Author Topic: - Friendships and Championships  (Read 951 times)

Offline Melody Grace

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    • Melody Grace
- Friendships and Championships
« on: June 15, 2012, 06:55:48 PM »

“You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen
When your heart's not open
You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You're broken
When your heart's not open”
Frozen By Madonna


What is friendship? Odette thought she had made a picture perfect friendship with Brandi, Cookie, Kittie and Carly but it turns out that things really do last longer in photos. It had been an odd week for Odette to say the least she had barely heard from anyone of her friends Brandi was dodging her calls, texts and even some of her twitter messages, Cookie had seemed to disappear off the face of this earth, Kittie had made some slight contact through twitter but ignored Odette’s plea for a sleep over and Carly who Odette thought was steadily becoming her best friend was still finding it a struggle to trust the young Aussie.  Granted that they were all busy preparing for Into the void Odette felt heartbroken like a child that had been promised the world but to be only given a paper back copy of an atlas. Had she done something? Surely not when would Odette ever do something worthy of the silent treatment? What on God’s little green earth could Odette had done to feel the icy wrath of the cold shoulder? Her heart was filled with love and unconditional fondness for these four females but for some reason she felt like the new girl approach was starting to wear paper thin. Maybe it was her bubbliness? Maybe people where just sick to death of seeing her smile? Maybe just maybe people were sick of her being so happy all the time? Jamie Staggs said it best on Twitter is it even possible for Odette Ryder to be in a bad mood? Could Odette even get angry? Maybe this was her downfall? Maybe this is what set her apart from everyone else? Hell maybe this is why people seemed to push Odette away for the entirety of her twenty three years walking the yellow brick road of life? A wise man once said people often shade themselves with apprehension when approached by something or someone they cannot fathom. Trust me John Ryder was never wrong, but was this what Brandi, Cookie, Kittie and Carly were feeling towards Miss Ryder now? Did they not fully understand who she is and what she stands for? Sure Odette could get angry if she wanted to but she chose not to, what was the point of it? It just adds extra wrinkle lines to ones face and for what? What has an angry person achieved that a happy person couldn’t? Her mind was in shambles and she knew there was only one way to fix this and that was just continue on continuing on if Brandi, Cookie, Carly and Kittie were going to like Odette how she loved them than they would have to like her for who she was. They would have to take in all of Odette’s perkiness and her in your face type attitude. Because just like a leopard Odette was sure as shit not changing her spots. Miss Ryder had been called many things in her life a bitch a slut and a try hard just to name a few but she could never be labelled as a fake the things Odette do or say just come naturally totally unscripted and unexpected. Although Odette was currently feeling like a complete mess inside she hoped that this feeling of somewhat rejection and judgement would pass after all she had a massive after party to plan with Carly Athens and the bombshell tag team championships locked in her emerald sights.


“We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together
Pull it together, together again”
Never say never by The Fray


Callum “You’re so god damn annoying Odette”

Odette’s playful laughter could be heard as she sat beside Callum throwing random pieces of popcorn at his head

“I’m not annoying Callum I’m just excited”

Adjusting her ruffled black mini skirt Odette gave herself the once over as Callum just sat there trying to watch ‘the other guys’ on their big screen television.

Callum “okay well than stop being so excitable I’m trying to watch the movie”

Pouting up to her longest Motocross friend she puffed up her highly teased hair.

“You have seen this movie a million times Cally, pay me some attention”

Pleading with him she could barely sit still her Aussie accent was so strong yet her ladylike twang maybe it sound so teasing.

Callum “Ok fine… why are you so excited?”

Callum gave in way too easy to Odette she definitely had him whipped like butter.

“I have a date tonight”

He gave her that glare that only a protective male figure could give to one of his closet female friends.

Callum “mmm who with?”

Odette loved attention and Callum knew this, he had pin pointed that it all started with Odette being the only daughter hell the only female in the Ryder family while growing up. Well Odette does have a mother but she didn’t really count she was part of the reason why Odette was the way she was.

“Stoner Scott Oliver”

A loud cough noise came from Callum’s throat as he choked on his popcorn and beer; rubbing his right hand on the back of his neck he seemed a little nervous about Odette’s choice in male company.

Callum “the weird spaced out dude you’re currently in a storyline with?”

Nodding as Callum spoke she smiled brightly while watching Mark Wahlberg steam up her screen out of the corner of her eye.

