Author Topic: - the fight  (Read 960 times)

Offline Melody Grace

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    • Melody Grace
- the fight
« on: September 13, 2012, 08:56:25 PM »
 Promises – lord give me strength to keep them

To risk sounding like I’m quoting the rapper The Game but please excuse me when I say ‘Here we go again’. Here is another one for the ages another one for the storybook entitled Brooklyn Carter versus Odette Ryder but there is the catch. There is a surprise entrant in Carly Athens, Jade Wylder, Vista Kills and Necra Octavian Kane. Who will it be? Well that simply doesn’t matter at the moment because all that matters is Odette versus Brooklyn. Such bad blood between the two bombshells and for what? And when did this bad blood actually start? Why did it actually start? No one knows… all Odette knows is that when Brooklyn decided to join with the Dream Chasers and clap on while they attacked her boyfriend Gabriel that she was in fact a target. A big shiny round target. Odette has never been the one to draw an arrow but when someone she loves or admires in under attack she will do anything, anything in her power to protect them. Sure Gabriel doesn’t need protecting from Brooklyn, but it’s the principal of the matter right? It’s the unwritten law that the girlfriend must stand by her man and do everything she can to protect, warn and nurse him back to health. Believe me when I say Odette has been playing the nicest nurse that she can possibly be to help Gabriel but as far as their war on the DC it’s going to come to an end in Japan at Violent Conduct! 

Odette has it in her mind that she is going to end this bitter feud with Brooklyn and she is going to do it with her head held high. Win or lose or submission it doesn’t matter anymore, hell it’s not even about the bombshell championship it’s about teaching Brooklyn Carter some respect and that lesson will be taught at Violent Conduct.  Odette is tired of watching the same nonsense being posted on her twitter she is sick of hearing the same old attacks. Let’s just call it how it is ladies, right now Odette is on top and that are where she plans on staying but unlike pass champions or bombshell’s in Sin City Wrestling. Odette doesn’t need a strap made with gold to be at the top, she just needs to put in hard work, dedication  and a little bit of her Australian Charm and she has the Sin City Wrestling fans swooning. 

But Brooklyn forgive me if Odette is wrong in thinking that it’s time to put this hostility to bed, but to be honest a lot of people would agree it’s time for it to stop. It’s time for the back and forth to become still. It’s time for the constant twitter bashing to holt, it’s time for the beginning of the end of the NXT versus DC with their respected females to cease. Sure it hasn’t been a long feud but let’s face it it’s been personal. So Odette hopes that you two can crush this, that you two can end this and that you two just like Odette and Carly can put an end on this conflict.

Odette’s promise to you Brooklyn is no more jokes, no more smart arse comments about your relationship with Dream Chaser members, no more weed jokes no more sleepy time jokes, no more D jokes… it’s time to play serious and it’s time to play fair.

“Do you really have to go?”

Odette stood with Gabriel at their massive front door her hands wrapped around his neck, her fingers linked in for the death grip. She didn’t want him to leave her and Gabriel didn’t exactly want to leave Odette’s side either. Leaning down he placed a soft kiss on her forehead before placing his hands on her hips.

“Well one of us has to go to work this week” 

Narrowing her eyes at him to form a sharp almond like glare Odette couldn’t help but to keep her bright smile on her face. Laughing down at his girlfriend who was pretending to be mad at him Gabriel pulled her in closer towards him.

“I know, I know but Mr Ward said I could have the week off to rest… you know that my”

Did Odette almost reveal a weakness? Gabriel quickly rested his right index finger on Odette’s pouty lips and stopped her. Lucky!

“Shhh don’t be silly you needed the rest baby, but in all honesty… you haven’t exactly been resting” 

Looking around at their new mansion to say the least was finally coming together nicely Odette and Gabriel returned their gazes back to each other. Smiling proudly but lovingly at each other Gabriel removed his finger from Odette’s lips and played with a loose curl that sprung around her face

“Are you sure there is nothing… nothing at all that I could offer you to stay? Stay here with me?” 

Her emerald eyes were pleading with him but Gabriel’s smile shifted to a slight frown.

