Author Topic: Confidence and concerns  (Read 869 times)

Offline Bo Dreamwolf

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Confidence and concerns
« on: September 13, 2012, 03:58:11 AM »
 I can't remember the last time I was looking forward to a booking so much. There's not even a championship on the line, and yet so much is at stake here.

It's been a couple of years since I've been booked to compete in Japan, but back then I was touring or the independent promotions in that country, not for my home promotion that I was signed to. This is the first time Sin City Wrestling would appear live in Japan, and I couldn't be happier that I would be a part of it. A couple of the other wrestlers who knew I had been here a time or two even asked me to lend a hand in the sight seeing and be their tour guide. I told them that I'd give it my best shot. I had to admit that when I had been here before, there wasn't a whole lot of extra time for sight seeing when you worked for a Japanese promotion. It's an aggressive style with an even more aggressive work ethic, being on the road near six days a week and you'd be lucky to get a full day off in a two or three week working period. Everything else was training and public appearances.

It was one reason why I was heading to Tokyo extra early. I wanted some time to enjoy this trip for what it was and have the opportunity to be a fan as well as a wrestler. I also had a bit of a quest, if you will, because my Grandmother asked me for a very special souvenir. I'm not sure if any of you are aware of what a nesting doll is. It's one of those porcelain dolls where you take the top half off and there's another doll in likeness and style inside, and you take that one's top off and there's another -- well you get the point. That's what my Grandmother asked me for, and I wanted as much extra time aside from our promotional appearances to do my shopping. I do not intend to leave Tokyo without finding one for her, and perhaps a nice kimono for Abigail. I do not dare return from this trip without a little something special for both or else I'd never hear the end of it.

This all was a bit of an added reason as to why I laid out that challenge to my opponent for 'Violent Conduct' in Blaque Hart Bruce Evans. Don't get me wrong; I wanted to put that smug upstart in his place, and see that perpetually smug expression of his go sour when he gets beaten on one of the biggest shows of the year. But I'm far from being undefeated. I've lost before, and I'll lose again. I've been knocked down a peg or two myself thanks to a low blow or someone holding the ropes. But challenging that man got me booked on a show in a nation I've been aching to revisit for some time, and would give me ample time to see it as I was unable to before. Call me sneaky.

Perhaps I've learned a thing or two a bit too well from Mister Parker.

I looked to my side at the airline seat to my right and there sat my mentor and trainer, in the flesh. He took me aside and told me that he had not been to Japan since that fateful match he had years ago for Generation-X Wrestling. For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to, Mister Parker had a big grudge match against none other than Hot Stuff Mark Ward for the GXW World Championship. A badly timed maneuver caused Mister Parker's head and neck to get caught between what should have been ring ropes but had been replaced by barbed wire.

It had not been a work, nor a shoot. It had been an accident. They happen in this business, but that one caused more harm than it should have and had done severe damage to Mister Parker's neck and the muscles in his back to the point his doctor said if he stepped inside of the ring again, it could cost him more than he would be willing to pay. It could cost him his ability to even walk right, from what I was told. That had to have been a truly sad day for Mister Parker, to realize his career inside of the ring was so cruelly cut short.

I could understand now why he had not returned to Japan. If something that traumatic had happened to me, I doubt I would want to venture to the origin of that nightmare. I knew it was taking a lot for him to make this trip, but there was no way that he was going to let his wife come to Tokyo by herself. Well, she wouldn't really alone. I'd be around and so would her friends, Tony and Derrick who were actually going to be competing in a legend's tag team match against Mister Ward and Jordan Williams.

I cast a casual glance to my right, past Mister Parker and saw his wife asleep in her own seat, her head on a small pillow rested against the window. Then I looked around and just across the aisle, there they were. Tony and Derrick, or as I knew them as a fan over ten years ago, Thunder and Chippendale. I have to admit I was beyond excited that these two were going to make a one-time return to the ring, and I would be there to see it in person. Part of me wishes I would be sitting there in the front row as a fan, but backstage on the TV monitors would have to do.

Thunder was a big guy, and even for first class he seemed a bit cramped in his seat while he tried to sleep on this long flight. Derrick was awake and keeping himself busy, reading a book Tony had bought for him in the airport gift shop. It was sort of what I was trying to do myself.

I looked down at the Kindle that my sister had bought for me as a gift a couple weeks ago before I had left Oklahoma to start my part of this tour. She knew how much I loved to read, as did Grandmother. Heck, my bedroom and half of the living room had been taken over by book shelves filled to the point of clutter with books I had collected over the years. Grandmother told me if I kept it up, at that rate there would be no room left for us to live in. Hence Abigail's gift of this e-reader. I still wasn't quite used to not holding an actual book in my hands, as I looked down and tried once again to get into reading the 'Fellowship of the Ring,' the first in the trilogy of the 'Lord of the Rings'. It's a favorite of mine, one I've read many times, but this time I just seem to keep letting my mind become preoccupied with other thoughts.

"Will you stop fidgeting?"

I looked up from my 'book' and to Mister Parker beside me and he was giving me one of 'those' looks he seems to have perfected over the years. I wasn't sure what he was referring to but in my infinite wisdom, I responded with;


He rolled his eyes and said gently so as not to wake up his wife, "Yer the only person ah know of that can't get comfortable in first class. You haven't stopped fidgeting since take off."

I thought for a second. 'Have I been fidgeting?' Hunh. Who knew? I looked back down to my Kindle and shrugged. I said, "I never really have been the best flyer."

"It's been smooth since we took off." Mister Parker stressed. "And it is First Class. Why don't you just put that thing away and get some shut eye? Make this plane ride go faster for you if that's the case."

