Author Topic: The Underdog Champions  (Read 974 times)

Offline Jordan Williams

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    • Jordan "PS"Williams
The Underdog Champions
« on: April 21, 2012, 05:26:35 PM »

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The camera opens up to a shot of beautiful Emirates Stadium in north London. The camera pans around the gigantic stadium as the fans pack the stadium to witness the match between Arsenal and Wigan Athletic. The camera cuts to a private suite where we see Jordan Williams and Rob Anderson waiting for the match to begin. Jordan is wearing a white muscle t shirt, blue jeans and a pair of Nike shoes. Rob is wearing a navy colored t shirt, black jeans and white Converse shoes. Both men are sitting in plush chairs as the bartender serves them their drinks.

Rob: “Why do you like soccer again?”

Jordan: “When Mark and I were teaming, he got me hooked. He use to talk about his team Millwall all the time. We’ve been to a few matches over the years and I enjoy myself every time. This is the first though I’ve been in a suite.”

Rob: “Yeah, I have to say, this is pretty nice.”

Jordan: “Hell yeah, the International Icon comes through again!”

Jordan and Rob fist bump each other and takes sips of their drinks.

Rob: “If I watch soccer, it’s during the Olympics…that’s if I do.”

Jordan: “Shit man, it’s pretty exciting stuff. I like Millwall, because Mark brainwashed me. I have to order a package on the dish to watch them though.”

Rob nods his head in approval as he takes another sip of his drink.

Jordan: “I seen Millwall has a match this weekend, so I might see Mark there.”

Rob: “Beautiful! I have to head back to New York when this is over. Even on my vacation, they still bug me!”

Jordan: “Isn’t it the first vacation you’ve taken in a while?”

Rob: “First one in three years, buddy.”

Jordan: “Damn, I thought I needed to stay busy. You’re a REAL workaholic.”

Rob: “Money never sleeps brother. And I’m not talking about that horrible sequel to Wall Street either.”

Jordan laughs as he takes a sip of his drink.

Jordan: “I hate when Hollywood puts out sequels to movies that didn’t need sequels.”

Rob: “I know, right? Godfather is the worse. I was fine with 1 & 2.”

Jordan: “Absolutely. Or how about redoing movies? You know they’re redoing Spider Man already?”

Rob shakes his head in disgust and says: “That’s fuckin’ stupid. The last one came out like three years ago? How many times do we need to see this mother fucker get bit by a god damn spider!?”

Jordan laughs and says sarcastically: “No Rob, this Spider Man is younger and sexier….whatever the fuck that means.”

Rob laughs and says: “No my favorite one is: dark and edgier!”

Jordan nods in agreement and says: “Yeah, it’s ridiculous. No one has any original ideas. They take shitty movies and remake them. Or movies that don’t need to be remade and made with a ‘younger and sexier’ cast. Gimme a fuckin break!”

Rob laughs match begins.

Rob: “I’ll tell you man. There is no more creativity left in this world.”

Jordan: “I know man. Its really weird that a movie based on a fucking board game gets made, but something creative and smart will get shot down.”

Rob takes a sip and nods in agreement, then says: “I know. There will never be another all time classic. The way we’re headed all we’ll have is movies based on comic books and TV shows.”

Jordan: “With that said, I am looking forward to the 24 movie!”

Rob puts his glass in the air, as does Jordan and they toast to that statement.

Jordan finishes his drink off and says: “Fuckin’ Jack Bauer! He’s the man! If I ever got kidnapped, I don’t want ya’ll to call the cops or the military…Call Jack Bauer!”

Rob exclaims: “Amen!”

Jordan and Rob turn their attention to the game as a chef brings their food. After the first ten minutes the crowd is booing their home team loudly as Arsenal falls behind 2-0.

Rob: “I wouldn’t mind soccer if they scored more points. And I feel like there are too many people on the field. It looks too congested out there.”

Jordan: “Yeah, but I don’t like this Wigan team scoring. I had Arsenal on the over.”

