Author Topic: JAMIE D/KATHERINE K vs SEAN JACKSON/MARISOL  (Read 1209 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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« on: July 06, 2014, 09:52:14 PM »
 First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 07/12/2014
England: 04:59am Sunday 07/13/2014

Post all RPs here!
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 05:01:51 AM by Mark Ward »

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline sean jackson

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    • Sean Jackson
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 01:25:06 AM »
 What is Reality?  A Sean Jackson rp for Into The Void 3 (1)

"The movement is crawling along, but it will soon pick up steam.  It isn't about titles, it isn't about following the frauds.  It's about the money, it's about the power, it's all about resp...."

"No, screw respect.  When you're a card carrying member of Hot Stuff International, respect isn't earned.  It's taken, especially from the lower rung peons who aren't even qualified to lick my boots."

"Now don't get me wrong, as far as I'm concerned, everyone who isn't a member of HSI is unworthy to be in the ring with me.  But sometimes, there has to be exceptions to even that rule.  Take Jamie Dean for instance.  Yes, even that dimwit proved that a broken clock can be right twice a day, but not much else.  All Jamie proved at Climax Control two weeks ago was that even a blind dog can find a bone...."

"If put under his nose."

"But that was my fault.  It was my fault because I gave him hope, I gave him that false sense of security, thinking that I wasn't the evil monster that everyone portrayed me to be.  But if not for the easy marks like Jamie Dean, there wouldn't be the easy targets known as Drake Green."

As the camera comes to life, Sean Jackson is shown standing in front of it, a determined look adorns his face.  Dressed in his own logo HSI shirt, blue jeans, and boots.  He doesn't miss a beat while continuing with the topic at hand.

"Much like Drake Green did more than a year ago, you too, managed to steal a cheap win against me.  But Jamie, just like Drake Green, you also failed to realize why I'm here.  As far as I'm concerned, the SCW heavyweight title can be mine anytime I want it, whether handed to me by Hot Stuff Mark Ward, or taken from whomever the flavor of the month happens to be."

"Now don't get me wrong Jamie.  I'm sure you're capable of winning against just about anybody.  But don't forget that I'm not just anybody.  I'm a man who was specifically brought in by Mr. Ward, to do one thing...."

As the camera pans back a bit, the NWA world heavyweight title comes into view.  It's laying across a desk, immediately to Sean's left.  It's so close, Sean can almost reach out and grasp it with his right hand.  But he doesn't.

"And it wasn't to win titles."

Sean gives it a quick glance before shifting his attention back to the camera.

"Nope, not even close.  But that means you've got to ask yourself the million dollar question.  If it's not to win titles, then why am I here?"

A smile forms across the face of the man simply known as the Mental Rapist.  Sure, this sounds like nothing more than an out of ring promo, a typical Sean Jackson sound byte.

Or is it?

"That's simple, like I said, I'm here to injure people.  I'm here to drill my knee through the back of as many skulls as I can.  But not only that Jamie, I'm here for the lost souls.  I'm here for the souls of those Sin City fans who choose to follow frauds like Drake Green, like Simon Jones, and especially like YOU Jamie Dean.  Yes, especially those who follow you Jamie."

Sean pauses momentarily as he lets that last sentence sink in.  As if he relishes it.  Probably because he does.

"I say you because the way I see it, you're just as big a fraud as they come.  If not bigger.  But upon looking at you Jamie, I'd say being a fraud seems to be the biggest thing about you."




The distraction causes Sean's attention to divert from the camera, and to the door, on his right hand side, which is across the room.  As Sean again smiles, he holds up his index finger and prepares to make his way to the door.

"Excuse me a moment Jamie, that sounds important."

As Sean makes his way to the door, it swings open ever so slightly until a woman's leg becomes visible.  On the foot is a star studded high heel, with a gold anklet wrapped around, covering the ankle.  You want to think that the leg belongs to Vanessa, but it isn't dark enough to be hers.

woman's voice:  "Mr. Jackson?"

Nope, that isn't Vanessa's voice either.  Sean smiles as he pulls the door open, revealing a very beautiful, very voluptuous, young 22 year old woman named Amanda Ross.  Standing in the door, in a very short business skirt, the young woman again asks...

Amanda:  "Mr. Jackson?"

Sean ever so slightly looks at the camera, in an ever so slight *breaking the fourth wall* type of way, and winks.  He then looks back at Amanda Ross.

Jackson:  "Why yes, yes I am Sean Jackson.  Now how can I help you?"

Amanda looks over his shoulder, and into the room behind him.

Amanda:  "Well for starters, you can invite me in."

Sean stands there, for a couple of seconds, mesmerized by the beauty in front of him.  But then, he realizes that basically she's waiting to be invited in.

Jackson:  Uh sure, come on in."

As Amanda walks by, Sean can't help but follow the contours of her body, from the long, dark hair, all the way down to the golden anklet on her left foot.  He takes a couple of deep breaths as she comes to a stop, halfway into the room, and spins around.

Amanda:  "I have been paying attention to you and Vanessa for quite a while now, and honestly, I have a proposition for you."

