Author Topic: Bosom Buddies Vs Jimmy Ringo & Mickey Carroll  (Read 2334 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Bosom Buddies Vs Jimmy Ringo & Mickey Carroll
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:21:44 PM »
 Post your roleplays here! Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Christian Underwood

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Bosom Buddies Vs Jimmy Ringo & Mickey Carroll
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 07:49:56 AM »
 The first RP Period has passed. Everything posted after this counts toward the second RP Period.

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Mickey Carroll

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Bosom Buddies Vs Jimmy Ringo & Mickey Carroll
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2014, 06:18:54 AM »
 Bloody perfect… I lost me match against that bleedin’ tosser, Michael Hardy.  I look like the biggest tit in SCW, aside from the set on Brandi Shotze naturally.  After all of the talk about how I was going to pack it in for that match, I perform the biggest botch in me career to date.  Was it because I lost to Hardy, or was it because I’m really bothered with me own actions and words lately?  Some people think that I give a toss about their opinions.  The truth is that it is all about Michael Hardy.  I disappointed me self because I should never have lost to someone like him.  I took him as a joke, because quite honestly, he is.  But instead of going in there and cracking skulls like I always have, I came out as the bigger joke.  Not again… never again.


We fade to the inside of The Platinum Hotel just off of the Las Vegas Strip.  In first person, we stumble through the hallways, careening into walls and the occasional guest or cleaning lady as we go.  It is like a parade of “Hey!” and “Excuse yourself!”  but all we can manage to do is raise up a middle finger and slur a few noises that questionably resemble words.  It isn’t until you knock on a door, and a seven year old girl answers the door with a bewildered look that you realize you aren’t even on the right floor.

Girl:  Daddy…?

A few more words escape your lips before you turn around and walks away from the door.  There was something that could have been an elevator a few hundred feet in he opposite direction, yeah?  An angry father shouts at you, but fuck if you can understand him.  Your hand flies up to wave the concerned guest off.  You hug onto the wall as you stumble around, nearly tripping over your own feet.

”Bloody fuck!”

Even though it felt like entirely too long, you have finally reached the elevator.  There are two buttons, but somehow you’ve forgotten which direction you want to go.  You just press both and hope for the best.  After popping a cigarette into your mouth and lighting it, you hear a ding.  You blink your eyes, feeling them get heavy as you stumble inside of the door.  You collapse into the paneling and slide down to the floor as your eyes slowly close.

”Too much was never possible… until now…”

Before we know it, there is another loud ding noise that snaps us back to reality.  As the eyes seem to force opened, we see Mickey Carroll lying on the floor of the elevator, and the sleeve of his black canvas jacket is on fire as he looks around.

Holly:  Oh… my… gawd!

Tessa:  Jesus Christ, Mickey!  What the hell are ya doing here?!

Mickey stares at them for a moment, just blinking his eyes as he takes it all in.  Tessa rips Mickey’s jacket off and begins stomping on it frantically.  Mickey simply looks at his lightly reddened skin, the blackened butt of the cigarette still between his lips.  He scratches his head as he slowly gets up.  An elderly couple looks horrified at the scene, turning around to take the stairs instead.

Mickey:  Thah-that w-w-as just a little bit of a nap.

Tessa:  Ye passed out ye bleedin’ eedjit!  What’s wrong with ya, Michael?

Mickey:  Whatsss… wrong with yer face, Con-tess-a?  Heh…

Holly:  This ain’t my business hunty…  Oh, nevermind.  Looks like someone was having some happy… happy… dreams… how you doin’?

Holly runs her hands through her hair as she bashfully smiles and giggles.  Tessa gives her the evil eye as Holly surrenders her stare.  Tessa rips Mickey out of the elevator and begins to drag him down the hallway.

Holly:  What?  You don’t want to bring your boy to Krave tonight?

Tessa:  Go on without me, luv.  I’m going to find out what the toss he’s doing here.

