Author Topic: A Storm Is Brewing  (Read 382 times)

Offline Alex Kaelin

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    • Alex Kaelin
A Storm Is Brewing
« on: November 21, 2014, 06:52:53 PM »
 || The Thoughts Of A Notorious Man : Off Camera ||

I'm not the most popular guy in the world. In fact, a lot of people don't like me. Truth is I have never lost sleep over it. I never set out to be the guy everyone liked, to be everyone's best friend. If people befriend me, most of the time is because it benefits me. When it no longer plays to my advantage to be associated with them.. I cut ties, most of the time by slitting their throat.. Not literally, but you get the idea. When people bring up my name, trustworthy is not exactly one of the first words that slips off the tip of their tongues.

The hour was late as those thoughts paced through his mind. Alex stood against the sliding glass door that lead out to the balcony above the lights of Las Vegas. Clad in only a pair of grey lounge pants, his eyes scanned the city he had called home his entire life. Krissy Filapovich, his girlfriend lay in bed stretched out with the sheets keeping her half naked body covered up. Alex had signed his contract with Sin City Wrestling and faxed it over to the offices. In the morning when they arrived they would see his contract waiting for them in the tray, you could say an old friend convinced him that it was a good idea. Was it really a good idea? Who fucking knows, for Alex it was just another chance to cause some chaos and disrupt whatever happy little world they had created for themselves. Some people collected titles, Alex was the one who enjoyed flipping everyone's world upside down.

I was told that Inside of us, we have two wolves. One is anger, greed, resentment, lies & ego. The other? It is joy, it is peace, love, humility, kindness and truth. So which wolf are we? The one you feed of course. And anyone who knows me.. Ha, they know exactly which one I've fed all of these years. I have stabbed my friends in the back without so much as batting an eyelash. Every morning when I wake up, the second my feet hit the floor I already know that someone wants me dead. Some people think they know me, believe they know exactly what my motivations are. But they don't. Even those closest to me will never know what thoughts are racing through my mind. I can promise you that it is not anything pleasant. The minute I decided that professional wrestling was going to be that path of which I would embark on. I knew I had to make a choice that would define the rest o my life. I could be the guy who helps others, the reliable friend that people could depend on. The kind of guy that brings a smile to your face when he hears you have signed with the company they work for.. But instead, I decided to be the other guy.

I decided that I would take no prisoners, take what I wanted no matter the cost.. And leave the ashes behind me as I walked away. I would be the most cutthroat fucker in the entire industry. I have turned my back on a fair share of my tag team partners. In fact, one time it was when the tag team titles had been put up for grabs. All I care about is what's best for me, if that falls in line with the people I happen to be affiliated with then that is just fucking peachy. If it doesn't? Then I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a few more people who want my head on a silver platter. SCW was another company that appealed to me. I felt that it could benefit me, get my foot in the door and back into the game. Wrestling was like the Mafia, just when you walked away.. They pulled you back in. It was a mistress that I would never be able to escape. One day this business would be the death of me, it would be the only fitting way to leave this world.

No doubt that more then a few faces would recognize Alex when he walked through the doors of Sin City Wrestling. In fact, he was pretty sure that some people wouldn't be very happy about it. And that was fine, he wasn't use to having the welcome wagon rolled out for him. Alex wasn't the social butterfly like some other people in the industry. That was also because he didn't give two shits what people thought of him or what they had to say. But a place like Sin City Wrestling would serve him well, a small company that had a bit of a following. No pressure right? The bedroom was dark except for the lights of the city illuminating the room. He turned back towards Krissy and watched her as she slept for a moment. How the hell did he wind up with her, she was nice and sweet and a very honest to god good human being.. Alex, he knew he was none of those things. He lit a cigarette as he stepped out onto the balcony, yes his time in SCW would be very interesting indeed. It wasn't about the money anymore, he had scammed enough of that out of promoters of the years. It wasn't about belts, what good was a piece of gold anyway. Sure, if he happen to win a belt.. Yippy skippy right? But having a piece of tin around his waist wasn't going to tell him anything that he didn't already know.. That Alex Kaelin, was the best alive.

In this industry, friendship comes secondary. Anyone who has ever had dealings with me knows this for a fact. You don't make it to the top by shaking hands and kissing babies. You do it by breaking necks underneath the sole of your boot. I've done it before and I'm prepared to do it again. By any means necessary, god help the souls who are put in my path. Many look at this as a "sport" the "Sport" of professional wrestling. That's a big fucking joke. This was never a sport, you put people in the squared circle and they tried to hurt each other. The winner was the man who was able to walk away after leaving his opponent in a pool of his own blood.

