Author Topic: Rage Turned Inward  (Read 394 times)

Offline DrakeGreen

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    • Drake Green
Rage Turned Inward
« on: August 15, 2014, 11:39:21 PM »

Rage Turned Inward

”Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him.” –Louis L’Amour

”By nature I’ve always been a patient man. I’ve never been much of a reactionary; instead I’ve always been the one with the long term plan. You may say I’m of the ‘dish served cold’ variety. There have been many times in my life that I laid out and executed a plot or an idea to bring things full circle and to give myself the upper hand. I’m a man of strategy and that’s something that I pride myself on. But with you Rage, all that goes out the window…”

“I find myself using words like ‘hate’ and ‘punish’ when you come up in conversation. Words like ‘dismember’ and ‘maim’ also come to mind. It’s uncontrollable now. Maybe I did misjudge you. Maybe I thought too high of myself or too low of you but that’s over with now. It’s a new game and a new plan and the only strategy that is left is to beat the living hell out of you in San Diego. There will be no running this time. My back will not be turned away from that ugly mug of yours. There will be nowhere to hide on Sunday.”

August 14th, 2014 – Gold Standard Agency; Las Vegas, NV – 6:30 PM

[The camera fades into a large office. Beautiful wood with gold inlay lines and covers the walls all the way to the built in bar along the back wall. The far wall has a large desk with papers shuffled around and three different computer screens on the top. Across from the desk is a large burgundy leather couch with speakers on either side playing classical music. The front door to the office opens and in walks SCW Heavyweight Champion Drake Green and his friend and trainer Max Proffo. Drake is wearing a brown suit, brown leather shoes, and a white shirt with an open collar. Max, a blue suit and light blue shirt.]

Drake: Hello?

[A loud flush is heard from behind the bathroom door in the back of the office. Out walks Barry Goldstein who is wearing grey suit pants, a purple shirt and tie, and a set of dark brown suspenders]

Barry: Champ! Slim Jim!

[Barry walks over to give Drake a hung but Green moves back a bit and throws his hands up.]

Drake: Whoa, how come every time I come here you’re just getting out of the bathroom?

Barry: How do you think I stay this thin?

Max: I thought it was the cocaine…

[Barry smiles.]

Barry: Ok fine, ya got me. So what are you fine fellas doing here? I got a seven o’clock with an Asian and an ending, which is happy.

Max: Always the gentleman, Barry.

Barry: I try. So seriously I gotta get movin’ and shakin’. What can I do for you guys?

Drake: I wanted to talk to you about this Rage problem.

Barry: Ok, talk.

Drake: I want you to call Erik Staggs and have him make this match no disqualification.

Barry: Well I can’t really. Erik and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms after that no good traitor nephew of his went behind my back and signed with that weasel fuck Declan Krause.

Drake: You’re seriously still upset about that?

[Barry stares at Drake with a blank look.]

Drake: Ok, geez…

Max: Well what about calling Mark Ward? I know he doesn’t exactly like any of us but I know he pretty much despises Rage too.

Drake: No, no way. I don’t want Ward any where near any of this.

Max: Well can’t we call Christian Underwood? We don’t have any problems with him do we?

Drake: No, not at all. Christian is a great guy.

[Max and Drake turn to Barry who is looking up toward the ceiling trying to look as innocent as possible.]

Max: What?

Barry: There may be a slight issue there…

Drake: What issue could you possibly have with Underwood?

Barry: I may have shown him penis last year at the SCW Christmas party.

[Max shakes his head and Drake lets out a chuckle.]

Drake: Why did you do that?

Barry: He’s gay…

Drake: So?

Barry: I wanted to give him a cheap thrill…

Max: Let me get this straight. You showed your penis to the owner of Sin City Wrestling because you thought he would be happy about it?

Barry: Well, yes. But he wasn’t exactly that happy.

Max: Well of course he wasn’t that happy.