Mickey:  I’m bloody fine, Tess.  Let’s go get bloody pissed with some benders!  Oi! Oi! Oi!

Tessa:  No, you’ve clearly had enough to drink tonight, Michael.  Let’s get ye to pass out, and pray to the Heavenly Father that ye don’t puke all over me bed…

Mickey tries to protest by turning around to follow after Holly to the stairwell, but Tessa’s will is clearly greater than his.  She drags him down the hallway and swipes her room key to open the door.  She flings him inside almost violently as he collides with the ground.  She slams the door behind herself and a whole new fire comes over her face.

Tessa:  You… stupid… drunk!

Mickey:  Hey!  I’m not stupid!

Tessa:  Like fuck yer not!  There’s an entire list running through me head right now, Michael, and I don’t even know where to start.

Mickey sits up, pulling a cigarette out of his red plaid shirt pocket, steadying it between his lips as he fumbles around in his pocket for a lighter.  Tessa snatches it out of his mouth and snaps it in half before crumbling it together, letting the tobacco fall to the floor slowly.

Mickey:  Why’d ye do that, Tess?  Not like yer so against smoking when ye got a pack on yer nightstand.

Tess:  Yes, but I’m not so pissed that I caught me self on fire, either, Mickey!  If yer going to damage yer own stuff, that’s fine by me, but I will not have ye wrecking me room that Delia was kind enough to pay for!

Mickey:  Right… Ms. Moneybags… How could I forget?  Ye always wanted to be a… star!  But, didn’t ye try to beat the piss outta her a couple months ago when she poured ink on ye?

Tessa stares at Mickey, not saying a word as she simply looks on.  She shakes her head and offers him a laugh in return.  Mickey slowly stands up, but Tessa shoves him down to the ground again, just about five feet from where he was prior.  He tries to get up again, but she knocks him back down before he makes much progress.

Tess:  Yer a bastard, Mickey.  Just like yer father.  Yer a lousy, sloppy drunk.  The more ye fuck up yer life, the more ye drink and make everything worse.

Mickey:  Because you’re such a better mum than I am a father, yeah?  Where is yer son right now?  Tell me and I’ll kneel down and kiss yer feet, Tess.

Tessa purses her lips together as she stares down at his shit eating grin.  She has had enough at this point, and she slaps the taste out of his mouth, sending him back to La La Land for a spell.

We come back to find Mickey sprawled out over a queen sized mattress.  His shirt is unbuttoned and opened as he hugs a fleece blanket against his chest.  He peels his eyes open as he looks around, seeing that it is still dark through the balcony door.  He rubs at his head, feeling a pulsing headache, pounding his brain into oblivion.  He touches at his sore cheek as he notices a glass of water and a few Tylenol tablets on a tissue on the nightstand.  He pops the pills into his mouth and chases them down quickly with the entire glass of water in about two seconds.  It is then that he sees a glowing ember on the balcony, seeming to float in mid air.  He stands up and walks over to the door to inspect it further, only to see Tessa standing there with a cigarette between her fingers, looking out into the distance to see the glowing lights of the Vegas Strip.  He opens the door and pops a cigarette back between his lips, lighting it as he comes to stand next to her.  She doesn’t even look over to him, only acknowledging his presence with a scoff and deeper drag from her cigarette.

Mickey:  Ahh, just like old times, yeah?  Ye slap the piss outta me, and yer the one who stays mad at me…

Tess:  Yer a tosser, Michael.  Ye get yerself into shit, and then ye come around and find me to drag me into it.  Always…

Mickey nods his head as the cool breeze runs over his bare chest.  He squints his eyes to study the lights off in the distance as well.  In an odd, unfamiliar way, he finds comfort in the flashing lights and the residual noise, as they almost make him forget there are stars in the sky, or even a moon for that matter.

Mickey:  We always find each other, Tess.  Highs or lows, we always come back together eventually.  Maybe it means something that it happened yet again, in a place where…

Tess:  Don’t… even… say it, Mickey.  We’re no good for each other.  That is why, just as soon as we find each other, we lose each other again.