Again, Sean smiles.  A little girl, girl, guy action perhaps?  Maybe Belinda Simone will want a piece of the action.

Amanda:  "Now granted, I know that the two of you want to spread your influence throughout the entertainment world.  I know that the two of you even want to change the wrestling landscape.  Well, I've gotten with Vanessa and this is what we've come up with..."

Wait a minute Sean thought to himself.  What in the world could this young lady know about professional wrestling?  What proposition short of her skirt down and legs up could she possibly know about wrestling?

Amanda:  "Your very own reality show."

A reality show he thinks to himself?  why in the hell would he want to do that?  why would he want to put his life out there, for millions of people to judge his every movement?  To be made to look just as stupid as Honey Boo Boo, or Storage Wars.  Was she nuts?

Or maybe she isn't, because there she stands, still waiting on a verbal reaction from Sean Jackson.  When an answer isn't forth coming in a timely enough manner, she decides to repeat herself.

Amanda:  "Did you not hear me?  I said, your own reality show."

Jackson:  "Oh, I heard you.  It's just that I can't believe you had the audacity to say it a second time.  I know that you're young and not up on professional wrestling current events, so I'll do you a favor and take the time to educate you.  First off, I'm not some geriatric that belongs in the old folks home.  Secondly, I'm not some third rate hack in an organization up north of here, which is spiraling down the sewer...."

Sean stops himself.

Jackson:  "In other words, why would I need to lower myself to the standards of a bunch of duck people?  or, a foul mouthed little retarded kid and her equally brain dead mother, in a show called Honey Boo Boo....

Sean grabs his head, as if he's just developed a migraine.

Jackson:  "Damn, just thinking about that show gives me a freaking headache.  Just seeing that tub of lard even once is enough to make me want to dig my own eyes out.  Kind of reminds me of that butt ranger Jamie Dean...."

He shudders as Amanda breaks a smile.  At least he's cracking jokes, which is always a good sign.  That means he must be warming up a bit to the plan, the chance to get him on board with an idea that will turn Sin City into a true sinners paradise.

Amanda:  "Why set the bar that low?  Honey Boo Boo is small time, chump change, ugly even.  With what I've got planned, there's no room for ugly, there's no time for small change."

As this young woman continues to talk, Sean finds himself buying into what she's saying.  Maybe there was something to this reality show crap.

Amanda:  "The Duck Dynasty?  please.  The only dynasty will be you.  Storage Wars?  not hardly.  The war will be over, it will be YOU in that SCW ring, taking charge of everyone in front of you.  First 48 Hours?  you'll be so big, your opponents will be lucky to last 48 seconds."

Oh yes, this bitch is good.

Amanda:  "You'll have your pick of any network you want.  Before the first season is over, they'll all be trying to sign you.  Just like every wrestling organization the world over was trying to sign you.  But, like the consumate professional you are, you won't settle like the Jamie Dean's of the world will.  You will be able to hold out for the big money because that's what they'll all be offering.  Just think what Mark Ward did when he found out you were a free agent?"

It's true Sean thinks to himself.  When Mark Ward broke open the checkbook, it was by far more money than Brad Batee could have ever paid him.  He hadn't seen that many zeros since....

Well, nevermind.

Jackson:  "Okay, okay.  I get it.  You have a plan on making me the next big thing on television.  So tell me, exactly how do you plan on making this happen?"

From her skirt pocket, Amanda pulls out a small video recorder and holds it in her open hand.

Amanda:  "With this."

Spring 1999
The mirror's alternate reality.

For some reason, Sean felt compelled to head towards Las Vegas, Nevada.  He couldn't explain it anymore than he could explain why this young vietnamese woman wanted to wander with him.  He was running low on cash and ultimately, would have to find a job.  But, who would hire a man just kicked out of college for possession of marijuana?

As this alternate Sean continued walking along the highway, Vanessa couldn't help but understand the situation he'd been put in.  To her, this reality needed for Sean Jackson to finally drop the goody two shoes act and become the monster she so desperately needed....

And wanted.

Also, the fact that Sean was now heading to Las Vegas instead of Portland, Oregon was a welcomed site.  In Las Vegas, there were many more options available to her, options that would cause him to steal, to cheat, to lie.

Jackson:  "Why do you want to hang with a loser like me?"

He simply couldn't understand it.  There they were, walking along a desert highway, dirt and cactus for as far as the eye could see, and this beautiful woman was walking along side him.  He tried to question her reasoning, but couldn't come up with anything good himself.  Hell, he would walk away from this if he could, so why wouldn't she?

Vanessa:  "Why not?"

As they walk side by side, Vanessa doesn't look at him, choosing to stare straight ahead as they continue talking.

Vanessa:  "Being here with you makes just as much sense as being in Austin by myself..."

She smiles.

Vanessa:  "And besides, what fun is there in being by yourself?"

Sean shrugs.  She was right tho, there wasn't any fun in walking down that long and winding road all by himself.  He had his faith, which would be enough to get by on, but there was something about companionship that made even the longest of trips, seem a bit shorter.

Jackson:  "I guess you're right."

She puts her hand on his shoulder, turning her head ever so slightly in order to see if he was looking at her....

