Author Topic: Asterisk, the Fourth: What Did the Fox Say?  (Read 360 times)

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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Asterisk, the Fourth: What Did the Fox Say?
« on: August 08, 2014, 11:47:21 PM »
AUGUST 8, 2014
WEEK 31 � Day 219

It's been a whirlwind three and a half months, but I'm back to writing again. So, what's happened so far since my last update? Well, let's see now....There was the six week Africa Tour, I became the number one contender to the Roulette Championship, then I became the first-ever two-time Bombshell Tag Team Champions with Traci, and then lost our titles three weeks later – talk about deja vu all over again –  and I became the latest member of the Mean Girls.

We didn't quite hit it off at first, but Delia and her friends finally came around. I think a lot of people were surprised when I joined the stable. I was surprised that I was the lucky one to win their audition. That same night, I took part in attacking Misty who unretired and returned to SCW after five months. Probably not the return she was expecting, but it wasn't a bad night for me either.

That is until the rest of the Bombshells came pouring out of the lockerroom, but by that time we left our mark and the damage was done.

Not a bad night for my first time as a Mean Girl.

Not a bad night at all.

�  ï¿½ �

Carmen Reyes's Home, Santa Monica, California
Following Climax Control 89
6 August 2014

Carmen: Hey, how did your match go?

Mercedes: I didn't have a match this week.

Carmen: No, but you had a match last week.

Mercedes: Wouldn't you like to know?

Carmen: Uh, yeah, that's why I asked.

I know it may look like I was being like a bitch, but that's only because I was acting like a bitch.

Mercedes: Like I have to explain myself to you. You watched the pay-per-view just like everybody else. So I didn't leave Rome as tournament champion. Big deal.

Carmen: Funny, because you were making a big deal out of it the moment the card was announced.

Mercedes: Even the best loses matches sometimes. Like I said, it's nothing to worry about. I'll just try again next year.

Carmen gives a long hard look at Mercedes. She wanted to say something, but decided to hold her tongue. Getting up, she shakes her head.

Carmen: You've changed.

�  ï¿½ �

We find Mercedes with Delia, who is showing her the ropes as the newest member of The Mean Girls. This is over the next few days following Climax Control 89.

I found out a lot of things hanging out with Delia. Before SCW, she used to wrestle for some company called New York Divas Wrestling. Things went sour early on between her and management and she only wrestled two matches before she left there.

Their loss.

She and Angelica became fast friends, and it was Angelica who got Delia's foot in the door of SCW. Angie doesn't have a lot of ring experience, but she excels at being a manager, and a very good one at that. She's a long-time friend of Hollywood, or Alex when he isn't doing his Clark Kent impersonation. The two met at a regional beauty pageant in California, which Alex won, and they've been inseparable ever since. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a drag queen expert, but to each their own. And then there's Veronica, the other founding member of the group, along with Delia and Angelica. She's a somewhat good wrestler from what I've heard, and, like myself, has quite the mouth on her.

Contessa is from London, though you wouldn't know it by her accent. It was Hot Stuff who brought her into SCW, and she became his valet, though it didn't really make her stand out. Delia, Angie, and Holly confronted her after an exchange of words on Twitter, and Tessa was at the receiving end of a beatdown. No one knows for sure how Tessa suddenly became friends after that, and she wouldn't tell me, either. Del and Angie has been training her to become a wrestler for a few months now.

Only time will tell if Tessa will ever be any good at it.

For now, she's made to suffer as the de facto gopher of The Mean Girls and Delia's all-around bitch slave. Paying the bill at expensive restaurants, carrying their bags, delivering bottled water. It's a hard knock life. Still, no matter what mundane tasks she has to put up with, Tess has a smile on her face.

Keep calm and carry on.

Liz is, or rather was, the newest member before I came along. Almost immediately she became famous – or infamous – when she signed her SCW contract, ruffling quite a few feathers in the Bombshells Division and SCW as a whole.

And here I thought it was her picture perfect smile.

Despite being a highly sought after cover model and socialite at that, Liz gets a lot of grief in her life, both personally and professionally, but you know something? She's not a really bad person once you get to know her.

Just ask the haters she seems to attract on Twitter on a daily basis.

Scene cuts to The Mean Girls at an 80's themed party at an exclusive nightclub. Blondie's “Hanging on the Telephone” blares away from the nighclub's sound system. Mercedes somehow pulls off a rocker chick look, though it's a little sleazy to her taste while the rest of the group dress to impress from a decade gone by. A few days later, we find Mercedes surrounded by the girls as Delia hands her a scrapbook.

It took some time before the other girls warmed up to me. My tangent of going off in Spanglish sure didn't help matters, but they got used to it. That day, I got to hold the Holy Grail of The Mean Girls – The Burn Book. The segments were well known, but they still kept a running account on all their victims.

