Author Topic: “ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐄 ”  (Read 3852 times)

Offline Michael Harris

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« on: September 29, 2023, 09:20:04 PM »

( Got Mark’s permission for the opening scene. According to Google Docs, this comes out to 4,971 words. All the best )

Harris sat there in his locker room un-taping his arms from the main event. For some reason he could still feel the throbbing of Goth’s heartbeat against his arms where he had tried to choke him out just minutes ago. It was such a surreal feeling and one that only added to the deranged ego of the man known referring to himself as “The Immortal”. His attention was quickly diverted when he heard a loud knock at his door. He looked up with a glare in his eyes.

Go away.

His voice was stern. Filled with anger. And should’ve been enough for someone to take a hint right? Well any normal person would’ve gotten that hint. This wasn’t any normal person. The door handle was gripped and the locker room door was starting to come open. All this dude was anger the champion. Harris quickly came to a vertical basis and ended up nose to nose with the person walked into the room. That person being Mark Ward.

You must be hard of hearing, you old fuck.

There was such a sarcastic smirk that proceeded to cross the lips of one of the owners of SCW.

Listen here, sunshine. I don’t think you of all people have any room to be throwing insults around about someone’s age.

Harris found himself glaring a little harder. Of course, the smug smirk of Mark remained the same.

And I know that the two of us haven’t had all that many interactions with each other in your time with us here. However, allow me to assure you. Christian and I are very much the same as far as not letting our talent push us around. No matter how much you scream, shout, and act like a child. It won’t get you anywhere with me. And the last time I checked... My name was on this company. I signed the checks. I rent the venues. So that means I can walk into any room I want.

He smirked just a little more. Knowing that he had a little bit over on the champion. Harris’ fist was clenched tight. It was clear where his mind was, but at the same time one would have to assume that would end up being the worst mistake he’s ever made. Letting his eyes narrow more. He looked Mark in the face.

What the hell do you want?!

Oh trust me. There’s nothing that you have that I want. Not even your talent is worth the headache you give us sometimes. He shook his head. But I come bearing gifts, well maybe not a gift for you, but it’s going to be a gift for quite a few people next week in San Francisco.

Like the gift you tried to give people here tonight. Must be burning a hole in your chest that your little plan didn’t work. Goth and Vaughn both got treated like the afterthought they always were.

Afterthought? You’re quite the cheeky little bastard aren’t you?

Mark eyed the champion up, with another simple shake of his head. At this point, it shouldn’t have been a surprise with the way Harris carried himself. Not much had changed in nearly a year he had been with the company.

I can be a man and admit that things might not have gone the way I was personally hoping they’d go. But personal feelings aside, this is a business and I always do what’s best for business. As cliche as that sounds. Harris stood there rolling his eyes. And I don’t think I’d go as far as saying either man is an afterthought. Especially when I saw quite a few times out there tonight where they almost put you and J2H in your place. What an upset that would’ve been am I right? The sarcasm dripped out of Mark. But speaking of J2H, we just got done having a little chat ourselves. Turns out, he had quite the match in mind for you for next week in this pick your poison situation.

And that’s something to barge into MY locker room worthy news? You think that’s something I give a shit about? You think this is something that’s meant to make me shiver in my boots?

Harris found himself rolling his eyes at that moment. It was an every week thing at this point. It had been since he signed his name to the dotted line. Every week someone was trying to get under his skin. Someone was trying to set him up to fail. Someone was trying to lead him to his demise, but each time he turned them all away and kept coming out on top.

That’s the thing that you don’t get. That’s the thing that James doesn’t get. That’s the thing those idiots in those stands don’t get. I’m not worried about who stands across the ring from me. I’ve lost one time in eight months. And I’ve already corrected that loss as far as I’m concerned. His face was starting to turn red in frustration. Not to mention since I came back after Summer XXXTreme. I don’t know how many times I have to drive it home. I don’t know how many times I have to drill it into people’s heads. I am not in this for wrestling anymore. I’m here to hurt James. I’m here to take everything from James. I’m here to take his legacy. And if you want to see other people put on the shelf in the process. Fine by me, it’s your problem. Not mine!