He was.

Vanessa:  "Of course I'm right.  You'll discover soon enough that I'll always be right."

As they share a smile, a seemingly common bond, they continue walking down the road, no vehicle in sight from any direction.  But in typical Sean Jackson fashion, he jokingly questions that last statement.

Jackson:  "Well, if you're so right.  Why are we here, in the middle of nowhere, with no gameplan in sight?"

Vanessa stops walking, causing Sean to also stop.

Vanessa:  "Why do you constantly put yourself down?  why do you always have to be so negative?"

She steps up to him, again placing her hand on his shoulder.  If she didn't have to garner his trust first, now would be the perfect time to sway Sean Jackson to the dark side.  But because she has to catch him at exactly the right time, she chooses this moment to build him up, instead of tearing him down.

Vanessa:  "I'm following you because I know exactly what you're capable of.  When I look at you, I see a man who's capable of doing anything he sets his mind on.  I see a man who will one day hold the entire world in his hands.  A man w...."

Jackson:  "A man who is standing in the middle of nowhere, with no clear and present idea in his head."

Sean looks over his shoulder.

Jackson:  "I blew it back there in Austin.  I could have gotten a degree, I could have performed in the NFL, and I could have been richer than my wildest dreams.  But instead...."

Vanessa:  "That's where you're wrong Sean.  Not only will you be richer than your wildest dreams, but you will have a smart and beautiful woman with you every step of the way.

Jackson:  "Really?  when do I meet her?"

As Vanessa gets that insulted look on her face, Sean busts out laughing, causing Vanessa to laugh as well.

Vanessa:  "You ass."

As she delivers several playful slaps on his arm, Sean halfway covers up, while throwing up a fake white flag.

Jackson:  "I surrender.  I surrender.

Vanessa:  "You really are an ass, you know that?"

Jackson:  "I know, I know.  It's a character flaw."

Well technically, it's a character flaw on the other Sean Jackson and not this one.  But because of what she must do, the plan is to make him just like the other Sean.

However, back to this reality.  Amanda Ross is seen walking out the door, with Sean closing the door behind her.  With a smile on his face, he makes his way across the room and sits down on the chair.

Jackson:  "You know, it's nice to be able to separate myself from people like you Jamie Dean.  While you're getting ready for a simple match involving girls, I'm preparing myself for the future and beyond.  While I look at the futility of people like you Jamie, I bask in the glory of knowing that eventually, I'll be right back on top of Sin City, of the wrestling landscape when the time is right."

As he takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out, his mind wanders ever so slightly before going back to speaking on the topic at hand.

Jackson:  "So Jamie, while you think that I'm stepping through the ropes just to have a match.  Don't forget that it wasn't that long ago that Drake Green was put on the shelf by my own hands...."

Sean raises both hands, just below his face as he rotates them back and forth several times.  He then lowers them and continues addressing Jamie Dean.

Jackson:  "You see, Drake Green also thought that I was stepping between the ropes just to have a match.  But he was surprised in the end when I drilled my knee through the back of his skull.  Which leads me to you Jamie Dean, and the fact that Amy Marshall won't be there to protect you anymore.  Matter of fact Jamie, I wouldn't be a bit shocked if Katherine Kensington realizes where the greatest threat comes from, and completely abandones you in the middle of the ring."

The camera pans in tight.  It's obvious that someone is there, operating it.

Jackson:  "Because let's face it Jamie, you really aren't Katherine's cup of tea, and thus, not worth getting hurt over.  Matter of fact Jamie, I see it going down much like this.  I see Daddy Kensington going all Mel Gibson over his *little girl* teaming with you.  But that will only be slight by comparison to his outrage when he sees an individual like you hitting the ring, to team with his daughter."

The smile gets larger.

Jackson:  "Oh, I can see it now.  I can see Katherine bailing on you, leaving you all alone against Marisol and myself.  Or better yet, all alone against me, Marisol, AND Vanessa...."

His head tilts back ever so slightly as Sean begins to rub his chin.  It's as if he can see it all right now, Jamie Dean all alone in the ring, at the complete mercy of Sean Jackson and company.  Of course, his version ends with blood flowing, Jamie Dean's blood.

Of course, it isn't long before he snaps back to the topic at hand.

Jackson:  "Oh Jamie, can you feel it?  coming in the air tonight?"

The scene slowly fades to a black void.

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Offline marisolhawkes

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« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2014, 03:43:28 PM »
[Made for me by my friend Barb. Please do not steal or claim as your own.]

Ridding the wrestling world of pansies.

It was night time on the strip in Las Vegas Nevada. Most people were walking around and talking about which shows they wanted to see and which casino to go blow all of their money on. For Marisol Hawkes, it was different. Marisol was sitting alone on a swing in the park that was on the outskirts of the town. Marisol was humming to herself as the street lights was all she needed for her husband Sterling to set up a camera and watch his wife talk about things.

"Flukes come and flukes go. I have had a long while to think about things when it comes to what happened in my last match for SCW. I have had time to think about things, and one thing is crystal clear to me. is no more miss nice Marisol. I am about to become more mean than even Delia Darling...if you must."

