Author Topic: And it starts...  (Read 2057 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
And it starts...
« on: November 17, 2023, 11:48:35 PM »
Houston Texas:  Oct 31, 2023  Happy Birthday to Sam

A gentleman can be seen leaning against the back of a wingbacked chair containing a redhead who is seen smiling but that smile doesn’t reach her eyes.  Both are dressed in the style of gangsters from the twenties.  The man brings a cut crystal glass to his lips allowing the golden liquid inside of it to burn against his tongue as he sips from the glass.  The redhead glares across the room at a pair of people who can be seen talking to an older man who is smiling broadly at the pair. 

“I know it is her birthday but I just wish that it wasn’t so happy,” mutters the redhead on the chair.  “Monty, why are we even having this party for her?”

“Cyn, Sam’s birthday is important to your father,” states Monty as once more he sips at the bourbon in his glass and winces at its bite.  “Besides, what could we do to her at her own party with your father and her husband both here for her?”

Cyn takes in the smiling Colton who has his arm linked with Sam’s as the pair talk to her father.  A slow evil grin begins to pass across her face as she turns to look at her own husband.  “I wonder what would happen if poor Samantha wasn’t so happily married?”  Winking at Monty, Cyn gets an innocent look on her face as she slowly rises and begins to walk toward the trio of her sister, father, and Colton.  Monty trails along behind.

Reaching the three people, Cyn links her arm with her father.  “Daddy, I was wondering if you would come with me…the boys are asking for you to come and wish them goodnight,” coaxes Cyn with an apologetic look at Sam.  “If you don’t mind that is…Daddy.”

Philip nods at Cyn and leans towards Sam who is dressed in a cheerleader outfit.  “Happy birthday Princess.  I will be back soon,” he adds before he is led away by Cyn who nudges Monty before they leave.

Monty nods slowly as he smiles at Sam and Colton, his eyes taking in the bare skin and figure-hugging outfit on Sam.  Colton in a leather greaser costume watches carefully as Monty is staring at Sam. 

“Happy birthday Sam,” offers Monty with a slight rise of his glass.  “You are looking quite happy here tonight considering what happened a couple of days ago,” says Monty.

Sam’s face falls slightly as she takes a deep breath and shrugs.  “I guess I was a bit off my game on Sunday,” she replies as she leans against the arm of Colton.  “But you know me, I bounce right back.”

Colton nods.  “I was there and she definitely is going to bounce back for sure.  She’s been training a lot to get right back into championship shape.”  Sam offers him a slight hug on his arm and a smile. 

“That is great to hear Sam,” answers Monty as he looks down into the glass in his hand.  “Still close with your…friend Ben Jordan?” he asks before sipping once more at the bourbon, his eyes trained on Colton as a bit of a grimace crosses his face fleetingly.  Monty smiles into his drink as Sam misses the look but chuckles at the insinuation.

“Ben and I are great friends, Monty, you know that.  And he is my partner in the mixed tag division,” Sam says as she is offered a glass of wine that she takes.  “Besides why are you asking about Ben?  He’s in London now.”

“No reason Sam,” says Monty.  “I was just remembering when you and I were together, the two of you were close.  And with him married, I was surprised that the two of you were able to keep it only friends.  And now with him divorced…”

The innuendo hangs in the air which makes Sam frown and is about to say something when they are joined by Cyn once more.  She tucks her arm through the other arm of Colton as she tsks at Monty.  “Monty, come on now…Sam is happily married to Colton here.  I don’t think that he would even believe that Sam and Ben would be anything more than friends.”

“Nah, I know Ben and Sam wouldn’t do anything like that,” affirms Colton with a smile down at Sam.  Leaning in, he plants a kiss on her forehead as the sound of Blame it on the boom boom can be heard faintly.  Sam reaches down to the small handbag on her wrist and brings up a cell phone that has a picture of Ben Jordan that appears.

“Excuse me, I have to take this Camo…I will be right back,” says Sam apologetically as she backs away from the trio, brings the phone up to her ear, and walks off.  Cyn looks up at Colton and sighs.  “It is always like this isn’t it?  Ben Jordan calls and Sam rushes to talk to him and leaves you here with me and Monty.”

Colton watches as his wife walks away smiling, her southern-accented voice laughing as she responds to the call.  Monty nods at Cyn who leans closer to Colton.  Monty looks at his glass and then drains the liquid before he holds up the empty glass.  “Excuse me, I need a refill,” he says before heading towards the bar that is set up across the room.  Cyn and Colton both nod as Cyn begins to lead Colton away.  Monty stops and then detours to keep Sam in view.

As Cyn leads Colton away, she begins to speak once more.  “I am so very glad that you are so understanding when it comes to the friendship that Sam and that Brit have.  I know that back when he was married, Sam did have such a crush on him after all.  It is almost like she was desperate to make him see that by making him jealous of Monty and this psycho wrestler Anaphylaxis or Anthrax or some such nonsense.  I am sure you are also a victim of her need to get Ben’s attention.”

Colton gives Cyn an angered look.  “Are y’all saying that I ain’t nothing but some kind of replacement?  Sammi ain’t like that Cyn.  She and I are very in love and are committed to this marriage,” states Colton angrily.

