Author Topic: Issue #15  (Read 448 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
Issue #15
« on: May 24, 2013, 11:08:23 PM »
  I guess I should just stop complaining about this now. I'm getting pretty used to it. Two weeks ago, I was this close to beating Misty. In fact, I can say with all honesty, I had her beat. Not too many people can say that, so I'm pretty proud of myself for that. But anyway, I had her beat, and low and behold, once again, someone else has to get involved in my business and cost me the match. At this point, it's a really bad running joke.

I had Misty beaten. She knows, I know it, the world knows it. The proof is right there, two weeks ago, on film or on DVD or on the internet, wherever you can view it, you see it, plain as day. But, in the end, Misty got saved by not only her minions, but the title belt itself. And as disappointing as it was to lose to Misty, There was a silver lining in the whole thing.

She knows I can beat her.

She got her hand raised two weeks ago, and if that's all that matters to her, then so be it. But in the back of her mind, time is slowly ticking away. She knows that now. Now more than ever, based on that match alone.

She knows, and she's worried now. She knows that I've got her number, and in due time, and straight up, one on one, I'm going to take the bombshells title from her. So from this point on, it's game on. It no longer matters who you throw in front on me, I'm mowing them down. I'm taking this division over, I will wipe out every single possible contender until she can only see me, and I will say "You have to fight me now, I'm the last contender left". That's the goal now. And when I get my shot, I will take her down. But that is the future, and this is the present. Misty and Amy Marshall.

Amy, you know full well you lucked into a title match by way of that battle royal. You know you should have been counting your lucky stars that you won. And what did I say would happen? You get the title shot, and you would lose. And that's exactly what happened. You know why Amy? because you just aren't good enough. I know, you know it. It's the reason why you were so quick to pick sides in the SCW vs Erik thing. The fact that Misty got dragged out of the ring that time, and has been so desperate to keep her title at all costs, should let you know you are on the wrong side. Or, at least you were.

I don't know why you left team Erik, but I applaud you for it. You need to stand on your own. Maybe then, you can become good enough to win the bombshell title. But you, Amy Marshall, are one of the first people I need to eliminate from contention for Misty's title. If you have revenge on your mind, I suggest you leave that plan on the shelf for the time being, because I have business to attend to with Misty. I have to beat her, and I don't need you getting in the way, or trying to screw it up by your actions. This is my fight, and It's one that I intend to finish Amy. You need to step aside while I handle this. Because getting in my way, is not a good idea.

I agree with the crusade, I agree with standing alone. I agree with Amy Marshall standing up and being her own woman. I do not agree with trying to beat me and Vixen in this match. It's not going to happen Amy. You may not like Misty, and you may not want to lose but as the old song goes "you can't always get what you want." What you want, may be a victory, but it's not in the cards. Not when there is so much left for me to do. You want to stand on the tracks when the train's coming through, be my guest. It just means you get run over. It's not personal Amy, it's business. I don't hate you, I just can't allow you, or anyone else, to derail me while I'm moving towards this ultimate goal.

This is not a good time to push me or get cute Amy. You have your reasons to hate team Erik, and Team SCW, I get that. But this is not the time or the place to try something ridiculous. I'm telling you this, because the truth of the matter is, I'm a friendly person. And I'm being nice to you right now. Please do not make me regret that and take out all this pent up frustration on you, because I can, and I will.

[ Fade in to the Guild HQ building. Roxi, out of costume is standing in front of the Victory counsel. ]

Roxi- You...wanted to see me?

Captain Freedom - Yes. We did. It has come to our attention that you have been acting very recklessly lately. Is that true?

Roxi- Reckless is a strong word.

Captain Freedom - Oh? And how would you describe it.

Roxi- Acting...outside the box.

Captain Freedom - Well, let's talk about your actions as of late.

[ Roxi's head drops as Captain Freedom pulls out some papers. ]

Captain Freedom - You endangered the life of Dr. Murray?

Roxi- I saved him.

Captain Freedom - By Destroying a $50,000 Lab.

Roxi- It was Peterson! He destroyed it!

Captain Freedom - Speaking of which, how many times have you taken on Harold Peterson without backup? You know the Guild rules.

Roxi- I...had to...

Captain Freedom - You had to? The rules are never go into a battle without backup.

Roxi- Harold Peterson would have killed people had I not shown up alone.

Captain Freedom - Harold Peterson is a dangerous criminal who you should never have taken on alone. That is expressly forbidden.

Roxi- I did what I needed.

Captain Freedom - I see. And is what you needed to do endanger the life of Claire Beaumont and Dr. William Birkin?

Roxi- I didn't....

Captain Freedom - You endangered their lives against Peterson, caused a building to be burned down. Luckily for you, the fire department was able to contain it.

Roxi- That was also Peterson.

Captain Freedom - Then, you constantly ignore the advice of your partner, engage in several days without sleep, Harass a police officer?

Roxi- I... can explain...

Captain Freedom - This behavior defies explanation. It's reckless and dangerous.  It will not be tolerated.

Roxi- I...have to find Claire.

Captain Freedom - Ms. Beaumont?

Roxi- She's missing.

Captain Freedom - I'm aware. There is already a good conducting an investigation.

Roxi- There is?

Captain Freedom - Of course. We've had this situation under control.

Roxi- What do they know?

