Author Topic: Going Out Swinging  (Read 350 times)

Offline Alex Kaelin

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    • Alex Kaelin
Going Out Swinging
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:42:55 PM »
 || A few bumps in the road : Off Camera ||

"Well fuck.."

Yes, that was his exact reaction to finding out that Andrew Watts back might be completely fucked. It was one thing when a teammate got hurt but to have it happen when you are so close to reaching the peak of the company was like a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on his head. When Watts unleashed a stream of expletives that he was not even able to control, Alex knew it was bad. Alex may be a sneaky underhanded prick but he did know how to keep his mouth shut when it counted. Besides, it didn't do him any good to tell the world about Watts back problems. Lets face it.. Alex didn't exactly have a surplus of friends to rely upon. If they found out and for some reason didn't medically clear Watts? Who knows how long he might be out for and it if is as bad as Alex really thought it was.. Who knows if they would let him step back into the ring. Watts though, seemed to have it under control or at least had a plan for keeping his back pain under control. That was good enough for Alex, he wasn't going to worry constantly or call him up all the time to check in on him. But still those two had a plan to take over this company and right now that was in jeopardy and Alex was slightly pissed about that. He pressed the button on the elevator that would take him to his floor. It did not take long to get to his floor because he as already deep in though. When he stepped off the elevator, his black boots he wore didn't sound as loud because of the carpeted floor of the hallway leading to his room. Alex really was not sure if it was because of the recent news, the shitty weather in this country or the bad lighting in the hallway but everything seemed very dim at the moment.

"Hey you."

The hotel room door opened right on cue. Krissy Filapovich standing in the doorway with that smile that always seemed to spread from ear to ear when she looked at Alex. He had texted her and let Krissy know that he was on his way back. He'd told her to go ahead and go back to the hotel room, that he would catch up with her after he spoke with Watts. Alex gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked inside. She closed the door behind them, her eyebrows arching slightly.

"Everything okay babe?"

Alex shrugged the comment off, turning back towards Krissy who had taken a few steps towards him. Normally Alex was loud mouthed whenever he walked into a room and now she just got a kiss on the cheek and well he didn't really say anything. Was she concerned? Not exactly, just not exactly like Alex to just.. Well, not say much.

"Yeah? Why?"

"You are just aren't as loud as you normally are."

"Ha, don't get use to it."

When Watts said not to tell a soul, that even meant Krissy. Alex wasn't even going to confide the little fact about his injury in the one person who probably wouldn't say anything about it. No, it is not that he didn't trust Krissy. It was just something that he was playing close to the vest, if it wasn't something that was going to affect her then Krissy really did not need to know about it. After all, she had a big week herself. Signing with SCW and making her debut. Alex had joked with her that she signed so she could keep and eye on him, truth was the girl was likely going stir crazy since Alex was travelling more then he had now that SCW was going on a tour around the globe. Krissy was an amazing competitor in her own right, even if she did give her opponents a little to much credit at times.

"Do you really have to be so nice to your opponents?"
He said to Krissy with a slightly arched eyebrow of his own. Yes, the two had conflicting opinions of how to treat people. Especially people who they had to fight. Krissy, well unless you crossed her she would be pretty straight forward with you but wouldn't hold any grudges or talk unnecessary trash. Alex? He would talk trash to a baby that was born yesterday if it looked at him the wrong way. It wasn't the first time they had these conversations. Lets face facts, Alex didn't show respect to hardly anyone. Krissy showed respect to people when they had earned it. Yet even when that was the case.. Alex still disapproved, he was just the kind of guy who got a sick feeling in his stomach when he saw people showing respect to one another. Krissy placed her hands on her hips and looked at him, well if he wanted to change subjects at least he had achieved that goal.

"I'm just saying, it is a little unnecessary."

"Alex, I'm not ever going to ask you to raise your opponents hand after you beat them. But if I decide to do so, then that is my choice."

"Next time I'll just tell you that whatever girl your facing checked out my package, then we will see how nice you are to them.

Her eyes narrowed in a playful way, she was a bit possessive of him and it wasn't something she would deny. Was she worried he was going to run off on her? No, but she still didn't like it when the other women gave him looks as they are out and about in public. While she was a nice person who was very caring and understanding.. Krissy did have a jealous streak in her. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with the american flag design spreading from the shoulder down across the chest.