Mercedes is handed said scrap book and flips through the pages.

In these hallowed pages, there were people Mercedes barely heard of – The Diamonds and Derek Thrones and London Axels; people she knew very well – the Jessie Salcos, Roxi Johnsons, and Odette Ryders; and those she couldn't care less about – the Electra Styles, Steve Ramones, and Cindy Warrens. Not even Brandi Shotze, Simon Jones or Liz Smalls was spared.

Champion or not. Veteran or rookie. Superhero or wannabe. Whether you made a name for yourself or just a welcoming mat, you pissed off Delia or The Mean Girls, you found your name on their blacklist. And God help you if you're still in SCW by the time they had their way with you. I'm almost afraid to find what Delia or the other girls would write up about me if I even entertained the idea of betraying them.

I couldn't help but wonder if I was making the biggest decision of my life or the biggest mistake. Sure, we all make them and nine times out of ten, we're thankful that we at least learn from it. They say experience is the best teacher, after all.

I just wasn't sure if I would be the student or the lesson.

�  ï¿½ �

Open up on an unusually breeze late evening where we find Mercedes Vargas walking along the Santa Monica pier while barefoot. The sun has sunken below the horizon and the low tide glittered invitingly. The usual crowd was here. The residents, the surfers, and the accidental tourist. All were welcome. The camera focuses on Mercedes as she continues walking..

“I've been waiting a long time for this. How long? How about, oh, I don't know, 14 months. And yet all that time I've been making a name for myself since I set foot in Sin City Wrestling. No one expected that I would finally get this opportunity of a lifetime. No one expected that I would somehow become a two-time Bombshell Tag Team and Roulette Champion, or that I had the longest Bombshell unpinned/unsubmitted streak for a good nine months, or that I still haven't been pinned or made to submit in a singles match, now going on for, yes, you guessed it, 14 months, and counting.

“And when I say “and counting” Vixen I'm saying that come Climax Control 90 from Sound Night Club in Los Angeles, I'm going to accomplish something that you just did nine months ago – and that's become a Triple Crown Champion. Honestly, I don't know who's going to be in worse shape: Misty after the beatdown me and the rest of Mean Girls put on her last show, or you after the match you had with Odette at Into the Void III three weeks ago. If you come into our match at fifty percent, I'll meet you half way. Because I won't even need to beat you at 100% to walk out with your title. At least have a fighting chance. But that's all you have left, sweetheart – a fighting chance.”

Mercedes reaches the boardwalk, leaning against one of the railings. Her tone remains serious, but there's some mockery in there, too. As a cool breeze from the Santa Ana wind plays with her hair, she brushes the strands away from her eyes and continues.

“Vixen, I know that you've enjoyed the past two weeks. Not only did you retain your title successfully against Odette, but I'm sure you were backstage smiling while watching Odette and her hubby, Gabriel, given their walking papers and escorted from the arena. It's a great day for us all, isn't it, Vixen? You can now breath a sigh of relief, the war is over, and you're walking on sunshine. Well, not quite, sweetheart. Everyone knows that your current reign is nothing more but a sham - not as worse as Roxi's two reigns were - but a sham just the same. And this Sunday, I'm going to do the right thing and put an end to it. And even if you get past me – and that's a big IF – good luck against Delia.”

“Violent Conduct II is in six weeks. Do you remember what happened during the first event? You won't have long to wait because you won't even be making it there, let alone defending the title. Goodbye 7-week sham of a title run. We hardly knew ye.

There's a smirk here, and she doesn't hide it. She turns and walks a little further on the pier and leaned down to sit as she looked out at the calm water.

“I put my ear to the ground and I hear the doubters and the critics and the naysayers. They don't think I can do it. They say even if I win the Bombshell Championship, it will only be because of the Mean Girls finding some way to cheat and help me win. The funny thing about that is, I haven't been known to cheat in any of my matches, and you know this. I'm too good of a wrestler to resort to cheating, and you know this. And it's not like I need to against someone like you. I'll just beat you. Delia may have my back, but I don't need her. I can take care of myself. Delia has my back, but who has yours, Vixen? You know what I think it is? The girls in the back, they don't think you can do it. They see the writing on the wall just like I do. 7 weeks as Bombshell Champion, that's great and all, Vixen, and I want you to enjoy it while it lasts because at Climax Control 90, it's all over.

"For you, for Vincent Peterson, and for Misty.

“It's Mean Girls 3, Team Jealous Janis 0.”

Mercedes holds up three fingers.

“You know, if I had a middle name, “history” would be it. Last name Vargas, first name Mercedes. Prefaced by the most important thing – New Bombshell Champion.”

« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 08:47:40 AM by Mercedes Vargas »

2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)