops over me as I hop back up to my feet and run towards him. I leap into the air as I feel sweat drip down my face in mid air, and then I notice Stone leaping into the air as well. We collide in mid air and both go crashing into the ground, what the fuck was this idiot thinking? That was my first thought, but that all changed once I landed lower back first on the canvas…


What… the… fuck… was… that? I heard an awkward crack in my lower back, and instantly felt a shooting pain. The pain shot up to the middle of my back and hit the sides of my lower back as well. I couldn’t think straight from the pain, literally not sure what happened, I hadn’t felt pain like this since… well, since my initial injury back in 2009. I shook my head as I tried to crawl my way over to the ropes where Misty was waiting for a tag, I used the ring ropes to pull myself up to my feet a bit, as I reached out and slapped the hand of Misty, tagging her into the ring and then instantly falling back to the ground, rolling over onto the outside canvas as I watched Misty and Mikah go at it… kind of, while pushing my legs forward, trying to comfort my lower back in someway, and also not show that I was hurting.

Ding… Ding… Ding…

Okay, I heard the bell, and I looked over at Misty who was on top of Mikah in a pin, that’s a good thing, that is definitely a good thing… wait, I really fucking hope that is a good thing, why did I just hear the bell? I literally felt as if I blacked out from the pain and didn’t see anything that just went down in the last few seconds… but luckily I heard Justin De… whatever the fuck his last name is, on the microphone… and he calmed my nerves a bit.

”Here are your winners, advancing to the Quarter-Finals ... Misty and Andrew Watts!”

I somehow met Misty in the center of the ring, standing, in excruciating pain, but standing victorious somehow… more so thanks to Misty this time. I raised an arm, looking at the confused Misty who raised an arm as well, scoring her first ever career pin fall, well… at least, that is probably what she was thinking or feeling right now. Talk about coming up big. I tried not to show the pain as I hunched over for a second, and then pushed myself back up to a straight standing position. Mikah and Stone argued with the referee about something, no clue what… but they looked pretty pissed off, probably because they just got their asses handed to them by someone who could barely stand right now and… Ms. Amnesia herself. I nodded my head, smirking with confidence, but at the same time wondering what the fuck was going on in my already destroyed lower back...

Wow… the pain wasn’t as bad as first, but it came and went, and when it was present… it really fucking was present, and not in a good way. I made my way backstage, without showing any signs of pain or anything towards anyone that I walked by, obviously I didn’t want anyone to know about this, and I also didn’t want word getting to staff, and them pull me from this tournament because they think that it might be “what is good for me” or some shit. Nobody knows what is good for me, except me… and thats final. I know my body, I’ve competed in pain before, this back injury put me out for 5 years, and I knew that coming back I always had the risk of reinjury… but, that is a risk that was worth taking, to me. I am just hoping that this wasn’t that “reinjury” moment right now.

| Andrew Watts |
"Fuck me...”

A random pain shot into my back, felt as if someone had just stabbed a knife into my lower back or something… not that I knew what the felt like, but one could only imagine, right? Yeah, right. I hunched over, grabbing the edge of a mini desk in my locker room, not sure why the fuck there was a desk in MY locker room. But, it just came in handy, so fuck it. I hunched over, squeezing the edge of the desk with my hands as I closed my eyes, pushing my lips together, hoping this sharp pain would just last a few seconds, or just… at least lighten or something. I took a few deep breaths, trying not to think about it…

| Andrew Watts |
"Think of better shit, come on… not pain. Think of great things: championships, titties, asses, big round sexy asses, titties, more titties, and… ahhh FUCK!”

I shouted out as I felt another sharp pain hit my lower back, jeez! What the fuck was going on back there. It felt like I was about to take an 8 pound shit, straight from my spine. I shook my head, starting to break a sweat from the pain. Still shirtless from my match, but in a pair of shorts now… I somehow managed to change from my ring gear, kind of. I shook my head and as I did I heard the door swing open, I pushed myself up, standing straight up, my hands clenched in fists as I tried not to show any pain, my back still to the door as I stared forward at the wall and I whispered to myself,

| Andrew Watts |
"Shit… really?”

I wasn’t expecting anyone to walk in yet, I thought Kaelin had the week off, he’s the only one I could think would just come into my locker room without knocking. What the fuck was he doing here? I slowly turned my head to see who it was, and as I heard the door shut, I seen Kaelin strolling into my locker room. Son of a bitch, he just had to be at the show didn’t he? I look towards him as I see him coming my way, dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans that had seen better days, I couldn’t even tell the brand. He was also sporting a grey v-neck t-shirt that was in better condition than his jeans, and a pair of big black boots, the boots actually looked like he paid decent money for them. I turned my head back to the wall, standing straight up, not showing off any sign of pain as I heard his footsteps approaching me. Each time his boots clapped against the floor, my back felt like it ached even more.

| Alex Kaelin |
"What’s up dick?”

Just as I hear him say these words, he slaps his hand against my lower back as a friendly “hello” gesture, the most painful fucking gesture I have ever felt in my life. I felt the pain shoot through my lower back once again, as sharp as ever as I quickly hunched over, grabbing the edge of the desk once again and yelling out…

| Andrew Watts |

The pain literally made me say all kinds of random shit, things I had never even thought of saying before… did I just say anal beads? I took a deep breath, slowly turning around, resting my butt against the desk as I turned to face Kaelin, leaned back on the desk. Kaelin’s eyes were wide open, he looked like he just discovered a new species or something as he stared at me in confusion, and some shock too. I closed my eyes for a second, letting out another deep breath, and then opened them as Kaelin slowly started talking to me, a lot of confusion in his tone.

| Alex Kaelin |
"Dude, serious question… have you developed tourettes?”

I can feel the fire in my eyes as I give him a straight stare into the eyes, shaking my head, my right hand glued to my lower back, trying to calm the pain a bit. I am going to kill him, I really am… I take another deep breath, still staring straight into the eyes of Kaelin who is still looking back at me in confusion. I close my eyes for a second, taking one more deep breath, opening them and staring right back at him as I respond to him.

| Andrew Watts |
"No… fucking… asshole… I do not, thank you. I do however, have the worst fucking pain ever, in my already completely fucked up and destroyed lower back. Thank you very much for slapping it…”

Kaelin is still staring at me in confusion… probably wondering what the fuck I am talking about. Obviously he knows about my back injury back in 2009, but he also knows that my back has been feeling great since then, thanks to all of the physical therapy and everything else I had to go through… so he is still looking a bit lost.

| Alex Kaelin |
"Your back? What the hell are you even talking about dude? You’re back has been fine for years, you’ve been going out there and kicking ass, taking falls… you just destroyed Adam Stone, who by the way… where the fuck did he come from? I thought he was homeless or something by now… but, your back? What are you even talking about, you look better than ever...”

He doesn’t get it, I guess I played it off pretty good during the match, thank god because… I didn’t want anyone else knowing about this, except for me, and well… I guess I had to tell him now. I took a deep breath, shaking my head as I looked back into his eyes and began to speak.

| Andrew Watts |
"Dude… did you see when I went for a crossbody and Stone totally botched the fucking move? Fucking idiot… he fucking hit me awkwardly and I landed on my lower back and something just popped. And ever since, my back his legit been on fire, sharp pains coming and going, I feel like I have a fucking knife in my lower back ever since...”