Mickey:  Yet… here we are, sweets.  We could put a stop to the chase now.  We’re like a fucked up Romeo and Juliet.

Tessa takes in another deep drag from her cigarette, tapping the butt end of the cigarette with her finger as the breeze carries the ashes off into the distance.  Tessa looks over to Mickey with a look that is as serious as a heart attack.

Tess:  They’re dead, luv.  I wouldn’t die for ye, Mickey.  And I’m fairly certain that ye wouldn’t die for me, either.  Of course, I don’t blame ye.  Yer just a little drunk yet, and have some sobering up to do.

Mickey:  I’m sober as a judge, Tess.  I mean it.  Every last word of it.  We could even go back to London.  We could start our family anywhere, as long as we give Michael the parents that he needs.

Tess:  I don’t mind if I sound like a complete bitch to ye, Michael, but I don’t want to marry you… Honest to God, I don’t.

This time, it is Mickey who decides that he wants to take a long drag from his cigarette.  He holds in the bitter, scratching feeling in his chest for a moment, as a distraction from the aching heart.  Finally, he exhales it, a vindictive expression on his face.

Mickey:  Of course.  Don’t know what I was thinking, honestly.  I mean, I’m poor as dirt, and ye want a lad with money…

Tess:  Ohhh, bollocks, Mickey!  Money doesn’t hurt, but I’m not some gold digging tramp.  Yer… yer like my beast of burden.  Loving you simply drags me down, and I gave up on that when ye spent time in her majesties extended stay hotel for seven years.

Mickey:  That was two years ago, luv… and I’ve changed.

Tessa laughs as she drops her cigarette off of the balcony, allowing it to be taken by the wind.  Mickey looks hurt by her words still.  Tessa turns to face Mickey for the first time in this conversation, smiling sweetly as she runs her hand over his rough, stubbly cheek, staring deep into his blue eyes.

Tess:  No… ye haven’t changed a bit, Michael… and that’s the problem.  Ye still get knackered morning, noon, and night.  Ye still leave yer poor mum waiting at home for the call that ye wound up dead in a gutter somewhere.  Ye turned yer back on the man who helped ye out of yer mess.  And, ye spend just as much time with yer son as ye did before ye knew ye had one…  Call me a bad mum, but I took care of him completely on me own for seven years, and I’m entitled to a short vacation while me son spends time with his nan.

Tess pats Mickey’s face as a tear rolls down his cheek.  She tries her hardest not to cave so that she could hold up the illusion that she was the heartless bitch here.  She finally pulls her hand away from Mickey’s cheek as she pulls the balcony door open.  She stands there for a moment as she watches Mickey show a sign of regret.  She silently cries as Mickey does, turning around.  She gives Mickey his private time on the balcony.  Mickey shamelessly sobs as he leans on the railing, trying his best to hide it from the unseen watcher.


A few key strokes are heard as “Beast of Burden” by The Rolling Stones begins playing.  A few seconds later, the screen of Mickey Carroll’s webcam pops up to see Mickey sitting on the queen sized mattress from earlier.  His eyes are darkened slightly from what presumably happened just moments prior to the screen going live.  Mickey looks a bit sullen as he silently stares at the screen for a few more moments.

 We always see ourselves in a certain light, don’t we?  The victim?  The anti-hero?  The badass?  No matter what vision ye got of yerself, it’s never right.  At the end of the day, ye could be the one who knows the least about ye…

Mickey swallows hard as he does his best to knock the sorrow from his face with a classic punk rock stiff lip and another cigarette between the lips.  He lights it, and uses it to hide behind the silvery screen of smoke.

Mickey:  I been quite the tit lately.  I can’t say that it wasn’t completely uncalled for.  There was a blatant slap to me fuckin’ face when me best friend in the entire world decided that he was going to tag up with some half arsed legend that left him out to dry just weeks later.  Was the biggest fuck ye I’d ever seen from me bruv, Ben… It stung.

