Author Topic: Best Thanksgiving Yet!  (Read 1387 times)

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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    • Bobbie Dahl
Best Thanksgiving Yet!
« on: December 01, 2023, 03:11:03 PM »
Thanksgiving Day
Bobbie and Artie’s Home
Las Vegas, Nevada

Thanksgiving. The yearly holiday that brings families together to feast and give thanks for all of the wonderful blessings in their lives. That is how it should be everyone, anyway. For others, it can bring a sense of tension, chaos and sometimes drama as these families come together. For Bobbie, she is hoping to have the best Thanksgiving yet, as it is the first time she will be hosting her parents at her and Artie’s home in Las Vegas. The first home they have purchased together, which happens to be on the other side of the country from both of their families. They had hoped Artie’s parents would be able to make the trip, but as his father started feeling under the weather just a few days before the trip, they were forced to postpone.

Both were doing their best to get over this disappointment, but they understood the circumstances. And Artie was slightly relieved that his parents would not be there, due to the fact that Bobbie had invited three other guests for dinner- one of which whose personality could be difficult for his parents to comprehend or even be around. That colorful personality, if you want to call it that, is of course, Fenris. Bobbie had insisted that he, Aron and David all join them for their Thanksgiving dinner, even though Fenris and Aron were Icelandic and did not celebrate Thanksgiving as Americans did. But again, Bobbie insisted.

Bobbie is currently busy as a bee in the kitchen, with the last minute preparations and cooking. The turkey was cooking away in the oven, and Bobbie was finishing getting the various vegetarian dishes she had chosen so Fenris had something to feast on as well. Aron had offered to bring a few dishes so Bobbie wouldn’t have to worry, but Bobbie had flat out told him she would handle it. It would be a learning experience, true, but she was up to the challenge. As Bobbie is mixing something together at the counter, her fur baby Loki is sitting pretty just a few feet away watching her with puppy-dog eyes.

“Oh don’t look at me like that,” she quirks at him, knowing very well he is hoping she will share with him something yummy. Or that she would just happen to “accidentally” drop something on the floor. “You’ll get your own little plate of goodies once everything is done.” He lets out a sigh as if he understands what she just told him, and she gets back to cooking.

“Bobbie! Honey! Are you sure you’re okay in there?!” Her mother’s voice can be heard from in the living room, just several feet away but just out of view of the kitchen. Bobbie smiles and lets out a laugh as she replies back, “I’m fine, Ma! This is actually kinda fun!”

She does her best to sound believable with that last statement, because cooking a Thanksgiving meal for seven people wasn’t as fun as she made it sound. But it was fun learning to make foods outside of her comfort zone with the vegetarian dishes. She was also doing her best to keep her anxiety- or Piper as she has named it- at bay when it tries to creep up and spoil the good day she was trying to have. Artie then appears in the kitchen to check on her.

“They’re going to be here soon, right?” Artie is, of course, referring to Fenris, Aron and David.

“Don’t worry, Artie.” Bobbie quickly replies as she sets the bowl of whatever she was mixing aside and then looks up to him. “They have plenty of time. We still have about an hour before dinner will be ready anyway. So whenever they–” She is quickly cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing. Loki barks and then runs off to the front door and Bobbie just gives Artie a smile and a nod. She wipes her hands on a towel quickly as the duo heads to the door.

Loki is wagging his tail excitedly and her parents are seated on one side of the large sectional sofa in the living room. Bobbie gently nudges Loki to the side so she can open the door. When she does, they are all greeted by duo, plus one extra- Kyssa! This naturally excites Loki even more.

“You made it!!” Bobbie says excitedly as she lets the four of them inside. Kyssa and Loki trot off together, tails wagging. Fenris slides off his flip-flops by the other shoes by the door as Bobbie gives Aron a quick hug first.

“You didn’t really give us a choice to decline the invitation, now did you?” Fenris quips back as only Fenris can. Bobbie’s parents look at one another, but the amused smiles on their faces say they were warned about Fenris’ personality before meeting him. They stand up from the sofa to greet their new guests.

“It smells wonderful in here.” Aron says, noting the various smells from all the food Bobbie is currently cooking. Bobbie offers David a handshake, holding off on a hug due to the fact that she was not as acquainted with him yet as Fenris and Aron. Bobbie’s parents approach all of them for the introductions.

“Mom…Dad…” Bobbie starts as she and Artie stand between them. “This is Aron, Fenris and David. And off playing with Loki is Kyssa. Guys, meet my parents, Ken and Barbie! These guys are like the brothers I never had!”

“Or wanted.” Fenris quickly snaps back, garnering a laugh from her parents. “And Ken and Barbie? Seriously?” Quite uncharacteristic of Fenris, he seems to be holding back a laugh, but Bobbie’s parents just chuckle and nod as they exchange handshakes with Aron and David.