"Oh you think you are just so cute don't you?"

"Me? I'm fucking adorable."

Krissy lunged at him like a tiger and tackled him to the bed, she was very stout for a girl her size but Alex quickly rolled the young blonde over and had her pinned down by the wrists. Alex let her struggle but he looked at her with a "Really.. You think your going to get out of this." She let out a sigh and puffed some air from her mouth to get the blonde locks out of her face. She looked up at Alex who still had her pinned down.

"What are you going to do now huh?"

Her voice was playfully defiant and he gripped her wrists tighter as she tried to lean up towards him. These two are polar opposites but Krissy had been drawn to Alex since the first time she met him and as time went on, the beautiful blonde had begun to grow on him a little bit. Alex didn't say a word but the grin on his face was all she needed to see before she started struggling and trying to get away. He flipped her body over in one quick motion and like a cat she tried to claw away from his lap.

"Don't you dare!"

"Winning your first match.. That deserves spankings right? Kind of like celebrating your birthday?"

"NO! Those two have nothing in common!"

As she tried to squirm away, she felt the palm of his hand swat at her ass hard and she actually jumped and let out a shocked scream. Krissy struggled, clawed at his legs and did everything she could to get away but then another firm swat from his hand connected with her beautiful ass and once again she let out a shocked scream.

"Nothing in common? Alright.. Then this is your punishment for being way to respectful to your opponents."

"I am going to kick your ass!"

Krissy growled and Alex took a few more good swats at her ass before Krissy managed to squirm away. She rubbed her tender bottom, it was sore because Alex did not hold back when he was spanking her. He grinned ear to ear as he leaned back and laid on the bed. His normal cocky and confident self starting to shine through.

"Don't you have a tournament to worry about?"

"That blast from the past thing? Talk about a fucking joke."

"You and your partner seem to be doing pretty well so far."

"You mean I have been doing pretty good so far? Carrying this team on my fucking back. Honestly, and don't take this the wrong way honey. But if I was single, I'd tell Jade she owes me a fucking blowjob for getting her a title shot handed to her courtesy of me.

Her eyes narrowed, she understood what he was saying but she didn't exactly like hearing the words come out of his mouth. Krissy shook her head and well tried being the level headed one. Not that it was going to get very far with Alex. She was really just trying to calm him down, but Alex was pretty upset with his partners performance.

"Listen Kriss, If you are going to try and spin this into some silver lining bullshit.. You can't. I got royally fucked when the names for this tournament were drawn. They might as well have said that my partner was casper the friendly fucking ghost. When I win this tag team tournament single handedly, I think they need to give me not only the title shot I've earned but hers as well.

When Alex got frustrated, he began dropping the F Bomb a lot more then normal. Did he have any real beef with Jade? No. But if anyone tried to say this was more then just a one man show, they had completely lost their fucking minds. And then on top of that, Jade giving him some fucking lip after that match? Only thing she is good for right now is standing on the ring apron with her tits hanging out.

"Well you just try your best hun, not much else you can do."

"Curb stomp my fucking partner is what I could do."

Alex stood up and walked over to check his phone. He checked a couple of texts messages and then ran his hand over the back of his neck. It was one of those moments when he wish he had a match right now so he could put his fist right through someone's face. How dare she? Get all up in his face like that, coming around and causing trouble. Alex only hoped for the best against Travis Andrews & Melody Grace. He knew the weight was on his shoulders this week, he would have to be the workhorse and carry the load.

"I know your frustrated, but she is doing everything she can to win in the tournament as well."

"Unless she is blowing someone in the offices that I don't know about, she is not going everything she can."

Yes, he had an ego bigger then the state of Texas. But damn you couldn't deny how talented he was. Regardless of what anyone thought of his ego, they would of killed to have him as their partner in this tournament. Some people get the luck of the draw and some don't. Talk about overcoming the odds right? Krissy walked over to Alex and wrapped her arms around him, smiling as she looked up at him.

"If I was your partner, you wouldn't have any worries.."

"While you are correct, sadly you are not my partner. Besides, I've never been good at this whole tag team shit anyways."