Rob: “How much you lay down?”

Jordan: “25 stacks.”

Rob cringes and says: “Well, unless Arsenal goes crazy, you my friend, just lost.”

Jordan rubs his forehead and says: “God damn!”

Jordan and Rob continue eating and watching the match.

Rob: “So, going back to what we were talking about earlier. If you had to pitch a movie to executives that starred the two of us…what would it be?”

Jordan thinks for a moment and says: “Well, we can go so many different directions. Buddy cop movie: where we don’t get along in act one. In act two, something happens to us where we bond. Then in act three we have a major shoot ‘em up scene, one of us gets wounded, the other cracks a joke. We can turn it into a Lethal Weapon type series.”

Rob nods emphatically and says: “Nice! I like it!”

Jordan: “Another we can do is a romantic comedy where we’re roommates/friends both talking about this cute girl we met by happenstance and we both end up falling in love with this girl. Little did we know we’re talking about the same girl!”

Rob again emphatically says: “Yes!”

Jordan: “Once we find out we like the same girl, we go all out to win her heart. We try to sabotage each other’s dates, we stop being friends and in the end she breaks up with the both of us and we become friends again.”

Rob: “I like it, but I like the buddy cop more. More potential for sequels so we can keep cashing in the big bucks.”

Jordan laughs and says: “We just got done talking shit about Hollywood running out of ideas and you say you like the cop one because we can keep making sequels!”

Rob: “I’m looking at it from a business prospective!”

Jordan: “Right! So the last one is a throwback to the 80s action movies where we just blow shit up for the hell of it…”

Rob: “Love it so far…”

Jordan: “We’re apart of an elite team of Navy SEALs and we have rescue American hostages in North Korea or Iraq or something. So we have to infiltrate the compound to rescue the hostages. Of course we loose a few members along the way…oh…and while we on our mission we find out we’re sent in on a suicide mission because someone in the government wants us to get caught and then killed so they can start a war with said country, but we beat the odds, get our boys. Then eventually we confront the government guy and beat his ass or something.”

Rob: “With a few tweaks, I’d love that one.”

Jordan: “Well yeah, it’s rough around the edges and with time we can flesh out a great story…but this was a half baked idea.”

Rob: “Yeah, no. It’s great. I like the buddy cop one. The SEALs one has a lot of potential too.”

Jordan nods his head as the camera fades out.

“The other day I was having a conversation with someone and they said when they think about my career, they will think of me as a tag team wrestler. The more I thought about it, it’s hard to argue. I’ve had two long standing tag teams: Hot ‘n’ Sexy and the Perfect Dynasty. Both were wildly successful, shit with Perfect Dynasty we were never beaten. We gave ourselves that name BEFORE we even had a match because we knew we would beat everyone. That’s how cocky Billy and I were. We were two world class wrestlers and athletes and we knew how much better we were than everyone so the fact we finished undefeated and had that name the Perfect Dynasty is really appropriate. My first real run of any consequence in the business was in Japan when I teamed with Omar King as part of the Black Dragons. We were just out of the Dojo and we had some great matches with those teams. When I look back now, we were still honing our craft. I wasn’t sure what I was, he didn’t either. He was more a high flying wrestler; he would later blend the high flying with submission wrestling. And I was more a standard punch, kick, clothesline, body slam type guy. Very basic. But somehow we put it together and we were a pretty good team. Eventually we went our separate ways and then I moved on to the IWA. That’s where I was having a lot success as a singles, but if I think back to those IWA days, my run with Reggie (then known as Hugh Jazz) my first memory is how dominant we were as a team. Reggie was kicking ass before I got there. I mean he was undefeated for a long time. When I came in, we were fighting the same guys separately and became partners just out of necessity. We ended up winning the tag titles…it certainly wasn’t a planned partnership, but when we did, we looked at it as hey, we can really do some fucking damage as a team and we did. Ironically, I was the one who ended his undefeated streak and dethroned him as the Heavyweight WHILE we were Tag Team Champions. Pretty funny, he still gives me shit about that. After that, I had a smorgasbord-if you will, of tag team partners. If I had a regular partnership with someone, we won the tag team titles. So, I can see how people can view me as a tag team wrestler, a tag team specialist. That’s fine, I like to think that I’ve had a nice balance to my career. At this point in my career, I’m teaming with a couple of people. My last student from my school, Power Matsuzaka and Casey Williams. Power and I-affectionately called the Power House by the Japanese media (I know I‘m getting old when they don‘t even include any part of my gimmick in the team name!), will probably be the last great team I’m on. Not to take anything from Casey, once he finds his groove, he’ll be a great one. He has a shit load of potential. One thing Casey and I did, that I never did with any of my other partners, was win the titles the first time we ever teamed up. That’s pretty damn impressive.

