Author Topic: It’s about time!  (Read 885 times)

Online Jessie Salco

  • SCW's Heavy Metal Bombshell
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    • Jessie Salco
It’s about time!
« on: April 16, 2013, 08:59:31 PM »
 The time has finally come, Jessie has finally got her match against Amanda Cortez one-on-one and thanks to Christian there can be no interference from either Team Erick or Team SCW, can Jessie defeat her longtime rival?

Jessie’s hotel room, Brasilia, Brazil
April 16th, 2013, 4:00pm

Man, this whole tour has gone by pretty damn quickly; it feels just like yesterday that I started this kicking the feud against Amanda into high gear.

And now I finally get to put an end to it with this match, I’m not going to lie, this is something that I’ve been looking forward too ever since Amanda stuck her nose in my business, sure it’s now crossed over into the whole Team Erick/Team SCW situation but you know what? I don’t care, Amanda started the feud as a publicity stunt, and I intend to end it in a way that will make her regret her attention whoring ways.

Anyway I just got back from having a stroll through the streets, I may be from Miami but Brazil makes Miami look like Antarctica in terms of weather, when I saw my siblings watching one of the few English Language TV Stations we could find, normally I’d shrug it off but I can tell from the look on their faces that something big has gone down.

“Hey guys,” I greeted them as I took off and hung up my denim jacket. “What’s up?”

“You’d better watch the TV.” Jake said as he turned around and I joined them on the sofa once I heard the serious tone in his voice, it’s a news report about the bombing in Boston yesterday that we must’ve missed due to leaving for Brazil, needless to say my jaw’s on the floor by the time the news report ends.

“Holy shit…..” I said as I shook my head. “Who the hell would do something like that?”

“Cowards and terrorists, that’s who would do something like this.” Jake answered as he turned to me. “Three dead, about a hundred injured, an eight year old kid is among the dead.”

“Son of a bitch…..” I muttered under my breath as I watched the TV. “Not to sound insensitive or anything but could we change the subject? I don’t want my mood to be ruined before I get my first Hostile Takeover promo done.”

“Sure, I was about to suggest the same thing anyway.” Katie agreed with me before turning off the TV. “As said as it is we can’t do anything about it anyway, besides I’m sure you’re more interested in Amanda’s promo.”

“I’m going to go ahead and assume you referring to talking about the bombing.” I responded before nodding. “Yeah, I watched it on YouTube yesterday, can’t believe she started this whole thing because she’s an attention whore.”

“That or she just wanted an excuse to kick your ass, either way you’re feuding with her.” Jake answered with a frown. “And that’s not even getting into the enemies you’ve made since this whole thing started.”

“Yeah, first there was Kain and Alexis when I interfered in Amanda’s first Blast from the Past match, Alexis may be gone from the company but Kain’s still a problem.” I said as I shook my head. “Then there’s my botched interference in her match against Roxi Johnson that’s left her pissed off at me and knowing my luck she’ll want a piece of me once I’m done with Amanda.”

“Huh, I just realized that this feud started with a match between you and Roxi and now the second to last match in the feud was a match between Amanda and Roxi.” Jake realized with a thoughtful grin. “Wonder if Christian and Mark realized that.”

“It’s probably just a coincidence.” Katie pointed out as she shook her head. “In either case that feud’s come to a head and now you can put it to rest, win or lose as soon as this match is over you can focus on getting back in the title picture.”

“Preferably win.” I responded with a nod. “But still, there should be no problems with Amanda and her cheating ways in this match; thanks to Christian I’ve already eliminated one element from her cheating ways since she has no friends outside of Team Erick.”

“Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that actually.” Jake remembered as he turned to me. “Are you sure you don’t want me at ringside?”

“I’m sure, besides if you accompany me to ringside then Team Erick might see it as an excuse to interfere.” I answered and Jake nodded in understanding. “As for the rest of Amanda’s cheating ways, I’ve watched enough of her matches to become familiar with them and I know what to look out for, Amanda may think she’s hot shit but in reality she’s just shit!”

“You didn’t have much time to think that up did you?” Jake asked cheekily and I rolled my eyes. “Anyway it’s getting close to dinner time and since we’re stuck here for the next two weeks we may as well start looking for some decent restaurants in the area.” Jake said as he and Katie stood up. “Will you be okay on your own?”

“Yeah, besides I can cut my promo to pass the time.” I answered and Jake nodded before he and Katie went into the other room, now that I had some time to myself I started trash talking. “My sister always told me that good things come to those who wait, I have been waiting for a shot at Amanda ever since she interfered in my match in what I now know is a damn publicity stunt gone horribly wrong, sure she got attention, she got the attention of a pissed off metalhead chick who doesn’t like people sticking their noses in her business.”

In this case it was my match against Roxi,

“And because of that publicity stunt we have been going back and forth for two months now, sure it got sidelined by the Blast from the Past Tournament but as soon as that was over we kicked the feud into high gear and we haven’t slowed down since, you want to know why I took exception to you deciding to stick your nose in my business?”

It’s a very personal reason.

“It’s simple, because of certain things that happened in my past I’m a very secretive person as anyone who knows me can tell you, the fact that my history with drugs almost ended my career before it began didn’t help, and I especially don’t like people poking around where they shouldn’t be, in this case you interfered in my match and I wanted to make you pay and now that we’ve reached the second Supercard since this feud began we can officially put an end to this!”

Fuck it; if Amanda’s coming clean about her history with drugs I may as well do it too.

“I never thought I’d actually be saying this on camera but if Amanda wants to come clean about her history I may as well follow suit.” I said before taking a deep breath. “As I mentioned before I have a history with drugs and like Amanda I’m not exactly proud of that fact but that’s where the similarities between me and Amanda end, from what I can gather Amanda used drugs for recreational purposes, me? I used them to escape the reality of the situation I was in at the time.”

I bit my lip, this was getting personal.

“Truth is the Salcos weren’t my first adoptive parents, I was adopted by some asshole who’s now in jail for beating me to within an inch of my life, that’s right, I was beaten as a kid and I turned to drugs and Heavy Metal to escape all that, that asshole is still in jail the last time I checked and I was adopted by the Salcos two years later, I’m not looking for any pity from anyone, my policy regarding that is simple, it happened in the past, it didn’t kill me and I’m stronger for it!”

Oh and one other thing.

“Amanda, you may have done time in jail for drug possession but me? I may have been arrested but I served out my time in rehab, once I was cleaned up I was let out without a criminal record and the rest is history and I never crippled anyone either! So yeah you can pretty much drop your elitist bullshit at the door once the match starts and if you don’t then I’ll make you drop it, understand?”

Off course she doesn’t.

“If there’s one thing I can say about you that’s good Amanda, it’s this, you actually came clean about the fact that you hide behind your cheating ways to hide the fact that you can’t wrestle for shit! And why do you do that? You did it because you’re lazy? That just further proves my point, you’re scared of the truth, that you can’t beat me and with everyone banned from the ringside area for this match and me knowing your cheating ways better than you know them I can pretty much see victory already!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“Amanda, you may have started this whole thing as a publicity stunt but I can assure you that you’ll regret that decision once the match is over! Once this feud is over I have one goal in mind, win back the title that you cheated me out of! And beating you first will help catapult me towards that goal! This is SCW’s Heavy Metal Bombshell Jessie Salco reminding the SCW Universe to make it metal and Amanda Cortez that she should choose the targets of her publicity stunts more carefully.”

I went over to my laptop as the scene fades.