I exhale in frustration, the pain was starting to dull a bit, thank god. But I knew it would come back randomly again, I needed to find some pain killers or something around here. Someone had to have some, I wasn’t a huge fan of taking stuff, even when I really had to… but right now, I MORE than really had to. I stood up straight, the lightening of the pain allowing me to do so as I continue to stare at Kaelin who doesn’t look as confused anymore, more so… upset or something, if he even has feelings that is.

| Alex Kaelin |
"Fuck dude, that… that can’t happen. We are about to take SCW over, and we are doing a great fucking job at it. I mean, we both advanced to the next round of the tournament, I am the Roulette Champion, we have the Heavyweight Championship in our vision with this tournament, we have it all. You getting hurt and SCW putting you on the injured list, that just screws up everyth…”

I shoot my finger up into the air, shushing him as I quickly cut him off, a tone of anger in my voice as I shake my head while speaking… more so demanding than speaking actually.

| Andrew Watts |
“Stop right there. We are about to take over SCW, we are about to be the top two dogs in SCW, the two people that everyone wants to take down, the two people that everyone wants to be… and you’re so fucking right, everything is right there in our vision, just how we planned, and just how we are going to continue to do so. That is exactly why NO ONE except you and me will know about my back acting up. SCW staff does not find out, nobody on the roster finds out, and nobody else in the world finds out. I can play this off, you just have to trust me. Nobody… finds… out…”

Kaelin nods his head, he didn’t seem to sure about how I was going to do this, or if I was going to be able to pull it off, shit, I wasn’t either… but the good part was, I could tell that he trusted my words, and I trusted my words too, for some fucked up reason. Kaelin nods his head once more as he responds to what I just said.

| Alex Kaelin |
“Yeah dude, you got it… lets just hope that it isn’t an injury like last time. I guess, time will tell? Or something? I’m not sure how it works but, hopefully it’s just a little flare up of your old injury, and nothing new…”

I nod my head, yeah fucking hopefully is the right word, everything he just said is the right words. If that could be all that this is, then I would be the happiest man alive. The only good part about all of this was, that it was a possibility that this was just a flare up, as Kaelin mentioned, a damn painful one. I took a deep breath, running my hand back through my damp, sweaty hair as I nodded my head once more and looked towards Kaelin.

| Andrew Watts |
“I fucking hope so dude, because that would save us, well… save me at least. But I am going to have to make a quick trip to the states again, I know I might have a match next Sunday here in Europe, so it’s going to be tight traveling… but I have to see my chiropractor. Even if he can’t give me a reason right away, at least I can convince him to give me something to hopefully make the pain go away or, shit… even cut it in half, and I’ll be happy. If I have to spend 5 of the next 6 days traveling instead of training for my next match, then so be it… consider that my training for the week.”

Kaelin nods his head, he knew how I felt, minus the pain… I know he did, because this guy loved the business and the passion of wrestling almost as much as I did, if not as much. He placed his hands on his hips, my usual stance, but something I was afraid to even do right now, considering any movement could set off another flare up of sharp pains, so I tried keeping my movement to a minimum.

| Alex Kaelin |
“Yeah man, I get it. I could come with you if you want, I don’t mind… and uh, as for next week… yeah, you do have a match. I was just checking my phone as I walked to your room and we are both booked in tournament matches…”

Oh fuck, were we about to be facing each other? My eyes shot to his as I quickly responded to what he just said.

| Andrew Watts |
“Wait, one… you don’t have to come with me, stay here and just… enjoy it, Europe is a fucking sight to see. And, second… we better not be fucking facing each other, please tell me we are not facing each other…”

Kaelin kind of chuckles as he shakes his head, running his right hand across the bottom of his chin as he takes a short breath, not replying right away… kind of letting my anticipation build up, typical Kaelin… being an asshole He then looks me in the eyes, his hands returning to his hips as he answers my question.

| Alex Kaelin |
“Nah we are good in that department. I am facing that Mr. TNT guy, or whatever the hell his name is, and Melody Grace… you know, that unicorn loving bitch? Well me and Jade have them, should be a piece of cake… and you, you are facing your little crush of a woman Mercedes Vargas… and one of your favorite people in the world… one half of the Dick Lick Clique… none other than the one, the only… J… T… MIDAS!”

He literally sounded like some kind of crazy announcer that was announcing a new movie coming out that would make fans go crazy at the sound of it, and as he mentioned the last name.. my pain literally instantly turned to pleasure. I was finally going to get my hands on one of those two idiot bastards that think they can run around here like they run the damn place, and do shit their own way… fuck no, that was our job, that’s what the REJECTS do. And now I get to put one of the little bitches in his place, this was going to be amazing. I nod my head in satisfaction, turning my attention back to Kaelin, my eyes staring straight at him, my right hand no longer against my lower back as I smile confidently, and nod my head once more, responding to what Kaelin just said.

| Andrew Watts |
“Fuck… YES! I have been waiting since day one to get my hands on one of those pieces of shits, and now I finally get to. Talk about going from extremely unlucky, to extremely lucky. All I need to fucking do now, is go get my back checked, get something to kill this fucking pain… and get in that ring and show DP Midas who the fuck runs the show around here. Man, it’s like Christmas came early right? Talk about a good draw in the tournament. Mr. Gambling Addict himself, I can’t wait to send him back to rehab, this time it won’t be the kind that teaches them not to gamble… it will be the kind that teaches them how to use all of their limbs, again.”

I smirk confidently, obviously very excited about my next match… even though I had what could be a major issue going on right now. Kaelin looked at me like I was a crazy man, but lets be honest… aren’t I? Quite a bit, if you ask me that is. Kaelin nods his head as he responds to me, not so much about what I just said, but just a response in general.

| Alex Kaelin |
“You’re fucking crazy, but… that is exactly why we get along. But, enough about JT, enough about kicking ass, and enough about your back. I know you want to get on a flight as soon as you can, but… it’s 11 PM here, which means it’s 6 PM in America which means the Super Bowl is in 30 fucking minutes. You ready for some beers and some NFL, Belfast Style?”

That sounded perfect, maybe the alcohol could numb me enough to watch the Patriots kick the Seahawks ass. I couldn’t stand Marshawn Lynch and if I was about to go watch him win a Super Bowl… well, let’s just say I would rather be kicked in the lower back right now than see that happen. I nod my head as I place my hands on my hips, no pain… thankfully.

| Andrew Watts |
“You know it dude, and I know the perfect fucking place, not far from here at all… broads, brews, and Patriots… can’t wait to do this… but right after, I need to get my ass on a plane, hopefully very intoxicated, and on my way to America again. You have to help me out with that buying tickets from your phone app thing, you’re good with that.”

Kaelin nods his head in agreement as I walk over to my gym bag. I grab a pair of jeans out of it, and a t-shirt. I begin to change into my street clothes as Kaelin is talking to me.

| Alex Kaelin |
“Yeah dude, I definitely got you there. And fucking Patriots all the way bro, who wants to see the same old thing as last year anyways? Fuck the Hawks, fuck Wilson, and fuck Katy Perry…”

As I am about to throw my white Armani Exchange t-shirt over my head, I stop, looking at Kaelin and arching an eyebrow.. what the fuck did he even just say anyways…?

| Andrew Watts |
“Katy Perry? What the fuck does Katy Perry have to do with the fucking Super Bowl?”

I ask in confusion, throwing the shirt over my head as I pulled it down towards my waist, still looking towards Kaelin with confusion. Kaelin shook his head, turning his attention back to me as he answered my question.

| Alex Kaelin |
“She is doing the fucking halftime show bro… that’s why I said fuck Katy Perry, who cares about the halftime show?”

I shrug a shoulder, a confident smirk on my face… I nod my head as I respond to his comment “fuck Katy Perry” a bit delayed, but still a response.

| Andrew Watts |
“Shit… I mean, I’d fuck Katy Perry, those tits are perfectly enormous… and not the bad kind of enormous either… let’s get rolling.”

Kaelin nods his head as I grab a black Puma zip up hoodie, with the word PUMA written sideways in a blue font on the one side of the jacket, and the Puma logo on the other side in the same blue as the font. I throw it over my head, my back stiff a bit as I do this, but still not too much pain, not like earlier at least. Kaelin makes his way for the door as I follow. Now I couldn’t even think about the Super Bowl, because well… I started thinking about something way more important, and crucial. Katy Perry’s tits were on my mind, and they were literally all I could think of, especially this picture of her I had in my phone… talk about moon balloons. I’ll show that woman a halftime show, one she’ll never be able to perform the same again after performing it with me. I shake my head, getting my mind out from being in the gutter as I follow Kaelin who throws my locker room door open. I follow him as he exits the locker room, trying not to think about my back too much, not right now at least… as the door slams shut behind us, and we make our way to drink in Belfast.

| Journal Entry |

I’ll never forget back when I first started off in this business… talk about a kid who was in love with what he does. My love for competing in the ring quickly turned to a deep passion, and since then it has been the biggest passion in my life…  I went on to wrestle in various promotions, facing big names, huge names, and even a few little guys here and there. I held top Championships, mid card Championships, and even a Hardcore Championship. After capturing 10 different Championships, I was really starting to build my career up. I was taking off, like a fucking rocket. And then… then something fucking happened. I was wrestling in the AOWF, as the Legacy Championship… the one Title that I still hold and have, I have it with me everywhere I go, and many ask what it is, and many remember what it is. I was doing great, representing the PWO and representing AOWF as the Legacy Champion in AWOF and the United America Champion in the PWO. It was all going fucking amazing, a fucking fairy tail, perfection honestly. Until the injury…

That Crippling Fall...