Barry: Please, he should be so luck to have a piece of ass like this.

[Drake interrupts them.]

Drake: Look, back to the point. I want to beat this guy’s face in with a steel chair. Can we make this happen or not?

Barry: I’ll make some calls. But seriously, I gotta run. April’s got the best hands in Vegas…IIIIIFFFF you know what I mean.

[Barry winks at Max.]

Max: You’re disgusting.

Drake: I want this, Barry. Make it happen.

Barry: I said I would make a few calls. Let’s talk some more about it at the ALS thing.

[Drake drops all expression from his face.]

Drake: What ALS thing?

Barry: You know, the ALS thing.

Drake: No, clearly I do not know.

Barry: The ice bucket thing. The kids get to dump the cold water over your head and then people donate money.   

Max: Yeah, the ALS Ice Bucket thing…

[Drake turns to Max and then back to Barry.]

Drake: I didn’t agree to this.

Barry: Actually, you did.

Drake: Well, cancel it. I’m not doing it.

Max: What?

Barry: It’s not that simple, Champ.

Drake: Simplify it. I’m not going.

Barry: Yes, you are. We advertised the shit out of this. I can’t cancel at the last minute on this one. No can do.

Drake: Figure it out, Barry. That’s why I fucking pay you.

[Drake turns and walks out of the office leaving Max and Barry standing in the center of the room.]

Barry: What’s gotten in to him?

Max: I’m not sure. He’s been testy lately.

Barry: Talent. Look I need you to get him there for me, ok?

Max: I’ll take care of it. But let me ask you a question.

Barry: I will not kiss you, Slim Jim.

[Barry turns and walks around his desk and starts to shuffle through some papers while standing behind it.]

Max: Seriously. Did you really flash Christian Underwood?

Barry: Do I look like the kind of guy that would do such a thing?

[Max stares at Barry.]

Barry: Good point. But no I did not. Do you really think I wanna let crazy psycho anger man go to town on our Champion with a fucking lead pipe or whatever else he can get his hands on. If this thing stays a fair fight, Drake can take him in the ring. He’s a better wrestler and a better tactician. But if this thing turns into a brawl…

[Barry purposely lets his sentence trail off.]

Max: That’s what I figured.

Barry: Look, I really gotta run.

Max: Yeah I know, hand jobs.

Barry: Massage…

Max: Uh huh.

Barry: Just make sure you get grumpy pants over to the park tomorrow, ok?

Max: He’ll be there.

[The scene fades out as Max walks out of the office.]

“What is Rage? I’ve been wondering that recently, what the word actually means. If you look at it in it’s actual verb context, which I did, it means to act or speak with fury; show or feel violent anger; move, rush, dash, or surge furiously. That’s a lot of different ways to explain anger in motion, which is what you truly are. I’ve been trying to research this phenomena which is you, my useless opponent, and I’m starting to think that you’re not real; that you’re a figment of someone’s imagination. A character made up to try and prove to people that you’re relevant. To show the people, MY PEOPLE, that you’re important. I know you whine and bitch about how you don’t care what they think about you or what you do and how you do it but the truth is, I know you do. We all do. If we didn’t we wouldn’t be here. We all need that acceptance and their adulation in one way or another. People call me the fraud but they should really start pointing their fingers at you, Rage. You’re the biggest fraud of them all.”

“Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we? And no I’m not talking how you cheaply blindsided me at Climax Control a few weeks ago or how you tried to provoke me along the way. I’m not talking about how you cornered me at Into The Void 3 before I even won this belt because you saw the writing on the wall. You knew the outcome of that match and you so desperately wanted to sink your teeth in to something that mattered. You were jealous of all of the glory and respect that I was getting so you picked your spot. You attacked me when you knew it would have the most attention and garner the most reaction. You did it live on national television, when the whole English speaking world was watching so you could get the acknowledgement you wanted and so that it could create the backlash that you wanted it to. Not just a Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Title match but also a match against the greatest Showstopper that ever lived. But I digress...I want to go further back. Before any of that. Before you faked an arm injury to get out of facing Mark Ward. Before you left your fellow stable mate Despayre hanging in a lurch. Before you put all of us to sleep….”