Marisol starts slowly rocking back and forth in the swing. She was humming a song that was in her head as she continued to rock back and forth in the swing.

"Divinity...I never die. Even though they try...I will never die."

Marisol continued to sing that song for about three minutes and then everything stopped. Marisol's singing and the swing both stopped at the same time. Marisol glared up in the camera and sighed a bit before she started to speak upon things again.

"So I am in another tag team match. It is a mixed tag team match and I could care less. My mind is getting back to the top of my game and it starts by beating Katherine Kensington. I will leave my tag team partner to take care of the freak of nature known as Jamie Dean. This isn't going to be no 'picnic in the park' and this isn't 'my little pony' land Katherine. This is pro wrestling."

Marisol stood up from the swing and she just chuckled as she pulled her hair up into a pony tail. Marisol started to rub her hands together as she continued to speak upon her match.

"I am sick and tired of little girls thinking that they could take over this business. We are further from the truth if they think they can. My quest to get to the top starts with you Katherine. I don't want bombshell tag titles right away, I am gunning for the top of the mountain. I want you Katherine to feel the hate that is going through my veins. The hate you may ask? The hate of little bitches like you moaning and complaining about not having a guy, or breaking a nail in the ring. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the fucking wrestling business. You and Liz Smalls are a lot alike and that is something no one can take anymore."

Marisol starts to pace in front of the swing. Her figure went in and out of the light, but she didn't care at the time. Marisol started talking again, making sure to put emphasis on important things.

"Jamie...Sean...don't you dare try to pull me off of Katherine. I am there to prove a point. Win or lose my point is simple. My point is that I am going to take out the women that are not tough. It is time to clean up the wrestling scene of the pansies and the prissy bitches. If either of you men try to get involved, I will not hesitate to slap some sense into you. This is how I take two fluke losses in a row. This is how divinity survives and thrives. This is how no one can kill me....divinty...never....dies."

Offline Jamie Dean

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« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2014, 08:36:45 PM »
<iframe width="460" height="259" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bully Issues - Part 1

The music played with a beat across the pool deck of the modest apartment community in downtown San Francisco, California. The apartments were known as the Desert Cove, and a small afternoon pool party was in full swing, hosted by one of the residents. Justin, one of Jamie's closest male friends, one with the occasional 'eyes rolling back inside of your head' kind of benefits, was hosting this little get together for some of the guys, and a couple women, who he worked with at AKBAR. Like Jamie, Justin kept only a close circle of what he would call real friends, and the three young men who worked alongside him as bartenders, and the older, butcher woman who was one of their more respected bouncers and her wife, were four he was proud to be close enough to that he would go to the ends of the earth for.

Since Sandra and her wife, Kathy, affectionately nicknamed courtesy of Jamie as Butch and Sundance (and they in turn call him Sweet pea), were the first to arrive, Justin kept a close watch on the clock against the rail that surrounded the pool, and an even closer one of the path that led from the parking lot of the community to the pool, waiting (or hoping) for one arrival in particular.

When Justin had invited Jamie, he got a non-committal answer as a reply. Justin knew that there was something working on Jamie's mind, but whether it had something to do with his personal or professional life, Dean wasn't saying. At least, not yet.

Justin stood at the grill and flipped three burgers when he heard someone call his name from the other side of the pool. Justin looked up and Chad, a man in his late thirties but no less attractive and fun to be around, called, "Is that who you were waiting for?" With a smile and he pointed off toward the path between two of the community buildings.

Justin turned to look at where Chad had indicated and much to his surprise, albeit a pleasant one, he was Jamie walking up the path, wearing an open Hawaiian shirt printed in a bright array of colors, and matching shorts and sandals protecting his feet from the hot pavement that was quickly absorbing the sun's heat.

"Well looky who it is!" Kathy called from the waist deep water and her wife, who was seated on the edge of the pool with her feet soaking, smiled brightly, one tooth missing as a result of an AKBAR patron who did not want to follow her orders and leave. (And you haven't seen any action until you saw what the male bouncers did to the man who struck 'their' Sandra.

"Hey if it ain't Sweetpea!" Sandra called aloud in her voice that Jamie often teased was deeper than his own.

Jamie smiled, despite himself, as he raised a hand to acknowledge his friends before he brought his cooler over toward the others under the awning over the patio tables and set it down.

Kathy called, "I thought our Sweetpea wasn't going to show!"

Chad joined in, but more so in Jamie's defense, "Hey when have you ever known Jamie to not show up for a party?"

Jamie turned at the waist and slid his forefinger alongside of his nose and pointed at Chad, acknowledging his line of reasoning.

"Well, well, well!" Justin said as he sauntered away from the grill to greet his latest guest. "I thought you said you had an interview today."

"I did." Jamie answered, then corrected himself. "I mean, I do. It's taking place here in town later this afternoon so no rush."

Jamie walked past Justin, running his fingertips alongside his bare leg, causing a sensation of goose pimples to strike out along Justin's tanned flesh that was glistening with tanning lotion and just a touch of perspiration. Justin never the less turned around as Jamie approached the grill to savor the scent of the grilled onion burgers that Justin and Derek were preparing for their mid-day feast.

