Author Topic: JON DOUGH vs BLAQUE HART  (Read 1191 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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« on: August 31, 2014, 10:26:53 PM »
 Post RPs here!

First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 09/06/2014
England: 04:59am Sunday 09/10/2014
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 10:46:41 PM by Christian Underwood »

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Blaque Hart

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    • Blaque Hart Bruce Evans
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2014, 12:34:03 AM »
 (The scene opens up with the camera panning around a busy restaurant. Lots of noise in the room as the diners converse among themselves and the staff. The wait line at the front of the restaurant is out the door with impatient customers as the host appears to be in a panic, flustered by the busy atmosphere. The place is beautifully decorated with a jungle theme. Plants and water falls everywhere, and life like monkeys swinging from vines throughout. As the camera continues to pan, we are taken to a table where S.C.W. wrestler Blaque Hart Bruce Evans is sitting. Dressed in a black polo shirt, brown pants, and black Lebron James basketball shoes. His hair is tied back in a ponytail, and he has a five a'clock shadow on his face. Sitting across from him is the same woman he was with at last week's Climax Control. She's wearing a red and black vintage Blaque Hart shirt, a black mini skirt, and red and black spiked high heels. She's got a huge smile on her face as she reaches across the table to hold hands with Evans)

Woman: Baby, it's almost here, can you believe it baby!?! In just about 9 days you make your return home, home to Sin City Wrestling!!!

(Evans pops a smile across his face as he rubs the woman's hands. He then grabs the glass of water in front of him, taking a quick drink from it and sitting the glass back down)

Woman: All that work. All that getting up at three in the morning just to get to the gym. Dieting to keep your sexy body in tip top shape. Baby the wrestling world won't see it coming. The wrestling world will feel your wrath. The wrestling world will see just why you are what you say you are. The ICON, The FRANCHISE PLAYER, The LEGEND baby!!!

(The woman and Evans share a chuckle as the server, a geeky looking white boy with red hair and glasses approaches the table)

Waiter: Thank you for coming out to the Rain Forest Cafe here at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada. I'm Steve, I'll be your server for the night. Can I start you two out with something to drink?!?

(The woman looks at Bruce as Steve hands the two menus. Bruce opens the menu and browses through it before looking of the back of the menu which is where the alcohol drinks are located)

BHBE: Yes, for me.... Lemme have a Brandy on the rocks, and for the lady..... How's bout a white Zifandel...

(Bruce puts the the menu as the woman continues browsing through the menu and Steve writes down the drink orders)

Steve: O.k. sounds excellent, how about some appetizers to start you all off?

Woman: Yes I think we're going to have the Onion Stack, Cheese Sticks, and the Spinach and Artichoke dip.

(Steve writes down the items on his pad)

Steve: O.K. Sounds great. I'll get that in for you right away, and your drinks will arrive shortly.

BHBE: Thanks Steve!

(Steve turns and walks away as Bruce continues to talk)

BHBE: Nine is the number. Nine as in Nine more days until I make my return to the ring here in Sin City Wrestling. It's been a while. Too long as a matter of fact. But believe me when I tell you all this. I am in the best shape of my life right now. I'm talking mentally and physically. I am more anxious that I have probably been in all of my career to get back into that ring and show the world what this business has been missing since I've been away.

(The camera pans around the restaurant showing lots of little kids running around, climbing the various kids park equipment in the kid zone. The Woman sitting across from Bruce has a huge smile on her face as she watches on. The camera pans it back on Bruce)

BHBE: While I've been away I've seen some of what's been going on around the
S.C.W. Seems like a bunch of headless chickens running around making a muck of everything. Seems like there's no captain leading the ship. Seems to me like anyone can do whatever they  want, whenever they want. Well boys, all that is about to come to an end. Because me, and my wife (pointing to the woman across the table) Kimberly, we're here to run the show like it should have my first go around in this company!

(The woman, now revealed to be Evans' wife Kimberly Evans again grabs Bruce's hands and runs them, with a huge grin on her face as they look into each other's eyes like the scene out of some cheesy chick flick. Steve, the waiter walks up to the table. He puts Evan's Brandy on the rocks in front of him, and then Kimberly's white zifandale in front of her)

Steve: There you go, and I'll be right back with the apps!

Kimberly: Thank you. Now. To all the "women" on the S.C.W. roster, take notes. I am Kimberly, Mrs. Kimberly Evans. Yes, you heard right. I am the wife of the greatest man on the planet. This time that Bruce has been away from the company, he's not only been training his ass off to get back in the ring, but the Legend himself has been training me as well. Back home in Calgary, at his wrestling school. And I promise you all, very very very soon that I will be on that "Bombshell" roster!