“Odette… you know I want to stay more than anything in this world but…”

She stopped him with a light kiss on his lips pulling back slightly to peer into his eyes.


She cut him off again this time trailing a small line of kisses from his lips to his jaw line and then started to trail them down his exposed neck. In between kisses Odette’s teasing Australian accent softly sung out.

“Are… you… sure… there is… nothing…”

Gabriel knew what his Aussie was doing and he was enjoying it but the sound of his phone vibrating in his back jean pockets tore them apart. Odette watched on sadly as Gabriel checked his messages and huffed before walking away. As Gabriel sorted through messages from Rage, Synn, Kittie, Desapyre and one from Angel , Odette started to unpack the last box that was near their staircase opening it solely making sure she didn’t damage her pride and joy that was in side of it.  It was her Barbie collection well half of it anyways. As she started to remove the collectables from the big brown box Gabriel snuck up behind her cupping the back of her neck with his right hand. The very touch of his skin on her was enough to get her to be still; maybe he was using his magical powers on her? Or maybe, maybe it was just love. Turning her head to look towards him Odette had a small smile on her face but her eyes said it all she was sad.

“One day… I’m going to smash this phone” 

Gabriel said just above a whisper in Odette’s ear, she licked her pouty lips almost enjoying the thought of Gabriel having enough of being interrupted that he would just flip out and break his phone.

“Between phone calls, neighbours, tweets, emails, messages and deliveries… I don’t think you’re ever going to catch a break Gabriel” 

She was taunting him and he knew it.

“Don’t forget jet skis’” 

Odette couldn’t hold her composure anymore she just laughed a full on laugh, she had kind of forgotten about leaving Gabriel to go play on some Jet Skis’ in St Lucia. WHAT? Odette can’t help she is extreme sport driven. Turning fully towards him she pushed herself in to a hug that Gabriel was only too happy to reply with open arms. Snuggling into his chest Odette held Gabriel as close as she possibly could.

“You know... leaving me home alone could turn out exactly like those movies”

Odette was right back on the ‘getting Gabriel to stay at home bike’

“I highly doubt that Odette, you wouldn’t want to break any of your valuables.” 

 Gabriel had a point

“Oh I know… but I’m just saying if you come home and there is something interesting in the house, you can’t blame me.” 

 Winking up at him Odette didn’t give Gabriel any time to respond as they just embraced, Gabriel picked up his tiny girlfriend as her arms linked around his neck. Her legs wrapped around his waist but before the two could get too carried away the sound of a honking horn could be heard from outside.  Odette pulled back and sighed as Gabriel just looked mad.

 “You have got to be kidding me” 

 Placing Odette back on her feet Gabriel shook his head any minute now he could possible transform into someone like Rage. 

“What’s your answer to honking horns Gabriel? Disappearing dust?” 

She was joking but the look on Gabriel’s face said it all

“You know that’s actually not a bad id…”

Before he could finish Odette had his mind elsewhere as she pressed a kiss upon his lips prompting him to stop talking. Breaking the kiss slowly as the horn continued to honk in the back ground Odette reluctantly smiled up towards him.

“You need to go or you’ll be late” 

 Gabriel just looked down at Odette and sighed not wanting to go but he knew he had to.

 ”If I didn’t know any better it sounds like you’re trying to get rid of me?” 

 “We’ll I kind of am… I have things to do furniture to move, walls to paint, cleaning to do the list goes on and on and on… but more importantly I have a shower with my name on it and it I stop talking for a few seconds I swear I can hear it calling my name” 

 Her voice spilled out of her mouth a mile a minute as Gabriel just chuckled leaning down he kissed the top of her head before giving her a tight hug.

 “Don’t miss me to much dear” 

 “You know I miss you already Gabriel” ]

 Stepping up on her tippy toes she kisses him ignoring the annoying sound of a honking horn in the back ground. In one swift movement Gabriel broke away from their embrace and scooped up his bags for China and headed off towards the door.  Leaving Odette standing there with her arms wrapped around herself with a sad look upon her face just as Gabriel went to walk out the door he stopped dead in his tracks. Turning around to find Odette already standing beside him as if she knew that Gabriel would turn back and say something or just too even look at her the two just laughed nervously at each other.