Are you done with your little temper tantrum? Because it’s not impressing me right now. If looks could kill, Mark’s expression right now would no doubt kill Harris’ ego. You do whatever it is that tickles your fancy and strokes your own ego. But I will tell you this much. I think you’ll have a much more difficult time accomplishing this little goal of yours with the person that’s been chosen for you. In fact, I look forward to just seeing your reaction to who it is.

Then stop wasting my fucking time and spit it out.

Helluva Bottom Carter.

Mark had an almost smug like smirk on his lips when making the announcement. Harris didn’t say a word, he didn’t react. He just stared right at Mark. Almost like he was trying to process what he was just told. The silence wasn’t unsettling, but maybe more so concerning. The fact there wasn’t a reaction from the Immortal might’ve said all it needed to. Finally, his silence was broken.

Good, I’ve been waiting to put him six feet under!

There wasn’t anything that needed to be said. Harris found himself walking right on past Mark bumping his shoulder in the process and walked right out of his locker room. Mark turned to watch the champion walk on out. One would have to imagine that after a comment like that from Harris. This might not end up being the best decision for a match. Too little too late, at this point.

Things got going in the Harris home pretty early in the day. With the children in the house. Breakfast was a big deal. After all, their day had to be started off right before it resulted in their day being spent at a private school. Of course, the two younger children weren’t nearly as interested in eating as they should be. Both little girls were running around the table chasing each other. Harris sat there with coffee in hand, watching them play. Their giggles fill the room. When his focus on them was broken when he felt the arms of someone coming up behind him. Looking over his shoulder for a brief moment. Carmen standing right there.

Good morning. She pressed her lips to the side of his cheek. You look like you’re in a better mood for a change. Been a few weeks since I’ve seen you even smile.

Unwrapping her arms around his shoulders, she proceeded to walk around and take a seat at the table.

I wouldn’t say I’m in a better mood. Not even close. I haven’t felt like myself since July. I can’t even describe it. It’s just been very... strange.

After all our years together. I wish you’d learn to open up a little bit more. I’m sure that we could figure out what it is. To get you back on the right track. We’re a unit.

Harris sat there, his eyes narrowing just a little bit while shaking his head some.

I really don’t think you understand the situation here Carmen. It’s not that simple. It’s not as simple as opening up and talking about it. I don’t even know how to describe how I am feeling internally. It would be a waste of time. Once again he shook his head. But, I miss moments like this far more often than I should. Going back to the business that has rarely given me anything. Makes me question if I made the right decision... especially after they got dragged into it.

Our children?

Yes. Our children. Our two youngest to be exact... His eyes had gazed back over to them. Don’t you remember when that photo of me was posted with them a few months back? The princess photo?

Oh darling. That was months ago. And I tend to not pay attention to people that I don’t view as important. Whomever that little snowflake was, just happened to be someone that was looking for attention. Nothing more, nothing less. He’s not important.

Carmen didn’t seem that worried about the situation. After all, as she had pointed out it was months ago. And even Harris himself knew it was a situation where Carter was acting out in desperation. Looking for attention. No matter how much of that attention would turn out to be negative attention. Yet, at the same time it was something he couldn’t shake. It was something he couldn’t look past. Especially now with his daughter’s right in front of him and thinking back to that moment. Carmen looked back over at him and could see those gears turning in his head.

Michael, it’s not that deep.

That’s where you’re wrong.

Taking his eyes off the two children playing. Bringing his attention back to his wife.

It’s that deep to me. I’m the one that chose to return to wrestling. I’m the one that chose to be a problem. I’m the one that chose to be the dark cloud over the SCW locker room. I’m the one that chose to be a menace to everyone I crossed paths with and that resulted in that man having something to say about my children. About my family. I can’t let that slide. If I do... then I can’t call myself a real man, and I damn sure can’t call myself a real father.

But again that was months ago. Why are you hung up on it now? Why is it a situation where you need to handle it right this second?

