Author Topic: Nightmare  (Read 905 times)

Offline Kain

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    • Kain
« on: March 01, 2013, 11:26:14 PM »
 For the first time in months, a nightmare blazed to life while I was asleep.

I stood in the ring, at Blaze Of Glory II, reenacinting the glory days of my MMA fights, kicking ass and taking names. Suddenly, it's The Young Lions that are beating me down and I look to my corner and try to reach my hand out to Frost.

But he's nowhere to be found.

The Young Lions drag me back, pick me up and deliver their finishing move, my body slammed harshly into the mat. I laid still, unmoving, as the Young Lions decide on who's going to pin me. Suddenly, Goth attacks out of nowhere, clobbering the two men with a weapon that was hidden inside his trunks. He knocks them both out with iron knuckles and tosses the weapons away, then getting hooking my leg for the cover. The referee slams the mat, with his hand, three times, and offcially announces Goth and Casper Grey as the winners of the championship match.

Goth kneels on the ground, on my right side, clutches my throat with his left hand and turns my face towards his, forcing me to look at him in the eyes. Holding the title with his right hand, he smiles widely and laughs loud, the kind of evil laugh that is sinister and foreboding, the kind of laugh that you never want to hear at all. Then he stands up and kicks my face, knocking me out completely.

That's when I screamed and rose from my bed, back in Detroit, Illinois. I woke up sweating profusely, breathing heavily, my heart pounding. Instantly, Ariel, the love of my life, was awake and holding me close, comforting me with promises that were true, trying to get myself back into who and what I am today. I heard her words briefly, but I couldn't help but think of the nightmare that I just had.

Would everything that I've worked for be taken away from me forever?

Would The Young Lions and Goth finally succeed in dethroning Blood Omen from the top of their throne?

I couldn't help but ponder those questions. My wife kissed me on the lips and told me to try and sleep. I nodded to her, but told her that I needed to make a phone call.

Ariel: Frost?

I nodded, kissed her back, and told her that I would be fine. She smiled and lied back down, returning to her sleep. Gathering a red robe around me, I left our room and checked up on our kids, seeing how they were doing. They were growing up too fast and I've tried to sneak in every possible moment with them when I'm home. As they grow older, would they be proud of their father and everything that he's accomplished so far? Would they be happy, knowing that he's a billionaire that could get them into the best schools possible by taking on both illegial and legal fights? Someday, I hope they would be content with the truth. At least that...

Stepping into the living room, I grabbed the phone and dialed a number. The line, on the other side, rang four times, then directed me to an automated voice telling me to drop a voicemail. Once the tone beeped, I spoke.

Kain: Frost. I don't know where you are and what you have been up to. You've been silent and now, more than ever, I need you. Please tell me what's going on. I hope you can make it to Blaze Of Glory II and defend everything that's Blood Omen. Give me a call back, as soon as you can.

I turned off my phone and walked to the large window, taking a long look at the dark sky. It was three A.M. in the morning, thunder and lightning booming from the heavens. Thinking of the nightmare and of the match ahead of me, my mind was occupied for questions, attempting to unearth answers that were forever dancing with the rain.

* * * *

My name is Kain. I am the King Of Kings. It is now my time to speak and for all of you to listen!

So I'm bothered. I'm bothered by the fact that my tag-team partner, Frost, has yet to show up and aid me in the fight ahead. I'm bothered that there's a great possibility that the tag-team championship belts will finally be taken by a lesser team that doesn't deserve it at all. The odds, I have to say, are pretty much stacked against the likes of me. While Goth's partner, Casper The Friendly Ghost, has yet to make a single appearance, Goth has been carrying his load of the work in order to give their team a slight chance in winning. However, it will prove to be a futile effect in the end. On the other hand, The Young Lions have showed up. They have come on the air, twice now, and have delivered their message for the entire world to see. For the first time, I could see my time as a tag-team champion in dire straits, where the championships could finally change hands at Blaze Of Glory II. Well, I'm going to crash the party with a newsflash; the titles that Frost and I proudly display around our waist are going NOWHERE! If this means that I am forced to stand alone, to endure the wrath that's about to be bestowed upon me, then so be it. At this time and place, I WILL NOT lose the belts anytime soon. So it is now up to me, the great Kain, the almighty King Of Kings, to step onto the battling plate, wait for their pitch to be thrown, then demonstrate the best grand-slam that will be seen only once in a lifetime! What will it take form me to get the job done though? It will take every ounce of my incredible skill, amazing chrisima, and all the blood, sweat, and tears that I can afford at this moment in time. If Frost is able to lend a hand when needed, it shall be greatly appreciated, for every moment counts. But I don't intend to lose, boys. I don't intend to walk away empty-handed and even if I did, I'm going to have to KILL to see you perish without the title belts, which means none of you will be competiting after Blaze Of Glory II, tag-belts or no tag-belts! Do you understand me? Blood Omen WILL overcome all obstacles and Blood Omen WILL save the day once again! Now I know that many of you are itching to know of my thoughts on what has transpired from these men. Today, you shall have the all the answers you desire and after that? You four will have to enter the ring, face the music, get the worst beating of your lives, delivered by yours truly, then suffer a horrible fate! It's all up to you; either walk away now or suffer the consequences! It's that simple!