“I love you” 

Was all Gabriel could say while looking down at Odette a little saddened that they would be away from each other. Want to know how these two got to this point? See Gabriel’s promo =) plug plug plug!!

“I love you too” 

 Coming together for the last time before Odette was able to get off on a flight (wait that sounds wrong) to Japan they fell into a kiss. (That’s a weird saying imagine falling into a kiss) a few moments pass and Gabriel finally breaks away from Odette and leaves through the front door. Getting into his awaiting transport Gabriel waves back at Odette who is leaning on the hard wooden door frame thinking of how she got so damn lucky. Waving back at him she half-heartedly smiles as she watches the car peel out of their long drive way only once the car is completely gone does she go back inside their house and continue unpacking.  Sighing to herself as she knows being home alone in this big house was going to be a test in its own.

Critics – Lord give me the strength to silence them

Where to begin?

Relationship critics - People may say that Odette and Gabriel have only been together for a short time and shouldn’t be moving in together let alone saying I love you but Odette put’s this to you. What is time? Time is just a measurement of being and with her being with Gabriel that’s all she needs. There isn’t a day that goes by that’s she doesn’t thank God that he allowed her to stumble into the Sin City Wrestling world and put her on awhirl wind journey that has finally lead to now. Odette is finally happy with Gabriel so you can disapprove of this relationship all you want but Gabriel and Odette Ryder aren’t going anywhere except maybe to happily ever after land.

She is just using Gabriel? How could she be using him? What would Odette want from Gabriel? His money? Odette is sitting on a small fortune herself so money isn’t a motivator for her. His wrestling connections? Well that’s just absurd! Odette has made it so far in the world of wrestling without any need for a push so why would she start now? Plus Odette joined with NXT she chose them to be her backing to be her support why would she chase Gabriel only to join the New XTremes? It just doesn’t make sense; people just need to learn when to bite their tongue think about what they are saying before they say it. Or on second thought don’t because it’s highly hilarious… and Odette likes it when you plant the seed of doubt in her mind. But ultimately what happens between Gabriel and Odette stays between Gabriel and Odette (and possibly Shane, Synn, Despy and you tube)

Championship Critics - It appears that everyone wants to see the thunder from down under fail, so fail she must right? She must go down without a fight? She must go down in pain, Brooklyn must win her title back at Violent Conduct because if Brooklyn’s championship was a joke what does that make Odette’s? The punch line? The pinnacle of jokes backstage? It has come to light that because Odette doesn’t out herself out there to be hated, to be stalked to be an outspoken champion that she doesn’t deserve the Bombshell championship.

Just because Odette takes a step back from the drama and lets the chaos come to her that makes her useless right? It makes her smart, well calculated and well educated. Especially since Sin City Wrestling has opened their doors and lifted the member ban, especially since there are more new bombshells in Sin City Wrestling then there are applicants at hooters. Odette has been quiet she has been focused she has been watching. Sorting the weak from the strong, the threats from the jokes, the never going to happen to the ones that she wants to face.

Remember ladies everything that Odette does or says there is a reason behind it. Everything comes together in the end it’s just a matter of time!

It was hot like really hot, like sweat pouring down her body hot as her hands grasped at the silk bed sheets. Her teeth we’re clenched together as she held back a scream an ear piercing scream. Her eyes were closed yet tears still escaped them as her bare legs tangled around the crimson red silk sheets. Her back was slightly arched as she was fighting, fighting to breath normally. Her heart was fluttering at a million miles an hour she was out of it. It was out of her control there was nothing she could do or say. Her long brown hair stuck to her sweaty forehead as she continued to battle what was happening inside of her mind.