So with our first title defense, we face The Aristocrats and Sinful Obsession. One of those damn Aristocrats attacked me during a match recently. So, payback is in order for those bastards. Maybe, he can’t stand the fact that we beat their ass for the titles. Hey, I can’t help that they suck and we’re better. But we’ll see how things are when we’re face to face and my back isn’t turned. They know they can’t beat us, so I’m sure they’ll use every little dirty, under handed tactic in the book. That’s fine, but see, when people result to such tactics, it means they lack the pure skill to get it done on talent alone. So, Aristocrats, you weaseled your way into this title match, which is smart on your part, because lord knows you guys ain’t talented enough to EARN your way into a championship match. So, be on the look out at London Brawling because you guys have a target on your back and I’m coming for you. You don’t pull on Superman’s cape, because you’re gonna get all you can handle and then some.

Sinful Obsession, you guys are probably the best team in SCW. Not probably, you are definitely the best team in SCW. I know we’ll have a hard fought battle against you guys. It’s tough to wrestle a well oiled team such as you, but this is how we’ll prove our will as a team. This is the test that Casey needs to step up to that next level. We’ll definitely be up to the challenge. Some say even though we’re the champions we’re the underdogs. I’d agree with that. Hey, you guys are world beaters and you should be the World Tag Team Champions, but we’re going to stake our claim as the best tag team in SCW. The pressure is off us and on you. Can the mighty Sinful Obsession lose to a team that on their very first try won the SCW Tag Team Titles? The experts would say you guys HAVE to beat us. If you’re the great team that we all think you are, you’ll win this match. But don’t under estimate the heart of a champion! Don’t forget the fact that I’m on this team, which means we have a puncher’s chance to win any time. The wrestling world will have their eyes on many things at London Brawling. One thing they will keep their eye on is to see if the mighty Sinful Obsession can do what they’re SUPPOSE to do and win this match OR…and this is what I’m betting on…the wrestling world will see Jordan Williams and Casey Williams defy the odds and defeat the best team in SCW. Why? Because I’m too good for ya!”

The camera fades in to a shot outside of Portman Road where Ipswich Town is hosting a match against Millwall. We see the fans entering the stadium. The camera cuts to Jordan Williams smoking a cigar and standing around, seemingly waiting for someone.

Jordan to himself: “Guess he’s not showing…”

Suddenly Jordan gets a slap on his shoulder. Jordan turns around and smiles.

Jordan: “Damn man, I thought you forgot about the tradition…”

The camera cuts to see Hot Stuff Mark Ward decked out in full Millwall regalia.

Mark with a big grin: “Can’t break tradition baldie! Even if we had to come to this dump!”

A few Ipswich Town fans turn their heads and give Mark a dirty look.

Mark: “Piss off!”

Jordan laughs and sarcastically says: “Oh boy, this is gonna be great!”

Mark: “Always is! Where’s your gear at?”

Jordan: “Hey man, I’m not upping the chances of a fight!”

Mark confidently says: “Well, when we win, we might have to fight our way out.”

Jordan shrugs his shoulders and says: “Fuck it, we’ll have to scrap then!”

The camera fades as Mark and Jordan walk to line to enter the stadium.

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