"You planning on telling me what's wrong?" Justin asked without preamble for the notion Jamie might not want to divulge anything.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" Jamie asked as he lifted the lid of the grill and inhaled deeply of the combined scents of greasy burgers and grilled onions. Not much of one though as Justin walked over and with a grip on the handle, he closed the grill again and looked at his dear friend closely in the eyes as best he could through his dark shades.

Without bothering to ask, Justin reached up and pinched the handles of Jamie's shades and removed them, despite Dean's protest.

"I thought so." Justin sighed and casually flicked the glasses onto one of the pool's many lounge chairs. "You haven't been sleeping again."

"Story of my life." Jamie shrugged, being so preoccupied with trying to keep his exchanged words with Justin concealed that he didn't hear their mutual 'Barbie Buddy' Sandra approach.

"What's wrong Sweetpea?" She asked, clapping a hand on Jamie's shoulder and giving it the sort of affectionate squeeze that sadly too few people could come to appreciate. Jamie turned his head just a touch to see her smiling face close to his own. She said, "You worried about that match you got coming up?"

"`Course not." Jamie frowned. "When have you ever known me to be worried over little things?" He gave pause, then corrected himself. "Okay maybe I'm not too thrilled with who I got saddled with for a tag team partner..."

"Maybe?" Justin smiled. "I have you on Twitter and I saw some of those exchanges you had with... whatever her name is."

"Meh." Jamie shrugged, reaching over to the nearby cooler and extracting a margarita flavored wine cooler from the ice within. "She worked a nerve."

"That's putting it mildly." Justin said with am amiable smile as he fished around in the same cooler and pulled out a few bottles and handed two to Sandra, one for her and one for her wife who she turned to rejoin.

Sandra was concerned about her 'Playboy Buddy', but she knew he had his privacy issues and if anyone could break down that wall that he erected around himself, Justin would be the one. Justin watched as Sandra passed Kathy her drink, and sought Chad and Derek, but they were busy at the far end of the pool deck, having taken over the grilling duties. (He just hoped that they didn't ruin those onion burgers!) Only then did Justin turn back to Jamie, and after taking a pull from his own bottle, did he ask the 'risky' question. "Is it your opponent?"

"Jesus Christ, no!" Jamie objected, perhaps with a hint more acidity behind his tone of voice than he actually wanted. After a moment's calm, Jamie sighed and said, "No, I already beat the guy once. He's been talking trash for so long, I'm thinking of giving him a few Tic Tacs before the Vegas match."

"So what he did, what he's been doing and saying..." Justin tried to get through. "It's not bothering you at all?"

Jamie sighed. He knew that Justin and Sandra were only trying to help, but to imagine that they could think that Sean Jackson's so-called mind games were having even the slimmest effect on him felt like a swift punch right to the ol' bojangles.

"Look," Jamie started, and he made certain to calm himself before he started to speak. He had precious few enough friends as it was, and despite any popular notion about his 'people skills', he didn't want to risk any of  them with an outburst of temporarily uncontrolled anger. "The guy I'm going against considers himself something of a mind games expert. Hell the idiot even refers to himself as a 'Mental Rapist'."


"Hardly." Jamie continued. "But if you want the honest truth, I haven't seen much of any examples of any of these so-called mind games he considers himself an expert at. Seems the only thing he's even remotely good at is hurting people. Hurt a guy named Drake Green pretty bad a few months back."

"He got you with that chair shot after you beat him." Justin offered.

"My point exactly." Jamie agreed. "So far all I've seen is evidence that he's all brawn and little brain. That's not exactly anything that anyone can't counter."

"So what is it about the guy that gets under your skin then?"

Jamie answered, "He just brings up some bad memories, you know?"</color>

"You know, I have to admit that I never really understood why bullies do what it is that they do. Let's face facts: as the American culture, we get off on things like power, winning and violence, and ways to combine them. Hell, you watch the average professional wrestling show and it's one great big cluster fuck of bullying from start to finish. Big guy bullies smaller guy. Prettier girl bullies someone she thinks is less pretty. Young kids grow up seeing us perform and misinterpret things to think this is all socially acceptable, and that by bullying those they see as weaker, they can get whatever they desire or to make themselves feel better about their own person inadequacies."

"I'm sure you've all seen the news and how so many of those particular stories turn out."

"You hear people say often that kids will be kids, but at the same time, you also hear those same people tell you that children can be so cruel. It's true, the latter I suppose you would say. Children can be some of the most hateful, spiteful and vicious creatures to walk this planet."

"I know. I dealt with enough of them when I was a kid, myself."

"I know. We all hate those time jumps when it comes to these scenarios but let's be reasonable about this, shall we? Time jumps are about as much a natural part of a wrestler's promotional video as trash talking the opponent and the occasional bit of bad grammar. How else would you explain when you see your favorite SCWer on any given scene, and then only moments later, they're somewhere else and at a different point in time? Seriously! Would you want to sit there and experience a perfectly timed and detailed promo, no matter how well crafted? I know I wouldn't. It would take days to read and even then I would probably be bored senseless. So let's skip ahead in time, shall we? And experience..."