“She’s a nobody” was all Odette could hear as she felt that her ankles and wrists were bound. She was scared and couldn’t find any words to speak as she felt like she was being carried away. Opening her eyes she looked out all she could see was darkness, a few blurry figures and trees. Miles upon miles of trees.  As she was being carried away the semi familiar voices continued to talk badly about her. “No-one will even miss her” laughter echoed in her ears as they continued to trek through the bush land. She wanted to move, she wanted to scream but she couldn’t she was completely and utterly submissive to them. The voices etched deep in her mind as they were so familiar so well known to her what had she done to them? To make them hate her. All she ever wanted was to be there friend all she ever wanted was to be the best that she could be. But you see even the best fall down sometimes, even the best have enemies. She could hear the sound of crunching sticks and leaves break underneath their footsteps as they continued to walk into the darkness with her. One had her legs another had her arms. Her head hung down as it wasn’t supported, she felt cold. Eerily cold. A shiver danced down her spine as they continued on their way with her. “What does Sin City Wrestling even see in her?” another shot was spoken out towards her another chorus of laughs soon followed. “She’s not even that pretty” as Odette tried to wiggle free their grip on her legs grew tighter. She felt trapped, she felt valuable, and she felt taken. 

For someone who was meant to be having a sweet dream, it sure had turned into a vicious nightmare. Her knuckles were ghostly white as her grip on the sheets intensified. Pulling at them while tossing and turning in the king bed that had just become Gabriel’s and hers. Her teeth snuck into her bottom lip as subconsciously she tried to fight back screams but in real life they were sent echoing through the lonely bedroom.

“I heard that Hot Stuff rooted her and that’s why she is now the bombshell champion” more nasty words were coming from her captors as they now tossed her body down to the ground. All Odette could do was feel her body dropping, falling to the ground but there wasn’t a soft landing and there wasn’t any escape from her nightmares. She fell with a thud on the cold dirt her body was barely covered in her white nightie that she occasionally wore on the hotter nights. She could hear the sound of clinging metal as the captors each grabbed a shovel and started to dig. Listening closely to the sound of dirt on the steel Odette went to scream but nothing came out, nothing but air. Her mind was now filled with mumbles, constant mumbles from people that must have been standing around her. She was too annoyed to open her eyes she didn’t want to see who was doing this to her, she just wanted it to be over. The voices grew louder and Odette was able to place names to their accents, she could hear Kittie, Spike, Vixen, Rage, Casey and Jessie Salco all laughing at her all doubting her. Before anything else Odette could feel the showering of dirt come down on top of her. As they continued to mock her. “Bury her… bury her like Brooklyn will in Japan” “Save us from the ‘Aussie’ bombshell” the more they spoke the more and more the dirt was shovelled on top of her. They were calculated they were starting at her legs making sure to keep her head dirt free so she could still hear them. 

As her head tossed violently from side to side on her pillow her back continued to arch she wasn’t use to these types of dreams Odette wasn’t use to this type of hostility. As the night continued on the more and more shaken her physical body had become the weight of everyone’s doubt had consumed her. Her long brown hair was tangled messy as it stuck to her sweaty body. The sweat was beading and rolling down her soft skin into her curves and crevasses. As she continued to whimper and moan as the dream continued, people may of thought she was having some type of naughty dream but it’s wasn’t delightful not in anyway. In the large bedroom there was a door that led out to the balcony, it was opened letting the cool night breeze in that mixed with her body heat giving Odette Goosebumps. As the torment in her dreams continued roll on so did a Vegas storm, sending flashes of lightening too brighten Odette and Gabriel’s house up.

As more and more dirt was being shovelled down on top of her Odette winched at the pain of rocks jabbing at her skin. It felt like she was five again getting caught up in a hail storm as the dirt continued to tumble down upon her. She didn’t move she didn’t fight because that’s what her captors ultimately wanted and Odette was only too proud to please. More voices came onto the scene belonging to Brandi, Cookie, Mark, Bianca and Giani they too laughed on with the rest of the mob that were sending Odette off. “It will be good to finally get rid of the television hog” “It will be good to finally get rid of her just in general” “She was never party girl material Cookie and I are glad she turned us down what a joke” As her tiny body was being buried alive Odette only had one thing on her mind Gabriel, where was he? Why wasn’t he saving her? Why wasn’t he here? The sound of more shovels slicing into the mountain of dirt beside her burial site came to her attention as more and more was being tumbled down on top of her. More and more people were wanting to see Odette buried, buried alive. The dirt was consuming the weight of it alone was impacting on her breathing, as her body was now eighty precent covered they started to shovel to dirt upon her face. “Open your eyes Odette, look at us… look what you have made us do. You’re over rated, we don’t want you here no one wants you here… this is what’s going to happen at Violent Conduct and there is nothing... nothing you can do to stop this” As her emerald eyes snapped opened Odette looked up at each and every Sin City Wrestling person she felt close to and a single tear rolled down her cheek as they just unrelentingly tossed more and more dirt on top of her.   