Callum “are you sure this is a good idea Odette?”

“I’m positive this is a good idea Callum”

Mirroring his words Odette just sat there smiling.

Callum “what on earth do you see in him?”

His drawl was so harsh now Odette knew that Callum would fake happiness for her anyways.

“I think he is incredibly smart, funny he seems like a fun loving guy and I’m a fun loving lady… not to mention I find him easy on the eyes”

Callum shoot Odette that look, you know the one I’m talking about when someone says they are a fun loving lady in the same sentence of describing a fun loving date.

“Don’t give me that look Cal, I’m a grown woman I can make my own decisions plus… it’s kind of not technically a date… well at least to Scott’s knowledge anyways”

Her big grin was plastered to her face as Callum looked on confused

Callum “what does that even mean Odette?”

“well long story short I told Oliver that I think it would be a good idea if we hung out one night to get to know each other a little better so when we are making out backstage in front of the cameras it’s not so weird. You know get to know the man behind the sweetest kisses I’ve ever had in my life… well he took the bait and agreed so tonight is the night I get to find out who he really is…”

Callum “so it’s not really a date then Odette it sounds like it could backfire in your face”

He rested his right hand now on her shoulder as Odette just continued to fix up her black shirt and skirt number.

“it won’t Callum it can’t I think I really like him and tonight is the night I get to find out what this is for him”

Callum “that’s easy Odette you said it yourself it’s just a storyline… don’t get yourself all confused over fact and fiction baby girl”


“but what if I want more Cal?”

She looked down at the ground as Callum tousled a strand of her brunette hair through his fingertips.

Callum “well than go out tonight have fun… BUT not too much fun if you know what I’m saying and assess the situation from there… But promise me you’ll confess your real reason of this ‘outing’ I don’t think you should be trying to trick Ston… I mean Scott like this”

Her piercing green eyes feel into his

“I was scared that he would say no if I asked him the correct way, plus what if he is married or something? That would be awkward”

Callum “MARRIED you didn’t say anything about him being possibly married? Are you out of your mind Odette?”

“Perhaps I am Callum but…”

Callum “no buts you have to suss that shit out before you even think about letting him know how you feel”

Rolling her eyes she stumbled up off the couch and headed out of the room

Callum “Odette Nicole don’t you walk away from me… “

Taking a step back into the room she looked down at his ripped jean clad body  

“I’m not a home wrecker Callum if Scott is married I’ll drop this I swear… but it would be good to know who I’m kissing week in and week out”

Callum “shouldn’t you be focusing on your big match instead of playing the dating scene?”

Nodding to agree she knew Callum was right he was always right

“I’m heading off now to cut my last promo… than I’m heading out for my date… well um my social gathering of just two people alone in a restaurant, yeah that’s what I’ll call it!”

Callum “just be careful Odette, I don’t want to see you hurt physically or mentally”

“I promise I’ll make it home in one piece”

Callum “let me guess, don’t wait up for you right?”

Winking at him she grabbed her Prada hand bag and walked off out of her house leaving Callum to watch the other guys alone in piece.


“You gotta touch the stove
To learn they say
Get burnt and learn that way
You better keep your feelings at bay
Or honey you gonna pay”
Don’t tell me you love me by Kid Rock


“Let me keep this short and sweet”

The scene opens up in a busy Las Vegas street; I’ve never been to Vegas so I’m not even going to pretend what the name of it is. Odette is wearing an ultra-short mini black skirt that had random thick white strips zig zagging across it and a super tight v neck plain black ¾ sleeve t-shirt. Her hair like always is out and curled framing her face just nicely. Keeping her focus on the cameraman and she walked forward, she had gone back to her basics and kept it simple.

“Carly Athens and Odette Ryder for the Bombshell Tag Team Titles… enough said… now get out of here”

Shooing the cameraman away she laughed as his voice could he heard from behind the scenes

Cameraman “Odette really?”

“No don’t be silly Billy”

Playfully laughing again she brushed a few strands of her hair out of her line of vision and continued

“Cookie, Cookie, Cookie… come out, come out wherever you are? I don’t understand the sudden silence Cookie babes… two weeks ago at for the build-up for climax control I swear I thought you wanted to capture the tag team gold but yet all I’m met with is this silence? This harsh deafening silence… And Brandi what the hell girl? I have been messaging you, calling you tweeting the hell out of you and yet you only palm me off saying you are hanging out at some mud wrestling orgy that Chris sent you to… where was my invite? Where was my love?”