“Bless your heart,” says Cyn with a soft tap on the arm of Colton.  “I am not saying that she doesn’t love you but honestly, what happens when Ben Jordan calls or appears?”  Cyn looks through her lashes at Colton who has turned to see if he can spy Sam.  Cyn waves her hand to dismiss the question as she shakes her head.  “Just forget we were even talking about it.  The two of you look very happy together.   I am sure that if she saw us speaking, she would be right over here wanting to take you home.  So while I have your undivided attention, let’s talk about something else…like do you have any plans coming up soon?”

Cyn leads Colton further into the room as Monty is seen stalking Sam who is speaking to Ben Jordan on speakerphone.

“Happy birthday Ginge,” says the Cockney King on Whatsapp.  “Bear wants to know if you’re havin’ a banger of a birthday.”

“Tell Bear that I am and thank you for me Prat,” answers Sam.  “Wish you two could have made it Stateside for my party though.  Colton and I would have loved to have you here.”

“He said to tell you that he couldn’t find a costume in time.  But he says the next time we are across the pond he’ll be bringing the birthday gift he got you,” teases Ben.

“OOOO what did he get me?” demands Sam with a giggle. 

“What he gets everyone…bacon of course,” states Ben with a serious look on his face that he can only hold for a moment as Bear can be heard to bark.  “Shush you…she believes that you got her bacon.  What do you mean you ate it?”  Ben spares a glance at the screen, his eyes wide as if he can’t believe what Bear had said. 

Giggling more, Sam shakes her head.  “I bet he wasn’t the only one,” offers Sam.

Ben has the grace to look guilty before he wags a finger at Sam through the screen.  “I resemble that remark there Ginge.  Now look what you did Bear, we’ll have to get her something else for her gift when we go back to America.”

“That’s okay Ben, you guys don’t have to buy me anything.  Besides, I think that now that I am so old, I am going to stop celebrating my birthday with gifts.  Jamie and the kids at Oasis got me some tee shirts and a gift card for Build a Bear,” says Sam.  Looking over her shoulder, she sees Monty watching her and her smile fades.  “Ben, I am sorry but I am going to have to say bye since I am supposed to be the guest of honor tonight.  We’ll talk soon, ok?”

Ben sees the smile fade on Sam’s face and raises an eyebrow but says nothing but happy birthday again then bye as Sam presses the disconnect on the call.  Tucking the phone back into the wrist bag, she gives Monty a look.

“Can I help you, Monty?” Sam asks.

“Not at all Sammi,” says Monty as he offers his arm to Sam who looks at it and then back up at Monty.  “I figured that I would come and get you while Cyn is keeping your husband company at your party for you.  I wonder if I should be jealous or something.”

Sam gets a look of worry on her face as she turns and heads into the room where the party is going on and makes her way towards Colton whose face seems to be set in a frown.  Sam rushes across the room and slides her arm through his.

“Darlin’ would you be a dear and help me find Daddy,” asks Sam with a smile for Colton.  “I think I am all partied out and want to go home.”

Cyn smirks as she is joined by Monty who puts an arm around the waist of Cyn.  “I hope it isn’t because Colton and I have been chatting or anything like that?”

Sam spares Cyn a glance but then once more turns her gaze to Colton.  “Why ever would you think it would be because of you Cyn?  Maybe it is the fact that I want to be alone with my husband to complete the celebration of my birthday.  So Camo…ready to go home?”

Colton nods slowly, his eyes narrowing slightly at Cyn who has an ‘I told you so’ look on her face.  Sam guides Colton out of the room looking for her father as Cyn and Monty share a conspiratorial glance and toast each other as the scene fades out.   

Vegas, Nov 17, 2023:  Short and sweet advice from a mentor

The Staggs Dungeon looks almost empty as a redhead and another woman begin to circle in the middle of the ring.  Samantha Marlowe lunges towards the woman who ducks under the clutch and locks in a belly to back suplex hold on Sam that she tries to block but can’t as she is launched over the head of Vixen Staggs who rolls over and kips to her feet while Sam grabs at her head in pain.

“You are still to impatient Sam,” says Vixen as she reaches down to help Sam to her feet.  Marlowe grabs the offered hand and rises as she rubs at the back of her neck.  “You need to slow it down, be strategic.  I have seen your last few matches and I honestly have to agree with most of the reviews and scouting that the smarks are putting out there.  What happened to you huh?”

Sam hangs her head and mumbles, ‘not you too’ which only has Vixen crossing her arms and tilting her head in wonder.  A cough from the French Canadian has Sam looking up.  “I know I ain’t the same Sam that I used to be, you know, the winning one,” jokes Sam as she moves to the ropes and leans against them. “As for what has happened to me…I got rusty.  I have taken to just setting back and letting things happen and not meeting things head on in the ring.  I mean I do try…”

“Yes, you are very trying at times,” snorts Vixen which earns a glare from Sam.  “You have to realize that you need to not get in your own head.  Quit relying on your past and who you were.  You need to get out there and you need to reinvent yourself.  Get back to the confident bombshell you used to be.”

