Author Topic: È il mio tempo.  (Read 505 times)

Offline Brasskncklechckle

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    • Bianca Solderini
È il mio tempo.
« on: June 27, 2012, 05:44:14 AM »
 The scene opens to a stunning view of the beach, the ocean waves crashing upon the shore as hundreds of people enjoy the salty sea air and the bright warm rays of the sun. As the camera slowly pans back, you see the scenery fall back slightly to reveal a white curtain swaying in the gentle breeze. The house is only a few yards from the beach's shore. The camera then pans slowly around. It's a cozy little Tuscan decorated balcony. The tv on in the background, you can barely make out what's being said or who's on it - but it's the SCW channel. As the camera finishes it's journey, you come to find Bianca lounging casually on the small love seat as she is enjoying a nice drink with her afternoon paper. Her hair is a bed tousled mess, obviously she just woke up not too long ago.

Bianca's eyes casually dance over the newspaper for a moment, only to gain dry mouth and bringing the glass to her lips to take a generous sip. It is then she hears the tv in the distance. A male's voice, " Hangman had a run in with a feisty lady. Found out her name's Bianca Solderini." She grabs the remote and turns it up a moment, her eyes concentrating on the screen, "Gotta say the Hangman likes a lady with spunk. Bianca's got spunk that's for damn sure! Hangman signed a contract to take on Blaque Hart B...." -CLICK! The screen is black.

Setting down the remote, she stares at the blank tv a moment.


She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, "Wow. What the hell does "s-s-sp-spunk" mean anyway? Well, he can continue to like me all he wants...because I can't stand him! That bastard! He not only broke my iPhone, but I even sent him the bill...which has YET to be paid! Besides, what woman in her right mind would hook up with someone who speaks about himself in third person?! Non posso credere questo. Che un idiota!"

She takes another generous sip and licks her lips slowly after the glass is lowered, admiring the taste with closed eyes, "Mmmm."

Bianca looks back up at the tv, moves her paper off to the side and sits up. Her feet rest softly on the floor, her elbows on her knees, softly rolling the remote between her hands, "The ONLY thing I want to see on this tv is how I"m going to mop up the ring with Vixen. I finally am handed a fair fight here in the SCW. I knew the producers were scared to set me up with one on one competition...or maybe they finally played this one smart  - not burning out my talent to their audience too quickly...because once these fans see what I can do...there's no going back. It's time. È il mio tempo. I hope these  femmine have strapped themselves in really well - because this is one ride they are gonna wish they never boarded....and as far as Vixen goes..."

She looks into the camera, grinning ever so slightly. Bianca throws the remote at the tv and there's a loud pop of electricity as the remote crushes the plasma screen, knocking the television over backwards only to be replaced with a loud satisfying crash as it hit the marble floor. She stares at the camera a moment before standing up and walking slowly out of the room. Leaving the broken tv behind.

Scene fades.
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"If you're going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty. " - Bianca Solderini