"Hm? What's that? We're not doing a time jump forward? Backwards, huh? Oh well! That's entirely different! Say, can we just hit the backspace button and rewind that last part? No? Well it was worth a shot."</color>

Perry Hall High School - Lima, Ohio

The new school year had just started and much was the same as six year old Jamie Dean stepped carefully off of the school bus and stood out front of the entrance, waiting for the school principal to open the doors and let the young students inside to begin their day. Many of the kids exchanged excited chatter with the friends around them, and Jamie wasn't immune to the exchanges that he shared with the few kids that he was lucky enough to call his friends. Still, it didn't help him to escape one simple fact of life that many other children shared alongside him:

He hated school.

Well, that might not be too fair of a comparison. At least where his friends were concerned. They may not like school, as few children did, but Jamie loathed it with a searing sense of foreboding. If it were possible, Jamie would have never have to go to school again. He'd be allowed to simply hole himself up in his room, under his covers, and wait for the school day to end so he could crawl back out and resume his day and his life. It was a nice dream, and that's all it was: a dream. His mother was a stay at home mom, for more reasons than just to look after him and his brother of three years.

You see, when Jamie's mom was born, she was born nearly three months prematurely and because of that, she was born with certain developmental defects. One of which was her legs were not developed to the point she could walk without the assistance of crutches. Another was that she had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy since a very early age. As a child and an adult, Jamie's mom spent a great amount of time in the hospital for extended stays and treatments, but that did not mean any less of her strength of character  as a woman and a mother.

She was strong, make no mistake. She had to be in order to put up with the man she had married over ten years previously. A man that was not only an alcoholic, but an abusive one at that. Jamie was too young at the time to understand or remember, but he had heard enough horror stories told after his father's passing to understand the Hell that the drunkard unleashed on both his mom as well as his older brother. For some reason, Jamie himself was immune to the mistreatments.

But she was strong. She didn't let anything come between her and caring for her two boys as they grew up. Jamie could recall at a very early age, waiting by himself in a hospital waiting room and being given hot cocoa by some nurses, while his mom was in the operating room, having her knee caps surgically set in the back of her legs so give her lower body more support. From that point on, she was confined to a wheelchair, and could not use crutches to 'walk', such as it was.

Yet even then, she managed to keep a clean home, and cook good meals to fill her sons's bellies. She never let them go to school with dirty clothes, but in order to give herself something of a break, she had both wear the same clothes two days in a row, back to back, so she only had to do laundry every other day.

Neither son minded, and Jamie was too young to really understand. He just thought his mom hated laundry so she didn't do it every other day. It was this little detail in his home life that one particular boy had picked up on and noticed, and every other day when Jamie arrived for class wearing the same clothes he had the day before, he was the target of teasing and insults.

Oddly enough, it ended one day in particular when that bully simply asked him why he wore the same clothes the way he did. Rather than get defensive and say something that could have started a fight, Jamie simply answered, "My mom doesn't like doing laundry." The bully replied, "Yeah neither does mine." And with that simple exchange, the torment between the two ended.</color>

"I understand that my mom told my brother and myself that she stayed with the son of a bitch because of us, her sons, but I don't know how I feel about that."

Jamie leaned over in his chair and picked up a small glass filled with a few cubes of ice and an amber colored liquor he did not deign to name or to share. He took a sip and swallowed, the burning sensation made all the more potent in the hot afternoon sun.

"It doesn't make things easy to know she suffered through the abuse at that fucker's hands, just to try and make my brother's and my lives easier. I watched him pour a gallon of milk over her head after he was warned by my uncles not to lay a hand on her again. I saw photos of some of the worst bruises on her back from a doctor's office. My brother told me later in life after he died about the time he chased him to the point my brother hid at a neighbor's house. The neighbor knew what kind of man my father was so he hid my brother and played innocent when he came a knocking to see if he had seen him. Tried to play innocent but the neighbor was a crafty old man and saw right through him. He probably saved my brother from more beatings than any family member ever did."

Jamie took off his trademark glasses for just a moment, long enough to wipe a finger across his glistening eyes as he forced himself to relive the painful memories that he had long ago tried to bury deep. He then slid them back on and, after regaining his composure, spoke up again.

"I was told he punched my mom in the stomach when she was pregnant with me. The worst thing I think though that I ever heard he did was when he kicked her crutches out from under her."

Jamie shook his head and drained the glass's contents.

"My dad was the worst bully that I ever grew up experiencing, and I knew my fair share while I was in school. But my god he made them pale in comparison to the shit he did and got away with. It makes me look back and regret the absolute worst decision I ever made in my entire life."

"And what was that?" A voice asked off scene.

Jamie did not answer at first. he simply sat there in his chair, trying to rest. Trying to relax. Yet neither was forth coming. He swallowed hard and looked back up, and perhaps it was best that his eyes were hidden when he answered because his shaken voice betrayed his underlying emotion, "Why the fuck I ever left living with my mom to go back to that son of a bitch."</color>

The party had not yet come to a close, but it was, unfortunately, time for Mister Jamie Dean to forgo pleasures with his friends and cut to business. Justin gave him a tight and warm embrace, knowing what he was going through, but it was the affectionate hug and pat on the butt from the butch Sandra that made Jamie realize and come to understand just how far he had come since the tormenting memories of his earliest years.

