Author Topic: The Mark of The Goddess  (Read 507 times)

Offline GoddessoftheDead

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    • Necra Octavian Kane
The Mark of The Goddess
« on: October 05, 2012, 10:38:14 PM »
Act 1: Into the Darkness

"I have sat among the great Gods. I have passed by the House of the Night-bark; it is the wasp which fetches me to see the great Gods who are in the realm of the dead, and I am vindicated in their presence, I am pure."
Spell 104 - Book of the Dead


The scene opens on the beautiful Isle of the Gods. The sky was a bright blue but the clouds were starting to roll in. The waves were rolling a bit higher then what they usually did, and the dolphins that played in the waves were in deeper waters trying to escape the storm that was yet to come. The trees on the island were filled with birds that usually floated on the winds that surrounded the island singing their sweet songs to anyone that would listen. The brightly colored flowers blew gently in the morning breeze as the tall trees swayed, bending their branches to the earth. The camera moves to the villa that sat on the hill over looking the island. There was very little movement this morning, and something seemed to have everyone occupied. The camera moves down one of the long hallways lined with strange looking hieroglyphics that told the story of going into the darkness only to come out in the light at the end of a strange and darkened journey.  One of the doors at the end of the hall is open, and we soon see a group of 20 men and women stand together wearing white togas and wearing laurel crown upon their heads. Stacy stands before them dressed in a deep orange and red robe. A door to the side opens and out steps Necra dressed in a deep red set of robes, and a heavy headpiece sits upon her dark hair. Sara follows out behind wearing the same white togas as the others, and knees beside Necra, as she looks around the room. The men and women fall to their knees as  Stacy stands before them at the basalt altar.

Stacy: My children, this is your last day as mere members of our life... Today you become true followers of the Goddess. This is your last test and if you pass it, then you shall be in the Goddess's service for the rest of your life. Also you will receive the mark of eternal life. Now there will be some of you that will fail this test, but you will serve your Goddess in the next life.

Some of them look at each other knowing that only a handful of them would pass the final test to become part of the Goddess's home, and service. Necra takes her place in a golden throne and looks over them, trying to reassure them they had nothing to be afraid of.

Necra: Dearest children, you stand here today because you have fulfilled your destinies. The last test is a special part of your new lives. As my Priestess has said, there are going to be those of you that do not pass this final test but do not fear, for I am always with you. I will be the last thing you see before you enter my service in the next life. Now lets go to the sacred place and begin.

The men and women bow to her one last time before they walk out of the room. Stacy stays behind a moment, and Necra just sighs, putting a hand to her stomach as it growls.

Necra: Stacy I'm starved! Why couldn't I eat?

Stacy: You know you have to be pure for this ritual.

Necra: What ritual? All we're doing is taking them to the labyrinth, and letting them wander around for like 8 hours! I could come back here eat, long before any of them make it back!

Stacy sighs, and walks out of the room, and starts for the front door, as Necra sighs, fixing her headpiece. She looks over at Sara and smiles.

Necra: Sara?

Sara: Yes my Goddess?

Necra: You wouldn't say no to me would you?

Sara: That depends on what it is ma'am.

Necra: I am so hungry Sara. Please go and get me something before we leave.

Sara: But aunt Stacy said you couldn't have anything before the ritual.

Necra: I know what Stacy said, but she's not here right now is she? So go to the kitchen and get me something, and meet us on the trail to the labyrinth ok?

The young girl sighs, as Necra lifts her head with a slender tanned hand. Sara soon nods, and Necra walks out of the room, and out the front door as the sound of thunder cracked in the distance. Necra was soon on the trail following the path that she had walked several times even as a child. The soft earth felt good on her feet as she moved along the path, almost catching up with her followers and Stacy.

Necra: Well I guess since I have time I will address my opponents for this week. First off Alexis Morrison a woman after my own little black heart. She likes to play with demons and spirits, and her soul will be mine when she dies. It's a perfect match wouldn't you say? I've watched some of your old matches and I have to say that I am truly impressed with your talent, and your style. I love the taste of blood, the smell of it, the feel of it, as I break my opponents in the middle of the ring. I mean I would love nothing more than to put an end to Finesse and have it come down to you and I in the end... But alas this is not an elimination match. It's nothing more than a triple threat, but it doesn't mean that you and I couldn't do a lot of damage to Finesse before we have our own little match does it? Alexis I see you as a kindred spirit in a lot of ways, and the way we handle business in the ring is just the start. You've touched the other side, spoken with my kind, and made the ultimate sacrifice to get your powers... Your humanity. Sunday night I want you to make me a promise... I want you to show me that you're better than anyone in this company... Show me that there is something in you that makes you the killer I know you are in deep down inside. I would rather lose to someone that understands me than some little street fighter wannabe.

Necra smiles to herself as Sara walks up behind her, and taps her on the shoulder. Necra turns around, and goes to take a bite of the sandwich that Sara had brought her, only to get a smack in the head from Stacy who was now behind her.

Stacy: What do you think you're doing? You know you have to wait until this all over.

Necra: I know, but I'm starving Stacy! Please just one bite?

Stacy takes the sandwich and tosses it on the ground, as the bushes beside them start to move. A large male black panther steps out of the bushes and sniffs it. He looks at Necra and then back at the sandwich.

