Author Topic: One year in the making!  (Read 854 times)

Offline Blaque Hart

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    • Blaque Hart Bruce Evans
One year in the making!
« on: November 02, 2012, 10:42:57 PM »
 **Scene: The office of Blaque Hart Bruce Evans in his high priced home in Cagary, Alberta Canada**

**Time: 12:19 pm, noon time**

(The camera pans around the office, making sure to show all of the achievements of Bruce Evans through out his long career. Pictures on the walls from past and recent matches, plaques and trophies on the shelves behind his big oak wood desk. Titles in a case next to the big screen television across from the desk etc... As we continue to pan around the office, there is no Bruce Evans in sight. A few seconds pass by with complete nothingness until finally the door knob begins to turn. In walks a middle aged mexican female, actually dressed in the typical "maid uniform" from head to toe. Black and white. She's a bit chubby, hair tied back in a ponytail, and a five o'clock shadow on her lips, not to mention the big mold above her lip. On the tray there is a bottle of champagne, a few champagne glasses, and a box of cigars. She walks over to the desk of Evans' and gently removes all those items from the tray on the desk. She she reaches into her side pocket and pulls out her duster and once overs the office as to make sure there is no dirt around. She then walks out of the room with a look of shame on her face)

*Five Minutes later**

(Chase Coxx, the bodyguard of Bruce Evans enter the office, leaving the door open behind him. Chase is surprisingly not dressed in his usual basketball shorts or jeans with an old beat up pair of shoes and cut off shirt. He's actually wearing a very expensive looking suit, tie included. Black slacks, tan shirt, black tie, and black shoes. His usual blonde buzz cut is slicked back in gel. He walks over to the desk, and takes a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. He grabs a bottle of champagne, grabs a cork, and quickly pops the top. He then pours some champagne in two of the glasses. As the camera gets in closer on him, he looks into the camera and begins to speak)

Chase: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you. The man, the myth, the legend, the man who is without a doubt the most under- rated man in this company. The Franchise player of this company. The Icon! The Legend himself! Mr. Bruce Evans!

(Chase reaches under the desk and grabs a tape recorder, pushing a player on it which plays the theme song of Blaque Hart "Oh Canada". The sound is very rough, distant, and almost un- recognizable. As the camera pans to the door, Bruce walks in, big smile on his face and all. He's also wearing black slacks, tan shirt, back shoes, black tie, and his hair tied back in a ponytail. He walks up to Chase and the two shake hands and hug before Bruce walks behind his desk and takes a seat. Chase presses stop on the recorder, shutting off the amateur like theme music. Bruce grabs one of the glasses of champagne, Chase grabs the other and the two men make a toast. Both with huge grins/ smiles on their faces, as if they'd just won the SuperBowl or something)

Chase: Mr. Evans. Its been a while since you've had to do this. I've been with you since almost the beginning of your career and I've seen you go through a lot. Some bad, but almost all good. Bruce I've seen you win multiple titles, hell we've been tag team champions together before. I've seen you lose matches, and I've seen you win matches. But the thing I haven't seen you do in quite some time pal, ending someone's career. Taking them away from the thing they love more than life itself. Leaving them, and their poor families starving, and without the necessities of life...

(The two laugh and giggle, again hitting their glasses together, both taking sips. Blaque then begins to speak, with his usual cocky grin on his face)

Blaque: Bo, Bo Bo! If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times buddy! You've picked the wrong person to go to war against. It's kind of similar as a matter of fact to the whole war that dumb son of a bitch President George W. Bust started. It was a no win situation for the Americans... Yea I said it. Face it, how many lives were lost in that war, how many lives are still being lost this very day? Countless amounts. Ya see, those men, those men your people call brave for fighting for your safety, putting their lives on the line. I see it different, I call them all STUPID, LIKE YOU!!!

(Bruce and Chase begin to chuckle again, Bruce taking a sip of his champagne. Chase grabs the remote from the desk, and points it at the television across from the desk. On the screen, various news reports from the beginning of the war in Iraq, up until current events)

Chase: You're absolutely right Bruce. Look at this brutality! And for what? So you can end up as some crippled, one legged, half armed veteran to get the bullshit benefits. Only to end up some old man or woman walking the streets telling boring stories of how you gave your life for a country that's worth absolutely nothing now?

(Bruce chuckles, while reaching for the box of cigars)

BHBE: Bottom line is this. Since day one in this business I have been anti- America. I don't believe in anything it stands for, never will. This country is in the shits and will more than likely be until the world ends. Ya go around praising and idolizing bullshit like athletes, musicians, and people who are far from worthy or being praised. Your priorities are ass backwards, and so when people ask me why I hate America so much, those are just some of the reasons!

