Author Topic: Reigning hell on Earth  (Read 369 times)

Offline Casey Williams

  • Freight Train Of Pain
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    • Casey Williams
Reigning hell on Earth
« on: July 19, 2013, 09:27:13 AM »
 Scene 1-Run in with the Salco‘s

The scene shows Casey Williams hanging out backstage after his loss to “Hot Stuff” Mark Ward, visibly upset in the manner in which he lost.  Then he sees Jake and Jessie Salco, and Jessie‘s boyfriend, Shane, walking his way.

Jessie-”Hey Casey, what‘s up?”

Casey responds, angrily.


Jake-”Casey, I do not appreciate that tone towards my sister.”

Casey-”Jake, I do not give a damn what you think.  I am not in the mood to deal with your sister‘s spunkiness right now.”

Jake-”Well, she did nothing wrong. She was just trying to be pleasant with you.”

Casey then turns to Jake, and hits him with the Kiss of Death. Jessie and Shane look stunned, and then both go to check on Jake.  Jessie looks up.

Jessie-”What the hell was that for?”

Casey-”I told him I was not in the mood to talk, and he continued to talk.”

Casey looks at Shane, and walks toward him, ready to hit him with a Kiss of Death when Jessie steps in front of him, preventing Casey from doing harm to Shane.  Jessie then shoots Casey a look that would kill him if looks could kill.

Jessie-”Well, you didn‘t have to hit him, and I will not allow you to hit my boyfriend as well.  I just wanted to know if you were going to watch Bloodstock this year like we did last year?”

Casey growls angrily at Jessie as Jake stirs from the Kiss of Death.

Casey-”NO!!!!  I have too much shit to deal with right now than to be bothered to watch Bloodstock, as much as I may want to.”

Jessie-”Sorry I asked.  Let‘s go guys, before he lays you both out!”

Jake and Shane walk by Casey, who hits each of them with a Kiss of Death, as Jessie screams at Casey as he walks off, looking smug with the acts he just committed as the scene fades to black.[/b]

Scene 2-Making a worthwhile impact

The scene shows Casey Williams relaxing on his Fat Boy with a bag on his back outside the Golden Nugget Hall in Laughlin, Nevada for Climax Control.  Casey gets to face the his old arch nemesis, Kain, in a 3 Stages of Hell match, as part of the Team SCW Dream Matches show.  Casey calls out the man who’s dream match this is.  Casey has an intense look in his eyes as he begins to speak.

“Kain, you think I am going to lay down and let you walk all over me like you have in the past?  Think again, bucko.  I am going to show you that you shouldn‘t be afraid of me, but terrified of me, not just because of my size, but what I am capable of doing to others when I want to, and not dictated to by others.  You will experience first hand how vicious I truly can be when I set my mind to it, and ater the humiliating loss I suffered at the hands of Mark Ward, I realized that enough was enough, and I need to change my attitude, and take no prisoners like I used to.  There is nothing you can say to me to make me to not kick your ass. If anything, what you say will want me to kick your ass even more.”

Casey then enters the arena, goes into the production area, gives them the latest ACW DVD, in which Casey Williams debuts in that he has in the bag and asks them to skip forward to the main event.

Main Event
Champion vs. Champion Non-Title Match Up
Simon Jones vs. Angelo Vialetti

“Superman” by Three Doors Down starts to blare out over the PA system and the lights dim.  A rather large shadowy figure appears in the entranceway.  The shadowy figure slowly raises his arms above his heads and then holds them there as if he was presenting himself to the world for the first time.

Kirk: The following contest is our Main Event... and is a special battle of the champions! Introducing first, hailing from Woodstock, Ontario, weighing in at 289 pounds... he is the ACW Atlantic Champion... ANGELO... VIALETTI!

In a sudden and swift motion he brings his hands down in front of him.  The lights come back up and Angelo Vialetti makes his way down to the ring. Angelo steps through the ropes and unstraps his title. He raises it high in the air, and poses for the fans.

The intro of “Simon Says” By Drain STH plays over the arena’s PA system, prompting Simon Jones to walk through the curtains and out onto the stage, to a cheer from the fans.

Kirk: And introducing his opponent, from Birmingham England, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is the current Sin City Wrestling Heavyweight Champion…SIMON… JONES!

As he makes his way towards the ring, Simon slaps hands with some of the fans on either side of the aisle. After arriving at the ringside area, Simon climbs the steps up onto the ring apron, then steps through the ropes, and as he does so he glances to his left, then to his right, before walking to the side of the ring closest to the camera and pausing to look out at the crowd. Simon unclasps the SCW heavyweight championship from his waist then turns around and walks towards the opposite side of the ring, but before he reaches the ropes, he turns to his right and heads for the corner of the ring, where he climbs to the second turnbuckle, to further cheers and applause from the fans.

Kenny: It’s a battle of veterans. It’s a battle of fan favorites. It’s a battle of champions tonight.

Hector MacKay calls for the bell to start the match.