“And how do you expect me to do that?” demands Sam with her arms akimbo.  “Every person I face pigeonholes me into the loser that I am.  I am sure they would consider me a has been except for the fact that I have won so many titles before.  Maybe I peaked too early?”

“Maybe you hit a downward spiral of your own making that is creating that roadblock to winning!” exclaims Vixen as she motions for Sam to come to the middle of the ring.  Pushing away from the ropes, Sam approaches Vixen who holds out a hand to Sam who reaches for it only to be surprised by Vixen who twists the wrist of Sam into an armbar.  “You are too much of a babyface that you let yourself be pulled in.  Seriously Sam, you have to not trust that easily anymore.  Being a face doesn’t mean you have to be easy; it just means you have to think differently.”  Vixen emphasizes the comment by tapping at her temple.   

Shaking out her arm, Sam gives Vixen a confused look.  “Think differently?  How so?”

“I would say start to be more heelish but I know that isn’t you.  So maybe what you have to do is be like whoever you are facing in the match.  Maybe then you will see what is coming and plan against it.  You have to do something different,” says Vixen as she motions for Sam to attack again. 

Sam looks at Vixen and moves closer with her hands held up in surrender.  “I get it Vix, I really do.  Think like your opponent…”

Quickly, Sam throws herself forward and into a handstand that catches Vixen off guard with a handstand calf kick that takes her to the mat.  Sam straightens back to her feet as Vixen sits up on the canvas with her elbows on her knees and holding her head.  “Is that what you mean?”

“Yeah yeah, that is what I mean Sam,” offers Vixen after looking up at the redhead.  Rising to her feet, Vixen motions at Sam.  “Now let’s try that again.”

The scene fades out on Sam and Vixen locking up once more with Sam gaining the advantage of locking on a headlock on Vixen.

Y’all know the saying don’t you?  When someone shows you who they are believe them by Maya Angelou?  Lately, I have been showing people that I haven’t had my head in the game for a while now and everyone has rightly believed that I am nothing but a loser.  Everyone that is except one or two people.

Now I was booked this week in what most could claim is a rematch that maybe Ben and I deserved to get because of the fact that it was such a close match the last time.  But this time it will not be seen as a close match by our opponents or Ben and I ourselves.  I am not coming for a title, I am looking for redemption

Limitless…the last time we were in the ring with you, you two were champions, and rightly so.  Heck, you deserved those titles because you were that good.  And I knew that we needed to bring our best when facing you for the titles and Ben and I came up just a wee little bit short in that match.  I came up a little bit short in that match if I am honest. 

After that, I felt that I let Ben and the fans down.  But I realized another thing, I let myself down.  I believed the hype of you two because of the gold that was around your waist at the time.  Oh, I had a healthy respect for what you were capable of and still are capable of.  You are young and you are driven and you know what it is like to be champions.  But so have Ben and I…And I forgot that and thus, let myself down.   

Before I go any further, I received some good advice and that was to put myself in my opponent’s shoes in preparation for this match.  So, I have to wonder if I put myself in Eiley’s shoes, just what would she say about this match?

I am sure she would start out by saying that I should go ahead and talk about how I beat Mikah and took her title.  My response to that would be yeah I did…but that is in the past.  Then she would probably start talking about how I would consider her to be Mikah two dot oh.  And in truth, a lot of people see her as such because if you close your eyes, the way she talks sounds so much like how Mikah talks, it is uncanny. 

That is why now I can’t go into matches like this with my eyes closed because Eiley isn’t Mikah two dot oh.  Eiley is her own woman who has held a title.  I can’t doubt her abilities at all.  She can wrestle with the best of them and she has won a majority of her matches.  She is a hall of famer in the making.  I have no doubt that she is destined for great things here in SCW.  Teaming with Oliver Zahn, was sheer genius as well.  He too is another one who has a lot of talent and between the two of you, it is going to be a really interesting match-up for Ben and I. 

But you know…I think there is probably going to be some trash-talking from Eiley telling Ben that he has a loser for a partner.  I know she did that the last time we faced Limitless.  The difference this time is that I am not going to be losing the match for us, on the contrary, I have a renewed sense of wanting to win.  I have decided Eiley that you may be Limitless…but I am going to be unlimited when it comes to this match.  And being unlimited means that I won’t hold back.  Being unlimited will be me hitting all the right moves at all the right times.   From the mat, from the top rope, from anywhere in that arena, I am not going to limit myself at all.  I will leave it all in the ring and when I do, it will be because I have let go of any limits I have and brought the fight to you.   

I guess you could say Eiley that when it comes to this match, stepping into the ring with you isn’t going to do anything to make me lose, no, it is going to inspire me that I am facing someone young and talented and championship material and I am going to prove to you that to underestimate me, which I am sure that you are going to do, will be the last thing you should be doing when it comes to this match at Climax Control.   

And just think, there isn’t going to be a title on the line this time.  No, this time it is just for pride and bragging rights.  This time it is just y’all facing Ben and I and when the dust settles and the bell rings…we will have found the limits of Limitless and there will be nothing to say about it.  Except that Ben and I got our redemption in this match.

See y’all Sunday.