I will never fucking forget what happened that night, talk about going from the top, straight to the bottom… literally. I took a sick bump that the staff of the promotion I was in at the time had asked me to take. They wanted something the fans would scream "holy shit" about during their big Pay-Per-View. Well, they got it, but it costed them one of their top superstars. I flew off of that ladder and straight onto the arena floor, not the canvas as originally planned. I had no feeling in my right leg, I could barely move either of my legs, I couldn't roll over, and even my upper back and shoulders felt stiff. What just happened to me? I started to feel faint and the next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital, I was tied up pretty good, at first it basically felt like a full body cast. Ethan sat next to me, breaking the great news to me- two herniated disks and one completely crushed disk in my lower back, perfect. The first question I had for the doctor was obvious, how long until I can get back in the ring? But it was the answer that changed everything for me from that day on, I had been injured before, given timetables on returns, but never one like this. His reply, I was told that I would never step foot in a ring again, and after promising myself that it wasn't true, and that I would get back into the ring as soon as possible, working out, attempting to train, but then something happened. I saw the way my body was reacting to any type of training, I went against doctor's orders, trying to get back into the ring, and after doing that. I began to remember the doctor's orders, and sadly even I began to believe it.

I Did The Unthinkable...

After my injury, I began training, every day, doing my physical therapy like it was a job, literally. I never left the gym, all day, in the gym, all night, in the gym. I worked my ass off, and it really paid off. After 5 years of therapy, working out, running, playing around lightly in the ring, and multiple surgeries on my lower back to try and repair anything that wasn't already too damaged, it was time. Everyone who knew about the injuries has told me that they are shocked, a miracle. I have finally been cleared to return to the one thing that drives me like no other. There was still a risk, a risk of further injury that would cause me to possibly even lose the ability to walk. But with this news my passion was finally so close to returning that I could taste it at the tip of my tongue, and I did. I quickly made the decision and I quickly got myself back in the ring… and everything was going perfectly fine… until… well until…

I Heard That Pop In My Back On Sunday Night...

Now there was one thing I could do, and only one… just fucking hope that this was nothing to worry about. All I could do was sit here, and hope, pray, wish, everything possible that I could do… that it was nothing more than a little flare up, or maybe just a really bad pulled muscle, something… anything. As long as I didn’t have to hear the words I heard 5 years ago, again… because those words that put me out of action 5 years ago… well, I think they’d keep me out of the ring for good this time. Fingers crossed, hopes high, and back well rested… not sure if that would matter at this point but… every little thing could help right now. My ticket was booked, I was set to go back to America… to see my chiropractor, and hopefully get the best news I could fucking get right now, you know… that, or the worst fucking news I could get right now. I guess time would tell, short time, or maybe long time, who fucking knew? All that I knew was… I was wrestling next Sunday, and I don’t give a damn what anyone has to say.

Scene Two | Off Camera
| First Class Flight |

I sat there in my airplane seat, first class, the best way to do it… man was it comfortable, my back felt pretty decent too. Kaelin and I watched the Patriots win a shocker over the Hawks, and it was one hell of a fucking Super Bowl. Not to mention we threw down a pretty high amount of beers, I loved Belfast for that exact reason… these fuckers knew how to pound some brews, definitely. I was still buzzing from the pub we were at, possibly even a bit more than a buzz. Wow, talk about a bad play call, how do you not rush Marshawn Lynch from the one yard line? The media was going to be all over this one...oh well though, if the play call would have worked, there would be no questioning of it, but it didn’ there damn sure will be.I stretched my back a bit, trying to get comfortable, I hadn’t had a sharp pain in almost an hour, which was a good thing… but I was also highly intoxicated for some time there, and it still hadn’t worn off. I smiled, feeling pretty good as I stared forward down the row I was sitting in. Not many people in the airplane, then was a fucking 5 in the morning, last second take off flight… wait, what the...

| Andrew Watts |
“You’re fucking shitting me…”

I said to myself as I stared down the row… was I seeing things, was the alcohol I consumed really that high in volume? Or was this really happening…? Of all of the fucking planes, of all of the fucking flights, and of every day, or hour to find a flight… you had to find mine? I couldn’t believe my luck sometimes. I shook my head, trying to snap out of it, but nope… it was fucking real, 100 percent fucking real.I stared down the row, and walking up it, straight towards me was none other than Desiree fucking Parker. And of course, she had already spotted me… this was going to be interesting. She approached my, her attention clearly on me as she sported a cocky grin, staring right at me as she began to speak to me while making her way right towards me.

| Desiree Parker |
“Well… well… well… look who we have here. Wait a second, why the hell are you even here? Don’t you have a match on Sunday? Why are you going back to the states…?”

She looked at me with confusion as she stopped walking, standing just a few feet from my chair. I looked at her, dressed in a pair of black Valentino smooth calfskin over-the-knee boots, styled with wide goldtone rockstud ankle strap, skinny white G-Star jeans that definitely made her nice, round ass look amazing, and a pretty cute light blue Hugo Boss cotton-silk blouse that of course... showed off those big bad mountains of hers. I shook my head, snapping out of it as I stopped checking her out, which was weird because… last time I seen her, I didn’t seem this attracted to her, oh well. I looked up at her as she started down at me, her arms crossed across her very impressive sized chest as she gave me a cocky grin, arching an eyebrow and awaiting my response to her question. Wait, what was her question again? I kind of got lost in her body, not literally… I wish though. I think she asked about America, fuck… what do I say. I run my hand back through my hair, opening my eyes a bit wider than usual as I try to let out a random lie, how good of a liar am I… test time.

| Andrew Watts |
"Uh, America… yeah, I kind of have some shit I have to take care of… which really sucks because I have to be back here by at latest Sunday morning, but I would love to be back by say, Saturday, maybe Friday night if possible. Talk about a week of traveling hell right? What about you, why you leaving so soon Ms. Desiree?”

I raised an eyebrow her way, I am sure she was going to have a much better explanation of why she was leaving, you know… one that actually made sense, one that was better than “I have some shit to take care of” like this dumbass right here just stated. She chuckled a bit, shaking her head as she continued to look down at me, and she replied with a tone of confidence.

| Desiree Parker |
“Well silly, you do know that I am working in America… and my company doesn’t take tours of Europe, like yours does. So as much as I enjoyed being at Climax Control, and as much as I loved being back in Europe, oh and as nice as it was to see you beat down some random washed up ex-wrestler and that prissy blonde bitch Mikah… well, I have to get back to my Arizona State Wrestling, where the LITTLE girls play, apparently. And by the way, we finally have something in common… we both have a win over that plastic bitch Mikah, congrats on that.”

I nod my head. Yeah, her explanation was definitely a lot better than mine was… much better, not even close, uncomparable to say the least. But I didn’t really care, because clearly she bought mine, not even asking any more question about it. She stayed standing, which was making me a bit uncomfortable. This was first class, I am sure no one would mind if she sat by me, right? I doubt it, so do I offer her a seat… do I really want to spend the next few hours on a plane with this bipolar, crazy, psycho bitch? Fuck it, at least she is nice to look at… better than getting some old rich man who farts without realizing it. I exhaled, tapping my hand against the padding of the seat next to me as I look towards Desiree.

| Andrew Watts |
“So, you going to sit next to me… or, what’s the deal here?”

I shoot her a quick smirk, confidently as I pull my hand back into my lap and she lightly chuckles. She shrugs her shoulders as she looks at me, a slight grin on her face, her eyes for once actually have a happy glow to them, and not a bitchy one, surprise.

| Desiree Parker |
“Why the fuck not, right? I guess we are flight buddies now… whoopie!”

She said playfully, something I had never heard from her mouth before… was she changing, or was she just starting to get comfortable with me or something? I was really getting confused, but whatever. I smiled as she walked by me, her butt just a few inches from my face as she tried to get by to sit on the chair next to me, I tried so hard not to just… grab it, or throw my face into it, rip her pants off… all of the above. I kept my cool, and she got by as she sat down next to me, looking over at me and slapping my playfully against the upper thigh. She smirked, looking me in the eye, resting her head back against her seat and asking me another question.

| Desiree Parker |
“So seriously Andrew… tell me, why are you going back to America, because I don’t buy your “just for some shit” answer, that is just… well, some shit. Obviously something is up for you to be making this kind of trip, you can tell me… not like I have any friends or anyone I trust who I can spoil it to.”