Because this is the first time the opportunity has presented itself. For whatever reason James is stupid enough to think that putting Carter across the ring from me on Sunday is going to slow me down. He’s stupid enough to think it's going to throw me off my game. But in reality all he did is give me something that should’ve happened a long time ago. And he opened the doors to allow me to massacre Carter in front of ten thousand people.

The thoughts running through his head were borderline criminal. All he could picture is beating Carter into a bloody pulp and having a hard time stopping himself. This was much more than just a professional wrestling match to him. Harris found himself pushing against the table and scooting himself back in the chair. Standing up to a vertical basis.

Where are you going?

I need to hit the gym before I end up doing something I regret.

Michael... listen...

... Carmen, I love you. But I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s only going to lead to me being put in handcuffs.

He looked back at her to show those serious sets of eyes.

I’ll meet up with you in an hour to drop the rest of the children off at school.

In the matter of steps he was out of the kitchen and heading for the home gym. Carmen left to sit there and look at their children herself. There was nothing wrong with being a man defending his family. There was nothing wrong with a father defending his children. But the question at hand in this particular situation was at what cost? The man she had married had been unraveling for months now from the mental aspect. Something Harris himself even recognized but this was only going to lead to much bigger issues. Yet, there seemed to be no getting through to him. That was the scariest part of it all.

Obsession can be quite the addiction.

The cameras were slowly starting to pan out from hearing those words. In doing so, seconds later they had the SCW Heavyweight Champion directly in front of them. Those devious and hate-filled eyes locked on the little red dot to the recording cameras.

Sometimes being obsessed about something or someone can lead to very good things in life. However the majority of the time being obsessed with someone or something leads to an addiction. That addiction then ultimately leads to very negative consequences. Whether it be a situation where it lands someone in prison for the rest of their lives. Or even a situation where it leads to someone having a restraining order put against you. Point is obsession and addiction go hand in hand. It isn’t cute. Not even in the least bit. And the obsession that HBCarter has with me falls right into that category.

Mentioning that man’s name had Harris shaking his head from side to side. Not that it would be a surprise, anyone that followed them on social media would know there was no love lost between them.

You’re probably as giddy as a kid on Christmas right now, aren’t you? You finally got what you’ve been wanting for so long, what you’ve been obsessing over, and what is the only thing that seemed to motivate you. You got a match with me, and while it might validate you someway in that head of yours. I’m here to tell you now. Allowing yourself to be chosen by James to be my opponent on Climax Control and getting Sin City Wrestling’s management to green light the idea. It’s going to turn out to be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made. I’m going to massacre you in front of thousands. With no remorse.

For the first time the expression on his face changed. Even if it was for a brief second. There was such a sinister smirk that formed on his lips at mention of massacre. That should’ve said all it needed to. This was not going to be your traditional match when it took place.

But of course you’re not going to take any of that seriously. Because that’s just the type of wrestler and man that you are. To mock and make fun of every serious situation. To make light of it all. To basically do everything you can to undersell any threat. Because lord forbid you be in a compromising position or look weak. But that’s not just it, you also do it. Because that is what makes you feel like you’ve got some type of power. You don’t have power Carter. You’ve never had any power. Even when you were tweeting me every single week. Even when you were trying to get under my skin at every single turn. Even when you were trying to bait me into saying something out of pocket. So you could go crying about it. Because that’s exactly what you would’ve done if I went at you. In fact Carter, you would’ve wasted no time in jumping on the Cancel Culture train. And what do I mean by that?

Well, if I would’ve said anything out of pocket. Like you tried to get me to do. You’d exposed me in every way that you could. You would’ve said I was picking on you. You would’ve said that I was bullying you. Hell, I wouldn’t even put it past you that you would have tried to call me a bigot or even tried to say I was carrying out a hate crime against you. And based on how you carry yourself. People would’ve jumped on board. Those cancel culture enthusiasts would’ve been out in full force. And no doubt it would have derailed all my momentum. Because that’s how the world works nowadays. It’s so full of pussies. It’s so full of little bitches. It’s so full of the weak. The moment you show your true self or the moment your views or mindset don’t align with the social views or even with what the general mindless public believes in. You get canceled!

There was a look of pure disgust on the Champion’s face at that moment while he shook his head from side to side.