With a smile and a wave to his gaggle of buddies, Jamie took his leave and headed back for his car so he could get things underway to hopefully draw them to a close.</color>

"You see? There's a lot more to Jamie Dean than the image of a party boy that enjoys having fun and loves to get laid. There are times when people look past the simple fact that I happen to be a man, just like the ones that I set foot inside of the ring against. They see me as flighty. A man that likes to play with the guys I'm against, and maybe I am. But there are times when I decide that I've had enough of games, and I'd rather settle the issues that I'm having and instead just get down to business."

"This is one of those times. Now I'm not directing any of this at the opposing femme fatale, Marisol Hawkes, because I'm hoping that my own tag team partner, Miss Kensington, can handle her business with her own Bombshell opponent. No, this is more so directed at an arrogant nose hair of a man that I've had a dealing with before, and it pretty much prompted this entire thing we've got going in Las Vegas."

"Sean Jackson considers himself something of an expert at the art of mind games, but if you want my honest opinion? To date I've been less than impressed with what he's shown us. Okay, he had the ACW Championship. Big deal. He won a dead and deactivated title belt, and he didn't even win it! He won a triple threat match and 'Hot Stuff' Mark Ward decided afterwards that it was a title match and just handed the belt over to him. Kind of makes you wonder what the other two men in that match thought about that, and if they would have won, would Mark have given them the championship?"

"Alas no, it went to Sean, and he had a handful of easy defenses before he was put to the real test, and that was against none other than Simon Jones in Cape Town almost two months ago. And what happened? Good ol' Simon lived up to the hype of his own reputation, and not only successfully defended the SCW Championship, but he also unified it with Sean's ACW title. Oo! Very impressive Sean!"

"Oh! Oh! But then I believe Sean was booked against the fastest rising star in the company today, yours truly -- Jamie Dean! And I think we all saw the end result of that little encounter. Nobody thought I had a chance against such an established Superstar, but it wasn't my shoulders that were pinned to the mat at the end. It was Mister Jackson's, and the poor soul couldn't handle it, so what does he do? He lashes out like any bully and just kick starts everything all over again. He even let his bitch get in a few good shots before my babe, Amy Marshall, put a stop to it."

"Oh but that's not the end! Oh no! Then Sean gets his big chance to shine against the returning Drake Green! And not just any match, but for a chance at the SCW Championship! And there's a reason why Sean's wrestling me in Las Vegas rather than Gene Banton Junior. Because he LOST to Drake, that's why!"

"So this is where it all comes down to, isn't it Sean? Well let me point out the simple fact that everyone is slowly coming to see about you: you're nothing more than a typical bully in the world of professional wrestling. You see yourself as more than you really are. You see yourself as some sort of world renowned star, and maybe you are. because when you get right down to it, a star isn't really anything more than a big ball of gas."

"Yes, Sean. You're a bully. You proved that when you attacked me after I beat you. You proved that with everything that you've said since that moment, when you insulted Amy and made your jokes that I got saved by a girl. But that's alright! That's cool Sean! Because despite what you tweeted, lightning will strike again in the same place, and do you know why?"

"Because like any bully, Sean, when the chips are down, you are going to choke."</color></size>

"Let's get one thing straight -- I'm not."

Offline Katherine Kensington

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« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2014, 11:01:35 PM »
 The first sunny Saturday after a straight week of unseasonably chilly and overcast days sees Katherine Kensington leave her family estate relatively early in the morning to indulge in her favourite pastime, riding. Taking her favourite mare out for a canter through the meadows and countryside roads, Katherine is also careful to have the help fix her a little something to nibble on, allowing her to have a picnic of sorts in an idyllic spot next to a bubbling brook. In this fashion, she spends the whole morning and the best part of the afternoon, returning to her father's property at around 4pm, utterly exhausted but also exhilarated.

As she enters, however, her flushed-cheek happiness is somewhat dampened, after she hears an odd sound. Almost involuntarily slowing her pace, she tiptoes towards the living room, where all the grunting and moaning seems to be coming from; a fluster - but this one not of the good kind - arises in her cheeks as she hears someone behind the closed door, a male, groan: 'oh yeah, give it to me, babes! Oh, that's it, Nigel darling, that's the spot!'

Horrified, she throws open the door, ready to lecture whoever is indulging in such indencencies in Daddy's living room! The rant dies on her lips, however, as she is confronted with two broadly grinning faces sitting side by side on the sofa, with all of their clothes still on and definitely engaged in nothing even resembling sexual activity. Instead, Rupert Royston-Fellowes drops the Wii nunchuk in his hand and rises to kiss his best friend's cousin on the cheek, as Nigel Kensington III weeps tears of laughter. Miffed, Katie turns her face away, folding her arms over her chest in a huff:

'How delightfully amusing....causing a girl to fluster and nearly lose her composure! How were you even aware I was nearby?' The heiress quirks an eyebrow. 'Or are you in the habit of simulating male-on-male intercourse on a regular and seemingly random basis?

