Author Topic: Finally, I can focus on titles.  (Read 855 times)

Offline Lizzie Short

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    • "The Prodigy" Lizzie Short
Finally, I can focus on titles.
« on: September 12, 2012, 09:03:15 PM »
 Matthew lost the match to Spike Staggs two weeks ago by intentionally getting himself DQed, however SCW was about to hit Japan with its Violent Conduct Supercard and with the Jason Burnside situation dealt with Matthew can finally focus on winning titles.

Just one problem, his opponent was Goth, owner of the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, a multiple time champion across several companies and the only man to win the GWA’S infamous Psycho Circus match twice in a row, can Matthew win?

Matthew’s hotel room, Tokyo, Japan
September 12th, 2012, 11:00am

Ah Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun and the one place on Earth where this Sport gets the respect it deserves, and I am competing for the Roulette Title in this country.

This is nothing new, I competed for the title at Summer XXXTreme last month, but this time I’m facing a legend in the form of Goth, this is not going to be easy.

“Damn, I don’t know about you Matthew but the local chicks here are FIIIINNEEE!” Marty interrupts my train of thought and I rolled my eyes.

“Marty, I hired you because you’re the best manager in the business today, not because you’re the biggest pervert in the business.” I responded bluntly as I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. “Besides that I’ve already told you, this will be my third time wrestling in Japan.”

“Ah yeah, you told me the other day that you did some Japanese tours before you joined SCW.” Marty remembered and I frowned. “But relax Matthew; you’re facing an old geezer this time…..”

“An old geezer who has held various titles, won numerous brutal matches throughout his career, is the owner of one of the largest wrestling companies in the world and has years of experience at his becking call.” I corrected him with a frown. “Your experience with the man from your time in the Asylum Wrestling Alliance may not have been ideal but I won’t let a wrestling legend like him be disrespected.”

“Okay, fair enough, that guy’s had a long career but he’s gotta slow down at some point! I mean didn’t some old guy have a heart attack on Raw last Monday?” Marty asked and I turned to him with a look of disgust on my face.

“That old guy is another wrestling legend who’s still a semi-active wrestler despite being in his sixties, if you continue to make disgusting comments like that I will start looking for a new manager!” I warned him and Marty quickly shut up before leaving the room, I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance as I got ready to address my opponent.

“In two weeks’ time I shall once again challenge for the SCW Roulette Championship and whilst this is the latest in a long string of challenges for the title, with one successful victory among them, this is considerably different.” I said with a frown as I sat down on my sofa. “This time the champion is a man who needs no introduction, a man who’s competed in numerous brutal matches throughout his career, a man who won not one but two Psycho Circus matches in a row back in the legendary Global Wrestling Alliance, I am off course talking about Goth.”

I said before smirking.

“Are you surprised Goth? Didn’t think I’d do any research on you for the match? Well your both right and wrong, I didn’t do any research on you for this match, because I’ve been following your career for a very long time.” I said with a cocky smirk. “I’ve seen almost all of your matches, I’ve seen your interviews, I’ve seen the twisted matches you’ve created as the owner of the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, I know how you think and I will use this knowledge to win the SCW Roulette Championship for the second time in my SCW Career.”

It’s that simple.

“Yes, I realize that this is our first one on one encounter but I’ve studied you enough to know your strengths and your weaknesses like the back of my hand.” I said with a confident smirk. “Can you say the same Goth? I doubt it, no one in this company is as smart as I am and I use my intelligence to my advantage, I’ve often said that my mind is my most dangerous weapon at my disposal and if this isn’t proof enough for you then I will gladly prove it to you in two weeks’ time at Violent Conduct.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“The ball is in your court Goth but I doubt anything you can say will change the inevitable outcome of our match.” I said as my grin grew. “No matter what you say I will walk out of Violent Conduct the new SCW Roulette Champion but in the meantime I’ll leave you with this, my name is “Prime Time” Matthew Kennedy and you, Goth, and your title reign, is about to be cancelled.”

I turned to my laptop as the scene fades.
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