I exhaled, how the fuck did she realize that I wasn’t being honest earlier, damn her… I guess she was right… I couldn’t sit on a plane next to her without telling her what was up, especially if I got a sharp pain or something while sitting next to her. I ran my hand back through my hair, clearing my throat, and turning my face as I stared at her. She had some really pretty eyes, like… really pretty. We stared for a few seconds, our faces not far from each other’s at all, and it was a bit weird… I actually felt something, something that wasn’t there this summer when we talked and hung out quite a bit, something different. I stared for a few more seconds before sighing and answering her question… truthfully this time.

| Andrew Watts |
“Yeah, I mean I guess you are right about one thing… nobody likes you, you have no friends, so you won’t tell anyone. I’m just being a dick, but seriously… I guess I might as well tell you, you just can’t repeat this to anyone because, nobody can find out… especially ASW and SCW, since they are kind of connected. So um, in my match on Sunday, while I was beating the fuck out of that piece of shit, washed up nobody named Adam Stone. Well we were in the ring together towards the end of the match and I kind of went for a move, and I still am really not sure what the fuck he did, or tried to do, or what he was thinking… but he totally botched the move and fucked it up royally… and I ended up landing right on my lower back, you know… my lower back with two herniated disks, and one completely crushed disk? That lower back… and I definitely heard some kind of… pop… or crack...or something that I couldn’t really make out because of everything going on. But I do know that ever since, I have been getting the worst pains in my lower back, and… well, I am just fucking hoping that some piece of shit wash up didn’t just ruin the rest of my career, because he doesn’t know how to wrestle.”

She kind of takes a minute to take this all in, it was a lot to take in I guess. Especially with the detail I just described it in. For some reason I described it better to her than I did to Kaelin, must have been because of the pain I was in when I described it to Kaelin, or maybe it was just easier to talk to her than it was to him, for some reason. I rested my head back in my chair as I took a deep breath, she kind of let out a chuckle that resembled more of a “wow” than a laugh. She took a short breath and then responded to everything I just filled her brain with.

| Desiree Parker |
“Wow… well… wow. I really don’t even know what to actually say to all of that. That is pretty fucked up… that is pretty rough… and that is pretty damn stupid if you have to call it quits AGAIN just because that idiot couldn’t wrestle. I kind of noticed it by the way, the crossbody right? He totally botched that move, and I noticed your face definitely looked like you were in pain. But I didn’t think it was anything like that… so is that why you are going back to America now? Your doctor or… what exactly?”

She placed her hand on the armrest of the chair, still looking towards me. I sat up a bit more, my back was a bit stiff, but no pain yet. I looked back at her, she was staring into my eyes… this was a different Desiree than the one that I was used to, something had changed about her. I nodded my head as I answered her question… or questions that is.

| Andrew Watts |
“Bingo, you got it. I have to get it checked out just to make sure it isn’t something super serious, before getting back into the ring… plus I really need to get something for the pain, if it isn’t something serious. Because if I can still wrestle, I am going to need to dull this pain, because there is no fucking way in hell that I can last more than 5 minutes in the ring if I have these pains, you have no idea how bad they are. I can handle pain, but… when it feels like this, I don’t think anybody could do it, literally.”

Desiree nodded her head, she continued to stare at me, almost as if she cared… which was strange because, this girl didn’t care about anything, at least from what I knew about her, she never did. I stared back at her, and there was silence for a few seconds, before she started talking again.

| Desiree Parker |
“You’ll be okay, I’ll bet on it. You’re a tough one, and you can really kick some ass… I can’t see this tournament thing going on without you being the one winning it. You’re the next SCW Heavyweight Champion right? So start thinking like one and stop worrying about what could happen, or what might happen. You’ll be fine, and you’ll be back in that ring in no time… kicking everyone’s asses, Highlighting everyone, and running your ugly mouth about how much of a bad ass you are. That sound about right Mr. Watts?”

I hope she was right, she sounded right… but then again she was also saying exactly what I WANTED to hear, so who knows… maybe it was just my brain playing tricks on me, maybe not. I sighed, my back tightening up again, but I ignored it… turning my head back to face Desiree as I responded to what she just said… which sounded pretty damn accurate too.

| Andrew Watts |
“Yeah, that sounds pretty fucking right Desiree. Highlight… kicking ass… taking names… winning the SCW Heavyweight Championship. Shit, it sounds like you know my plans better than I do, literally.I guess you know me pretty decent, that is something alright… because not many people know me… in fact, basically nobody knows me, or my intentions. Although I feel I make them quite clear sometimes, it’s just that the majority of the people are idiots, I guess you don’t fall in that category though...“

I take a short breath, pausing for a second, and then ask her a question… totaly off of the current topic.

| Andrew Watts |
“By the way, how is uh… looking for a place to stay going? Any luck with that yet? Find anything, or still looking?“

She shrugged her shoulders and I could instantly tell by the look in her face that well… no luck, probably still staying in that crappy hotel she mentioned that ASW had hooked her up with. She let out a sigh, running her hand through her long dark hair as she placed both hands on her upper thighs and answered my question.

| Desiree Parker |
“Any luck? Luck and me, we don’t go too well together… so nope, no luck, nothing. Just, you know… taking it a day at a time I guess, and if something pops up, then well… I guess luck finally found me, ha!”

I shrugged a shoulder, arching an eyebrow as I stared at her for a second, didn’t seem like her favorite subject as her mood seemed to have changed a bit… I guess I could offer her what I was getting at with the initial question.

| Andrew Watts |
“You uh… you want to crash at my place? You know, at least until you are on your feet… or just, for however long you want, or need to. Just, if you want that is. I figure it’s not the best out there, but it beats what you are going with right now. If you’re interested that is…”

Her mood seemed to instantly change, she cracked a smile and her eyes definitely filled with joy… not to sound like a Christmas card, but it was true… the little girl in her must have awoken or something. I smirked as she thought about it for a second, but the look on her face already said it all. I nodded my head as she shrugged her shoulder, replying in a confident voice, trying to play it off usual.

| Desiree Parker |
“Hmm, that would be alright for now I guess… if you really don’t mind me that is. I guess it does beat the stupid hotels that ASW offers us… definitely.”

I smirked, she put her head back against her chair as she looked forward, a half smirk on her face, no longer staring at me. I nod my head, still staring towards her, as I said a few more words.

| Andrew Watts |
“Yeah… I’ll bet it does.”

I let out a light chuckle, a smirk on my face as I kind of stretched out my back a bit, but not too much, because at the same time I was still kind of afraid to go too far, and go through more pain for no reason. I nodded my head as I looked over at Desiree who was leaned back, her eyes closed, her arms still on the armrests of her chairs. I sighed, letting out a deep breath, leaning back in my chair, staring forward as I placed my hands on the armrests as well… our hands sort of, almost touching…. because of the set up of the armrests and chairs, no other reason really. I felt my back tighten up again, but no sharp pain, I hadn’t had one since I sat down, must be the padding in this seat...I might have to pry it out of the airplane and take it with me everywhere I go, you know… kind of save myself some pain when I have to sit down. What exactly did I just do? I offered a woman, not even a woman really… a girl that I ALMOST had a thing with, I offered her to stay with me… a girl that I have seen two times since this summer… a girl that I barely knew anything about other than the fact that she was psycho, crazy, and could be the biggest bitch of them all. Was I thinking straight right now? Or was all of this pain and overthinking causing me to make for some really stupid decisions. I guess time would tell on that one, eh? I guess so. I tried to stop thinking so much, letting my legs stretch out a bit more as I reclined my chair back a bit further, trying to keep my back as comfortable as possible. I closed my eyes, hoping I could fall asleep for a bit, because if not… I could see this being, one, long flight… thank god I was still buzzing from the beers.
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« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 11:45:03 PM by Watts »

Wins |16| Losses |3| Draws |0|

2015 Blast from the Past Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion

| Victims |
Adam Stone
Amanda Cortez
Big Tiger(x3)
Casey Williams
Clint Outlaw
- Highlighted
Dark Tiger(x3)
- Highlighted(x1)
Drexel Matheson
- Highlighted
Eric Staggs
- Highlighted
Gabriel Asar
- Highlighted
Gavin Stephens
- Toxic Stomped
Hydro - Highlighted
Joshua Acquin - Highlighted
JT Midas
- Highlighted
Lord Raab
- Highlighted
Mercedes Vargas
Necra Octavian Kane
Steve Ramone
Wallace Jordan
- Highlighted