Max Burke! Are you kidding me? Is that the best that you can throw at me and Frost? See, you may be smart to study your opponents in advance, but do you believe that's what Frost will be doing at Blaze Of Glory II? Do you think that the match that you saw, in ACW, will be a repeat? I'm not talking about just the victory, because that's certainly going to repeat itself at Blaze Of Glory II, you got that part down right! But if you think that Frost is going to remain a creature of predictable habit, if he decides to show, then you are sorely mistaken. Knowing Frost by well now, he's NOTHING like you've ever faced in your entire career. You should know this by now; Frost works well within the ring and uses it to his own advantage and when you think he's done it all, he brings out a few, clever moves and a few tricks that you've never seen before, Max. Those kinds of moves and tricks that he performs, Max, are the kinds that completely stun you from nowhere. You better keep your eyes wide open, because Frost is going at you with full speed, throwing everything you got, and by the time he's done with you, you won't have a SINGLE CLUE as to what the hell happened to you! Hell, it's even more laughable that you decided to tell me how our entire match is already mapped out in advance! Are you nuts? If that was such the case, then why couldn't you get the job done? I've seen out you phony jackasses act inside the ring. Very predictable, very boring, and nothing special to write to your dog about, kid. You are absolutely nothing great, Max, and you never will be in this lifetime. That's the truth, Max, and if you don't like it, tough shit. Winners survive in a dangerous jungle like the Sin City Wrestling organization, Max, and you are merely a sore loser that's about to have their bones chewed up and spewed out by hungry wolves that are primed and focused on their kill, or kills, as the case may be! I can't help but shake my head at the fools who decided the Young Lions would be a good idea to be involved in this matchup; you and your partner will finally discover the meaning of pain and suffering as only I know it to be! Not Goth, forget that stupid bastard, I'm talking about ME! I'm talking about Frost, who makes up one-half of Blood Omen, the team that will kick your asses from pillar to post and walk away with the tag-team championships around our waist yet again! You don't believe me? Then come into my world, one more time, and discover the truth at Blaze Of Glory II! Count on it, boy! And speaking of partners...

Trevor Irons. The man of a thousand lies and a thousand insults, all of them untrue and pathetic! I find it disheartening that you are paired up with a mindless boy like Max Burke, who really has done nothing incredible to show off this power that you speak of in regards to The Young Lions. Has anyone else been impressed by your tag-team efforts lately? Hell, you have the gall to tell me that you and your partner put time into your tag-team, hours and hours on bonding with each other, acting like you know each other for years. If you think you are men that's ready to handle anything, then why is it that your previous efforts have failed against us? I was sincerely hoping for an answer to that question and instead, you chose to be a coward and create more excuses, as if you said everything already. But clearly you haven't, Trevor, whereas I have! I have spoken the truth more times than you could count and I'll throw another fact in your face; your whole act as the Young Lions is embarrasing! Do you honestly think that the wrestling audiences see any kind of attraction towards you? Do you honestly think that anyone is going to take you remotely serious should you miraculously come out on top and win the SCW tag-team championships? I don't know what kind of deluded world you chose to live in, Trevor, but it's a landscape I am SO GLAD that I am not a part of! Hell, son, it makes me laugh to hear you say "Well, I'm glad that Kain is good at fighting solo, but he certainly cannot take on the likes of two people." Son, do you even know whom you are speaking to? I've been in multiple battles that I've been involved in, dealing with more than one opponent in front of my face, all in different circumstances and situations. It wasn't easy, Trevor, but I somehow managed to conquer them all without much trouble. It's all about getting them in the right moment, when they feel really cocky and overconfident, then I strike at the perfect time! That's how I work, Trevor, and if you don't believe me, I dare you to hire the biggest army in the world and have them thrown my way! Let them all comes towards me! You know what the end result will be, Trevor? Of course, with me standing and all of them crippled and bloodied on the bloody battlefield! Truth is, I'm glad you can't help but be pissed at me and for good reason; I got the best of you in the past. More than anger though, Trevor, you and your boy are simply jealous. Jealous of everything that I've accomplished up to this point in my career! As for me? It's going to be nothing but a joy and pleasure in taking you and your friend out of the picture for good! Frost and I need fresh competition and the Young Lions are no longer capable of providing good entertainment for the both of us! I hope you are ready to face the inviteable, to be crushed by our hands, as Frost and I will show no mercy towards you both. Blaze Of Glory II is going to be a monumental victory for Blood Omen, whereas The Young Lions will be tamed and put to sleep forever!