(Kimberly lets out a light laugh)

BHBE: Only a matter of time baby. I mean look at you! You are the true definition of a Bombshell. Those other women, I don't even know why they call themselves that when they walk around looking like Donald Trump in drag or something!

(The two laugh)

Kimberly: Well it's like you've always told me baby, beauty and and brains, with talent is the way we Evans' get as far as we want in life. Listen honey, I'm going to run to the ladies room and freshen up real quick, I'll be back.

(Kimberly takes a sip of the white zifandale. She then grabs her black leather purse and stands up from the table. She kisses Bruce before taking off for the restroom area)

BHBE: That's right S.C.W. Not only will there be me you have to worry about, but  my wife, the love of my life, the best thing that has ever happened to me is going to leave her mark on this business as I have.

(Steve the waiter approaches the table with a big serving tray. He puts down the three apps on the middle of the table)

Steve: And here we are, and I will be back shortly to take your orders.

(Bruce takes a tortilla chip and dips it in the spinach and artichoke dip.)

BHBE: Which brings me to Violent Conduct on September 14th. Arizona. In all honesty I really wasn't expecting to be thrown right into a match up on my return. But I guess the officials of Sin City just wanted to give the people what they want, Bruce Evans back in the ring. To boost their audience, to boost their ratings, to boost the overall excitement of the company.

(Kimberly struts back over to the table, walking like a model with a huge smile still on her face. Bruce gets up from his seat and walks around to her chair, letting it out as she sits and places her purse on the floor under the table. Bruce then walks back to his seat. He drinks some of the brandy as Kimberly grabs a cheese stick)

BHBE: So lucky victim number one. Or not so lucky shall I say. Jon Dough.

Kimbery: Who?

BHBE: Jon Dough?

Kimberly" John Who?

(The two begin to chuckle)

BHBE: Mr. Jon Dough. Suiting. Really, that name is so suiting for you. After all. That's going to be the name on your toe tag when I'm done with you. After I've taught you the art of in ring wrestling. After I've make you famous. After I've made you un-recognized by all. Look. I've seen you in action. I've seen what you're capable of. I'm a man who does give credit where credit is due. And you... you got a little something in you. Just a little though. And in my league, a little is just NEVER enough. So do me a favor Jon. Go back and watch some of my matches. All of which are classics. See if you can maybe pick up on some of my greatness and use it to your advantage. See if you can learn before you get in that ring with me how to stand toe to toe with a wrestler that is on a level above all others in this industry!

(Steve walks back over to the table with his pen and pad)

Steve: O.k. are we ready to order folks?

(Bruce points to Kimberly, allowing her to order first as she looks through the menu. She puts the menu down on the table and points to an item on there)

Kimberly: Yes Steve. I think I will have the China Island Chicken salad. Please make sure to put the dressing on the side.

(Steve writes down the order)

Steve: And for you sir?

BHBE: Yeah, I'm going to go with the Ribs, steak and Shrimp combo. Steak medium well please and lots of barbecue sauce please.

Steve: O.k. sounds amazing. Anything else?

BHBE: No I think that'll be all, thanks Steve.

Steve: My pleasure.

(Steve again walks off as Bruce and Kimberly eat more the the trio of appetizers.)

BHBE: Jon. At Violent Conduct you are going to see me conduct me self in well..... a very violent manner. I am going to prove to not only you, the fans, and the office that I am still the greatest of all time. But the entire world will see once again why I have achieved all that I have in my illustrious career. I know you've been through a lot. I heard you were involved in a serious car wreck that could have took your life. I hear that the recovery was a lot of hard word. For that I applaud you. But when it comes to feeling sorry for people, that ain't in my nature. Sunday, September 14th, 2014. Arizona. S.C.W. Violent Conduct you Jon Dough will Never Ever be the same. You thought that accident was painful, well my friend, you ain't see nothing yet!

Kimberly: That's right baby. One more thing to the "Bombshells". I'm here. I'm ready, and my with wonderful husband training me and getting me ready, it'll only be a matter of time before I am out there doing what Bruce has done all of his career. Kicking a little ass, and taking names. In the end, becoming your Bombshell Champion!

(Bruce and Kimberly engage in a little lip locking, as a bus boy approaches the table)

Bus Boy: Are you all finished with your appetizers?

Kimberly: Yea you can take it away, thanks.... (looking at his name badge) Martin...

Martin: You're welcome!