Offline Watts

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  • Posts: 546
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    • Andrew Watts
Two Champs? More Like... Two Chumps
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2015, 11:45:30 PM »
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<Center>Scene Three | Off Camera
| Deja Vu |

I laid there, flat on my stomach, my face pressed against some kind of weird massage like pillow cutout, my legs elevated a bit higher than the rest of my body. I couldn't stand doctor's appointments, especially considering the news I got 5 years ago. This was basically make it or break it right here, either he was going to give me some extremely horrible news… again, or he’d tell me I am just overthinking and the pain is nothing too bad, I think, I hope, I don’t even fucking know. I took a deep breath as I heard him walking around the room, what the fuck was he doing? Why was he taking so long? Doesn’t he get that I legit have to be back in Europe as soon as fucking possible. SCW didn’t even know that I was in America, speaking of. I should probably at least send out a Tweet saying that I am here and will be back on time for my match, or something along those lines, right? Yeah… sounded like the right idea. I heard footsteps approaching me, about time. The chiropractor pressed down on my lower back with one hand, lifting my right leg up a bit with his other hand. My back cracked in spots that I could never make it crack no matter how much I tried. It felt great, but at the same time a few sharp pains kicked in here and there, I was used to it by now, I had felt much worse, but all of the shots, massages, therapy... everything I had been through in this fucking office, this seemed like a cake walk right now. On the bright side, he was kind of helping me pain wise, he gave me a shot a few minutes ago and the sharp pains have sort of become more so moderate pains, tolerable pains… definitely better than they have been at least.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"So... you have really been doing pretty hard lately eh? At least that is what it sounds like from what you’ve told me, back in the ring and full time again?”

The tone in his voice didn’t sound exactly happy, but he also never completely advised me against doing what I have been doing. He just told me that the more bumps I took, the more falls I took, and the more matches I competed in, the higher my risk was for, well… fucking up my back even worse, which may have been what I did on Sunday. I kind of smirk, even though he can’t see my face, as I close my eyes. My back cracked again as he lifted the opposite leg, pressing into another side of my back as I bit my bottom lip... that one hurt a bit more than the previous crack, thank god for that shot though because… that shit was really saving me from screaming like a 12 year old girl right now. I opened my eyes as I responded to his question.

| Andrew Watts |
"Umm... yeah doc, I am… and honestly it has been going great, like perfect. I am in better shape than I was before the injury and I am literally taking down opponent after opponent like I never have before. I am honestly starting to feel like one of the best in this damn business, again. And that feeling is amazing, literally… amazing.”

I could hear him shaking his head, kind of. I mean, what was I supposed to say? I had to be honest with the guy. The tone in his voice sounded a bit disappointed as he responded to me. I closed my eyes, listening as he talked and cracked my back once again, that one actually feeling really relieving, nice.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"You do realize that the reason you are in my office is because of that business, you understand that right? You are not in better shape than you were before the injury, you might feel like it at times, but you know, and I most definitely know that… well, that is not the case, at all. Being back in this business is only going to make your back even worse, it is not a business that has any benefit for your injury and it is not a business that will help you improve this injury. I don’t get why you are still going full time, after a 5 year early retirement, I don’t get why you went back, there is nothing that will help you benefit from going back Andrew.”

I exhaled, people just don’t get it… they really don’t. I mean, unless you are in my situation, don’t try to comment on it. I opened my eyes, taking a deep breath as I responded to his… comment on my decisions.

| Andrew Watts |
"But there is doc. See, you don't understand, it is different, this business has so much to fucking offer and unless someone has a career in it, they really don’t understand. It is my life, it is what I know, and I am not ready to give all of that up yet, ask any wrestler in this world, anyone with a passion for this business… and they will tell you the same exact thing. We all have our passions in life, mine is wrestling, yours is obviously backs, and spines, a little different than mine, but still a passion. So tell me doc, how would you feel if someone told you that you could never treat patients again? That you would have to sit on your ass and never look at another back, or neck again for the rest of your life?”

I closed my eyes again as he responded, this time I could actually hear some sarcasm in his voice, not so dull and boring like it had been for most of the day… shit, I had been here about 4 hours already, and it felt as if we weren’t really getting anywhere.. what a fucking day, what a fucking week.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"An early retirement? Sign me up! That sounds amazing to me.”

I opened my eyes, and instantly rolled my eyes… luckily he couldn’t see me doing this, unless he had cameras in the ground, which… wouldn’t fucking surprise me with the way shit is nowadays. Technology over anything.

| Andrew Watts |
"That's not how it is doc. That's not what I mean one bit. It's different, this isn't a career for me. If I wanted more money, I could make it elsewhere, I have plenty of other ways, plenty of talents. Doc, this is my passion, it's something I strive for, and the fact that I wasn't able to do it for 5 years… you have no idea how that felt, and to be back at it for a few months now and literally feeling like I never stopped? You have no idea how amazing it feels, it’s like Brett Favre coming back to the NFL next year and winning a fucking MVP and Super Bowl, it’s unlikely… but if that white haired bastard did that, I bet he would feel just as great as I do. Well, you know, minus all of this back pain I have been going through all damn week.”

I closed my eyes as his knuckles pushed into my lower back, no crack… wait, wait… oh, there it is. Another amazing crack, no pain in that one at all. Either he was doing a really good job, or that shot for the pain that he gave me earlier was REALLY starting to do it’s job now. He patted me on the shoulder.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"I guess I don't know the way it works, it is a lot different from the career that I have chosen, evidently. Well, judging from the looks of things, I should be able to give you the final okay to step back in the ring today. Now as much as I wouldn't advise it, the final decision sadly is yours, I just wish you would make the right one… however this is only because I can not give you a reason not to step back in the ring. You have some weird swelling and fluid in your lower back, and it seems to be blocking the first x-ray I took. So it might be a few weeks before I can actually let you know what is going on… however, I also can not hold you back from doing what you want to do, and even though I say no, about the decision you are making… I know you will go against my word and proceed into making your own decision anyways.”

Thank god for the swelling… because if he told me that I couldn’t compete this week, I would be extremely frustrated. Swelling was a good thing for once, and what he was saying really made no sense to me, but he did say that he can’t hold me back from the ring for now, and that was all that mattered.

| Andrew Watts |
"Oh trust me doc, I am making the right one. I know I am... I know what is good for me.”

My legs were now leveled with the rest of my body, the tone in the doctor's voice changed a bit, he sounded a bit let down compared to a few seconds ago.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"Right... I am going to go grab the second x-rays of the disks in your back, they should be ready by now… I am hoping that these ones got something captured that the first ones didn’t, that way I can hold you from competing, at least for now.”

I rolled my eyes, trying to be nice to him as I replied.

| Andrew Watts |
"Alright doc, sounds... good.”

He placed something down on a nearby table, I heard him walking towards the door, followed by the door opening and slamming shut. I pushed myself up from the table... or bed... or whatever this thing exactly was. I sat on the edge of it, my hands holding on to the edge, my legs hanging off of it. I looked down at the ground, feeling a bit nervous. These x-rays had to look good, otherwise I wouldn't be medically cleared for Sunday, that would crush everything. I exhaled, it was only a few minutes, but it felt like hours... hurry up doc, I need to know, I feel like a little kid waiting for school to let out. I stared at the clock, it moved in slow motion, one second was one minute, one minute... an hour. I ran my hand through my hair, feeling some sweat begin to form at the top of my forehead. My back was legit feeling great, that fucking shot that he gave me worked wonders, and I am sure all of the cracking, and massaging that he has been doing has helped me out as well. I exhaled again, come on man, hurry the fuck up. About ten minutes had gone by and then finally I looked towards the door, nothing. I shook my head, looking away from the door. It sounded like I heard the door knob turn but I figured it was just in my head... and then I heard the door slowly opening...


The door creaked open, my eyes shot over to it like lightning. Finally, the doctor walked in, holding a few pictures in his hands, obviously they were my x-rays. He slowly closed the door behind him, walking into the room, standing a few feet from me and looking at me, he handed me the x-rays... why? Fuck if I knew what any of this was supposed to look like. I looked at them, nothing really looked off to me, but what did I know right? I looked up from the x-rays to the doctor, arching an eyebrow as I asked the question.

| Andrew Watts |
"So umm... what exactly does any of this mean? You aren't talking doc, that can't be good news.”