Angelo and Simon shake hands in a sign of respect before backing away to start the match. Simon kicks off the match by using his speed against the bigger Angelo. As Vialetti comes in for a lockup, Simon leaps and places a picture perfect dropkick into the chest of the Atlantic Champion. Angelo is knocked back a few steps against the ropes. Simon comes at him again and attempts a cross body. Angelo catches him, and slams him hard into the mat with a fallaway slam.

Kenny: Angelo and Simon are both playing to their strengths to start this match.

Trevor: Brilliant observation Kenny... geesh.

Kenny: Just calling the action Trev.

Trevor: Bravo.

Angelo has Simon back to his feet. He whips him into the far ropes. As Simon Jones springs back, Simon leaps into the air and wraps his legs around the head of the Atlantic Champion, sending him flying with a hurricanrana. Simon quickly covers Angelo.

Kenny: Here comes the first pin attempt of the contest.


Angelo launches Simon off him with a forceful kickout.

Trevor: Not quite...

Kenny: Lots of fight left in the Atlantic Champion, but Simon Jones, the SCW Heavyweight Champion has a smart game plan.

Trevor: Quick and dirty offense. Hit and move.

Kenny: Exactly.

As Angelo gets back to his feet, Simon springs off the second rope to deliver a tornado ddt. Angelo blocks it, and tosses Simon away...

Trevor: Too much power.

Kenny: You are...

Breaking Benjamin's "I Will Not Bow" start to blast through the speakers interrupting Kenny, as red and dark blue lights start to flash, the blue cutting through the red to create a purple effect. The fans boo as the lyrics kick in.

"Now the dark begins to rise
Save your breath, it's far from over
Leave the lost and dead behind
Now's your chance to run for cover

I don't want to change the world
I just wanna leave it colder
Light the fuse and burn it up
Take the path that leads to nowhere"

Casey Williams appears at the top of the ramp, looking around at the crowd and not moving, his eyes burning holes through the crowd, as well as Simon Jones, SCW’s Heavyweight Champion, and Angelo Vialetti, ACW’s Atlantic Champion, who both have stopped fighting, and gaze up the ramp and the behemoth at the top of the ramp.

"All is lost again
But I'm not giving in

I will not bow
I will not break
I will shut the world away
I will not fall
I will not fade
I will take your breath away"

Casey lets out a roar, his arms out wide before he looks down the ramp, focused. The Freight Train Of Pain starts to run down towards the ring, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head to look at the booing crowd, their thumbs pointing down. Casey shakes his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, running down towards the apron. Casey puts his hand on the rope, and pulls himself up onto the ring apron and steps over the top rope, staring around at the booing fans.  Simon and Angelo nod at each other, and charge at Williams.

Kenny: NO!

Casey drops Angelo with a Kiss of Death. He grabs a hold of Simon Jones by the neck, and drops him with another! Casey raises his arms as the fans boo louder.

Casey then motions for a microphone.

Casey: You guys just witnessed how powerful I can be.  I just took out the 2 biggest names ACW and SCW has to offer right now with a single punch to each of them.  It just goes to show that I am that powerful, and dangerous.  There is no stopping me!!!  I am putting the entire ACW roster on notice.  I will catapult myself to the main event, and prove to the world that I deserve to be World Champion, something “Hot Stuff“ Mark Ward and Christian Underwood rarely gave me a shot to compete for, even though I have been there since day one.  Not only is this a message for you guys here in ACW, but it is also a message to all the guys in SCW.  I MEAN BUSINESS!!! J.J. Dixon brought me in to be a serious contender for the Atlantic Championship, and I will not let him down.

The crowd boos Casey even louder as he drops the mic and walks to the back and “I Will Not Bow“ hits the speakers. J.J. appears at the entrance, a huge grin on his face.

Kenny: What has J.J. done!? In the course of one night, he’s turned his back on everyone! This is deplorable.

Trevor: No, it’s amazing! Way to go boss!

J.J. embraces Casey in a huge hug, and then raises his hand in the air as the fans in attendance pelt them with trash on the entrance.

Casey gives a sinister cackle as the DVD plays through the end credits, and goes back to the main menu screen.  Casey asks for the DVD back, and the IT guy gives the DVD back, and Casey focuses his attention back on Kain.

“Kain, you may be wondering why I showed you my debut in ACW.  Well, let me tell you why I did.  It‘s simple, really simple.  I wanted to show you that as much as you and I have been through hell the last few years since we started facing each other in AWA, you have gotten the better of me, and I wanted to remind you that I am still a threat.  I mean, how often does one say they can take out 2 different organizations champions in a 10 second span?  Not often, and I can say that I can, and you are going to be my next target, and nothing you can do will stop me. I thank God for giving me the power to cause a lot of suffering upon my opponents and causing suffering upon you is both a pleasure and a cursing. We both know I have caused you pain in our matches, yet you have been victorious over me in singles matches, but your luck is about to run out, because when I destroy you in this 3 Stages of Hell match, you will feel like Kevin Nash after the Fingerpoke of Doom. I will see you at Climax Control, and I will destroy you for once and for all.”

Casey walks into his locker room to put on his wrestling gear, with a smile on his face, content with himself as the scene fades to black.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020