Mickey takes in another drag from the cigarette as he leans back against the headboard of the bed.  He places the cigarette between his lips as he puts his arms behind his head, propping it up as he continues.

Mickey:  Many people called me gullible.  They thought I was the biggest eedjit in Sin City Wrestling for believing “Real Money” Jimmy Ringo.  Even if he was being a slick bastard, he never once lied to me.  He never said that he was done with the sport, then the second I decide to break from it, he jumps back in with baldy.  We might not have much of an arrangement these days, but I can still trust him.

Mickey pulls the cigarette from between his lips, holding it down just over his chest.  He forces a slick smile on his face as he looks forward, directly into the camera.

Mickey:  I can blame whoever I want, but at the end of the day, it was my choice to be the tit in the situation.  All I can do is apologize to Ben.  I can be the bigger man.  So, Ben?  If yer listening to this.  I’m sorry, bruv.  I expect nothing from ye, but to hear it and know that I’m truly sorry.

Mickey lets his apology linger for a moment, a sincere look coming over his face to let it be known that his emotions and his sentiment are genuine.

Mickey:  This isn’t about making up, of course.  I didn’t get on here to confess me sins and seek forgiveness.  There’s a point to it all.  See, me and Ben aren’t exactly on speaking terms these days.  Me and Jimmy haven’t spoken in weeks at best.  We’re not a shining example of friendship.  We don’t play patty cake and have hot chocolate tea parties.  We don’t consult a bear like it were a Magic 8 Ball.  Not like me opponents for Blaze of Glory III.

Mickey puts the cigarette back between his lips as he adjusts his body a bit.

Mickey:  Bosom Buddies, now that’s a shining example of friendship, yeah?  Two mentally challenged adults running around like six year old children.  A true Romeo and Juliet style friendship, once of warring families, forbidden to speak, who found their way around to set a shining example that warmed the hearts of thousands.  Truly special, if I do say so me self.

Mickey pauses for a moment, thinking it over as if he were truly moved by the notion.  After the moment passes, Mickey chuckles, rolling his eyes at the idea.

Mickey:  I’m not trying to be an arse here.  I’m really not.  But take it from me, mates… Friendship is overrated.  It’s only a matter of time before one of ye stabs the other one in the back.  Me and Ben was friends since we was knee high blokes playing football in an abandoned lot.  Ben was the closest thing to a brother that I will ever know.  Not to place blame, of course.  We both turned on each other like rabid dogs fighting over a bloody steak, after about fifteen years of friendship.  What makes ye think that the lot of ye stands a better chance of staying friends, of trusting one another enough to tag?

Mickey takes a drag from the cigarette before removing it from his mouth once more, putting it out in the bedside ash tray.

Mickey:  Despayre?  Bernard me boy?  Keep yer eyes open, and look over yer shoulders, lads, because neither one of ye is safe from the other.  Greed is a powerful drug.  Just ask yer boy, Gabriel… He’ll tell ye just what greed and jealousy can do to someone.  He’s a shining fucking example of greed gone wrong.  Just keep that in mind, gents.  I could spout off a bunch of nonsense about how me and Jimmy are gonna beat ye at the Super Card, but it all seems fairly pointless.  Yer gonna likely say the same, but the truth is that it all comes down to what happens in the ring.  So I’ll just leave off by saying this…  Good luck to ye at Blaze of Glory.  Let’s put on a show, yeah?

Mickey holds his thumbs up for a moment as the music fades out.  He offers a wink to the camera before shutting off the screen.  We start to fade out as “No One Knows” by Queens of the Stone Age plays.  After a few key strokes, the music stops and we fade out completely.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 06:19:15 AM by Mickey Carroll »
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Offline Despayre

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Bosom Buddies Vs Jimmy Ringo & Mickey Carroll
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2014, 10:17:49 PM »
A Mother's Touch

The red Corvette Z06 pulled into the drive of the spacious home that Synn and Despayre called their own, and the classic, sporty vehicle pulled further along the blacktop that ended in an arch in front of the home's front end. The ignition was switched off, allowing the engine's purr to subside into silence and after a moment, the driver's side door opened and out stepped the man of the house (no, not Angel), Synn.

