Author Topic: No Win for Jessie  (Read 948 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
No Win for Jessie
« on: April 21, 2013, 05:41:53 AM »

No Win for Jessie

A few hours before the PPV starts and before Amanda has her match against Jessie she site in her locker room and relaxes a bit. She already wears her ring gear, but she still sits on her couch and it seems that she's really relaxed and that she takes it easy. It doesn't look like she will have a hard match soon. Instead as being nervous or warming up her muscles she only sits there and paints her toe nails. Then she lights a cigarette.


Just as she is finished a knocking at the door can be heard and a camera team enters. Like usually Amanda is happy that she gets on TV and that she can talk and so she smiles at them as they enter her room.

Ok guys, what can I do for you?

The cameraman positions his camera and the interviewer takes a seat, while Amanda gets ready for her interview. She really looks hot and sexy, but a last look into the mirror is necessary. After she has seen that everything is ok with her outfit she relaxes again and smiles at the camera team.

Well, that's pretty easy. I think you have a really important match tonight after your feud with Jessie goes for such a long time and so I wanted to know how you feel about it.

Amanda thinks for a moment and smiles into the camera, then she shrugs. It seems that she sees it really exact and that having a match doesn't worry her in any way. She has always been pretty cool and it's not easy to scare her off and she loves it to show how cool she is.

Well, how should I feel? It's just a normal day. You're right and this feud goes for a pretty long time now, but that only means that it has slowly come to an end. I'm a bit fed up of Jessie and her crap and slowly it's time to stop her.

Now the interviewer interrupts her and looks a bit puzzled because Amanda has been the one who started this war. It will really become interesting what Amanda has to say to this.

You're talking of stopping it? That's funny after you have been the one who started it.

Amanda laughs, but then she nods. He is right, but she sees it still a bit different. She has started this trouble, but for her it has been a one time action and such an attack is no reason for a longer feud or war.

That's true, I started it, but I thought it would be a one time thing. I admit that I've been the one who attacked Jessie first. I needed some publicity and I thought it would be a cool thing so that the people look at me, but I never thought that this girl would react so extreme. It's not that she only wanted her revenge, in some way I have the feeling that she's almost haunting me and this slowly goes on my nerves. I think there was really no reason for a war that lasts for months now.

With a smirk in his face the interviewer nods while he looks at Amanda's hot and sexy body. It really seems that he likes what he sees and he's not the only one. The fans don't like her, but they love it to see this sexy fiery girl in the ring and her fetish videos also sell very good.

Yeah, haunting you is the right word, it's almost like a witch hunt. By the way, you're a hot and cute victim.

Amanda looks a bit puzzled, but then she starts to giggle in a really cute girlish way. She's amused by his comment and by the way he changed the subject and she also knows how cute she looks when she laughs or giggles and that the people like to see her like this.

Oh, I know what you mean. You're talking about all these lil videos where I play the victim and where I get interrogated and tortured.  So do you like them?

Now the interviewer blushes and it takes a bit before he continues. It's pretty clear that he has seen a few of her kinky videos and that he liked them and now he's a bit ashamed to show that he likes such stuff.

Mmh ...yes. In some way I like them and you look really cute and sexy when you laugh and giggle. And you have very pretty little feet.

Amanda has a friendly smile in her face as she hears this. She's always happy when she sees that the people like her stuff. As he mentioned her feet she wiggles her cute little toes in a temptingly way and giggles a bit. She has always had extremely pretty little feet and she always loved it to show them. But for now she doesn't want to talk about her fetishes, she tries to bring back the focus of this interview to wrestling.

Thank you. And I like it too to play the victim, but not in the ring and not in one of these wrestling shows. There I prefer it to be the dominant and tough biker chick. I think this role fits to me too.

The interviewer nods in agreement, even though he's a bit disappointed that Amanda doesn't want to talk more about her kinky stuff and sex life. But he must admit that she looks really tough and cool with her spiked wristbands, that leather outfit she sometimes wears and when she comes to the ring on her Harley.

That's true. This role fits really good to you, especially when you come down to the ring with your Harley. That's so damn cool. But I think even though Jessie always tries it again, you're the one who has the upper hand in this feud.

That's exactly what the petite and cocky Amanda wanted to hear and she smiles again. She plays the tough badass chick, who doesn't care about anything, but she still likes it when people talk positive about her.

Yeah, prolly yes. Jessie tries it again and again and I must admit that she isn't too bad. She even has cost me a win and she has confused me pretty much when she came down to the ring during my matches, but I think it has only been once that she really had success. The other times I still won my matches.