(Martin removes the dishes from the table and walks off. As he walks off the camera follows him to the kitchen where the waiter Steve is waiting on the food to be done)

Martin: Hey Steve, your customer, at table 18, you do know who that is do you?

Steve: Table 18.... with the hot chick?

Martin: Yea, and with that buff guy. That's Bruce Evans!

Steve: Who?

( Martin with a gleam in his eye like a kid at a candy store looks at Steve in surprise)

Martin: From the S.C.W. he's like one of the best ever bro!

Steve: Sorry, never heard of him!

Martin: Are you kidding me bro? Wow! Can you do me a huge favor?

Steve: What is it?

( Martin hands Steve a slip of paper and a pen)

Martin: Get his autograph for me....PLEASE!?!?!

(Steve shrugs, showing no interest as he takes the slip of paper and puts it in his back pocket. He then starts putting the order for Bruce and Kimberly on the server's tray and exits the kitchen. Heading back into the dining room he walks over to their table. Setting their food down in front of them)

Steve: O.k. Here we are.Hope you will enjoy your meal and if you need anything don't hesitate to call for me..... And....

(Steve nervously reaches for the slip of paper in his back pocket)

Steve: My bus boy, Martin, he says he's a huge fan of your's and would like an autograph if it's not too much.

(Steve hands Bruce the paper, Bruce quickly signs it and hands it back with a smile on his face. In the background you can see Martin cheesing like a fat kid in front of cake)

Steve: Thank you sir!

BHBE: Not a problem at all, ya know what, tell Martin to come out.

Steve: Yes Sir!

(Steve walks over to Martin and the two talk. The camera can't pick up their conversation with all the loud noises through the room but soon Martin and Steve are walking back towards Bruce)

Bruce: Get the camera baby.

(Kimberly reaches down into her purse and grabs a disposable camera. She hands it to Steve)

BHBE: Martin, how'd you like a picture pal?

(Martin's grin grows even wider, as if he'd just won the lotto. As the scene fades Martin, Kimberly, and Bruce pose for pictures as Steve takes them. The camera again pans around the restaurant showing the wild atmosphere of this themed place. We then fade out)
The Franchise Player</font color>

Offline Christian Underwood

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« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 09:35:43 AM »
 Second RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 09/12/2014
England: 04:59am Saturday 09/13/2014  

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Wong Fai Hung

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« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2014, 11:27:04 PM »
 Date and Time
09-02-14  12pm FoShan, China which makes it 09-01-14  10pm Las Vegas, NV

Steve the camera man has started rolling his film; we see nothing but water all around. No trees, no land in sight just water. A few minutes go by and all we see is water with no movement, the sky is clear and there seems to be no wind at all. All of a sudden water movement is seen and heard and from under the water. We see a Whale coming from under the water with what looks like Jon Dough on top of the whale. Jon is seen (Flying) in his mask as well as in a black NXT shirt and pair of shorts black that say SCW in yellow.

Jon Dough: This is fuck in awesommmmmmmeeee!!!!!!!

Jon lets go of the Whale in midair. Jon is at least 20 feet up in the air at the release point. Jon hits the water feet first but just as quickly a second Whale lefts Jon back out of the water as the whale is using its head to left Jon from his feet.

Jon Dough: Holy Shiittttttt!!!!

Jon hits the water again this time we see him swimming towards the camera. The camera starts to aim o down catchi9ng every movement Jon makes. At this point we can start to see the end of what looks like a wooden raft. Jon Dough makes it top the end of the raft and lefts himself up.

Jon Dough: Man guys I wish you two would have told me about this before, that shit was fun as hell.

Jon says as the camera rotates around. We see now that Jon is in a wooden raft and he is with Ninja and Blasted Monk. (Ninja is seen in his ninja outfit and Blasted Monk is seen shirtless with a pair of blue shorts) in the other end of the raft in the background we can see Orchid in a two piece hot pink bikini. Orchid is seen laying down trying to tan her beautiful pale skin. and in the corner we see the red ninja in a red skin tight one piece with red shorts on, Song has a few things with her, not sure what but it looks like some MacGyver type shit. (Some rope, Bubble Gum, three sticks, and something that is red. yea like I said some MacGyver type shit)

Jon walks over to Orchid, turns and looks at Blasted Monk and Ninja whom both shake their heads no. Jon turns back to look at Orchid only this time Orchid is standing and when Jon fully turns to look at her she puts her arms around Jon and preforms a release belly to belly suplex. Jon lands in the water. While at the same time we here Blasted Monk and Song.

Song and Blasted Monk: Dammmmm!

Jon hits the water and pops back up.