Shutting the car door, Synn hit his thumb to the button on the key chain and with a soft 'beep' to satisfy him that the car lock and alarm both were set, Synn proceeded to walk up the front steps and enter the house.

"Joshua!" Synn called out in his deep, baritone voice as he stepped into the foyer. "Are you almost ready?"

"Shhhh!" Despayre hurriedly trotted from out of the front room, waving his hands to ward away his father's loud tone of voice, and constantly stole glances over his shoulder and back to where he had come from. "I just got Angel to sleep! He's been just awful about all of this!" He added with a quick wipe of his forearm under his nose.

"About ... all of what?" Synn inquired and as Despayre turned around and walked into the living room, Synn's natural sense of curiosity compelled him to follow.

He stepped in and found the sight of Despayre's teddy bear Angel laying on the sofa, his plush head propped up on a large pillow and a comforter tucked over the small form of its body. Despayre wiped his arm along his forehead before he kneeled down at the 'bedside' of the teddy bear. He reached into a small bowl filled with cool water and pulled out a dish rag. He wrung out all the excess water from it and draped it over Angel's forehead and sighed.

"You'd think he was dying the way he's carrying on." Despayre huffed before he sniffled. He then plucked an old fashioned thermometer from where the bear's mouth would be (if he actually had one), saying, "Teddy bear's can be such drama queens when they got a case of the sniffles."

"Indeed." Synn nodded, pretending to play along, knowing it was best that he do so. He watched as Despayre held the thermometer up to inspect the result and the lad frowned. He squinted his eyes, peering at it, then held it at arm's length. Finally Despayre reached onto the coffee table and picked up a pair of glasses, the same ones he used during his Mister Self-Help seminars, and fit them on and immediately his eyes looked about four sizes too large for the frames. He blinked repeatedly, then looked at the thermometer again and clucked his tongue before taking off the glasses.

"Awww!" Despayre cooed. "Ninety nine degrees! Poor Angel!"

"I hate to break up the healing process." Synn said as he turned away to make his exit. "But its time we head for the airport. our mother's plane is due to arrive in an hour."

"Yay!" Despayre leapt to his feet, then immediately cringed and held his hands out towards the bear. "Sorry!" He practically skipped up and over toward his dad, hopping in excitement. "Mom's going to be here! If anybody can make Angel all better, she can!"

"Yes well, we have to go get her so that she'll have the chance." Synn stated. "You finish up in here while I go to the kitchen to let Theresa know we're going."

"Right!" Despayre said with another sniffle.

A moment later, Synn entered the kitchen to find their live-in housekeeper hard at work, preparing the evening meal to 'celebrate' Margaret Young's visit from Canada. She was just finished checking the casserole in the oven and shut the door when Synn approached and she stood upright.

"How's everything coming along?" Synn asked.

"Everything is fine." Theresa answered, wiping her hands on a clean dish towel. "Joshua was very specific what his momma would like for dinner so it'll be ready in time for you three to get home."

"He actually brow beat you into making that, did he?" Synn asked with a smirk. "Despite the fact that it's his favorite and not his mother's?"

Theresa said nothing to answer, but just gave him a look as she turned around to the counter to begin chopping some vegetables. Synn shook his head and mused.

"And people say I can't say no to the boy."

"What was that?" Theresa asked, glancing up and Synn just smiled brilliantly when Despayre leapt into the kitchen.

"I need ten CCs of chicken soup for Angel!" He declared. "Stat!"

Theresa turned right away from the counter and stepped over to the kitchen pantry, opening up the dual doors. She rummaged around inside with all the dry foods and canned groceries until she pulled out a family sized can of Campbell's chicken soup and she plopped it down on the counter right in front of Despayre.

