Author Topic: Final Thoughts  (Read 836 times)

Offline TrevorIrons

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    • Trevor Irons
Final Thoughts
« on: January 11, 2013, 05:20:46 PM »
 The fountains at the Bellagio are currently dormant but the gathering crowd suggest that things are about to change. There are at least five hundred people waiting for the show to start. Two of those people are Max Burke and Trevor Irons.

Trevor: So what are we waiting around for?

Max: Just wait man, trust me it is worth it.

A mist starts to gather on the water as the music begins. Then suddenly graceful, thin towers of water start to eruput to the muisc. We soon discover the music is "My Heart Will Go On" from Titantic. The show is amazing, a combination of lights and thousands of water cannons. But as Max and Trevor look around them they notice they are surrounded by couples.

Trevor: Right, well that is pretty damn cool but this is just getting awkward.

Max: Agreed, lets get out of here.

The two men start to push through the crowd and start walking down the Vegas Strip. It is nighttime and the lights are dazzling. There are also so many people out and about that is is almost overwhelming. The two team mates walk together North towards Cesaer's Palace.

Trevor: Man this place is crazy.

Max: Sure is.

Trevor: And this is going to be our new home town. That is just flipping crazy.

Max: Its just a city, with people. I mean sure its a really crazy city but beyond all these lights its all just people.

Trevor: That is nearly deep man. So where are we going again?

Max: Its just a couple more blocks. Aleksei set it up for us, got his Party Horde to help.

Trevor: Speaking of crazy...

Both men laugh as they move through the crowds. A bunch of guys try to hand them advertisements for all sorts of things, mostly involving naked women. Trevor takes a few but mostly they steer clear.

Trevor: I am feeling good man. I am feeling ready for this match. Two weeks ago I admit I was worried but I know we can win this thing.

Max: Of course we can. Wait....what the hell is that?

Max and Trevor stop in their tracks as they look at a strange sight. A person dressed like the Grinche in an Elvis suit.

Trevor: Oh yeah....those guys. They stand around in costumes hoping folks will take pictures with them and tip them.

Max: But why....why is he the grinch? I mean the holidays are done and the Elvis thing...

Trevor: Its Vegas man...what do you mean.

Max: It just isn't right.

Trevor: You really need to talk to someone about this fear of mask.

Max walks up to the Elvis grinch who just stares at him. Max starts to get upset.

Max: What is your deal man!?

Trevor starts laughing and pulls at Max's arm. The grinch cowers a bit but Max allows himself to be pulled away.

Trevor: Come on man, we only have five minuets to get to this place. Maybe later we can beat up some costume freaks but lets go.

Max mumbles to himself as they make their way through the crowd. They walk past large casino's, and a volcano. Then they cross the street using the bridge across the busy road. They are heading to the Venecian. At first  the crowd looks like just one of the many in the city of Sin but as the Young Lion's approached the crowd parts for them. Then suddenly the group finds themselves in the center of a sea of fans. Someone tosses both men microphones that seem to be connected to a large stereo system.

Trevor: Is this thing on?

The crowd erupts in cheers and a Young Lion's chant starts up. Max and Trevor smile as the chant gets louder. They let it go for a while before Trevor talks again.

Trevor: I got to give Aleksei credit, this is amazing! Thank you all for coming. I have a feeling this town is going to be very good for us. Hey I have a good idea. Seeing you folks were nice enough to come out here tonight, how about you all come out and watch us win the tag team titles.

Max: Thats right, who here wants some tickets to New Years Rising!

Max and Trevor start to hand out some tickets. They don't have a lot of them but some lucky fans get a free ride to the supercard. Trev starts up again.

Trevor: Now there are some people who think we don't have a chance....well okay there are two people that think we don't have a chance. Blood Omen talks alot about Max and I being untested and unprepared for this match. What do you guys think?

The crowd starts chanting "Hell no" and Trevor laughs at this. He looks at his partner loving the crowd.

Max: Blood Omen is in for one hell of a rude awakening come New Year Rising. They think this is going to be a walk in the park. They are sadly mistaken. We are going to push these two to their limits. We sure as hell plan on walking out with that gold cinched firmly around our damn waists. We are going to shock the world at New Year Rising. We're going to take all of Kain's accolades and experience... and stick it straight up his damn ass! Tell em Trev!

Trevor: This is what I know partner. We are the hardest working tag team in this buisness.  Now I am sure Kain and Frost are getting ready for this match but not like us...they have not been training ten hours a day. They have not been picking up matches at any promotion nearby to get ready. And you know what else...both of those guys want to shrug off the fact that we are a tried and tested team. They don't think its a big deal but we know better. Let me ask you something most matches isn't their a moment when you think your done.

Max: Of course. Everyone has doubts at times.

Trevor: Right...right. Anyone out there have a moment like that...a moment when you think your going to break.

The crowd nods their head and some folks respond.

Trevor: In a tag team match those are the moments you look at your corner and you try to reach out. Now Kain and Frost, when they look at that corner they are going to see a guy who was an opponent only a month ago. They won't really know what they are reaching out for, but that is not how it works with Max and I.

Max: We know we've got each other's backs. There's no doubting our trust.

The crowd starts cheering and getting into it, but Trevor doesn't stop he just talks louder.

Trevor: Kain and Frost are damn good. They are going to push us to our limits. But I know that when that moment happens I will be reaching for a man that has had my back for over a year. A guy that I know like a brother. AND that is why we are going to win this thing. Right Max?

Max: You've got that right Trev.  You're my brother from another mother!

Max pauses and gets an odd look on his face. Trevor just looks at him.

Max: Did I really just say that?

Trevor: Yeah you kind of did but its cool you got caught up in the heat of the moment.

Max: Well you know man there are all these people and its live on the Vegas Strip...

Trevor: Totally understandable.

Both fighters now notice that they have kind of forgotten the crowd. Trevor starts to laugh and most of the crowd is laughing along with them.

Trevor: The point is this. We are not a bunch of rookies. We are not going to have any trouble with focus. We are tried and tested, AND mark my words we will be champions. If we don't get it Sunday it won't be because your the better team. It will just be because you had the better night...but I look into both of your eyes...and all I see is overconfidence. You think you have won this thing already but we have not had our say yet. Blood Omen, see you Sunday and don't ya'll worry. The lions will pounce.