Jon Dough: Not cool girl

Orchid: don't hate cus I beat you to it.

Song: Ha-ha that’s what you get.

Jon Dough: Yea I guess your right Song.

Jon climbs back onto the raft.

Jon Dough: Man I'm getting hungry, anyone bought any food?

Song: Nope.

Jon Dough: oh so how we gonna eat?

Song: I'm working on it. Almost done.

Jon Dough: With what?

Song: My fishing rod silly.

Jon Dough: Oh that’s what all that stuff is, here I'm thinking you’re bored playing with random junk.

Next to song is a big bag with everyone’s stuff, Jon and Orchids phones start to go off. Song goes in the bag to grab the phones.

Song: Jon, Orchid the call has come.

Blasted Monk grabs the phones from Song and hands them over to Jon and Orchid. Both have text messages. Orchid reads hers off.

Orchid: "Just got the call you been waiting for. You have no match this upcoming show at SCW." Figures I'm off the PPV, but then again I just got back so they need to find a way to best use me while ninja is off to film his movie. How about you Jon?

Jon looks at his phone.

Jon Dough: "Just got the call you been waiting for. You have a match this upcoming show at SCW. It is Jon Dough vs  Blaque Hart Bruce Evans. His bio and some info on him has already been sent to your email. Good Luck." Cool, it’s been a while since I had a match.

Blasted Monk: Blaque Hart Bruce Evans, he is a veteran in this industry Jon.

Jon Dough: Yea I heard, he had an interesting segment last show. He made a few good points but for the most part it was just one of those I’m an angry man who will now come off like an angry dog.

Song: HUH?

Jon Dough: You know barking at everything he is saying like if adding the drama is going to make his nonsense meaningful.

Song: Please explain?

Jon Dough: Well he was with SCW before and yet from what I seen he never held any of their titles, yet barks a loud noise at how the SCW champion is a nobody who should be tying his shoes. How he is not here for friends but if he wanted to team up with someone he can and will be tag Team Champs.

However this is the same guy who quit, not because he wasn’t good, not because he was old, not because he couldn’t cut it, nope. He left because of name calling.

Blasted Monk Hits the floor dying from laughter.

Orchid: What does that mean Jon?

Jon Dough: Well in his own words.

"I started to actually believe what some people were saying about me. Things like I was washed up. Past my prime. Hanging on to my past glory. I really started believing all of that. So when I walked out on this company, on this industry, I thought I'd be doing all the fans, all the boys in the back, and all the management a favor"

Yet now he comes back sounding like his Johnny Badass all of a sudden. Now as a "Heel" he sure sounds like a pussy trying to sound like a tough guy.

Look Mr. Evans I’m not about to go Shoot/4th wall on....Wait this upcoming show is a PPV, So never mind I guess I will go Shoot/4th wall like the last PPV promos I did.

Blasted Monk: Oh Shit here we go again.

Jon Dough: So that said

Blasted Monk: Wait not this time Jon save that for someone worth it.

Jon nods and agrees with Blasted Monk

Jon Dough:

As a matter of fact some of the guys on the roster were probably in diapers when I got started. Never in my career have I walked out on a company. Never in my career have I let something or someone get to me so bad that I quit. Well, it happened and I did.

Ok so to be clear you been around for many years, you know how the game works, so what I'm getting is that you didn’t like the fact that you were not the main event. News flash it’s about what the fans want. Not what you want, or the current SCW champ, or NXT, or the owners of SCW. So until you understand it’s not about you, you will always just be in a place that is not the main event. But I'm sure you know that which is why you hung it up. After a while you decide to come back and try your best to belittle others.

What is the point of saying hey you’re a nothing. Now if you were to beat a nothing did that really make you look good no it does not, now if you lose to a nothing then what would that say about you?

Look Mr. Evans you’re a good wrestler no doubt about it. I can’t wait to get in the ring with you. However I’m nothing like you see you get in the ring for yourself. I do it for the fans. So yes the fans will cheer NXT and Jon Dough while booing you thru out the match. I hope that won’t throw you off your game. That said welcome back and for THE FANS let’s have a dam good match.

Jon walks away and jumps off the raft to play in the water with the whales again. Orchid walks to the camera.

