Author Topic: The era of fablousness  (Read 2052 times)

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    • Veronica Taylor
The era of fablousness
« on: February 17, 2012, 10:09:08 AM »
Veronica Taylor rp 2
off camera

Fresh off her win at Climax Control the scene opens to the beach in sunny San Diego California the sun is out on this great day the temperature is a nice eighty degrees. Where the cameras spot the young arrogant first class model who goes by the name Veronica Taylor lounging on the beach doing a photoshoot of sorts, wearing a brown bikini and Hollywood sun glasses with her well manicured nails gripping on a pole and leaning up on it looking as sexy as ever placing her right bare foot on the pole. As more shots are taken as the Veronica state s in a arrogant tone as she is well known for being not only a supermodel but a super bitch as well.

Veronica Taylor: This better be my best cover ever!

Veronica gives the camera her million dollar smirk loving all of her shots, as she turns around showing off her perfectly round booty as the photographer takes shots of the pose, as the photographer Johnathan Lawarance begins to speak in a normal business like tone.

Johnathan Lawarance: Trust me it will be simply amazing keep it up.

Veronica keeps up the pose as she sneers over her shoulder giving a new pose within the same pose. Many people hated her attitude however, Veronica was one of the best supermodels in the world currently. As she poses some another stage hand came into view she stops and shoots dirty glare into his direction as she begins to bitch in the same tone she is well known for.

Veronica Taylor: I don't want him in my light get him away from me!

The photographer urges the guy to move as Veronica does another pose in which she she moves her hands and arms around along with her body she looks like shes moving though the shot is still, and the move is held as more shots are taken, as the final shot is taken Johnathan stop and walks over to Veronica she she walks over to her area where her chair was stationed she was sitting in her chair with her right leg over the left right next to her chair where her flip flops she only whore those since she was on the beach. She looks at Johnathan as he speaks to her in a quite business tone.

Johnathan Lawarance: Hey are you feeling hungry?

Veronica looks at him as Jonhnathan grabs tissue paper from his pocket  he had a knack for knowing the right time to do anything. And he could sense Veronica was starting to feel hunger pains after all like most models she never eat before a shoot in an attempt to keep tabs on her figure. As she states after taking a drink of her water.

Veronica Taylor: Yeah give me an itty bitty piece. I don't want to look like a damn cow like the women I am facing this week.

Johnathan can not help but chuckle  as he hands Veronica  a piece of tissue paper as she swallowed it whole. She felt better though after the shoot she knew she would go and grab a bite to eat somewhere, and some coffee.  Afterwards she gets up and walks over to the area where the photoshoot is still taking place. As she finds a chair she leans on it with her chest leaning over the seat as she holds the pose as Johnathan exclaims in a happy tone.

Johnathan Lawarance: Best shot of the day thats going on the cover keep it up for a few more seconds.

Veronica smirks as she keeps up the pose fora few seconds as the photographer and his crew takes shots for the magazine she was shooting for. Which was the ESPN bikini shoot it was Veronica s third time doing this magazine and her first cover for it. Which felt really good to her after the last shot Veronica states in a bitchy tone as she leaves the set and places her flip flops on.

Veronica Taylor: Duh this was a great shoot its like saying me and Jesse are going to own the cows we are facing. I mean they had to freaking replace one cow with another cow and this one is from the deep south so  from what I hear she can barley speak English and likes to drink more than anyone and not good drinks either freaking beer gross! What a pig, and  Cookie how the hell could she ever be a model shes freaking as big as a house. Honestly though this shoot was great but my next shoot will even better so Johnathan meet me in Vegas tomorrow I have a shoot that will really show everyone how fabulous I am and how big of losers me and Jesse's opponents are.

Johnathan looks at Veronica smirking at her loving the idea she had, and plus she was inviting his crew which was odd for one of Veronica's special shoots. As normally Veronica would call another crew for the shot but she decided to let Johnathan  come with her, he begins to speak.

Johnathan Lawarance: I will be there I had appointments but screw it. Not everyday any photographer gets invited to shoot one of your private shoots. So I will meet you in Vegas tomorrow.

Veronica smirks arrogantly as she begins speak with one hand placed formally on her hip as she speaks in an arrogant bitchy tone.

Veronica Taylor: I have a private studio in Vegas right off where all the casinos are you can not miss it. Also make sure that only you and your crew come I do not want any other creatures with you understood?

Johnathan nods in agreement as he says in his normal tone.

Johnathan Lawarance: Understood I will make my way there tomorrow I will be there at twelve.

Veronica smirks as she struts off the beach with her Prada bag  she then grabs her cell phone and begins to text Sidney Anderson on it.

Me: Sidney I just got off the shoot it was a stunning success and I am going to be holding one of my special shoots. Make sure afterwards you leak the photos out to the media and SCW I want everyone especially my opponents to see them. To bad I won't get to see their faces after they get released >=].

Veronica laughs to herself as she gets into her car and begins to drive off as the scene ends. This bombshell tag match looks to be heating up and heating up fast. Who will win? Well if ask Veronica that question her response would be "me duh loser". However, no matter what Veronica will make a huge impact on SCW at Blaze of Glory.