Yes, that's true. You didn't seem to be too bothered by her actions. And the last time she even helped you to win.

Now Amanda really has to laugh. The thought of Jessie's last actions really is too funny and Amanda still can't believe that she had had such a luck. Without Jessie's interference she really would have lost her last match. She leans back on her couch and puts her legs on the coffee table, ankles crossed and wiggling her cute feet a bit.

Haha, yes. That shows us how stupid she is. She doesn't even manage it to make me lose and she has to push down my foot from the ropes when the referee watches it, that's really too stupid. Especially as she wouldn't have had to do anything. In my match against Roxie it didn't look too good for me and I think without this interference Roxie would have won this match. Ok, not during this submission move, but I was already weakened and my arm has hurt like hell. So the next of her moves would have been a success and I would have had to submit. Haha, but anyway, I think now ill have to thank Jessie. Hehe, you did a really good job, you stupid bitch.

Amanda still giggles and the interviewer looks at her long and pretty legs, a bit longer than it really would be necessary. Amanda notices it and smiles at him in a temptingly way.

It really seems that you like what you see.

He blushes and nods again. Amanda's legs are really so beautiful and she has such a wonderful silky and soft skin, so that most people would love to touch her and the interviewer is no exception.

Damn, yes, I do. But we can talk about this later. So let's come back to your little war with Jessie. I think you got her pretty good as you faced her in the ring and also when you appeared during her matches.

Amanda smirks. And it's true, she had had a bit more success with interfering during Jessie's matches, even though she got beaten up a few times, but that doesn't count for Amanda and she almost has forgotten it.

Exactly. Ok, she has beaten me up a few times, but in the end I've cost her a few matches and because of me she has lost her title. So I think I've been a bit more effective with my actions. Haha, I think now she's really pissed.

They both have to laugh. The fans don't like Amanda very much, but it's really fun to interview her and her trash talking can be really so entertaining.

Yeah, I bet so. And she's even more pissed because she thinks that you can only win with cheating.

As she hears this Amanda sneers. It's true that she cheats a lot, but she knows that she can also win without doing it and she knows how deadly and dangerous she can be in the ring.

I'm not surprised that she says this. Look, she has lost against me and she would never admit that I'm the better wrestler and that she has no chance against me.

But you did cheat.

Amanda shrugs and it's clear that she doesn't give a shit about the way she wins. A win is a win and that's all that counts for her.

That's true, I did. But I can win against her whenever and wherever I want. That's really no bi deal for me. The cheating I only did because I'm a lazy person and so it has been easier for me to take the win. Oh, and tell me who doesn't cheat. I think most people do so.

Probably yes. And I think you are right and you can win against her whenever you want. But if this is the case, then do you have any idea why she wants you in a match where everybody is banned from ring sides?

Now it takes a while before Amanda answers. She likes matches with special stipulations, but a match where everybody is banned from ring sides is crap in her eyes. So e interference from others is always fun, especially when it helps her to take the win.

I don't know. It is the same as with her interference the last time, she only helps me. And it shows how stupid she is. Prolly she wants to avoid that I get some help and so she requested such a match. But that's completely stupid, cuz she doesn't get help too. Ok, the next point is that she wants to prove that she can win against me, but that's crap too. She will never take the win against me.

Amanda laughs in a dirty way, but then she becomes honest again. She shakes her head in disbelief. She really can't understand how anybody, especially Jessie, could request such a match.

The poor girl really has no brain. She could have had it so easy. Look, I'm in team Eric and the bosses really don't like me. They've even banned me from title matches. And I heard that she Jessie talked to the boss and there she got asked whether she wanted another stipulation for our match. If she would have been smart, then she would have requested a submission match, then she would have had the win.
Look at me, I'm pretty small and not that strong, so in such a match my chances wouldn't have been that good, but she had had her chance and she forfeit it. Haha, so no win for Jessie tonight.

Again Amanda giggles and the interviewer has to smile too. Amanda's good mood is really infecting and it's fun to see this little spitfire.

True, true. But you already mentioned it, you are banned from title matches, so what else are your plans for the future?

Amanda thinks for a moment before she continues. This is really a bigger problem and hard to describe, because she has no clue what the future will bring her at SCW.