He stood outside, looking over the city for another half hour or so. It was a sleazy city but he loved it, between the interesting people and the seedy side of the city.. It was heaven on earth, filled with decadence and debauchery. Even though he was dating Krissy, he was still able to enjoy his city. It was going to be a long bloody road in SCW. And it was going to be paved with the blood and broken bones of his competitors. They said that the wrestlers code applied to everyone. That you didn't go into the ring with the intention of injuring your opponent.. Alex scoffed at that, he enjoyed hurting people. It was the kind of thing he took pride in.. One thing was for sure, SCW was in for one hell of a ride.


|| A Storm On The Loose.. Sirens In My Head: On Camera ||

Some men in this world you just knew from the moment they signed the dotted line. Alex Kaelin was one of those people. The man was a bit of a wildcard, you never knew what to expect when he walked in the door. He was an asset to any company, when he was associated with a company they did great.. When he cut ties with them, they went under. You put three men like Alex Kaelin, Gavin Stephens & Andrew Watts on the same page and you have the recipe for an unstoppable force. Alex Kaelin was sitting outside a local club in Vegas, one of the places he visited often. The kind of place you walk in and they know you by name. The side of the building had seen better days, the fading green paint had begun to crack and you could tell it was a hole in the wall kind of place.

"Alright.. Lets cut the shit, You guy's know who I am.."

He didn't need to introduce himself, especially to Caleb Houston and JT Midas. They knew exactly who Alex Kaelin was. They knew what he was capable of, even though they tried to play themselves off like a group of rebel goofballs.. Even they realized they are in some deep shit. It was bad enough that they had to deal with Gavin Stephens who was a talented motherfucker in his own right. But Alex Kaelin? That combination would turn out to be deadly for 'The Players Club' once they stepped into the ring at climax.

"You boys are really a couple of pathetic sons of bitches aren't you? I mean, you guys are like children crying out for mommy and daddies attention. It's mind numbing to think that you two believe if you spew enough shit on twitter that someone is bound to give you a pat on the back. Your careers have been reduced to how many favorites and retweets you get. Fucking pathetic."

His voice wasn't angry, in fact it was more disgusted. Like when you watch the obese guy with the shorts that look like spandex walk up to the all you can eat buffet after he's already had five plates of food. Alex was wearing a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt the words "Sinners are Winners" across the front. The cut off sleeves showed off his tattoos, he pulled a cigarette from behind his ear and lit it up before he continued.

"What's even more pathetic is how unoriginal you are. Trying to do the whole.. Rebel badass thing, kinda like renegades eh? And JT what's this I hear about you using my tagline? I mean fuck, at least Gavin was a bit original and altered it a little bit. Fuck sakes man, didn't you know that stealing from one person is plagiarism & stealing from many is research? Shit, I bet you are really unhappy I showed up. Because you can't fucking replace the original my friend.. Yea, everyone knows I'm kind of a big deal and that you are kind of a fucking wannabe."

After taking as drag from his cigarette, he let the smoke roll out his nostrils. The Players Club reminded him of those football teams who pumped themselves up and would talk all week about how they would go out and kick ass. Only to be blown out by the better team once the final whistle blew. Alex Kaelin & Gavin Stephens, they are the better team. Have they ever teamed up? Nope. Did they both have insane Ego's? Yep. But that wasn't a bad combination when you had two people who wanted to win as badly as they did. Sure, Gavin and Krissy had a war of words but fuck it.. Alex thought he was an okay guy. And he would much rather have Gavin in his corner then Caleb Houston or JT Midas.

"Maybe you weren't shocked when Watts signed up expect to see me walk through the door did you? On top of that, you didn't expect all of us to be on the same page. That page? Our goal is to fuck up this little club you have going for starters. Because that's all it is, a few boys playing in the clubhouse thinking they are a bunch of badass motherfuckers. You're not. And while the people in charge seem to think you have some teamwork advantage, I think that is a bunch of bullshit. Gavin & Myself are going to expose you two as a couple of chumps who try to act like they belong in the big leagues."

It was highly unlikely that anything Gavin or Alex said would penetrate the thick skulls of Caleb Houston & JT Midas. They would just laugh it off like a couple of tools. They already knew they are in deep shit, at this point they are just trying to soften the blows to the inflated ego's they carried around. That was the big difference between Alex & Gavin and those other two jackoffs.. Alex Kaelin & Gavin Stephens could back up every word they said.