"I'm all right." I responded, shaking my head. "Just not used to First Class I guess. I feel almost guilty riding up here when so many of the others are back there. Plus the money..."

"Stop yer bitchin' Bo." He said in all the gentle manner I have come to expect and appreciate (yes I am being sarcastic) over the years. "SCW booked the flight reservations for everyone back there. Anyone who wanted to upgrade to First Class had the option."

I looked at him and smiled, "I didn't upgrade though. You did that for me."

"That's right." He retorted. "Ah did, and ah paid for it so stop worryin'. It's done."

"I just don't like people spending money on me is all."

"Tough." He said with a smirk. "It's not like it's the first time ah've done it. Plus who do you think yer foolin'?" He turned and gave me a wicked little grin, even for him. "You jest wanted to be hanging back there with that gal, Brandi Shotze."

I ... didn't really have much to say to respond to that. Anything declaring my innocence would have gotten him to call me a liar. Anything sarcastic probably would have seen him put him in some torturous submission hold right there in the aisle of the plane. So I did what any man in my position would have done. I shrugged and went back to my reading. Or I tried to at least.

"If it makes you feel any better, you don't have anything to worry about."

Both Mister Parker and I looked over to his wife, who everyone referred to as simply Angel, or Ms. Angel. Mister Parker frowned and said, "Ah thought you were asleep."

She came back with, "I did. And i woke up to hear that so-called pep-talk you gave Bo, here." She leaned over and looked at me, "You don't you know. Have anything to worry about."

I shook my head, "I'm not worried about the match."

She answered, "I know. That's a given. Bruce Evans is a skilled wrestler but you have him beat by a mile when it comes to ring training. Luckily you had a competent teacher." She gave her husband a smirk.

"He still does." Mister Parker said as he leaned back in his seat and clasped his hands on his waist, then shut his eyes to try and get some rest. he continued, "Day he stops bein' muh boy is the day he retires himself."

I couldn't help but smile. That was always the way Mister Parker thought. A student only stops being one when he retires, and the fact he still referred to me as 'his boy' always brought a smile to my face.

Ms. Angel went on, "But I wasn't referring to the match. The conclusion to that is a done deal. I was talking about worrying about your sister."

"Abigail?" I frowned. "Why would I be worried about her? She and Grams are keeping each other company..."

"And you're not there to watch over them as you prefer to." Ms. Angel finished. "They're in Oklahoma, and here you are heading for Japan, a good six thousand miles away."

"Six thousand." I muttered and turned back in my seat and just stared ahead, blowing out a breath. "I never really thought about the distance before."

"Good going." Mister Parker mumbled and I heard something that sounded suspiciously like a swat to someone's arm. I could only imagine what that had been.

Ms. Angel continued, "You've already told us, Bo, that you were worried that Abigail's husband would try to get her back or pull something when you were gone. Like you believed he thought it would be safe to do so while you were gone."

I replied, closing the Kindle and having given up on trying to read for the time being. "Yes, well, he hasn't exactly been making any attempts to get to her while I was at home. Abigail told me one he was scared of what I might do to him."

"And he may very well be." Ms. Angel replied. She then leaned over and slapped the back of my hand with her own. "But give your sister some credit, huh? I met her. She seems like a very strong willed woman with a mind of her own. She never would have called you to come get her that night if she didn't. Plus it's not many women who can resist Mark when he decides to pour on that British charm."

Mister Parker's eyes opened a bit and he said, "Is that so?"

Ms. Angel turned to her husband and said, "He's never tried."

"Good thing, too." And his eyes closed again.

Ms. Angel looked back to me and shook her head with a smile. She then said, "I can't tell you not to worry. You'll do that anyway, Bo. My kids are at their grandparents. I know they're safe and sound, but I worry anyway. It's part of human nature. Just know that your sister is safe, and try to relax. We'll call them as soon as we land to let them know you're okay and you can see how they're doing. Okay?"

I said nothing but silently nodded my head. I watched her turn back and close her eyes, setting her head against the pillow again to try and sleep.  It was still dark outside through the plane's window, with just the faintest hint of the coming dawn over the horizon. If we called home when we landed, it would probably wake up our families from their own rest. I imagine it would be night time or something to that like back in the States.

A stewardess passed by and asked me if I wanted anything to drink and I politely declined. I reached back and shifted my seat to lean back just a bit so I could relax but not disturb whoever was behind me. I closed my eyes and tried to coerce my mind to go anywhere but back to Oklahoma.

"This match against Blaque Hart was just a formality. If I didn't have the confidence that I could beat him in such a match as I devised, I never would have challenged him to it. All I see him do is rough house and pull shady tactics to walk away with the win -- especially when he did so over me. He boasted and acted like the match against me was a drawn conclusion, that it proved who the superior athlete was.

I guess it proved one thing; that he had to cheat in order to pull off a win over me.

That won't be the case this time. It won't even be possible this time. There won't be any cheating in this match, Blaque Hart. You won't be able to throw any closed fists, pull any hair, or even lay in a stomp with your boots. And if you think you'll be able to pull a fast one from out of the referee's sight with a quick choke or grabbing my tights again to get the pin against me, think again. This time there's going to be two referees, not just the one. And what one doesn't catch you trying, the other will.

This one will be all about wrestling skill. Stamina. Technique. I don't know about you Bruce Evans, but I've had the absolute best in training since I got my start. That training has yet to stop, and it will be continuing on after we arrive in Japan. You can talk as much as you want to, but in the end, running your mouth won't be doing you any good to walk away from this match with a win. It's going to be all about what we can do in that ring, and I'm willing to bet that I can get done just a little bit more than what you are capable of."

The path you take will lead you toward your goal.