(Blaque opens up the box of cigars, handing one to Chase, and putting one in his mouth)

BHBE: Lupe! Get in hear!

((Screaming at the top of his lungs for LUPE. The mexican woman we saw in the office earlier in the maid uniform quickly enters the office, seemingly out of breath, and sweating, with a nervous look on her face)

Lupe: (in broken english) yes Mr. Bruce Evans Sir, you call for me?

(Chase is laughing hysterically, as Bruce, with his serious expression is trying so hard not to laugh)

BHBE: I need you to walk the dogs before it gets dark. I need you to make sure my bed is at the right temperature before I get in in it tonight. I need you to make sure you book my reservations for next weekend to Vegas..... And there was something else.... (putting his hand on his chin) I just cant remember... Oh yeah, I need you to light our cigars for us!

(Chase bursts into un- controllable laughter, face red as ever as Lupe reaches into her pocket pulling out a lighter. She quickly, even though her hands are shaking lights Evans' cigar, then Chase's)

BHBE: Good job Lupe, theirs a tip in it for you and your very hard work...

(Bruce reaches into his desk, taking out a 8x10 photo of himself. He grabs a sharpee and signs it, handing it to Lupe and laughing. She takes it, acting as if she's happy, and begins to walk off. Chase slaps her on the ass and continues his out of control laughter. As Lupe walks off, she's talking under her tongue, suddenly in perfect english)

LUPE: Stupid cheap Canadian, oh well atleast I have more shit for the fireplace..(Looking at Evan's picture, closing the door behind her)

Chase: So I know people are wondering what we're celebrating. Well folks, we're celebrating two very special occasions. Number one, the one year anniversary of..... Bruce Evans in this promotion. Number two, the end of the career of Bo Dreamwolf!!!

(Chase takes a puff from the cigar, aims the remote at the television, and changes the video. We are now watching footage from the first High Stakes last year November 6th, 2011. The match is of Blaque Hart quickly defeating some guy named "Virgil" with the "Blaque Out" submission)

BHBE: Ya see what happened to that guy? I beat him quicker than any other match on that card. That was last year, and I haven't seen or heard of that guy since then. I bet he's probably living in some poverty stricken city working at a Home Depot or something. I remember telling him before the match what I was capable of, and what I was going to do. He didn't listen, and now look where he is. Probably wrestling in some indy promotion in some third world country as N.W.O. Sting!

(The two men continue laughing while watching Bruce have his hand raised after defeating "Virgil")

Chase: I remember after you beat him you had called me and told me how easy he was, and how Sin City Wrestling was going to be a cake walk for you...

(Bruce, takes a puff of the cigar)

BHBE: Ya know if it wasn't for all the bullshitting and politics that goes on around here it would of been a cake walk. Unfortunately for me, I'm not one of the "chosen ones". I'm not hand picked by the boys in the office. So I have to, like I've done my entire career and life fight for what is rightfully mine. Mr. Bo Dreamwolf. The time for talking is nearing an end. All the crap, and all the bullshit you and I have been through these past few months, it all comes to a hault next week at High Stakes number two.

(Bruce pauses and takes a sip of the champagne, the expression on his face now very serious)

BHBE: I was here when it all started, and I will be damned if I let some sack of shit like you end it for me. Next Sunday it's me and you. Me and you Dreamwolf a match I was known for earlier in my career. In a match I made famous years ago. Yea ya talk about this kind of match being not a real wrestling match, a humiliation to this sport. I told you Bo, it's not going to be a wrestling match. It's going to be a fight.

(Bruce again pauses, and takes his champagne glass and throws it against the door, leaving a messy drip. He stands up, takes off his jacket, and continues)

BHBE: For too long! Far too long! A year to be exact! This company has tried to hold me back and hold me down. At High Stakes, Bo Dreamwolf! It's going to be a highlight reel. A one sided affair of me kicking your ass all over that Mandalay Bay in Vegas. I'm done playing your stupid little games. This will without doubt, be your last match in Sin City Wrestling, hell it'll be your last match in any company. Like I did a year ago. I'm coming in, putting on a class for everyone to see what I am made of and how it should really be done. Oh yea Bo.... I have one more proposition for you and this hardcore match of ours. How about since we're at "High Stakes" we take the odds up a notch!?! You got the balls Bo? Loser leaves Sin City Wrestling!!!

(As the scene fades Bruce and Chase both with serious expressions on their faces talk amongst themselves. Just as we cut out Bruce is yelling for Lupe to come clean up the mess he had just made)
The Franchise Player</font color>