Odette’s tone was a little lower than normal she seemed a little upset

“I don’t know what’s going on anymore I feel like you two are hiding something from me, like you’re scheming something behind my back. Have I done something wrong? Because I’m starting to feel like maybe just maybe when we all said we would put our friendships to the side until after Into the Void is starting to come in hard.”

She continued to walk not taking any notice as the busy people of Vegas weaved in and out around her.

“I don’t know what I can say or do but Cookie and Brandi please hear me out when I say this… yes we have to face each other at Into the Void and yes we have to put our hands on each other and yes we have to fight tooth and nail to get our hands on the bombshell tag team titles. But win or lose I will always be here for you both, If you both win and walk out of the Earl Wilson stadium I will be your biggest fan. No one will be more proud to stand up and clap on the party girls than me. Nonetheless if Carly and I walk out of Into the Void as the tag team champions you also have my word that I will not rub our victory in your faces.”

Licking her lips she played with her hair some more while walking seemingly to nowhere in particular.

“I honestly can’t wait for this to be all said and done because it’s draining, I hate this…”

She kept her focus on the ground as she walked listening to the soft clicks her Steve Madden’s made as they hit the pavement.

“I hate the fact that things are different between all four of us, I mean even my own tag team partner is still asking herself if I’m going to screw this up for Dirty Country or if I’m going to screw this up for her. What does a girl have to do around here to catch a break?”


“All this negativity leads me with no other option… Once again I’m going to have to prove myself”

Double sigh

“And prove myself I will… Although I’m heading into a tag team match I’m not going to change my ways I will do whatever it takes to get the job done because ultimately it’s not about me and what I’m feeling, it’s not about the pain of not knowing what is happening right now with my friendship with Brandi and Cookie. It’s about you the fans of Sin City Wrestling and I will guaran-damn-tee that I will put on the greatest show of my life, I will fight for you each and every week and I promise to give you everything you want and more”

Looking up she had that Ryder sparkle in her eyes

“You see it would be fantastic to walk out of the match as one half of the bombshell tag team champions but it’s going to be more rewarding seeing the smiles and excitement on each and every one of my rydernites faces. I aim to please and come Into the Void I’m going to be the biggest pleasure deliverer out there.”

Did Odette really just say that? No wonder why people call her a tease

“I will not stop until everyone is satisfied until I’m satisfied that I have put on the most A grade match I can for my wrestling career so far.”

Coming to a stop outside of a dimly lit restaurant Odette walked up to the building and rested up on it.

“For me Into the Void is my platform to raise me to greater heights and I’m glad that you the fans have the chance to witness it.”

Looking into the window of the fairly busy restaurant her eyes fall on a certain someone getting a smile to creep across her face.

“Carly if we lose we lose but if we win we’ll party it up like its 1999”

Turning back to look at the camera Odette seemed a lot happier

“Cookie and Brandi I will see you in the ring but I warn you both please don’t expect anything less than the best of me… but if you will excuse me I have some business to attend to”

Winking at the camera Odette turned and adjusted her outfit using the reflection from the window as a mirror. Not wasting anymore time Odette opened the big glass door and entered the restaurant as the scene went black.


“Want you to take me like a thief in the night
Hold me like a pillow, make me feel right
Baby I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keepin', you can come inside
And when you enter, you ain't leavin', be my prisoner for the night”
Only girl by Rhianna


“No way tells me you didn’t just say that?”

Odette was sitting across the table from Scott Oliver

Scott “I’m telling you that’s what happened, no lies… promise”

Leaning down on the table with her elbows Odette had that tell me more look in her eyes, she was enjoying her time with Scott Oliver and by the looks of things he seemed to be enjoying himself as well. A few empty glasses and plates were on the table it was obvious that they had both been there for a while talking.

“So tell me Oliver is there a lady in your life?”

Licking her lips her plan was in motion

Scott “No time for love, Dr. Jones”

Scott shook his head somewhat in a daze as Odette smiled shyly and rested back into her chair.

“Tell me a bit about yourself?”

Scott “what would you like to know?”

How about everything Odette thought to herself but maintained her composure. Pretending to be thinking of some questions she let a bit of silence take over before continuing

“Where is your favourite place to eat?”