“Gabriel… Gabriel… Gabriel...”   

Odette was finally calling for help but it was falling on deaf ears as Gabriel was all the way in Japan. The bed sheets that were wrapped so tightly around her legs were starting to leave red marks; her hands were cramped from holding on to the silk so tightly. The storm was getting closer and closer as the white lace curtain that covered the open doorway was flying around in and out of the breeze like a ragdoll being tossed around. The sound of thunder soon followed but Odette was still stuck inside her dream to enjoy the loveliness of the falling rain. She was exhausted as she gasped for air feeling like she was choking, reaching up with her right hand she grabbed onto her throat. Wanting the crushing feeling to stop Odette continued to roll around their bed searching for Gabriel. All the while her phone on the bedside table was flashing with Gabriel’s name light up in bright white lights.

Odette’s eyes were filled with soil as she was struggling to keep her eyes closed; the feeling on her eyes was like sand paper. The more she blinked the more it felt like it was scraping at their glassy flesh. “We never wanted her to join NXT anyways, Spike just felt sorry for her” as more and more dirt was scooped down upon her the less Odette was doing. In fact she hadn’t put up a fight this entire time, she was letting them win she was letting them take over. As she just waited for their next move she hear a sound of a new voice that joined the party “Gabriel is my best friend you can’t take him away from me”. That was the last words that ran through her mind as the last thud of dirt tumbled down on top of her face. Odette was completely covered and only now was she ready to fight only now was Odette trying to squirm out of her grave. Trying to bring her tied hands up she was desperately trying to dig out of this mess. Her wrists and ankles were bleeding and the more she stirred around the tighter and tighter the material dug into her flesh. Opening her mouth she went to scream but it just filled with dirt, trying to spit it out Odette knew that it was too late. She had decided to fight back to late, now laying still under the earth Odette was accepting her fate, accepting what she needed to do and that was fight from the beginning and fight she will. 

Returning into the land of the living Odette’s body was still on the bed she wasn’t moving, but her breathing was staggered. As the storm thundered on in the background Odette seemed to be coming down from her nightmare, coming down from her torment. And within a blink of an eye her emerald eyes ripped opened and she shot up in her bed, dusting herself off. She was trying to remove the dirt instantly looking down at her ankles she saw that they weren’t bound, her wrists weren’t bleeding she was fine it was just a dream. Resting her head on the oversized wooden bed head Odette sighed a massive sigh of relief before the sound of her phone going off caught her attention. Reaching over instantly she knew the ring tone. Snapping her phone up in her right hand she fumbled around her body still shaken from her ordeal she tried to answer as quickly as she could. After sliding the bright green bar across the phone she brought it up to her face.

“Odette what’s going on? Are you okay?” 

It was Gabriel taking a massive breath in Odette smiled even tho she was still shaken.

“I’m fine now” 

Her answers were short so Gabriel knew that she was hiding something, she was like a book to the people that knew her the most. 

“Don’t lie to me darling” 

She softly smirked while looking out of the window and into the raging storm. Gabriel’s voice on the other end of the line seemed riddled with concern.

“I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone… “

Okay I know Odette has said that she loves Gabriel, but I think she just fell even more in love.

“It’s okay Gabe I’m okay. But why are you up why are you calling so late?” 

His infectious chuckle was heard on the other end of the phone.

“I couldn’t sleep because I knew something was wrong. Tell me about it Odette.” 

She smiled while looking down at the mess she had made with the bed sheets being balled up in the middle of the bed. There were pillows tossed off the side of the bed and a beaded sweet on her body that glistened from the reflection from the lightening.

“I just had a bad dream I’m okay I promise.” 

“And what was the dream about?” 