'We saw you ride in', Rupert grins. 'And come now! You have to admit it was a good little jest! We thought it up after we heard of your upcoming affair with that fellow in Las Vegas...'

'There is no jest to be made about that situation, Rupert', Katie says coldly. 'I will have you know Daddy is absolutely livid!'

'You are getting a Supercard payday, though, coz', Nigel pipes up. 'That is nothing to sniff at...'

'You of all people should know, Nigel, that we do not need the money', the heiress sneers. 'I would much rather keep my decency and class and not be forced to collaborate with...with someone with that sort of professional occupation!'

'What, grappler?', Nigel quips.

'You know precisely what I mean, Nigel. Please do not make light of this.'

'Yes, Your Majesty.' Nigel takes a hand to his forehead briefly before pushing it out in a military salute. His cousin, however, remains decidedly Not Amused, letting out a groan:

'Oh, you fellows are insufferable!'

With this, the normally well-mannered SCW superstar trudges upstairs, leaving the two males to exchange puzzled looks and shrugs for a second, before picking up the controllers again and resuming their paused game.


As her cousin and his best friend once again take up their virtual tennis match, Katie has retreated to the safety of her bedroom, among posters of horses, trendy indie-pop bands and the occasional topless hunk, because every girl has her weak spot. After privately fuming for a moment, she has regained her composure just enough to where she can record one of her video blogs and not appear too awfully dishevelled. After a final once-over to her make-up and general appearance, she turns on her recording software, composes her most winning smile, and presses the red circle at the bottom of her screen. As the video begins to record, she greets her viewers:

'Hello, my darlings! This is your friend Katie. Welcome to Katie Vlogs!'

A pause occurs at this point, as the brunette transitions from her customary greeting to the actual subject of the blog:

'You will forgive me if I come across ever-so-slightly unsociably this evening, darlings. You see, I have recently been put into the most unpleasant situation at my place of work, Sin City Wrestling. They are having their Into The Void Supercard in a little under two weeks, and, well...'

Katie pauses, as though wondering whether it is a good idea to openly criticise a company she has so recently joined; in the end, she compromises:

'...far be it from me to criticise management in any way, mind you! I am absolutely delighted that they are gracing me with the opportunity of competing in their most widely visible programme. It is to the manner of my participation that I have the slightest of objections...'

Another pause, as the young female superstar assesses the best way to describe her situation for the Pay-Per-View without offending sensibilities. Then, after a moment:

'You see, darlings, at the upcoming event, I am to compete in what is called a Tag Team bout. This is where two grapplers team up, or are made to team up, and must compete together against another two grapplers. In my particular case, the bout is to be an inter-gender contest, where each team is made up of a gentleman and a young lady. And...therein lies the problem.'

The heiress pauses again, once more unsure of how to convey her feelings without being anything less than polite.

'For you see, my darlings, the person I was detailed to team up with has a...shall we say, less than savoury profession? One that a lady of my social standing really cannot encourage or even condone! Now, I am sure Joanne-darling, who I shall be replacing, had a taste for such things; I, on the other hand, find them perfectly revolting. As such, one does wonder how one is expected to cooperate with this fellow - in a situation which requires physical contact, no less! Daddy is absolutely incensed by the entire affair, and I must confess I am somewhat outraged as well.'

Katie breaks off for a moment to control her breathing, which is getting dangerously heavy. Then, she proceeds:

'And that is not all, my darlings, that your dear Katie takes objection with when it comes to this bout. I am also somewhat bothered by the fact that myself and Marisol-darling - an absolute jewel of a girl, she does so much with the lot she was given, that brave dear! - are rather accessory to the contest itself. When I look at all the promotional materials, I see this bout advertised as the clash between the...erm...gentleman I shall be accompanying and the one Marisol is siding with. Nowhere is there more than the briefest of mentions regarding our role in the proceedings. I am not sure I entirely advocate this policy of having women be accessories - arm candy, if you will - to the important affairs of the gentlemen!'

As the Brit finishes this portion of her speech, she is quite flustered, and her tone rather close to that of a rant. Once again, she takes a moment to compose a perfect smile before concluding:

'But I do suppose it shall all be for the best in the end. Management knows best, after all, do they not? Come whatever may, my darlings, do promise your Katie you will tune into the Supercard on July 20th, won't you? It would mean the world to me!'

Katie pulls a sexy little pout for a moment, before regaining her smile in time for the send-off line:

'Until then, ta-ra!'

The heiress gives a little wave to the camera,finishing off her video with a flourish of the mouse. No sooner has she clicked to close the video recording software that she hears the swoosh of something sliding under her door. With a slight sigh of exasperation, she moves over to pick up a piece of paper with a crude drawing of a heart and the handwritten words 'KATIE WILL U HOLD MY TAG ROPE? JAMIE.'

'I was not aware we had regressed back to our childhood years', she says icily to the closed door, from behind which the sound of snickering suddenly arises. With a roll of the eyes, the Kent resident picks up the folded A4 sheet, takes one last look at it, and tears it into a million pieces.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 11:03:29 PM by Katherine Kensington »
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