Goth. The man who I consider to be not just a bothersome fly, but one of the worst opponents I've ever had to step into the ring with. You throw me names and act like I'm supposed to know them inside out. Here's some bad news for you to digest; I don't know either man, nor have I spoken with them personally. I do know this though...Metamania and Darius O'Hara? One legend and one failure. Last I checked, it wasn't his injuries that sent Metamania home; he retired because he desired a family and wanted to spend time with them. Last I checked, he's one-hundred percent and is still known to be one of the all-time greats, even made it to the GWA and AWA Hall-Of-Fame, if I remember correctly. As for Darius? He's nothing but a man with no ambition or goal that drives him and last I hear, he really hasn't moved on with his life. But enough about Metamania, enough about Darius O'Hara. This is about you and me, a tale that needs a permanent conclusion. You see, Goth, I know all about movies. I know about how they start, how the middle continues on with the story, and how the story ends. I know that movies can be unpredictable and even throw in a few twists or two to shock us in our seats. As I see it, you'd like to think that you, the savior of everything wrestling, is going to unfurl an ending that would even surprise me. But how is that possible, Goth? How is it possible that you could throw me a curveball and expect me to miss it completely when I can surprise you, in retaliation, with a bunt that sends you running to the ball, only for it to be too late to send me out of the game? How is it possible that you could somehow surprise me with a weapon, like a gun, and shoot my head off when I know what's coming already? After everything that I've been through with you, Goth, you still aren't capable to see what I have in store for you. You can write the movie-book ending all you want and pray for it to happen, even. But it won't come true. Not at all and there's multiple reasons for that Goth...

I mean, take a look at what's missing; your silent partner, Casper Grey, the man who was chosen to aid you in your time of crisis. So exactly where is he, Goth? Doesn't that bother you a lot, Goth? Or do you think that you could get the job done on your own? Wait, don't answer that, because I already know the answer. Your career has been punishing, Goth, and I've seen you fight. You are exactly correct in your own analysis; you enjoy inflicting pain on others, but that's all you desire in this world. Not my championship gold, not the glory or accolades that come along with this wonderful profession of ours, but just to rape us with blood, misery, and sorrow. But that alone won't be enough, Goth, at least for you. You need Casper Grey in your corner, to make sure that things do go your way, but he's been as silent as a mouse, more than likely skittering around in fear, unsure of what's going to happen until he arrives at the pay-per-view. Like you, he's going to be unsteady, unfocused, unsure of how to act when the moment arrives. You try to show me, show the entire world, that you are ready for this match, that you can handle it all ony our own, that you can take me out at an instant and leave me for dead. I, for one, refuse to believe it, Goth. I refuse to believe it because your pitiful actions, as of late, have shown me a different tale that's more believeable at this time. Very well, Goth. If you wish to see this movie at an end, then so be it. I'm more than ready to deliver the death blow that's been knocking at your door since the beginning of time, Goth. When I'm finished with you, no one will bow to you. Motorhead will not utter that name in your presence every time you walk out to the arenas and no one in the Asylum Wrestling Alliance will ever believe Goth to be a winner ever again. A sad, sorry leader that didn't get the job when he promised it and I look forward to seeing that realized, Goth. I look forward to shutting you up, once and for all, taking the King Of Kings name, placing it upon my mantle, and show the entire world that The King Of Kings is forever. He's here to stay, with the gold around his waist after Blaze Of Glory II. I don't care if you wish me a good sleep, because I don't need it. I'm refreshed and ready for the inviteable outcome, with or without Frost's aid. You can laugh at me, taunt me, beat me down with cruelity, and imagine thousand of scenarios where you'll always end up the victor. In the end, though, it will all be for nothing, Goth. Actions speak louder than words. Shouldn't you know that by now? I'll gladly teach you that lesson, one final time, before I send you to hell for all eternity.

And with that, I've said what's needed to be said. What's now important is the battle ahead. I am not a man that lives unrealistically, for I know that two teams will come charging into the ring, each of them determined to take everything away from me. Make no mistake about it; if I'm the only man that must represent Blood Omen to the fullest, then so be it. I have no regrets and my mind, body, and soul will be focused in the moment. Place yourself in a zen-like state-of-mind, write an Oscar-worthy performance, stay in airports or even torture a girl all you want; none of it will help you when you enter my world. I plan on destroying what's left of you, your legacies, your accomplishments, and everything else that belongs to you. I plan on taking it all away, stripping away your souls and leaving you dead, rotting under the sun, the vultures landing on your corpses and begin to eat what's left of your body. The SCW tag-team championships are on the line and I'm not afraid of a single man or woman in this organization. I'm willing to put everything on the line in order to demonstrate my prowess, my experience, and the fear that I instill to all that dare to cross my path. If Frost is able to make it into the arena on time, then that's fine. But if not, the spotlight is on me an I intend to make EVERY moment of it count, boys. So feel free to beat me down, place that "strength-in-numbers" emphasis on me. But no what you do, all of your efforts will be in vain, for I will rise up, deliver the punishment back tenfold, and leave you brutally scarred for the rest of your life. Blood Omen will walk in AS the SCW Tag-Team champions and they will walk out AS the SCW tag-team champions, annihilating any chance of Goth/Casper and Young Lions  winning the belts for themselves. So you either give me everything you got or prepare to face the consequences of your poor choices and perish by my hand.

My name is Kain. I am the King Of Kings and I have...spoken!
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 11:31:04 PM by Kain »

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion