Author Topic: Don't Hate Me Coz I'm Beautiful  (Read 691 times)

Offline Angelica

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    • Angelica
Don't Hate Me Coz I'm Beautiful
« on: March 22, 2012, 11:35:14 PM »
 The crowd inside of Club XS (Encore) goes crazy as the DJ spins “Sleazy” by Ke$ha.  They heard that the Mean Girls would appear tonight, but as the night had gone on, they grew restless.  Appearing fashionably late, a round of security guards pours through the doors first.  The fans roar as the lights pop in a mixture of camera flashes and pulsing white and neon pink bulbs.  The security lines up against the walls near the door, and the first to enter is Holly Wood, the luscious blonde girl with a little something “extra”.  She is adorned in a sultry red outfit, from the vinyl knee high boots, fishnets, and sequin skirt.  This true attribute to a Bombshell has cherry red streaks in her otherwise platinum hair tonight, cascading down her shoulders.  The fans “ooh” and “ahh” at her before she flips her hair to one side.  As she does so, Angelica and Veronica Taylor come out in matching pink plaid mini skirts and “Mean Girls” shirts, fashioned to reflect their own style and flare.  They walk out arm and arm.  They look to their sides and scoff at the people gathered around them, before turning to each other with a rather underwhelmed expression before shrugging their shoulders.  They release their arms and each take one of Holly’s hands before turning toward the door.  The ladies squeal in pure ecstasy as the bronzed Adonis of London, clad in a finely tailored black Armani suit, matching fedora and sunglasses.  He pauses as the three Mean Girls clap their hands together in delight.  He lowers his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, studying the crowd, his hips just dying to gyrate the hell out of the air in front of him, but he keeps it under control for a moment.  He spits on the fedora before he tosses it into the crowd, knowing they will eat it up.  He slides his hands down, tempting everyone before waving them off, as if they were even worth it.  He walks over and joins Angelica as they check out the scene.  Their mouths move as they walk through the center of the enormous club where the music overpowers any other sound except the astoundingly loud cheers.

Off in the distance, they see the exit to the large outdoor pool/cabana area, but that isn’t where they want to go.  They head right toward the VIP center.  “Hot Stuff” hands the bouncer a few bills and pats his shoulder.  He leads them back to the quieter room, where there are private dancers working the tables.  The bouncer looks to the group of businessmen enjoying the show.

Bouncer: Your show is over.  Get gone.

One of the men stands up from his seat with an angry look on his face.  A tiny blonde follows after, clutching on to the man’s arm.  She whines at him, and he looks outraged.

Man:  What the hell?  We paid for an hour here, and it’s only been like 15 minutes.

Bouncer:  I see your point.  Thing is, I don’t give a damn.  Get gone before I report your jailbait girlfriend there.

Angelica unlatches her arm from Mark’s and Holly’s and she steps forward.  Veronica does the same and they eyeball the man and girl before Veronica tilts her head back in a very unconvincing laugh.  Angelica smiles arrogantly.

Angelica:  Take your fifteen dollar special of a suit, and that fifteen cent hooker and get the fuck out of my sight right now, kay?

Man:  Um, what did you just say to me?  Who are you, anyway, and what rock did you crawl out from under?  I’m…

Angelica:  Oh that’s right, you are Mister I didn’t ask.  You aren’t worth our time, so get lost before my boyfriend kicks your ass all around this club.  Trust me, it sounds like more of a pleasure than it actually is.

Veronica:  Buh-bye.  Your cologne is giving me a headache.  Where did you buy it, the bathroom at some hillbilly bar?

The man grits his teeth as the bouncer folds his arms over his chest and Mark cracks his knuckles as a smile spreads across his face.  He tilts his head to one side, cracking his neck very audibly.  The girl whines more and stomps her foot.

Angelica:  Oh, honey.  Careful, or your Walmart heels might break.  I mean, they look like if you click them together three times, you will wind up in Kansas.

Veronica picks up a cup from a nearby table edge and she splashes it against the man’s shirt, and then she gently balances the empty cup upside down on top of the girl’s head and she shrugs her shoulders.

Veronica:  Oops.  If you guys weren’t still in here, that wouldn’t have happened.