Oh boy Gabriel just doesn’t give up does he? Odette ran her right hand through her wet hair and smirked.

“Let’s just say I now know what I need to do… I need to fight”   

“That makes no sense baby, what on earth are you talking about?” 

Rubbing her eyes with her closed fist she was still tired she hadn’t taken in any of that sleep.

 “I won’t let them beat me Gabriel, they can’t beat me. They could take my title they could win but they will never beat me they will never get rid of me… I’m here to stay” 

To say Gabriel may have be confused might have been the closes thing to fact right now as Odette was making on sense or was she?

“Odette, Honey do I need to send Melody over there to check on you? You’re not making any sense to me right now” 

“I’m fine Gabriel… trust me… believe in me” 

“I do believe in you with all my heart” 

Aww damn you Gabriel now my expectations I look for in a life partner will now be really bloody high.

“Melody is already here, she has picked out her room… coincidentally its right across the hall from Despayre and Angel’s. By the way have you told him that he has his own room here?” 

Changing the subject was one of Odette’s strongest yet weakest points.

“uhh I was thinking we could just show him when he finally gets to see or house?” 

“I hope he likes it, I know how much your friendship means to both of you. Hey? Do you think he knows that I don’t have any intentions of stealing you away from him? I mean I know what you and I have is completely different from what you and Despy have but… I don’t want him thinking that I’m intruding or trying to take you away from him.” 

Gabriel just laughed on the phone from his bed in Japan

“He’ll be fine” 

“Are you sure because I could sit down and talk to him... Let him know this right? Do you think that would help” 

“You have nothing to worry about Odette; you’re over thinking things again.” 

She sighed a loud sigh on purpose so Gabriel knew that she was stressed and so that she didn’t have to say it.

“I just want your friends to like me… I mean I plan on spending forever with you. I don’t there to be any friendships lost or any dramas at my expenses because it that ever looked like happening I’d walk away now.”   

 There was silence a weird but yet not uncomfortable silence.

“Don’t say that. No matter what life throws at us we will get through it. Don’t say you’ll walk away from us” 

Odette knew that she had accidently hurt or winded Gabriel shaking her head at herself she dropped her head into her free hand. Odette was still grasping onto her iPhone for dear life, while the storm continued to lash down around her.

 “I love you” 

 Her sweet Australian accent whispered getting a smile to instantly beam on her face.

 “I love you too” 

 As those two continued to chatter away all night, they ended up falling asleep on their phones. Leaving an interesting morning story and a really big phone bill

“Being told that you time is up is overwhelming, being told that your no longer considered to be the champion is awesome… being told that you don’t belong here is my bread and butter. You just keep spreading your lies, keep trash talking me, keep saying that you’re going to do this and you’re going to do that and that’s how you’re going to beat me. That’s how you’re going to end me, that’s how you’re going to destroy me and better yet that’s how you’re going to take my Bombshell championship. I must admit that I’m not surprised, that everyone is on the same damn page reading the same damn transcript about how they are going to win and nothing and no one is going to stop them. But my favourite line is when they spit that it’s their time… their time to shine, their time to be in the spot light, their time for payback, rebellion, their time to be at the top” 

We open up in an aeroplane in the first class section; Odette is seen sitting beside her number one fan and best friend Melody Grace with bright smiles on both of their faces. They are both sitting in their seats in the back row of first class sipping on expensive champagne, Odette was spoilt but everyone knew that because Synn was the actual one who had purchased her the first Class ticket to stop Gabriel from flying home in between China and Japan. Melody and Odette has matching curly hair that was both down and around their faces but there was a clear difference in their style of clothing. Melody was wearing a long following yellow maxi dress that highlighted her natural looking fake tan while Odette was in a pair of her favourite ripped blue jeans and a tight bright pink One Industries riding Co v neck t-shirt. On their feet? Christian Louboutin of course. Licking her lips Odette looked at Melody who was giggling like a school girl for no reason at all, turning back to the view of the camera Odette continued with her promotional.