“Bobbie’s grandparents had a sense of humor.” Her father replies with a smile. “And it was just coincidence that the woman I would meet, fall in love with and marry would go by Barbie instead of Barbara. She just naturally had to continue the funny tradition with Bobbie.”

“Boys, make yourself comfortable!” Bobbie says, urging them to sit wherever they like. “We have about an hour before dinner is done so you all can just mingle and get to know each other. And David I’m glad you could join us.” The three of them are about to head off into the living room when Bobbie spots the chain around David’s neck, to which Fenris has a matching on. “Hey! That’s a really cool ring on your–wait a minute. Is that…?” She points to the ring and looks at Fenris, eyes wide and jaw slightly dropped.

“Well, you’ve been pretty preoccupied recently to tell you anything so what do you think they are?” Fenris replies with a question of his own and a raised eyebrow. Bobbie’s mother looks the ring around Fenris’ neck and manages to answer the question, plus reveal Bobbie’s own secret before Bobbie can say anything.

“Celtic knots. Lovely touch with the wolf’s head.” Barbie says, admiring the ring. “Did the two of you get married before or after Bobbie and Artie?”

Bobbie’s jaw drops and Artie looks on nervously. Aron spins around, a look of shocked delight on his face as Fenris just stares at Bobbie, speechless. Bobbie doesn’t seem to care that her mother spilled the beans on her own marriage, as she just wraps her arms around Fenris and gives him a huge bear hug, much to his chagrin! He gives David a look as if saying ‘Help Me’ but David just shakes his head. Aron gives Artie a congratulatory handshake as Bobbie continues to celebrate as only she can.

“I need booze. Now!” Fenris says, trying to fight out of the bear hug, but Bobbie is too excited.

“This is the best Thanksgiving ever!!!” Bobbie shouts before letting Fenris go a few seconds later and then spinning around to face David. His eyes widen but he has no time to react as Bobbie embraces him with a bear hug and Fenris just smirks as he heads off into the kitchen to make himself a drink. A few moments later, Aron joins Bobbie’s parents in the living room ready to strike up a friendly conversation, and Bobbie releases her hold on David so he can join them. She rushes off back into the kitchen to finish getting everything together for dinner and Artie just looks around with a smile and lets out a relieved sigh.

Indeed, it was turning out to be a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Kandy Kaine. Giiiiirrrrlllll….both our parents had a sense of humor with naming us, didn’t they?! Not that it’s really a bad thing, because I happen to love my name, and I’m sure you do, too! I just wanted to point that out before anything else. Because it’s hard not to notice.

Just like your bubbly demeanor. Girl, you’re just as sweet as your name implies, aren’t ya?! Sugar without the spice, yet everything still nice! And here I thought that I was the bubbliest one around SCW…or I used to. And I ain’t just talking about my bubble butt, either. You’re just so…so…so…HAPPY!

Again, not that being overly happy is a bad thing. It’s actually sort of refreshing to see in SCW. So many of the other girls are just moody and cranky all the time. Like, damn girls. Quit giving our gender a bad name and just cheer up and smile once in a while ya know?! But you, Kandy? You don’t have that problem, do you? Are you EVER in a bad mood? Are you EVER mean to anyone?! Seriously…I gotta know. Just for my own curious mind.

So this match was supposed to take place last week, but I heard that you got kicked off your flight for playing Christmas songs with your ukulele?! I literally can’t stop laughing at that, because that has to be a first for someone getting kicked off a plane for that reason. I mean, it's kind of a stupid reason in the first place, but hey…I don’t make the rules on airplanes so I can’t say anything. Just…don’t make that same mistake this week, okay?! I need to go into December 2 Dismember looking good, and that means I gotta face you and do whatever I can to beat you!

I’ll tell you what I’ve told the others so far. I’m not going to guarantee beating you, because I just can’t do that. I could make a mistake against you. I could let your bubbly personality distract me and trip me up in that ring and then you can pin me for the win. Stranger things have happened! But considering this is my last shot before my Bombshell Roulette Championship opportunity at December 2 Dismember to make an impression and up the odds that I will walk out as the new champ, I gotta fight with everything I’ve got.

I have to admit, I don’t like the thought of having to beat someone like you, Kandy. You’re just too nice and you deserve some wins around here just as much as anyone else. But I am sure you don’t care. You’re kinda like I used to be when I first showed up in SCW. Carefree and here to just have fun, so kudos to you, Kandy. Major kudos!

I don’t know what else to say at this point, because I’m not going to sit here and knock you for being who you are. It would make me look like a real bitch, and I ain’t about being that at all! Let’s just go into Sunday and put on a good match. Let’s entertain everyone watching, because that is what we signed up for when we became wrestlers after all. And then after the match, let’s shake hands and move on like the good sports we are, no matter who wins, because we’re better than all the hating bitches in this place. Win or lose, Kandy, it’ll be a blast facing you!

See ya Sunday, sugar pie!