“I wanna know what type of child Rage was. I want to know where he came from and what he did. I want to know how on Earth there was ever a mother that could love such an ugly face. You’re a mystery to our world. The only thing I know about you is that you like to catch head from the old man Synn. That you like huff and puff and bore the hell out of everyone that watches. But I plan on making it my number one priority going forward to dig up that past that you seem so desperate to forget. It is now my life’s ambition to bring up every putrid and horrific memory you have so you can relive through it all. I hope it’s just as tormenting as it was before. Win lose or draw on Sunday…you now have an enemy. An enemy that you truly have never seen the likes of.”

August 15th, 2014 – Police Memorial Park; Las Vegas, NV – 10:00 AM

[The camera fades back in outside at Police Memorial Park In Las Vegas. Set up in front of a reporter and some photographers are three children standing on stools with buckets of ice water in front of them. Off to the side and off camera are Drake Green and Max Proffo. Drake is wearing a black tank top and back gym shorts. He paces back and forth as Barry Goldstein is seen heading towards them in the background of the park. Drake begins to pace more angrily as Barry gets closer.]

Barry: Showtime!

Drake: What?

Barry: Well hello to you too.

Drake: Did you talk to Underwood yet?

Barry: No…I-

[Drake cuts him off.]

Drake: Why not?

Barry: I just don’t think it’s a good idea, Drake.

Drake: I’m sorry I forgot that I paid you for weighing in on wrestling matches.

Max: Drake!

Drake: Look you said you’re the guy that could get me anything I wanted, right?

Barry: This isn’t-

[Drake cuts him off again.]

Drake: I want this match with no disqualification. Can you deliver or not?

Max: Just stop it, D.

Drake: I want an answer.

Barry: The answer is no, I won’t do it. You wanna beat this guy? Do it in the ring. You’re better than him but not at his game. You beat him in the ring and make him tap out and we move on to bigger and better things.

Drake: Bigger and better things?

Barry: Yes.

Drake: Like what? ALS fucking ice bucket challenges?

Barry: Branding Drake, this is for your image.

Drake: This is bullshit. Dumping ice cold water on myself in the middle of the desert on a hot fucking Friday morning is really righteous. Give me a break!

Max: Cool it, D.

Drake: Come on this is a joke. I’m fucking out of here!

[Max steps in front of Drake.]

Max: Like hell you are.

Drake: I can’t do this, Maxy. Not now.

Max: Give me one good reason why not.

[Drake stares at Max for a second. He thinks about finally telling Max his secret. Telling him what Phyllis had driven all the way to Vegas to tell him on the eve of Into The Void 3. He closes his eyes for a moment and imagines all of the weight that would be lifted off of his shoulders when he finally got that off of his chest. His thoughts get interrupted as a production assistant walks over and interrupts.]

PA: Umm, Mr. Green? We’re ready for you.   

[Drake opens his eyes. He thinks about how great it would be for it to be out in the open but then it hits him. He realizes that both Max and Barry would never let him get in to the ring with Rage if they knew the truth, if they knew how his father died and why his neck was so weak in the first place. He turns to Barry and then turns back to Max. He looks over to his right and sees the children smiling, waiting to dump ice cold water on their hero for a cause they knew nothing about. He nods to Max and then walks over to the children. He puts a smile on his face that looks natural and easy. He shakes the hands of the children’s parents. He turns to the camera and says a few words before smiling again as he gets soaked in ice cold water. The camera cuts to black.]

The most magical, the most fantastical Showstopper of all time...

Former SCW World Heavyweight Champion

Former SCW Roulette Champion [1x]

Twitter: @The_RealDG