He shrugged his shoulder, looking me in the eyes, I folded my hands into each other, squeezing my fingers, hoping this would be what I wanted to hear... please… don’t fucking tell me that I can’t compete on Sunday, I will legit go crazy… I’ll kill a bitch, smack someone… shoot someone… stab a donkey… fucking say something you big son of a...

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"Andrew I have viewed these x-rays over, and over… a few times… these ones and the first ones that we took. The reason I am being so cautious with them is because I don’t want to miss something and give you the wrong advice, and then be at fault for something wrong happening. But after examining them as much as I possibly could, and with all of the knowledge I have over the years, I am 100 percent sure that there is nothing more that I can really do but tell you what I am about to tell you.”

He pauses for a second, and I could feel it coming, this fucker was about to ruin my fucking life, tell me I can’t wrestle anymore, tell me that I am done, that I am the Blast from the Past because I will not be the Blast from the Future, did that even make sense? Because to me it did… I shook my head as I awaited his next few words… and it fucking felt like he took forever, when in reality he only stopped talking for about two seconds, if that. He finally started talking again, I could feel the sweat dripping down the sides of my forehead as I put my hands together, squeezing them into a ball, and awaiting what he was about to say, like a little kid waiting to open up presents on a birthday.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"Well... it looks like you can do what you want, you can get back into the ring, if that is really the choice that you want to make. I just don't want to see you back to what you were 5 years ago... or worse... and there is a great possibility of that happening with just one wrong little fall. These x-rays are still blocked by the swelling, so I can’t get a good view on what is exactly causing the pain, but I do know is that it isn’t anything NEW… which means I can’t keep you from competing. However when the swelling is gone in a week, maybe two, hopefully no longer.. we are going to need to take some more x-rays, and if there is further damage to your previously damaged disks, then you know what needs to happen… you know what needs to be done with your career. I really don’t want you in the ring until then, but the call is yours, unfortunately.”

I smirk, smacking him against the shoulder with my right hand, letting out a light chuckle, thank god… I couldn’t be more relieved right now.

| Andrew Watts |
"That's a risk I am gladly willing to take doc. You don't get it, I know... but this is my life, this is what I was born to do... and if my body lets me, and I have the okay to do so, I am going to do it.”

He shook his head, obviously not happy… but, right now there was nothing he could do… fuck yeah baby!

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"I guess I have to respect that decision Andrew, you can keep those x-rays, look at them as a reminder... a reminder of just how fragile your back is. I wish you the best of luck in Europe and I am going to prescribe you some pain pills, take them as needed… and don’t overdo it… this is to hold you over until you are back in America, okay? Don’t be stupid about them.”

I pushed myself up to my feet, standing a few inches from the doctor as I nodded my head, giving him a half smile and a pat on the shoulder.

| Andrew Watts |
"Thank you doc, hopefully you tune into the show this Sunday. I know you get a kick out of a few guys kicking the shit out of each other… oh and there are women too, who doesn’t like women rolling around a ring half naked? Check it out, I am serious too… I promise you'll enjoy it.”

He let out a light smile, finally as he exhaled, nodding his head. I took a paper he handed me, likely the prescription for the pain pills as he said a few more words to me, his tone a bit happier now… surprisingly.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"If I remember and I have the free time, I definitely will Andrew. You take care of yourself alright? I'll see you back in a few weeks for that post swelling x-ray, you do not forget about that okay? I will see you right when you get back from Europe, and I hope no sooner...”

I nodded my head, I hope no sooner also, fuck… knock on some damn wood or something doc, why you talking shit like that? I take a deep breath before replying to him.

| Andrew Watts |
"You got it doc, thanks for everything. It won't be any sooner, I promise that. This back is strong and we both know that. It has been through hell and back, and this is just a flare up, I really know it is… at least, I fucking hope it is. But trust me, it will hold up.”

I was probably lying out of my ass, but hey, I was a good liar, so it was all good… I think.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"I truly hope you are right Andrew, I truly do.”

I turn around as I begin to make my way for the door but I instantly stop in my tracks, wait...hold up. I turn around as I come face to face with him once again, my eyes meeting with his as I pause for a second, taking a short breath, closing my eyes, opening them… and start to speak once more.

| Andrew Watts |
"One more thing doc… no one finds out about this okay? I don’t want word getting out anywhere that I may have re-injured my back… it could really fuck a lot of shit up, you know? I appreciate you keeping this between you… and… me.”

He laughs, as he nods his head, adjusting his glasses a bit, before looking me in the eyes once more.

| Dr. David Jalakowski |
"Andrew, you know I could lose my job if I told anyone anything… you are safe with me, you should know this already. Even if I wanted to go out there and tell the world, well… I can’t, or you could take me to court and take every penny in my name, and I could lose my job on top of it. We are good here, you just be careful… very… very careful.”

I nod my head as I stare the man in the eyes, definitely a good guy… hard to find, actually cares about others. I pat him on the shoulder, as if to tell him I respect him in a way, and then I smirk. I extended my hand, as did the doctor. We shook hands and I patted him on his upper shoulder yet again. I tucked the x-ray pictures under my forearm and placed the prescription for the pain pills into my right pocket on my jeans. I exhaled slightly, smirking as I made my way towards the door. I pushed the door open and walked out, walking out of the room Thank god, this was a relief, I guess it was time to fucking book a flight back to Europe, yay… more flying, I was so sick of all of this traveling, luckily it was worth it. I was a bit worried for a second there, thinking he would tell me that I would not be able to compete this Sunday, thinking he might tell me that I might not be able to compete at all anymore, ever... but man did it feel great, this was what I was literally hoping for, somewhat. Well, I was happy. I smiled, as I made my way out of the office and towards my next mission… which was JT Midas, and Mercedes Vargas… oh, and of course… the SCW Heavyweight Championship, which was going to be mine… very… fucking… soon. I could taste the gold.

Scene Four | On Camera
| Everything Is Just Perfect |

Well, I guess it was that time again… you know, turn on the cameras, hit record, stream to SCW, steam to my only personal broadcast… talk about this damn tournament, talk about this match, and basically… do what I do best, get inside the head of my opponent’s… and make them wish they never had to step into the ring with me. I figured I would make this one a bit more entertaining than just the usual, sitting in a random room and talking shit. So I figured I would come to the arena early, and walk around the fucking backstage area or something, while a couple of camera men follow me, I’ll even throw a few bucks at their fat, out of shape, lazy asses. Why not right? They are almost doing me a favor by recording for me, but really… I am the one doing them a favor by giving them this amazing opportunity. I look forward at one of the men walking with a camera in front of me, he was the main feed, and the other standing on my side and somewhat behind me was just for a few other random angles… basically he was there for decoration, off camera decoration… no big deal, at least he feels special right? I smirk, looking forward and nodding my head at the one camera man.

| Andrew Watts |
"You ready?”

He nodded his head and with that, I saw him click a button… the REC lit up in a red glowing light, or something like that and I paid the viewers a nice hello with my typical cocky smirk. I nodded my head again as I continued to walk, looking straight forward into the camera, not saying anything right away… sort of letting them get a good look at what greatness is. I ran my hand back through my hair, rubbing my finger under my nose, taking care of a little annoying itch I had, as I take a short breath, look into the camera and begin to speak.

| Andrew Watts |
"SCW… SCW… SCW… Did you miss me? That is nice, I didn’t miss you… I hope you enjoyed watching Misty and myself literally rip apart Mikah… sorry Miks… and Adam Stone last week, talk about a washed up idiot trying to return right? What a failure that was, literally… oh well, at least he tried right? Now this week, we are set for round two… another idiot, JT Midas, and his girlfriend, or boyfriend, or something… Mercedes Vargas. They somehow made it out of the first round when JT didn’t want to touch Caleb, which is surprising considering he is all about touching Caleb… just in different ways I guess. Oh well, what can you do? So these two low lifes are the next road block on my way to becoming the SCW Heavyweight Champion… lucky for me this is a road block that I can just… slide right through, in other words… easy.”

