Author Topic: Prove your might Surf Boys  (Read 304 times)

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    • "Big Tiger" Jeremiah Hardin
Prove your might Surf Boys
« on: August 08, 2014, 07:06:46 AM »
 (Alright check it yall….we in Hollywood California, checking out Mann’s Chinese Theater. One of my favorite places to come to when we in Cali cause we get to see the handprints of the celebrities. I see the ones of one of my favorite, Sylvester Stallone. Unc, and my Emme are with me. Unc’s clothing line has made us our official R.O.A.R. line of t-shirts and stuff like that, which we are wearing. Unc is wearing his cool looking fedora, black jeans and boots. My Emme is wearing blue jeans and some sexy shoes, while I am wearing black jeans and one of those beret looking hats.

We then enter the theater and look around. Its still as beautiful as it was the last time I came here. My Emme gets a text on her smartphone and she smiles.)

Diamond: Hey fellas, got a text from Mr. Underwood that you have a match this week.

Jeremiah: Sweetness. Who we got?

Diamond: The Surf Boys.

Jeremiah: Aww man, really?

Dark Tiger: Now Jeremiah, you know better than that. The Surf Boys are SCW Originals, and they have been a team longer than we have. Yes, they may seem harmless, but we should not underestimate them. Besides, if we want to get the ROAR name out there, we got to start somewhere.

(My uncle was right as always. One of the things he has taught me if I wanted to be honorable and respectable like he has been is you should never underestimate your opponents. The Surf Boys are indeed SCW Originals and they have been a tag team for a long time, and we just started getting the ROAR name out there.)

Jeremiah: You are a tag team specialist too Unc. I am just ready to get back to fighting.

Dark Tiger: I know Jeremiah, and there will be plenty of time for that.

Diamond: Definitely.

(Then a camera man approaches us.)

Diamond: Hey, you want to talk to my guys here? You got to talk to me first.

(We look at her.)

Diamond: Im just kidding. What’s up Los Angelitos of the SCW Universe. Diamond here with my mon amour, “Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin, and his uncle Dark Tiger, Collectively known as Rebels On a Rampage, or ROAR. Sure things didn’t go as planned at Into the Void III, but that’s ok though. Isn’t that right baby?

Jeremiah: That’s right my queen. Simon, Ben, you two are amazing talents, and it was an honor to start our tag team against you two. We didn’t mean to attack you after the match. You know how it is sometimes. Sometimes frustrations sat in, and we took our frustrations from losing out on you. We do respect you two, and Simon my man, we hope you come back real soon.

Dark Tiger: That’s right. Even though I have just signed with SCW, I am no stranger to this business, and we got beat by two outstanding talents, and I agree with my nephew when it comes to you Simon. We would love to work with you on down the road. Same with you Ben.

Diamond: Now, moving on from that. Mr. Underwood has given my guys here an opportunity to really get the ROAR name on track. Surf Boys, how you doing fellas? Are you feeling good? You must be stoked when you found out you were getting some tag action in. It must have been a while since you had been seen inside the SCW ring. You two are SCW Originals, and no doubt about it, these two look forward to seeing what you got against them at Climax Control.

Jeremiah: No doubt. Fellas, we want your best in that ring this Sunday. We don’t want you to think we are underestimating yall, ‘cause we ain’t. You two know what its like to coexist as a team, and we get that.

(I pat my Unc on the back.)

Jeremiah: This man right here will tell you that whether we like you or we hate you, If you put up a fight against us, we will respect you.

Dark Tiger: Surf Boys, we want to see how big of a fight you can bring us. We want to see why you are called SCW Originals. We don’t want pushovers in our way. We want to stake our claim at the top of the tag team mountain, but we want to fight to get there. I have accomplished a lot in my career in this business, but as tall and as menacing looking as I am, I had to fight to get there, and trust me fellas, its an awesome feeling when you have to fight for something, because it makes it that much sweeter when you actually achieve it.

Jeremiah: Fellas, We will see you this Sunday, and let me tell you it will feel like a battlefield when you step in the ring with ROAR.

(We leave Mann’s Chinese theater as the scene fades to our logo.)

[so endeth the RP]  

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6' 6" 245 lbs.
Washington DC

Themes: Soldiers by Otherwise (CC)
Don't Tread on Me by Metallica (PPV)

Finishers: Tiger's Ambition (Double Underhook Whiplash)

Big Tiger Impact (see how the Double A Spinbuster is done, but replace the spinbuster with the Bulldog Powerslam)

Tiger Cross Suplex (Jeremiah puts the opponent in the cloverleaf, but instead of turning his opponent over, he picks his opponent up and does a bridging suplex for a pin)

Big Tiger Lock (Jeremiah underhooks his opponent's arms like he is going for a Tiger suplex but with one arm, and then takes the other arm and brings it around his opponent's neck for a guillotine choke while the opponent's arms are still underhooked.)

SCW Accomplishments
SCW Roulette Champion (1 time, Defeated Max Burke)

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