Scott “I love Taco Bell when I’m baked”

“Favourite colour?”

Scott “is there anything better than green?”

Odette nodded her head to agree she loved to colour green but I think what Scott was getting at was completely different.


This is starting to sound like one of those bad dating site questionnaires

Scott “Bowling, get it BOWL-ing”

The two shared and laugh as Odette shuffled forward on her chair once more looking directly into Scott’s eyes she felt somewhat at peace there.

“Last one I swear… what are some of your favourite things?”

Scott pondered over that question for a while as he crept forward in his chair to rest his elbows on the table. Resting his chin on his balled up fist Odette waited patiently

Scott “Sticky Icky, Maui Wowie and Afghani Orange”

Rolling her eyes playfully Odette just smiled Scott Oliver in real life seemed to be exactly how he was on television. Adjusting his Gray beanie on his head he has goofy smile on his face.

“Don’t you want to know anything about me?”

Scott “I’m a reporter… I know everything about you”


Scott “Yeah when Hot Stuff told us he had signed a bombshell from down under… a few of the guys and I Googled you and…”

Scott was stopped midsentence by Odette’s slightly buzzed Australian accent

“Let me guess you like my beach pictures right?”

Scott “Beach Pictures?”

Scott looked very confused by what Odette was implying so she knew that A ) he hadn’t seen the pictures or B ) he was really good at covering up or C ) he had seen the pictures but had forgotten them.

“Never mind”

Laughing lightly Odette and Scott continued on with their conversation. She felt so at ease when she was around Scott like she could really be herself and not be judged but it also didn’t worry her that she seemed to do all of the talking while Oliver did most of the listening. Another hour or so passed and the staff in the restaurant were pretty much showing Odette and Scott the exit cues. Turning off the radio, stacking up chairs around them clearing all the tables just to name a few, taking the hint they both stood up and exited the small little building that was covered in a thick haze of smoke. Now both standing out in the fresh Vegas air Odette finally got a good look at Scott he was nicely dressed for a typical stoner, a long pair of jeans with a soft bluey-gray shirt with Zoo York written on it with a matching beanie pulled down over his forehead basically just resting shy of his eyes. Scott rested up against the brick wall of the building as Odette stood in front of him pulling her cheeky skirt down just a tad she couldn’t help but notice Oliver steal a quick peek.

“Thanks for tonight I had a really good time”

Taking a step closer to Scott she rested the palms of her hands up against his chest, Scott just looked down into her captivating green eyes not knowing what to say or do.

“Have you got a busy night planned for Into the Void?”

Her tone was a bit more rushed than normal was Odette worried about what doing? Normally she didn’t allow herself to be so casual around guys on their first date oops I mean outing.

Scott “busy very busy”

Why where his short answers to her questions making her feel like she wanted more? Odette normally hated short responses

“Too busy for a last minute meeting in Misty’s locker room?”

Ah that’s right she was tipsy that’s why she was being so cool like a cucumber around Scott the last few words that spilled from her mouth were slightly teasing

Scott “Never too busy for that”

He winked down towards her as Odette inched herself in closer to Scott, with her body basically pressed up against his the shy Country girl from Queensland Australia was nowhere to be seen. She had been replaced by an almost drunk Odette who was mixing up their real lives and their on camera lives but Scott was playing along nicely.

“Well I guess it’s time to say goodnight”

And without wasting any more time Odette’s was standing up on her tippy toes and her lips were pressed against his. Keeping her hands on his chest she felt his hands come up and rest slightly on each side of her face instantly giving her permission to deepen the embrace. After breaking away a few moments later Odette opened her eyes to look deeply into Scott’s but a sudden rush of realisation of what just happened hit them both. Backing away slowly Odette ran her right hand through her hair as her left hand was now up resting in the back of her neck. Scott was confused what on earth just happened here?


Deciding to play it cool before walking off Odette thanked Scott again for a fun night before waving and walking off. Her right hand now came up to her lips as she pulled on her bottom one smiling brightly. Turning around to do the cheeky look over one shoulder she saw Scott was still standing up against the building where she had left him, noticing she was looking in his direction he waved at her. These two now had a lot of things to think about but first Odette should be thinking about getting her hands on those tag team titles and sorting out her issues with Cookie, Brandi and even Carly.  