I smirk as I continue walking, my eyes still focused on the camera as he walks in a weird manner, trying to keep the camera angled up at me… trying to make sure I look right and while doing so, he looks like a complete idiot. Oh well, at least I look good, right? Right. I take a short breath as I start on one of my opponents… the old lady.

| Andrew Watts |
"Mercedes Vargas, wow what an honor this one is going to be… talk about someone who has been in Sin City Wrestling for quite some time, and has really made a name for herself as well. Spanish Fly... Latina Heat... Mercy V... and who can forget, The Argentine Assassin! Mercedes is one of the most well known names not only in SCW but around the wrestling world as well… one of the best women to ever come out of Argentina, wrestling wise. Shit, maybe one of the best period to come out of Argentina when it comes to wrestling. The women in Argentina aren’t usually known well for wrestling, which is the surprise here. No, they are well known for many other things however, such as: they're known for cooking, and being damn good at it, they're known for breeding babies that are amazing at soccer, or futbol, they're known for sucking a mean dick, as well as individual prostitution... which is actually legal in Argentina. But, being known for wrestling? That one is different... not don't get me wrong Mercedes, I am very sure that you have done everything on that list I just mentioned as well, but you can also wrestle... talk about the total Argentine package alright."

I seen a backstage worker walking my way, she was pretty damn cute too, so I winked at the average height, decent looking brunette who walked by me. Before she could answer or anything I just kept on walking, the camera crew following me as I left her confused, I looked in a nearby mirror, that was ahead of me. I spotted her in it, she shook her head and continued to walk in the direction opposite of me. I shook my head, smirking with confidence.

| Andrew Watts |
"Mercedes Vargas everybody, the SCW Bombshel Roulette Champion. Congratulations by the way, I have no clue if it is newly won, or if you have had it for a while... because honestly, I don't really pay attention to a lot of things around here, but either way... congrats, holding a Championship in a promotion with so many other Women, it's just impressive. I mean there is the whole Bombshell roster, which is a solid amount of Women. Then there is also those like JT Midas, Caleb Houston, Gabriel Asar, Bruce Evans, and a few others that I am too lazy to name... add those Women to the huge list of Women already in Sin City Wrestling, and you really have some competition. Speaking of, I was confused about why JT and you are our opponents this week, I get that it is an intergender tag team match, but I just always thought intergender meant two guys, two girls... I guess they ran out of guys when they were making your team so they just you know, threw two females together. That is the only logical explanation here, well, unless you have a dick that I apparently don't know about, Mercedes, then it would make some more sense. But, otherwise, it still sort of confuses me, but I guess the advantage goes to me and Misty here then… since our team consists of a male superstar, while yours… not so much."

I stop walking for a second, taking a break... I was starting to build up a sweat, then again I have been walking for a good 10 minutes now... just walking and going nowhere, the best type of walking if you ask me. I placed my hands at my hips, looking into the camera ahead of me, hoping it was the one on air, and that the one on the side of me isn't the one that I should be looking at.

| Andrew Watts |
"You've got accomplishments Mercedes, something that is quite hard to do... shit, I have seen people beg, pray, wish, and dream for some of the things yo have done. I am being serious too, I see Twitter posts all the damn time of some loser idiot talking about how bad they wish they could be at the top of the promotion, or just hold a low card fucking Championship, or just actuall have someone know who the hell they fucking are, anything. But it seems like you are pretty beyond that point now doesn't it? Let me see if I can remember a few of the things that I read about you Mercedes, lets see, well you have done a shitload in other promotions, but who cares about those places right now right? I mean, this is SCW, and right now... that's what matters, and honestly? You've done quite a bit here too, haven't you? Longest singles unpinned and unsubmitted streak in SCW history, second Bombshell in SCW history to hold the Bombshell Roulette Championship not once, but twice, Second Bombshell to hold the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship for over 100 days, which isn't really that long, but not horrible, First Bombshell to become a four-time Bombshell Roulette Champion... do you see a pattern here? You seem to always be around the Roulette Championship, Mercedes. Seems you never could be good enough to take that top title now could you? And don't give me the whole, Delia is my partner, blah, blah, blah... bullshit. Because we all know the real reason, you're like the rest of them, you pick off all of the little ones while the top dog takes care of the ones that you wouldn't stand a chance again. Am I right Mercedes? Don't answer that, because I already know I am. Your accomplishments don't impress me, you have been here forever, and you have a shit ton... but I mean, that is just expected right? Lets be honest, you are like 40 years old already aren't you? I'd hope by now that you'd have some damn accomplishments... you should add retirement and maybe senior citenzship to the list of accomplishments pretty soon... you're almost there."

I begin to walk again, not really paying attention to either camera, letting out a short breath and a small burp… that likely wasn’t heard by either camera. I continue to walk, my attention in front of me, but not on the cameras, as I continue to speak.

| Andrew Watts |
"One thing that I will definitely admit about you Mercedes, is... well, first off you just have a pretty bad ass name. Mercedes Vargas. It's like you're a fucking bad ass German car that high class as fuck people drive, obviously that being the Mercedes... and then there is the Vargas, which... I don't know, I guess that just sort of sounds like a bat shit crazy drug dealer who snorts too much of his cocaine. You combine those two and you have quite the combination, a fucked up drug dealer driving a fancy ass car... how long until you crash and burn Mercedes? What will fade first? The high that you have... or you... I think we all know the answer to that one. You've had your high for quite a while here in SCW. You've accomplished a shit load and you have been on that high horse for years. But guess what Mercedes, rumor has it... that fucking horse needs new knees, a back replacement, and is starting to go blind... so either you'll be falling to the ground with that horse, or someone is going to knock you straight off of that horse... and something tells me that someone is going to be Misty... and of course, myself."

I finally notice a table a few feet ahead of me, full of Deer Park water bottles. Not my favorite brand but at this point I would even drink tap water from Mexico. I snatched a bottle, nodding at the worker behind the table who was passing the bottles out to everyone else. I unscrewed the white cap, bringing the bottle to my lips and quickly drinking a good quarter of the bottle. I exhaled, feeling refreshed as I recapped the bottle and continued to walk to destination unknown, with the camera crew continuing to follow.

| Andrew Watts |
"So what have we come up with for you here Mercedes? You have a cool name, you honestly kind of sound... and look like a hooker. You have won Championships multiple times which ALSO means that you have lost those Championships just as many times, considering the fact that you had to win them again... seems you win about just as much as you lose, who wants to do that? I prefer being undefeated like I currently am, it's much more fun than the whole win one, lose one thing that you have going on. But that also works in my favor considering you won your last match, so it would make complete sense in your little pattern that you have going on if you lost your next one, right? Well I have great news for you Vargas, the pattern will surely continue, you can count on that. Whether it is Misty taking you down, hitting you with the Dream Crusher, or The Queen's Punishment, whichever she prefers... or whether it is JT Midas' poor bastard self getting stuck in the ring with me... regardless, you can mark this one down as a loss on your already damaged record. I'll see you Sunday, Mercedes... we'll be sure to eliminate you quick, so you can run along and do what you seem to best, and lose the Bombshell Roulette Championship to someone... again."

I chuckle, throwing out a half smile... not really sure if either camera can see me as I have kind of gotten ahead of both cameras at this point, including the one that was in front of me earlier... oh well, at least they could still hear me right? Well, and somewhat see me... just from behind, or the side, or something.

| Andrew Watts |
"So now this brings me to the other Bombshell we will be facing in this match… well, he isn’t exactly qualified as a Bombshell, but I think it has been made pretty damn clear to everyone that he is definitely a Bombshell alright. The fans, the other superstars in the back, the staff, and even the damn Bombshells all know it, I am pretty certain that he knows it as well… oh, and his “partner” Caleb Houston, well he knows it better than ANYBODY does. I have been watching these two clowns for years now, literally… and you’d think for two guys who have been around for so long, teaming up for so long, and talking themselves up so much, and for so long… you’d think that they would have actually accomplished something by now, or at least made a name for themselves other than “idiots”, “clowns”, “no-lifes”, and all of the other good stuff that I have heard people call them backstage, and just in general. These two seem to just never improve, sometimes I wonder if they’d be better off without one another, but then again… they aren’t even good together, how the hell would they manage without being handcuffed to each other’s cocks? I guess there are just some people that can not be fixed… and you JT Midas… you are one of those kinds of people."