Stacy: There you go boy. Enjoy your mommy's sandwich.

Necra: Don't you touch that sandwich... Don't you do it young man. Alexander you better think about what you're going to do!

Alexander picks up the sandwich and walks back into the bushes as Necra stares at the tail before it disappears into the bushes.

Necra: I hate both of you.

Stacy: I'm sure you do, now move.

Necra sighs, as Stacy disappears up ahead of them all once again. Necra starts along the trail again, as her mind wanders back to her match for the week.

Necra: Finesse, what can I say about someone that thinks she's a character from a video game, and a not good one at that. Do you really think that you can stop me? I mean you're not only facing me but Alexis will more than likely side with me and that's not a good thing Finesse... You have two women that can destroy you with a single thought, and no remorse or mercy.

They soon reach the mouth of the cave that would lead to the massive dark labyrinth below. Stacy stood before the group of men and women that would be sent into the darkness in just a few short moments. Necra moves to the front of the group as they all fall to their knees. Necra just smiles as she looks over them.

Necra: Take one last look my children upon your Goddess. Some of you will not make it through the darkness and into my light, or my service, but remember there will always be light at the end of the darkness no matter where you serve me. For those that will perish you will serve me in the next life, and those of you that make it, will serve me now until your time on this world is no more. You have 8 hours to find your way through the darkness and emerge into the light once more. Now go... Your final test awaits you.

The men and women start into the darkness of the cave. As soon as they disappear into the darkness of the cave, Necra removes the long robes revealing a two piece black bikini, and removes the head piece that she wore.

Stacy: Very nice speech ma'am.

Necra: Thank you. Now lets get back to the house before it decides it's going to start raining.

They start back toward the house, leaving the gaping cave mouth once again. The sky had darkened and the lightening was starting to flash through the rolling clouds. The water had started to churn a bit worse, and the waves were crashing harshly along the shore, as they passed the seaside. They soon reach the house, and head inside to await the lucky few that would make it out alive. The scene soon changes back to the same strange looking room where we first found Necra. She now sits on a throne made of gold, having her nails done by Sara, as Stacy goes over some paper work from Kane Fashions.

Sara: How long do you think they'll be down there?

Necra: I don't know... How long were you down there Sara?

Sara: About three hours ma'am.

Necra smiles and nods her head, as she leans her head back against the cold metal.

Necra: Well they can't all be like you, now can they?

Stacy: What about your match this week ma'am? Have you even done any training for it?

Necra: Of course I have. I'm not that naive after what happened at the Pay Per View. I was so close, I could taste it, but that damn Vista stopped me. I'm not going to let that happen again this week Stacy. One loss is enough.

Sara nods as she paints a thin coat of what appears to be gold on Necra's long nails. They seem almost razor sharp as the light glistens off of them.

Stacy: If you would have had your head in the game you would have had the title by now. But I digress my Goddess. You'll have your chance again soon enough.

Necra: I know Stacy, and I'm not worried. This week I have to face a woman that I would consider a sister if she and I weren't going to be standing in the middle of the ring against each other this week, and some little loser that really should lay off the video games. But for now...

The door that stood open now had a young woman covered in dust, cuts, bruises, and scrapes in the doorway. Necra gets to her feet, and rushes toward her with her now long black robes flowing behind her. The young woman falls to her knees, and smiles softly.

Young Woman: My Goddess... Did I make it?

Necra: Yes my child, you did. The Priestess will take you to get cleaned up, and give you the mark. Welcome to the family my child.

The young woman rises to her feet, and walks into the other room with Stacy. Necra turns to the door, and watches for the next lucky soul that would come through the door. The hours pass and slowly they come into the light of the room once more. After the 8 hours the door closes leaving those that had fallen in the darkness behind. Necra sits in the throne staring at the door that is now closed. The door where the others had disappeared was now closed as well. The sound of muffled cries could be heard with each branding of the mark as it touched bare flesh. It didn't bother Necra. She heard it enough times to learn to ignore it. Her mind was racing, and there was nothing she could do to calm it.

Necra: I don't know if there is anything more than I can say to either one of you now. Alexis I hope that you and I can work together long enough to take Finesse down, and put her to the side, while you and I continue in this little dance in the middle of the ring on Sunday night. As for you Finesse, I hope you've said goodbye to anyone that is going to be waiting on you, because they will be waiting for a very long time for you to come back. I don't like to play games and Sunday night here will be no resets or another chance from where I am standing. I'm in this for the pain and suffering of others and to get my hands on some gold when it is my time. I'll climb the ladder and take out anyone that stands in my way to the top, no matter what it takes, no matter what I have to do to get it, I will get it, and you and Alexis are the first step to the top once again. I am the Goddess of death, Queen of the Dead, the Reaper of Souls, and The Black Lady... When you look upon me you will see the face of death... See you soon.

Necra gets up from where she sits, and walks into the room, as the last symbol was placed on a young woman's neck. Necra smiles as she squeals in pain, trying not to let the Goddess see her fear, and pain. The scene fades as the camera focuses on the symbol.

I am the Goddess of Death, the Queen of the Dead, the Grim reaper... and your soul belongs to me.

Mummification's: 23  Free Souls: 23

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