He looked at it for a fair few moments before he sniffled and huffed at her, "Boy your bedside manner really blows!"

Sometimes one might wonder to one self if the McCarran International airport is ever not busy at any point during the day or night. It seems that no matter what time one of the countless number of jets traveling to and from and the amount of passengers embarking on a trip beyond or arriving here in the famed 'City of Sin', the airport itself just never ceases to be alive with manic energy of those crowding through.

Crowds of travelers constantly weave their ways through one another, never minding the familiar excuses of "Pardon me." or "Excuse me" en route to greet friends and family or to try and get one step closer and faster toward the terminal where they themselves might be leaving the city from. Food and souvenir stands remain busy as ever, no matter the time of day as people purchase a magazine to read on their trip or perhaps a drink to satisfy one's thirst. (You know, those small bottles of Coke that cost the average of $1.50 in a grocery store but upped to near $3.00 at any one stand or small store.) Even more people pause while they wait to enjoy one of the countless casino-esque games stationed everywhere the eye can see. Never before has the expression of "Take my money!" held more sway than in Las Vegas, be it casino or the airport itself!

As a matter of fact, one might imagine the only way to tell here is any form of time difference (aside from the flight scheduled posted), would be to glance at the nearest glass window to see if it's daylight out, or if dusk has approached and passed.

"Where is she!?" Despayre chirped as he hopped up and down, looking around eagerly as the latest crowd of passengers from a random flight arrived near the number of baggage carousels to claim what was theirs. "Where's my mom!?"

"She'll be here any moment, Joshua." His father answered from the chair he sat upon himself. "Her flight just landed so I imagine she's disembarking as we speak."

Despayre paused in his excited chatter over his mother's impending arrival to frown in thought and his lips silently mimicked the word 'disembark', deciphering the possible meaning of the heavy word Synn had just used.

It was lost on Despayre as to why Synn was not as excited as he was for his mom's arrival. True, the long standing animosity he held against the mother of his son had waned to a virtual non-existence, but all that was lost on the childlike Despayre's mentality. He was excited, and it was for certain that Angel was as well. You'd think it would stand to reason that by proxy, Synn had to be excited too! He was just hiding it. That was his way.

Despayre cast a glance toward his father who was seated comfortably in one of the hard chairs to be used while waiting for the random passenger -- or as comfortably a man with a height and frame as large as he had could be made. Synn casually lifted a bottle of raspberry tea to his lips and nonchalantly had a sip and Despayre sighed and shrugged his slim shoulders.

Yeah. His dad was very good at playing the nonchalant role.

"So indulge me." His dad stated, drawing his attention temporarily away from the crowds pouring out of the airport's vast interior and more toward the baggage claims. "What made you decide to bring your little friend along?"

Synn indicated a wave toward the chair beside him where Angel was propped up, clad in a set of footy pajamas for a baby and a toddler's blanket around his shoulders.

Synn continued, "I was to understand he was too sick for traveling."

"He is." Despayre answered. "But this isn't 'traveling'. This is just an airport!"

"Ah." Synn nodded and took another drink. "I see."

"And besides!" Despayre continued, rubbing at his eyes. "He's just as excited to see mom as we are!"

"More so." Synn played along. "He enjoys the treats she brings from Canada."

"Yes!" Despayre happily agreed. He then turned toward Angel and asked the teddy bear. "Did you remember it? ... Oh good!"

"Remember what?"

The answer to Synn's querie came soon enough when Despayre reached under Angel's blanket and took out a piece of folded up paper. He proceeded to unfold it and held up a sign that said 'Mom' in blue Crayola crayon (upside down of course) and he turned to the swarm of people walking into the claiming area. He stood propped up on his tip toes as more people filed in when he let out a 'whoop' of glee at the sight of the woman he had waited for.

"There she is!" He excitedly danced about in wide circles. "She's here! She's here!"