I stop, squeezing the water bottle in my right hand, a look of confidence crosses my face as I turn and look straight into the camera, my eyes looking deep, almost as if I was staring my opponents in the face, rather than looking into a camera lens. Hopefully they were watching, and if they were... they'd definitely see the confidence in my eyes, and know the trouble they are about to be in come Sunday at Climax Control.

| Andrew Watts |
"Now for some reason JT Midas and Caleb Houston, aka the Dick Lick Clique... or, what is their other name? Playas Club or some shit? Anyways, somehow... and I really am not sure why because it is very bad for business and for the image of the Titles, but... these two morons are the SCW Tag Team Champions, why? I don't know... how? I'm not sure... make sense? None, at all... but I guess we will have to wait until their episode of Mythbusters comes out in order for us to truly understand just what the hell the authority here in SCW was thinking by giving these two piece of shit idiots a shot at the already fading Tag Team Championships, talk about killing the image of a Title that was already fading pretty bad... I doubt anyone wants to touch those things now, I sure as hell know I don't... and from what I've seen, no other superstar on this roster wants anything to do with them either. What I really don’t get is the fact that Caleb and JT went at it with that Giani guy and his partner just the week before their Title shot in a tag team match, and well… The Dick Lick Clique got absolutely DESTROYED, and then the next event they find themselves facing the Tag Team Champions? Call me crazy, but that doesn’t exactly sound like the right call, but… what do I know, I’ve just been in and around this business for a good decade or so. Oh well, I guess it is just one of those things that will never make sense… or maybe it is just one of those situations where authority feels so bad for the two horrible so called talents, that they give them a little Championship run, just to boost their confidence, and make them think they actually mean something… yeah, that one has got to be it, it’s the only logical explanation… literally."

I stare deep into the cameras for a few seconds, not saying a word as I look through the lens yet again. Not moving, no emotion on my face. After a few seconds I finally wink at the camera, smirking as I continue on a bit more.

| Andrew Watts |
"Speaking of the Clique of Licking Dicks... last week they found themselves with a horrible draw... not only did JT get stuck with Granny Vargas, and Caleb get stuck with the immature Roxi "I Wish I Was A Cartoon Superhero" Johnson... but they also got drawn to face each other in the first round of the Blast from the Past tournament, ha! Talk about shit luck right? When people say the phrase, "it sucks to suck", that is exactly what they are talking about, it's literally the fucking definition. What was really funny though was the fact that the two boyfriends, umm... excuse me, I mean the two "partners" are so in love with each other, that they legit didn't even go at it with each other in the ring. It was quite sad actually, I mean... when your job is to face ANYONE and EVERYONE that is put into the ring with you, you don't let some stupid fling you have with the other person get in the way. If I was dating a girl, and they booked me to face her, you are damn right I would take her down... it wouldn't be out of pleasure, and I may not enjoy it... but I would only lay down for her in the bedroom, not the ring. Seems that JT and Caleb lay down for each other in the bedroom, AND in the ring... but really you two, you should honestly keep it to yourselves, nobody cares about you and how you are each other's bae, and whatever... I think I speak on behalf of the SCW roster when I say, go blow each other elsewhere, please."

I begin to walk again, the two cameras begin to follow me. I still have the smirk on my face, hopefully I wasn’t getting too inappropriate here, but… then again, I didn’t really give a fuck if I was or not. I nod my head to myself, as I continue to bash on anything and everything that I could possibly think of that involved JT and the DLC.

| Andrew Watts |
"Anyways, I am sure that JT is getting riled up, pissed off, angry because I keep bringing up his lover... so don't worry JT, I will just stick to you from here on out, or try to at least. I have noticed that you have been mentioning me in Tweets non stop all week, I've seen it on my phone a few times, and Misty mentioned it to me as well, I find it quite cute.... while I am getting prepared, training, in the gym, doing whatever I can to better myself for this match... you are sitting on your ass, in front of a laptop, jerking off to nudes of Caleb, and sending out these "threatening" Tweets to me, talking shit to Misty, and just wasting your day and probably fucking up your vision pretty good too. Side note, what's the deal with messing with Misty on Twitter? The poor girl has Amnesia, don't be salty because you tried to get in her pants pre-Amnesia and she woudn't give it... and by the way, I highly doubt anyone would want anything that has been inside of Caleb anyways... so I think you are shit out of luck there. I guess some people just train differently for their matches nowadays... me, I stick to the old fashion way: gym, tape, healthy diet, good sleep, and all of that fun stuff. You? I guess you just try to sit there and Tweet me, thinking I actually read them or give a fuck, and that it might get in my head... sorry to burst your bubble here, but the reason I am not replying to your Tweets, isn't because I am ignoring you... it's because you're a nobody to me and I don't even read them. I hope you don't take that too hard, then again... you are the one who does like to take it "too hard" so... I guess either way you take that, you'll enjoy it."

I take a deep breath, pausing for a second, before getting right back at it...

| Andrew Watts |
"Now I am going to stop using the phrase take it, because I don’t want JT thinking anything about me and those words when we step into the ring together, God knows what might go through his mind, what he might try… he might have me set up for a German suplex, and next thing I know he is attempting to give me the German Bratwurst if you know what I’m saying… nah, JT, I don’t fly that way, I don’t even think about it… so you better not think about it either, if you know what is good for you. Now I have no problem with your sexual orientation, I respect it, you chose it, or you were born that way, or whatever… but it is none of my business what you put in your butt and I will try my best not to make you feel down about it. Women are a beautiful thing, but not everyone can think so, and like I said… I am totally okay with that, plus… more women for me, you dig? I dig."

I smirk at the camera to the left of me, nodding my head as I stare at it, still walking. After a few more steps I come to a stop, turning around as both cameras face me, not really sure which one to look at so I sort of just stare ahead, not really focused on either one. A look of confidence in my eyes, a straight face, no smirk, no emotion, nothing. I stare for a few seconds and then finally begin to speak… probably round things up too, finally.

| Andrew Watts |
"So as far as the Blast from the Past tournament goes, we are into the second round… congrats to Misty for taking us there, I played my part, but she really stepped up and showed me that I could trust her when she took down Mikah, and did it with fucking style too… oh and congrats to DP Midas and … sorry, I meant JT… JT Midas and Mercedes Vargas, congrats to the two of you for making it to the second round as well. The only bad part about it for you two is that you drew against Misty and myself, which really sucks because that means that your run in the tournament ends here… and sadly no matter what you try, no matter how hard you train on Twitter, no matter who’s ass you try to kiss… it just, ends here, and that is the fact that you will face to face. Mercedes, Misty has kicked your ass a numerous amount of times, and JT… I honestly have been waiting to just bash your face in since the fucking day I saw that you were on contract here, and now that day finally comes. I wish I could beat Caleb down just as bad, so I guess I will have to kick your ass so hard that he feels it too, and he will. Misty was the star of the show last week, she shined and picked up the win for us… but this round… this week… guess what JT? You’re about to be just… another… Highlight, are you ready?"

I crack a smile at the camera, shrugging a shoulder as I nod at the camera guy holding the one camera and he gets my signal. He hits a button as the red REC light stops flashing, and goes to a solid “off” position. I nod my head, I think that was fun, hopefully JT and Mercedes aren’t crying their eyes out… and if they are, well… JT has Caleb to hold him while he cries, and Mercedes can just go on YouTube and listen to “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” or something, I am sure that would make her feel better. As for me? I feel great… these pain pills were really fucking kicking in, and I wasn’t feeling any pain, no sharp pains, no tightness, no stiffness… nothing. But there was one thing I could feel, and that was the SCW Heavyweight Championship… in my hands, and around my waist… it was coming, sooner than anyone would know. But the one important part is that… I know… I fucking know.


     <td width="25" class="right">&nbsp;</td>

Wins |16| Losses |3| Draws |0|

2015 Blast from the Past Winner
SCW World Tag Team Champion

| Victims |
Adam Stone
Amanda Cortez
Big Tiger(x3)
Casey Williams
Clint Outlaw
- Highlighted
Dark Tiger(x3)
- Highlighted(x1)
Drexel Matheson
- Highlighted
Eric Staggs
- Highlighted
Gabriel Asar
- Highlighted
Gavin Stephens
- Toxic Stomped
Hydro - Highlighted
Joshua Acquin - Highlighted
JT Midas
- Highlighted
Lord Raab
- Highlighted
Mercedes Vargas
Necra Octavian Kane
Steve Ramone
Wallace Jordan
- Highlighted