"See, I'm not obsessed with championships like everyone else around here. Are they nice? Shiny? Haha, yeah.. They are. But it's just so materialistic. I'm the kind of guy who likes taking something away from someone that they can't replace. You win a title, you lose a title.. Shit happens right? But you strip someone of what they hold dear, like the pride they have swelled up inside of them and that is something that burns inside them forever. That starts with JT & Caleb. Because if Gavin and damn near anyone else on the roster defeated them? They could shrug it off, but I know it is going to eat at them that they lost to Alex Fuckin' Kaelin."

Maybe some people on the roster wouldn't understand. But JT & Caleb, they knew he was speaking the truth. That even if they lost to Gavin, alright they can say whatever. But add Alex Kaelin to the mix? And that's the kind of thing that makes someone's jaw clench in anger.

"Sin City Wrestling is going to find out that I'm a bad man. And that everyone better keep their head on swivel and watch your back. Gavin wants to collect championships, I'm the kind of guy that would rather collect a body count. So it works out, he gets what he wants and I get what I want. Neither of us really getting in each others way. Kind of a nice understanding isn't it? And it all starts with The Players Club, everyone will see what a fucking joke they are once they step into the ring with the two of us."

While they may have lit a fire under Gavin.. Alex simply ignore the shit they spewed. Trying to attach themselves to people with bigger names then them. Figuring that maybe they could raise their stock by hearing their name in the same breath as someone like Alex Kaelin. But hey, anything to get your name out on the wire right? Alex took a few puffs off his cigarette and then crushed it out on the sidewalk.

"So now that Caleb Houston and JT Midas have been addressed and that garbage has been taken out to the curb.. That leaves the rest of the SCW roster. My message to the rest of SCW? You are pretty fucked now."

He was rather blunt about it, but the fact remained the same. SCW had no idea what they had coming. But after Climax they would understand what they were dealing with. And they would be put on notice. Some people may talk shit on twitter all day but guys like Alex Kaelin could back it up when they entered the ring. People always thought Alex was out of his mind for proclaiming how great he was, how big of a deal he was. But it never took long before you started seeing people say "Oh shit, he wasn't all talk." Then they begin to take him seriously, but by then it is already to late.

"I know, you are all thinking.. New guy on the block. Who is he thinking he is a big deal? Well, yeah.. I'm kind of a big deal. And you are all going to find that out this week. It's not just talk, it's not just hype. It's the truth. I've proven it time and time again. SCW is going to be no different."

The man believed every word he said. Never short on confidence or telling things exactly as he saw it. He has been here before, having to prove to everyone that he is as big of a deal as he makes himself out to be. Fuck with the best, Die like the rest.

"I'm not here to make friends, I'm not here to make this a fucking popularity contest like other companies. I'm not even a peoples person, I'll leave that to Watts. Anyone who steps in the ring with me is going to get hurt. That's all I care about, putting people on the shelf and ending careers. "

Some men in this world, they entered this business for the accomplishment. Everyone had a different definition as to what the 'top' of this business was. With so many companies and seemingly everyone of them having a 'world' championship.. It tarnished the idea of holding gold to Alex. Now he was out for blood, and it didn't matter who's it was. Innocent people would get hurt, no doubt about it. He was bound to piss a few people off, making enemies was something that came very easily to Alex Kaelin.

"So in case you are wondering.. Yeah.. I'm kind of a big deal.."



|| Sinners & Saints : Off Camera ||

Alex Kaelin was making his return to the ring. That was a big deal right? Damn right it was. He was packing his bag, ring boots, his gear.. Good to go. Was he excited? Not really, just another day at the office. Alex had his bags packed and tossed them in the back of his black 75 Camaro. It had seen better days but he was a little sentimental about the car, he'd put a lot of miles on it over the years driving from town to town in this crazy business we call wrestling. He leaned against it, lighting a cigarette because it was his poison of choice. He heard the front door open and watched as Krissy walked outside. Wearing a pair of tight jeans and a black tank top that clung to her body.

"Are you going to stay out of trouble?"

She asked in a joking manner, not that she expected him to stay out of trouble. In fact, it was pretty much impossible for Alex to go anywhere without getting into trouble. Half the time he didn't even need to go looking for it, he had enough enemies that he would just have to make a few comments and the shit storm would begin.