Orchid: Oh and I know you won’t be alone Mr. Evans no worries neither will Jon as I will be there to make sure your little bimbo doesn’t try anything with Jon.
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Offline Blaque Hart

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    • Blaque Hart Bruce Evans
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2014, 11:52:03 PM »
 ***Outside at the Desert Sun Stadium in Yuma, Arizona just two days before Violent Conduct Two. The crew is getting the stadium together for the big event as various S.C.W. crew members sweat in the hot desert sun setting up the ring, entrance, announce table etc... The Camera pans around the old stadium until it stops on Blaque Hart Bruce Evans sitting in the bleachers. He's in the very back far from all the crew set up seated high and far from where the home plate is in this baseball stadium. He's wearing black jean shorts, a vintage red and black Blaque Hart: I am LEGEND t-shirt, and black and red Jordan's. Hair as usual tied back in a ponytail, and shades covering his eyes. He takes a sip of water from his water bottle, removes his shades, and looks directly into the camera, with the sun's glare off his face***

BHBE: Violent Conduct part two. It was this very show on September 23rd of 2012 that I wrestled my last match for this company, at least my last match with any confidence against a man named Bo Dreamwolf. A man I had been in a feud with for a while. Had various matches with this man. Different stipulations in those matches. The last match, Violent Conduct 2012 was a "scientific" match. A match in which everything is based on your technical wrestling abilities. Something I've throughout my career have been proud to say I've been the best at. That night in Tokyo, Japan, in front of some of the best wrestling fans in the world, that theory was challenged, and beat. It changed me, it really changed me forever. I was beat. Beat with a German Suplex. One of the most basic moves in this business. It hurt me, it really killed my pride, it made me re think some things. Just two months later at High Stakes I lost again. Against the same man, in a HARDCORE match, another one of my specialties. Again it killed me. I sent me home, it was my last match for Sin City Wrestling...

***Evans takes a brief pause to wipe away a small sweat spot from his forehead***

BHBE: Almost two years later I am back! I am in the best physical and mental shape of my entire life and this Sunday right here from Arizona the world will see. A lot of people in the business have been questioning my sanity for wanting to get back in that ring. I don't blame them. To be honest I've never claimed to be the most sane person alive. But, all the doubters will be shut up this weekend as I not only make my return to the ring, but my return to glory above all. Jon Dough. If you think for one split second that this is going to be a work out match for you, a quick victory for you, a walk in the park. My friend you have got another thing coming. Because ya see, this Sunday Night. Right here in front of 10,500 fans. I show the world once again why this business just ain't the same without the Blaque Hart. If your memory was foggy before, then when I am done with you Jon, it's going to be even worse!

***Bruce pauses again to take a sip of water, glance down at his watch, and continues***

BHBE: 1996 is when I made my debut in this business. Eighteen years ago. Rookie of the year, won my first title in that same year. It may have just been a television title, but it was a launching pad to me winning that companies world championship just months later. Recognized as the best world champion in that company's history. Wrestler of the year in only my second year. Feud of the year in my second year. I've accomplished more in my first two years than you Jon, have probably accomplished in your whole life. Ya walk around here covering your face, hiding your identity because from what I believe, you're ashamed of yourself. You know yourself what a nobody you are. You know that no matter what you do in that ring, in your life, will NEVER EVER compare even a tenth to me and all of my accomplishments. I see that you've been a tag team champion here in Sin City. Must make ya happy huh? Well, remember that because as long as I am around it's going to be the only thing you can be proud of. That goes not only to just you, but to each and every man on that roster.

***Evans looks down at the ring crew setting up the ring***

BHBE: Those people right there are a part of history. For they are setting up the ring, the very ring that I am going to make my return in. The ring that is going to be historic for that very reason. A ring that's going to somewhere in the future be sold on e-bay for millions, hell maybe billions of dollars. The ring that the Legend, the Franchise Player, the Icon himself competed in. Sin City Wrestling. My first go here wasn't as successful as I had intended. But I can guarantee you all that this time around is going to be pure EPIC. I am here for one reason and one reason only. To climb back to the top. As being at the top will mean I represent this company as your world heavyweight champion!

***Evans stands up, grabs his bottle of water, and starts walking down the bleachers as he continues to talk***

BHBE: In just two nights, you are all invited to be a part of history. You are all invited to be there when I beat Jon Dough in that very ring and start my way back to the top. Sin City Wrestling, you've officially been warned. I'm back, and things are fixing to change. Jon, keep on wasting your time riding whales out in Vegas, not worrying about me. In the end, you'll find it was your biggest mistake. Lastly, if that little bitch Orchid even thinks about trying to get anywhere near this match, that bimbo you're referring to, my wife will make sure you never show that ugly face of yours around here again!  See yall Sunday!!!

***Evans walks down to watch the ring crew and S.C.W. crew continue to set up for the show as the scene fades out***
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 12:34:23 AM by Blaque Hart »
The Franchise Player</font color>