The man grumbles under his breath as he drags the young girl out of the room with him.  Angelica and Veronica wave at them in a very unconvincingly apologetic manner until they disappear down into the crowd.  Angelica and Veronica high five in a sense of accomplishment as the rest of the room disburses, leaving the room only to them and their private dancers.  Angelica looks around, and her face melts into a sort of disappointment as she sighs.

Angelica:  This room is such an ugly color.  I thought they said they had a pink room.  Mark, we were supposed to be celebrating the Mean Girls tonight.  I guess that was another night then, and not the night we discussed?

Mark looks around in a sort of surprised look.  He raises an eyebrow after giving the room a once over and then shrugs his shoulders.

HS:  Room looks pretty pink to me.

Veronica sighs and then she exchanges a look with Angelica that almost spells trouble.  She gently pats Mark’s hand and clasps it as if she were about to reveal a major piece of vital knowledge to him.

Veronica:  This room is NOT pink… It’s magenta…  It is a type of pink, but not “pink”.

Angelica:  I don’t ask for much, but this… This is just a travesty!  How are we supposed to celebrate our future victories and championship reigns now?  When I called them, they said it was pink, and I made it very clear!  Somebody had better fix this before I really get mad.

Mark sighs and pulls out a wad of cash from his pocket.  He walks over to the bouncer and slides him a bit of it upfront and he grimaces at the man as he watches the three girls getting bitter behind him.

HS:  Mate, I think it best that you make it more pink in here before these girls go bat shit in this place.

Bouncer:  Uh, bro, it is pink.

Angelica:  What the eff?  Seriously, like oh my gawd!  Tell me I didn’t just hear that.  What, does having a penis suddenly make you colorblind?

Holly:  No…

<marquee>***Twenty Minutes Later***</marquee>

The group sips on their drinks while enjoying the dancers in front of them.  All around, staff members sloppily paint the walls the proper shade of pink all around them.  They look over to Angelica with grimaces on their faces as Angelica tosses a few bills on the table in front of her.

Angelica:  I can’t believe that you aren’t facing Raynin for the championship on Sunday.  Such a travesty.

Veronica:  Such a travesty!  But, at least I get a chance to team with Nick Jones.  Misty is lucky she doesn’t have to defend her championship against you because you are going to embarrass her.

Angelica gently touches her straw against her lips before taking the daintiest of sips from her red headed slut while aptly watching the same thing dancing in front of her.  Something about coordinating drinks to strippers was always a fun game.  Next she hoped to move over to the table with the White Russian.  She shrugs her shoulders at Veronica’s statement and then peels her eyes from the dancer.

Angelica:  The crap that emo girl is talking on Twitter is kind of funny.  I mean, she just keeps talking about my match against Raynin.  First off, that’s old news.  Secondly, Raynin eliminated me by surprise after I had just fought FIVE women!  Misty only had contact with three, and she had help from Kittie, so she is just a hypocrite.  The second match wasn’t even a match, it was a brutal street fight.  I’m a wrestler, not some low rent bar room brawler.  And third, who the hell is she to say that Raynin beat me once face to face?  She has lost to Raynin so many times it isn’t even funny.  I’m almost feeling bad for calling Kittie delusional, because she proved to be right.  Almost is the key word there.  She still needs to try dressing in front of a mirror, but that describes every Bombshell except us three.

Veronica:  That’s the truth, girl.  None of these girls are shit to us.  And Raynin?  I thought women couldn’t fight men, let alone become the Bombshell Champion.

Angelica:  Yeah, I bet she’s packing.  Wouldn’t it be so funny to steal her jock strap?  Mark, let me steal her jock strap and expose her as the fraud she is.  Please?

She folds her hands sweetly in front of her as she attempts to put on the sweet, innocent angel act.  Of course it doesn’t work, as anyone who knows Angelica should know that she doesn’t have an innocent bone in her body.

HS:  I can’t say yes… but I’m not saying no, either.  I wouldn’t mind crowning a real Bombshell Champion, like one of your two.

Angelica and Veronica exchange a sort of wicked smile amongst the two of them.  They high five each other before returning their eyes to the dancer in front of them.  Angelica is bored now as she exaggerates a yawn to signify it.  Veronica sighs in relief as she gags at the dirty skank dancing in front of them.  Holly Wood stands up from the seat and politely escorts the other ladies from the booth while Mark sits and enjoys his show.  The staff mumbles about Angelica and Veronica as they leave the room.


”But Mark, promos are so boring.  I mean, I can’t stand to watch them when others do them.  They are so boring…. Okay, fine, but I’m not going to do that talking to the camera like it’s my opponent crap!”

Sitting poolside, Angelica is laying out on a white sun chair, soaking up the sun on this unusually warm March day.  She sighs as she puts her phone down on the arm of the chair.  She is wearing a very revealing black thong bikini and oversized black sunglasses.  She takes a sip from her fruity drink sporting a pink umbrella and fruit chunks.  She sets it back down on the nearby table before getting up and wrapping a towel around her waist.  

Angelica:  I can’t believe that I have to do promo work.  The fans aren’t even worth watching me in the ring, let alone outside of it.  This is sooooo beneath me, it’s ridiculous.

Angelica grabs her drink and walks alongside the pool.  As she goes, she sends off a text message.  She lifts up her glasses and sits down at the glass patio table in the cooler shade. She takes off her sunglasses as her emerald eyes sparkle from the reflection of the pool.  She runs her fingers through her hair, making it look perfect, with just the right amount of body before the interviewer gets to the back.  She puckers her lips at the reflection from her phone before her lips curl into a satisfied smile.  It is just then that Pussy Willow walks through the doors, holding her matching clutch in her hand, causing Angelica to clap her hands.

Angelica:  Thank gawd!  You actually match.  Good for you for listening to me and Veronica.

Pussy smiles coyly before she waits for Angelica to offer her a seat.  Angelica looks from the empty seat to Pussy, and then raises a curious eyebrow.  She acts as if she must clear her throat and then she snaps her fingers at the butler standing to her left.

Angelica:  Geraldo, freshen up my drink, and get Ms Willow one por favor.

”Geraldo”:  Yes ma’am, but my name is Jonathan and I speak…

Angelica:  Whatever.  Vamanos Geraldo, because I won’t[/b] ask again, kay?

Angelica rolls her eyes as she purses her lips.  By this time, Ms Willow has taken the seat across from Angelica, setting her clutch down next to her.  She readies the microphone for Angelica, who suddenly turns with a pleasant smile upon her face.

Angelica:  A microphone is not necessary, honey.  I speak loudly, and I speak clearly.  Besides, a microphone makes it feel so formal.  It is the standard, and I am anything but standard.  How about a conversation, just us girls?

Ms Willow:  Ummm, sure.  We can arrange that.  How would you like to start?

Angelica accepts her drink and takes a big gulp of it, letting out a sigh of relief as Pussy accepts her drink.  She takes a dainty sip before looking over to Angelica, unsure of how to proceed in this informal request.

Angelica:  So, when you talk to your friends, assuming you have any of course, do you… start off the conversation by asking “How would you like to start?”  I mean, who does that?  Well, so much for organic conversation with a bubble headed bimbo, huh?  How about this, we will pretend that neither of us has said anything after I complimented your coordinated clutch….  And action… So, I am so excited about this match coming up.  It’s such a huge honor, right?

Pussy is taken aback by Angelica’s attitude, but then just goes along with the new course of conversation.  She takes another sip of her drink and then she looks back to Angelica who is now holding her chest as if her breath has been taken away by the thought of her big match coming up.

Ms Willow:  It definitely is.  Misty is a very talented and skilled wrestler, and it is a major opportunity to face off against her…

Angelica:  Oh shut your mouth with that blasphemy in my presence!  Misty is a washed up has been who never really was!  She competed in a weak as hell division in GXW because it had people like Kittie, Nyako, Lyrique, and Electra Blaze.  It didn’t have anyone like me or Veronica Taylor.  You sad, sad, dimwitted soul…  I was not talking about facing Misty.  I was talking about showcasing for the NWA, of course.  I am the one and only true talent of SCW’s Bombshell Division aside from Veronica.  I can high fly, I can take it to the mat, and I can get in a straight up bitch fight if I have to.  I grew up in St Louis, the United States’ Most Dangerous City for several years.  I am a complete package.  First class piece of ass, and a dirty little hoodrat.  I am your wildest dream, and your most fierce nightmare.  You know what I mean… friend?