Poor Krissy, trying to cheer him up but that just wasn't happening. Maybe after a few rounds of rough sex, Alex would begin to cheer up a little bit. Or at least forget about the blast from the past tournament. Alex looked over her shoulder at his beloved roulette championship and smiled. Because win or lose.. That title was still his until someone pried it from his cold dead hands. Krissy then looked behind her and looked at the title and stepped to the side.

"You know I wish you looked at me the way you looked at that championship."

She smirked, being a bit sarcastic. She knew the SCW roulette championship was very precious to him. He had worked hard for it and when this tournament was over, either he was going to defend it or turn it in once he won the SCW Championship.

"No, I was just thinking that I have to wax and polish it. Jade touched it, I don't want my championship to feel violated and tainted."

"You are such a prick."

Krissy laughed and pushed him onto the bed, the blonde Texan enjoyed.. Taking his mind off things. And right now, Alex needed that. You had Watts fucking up his back, Two Rejects that went MIA and he had a partner that he honestly didn't know how to feel about. And more then likely people salivating at the chance to take his Roulette Championship away from him.

|| End Scene ||


|| Heavy is the head that wears the crown : On Camera ||

Alex Kaelin was the guy who seemed to be standing alone in this tournament. Yes he had a partner but he sure as hell didn't feel like he did. That wasn't his ego talking, that was just stating facts. Some people didn't seem to realize how big of an opportunity this tournament was. Was it a goofy fucking name? Yes. Was a picture of old ladies and old men plastered all over promotional materials? Yes. But at the end of the road was a pot of gold. That gold? The SCW world heavyweight championship. Alex was licking his lips to get his hands on it, yes he was the roulette champion and he doesnt give a shit if you consider him greedy or not. From day one he said the man who holds the gold, holds the power. And if absolute power corrupts then prepare for the reign of terror that will follow when Alex Kaelin has the biggest gold belt of them all draped over his shoulder. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt that said "Sinners are Winners". He was standing with his back against the wall outside of the hotel he was staying at, filming a promo for SCW's upcoming Climax Control. This week would determine who faced off in the finals. When Alex & Jade moved on in the tournament, they would be facing a tough team. Alex had no doubt that it would be Watts & Misty. Others may disagree, but he trusted his brotha in adding JT Midas to his highlight list.

"I've got my eyes on the prize just like I always do. Last week should come as no shock to anyone when I defeated Lucian Frost to advance in the blast from the past tournament. Now this week, I'm going to be stepping into the ring with Mr. TNA Travis Nathaniel Andrews. Mr. Total Nonstop Attitude! Jeez, maybe I should be shaking in my boots. You know, I get it.. People call me an overbearing loudmouth as well. The difference between me and you? I have real talent, I equal ratings. I got thrown into a tournament when I first signed with this company as well, guess what? I walked out with this fine piece of gold that is draped over my shoulder. See I'm kind of a big deal.. When you step into the ring with me, that spotlight shines just a little bit brighter then it normally would. When you look across from the ring with me, your ego is going to be swelling. The adrenaline is going to be flowing and in your feeble little mind you are going to believe that you are going to win. Then that bell rings and guess what? The talk is over and you actually have to stand toe to toe with 'The Notorious' Alex Kaelin. See I've left my mark everywhere I've been. I already have made my mark in SCW by winning the roulette championship. Seven years strong.. You though? What have you done? How long have you really been around? Hell, better question is how much longer are you going to stick around once I stomp your fucking head into the canvas! People are going to ask.. Hey what happened to that Travis Andrews guy? Oh that's right, Notorious ran him out of town.

He was going to run his mouth because he had earned that right. Travis Andrews? The fuck has he done? The guy didn't even deserved to be mentioned in the same breath as Alex Kaelin let alone step into the same ring as him. Melody? She had some talent, the girl had put a lot of effort into the tournament and that is why Alex wanted to keep her out of the ring. Believe it or not, this wasn't about trying to steal the spotlight this was about capturing the victory. If keeping Jade on the apron and looking pretty got them the win then that is exactly what Alex Kaelin is going to do. Win at any costs, it wasn't anything personal.. Jade would just have to learn her role and step up her game.