Simply put, Carter. You tried. You really tried to bait me into saying something that could have been taken out of context. Really tried to bait me into saying something that would no doubt be misinterpreted by virtue signalers - goes back to the whole compromising thing. But you didn’t succeed. You didn’t get it to happen. Just another thing I can add to your list of growing failures against me. I’m much smarter than you were willing to give me credit for. That’s quite the mistake.

And just by me making mention of this. I already know where your mind is going to go. It’s the same place it was going when you tried to bait me for months. But allow me to clear the air right here and right now. Carter, the way you live your life. It means nothing to me. I don’t give two shits about what you do, where your views align, who you choose to see in your life, what you choose to wear or anything like that. Simply put, I don’t give a fuck about you at all. Never have, and never will.

The only reason I held back wasn’t just because I knew you’d spin things in your favor and being the lovable guy you are. It’d be easy to further make people hate me, but I also held back because I never viewed you in the same light as me. I never viewed you as competition. I never saw you as someone that could hold their own in the ring with me. You are a bottom level bitch. That’s all you’re ever going to be. But in that head of yours. You always thought you stood a chance, but you don’t.

And you’re about to find that out. However, that’s not the only thing you’re going to find out. In fact, you’re going to learn something about yourself. Your fans are going to learn something about you. Sin City Wrestling is going to learn something about you. It’s time that you are the one that is exposed for being a bully. It’s time that you’re exposed for constantly picking on someone. It’s time that you are exposed for being one of the worst people to ever exist on planet earth.

Now, he already knew his words were going to fall upon deaf ears for the most part. After all, who would ever believe that HBCarter was a horrible human being? That being said Harris stepped to the side to reveal three podiums with curtains covering them. He gripped the first one and pulled it up. To reveal a direct tweet from Carter blown up for all to see.

I like to call this Exhibit A. This is one of the very first times you had something to say about me. And even then at the time you didn’t have the set of stones to at me when doing so. But the question is... What did I ever do to an empty headed fuck like you, HBCarter to have you call my manhood into question? Hmm? At that time what did I do to you directly to have you run your mouth about me at all? Because at the time I was slapping your boyfriend around. Because at the time I was proving to him that he didn’t stand a chance at beating me. Because I was teaching Miles a lesson in the fact he will NEVER be the SCW Heavyweight Champion. Is that all it took to get you fired up? Is that what made you start to take shots at me? Is that what got you in your feelings? Carter, you’d assume you would have tougher skin than all of that. Especially when it wasn’t even something that directly affected you. But what did I do? I took it on the chin. I let you run your mouth. I let you do that a lot until you really started to cross the line. That’s what is going to bring me to Exhibit B...

Following those words he moved to the side to the next podium. Gripping that curtain and yanking it up to reveal another tweet from HBCarter. Blown up for all to see. This one seemed to have a little more substance to it considering how embarrassing it was for the Heavyweight Champion.

This is where things began to go too far. I know why something like this was posted, Carter. You thought you were being funny. You thought you were embarrassing me. You thought that you were ruining my image. You thought you were making me look bad. The same thing that can’t ever happen to you because you’re just so perfect all the time. But in reality Carter all this did was prove that you had a very unhealthy obsession about me. Not even my wives have photos like this of me on their phones. That says everything it needs to. You’re mentally disturbed. And you know the worst part about all of this?

It’s that what you did would be considered sexual harassment in every other professional setting. You tried that in a multi-billion dollar company. You’re fired on the spot and have a lawsuit coming your way. Hell, even if you had a job flipping Burgers at your local McDonalds. You’d still be fired, and still have a lawsuit coming your way. Humor Resources would’ve had a field day with that. You know the same HR department that Christian Underwood mockingly said doesn’t exist. The man must be stupid and not understand how businesses really work. Cause without one, you’re asking for trouble.

But see that’s just it Carter. You can do something like this to me and get away with it. People laugh. People joke. People dive right into it. Yet, if the shoe was on the other foot. I’d be in a world of hurt. I’d have my job taken from me. I’d have a lawsuit from you. I would have a lawsuit from this company. Not to mention the hate that I would receive. Online and in my everyday life. I would have never been able to escape it. You’d been seen as a victim, but when it’s done to me. The guy they don't like because I’m good at my job. I’m not a victim. I’m just laughed out. It’s fucking sickening.

