Author Topic: Chicago’s finest meets Miami’s finest!  (Read 405 times)

Offline Cyrus King

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    • Cyrus King
Chicago’s finest meets Miami’s finest!
« on: November 11, 2013, 09:38:42 PM »
 Cyrus wasn’t in action last week but he made his presence felt in a big way after being appointed the Special Guest Referee of the SCW Roulette Title Match between Max Burke and “Big Tiger” Jeremiah Hardin, despite the best efforts of both Burk and Cyrus Jeremiah won the match thanks to a botched attack by Cyrus and to make matters worse the now former Roulette Champion was abducted by the group of druids who had been a thorn in the side of the SCW roster since the Halloween Special several weeks ago.

In other words, it wasn’t a good time to be Cyrus King right now.

This week Cyrus was opening up the card with a match against the newcomer Aaron Matthews, a man who considers himself “Chicago’s Finest”, Cyrus has made it clear that he wants a shot at the Roulette Title and to make an impact he will have to defeat the newcomer in this match, can he do it?

Cyrus’s hotel room, Covina, California
November 11th, 2013, 11:00am

I was just getting settled into my new home as well.

Ah well, SCW is a touring company so I guess it was a matter of time before it left Nevada again I just didn’t think it would be this soon but I digress, that isn’t why you’re here, you want to know my thoughts on my actions this past Sunday at Climax Control where I accidentally cost my ally the SCW Roulette Title resulting in his abduction.

My thoughts are this. I did what I was paid to do.

Was I told to help Max retain the title? Absolutely, did it work? Absolutely not, but I’ve already staked my claim to the next title shot and to gain momentum going into that potential match I need to win, and that brings me to my next SCW match against newcomer Aaron Matthews.

All I’m going to say is that the recent trend of newcomers losing their debut matches will continue with Matthews.

“So, any other calls from Mark?” Miranda asked as she approached me and I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance, ever since the Roulette Title Match I had been bombarded with calls from the co-owner of SCW almost as if he is actually taking time out of his schedule to chew me out, not that I can’t blame him.

“Yes and I’ll repeat what I said to him.” I responded as I put the phone down. “If I knew in advance that the druids would’ve showed up with their sights set on Max they wouldn’t have gotten one punch on him, I would’ve taken them all out.”

“You mean on your own?” Miranda asked and I nodded.

“That’s why they hide steel chairs under the ring.” I answered and Miranda nodded. “But obviously I didn’t and my error during the match was compounded by the fact that Max was abducted by those idiots.” I sighed as I folded my arms. “Mark wants me to go after them, assist Grimm and Goth any way I can, I want the Roulette Title.”

“Decisions, decisions, it’s a match of personal goals vs. orders from the boss.” Miranda answered with a frown. “Is there a way you can do both?”

“I’m thinking of that.” I answered with a frown. “If they want titles they’ll come after me when I win it from Hardin thinking that I’m an easy target, I’ll prove them wrong.” I added with a frown. “But first I have Aaron Matthews to worry about.”

“That’s easy enough, beat him and you’ll have momentum on your side no matter what happens.” Miranda pointed out and I nodded in response. “Aaron does have a few titles on his résumé but I haven’t heard of the fed he won them in.”

“Neither have I, probably not important.” I answered with a nod. “Still if he’s half as good as his résumé suggests then I’m in for a fight, a fight I can win but a fight!” I added and Miranda nodded in response. “Anything else you can think off?”

“Nope, I think the only thing that’s left for you to do is your promo against Matthews.” Miranda answered before pausing for a moment. “Anyway, I feel like having steak tonight but the hotel restaurant doesn’t serve any steaks.”

“There’s bound to be a few steakhouses in the area.” I pointed out and Miranda nodded before leaving the room presumably to use her laptop to find a place for us to eat at tonight, in the meantime I’m alone in my room with a camera crew so I have a promo to do. “I make to excuses over my mistake during the Roulette Title match, Hardin saw my spear coming, dodged it and I hit Burke instead ending his reign as champion but that leaves me with an open door to go after the belt myself, but first I have to beat Aaron Matthews.”

And I will.

“Recently there has been a bit of a trend in Sin City Wrestling, newcomers come in thinking that they are hot stuff only to lose their debut match, I’d say that I fell victim to this myself but that would suggest that I have an ego which I don’t, John Dough, Eric Steel, both of these men lost their debut matches in back to back weeks, you will continue that tradition Aaron.”

It’s that simple.

“You may have a good résumé but it is in a fed that I’ve never heard off and I’m assuming that it’s for good reason! You’re playing in the big leagues Aaron and reality is going to bite you hard when you step into the ring with me this week on Climax Control, you may think that you have a great SCW career ahead of you but I’m here to make sure that your career starts with a whimper rather than a bang!”

That I can guarantee.

“The truth is we both need a win in this company, you need it to make a good impression on the higher ups whilst I need to get some momentum going and make sure that my plans go as smoothly as they possibly can and unfortunately for you our paths will cross in this match and one of us will leave disappointed that they didn’t win, that person will be you.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“Aaron, you may be Chicago’s finest but I am Miami’s finest and we both know that Miami is a much better city than Chicago any day of the week! With that in mind I’ll take great pleasure in beating you in this match and winning for the first time in my SCW career, you on the other hand will do nothing but bow down to the king!”

I turned on my laptop as the scene fades.
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