Author Topic: A bounty? You think a bounty scares me?  (Read 478 times)

Offline Lizzie Short

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    • "The Prodigy" Lizzie Short
A bounty? You think a bounty scares me?
« on: May 23, 2013, 10:11:27 PM »
 Matthew lost his chance at the Roulette Championship under controversial circumstances as the referee didn’t see his foot on the ropes, whether or not the referee will be punished for this is anyone’s guess and with Burnside’s recent return the pressure was on Matthew.

On top of all that Matthew was teaming up with Casey Williams to take on Goth and Brother Grimm for the SCW Tag Team Titles, can Matthew win despite the bounty on the heads of Team Erick?

Walking the streets of San Diego, California
May 23rd, 2013, 15:00pm

First that idiotic referee costs me the Roulette Championship then Mark Ward puts that damn bounty on the members of Team Erick then Jason Burnside pretty much admitted that I helped him get acquitted, at any moment I am expecting a cartoonish anvil to fall on my head.

But I digress, the bounty is easily manageable, I have two of the best bodyguards money can buy at my side and if they (somehow) fail I’m a damn good wrestler to boot so either way I will be protected and that goes double for the SCW Tag Team Championship Match this Sunday at Climax Control, if nothing else this should be a piece off…..

I’d continue but two men are attacking me at the moment.

“Get these bloody idiots off me!” I shouted at the Skar Bros who quickly charged in, Al speared the first one to attack and started putting the boots to him whilst Zach took the other out of his boots with a clothesline, Marty helped me to my feet and I pointed to the Skar Bros. “Put these idiots in the hospital, we need to send a message that no two idiotic wrestling fans will EVER take down a member of Team Erick!”

“Matthew, are you serious!? Think of the lawsuits!” Marty protested and I ignored him, Al forced the first idiot to his feet and threw him through a store window whilst Zach slammed the other’s head into a car door repeatedly. “Matthew, seriously just listen to me! My lawyer isn’t this good!”

“It’s called Self Defense.” I responded as I turned to my manager. “These idiots attacked me first because of that damn bounty Mark Ward placed on our heads and now they will pay the consequences, I won’t be pressing charges because ten thousand dollars is a damn good prize in today’s ecomany but this will make any future attackers think twice!”

“Well, if you say so! Let’s just get out of here before the cops show up!” Marty said as he pointed out several people calling the cops, we quickly walked off as I shook off the attack. “So what do we do now Matthew?”

“We head back to the hotel room, the cops will show up there eventually and I need to clear my head.” I responded as I turned to them. “The hotel’s a twenty minute walk from here. This will give us a chance to talk business.”

“I’m guessing by “business” you mean the Tag Title Match?” Marty asked and I nodded without hesitation. “Well you were great rivals with Casey so logic dictates that you’ll be just as good, if not better, as tag team partners.”

“Marty just think about it for a second, if logic applied to professional wrestling my SCW career would’ve ended the moment I attacked those two morons during my feud with Casey due to me being arrested on two counts of assault among other things!” I responded with a frown. “Besides that there’s also one other factor and I think we all know who that is,”

“Burnside……” Marty trailed off as he shuddered. “Look I get why you brought him in in the first place but couldn’t you have gone with someone less psychotic?!”

“First off, that doesn’t exactly narrow it down. For god’s sake The bloody Ultimate Warrior is more mentally sound than Jason!” I responded as we made our way to the hotel. “Second I had to make that choice at the last minute and my brother owed me a favor, a favor that destroyed his career and led to his suicide but a favor non-the-less!”

“Yeah I guess that……wait, you never mentioned that part!” Marty realized once the weight of my statement hit him.

“Would you talk freely about that fact that your mistake led to your own brother’s suicide?” I asked with an annoyed grunt. “My other siblings refuse to even acknowledge my existence! Pretty much the only person who has forgiven me is my father as he understands that I did what I had to do! And don’t bother with your damn pity! You’d just be wasting your time!”

“Err, you know what? Let’s go on ahead and let Matthew catch up.” Marty suggested to the Skar Bros. who nodded without hesitation before going into the hotel room, now that I have some time to myself I decided to address my next opponents.

“I bet you feel real clever don’t you Mark? Putting a ten thousand dollar bounty on the heads of every member of Team Erick in an attempt to take us down.” I said before shaking my head. “In reality you’re a bloody idiot who’s lost without Christian! If Christian was still around he’d tell you that the bounty was a stupid idea because it makes the Team Erick members much more dangerous! We’ve practically become cornered wild animals, we will fight until we are dead or free or this trap or in this case just free of the bounty, with that said I have the tag titles to win!”

And win them I shall, I’m starting with Goth!

“One year ago who would’ve thought that I’d ever team up with Casey Williams much less for the SCW Tag Team Championship? Certainly not me but things have a funny way of working themselves out, don’t they? Goth the last time we met in the ring was just before I decided to go after the SCW Heavyweight Championship, a title that I’m still owed a rematch for because Nick Jones can’t win a match without those idiots at his side! That was several months ago and I can assure you that history won’t repeat itself, keep those titles warm for us as they are coming to Team Erick!”

Next up is Brother Grimm.

“And as for Brother Grimm, I don’t care about this idiot either way, am I supposed to be impressed that you put Daniel Tyler out to pasture in your debut? Justin Bieber could beat that idiot and even then you attacked him after a Mixed Tag Match against two Semi-Finalists in the Blast from the Past Tournament! How you two beat Blood Omen I’ll never know but I do know this! Those titles are coming home with us and more importantly to Team Erick!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“All I can really say is this, Goth, Brother Grimm, your time as Tag Team Champions is on Life-Support and me and Casey Williams will be the ones to pull the plug! My name is “Prime Time” Matthew Kennedy and the title reign of Goth and Brother Grimm is about to be cancelled by order of Erick Staggs.”

I entered the hotel as the scene fades.
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