Author Topic: france  (Read 555 times)

Offline Convict Cage

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    • Bobby
« on: April 06, 2012, 09:04:36 PM »
 (Sorry bout not posting this sooner but I haven't had internet all week.)
Fade in on a depressed looking Cage lying on a couch in a hotel room at Le Fabe in Paris,Dee is standing at a window looking out over the city as Evan hovers around the ocuch with his camera trying to cheer his hero up.

Evan:Aww come on Mr. Cage you almost got him.
Cage:Almost doesn't count.I didn't get the win Evan I didn't get the belt..I mean don't get me wrong good on Bo for beating me,he frickin' earned that win after some of the crap i did to him but it doesn't change the fact that I still lost...and I have to wonder if seven or eight years I couldn't have taken him without breaking a sweat.
Dee sighs and steps away from the window,she takes Evan by the shoulder and drags him towards the door.
Dee:Leave me the camera and go call Jenn.
Evan:Huh? I don't have her phone number....
Dee hands him her phone.
Dee:Use mine,if you want an excuse tell her that I told you to ask about Junior.
Evan:You aren't going to use it to know...
Dee snickers and shakes her head reaching for the camera.
Dee:Go on,scoot back to your room,I'll bring it back later.
She lets him out shuts the door and turns back to Cage.
Dee:Alright Bobby on your damn feet,no more pouting,you got beat fair and square.
Cage:I'm not pouting...just pondering....
Dee:Robert Patrick Cage...We're in Paris the most romantic city on Earth,the frickin' city of lights and you're hiding out on the couch in our hotel room. Paris.We can go to the Louvre,the Eiffel Tower,the Arch de Triumph...
Cage:I don't want to go see the Arch de Triumph...
Dee:Have you even looked at the papers the front office sent over?
Cage:Yeah me versus Old Skool...your point?
Dee:You versus Old Skool in a Knockout Challenge. You know full well you can do it so get off the damn couch and show your wife a good time.
Cage laughs and gets off the couch coming up to wrap his arms around her.
Cage:Knockout challenge huh?
Dee:A whole tournament full of them. Winner gets a World Title shot. Now who knows an ex-boxer thats good at knocking people out? One who can teach the french how to fight?
Cage pulls away looking at her incredulously.
Cage:Teach them to fight? Babe they're the French come on,France was the dominant power in Europe for centuries. Hell look at World War One...
Dee:Someone's been watching the History Channel again.
Cage:I just want to listen to you insult an entire nation over their supposed cowardice...mock them for being rude instead.Now lets see if Evan's hungry I want some food and some nice vacation video.
Cage takes the camera from Dee and heads out into the hall coming to the next door,he doesn't bother knocking he just walks in,Evan is seated ont he bed talking on the phone.
Evan:Well you know it's like the song,you've got a face thats made for violence and porn...
Cage:Who has a face thats made for violence and porn?
Evan turns his eyes going wide and his cheeks red.
Evan:Uhm my mom!
He facepalms realising what he jsut blurted out.
Cage (confused):Your ma has a face thats made for violence and porn?
Evan:Thats what my stepdad says....
Cage just shakes his head and hands the boy the camera turning aorund to  walk back out.
Cage (in the hallway to Dee):Yeah he ain't coming...
Fade to black