“I will confess being at the top can be lonely at times because there’s not many people around anymore that I can talk to about how to hold the Sin City Wrestling Bombshell championship up high and with dignity. Misty is gone, Kittie is away for personal reasons, Raynin is missing in action and well we all know who the other former Bombshell champion is and let’s just say were not exactly on speaking terms. Dearest Ms Brooklyn Carter. But let’s not go there right now let’s focus on something a little more generic” 

 Rolling the champagne class around in her right hand Odette took the last sip from the cup before proceeding.

 “Let’s focus on the facts that come next Sunday there will be four newish bombshells chomping at the bit to get a taste of victory in their own match so then they can move straight to the ladies main event so they can try and defeat Brooklyn and I. So they can try and claim the bombshell championship. I feel sorry for the Bombshell that’s wins because right now isn’t exactly the best time to be sticking a piggy in the middle between Brooklyn and I. Whatever respect that we had for each other personally might be gone but the respect for the Bombshell Championship is something that we clearly have in common. So Carly, Jade, Vista and Necra I wish you the best of luck, because you’re going to need it. When you step into the ring with Brooklyn and I don’t think that we will go lightly on you because in all honesty our main goal will be to eliminate you from the picture because I know that Brooklyn wants to prove whatever it is that she has to prove for Dream Chasers and I know that she wants to wipe the smile off my face and take back her title. But nevertheless I have my own agendas walking into this match at Violent Conduct. Win or lose it doesn’t matter in my eyes because I have already beaten Brooklyn twice… and you know what they say the best out of three falls right? Come on think about it”   

Tapping her right index finger on her temple Odette laughed as Melody was doing the same thing to hers as if to back up her theory. 

“I have nothing left to prove to Brooklyn and come Violent Conduct I hope that I have nothing left to prove to the Sin City Wrestling fans that deny the fact that I’m their current Bombshell Champion. I hope that they keep a close eye on our match because believe me when I say it’s going to be a jaw dropper. Now I’m not going to boast or brag about how I’ve got this match in the bag and I’m not even going to break a sweat blah blah blah. I’m not even going to say that when I get my hand held high above my head how amazing it will feel all I’m going to say is the cold honest truth.”    

Her emerald eyes pierced down the lens of the camera, Odette didn’t like to waste time in her promotional pieces she just liked to get them out of the way.

”I want this… I need this but nevertheless what happens is what happens I’m not going to consume myself with doubt or hate or even over analyse this match because I want it to come naturally. I want to show the wrestling world that I can do this on my own terms and for my own reasons. Just know when I say this… don’t keep counting me out don’t keep burying me below all the doubt, hate and pressure is a cold dark place and trust me you will never keep me down there. It’s time that you look realise that I can’t be kept down, I can’t be buried. I’ll turn your doubt into faith, your pressure into a push that’s driving me to go forward and I’ll turn you hate into love. Count on it.” 

 Melody blew the camera a kiss and ran her fingers through her bouncy blonde hair; causing Odette to burst out with a little laugh.

 “Right now I’m not going to focus on my opponents because right now I need to focus on myself and getting my frame of mind just perfect for Japan so forgive me if you wanted to see Brooklyn and I go at it on twitter again. Forgive me if you wanted to see the Champion slay the competition, forgive me if you wanted to hear me go on and on about how my opponents are worthless and how I can run circles around them around them, how nobody to hold a candle to me. You know the ones the overused terms that the Bombshells in Sin City Wrestling seem to cling onto like Melody here clings onto thought of her and Despy alone” 

 Pushing her elbow into Melody’s side Odette laughed as Mel’s face flushed bright red as she mouthed ‘Hey that’s not nice I don’t tell your secrets’ towards her best friend.

 “Just know this… I will be coming to Japan with one goal in mind… entertaining you the Rydernites.” 

 The air hostess came around just in the nick of time to fill up both of the ladies glasses as Odette looked down at her now charged glass and smirked.

 “Now forgive me but Melody and I have some celebrating to do and well since Synn put me in first class I can’t let all of these goodies go to waste.” 

 Bringing their glasses together Odette and Melody cheered before knocking back their glasses and the vision of the two slowly faded. I’m not sure what’s going to happen in Japan but I do know one thing is for sure Gabriel is going to have hands full with a giggly Odette. 