Margaret Young, Despayre's mother, smiled as she heard her loving boy before she laid eyes on him. She paused a moment to glance toward the waiting people and Despayre almost bowled an older couple over, running over to grab his mom in a loving embrace.

"You're finally here!" he latched onto his mom as if

"Ohhh! I'm glad to see you too, sweety." Margaret said as she finally was separated from her son and she turned as Synn approached the pair, having retrieved Angel from the chair and was carrying Despayre's teddy bear in the crook of his arm.

"Hello Ro-forgive me. Synn." Margaret greeted the man amicably, still unused to referring to the father of her son by his now-legal name of Synn and not his birth name of Rowan.


Synn nodded, but despite past misgivings, he reached with his free arm and wrapped it around her shoulders for a light embrace. There was a time years ago when this simple act would have been unheard of between the two, but thanks to time and understanding, and the revelation of the truth from none other than Gabriel himself, time would indeed heal old wounds and amends were being made between the two parents. Much to the point that for the past few months, Synn had been working hard at possibly convincing Margaret to move from Vancouver to the states, more specifically, Las Vegas, in order to be closer to her son.

"And how is Angel doing?" Margaret asked of her son, knowing well his emotional need and attachment toward the beloved teddy bear.

"He doesn't feel well." Despayre nodded knowingly.

"Oh dear." Margaret playfully ran her fingertips along the bear's head and shook her head. "He does feel a little arm."

It was then that Margaret turned to address her boy, playing along when her eyes fixed on his face and she studied him briefly as only a mother is able. "Sweet," She started to say. "Are you feeling all right?"

Despayre took Angel from his father's grasp and cuddled the bear close to his chest and silently nodded. He clamped his mouth shut and tried, rather unsuccessfully, to stifle a cough. Synn frowned and reeled his boy in by the arm.

C'mere." Synn said with no brook for an argument and he placed his large hand over Despayre's forehead. As Margaret watched on, Synn then placed the back of his hand on his son's cheek and shook his head. He removed his hand and sighed, looking to the woman at his side and admitted, "He does feel warm."

"Joshy." Margaret started to say but Despayre shook his head.

"I'm fine!" He declared. "It's just the excitement of seeing you!"

"Noting the light glistening sheen on Despayre's forehead, she drew him in herself and placed her lips lovingly on his forehead and then drew back.

"Sweety, I think you have a fever." She stated. "You are a bit pale."

"I'm Canadian!" Despayre declared. "I'm supposed to be pale! Trust me..." He looked back and forth between his mom and dad. "I don't get sick."

The pitiful sight of Despayre curled up under the heavy Marvin the Martian blankets of his bed tugged at the heartstrings of his parents as they stood in the door frame of his bedroom, keeping a close watch on their son. From beneath the covers, they heard him cough, not bothering to stifle it now that the 'secret' was out. All they could see of him at the time was the tip of his scalp and his hand as he reached absently for the teddy bear he had come to love and drew the plush form under the covers with him. On his bed stand was a plate with a few plain crackers and a half empty cup of orange juice.

After a few moments more of watching over him as any parent would (or should), Margaret stepped back into the hall and Synn followed, quietly closing the door behind them.

"I am kicking myself." Synn muttered, running a hand along his jaw as he leaned against the wall.

"What on earth for?" Margaret wondered aloud, shaking her head. "You're not the one that got him sick. Hell, you're the only person I know of that's healthier than he is."

"No, but I am the one that didn't notice he was getting ill." Synn folded his arms over his chest, trying his hardest not to lose control of his considerable temper and put his fist through his home's drywall. "I saw his sniffling and heard a cough or two, but he told me it was allergies. Now he's saying Angel got him sick. I think he was subconsciously using Angel being 'ill' as a way to attempt to tell me that he himself was getting sick."

Margaret said, "Well I stand by what I said." She placed a hand on Synn's forearm and smiled. "You didn't know, and it may very well have been allergies. But all he has is a bit of that flu bug that's been going around. All he needs to do is rest while we take care of him."

