Author Topic: Seriously Guys!?!  (Read 1216 times)

Offline Blaque Hart

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    • Blaque Hart Bruce Evans
Seriously Guys!?!
« on: January 24, 2012, 03:22:24 AM »
 (We are taken inside the home office of Blaque Hart Bruce Evans. As usual the cameras pan around showing off the many trophies, belts, plaques etc Bruce has won over his career. Sitting behind the desk in his fancy chair is none other than Bruce Evans. He's suited up with black slacks, a tan long sleeved dress shirt, black boots, and his hair tied back in a ponytail. He's looking at what appears to be some very serious paper work as he has a very concerned look on his face. He suddenly looks up and begins to laugh, and has a look of disgust mixed with shock on his face. He looks into the camera and begins to speak)

BHBE: Are you shitting me? Seriously guys? Seriously? I understand not being liked in this company gets you absolutely no where, but really? James? James Huntington Hawkes?

(Bruce pauses, shaking his head in dis belief)

BHBE: WOW! I mean I know I made some pretty harsh comments earlier in the week, and trust me I STILL STAND BY THEM. You see when I say something, I don't regret it, I never apologize for it, because it's always the truth! This company, the people that run it, you're all full of shit! You all have your favorites, and of course because I speak my mind, because I don't bite my tongue, because I don't kiss your ass I get shoved to the back. I said it once and I'll say it again. It's BULLSHIT! What is it because I'm from Canada? Is it that you don't want me to out shine your "chosen ones"? I don't know what the problem is, but it sure as hell sucks. Since the day I walked into this place I've been screwed over by the wrestlers, by the refs, and by the damn office and I'm sick and damn tired of it!!!

(Bruce pauses as he takes a bottle of water off the desk and chugs it against the wall across from him)

BHBE: I'm Blaque Hart Bruce Evans. I made this business. I am the business. Without me there would be no business. I am sick and tired of being treated like shit by this company. You know, I was told if I don't like it to leave it. I was told don't let the door hit me where.... whatever that saying is... Thing is I AM NOT A QUITTER. I WILL NOT let you get the best of me. I will stay in this company until I get my way. Until I get what I deserve. That's respect, and more importantly the WORLD TITLE. If you assholes want me to climb my way up all over again then dammit that's fine. But what you will NOT do is make a mockery of me, my career, and my country...

(Bruce again pauses, picks up a remote off the desk, and aims it towards the tv directly across hanging on the wall. It's last weeks episode of Climax Control. He sits there shaking his head in disgust and humiliation)

BHBE: What a joke! What a damn joke! What has this business turned into? You invite clowns like Charlie Sheen? Dolly? Laugh my ass off! It's a joke! This company is going down faster than this country! I came here to wrestle. I came here to regain my legacy, and what do I get? I get pushed to the side for some old fake breasted bimbo, and a guy who makes Brittney Spears seem normal. It's all crap! I get stuck in some "Roulette" match with three guys who couldn't lace up my boots, and I get humiliated once again. Why? Because the office has it in for me. They're all jealous of me. Of my legacy. Of my glory. Of my iconic status. So what do they do next? They decide to stick me in a match with a guy that wrestles a bear!?!

(Camera zooms in on the t.v. showing Angel vs James Hawkes. Bruce takes the remote and throws it against the wall)

BHBE: You see. What you Americans find funny, I don't! I think you're all a bunch of idiots for laughing at crap like that! The guy clearly has a problem. A serious problem. He's obviously a whack case, a mental patient on the run. Yet you laugh at it, you encourage it, you applaud it. Ya know it's just like an American to do that. You all have the lowest morality, ya have no standards, and your priorities are all backwards. So you want me to beat up on a mental case? Is that what I have to do to get some respect around here? Then fine, that's what I'll do. If I have to beat this out of his mind whack job to climb that ladder, then so be it. I'm going to apologize in advance, not to any American, not to Sin City Wrestling, not even to you James Hawkes, but to my fellow Canadians, my family, my friends, my Canadian fans. You all know who I really am. The real me. What I am going to do at Climax Control is something the American people have forced me to do...

(Bruce gets up from his chair and walks over to the t.v. He pushes the power button turning it off as he walks back to his desk and sits back in the chair)

BHBE: Hey.... I'm not finished here. I got something to say to the "boys in the office"... I AM BRUCE EVANS. You want me to leave? Fire me! You don't like what I have to say? Fire me! Isn't your company based in the good ole U S of A? Don't you all encourage freedom of speech? So what am I doing wrong? Am I not hanging to your sack like the other guys on the roster? Am I not brown nosing enough? I don't know. Maybe I need to invite you clowns over to my house for dinner. Introduce you to the wife, to the kids, to the dogs, to the nannies, to the gardeners? What is it going to take for you sons of bitches to stop disrespecting me? Cut out the crap. Cut out these awful matches with these horrible opponents. I'm sick and tired of playing your games and this crap has got to stop. I'll do this match with this bear wrestling idiot this one time, but after that I'm done. If you continue to bullshit me around there will be hell to pay. I know people in higher ups and I will have you out of this business so damn fast you won't know what hit you. Yes I'm talking to you Matt,your punk brother Mark, and your third lover Christian! Like me or not I am here to stay, not going anywhere, following my own rules, and doing as I please. At Climax Control I'm doing you all a favor by getting this punk kid over by working with me, but after that I'm not taking your shit anymore. Consider this a shoot. See ya Sunday boys!!!

(As the scene fades Bruce cracks a very cocky and arrogant grin on his face as he puts his hands behind his head and kicks his feet up on top of the desk, lounging back in the chair)
The Franchise Player</font color>