Captain Freedom - That's not important right now. What's important is that your behavior be corrected.

Roxi- What do you mean?

Captain Freedom - After counsel with the Victory Counsel, we have reached our decision.

Roxi- ....

Captain Freedom - Effective immediately, you are suspended from the guild. You will be put under strict supervision until we feel you're behavior has changed.

Roxi- What?!

Captain Freedom - Please. Turn in your costume. At no time are you to involve yourself in any superhero related activities. Violation of these terms will result in your permanent removal from the Guild.

Roxi- You can't be serious?!

Captain Freedom - We are. Now, please  turn in your costume to Lady Victory.

I can't believe it. It's over. Just like that. I'm...I'm powerless.

Lady Victory - Believe me child, this is only a temporary setback. You'll pull through.

Roxi- Save it. This was my life.

Lady Victory - All you have to done is simply get through the next 2 months, and your probation will be over.

Roxi- Take it.

Lady Victory - I take no pleasure in this.

Roxi- Whatever.

Lady Victory - It was not an easy choice to make.

Roxi- I don't care what you try to say to make it better. It's not going to work. Just take the costume and be done with it.

[ Roxi angrily tosses the costume to Lady Victory and storms out. ]

Lady Victory - I'm sorry.

[ Back at Roxi's apartment, she sits moping around in her chair. She tosses a baseball up in the air and catches it. Over and over. Vision appears on the screen behind her.]

Roxi- Go. Away.

Vision- Rox, I know you hate me right now, but I want to talk to you.

Roxi- Why? So you can tell the guild I'm depressed too?

Vision- I'm sorry. I was just trying to help you.

Roxi- Help?

[ Roxi wheels around in her chair to face the computer.]

Roxi- You want to help me Vision? Help would have been if you told me the Guild was working on finding Claire!

Vision- I didn't know?

Roxi- You KNEW Claire was close to me! You knew that's why I was looking for her!

Vision- I didn't know the guild was working on finding her as well. Okay?  I swear!

Roxi- ...

Vision- I swear. I don't even want to talk about that right now.

Roxi- Then, what do you want?

Vision- I know, I kinda screwed you over with this, so I wanted to get your mind off of it.

Roxi- Oh really?

Vision- Yeah. I wanted to...offer a good luck in chasing Misty and the Bombshell title.

Roxi- ....

Vision- You did great out there. Maybe now you'll have more time stuff?

Roxi- Maybe I will. But what difference does it make? I'm not a superheroine anymore. I can't go out and make a real difference.

Vision- Well, I think it could actually be good for you.

Roxi- Is that right?

Vision- Yes. I think you can rest up more and more, you won't have worry about people finding out who you are anymore, or some pervert or some thug or some crazy monsters.

Roxi- ...

Vision- Time to normal.

Roxi- But it's not making a difference.

Vision- Maybe you can.

Roxi- How is that?

Vision- There's a bunch of things you can do to help SCW by volunteering.

Roxi- Maybe.

Vision- Just...give it some thought.

Roxi- Guess I don't have a choice now.


Well, as much as I hate him right now, maybe he has a point. I mean, I really want to become Bombshell champion, and getting myself into trouble would be more than it's worth right now. Maybe this is a chance to be...normal for a change. A chance to really make up for lost time with SCW. I mean, I almost missed a bunch of parties, then I had to leave early to stop bank robbers.

I barely know anyone!

I've become some kind of weird recluse!

Well that's gotta stop! I guess being a superhero can wait while I'm chasing the bombshell champion. After all, they need me on TV, right?


That gives me an idea.

I'm not giving up looking for Claire, I'll just have to be more careful about doing it.

What the guild doesn't know won't hurt them.

I may be down, but I'm not out. There's more than one way to be a hero. One of them is writing wrongs, and that doesn't involve a costume.

Congrats, Misty. You managed to become the first person to pin my shoulders to the mat in this company. I guess I should be honored that it took the Bombshell's champion to do so, But I'm not Amanda Cortez, Amy Marshall, and host of other could not, but you did. And it wouldn't be so bad if you were as good as you say. It wouldn't be so bad, if you had beaten me in the ring and proved yourself to be better. You did none of those things, and you know it.

All you did, was save your title. Preserve it for just a little longer. But how much longer Misty? How much longer before I defeat you and become Bombshells champion. It will not be much longer. You can run, and you can hide, but me, I'm going to do my job, and take you down, no matter where you run, or hide. That's what I do best.

You can tout defeating me, good for you. You know how you got there, but I guess for you, the destination is the only thing that matters. You know that it was an act of desperation. Nothing more. You know what I'm capable of doing. Defeating you. You know that I can, because I proved it to you two weeks ago. Hitting me with a belt, does not mean you are better Misty. It means you know the real deal.

This tag match is just another test. Just another bump in the road, but it will serve it's purpose. To serve as yet another example of how close I am to defeating you, if given the chance. You will not escape with that belt forever Misty. Sooner or later, I'm going to take it from you. But this tag match is a perfect backdrop. It will be very benificial to both me, and you. Yes, you can learn something from this match.

You get to not only learn that I'm close to beating you, You'll learn I can and will defeat you. A tag match to me, is almost as good as hitting me with a belt was for you. But I'm not going to gloat about it, I'm just going to use it, as motivation for when that belt becomes mine.

Keep it shiny. I'm coming for it.  
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