What I am doing in this tournament is nothing short of amazing. I've been finding a way to do it. Carrying the load, carrying this team on my back from day one the teams got announced. Some people in this tournament have had the luxury of having partners they can depend on. Partners that pull their weight. I've been a one man show, and I will win this tournament single handedly if I must. Jade, you can do your job and stand on the ring apron and look pretty. Melody, don't worry about breaking a sweat because I'm not even sure if I plan on taking Jade in. I'm going to make short work of Travis Andrews, and send that fucking schmuck down to ASW. Melody, I don't have a lot to say about you. And why should I? Not like they are going to let me stomp your fucking head into the ground.

He truly believed he was doing this all by himself. Maybe he was right or maybe it was his ego. If Jade felt differently then she would just have to prove him wrong. Because if curb stomping Melody when the ref wasn't looking is what it took to win then he would cave Melody's head in with the heel of his boot. Like stomping out a cockroach. But, he would rather curb stomp Travis Andrews. Maybe knock out a few of his teeth, hell knocking out a few of Melody's teeth would be pretty damn funny as well. Alex was vicious and felt as though he had been backed into a corner. We've all heard the old saying about what happens when you back a animal into a corner.. They come out fighting. Alex was at that point, he didn't know if his partner felt the same way but right now he felt like a man on his own.

I'm going to win The Blast From The Past Tournament and then I'm taking that world championship from Gabriel. Unlike others, I am looking at the big picture. Putting all of my blood & sweat into this tournament. I do not care if I have to pull a ball and chain behind me every step of the way, I will fight and claw until that world championship is mine. This tournament is my golden ticket. I'll have done more in this company in such a short amount of time then what some people have ever done their entire SCW careers. I'm going to be the franchise of this company weather you like it or not. Everyone has been looking for me to fail, expecting me to fail and I'll be goddamn if I let that happen. This isn't just about me, this is about The Rejects taking our place at the top of the food chain.

He was pissed off for greatness. Anything that stood in the way of stopping him only motivated him to keep pushing forward. Beating Alex Kaelin was no easy accomplishment. And his run with tag team matches recently and over the years didn't exactly show a good track record. He was never much of a team player. Then again, maybe if he wasn't thrown in with random partners he would work better with them.

If anyone thinks that Travis Andrews & Melody Grace are going to stop me from achieving my goals then you are betting on the wrong horse. If you haven't learned by now, you always bet on Alex Kaelin. Remember the last tournament I was in? Everyone thought the albino power ranger was going to beat me? How much money did some of you lose on that bet? This tournament will be no different. In fact, winning the blast from the past tournament is going to cement me as THE top guy in this company. That I am the one you all have to hang with and lets face it.. None of you are going to be able to swim in deep waters with me. Every single person who has stepped into the ring with me as thought... Oh, I can beat him.. The only people who have had my back are my girl and the rejects. The rest of you are just lying to yourselves if you think that this is all just dumb luck.

Alex patted his SCW Roulette Championship, it was kind of his pride and joy. But he would be willing to part ways with it if it meant getting the World Championship. You know, like that girl you are banging until you get a chance to be with the one you really want. So maybe the Roulette Championship wasn't his real pride and joy, maybe it was more like a love affair. In his mind, it wasn't about if he got the world championship but a matter of when. How many people could say they won the roulette championship and the world championship in just a few short months with the company? It would definitely be something that is the talk of the wrestling world, SCW going global and Alex Kaelin rising to the top? No that isn't a coincidence.  

So then what happens after this week is over. Can Alex Kaelin overcome the odds.. Again.. And win this tournament. Marching into the finals with a big breasted ball and chain by his side. Both teams that are left are very talented and it will not be easy. They might even view it as picking the bones of what is left. I will tell you this, I'm going down swinging. And I will be throwing hay makers! Doesn't matter if it is JT Midas or my good friend Andrew Watts.. I'm going to stand tall when the final bell rings. You are looking at your next SCW World Champion.

Odds stacked against him, he never waivered in his confidence. Come hell or high water he was going to get that championship. Hook or by crook. He didn't care if he had to run over Gabriel with a damn car before he entered the arena. Was it bordering on obsession? Possibly, Alex had a very addictive personality. When he saw something he wanted, he would not stop until he obtained it. That was clear when he was in the tournament to become the roulette champion. This team of Alex Kaelin & Jade had been thrown together, just like everyone else in this tournament. Some got the luck of the draw others didn't turn out so lucky. But luck is for losers right? Make your own luck.

AIM : n0torious1 | Twitter : Notorious702