"I'm just sorry that you made the trip for this." Synn sighed. "Travel a thousand miles and end up nursing a sick boy back to health as a result."

To this, the mother of his son could but shrug. She said, "true, it's not what I would call a dream vacation. No mother wants to see her baby sick, but I'm still glad to be here to at least help. I can't remember the last time I got to take care of him when he was ill."

"He hasn't been ill since I got him from out of... that place." Synn declared. "It's one reason why I'm ill at ease, for lack of a better term. He's on at least seven different medications for his treatments, but luckily his doctor did say taking some cold medicine on top of everything else would do him no harm. And Theresa is keeping him plied with soup and orange juice."

Margaret nodded, satisfied to hear that assurance.

Synn continued, "I'm also not at my best when dealing with another person being sick."

From behind the closed bedroom door, they both heard the tell-tale sound of a random series of coughs. Synn's head jerked around and he almost went right inside but stopped himself, knowing there was really nothing else he could do save for keeping Despayre comfortable until he got over the flu bug. He turned and found Margaret smiling at him.

"I think you're doing just fine." She said.

This statement drew a light wisp of a smile to the otherwise surly nature of Synn, and he unfolded his arms.

"This isn't perhaps the best time to bring this up." He started to say. "But then as of late, it rarely is. Have you given any thought to that idea of mine?"

Margaret stared for a few moments into his emerald green eyes and then at the door where their son lay ill in bed. She inhaled lightly through her nose and exhaled through pursed lips.

"As a matter of fact," She stated. "I have."

"You'll have to forgive me if I don't spend a heavy amount of time here with you at this point in time, but as you saw, I am previously engaged in nursing a sick Despayre back to health."

"Times have changed. I have never really been that fond of such a thing, but it is the course of nature as time moves freely, for change to occur. I dislike it, but that does not mean I would be able to alter the fact -- which I dislike even more. I abhor anything that I can not affect personally, so let's move on from something that I can not, to something that I can."

"That would be the end result of the tag team encounter that Despayre and his friend, Big B, have been signed to for this coming weekend's event, Blaze of Glory III. This event, the third annual of its kind, is being viewed by many in the industry as Sin City Wrestling's own personal 'Wrestlemania'. And with such matches as Mark Ward versus Nicolas Blair and the Bombshell's title versus title match, it's no small wonder."

"Every match has much at stake, including the tag team match between Bosom Buddies and the opposition, Mickey Carroll and Jimmy Ringo. Two of the only regular tag team combinations going at it, and I am certain that a potential shot at the championship gold would be forthcoming to the victors."

"Now, I'm certain each of us could puff out our chests and declare who is going to do what when the time comes, but let's step past that endearing moment of testosterone boasting and instead look at this logically, shall we?"

"Despayre and Big B's team name of Bosom Buddies is aptly appropriate. They are friends. Perhaps not yet as close as Despayre and Gabriel were, and that may very well never happen, but in this business, any friendship is to be coveted and cherished. Not something that Mickey Carroll would be to familiar with. Turning on his own long time friend and tag team partner, Ben Jordan. And if I'm not mistaken, as of late on Twitter, it would seem our own Mickey has been showing something akin to remorse."

"Too little, too late."

"Now which way would our dear Mickey Carroll turn, should he have the choice? Would Ben ever be willing to take him back into his confidence, or is that bond severed forever? And even should the idea and interest be there, one might have to wonder what the man known as 'Real Money' would think about such a thing. After all, how can a team with such trust issues be successful against a team that has none of the kind? Big B and Despayre are thick as thieves, as the saying goes. Good friends and each has been there for the other when they have been in need of such assurance and comfort most. That in itself will extend to the ring this Sunday, gentlemen, and where neither of you have the knowledge of where the other stands, the Bosom Buddies do."

"They know that they will be standing over you, arms raised in victory. The only thing you need to know is that you would have just fallen at the hands of the future Tag Team Champions."</color>

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."