"Me? I'm a saint."

A smirk spread along his lips as he spoke. He was the farthest thing from a saint and Krissy knew it. But then again whenever he responded with that answer, it always seemed to bring a smirk to her lips as well. She walked up to him, her arms wrapped around him and looking up into his eyes.

"We got everything under control. Go down to Laughlin, crack a few skulls and be home before you know it."

"Nothing is ever that simple with you.."

She knew him well, Alex always had something up his sleeve. She just didn't know what yet when it came to SCW. Everything he did was pretty well thought out. Even she knew that he would only tell her so much. And the people in SCW did not know him as well as she did, you always had to put everything he said under a microscope and wonder if he was saying something because he wanted to make people believe it or because it was the truth. Alex walked that fine line, and often by the time you figured out what he was up to.. It was to late and he already had the upper hand.

"Are you accusing me of being an underhanded scumbag?"

"I would never accuse you of being underhanded."

She said as she bit her bottom lip just a little bit. The idea of Alex getting along with anyone was a shock to her. He had never been a team player, and here he was thrown into a tag team match with Gavin Stephens.

"I just know you have never been one to play well with others.. And you are in a tag team match with Gavin Stephens.."

"That's true but Gavin and myself sort of have this understanding.. We really want to kick the shit out of Caleb & JT."

It's funny how something as simple as a dislike for two other human beings can make it easy to work together. It's business. At the end of the day, wrestling was a business and you had to look at it as such. Alex took his shades off and put them on Krissy. He grinned as he looked down at her.

"I know, you are upset that I'm not going to get hurt."

"Why would I bet upset?"

"Because if I'm hurt, then you get to play nurse and take care of me.."

She smacked him in the chest with her hand and laughed.

"You know I'll play nurse weather you are hurt or not baby."

The two certainly made for an odd coupling. Krissy was the kind of person who would help a person in need, truly kind and a very generous soul. Alex was a scumbag that would stab his own mother in the back if it benefited him. Yet somehow those two made it work. Since Krissy had yet to try and kill Alex, he considered her a keeper. She thought the world of Alex, if you asked her the man hung the moon. But deep down, she knew the kind of person he was. She didn't sugar coat things with herself. She knew that Alex was a bad guy, and that he wasn't some prince charming underneath.

"I still don't know what you ever saw in me."

She was unlike any other woman he had been with.. Because normally he was dating some Vegas stripper who wanted to drain his bank account and murder him at some point. Yet the young blonde took a liking to him and she made that obvious every opportunity she had to be around him.

"I saw a man who was full of confidence and convinced me that he was more then just hype."

That was Krissy, always finding the good in people. She found some good in Alex. Everyone was waiting for the day he turned on her. But others felt that if he hadn't done it by now, he never would. She wasn't worried, she had plenty of people tell her he was bad news. But she ignored them, and she felt as though everything turned out alright.

"Don't you fucking forget that either."

Alex smirked as he gave her a slap on the ass, the two walked back into the house and he walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. He twisted the cap and looked over at Krissy as he leaned back against the counter in the kitchen.

"You know, it slays me how fucking retarded those two are. They try so hard to be cool and relevant yet they fail so miserably. Still not exactly shocked that I was booked against them, just wasn't expecting a tag team match.. But what can you do right?"

"I doubt you are going to have any problems with them. Those two are all talk, I don't see them being able to back any of it up."

A laugh escaped his lips. Funny, how back in the day the three of them almost had a stable of their own. It would of happened except for Alex didn't associate himself with people who would of held him down and kept to himself as a singles wrestler. Now, well a lot has changed between now and then hasn't it?

"I'm fond of the idea of caving JT's head in with my boot. The thought of it puts a smile on my face.."

He walked up to Krissy and gave her a passionate goodbye kiss. She walked him outside and watched as he got in his car and started it up. Revving up the engine to piss off the neighbors before he peeled out of the driveway and drove away. So it was official.. Alex Kaelin was back in the mix of things. SCW should consider themselves lucky to have obtained such a talent. Looks like the showdown with the players club was going to happen sooner then he had imagined. But that's just fine with him.. Get it out of the way, then he can continue on to bigger and better things. As he was hopping on the highway, he heard his phone ring. He looked at the number and answered it. Alex spoke before the other person could.

"Yeah, I'm on my way.. Everything is going according to plan.."

|| END RP ||

AIM : n0torious1 | Twitter : Notorious702