No easy question and to be honest, I have no clue. But first, when this here is over, I'll make a lil vacation together with Laura and the we will see what happens. Probably I will try to make a comeback in the title hunt, but first I'll have to prove that I can't only win against girls like Jessie or Roxie. I have to prove that I can also defeat wrestlers like Odette, Misty or the Fallen, but we will see how everything will develop.
I mean if I defeat one of these girls or even all of them, then they must give me a title match and then I'm back as the champion again. Damn yes, that's what I need, or why do you think I joined team Erik or why did I attack Odette last week?

Yeah, that would have been my next question. You and Laura were really viciously as you attacked Odette. Is there a reason for this violence?

Amanda smirks again and everybody can see that she loves such violence, especially when someone else is on the receiving end. Sometimes Amanda can be really sadistic and she then she loves it to see others suffer.

Yes, there is. I hate these bitches who always play the nice girl and I'm still pissed that she won against me in my last match against her. I'm out of the title run for the moment, but I wanted to make sure that she doesn't forget me. Haha, I'm still here and I'm still dangerous. I just wanted to make sure that she knows it and that there's no place where she can hide from me. She might call me a loser and maybe she's right, but I still can hurt and humiliate her and there's no place for her to go without meeting me and without getting a beating up from me until I got the chance for a real revenge in an official match.

She pauses for a moment and the interviewer looks at her pretty long legs and her petite cute feet again. Amanda smiles as she realizes this and she stretches a bit so that he has a better view.

Oh, and to make you happy, I have planed to do some new video clips and I also got an offer for a real movie.

Now the interviewer looks up. This seems to become really interesting and he wonders what kind of movie this might be. Mostly Amanda only worked as a fetish model, but seeing her in a real movie will be really awesome.

Oh, that sounds interesting. Will you tell me which movie it is?

Now Amanda winks at him. She doesn't want to make it to easy for him and so she waits a moment before she answers his question.

Haha, why did I know that this would interest you? But I have to disappoint you, it won't be a porn movie, just a normal one, hehe, at least almost normal.

As she sees his disappointed facial expression she laughs a bit. It's really too funny that most people like it to see her making sexy and kinky stuff.

But don't worry, I'll show enough skin and I'll look pretty sexy most of the time. Haha, at least until the end.

So will you tell us what kinda movie it is?

Amanda smiles again in her tauntingly way. It's really fun to see how curious everybody is.

Sure, I'll do it. It'll be a horror/fantasy flick. And I'll play a mean witch that tries to kill the regent and wants to rule over the world. It'll become pretty brutal, with lots of fighting scenes and at the end I'll get caught and my group gets destroyed. But first i kidnap the daughter of the king and try to blackmail him, but they find me and my hideout. After a huge final fight I'll get defeated and arrested, then they will torture me until I confess everything and until I tell them where the princess is, so that they can free her.
Haha, it will have some really mean torture scenes, where they whip me, cover the bottoms of my feet with salt and let some goats lick it off till I almost laugh myself to death, but all this doesn't make me confess. Then they burn my feet with glowing coals and that makes me break. Then they free the princess and I get burnt alive. Haha, so a happy end.

Amanda laughs a bit. Like in the wrestling shows she loves it to play the mean bitch and she thinks that it fits really good to her and it is exactly what the people want to see.

That sounds really awesome and I'm really looking forward to see this movie. But now let's come back to the PPV for a last time. Are you worried about your match against Jessie?

Amanda shakes her head. She really isn't worried and she is so damn relaxed right now. It doesn't feel li,e the last minutes before an important wrestling match.

Why should I be worried? No, I'm not. I see it pretty relaxed. I've defeated her before and I can do it again, so I'll be the winner tonight and nothing can go wrong. Ok, Jessie isn't too bad, but against me she has no chance. She might have beaten me up a few times as we met backstage or after one of my matches, but that doesn't mean anything cuz I was taken by surprise, but this time I am prepared. So what shall go wrong?
She might try to get an advantage cuz she's a bit stronger than me and she might try to get me into a submission hold, but that won't work. To get me she will first have to get me in a grapple and that won't happen, I'm too fast and too skilled for her. So her chances to take the win tonight are really bad and at the end she will be the loser again. That's for true and nothing can change it. Haha I said it before, no win for Jessie.

Again Amanda laugh in her cheery way and the interviewer smiles too. He stands up and looks at Amanda.

Ok, that has been a great last word to Jessie. So thank you very much for your time and for this interview and we wish you really luck in your match later tonight.

Now the interviewing team packs their stuff and then they leave Amanda's locker room. Amanda still has her vicious smile in her face and it's clearly visible that she is satisfied with the way the interview went. She has said everything she wanted to say and so it's good. Now she lights a new cigarette and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 3572


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0