Angelica uses the word “friend” very loosely as she washes it out of her mouth with another sip from her drink.  Pussy looks over at Angelica with a bit of a perturbed look on her face.  She pulls the straw from her drink, and tosses it on the table as she gulps it down.  She points to it and snaps at Geraldo/Jonathan.

Ms Willow:  Another one of these, stat!  Uhhh, I mean yeah.  Yeah, I know what you mean… friend.  But, I wanted to ask you about the Twitter War of words between you and Misty.

Angelica:  I said my piece to her.  She is nothing to me, and she will never be anything to me.  Kittie might be a crack pot, but Misty proved to everyone that she is the biggest bitch in Sin City Wrestling.  She turned on her best friend, she turned her man into a bitch boy, and then turned on him.  She is on there trying to gain publicity on the matter, but nobody even cared about the “wedding” to begin with.  Misty is the biggest trickster here.  She had everyone fooled, when in fact, she has been playing these games as long as I have known her.  She turned on friends, left them for dead, then suddenly because she shat out a child, we are supposed to believe that she changed?  Whatever.  I’m so over it.  People call me a bitch, but what you see is what you get.

Angelica leans back as the camera shits to accommodate her.  She shrugs her shoulders as if expecting a retort from Pussy.  Instead, Pussy Willow just nods her head in agreement.  She takes a piece of the fruit from her emptied glass and takes a bit from it.

Ms Willow:  That is very true.  Do you have any idea how you are going to do against Misty in your match?  I’m just dying to know… friend.

Angelica:  Duh, I’m gonna embarrass her.  And for the first time ever, fans will cheer for me.  I can’t blame them either.  Everyone likes to see someone pay for what they have done, and I get to be the punisher in this case.  I will outmatch her, and I will outclass her.  Flat out, I am going to prove to the world that the Bombshell Division hasn’t see anything yet.  I was on fire, outlasting four women when entering the Bombshell Gauntlet match at High Stakes, and if I had been as half  as lucky as Misty, I would have been the first Bombshell Champion.  She knows it, and the world knows it.  So when we face off one on one this Sunday, I will show the world that Misty is overrated, and that the real talent is me.  NWA will be begging me to be their new Cruiserweight Champion instead of Misty.  That is, if they are smart…

Angelica looks over to the doorway as someone comes busting through it.  Her lips curl up into a mischievous smile as the pale white mess in a tuxedo is standing in front of her, looking like death warmed over and her eyes show nothing but evil intent.  She looks over to Pussy.

Angelica:  I’m bored with you now.  You can leave.  Cut and print, baby!  Cut and print!

Angelica stands up from her seat as she approaches Spike Staggs who is sitting there, breathing heavily, an angered look on his face.

Spike:  Where the hell is he, I will kill him.  I swear I will, no body lays a finger on my family…

Angelica grabs onto Spike’s hand and leads him back toward the pool.  Angelica pats the back of his hand gently and reassuringly as they get closer to the sparkling clear waters cascading down a waterfall by the pool.

Angelica:  Spike, calm down.  I am alright, no body touched me.  I just knew you wouldn’t come over if I didn’t make up something good.  You need to hear me out.  Since you are family, I told Mark that you really needed support right now, and he agreed.  That is why he has decided to offer you the opportunity to come to us.  You are too good for Jordan and Casey, and you could really make a great Roulette Champion someday.  Please, just…

Spike’s expression waivers for a moment before he lets out a sort of eerie chuckle that echoes throughout the entire area.  He even leans down to slap his knee before anger overtakes his face again.  He points a finger right in her face, causing her to back up a few steps.

Spike:  Let me see… Um, fuck no, and oh yeah, fuck you!  I could sing a song about it, but I would rather just forget that I even dropped everything I was doing to come over here just to look like and ass, and then get insulted.  Go to hell, the both of you because I don’t need anybody’s pity right now…

Angelica opens her mouth to say something but Spike walks right into the pool.  Angelica covers her mouth in a bit of surprise and amusement as she watches him wade through it to the other side as he gets up.  He is dripping wet as he climbs over the fence around the pool and begins walking off into the distance.  She just shakes her head as she shouts.

Angelica:  I’m going to kick Misty’s ass for you!  You will thank me for it later!
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