Shaking his head from side to side. The frustration and the rage was starting to come out in the man, a little more with each word. Harris stepped to the last podium and yanked up the curtain. Sure enough this was when another tweet blown up was exposed.

This is where you crossed the line of no return. You posted a photo of myself with my younger children. And I get it, you might think it’s innocent enough. Your mass following might think it’s innocent enough. After all, it was meant to make fun of me for what I was wearing. To get a cheap pop, a cheap laugh, and just be cheap all around. Once again a situation where you thought you had something on me, but also a situation where if I would’ve done the same thing. I’d been looked at as a horrible human being. So, I’m just going to ignore those facts. Because there’s a much deeper and much bigger issue here. Because, I didn’t take this as just a cheap jab or a way to get a laugh. No, I took it very-very personally.

I took that as you targeting my family. You had no right to post a personal photo like that. You had no right to post anything in relation to my children. Especially children that young. You’re a fucking scumbag for doing something like that Carter. Literally, I don’t care how much of your masses try to defend what you did. This was an unforgivable offense. This is the one thing I cannot and will not look past. I will not sweep this under the rug and act like it didn’t happen. No, no. The fact that you brought my children into this and it’s something I’ve held onto this entire time...

His face was turning bright red. His anger is really getting the best of him.

It’s the biggest grudge I hold against you. Therefore, I know what I have to do at Climax Control. I have to throw out that this is a pick your poison match. It can’t be a focus of mine. I have to ignore the fact that it’s a beat the clock situation. Because it holds no value now. I have to forget that if James wins his match faster than mine. That he gets to pick the stipulation at High Stakes. In fact Carter, I have to forget about a victory all together. The victory means absolutely nothing to me. Instead the only thing that matters is retribution for my children and for my family.

He found himself pausing for the moment. Visibly it could be seen that something about him was off. Something about him had been triggered. In fact he was triggered like he had never been before.

See the thing about all of this, Carter. You don’t have to like me because I’m a bit of an asshole. You don’t have to like me because I’m someone that is known for running my mouth. You don’t have to like me because I smacked your boyfriend a couple times now. You don’t even have to like me because I constantly win and that I am the best damn Heavyweight Champion this company has ever seen. That’s fine. That’s perfectly fine. It’s all from a professional standpoint. After all, you’re not the first person in the last twenty plus years to dislike me on a professional front and you won’t be the last. But the moment you cross a line and take this from professional to personal.

Well, that’s when you’ve pretty much sealed your fate. You put me in a situation where my back is against the wall and you put me in a position where this can’t be just about wrestling anymore. Maybe, I’m petty for holding onto this for as long as I have. But truth be told Carter. What kind of father would I be if I didn’t defend my children’s honor? What kind of man would I be if I didn’t stand up for my family? I have to get this retribution. I have to cause you pain. I have to cause you suffering. I have to teach you the most important of lessons. All of which I can only achieve if I gut you like a fish and let you bleed out in front of the world to see.

The cameras were zooming in a little bit. Making sure they got a real good glimpse of the man’s face. His expression was almost like something that hadn’t been seen before. Not even in dealing with James. The expression he gave off was like he truly despised the man he was set to stand across the ring with in just a few days.

Basically what I am telling you, Carter. You’re a dead man walking as soon as your feet touch the ground in San Francisco. But you know what? Since, you didn’t mind making it personal with me. I suppose I shouldn’t mind making it personal with you. You can let your father know something. It might put him at ease with everything he has going on right now. You can tell him, it won’t be very long at all before you’ll be joining him in death!

There was zero remorse for how disrespectful and distasteful that comment was. More than anything the slickest and most arrogant smirk crossed that man’s lips as soon as he made that comment. It turned out to be the last thing he had to say, before walking right out of the view of the recording camera. The stage had been set. This might’ve been a match that should’ve been placed in the main event of the night. Either way things were about to get real and it wouldn’t be a night anyone would want to miss.